1 CONCORD noTm inr Tub Times i . i . 1 ( h j V.-U Covers Concord and Cabarrus Like the Dew. am! it:: u ( 1 1 - One Hollar a Year. I')iiN Shickkiix, Kdltor anri I-'ubllHwr. Volume XXXIII. PUBLISHED TWICE. A WEEK. IN ADVANCS. V CONCORD, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1906. Number 7. I 11V1JM - '1 14 V r i u E: H s- H f: h ft. : 2 v' 3 v ) ,,:!,,,. S )' - ij . r ..i.-. ft M I. Marsh Mel -l i'i: t'e( IW'I'I.I., Attorney. 1 3 HiM .C.RIfFON BRAND Why a NATIONAL BANK is Best Naiional I'.a;ik is under the supervision of tlK I'nitvd Sta c '.ovct nnient. J. a s uwcn.in,:: National Punks are very strict. Tlu , are r-(uired to' submit to the government a sw (.in ck tailed statement PI VIE TIMES a year. 'i he stockholders are held responsible for DOUBLE the amount of their s.tock. This is for the benefit of ; I ,c 1 ! 1 ; t ors . he , apii.-d stock is rntiircd to be paid in cash, and in 1: ' he he'd intact lor the benefit of the depositors. Tl"- Maiik is rt(uired each year to add to its surplus a.conai 1 ictoi e. leela ri ng il 1 v idends. Tliis is for the lai-thcr security of the depositors. A National Hank cannot loan more than 10 per cent, of its capital to one man or firm. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $26,000 No lare amount required CI 1 1 1 a a 1 1 1 1 1 11 a a in 1 n n 1 n 1 m 1 11 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , The MM Co.! ' ,: , mi " W a rclinii-c 1 , 1 ' i d wo h I i a i " , S i 1 i 1 s I ulV, Z: , al Cm n aad ( als. He " s hi; ai.'i . t inn pi ices be- E . oil bu V. la. ing us vour I utt ci, p r: I ri;s. and Chickens. I: 'il 1 ve ti the 1 icst r laai i.et pin c. - l DOVE-BOST COMPA'Y F.I I II : 1 1 I U M 1 1 J 1 1 ( 1 1 1 M ! I ! 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 il 1 1 N 1 1 IH f"nr lie A s; 1!. ncl i i(,-a. vf f;inr.i 011 I" I : 1 t.-h linll.il.. nvi k, in N.. (. 1 . ' 1 1 -1 1 1 1 , :n ! ) 'i 11 i 1 1 Mk M.iry I,. Kiteliic a(il (.'"! A- I--i I . w ill) ilwel'.in, 1 .1111, niit'liiiil'lni;; ami "n hard. IViee nl v i 50. Jiki. K l'att. -i s( ,n A C'u. h t i - )inE( 'TOTiy: I V D. IVinberton H Paul I 'stallinirs Chas. 15 Wagoner W. V. Morrison A. Jones Yorke hmaM II I, Parks Ceo. L. Patterson V Blue Serge Suits H.ive no superiors when i! omc to clothes for all K i id ol w ear. They are e xl , eoai loi t .able, a ml convenient lor d ty ami evening wear. You can't get th.ro' tho summer with out one We have ju'st received a lot that came late IN peciallv ikmI values, sin ij'e ami double breasted, a. $12.50 and $15 Color and lit guaranteed. CLOTHIERS. to start an account. J UU. 1 V I - vvnai tuu Luavu I With Us I 1 r 1 1 1 it way hack aain to Mm. Wlrii 1 hi sik 111 1 with tar away houses is most likrlv l;i Hie lor ooil and all. Iaitv dollar sixait on ji-wdrv out ol tow n makes vou, us and every hoily else tliat imieli i Mirer. A K I ; I i;s T I'.rinK us the mail order man's proposition, and we will show you how easv it is for us to duplieate it. Very likely we will he aide to MORI- than duplicate it. It will be worth your while to prove this for yourself. W. C. CORRELL. Leading Jeweler. NO EXCUSE FOR MOB LAW. The Charleston News and Courier It us a thourhtful editorial in itsMon day issue, inspired by the Barber's bineticin tragedy of lust week. This assassination, it is declared, "brings home a;ain the tact that the negro race in Amvriea is only a little more than two centuries removed from primeval savagery." This fact, how ever, "is no reason why the white race, with its dozen centuries of civilization, should pass into a simi lar state. In other words, there is no crime, however horrible, that ex cuses lynch law, either in North Car olina or in Atlantic City, New Jer sey. In the latter city an attempt j was made to lynch an Italian for an attempt to kidnap a child on the same day that the brutal crime in North Carolina was perpetrated." 