THE FLOWERS COUECTKJSI 1 r Lomes Twice Each Week and Price is Only One Dollar a Year. 1HW 1L JL JL jL-Lj CONCORD IMES John I So ikkkii.i., K.litor .ukI I n il d i ssl ir Volume XXXIII. FU Pl-I SHED TWICE A WEEK. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1906. OO A. Yk.AH, DUH IN At K J IC. O f.ill.m M I. Marsh W ! 1 n.l rrt ..r. Y. A. I'.oM I'.ml 1 Stalling-. Ch.-e 1'. . Wa g. r P.. I. I Mil.. i'gi i . Y. Muni-nn A. Ji.ih '. .like g A. N. lames L h is Mi-1 .n;ilil II I. l'mhs p N I' Yorke, 1 l'.iIKiM-n I I i ki w i : i . i . . au.h h v. i 10. i V 3 NUMb. t The Times Covers Concord and .uurrus Like the Dew. LIE KNOCK AlfUEN CASE , K. l-ir;T After -10 Years tuFiini Wife a. W: !uw. . h.i 1 een killed in t In' I' 'i:ii-i.;un:iiiv!i. Anderson n t ly l i i M i reii l " Ml-; 'h i abor-ham eoiuity, (!a . his ife t In- willow of Wl ) II irt Blue Serge Suits 1 1 . i r in ;iu rim s w ! . n i 1 et nu- t eh ! hes li .'ill k i "i Is i 'I wy.'i r . i In v . t ' v.' ri ii 'I. c .iii 'i 'i i il lf. : ' ' -1 Oi Ml V I! lei 1 t 111 i 1 . v ; i 1 evening -' r Ycu can't get thro' tho summer with out one . . We 1 i.t e j ii--1 iva i i 1 1 ;i t i h 1 1 i. .uric kite. 1 .-- p i-i. . 1 1 ',' g m m1 valuer sin- , ' ' ,).k: l ,. i , - ii ... i ; i !,r. Winn t In- ( " i! War broke nut I'eima'i was i'Th- of the most pros i'lToiis farmers in I la! icrsham ci unity. II' v. as years old, and a hride Lrroi 'in ' if a week. He took service wit h a company organized by ('apt. r .r'uii'l l-'ulier, and fought through -veral .-f the bloodiest hattles in the ear! n'i:o'! of .the war. I-!1. ery week rittman wrote to his liri:'e, until after liie bat tie of ( 'hiek ain;iii).ra. wiu-n hi lett.-rs sudilenl iea-0'1. His la.-t letter U fore the hat tie was to the et'Vc! that he felt hi- dea'h was near. lie wrote the evenintr before the' battle oK'iieil. "I ha '. rn posses-ed by a pre n niM of death for the last three das." ui;,.:e I'ittnian. "1 implore ..'i not t be jrrieveil if you ri'i'i-ive i, tiiat I ha-e fallen. I h:ie fried- : i-i r .- lui'i.l of fear, but ii been a'i in vain. I.;us! niht I ''a'!.i I w-is i.ot t hroUKh liie heart, ji.m as i v.,- regiment was ad-, aiu-in' ; o i i'e i-hai'i-e. "W'e are iyinr ready no-, to .ir" .: ;.. I..ait: !o-mo:-fow a! da break, a;,.; I i.t.ow it'is useless for me t't ry ;v i'.nt. "U know, dear, -.'. !-', i l-.-f.- is hfe there is hojK', ai.'i i an, ' "pefu! enoiitrh not to say -,'r.. yhx, ;.! keep bot h of us. ''' In !) sri i' :. with the letter ,-.i::.e "!! :!! docunu-nt inforniiny Mi'-. I'i' that it was Ix-lieved i'.-r hu-band had been slain. He was -eeii to fall soon aftor the battle -ta.r'.i d. ai d mie of his comrades reported that he apwared to be r-tt.-iK.v hit. I e.t IV'rian u as only sliuhtly '. "',.! Med. lie was p'Vked Up by the I e-le'-a! Ill TIMELY SUGGESTIONS. l;--i-,'liu l Typhoid fever is e.ead.t " nine times in ten either from Hies or di inking water. And the driiikin.u water eatehes it not 1-olu the lower regions but fiom t',ihv premies the vei n;s of the h, a-' beiii swept in by tains. i he ; . like wise, fetches the ib ea-e from not distant tilth. Now this is not ;h- ,-rv. It is fa-t. It is not to be nue-.tioned. Heinp so, one can pr vent feer. If you keep your premise : c'ean and whole some nsiiiLC iiine fi.-ely the llies and the floods v, i ! have no erms to carry. Moreover, a d.vent man will not p;;t a wei, .i:ere filth wii! wash into it or ;irh a here it can be carried to his well. And if your neijjrhl a.- sh uld, re port him t" he amhoritie- in the name of dec, acy and I'ne l.otd. 1 or a nuit! 'las no more ri. nt to kill peo ple by cult i'. atine. typhoid fever than one ha to nh ;.: warden with rat t le-snaiu s. Malarial fever U di THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION man system ly in- every case star- s v. i This js a fact. too., v. hieh yi -u may acc-p you cho.,..'. And I- have onlv t t n'. 1 dinilile lue.'t-ti S 1 2.50 and 15 L'i.I-.I .Ml.! lit ' 11 a r; 1 11 '. 1 1 1 CLOTHIEES. n into the tui toes almost a inosijuuo. "t a theory r doubt, a 1: true vh'i ' tj.'-s uito. u can. in mane t,a--e., l.ili him before he leaves th." . ater. A little common kiTosi-;,. "i ei.'doi;. nu iu' see to i( that tl.e.u ,.n- lii'-iiiiiec-essary .-i.aLT.nant - within -.nn of your fioa.-( . can also iCt H nii'S'iuitn net i -leep'n r. If one can p:a -. t. :-ea. e and re fuses to do so. be 1., e. :!.!e