1ms is as true as can be, and The News and Courier is also accurate in its statement to the effect that "the striking and encouraging feature of the North Carolina event is that the oaicers of the law were prompt in conveying the negroes accused of the slaughter of the Lyerlys to jail, and even if the danger of lynching has not yet disappeared, there was pres ent where the brutal deeds were committed a healthy disposition that the law take its course. ' The awful 1 . . . i . f 1 . 1 nruiaiiiv 01 sucn a crime as tnis is such as to temporarily break down the feeling against lynching usually harbored by the best citizens, which fact is fully taken advantage of by the irresponsible and lawless ele ment which is only too willing to fol low the leadership of good men on a had mission. Thus we had the dem onstration against the Salisbury jail Sat inlay night. Removal of the prist ners alone probably saved the lives of all of them, guilty and inno cent alike, provided all did not par ticipate in the crime. There is no denying the fact that in case of heinous cranes thoughts arise more readilv than thev used to and the est way out f the difficulty is to mmcdiately remove the prisoners to a place nf safely. The News and 'mirier .says :t "The Nnclrng of the I?arler's Jun -tmn murderers would not be re gretted on account of the fate its guilty victims might suffer, but it must not be forgotten that lynchers do not in any case escape retributory justice. The men who kill without t'ae forms 1 if law sow to their own ruin, 'file community that lynches takes a step backwards. No man who participates in the unlawful tak ing of human life can do so without degrading himself, and when the act is snared hv a croup 01 persons, each shares and the society in which he moves shares in the degradation." " fhe community that lynches takes a step backward" that is a truth tliat cannot he assailed, as is also the fact that lawlessness, be it in the form nf lynching or otherwise, legets lawlessness. Therefore every inci dent of mob violence is sure to have a bad ffe.-t on the community and the State in which it occurs. Mr. Knapsack Dines. Mrs.-Alex Houston recalls the fol lowing amusing incident, of which she was herself a witness ; "A number of years ago a party were returning from the seashore, where they had been sending the summer, and spopjH'd otf from the carat Albany, N. V., for a hasty dinner. One gentlemau in his haste put his knapsack on a chair beside him. When he came to settle his hill the waiter charged for two fares. ' 'Why I have had only one din ner,' said the man. 'We'll,' said the waiter 'you put your knapsack in a chair that might have been occupied by one who would pay for a meal.' " "All right ,' said the man, 'as I have paid for you, eat, Mr. Knap sack, eat ,' and he ojienod his knap sack and filled it with all he could reach at the table, to the great en joyment of all w ho witnessed the in cident." Forty Paupers Go on Strike. W.itiTliuiy. 1 mm . l!l:MWi. ls;. Forty paupers in Rrookside Home, the town poor hou.se-, went on strike early this morning and refused to go to work on the farm and in the vegetable gardens. The reason they gave was that they were not properly fed. James V. Morris, superintendent of the Department of Charities, tonight, said the superintendent of Brookside, Patrick Brennan, had run short of potatoes and on account of delay in delivery it was necessary to leave potatoes off the breakfast menu. This annoyed the inmates and they refused to go to work. After a delay of half a day the authorities threat ened to fine the offenders, and this frightened them into submission. Mr. Brennan was ordered to keep a more generous supply of potatoes on hand to avoid such friction in the future. ' Hv I.i- 100 Yearn. Tho chances for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mrs. Jennie DuiHain, of H.iynesville, Me., now 70 years old. She writes: "Electric Bit ters cured uie of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel as well and strong as a young girl." Elec tric Bitters cure Stomach and Liver dis eases, Wood disorders, Ceneral Debility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guar antee at all drug stores. Price only 50c. Sterilize the baby's milk early and coal it rapidly by running cold water over the bottle. PATRONS OF RURAL ROUTES MAY SUPPLY THEIR OWN BOXES. On the first of August next a new order, designed to symplify the reg ulation in regard to rural delivery boxes, will go into effect. The Post master General has directed that oi ana alter that date patrons ol rur.il delivery need not purchase their own boxes from one of the 200 listed manufacturers who have put upon the market 300 different styles of boxes, approved by the department ranging in price from 50 cents up to $4, but may, if they choose, construct their own boxes or have them made to order, provided that in so doing they conform to the requirements of the departments as to size, durability safety and protection from inclem encies of weather. In order to maintain the essential principle that all boxes established on rural routes must be brought un der the protection of the United States statute which provides penal ties for any one molesting a letter box "established by order of the Postmaster General or approved or designated by him," the modified order provides that individuals who desire to make their own boxes or to have boxes made to order after their own design must submit a sample of the material of which the box is to be constructed, or the box itself, to the postmaster of any first or second- class postorfice in the country where the rural service is in operation, and the postmaster, if he finds such box conforms to the specifications and re quirements of the department, is authorized to require the owner to paint conspicuously thereon the words, "Approved by the Postmas ter General. Earth Shook All Night. Santa Fe, N. M.. July 18. Two more earthquake shocks occurred at. Socorro this morning. The shocks were felt distinctly as for South as LI Paso, Tex., where, yesterday, a street car was thaown from the tracks by a shock. Refugees from Socorro and other towns in the Bio Grande valley are daily coming to Santa Fe and Albuquerque. All nigtit long one tremor after an other passed over the lower Rio rande valley, keeping the people at the highest tension. But few have slept in hQUses for the yast few nights. Observers reported thin spirals of smoke in the lava fields in the direction of Alamo Gorda, prob ably from hot springs or other vol canic manifestation. A drenchimr rain passed over the valley during the night, adding to the discomfort of campers. Nation Needs More Dimes. Wellington Itispntfh, istli United States Treasurer Treat said to-day that he was confronted with a demand for silver dimes that he could not meet. "There is a dime famine," he said. The New York banks have only 1,3,000 dimes on hand, and those at Baltimore, S.000. The cry for dimes comes from every section of the country. "The demand for them is extra ordinary and there has been nothing like it in the history of the country," said Treasurer Treat, The treasury supply of small coin generally is very low, and rush or ders will soon be sent to the various mints directing the coinage of a large amount of subsidiary coin. A few days ago there was $5,000,000 worth of subsidiary coin in the treas ury. Requisitions during the past 48 hours have reduced it by $1,000, 000. A treasury official gave this rea son for the shortage of subsidiary coin : "The people are prosperous and when they are prosperous they carry loose change in their pockets. They like to hear it jingle." A MfMtrrn Miracle. "Truly miracalons seemed the recov ery of Mrs. Mollie Holt, of this place," writes J. O. R. Hooper, Woodford, Tenn., "she was so wasted by coaghiug up pass from her lungs Doctors de clared her end so near that her family had watched by her bedside fcrty-eight hours ; when, at my urgent request, Dr King's New Discovery was given her, with the astonishing result that im provement began, and oon tinned until she finally completely recovered, and is a healthy woman to-day." Guaran teed cure lor coughs and colds. 5oc and $1.00 at All Druggists. Trial bottle free. To Appoint County Board of Election. Raleigh, N. C, July 16. Chair man F. M. Simmons announces that the State Board of elections will ap point the county boards at its meet ing on the first Monday in August. Not more than two members of the county board shall belong to the same political party. The State chairman of each party shall recommend three electors in each county, from whom the county boards shall be appointed, if the reccommendations are made on or before the first Monday in August. The Democratic State chairman de sires recommendations at once from the county chairman of three Demo crats in each county. Direct to F. M . Simmons, chairman, care of A. J. Field, secretary, Raleigh, N. C. Bowel Complaint In Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural looseness of the bowels appears. The best medi cine in use for bowel complaint is Cham berlain's Oolic, Cholera and Dianhoea Remedy as it promptly controls any un natural looseness of the bowels. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D. D. Johnson, Concord, and A. W. Moose, Mt. Pleasant. BROTHER DICKY'S SAYINGS. Atlanta Costitutioii. Hit's a good thing of a man kin sing in his troubles, but hit's mighty mucn like a teller te.lm graveyard. ike in Ef all de wise mens in dis wori' wuz ter locate in a small set t lemen: dar'd still be lots of iiouses tor lent cheap. I has seen a dog bark at de m-H.n all nightlong ; but ef de moon ever said anything ter him, I has yet tor hear it. Dey ain't no use ter expect to., much er folks in dis worl'. I e Sun gives light ter all, yet fer all da;, he ain't free fum spots. Some folks is all the time try in' t. 1 manage other folks; but hit wuz : Lawd dat made Man. en Providence hisse'f can't control him. We got ter have snvbdv it . blame fer our troubles. Adam s;id t,ve wuz sponsible kt 1.:-. en r.v rs , -ii r ' , tol' the devil he wuz re 1 irent Semai Climbin' up hill is lots , en wexation er sperr-.t -. il :..! down is de easies' thing in de v. o; : but it don't look re-peetafie. Dey don't preach mm-h l.eli d. - days de gin'rul opinion hem' ua dar's too much er it 1 a in' 1.. oose anyhow. Dar's a song 'bout ma!-in' de g ..- pel nv, but lots er toiks ur:t ;n 1 n .i ing busimen dev. T gospel com in'. Hodem Claim ft,i :irt li e 1 U-tlon. When Maxim, the famous ce. tor, placed his gun l.-f.ir- a -o of judges, he stiitt-il i'- nire in an in ' ic no - ' ; r i '. I'-'-ll '. 10 oe mucn in low wn.it ): n .t ffnn would ai oainpli-1! . i'n" the trial was tliiT.dV t' a ii ' .e instead of lin.i j ,i m ,1 1 1 r m,. M t . same with the iimnum tun r- berlaiu h ( olie, Cinj r, :l. Remedy. They do not all this rfint'dy will one 1 - fT tO Iff t I'f 11 si I s m;, 1., . tile s What they do i -Ulna. i that it tively core diarrhoea, dr-i t:n I ' art- tithe stoma-h mid how. 1 ami been known to fail. ! or Marsh and I) V John- .... i A. Y. Moosf. M: ri. a-..,.t Georgia Child Lat u! L i Atlanta, G a., July. l of 125 to 2, the lower I ran, ftrgia legislature to-da the so-called child labor I bill is identieairtviih the S : ure, which already ha- t n. ' of a majority of the a; p The bill pr vide- that n c! 10 years ,f age shad he i any factory oi 'man . .'..: , lishment w ithin t he m iv child under 12 years .-had I ployed unless sa l, ei . . : i pljan or has re o; her n. an port, or linlis; i:.-:s ed:,d ! a- l hi the sole supp. or aged or disa! child under 1 i ployed at night . 1 1 '. a: ed fat!., r: years .hai work: and child under 11 vent had b, ed unless he or she ean s! tain required ability to read shall have attended -prescribed extent. The of the act are to be. ona January, 1, l'.ttis. Hen Story That Can't be Bat Cliarli'sl.in N. w ,,a.l i . r . A young lady of K lg.-f.e'..! ;- ;; proud owner of a pullet, v. ! j; while not possessed of the phy.-i.-a endurance of the "well" hen. .. whose fasting qualities The Ne-.s and Courier recently told, is qai unique of habit. It is the custom of the ymmg 1 an to indulge in afterr.o. n naps, v. ii darkened room. .-s regtilar'y a- d. retires, the self-indulgent i ;r ! f ' lows and sleeps just so loiva' -a- h. gentleowner.no less. Their a v. a!; ening is simultaneous, at which tim the young lady seeks the can ; .a ; a - ci ship of her friends, the pallet tha of her fellow creatures. l ius is every-day occurrer.ee. and for ;hi unusual trait the pullet is al a d b; her mistress more highly than wa the goose that laved the g Id. n eg. by its avaricious owner. Pirates Kill Missionary . Hose KoNi;, July l'.h Tin- Id Id 1 steamer Sainam was attacked 1 Chinese pirates last evening at ; point 50 miles from Wu t 'how. be Dr. MacDonald was shot and killed The captain of the steamer was had:, wounded and the engineer mic himself by hiding himself behind th boilers. He was, however, bad!, burned. A Chinese passenger al -was killed. The pirates ee-caeed in juhk. His Majesty's ship .Mo. ria : has left for the scene. R. J. J. Macdonald. M. Ih, and hi wife are stationed at Wu ('how ; the interests of the We.deyan Mi sionary Society. $150,000 Speuf in Improvcmcuts. THE NEW KIMBALL LOUfiHI-: & ZIMMKK. ri'd-diedir-. Thoroughly niotlern and tle-iraiile. Largest a.ml liest Sam ple Rooms m the South. Situated in the Heart of Atlanta, Cra. AMI-PLAN H'RO-PLAN TUK OLD NtGRO'S IlilCi: ( '.iiii'iot te's aniona hi.i -!.-m experience on a reeen; .e country that suggests ;. prohtable source of ineona pricing owners of mule-. a trip tot lloV to v fhe 1 lews! road 1" ,r 1 am nh arrator gies the story as ' "I was out in the PineviHe en. on suddenly turning a observed a wagon and sma" !e. nm much larger than :i -1 sheep, driven by an old Neither the mule nor die t..ed aware of my approach e'.v the horn of mv machine. neg: He. unti. I'm I ! ie was still oblivion, appar it tile transformation in the river was .miraculous. Ho en ' w a ' va d d his arms. U fit his body for tid backward rapidly, all the ng loll ike a ( 'uinanclie Indjan. y the mule ran rapidly the road and the wain .n i i.i 1 ou i -lopped tne auto: and went forward w i ef as-d-ting the oveer, arose quic a; d me leavimr t he m an i 1 1 i c s, ie ,,j uo roa d. 1 11 V. av i al rail i the n; u 1 le replied: "N id he .-!,ir a' ,v. e .-ci med t" 1 iiintet. red the !!ar. The old a ni' n u tit and eats si' when '.' The trick an .a a I'd a it ; fe aie th , i ns I I a. tlie nionev. a ii , ( O 1 1) r;n ! ' ii.;; from aft ( Aia.v l.r at at Washington t ';ty K;-rin. Ill . w as tak. n t i I i:nl v. aJ in a erit . a." -a; s Mr .1 K. Houei. M- a . loss a I p,iv,. i a. . - ( V, , , ( 'h(,ii ra aial 1 l;;u . ;. and i'. ii.-vt- -a id lip i r.irap.l a r t. n yi-ar- ill l'a v . i k and conduct. -d many I., -outh an.', west. 1 ahvay ' ' it-dy and have dsi d it s ,.c : i. .lay ca-ioiis . " Si .1.1 1 .y i'sh and I I. I). Johnson. (.'. . W. M-.N-, Mt ricasant. menu ..-r ho i-orre tne. Ai.AA4.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi,A M . If . . I - II I I I l"3! -1 1 - -4 i i 0 S 50,000 00 36,700 00 G 7 6,300.00 .. 703,000 00 S..: ;.: - & rroflts Deposits 'j'l.'al r.esources - 4 '. 4 i VT1 roR- e C V ... , .Ml' m : .v, -l . e. : a..:-.: "7?TVT?TTVTTTTTTTTTTTTT Country People Solicited. C" "tne tmd eat with us. V. Lr. KORMAN, i '::; t " H..til Norm an 1 v V' l Conccid Pressing Chib. b , r ? 1 .on Concord Pressing Club. A II. lr-'e.'ii;ini:i- ;i:id IV. Lee Ezzelle, OLNT 1ST. DR. L. N. EURLEYSON i Nerviei" at a :ea (1 da v gi5a i A ,) iicLu inarters for Edison Machines iff nnd lie cords. Standing order for all m new Records: records 35c erld mould. jj Headciuf? rters for Victor's Disc only. j Standing order for all new Records. j Headciuarters for "ColumbiasCylin- der and Disc. Standing order for new m Records: cylinder 25c, disc 35c, 60c ffi and $1.00. i 'a 1 yn'i a re ' el ' : i ,)( d i: She 1 ' Where arc V-ui Ijoinjr to The Mecklenburg i. , 1 'HIMiS u i) u 1 ' - w ' ' 11 1.. a'. V! am Am r. i ka.e. i la '.'a K.-e - ,,s i At 1 1 ,a i i .;. . , Aiaa !- Cor.tn tn 1 1 t ; l'a. i . ; tin Low Ri mml T Rates to ! i'. liK-m.-nc, ami irorn June L'.dih tajuly 6th inclusive. ,V; '' 1 :';e '! " ' 'er: ture and let us plan your trip. S. L. PARROTT. Dist. Passenger Agent, N" '' N'" 1 1,, v'" Atlanta, Ga. - Mstfj&m m m r. : ii r time when worV :in' vour ease, crct tal . .vi'c magnilicent entertainers. , "'in- ir'cnds will enjoy it. Come re i!;.:t satisfies and hear those itcrt.n a i s, nnd vou. like the will exclaim, "The half S Fllll ' :m.'-,,t.. .:t..-.:!:.-.lt.'.:v.-!;Ml?.-:i.1 Spend Vour Vacation r ?0nTHE plafy? . a 1 i. hi! v makes it nkm to one big i nr.K. It is the "Southern Soeietv's M . 1 1 a . ' l;s -'liiMiic and service is strictly first- 1 In season si l'.ioii promises to sur ; OS .ni j.i(.ious records, hotli ' iu i ane.vr -mil itrsoimel of its guests. I. .nee bookings have already been n.a.leof .roininent icoile who will .Iu 1 1 1 1 their summer residence at 1 he Met klciiburK. !t is the most accessible nll-year-i . . i : 1 1 In yli-t lass I leal til nnd I'leasure la s. .i t in tlK- South. i li! a h and Lonj; bistance Tele- . ' . - . : u a 1 1. O t I. 1 . lis New Sihcdulc of trnins will af-i-a ! adiiitienal taeilities for reaching : he M ei Ideiihurj. . w Trains wall be operated letween h mass uiK tion and Chase City, and e base City and Richmond. At Jef .'oss Juiulioii eoniiextion is made with nail .lav trains from Norfolk Hid 1 'a n v ille , also from all points in I astern Carolina and Virginia. A I es-tal will lirinjj full information, .'mi liatalsonie booklet, diagram, 1 a t i s, ele. CuMl'ANY, Chase City, Virginia. I alwav every morning you can seenre a per to Colorado Springs, via Birmingham t'ii: f;est schedule : 'ealwa. v, 7:00 a. in. todav. ,S 05 p. tn. today, IE '.1:4-0 a. tn. tomorrow. ' 1 1 1 :20 a. ni. tomoJrowi ' S:l" a. m. next day. 8:30 a. m. next day. i to i nvcr. Dininjj Car Service from California April 24 to Mav 4 'ti m s" 1 m i m m 1 I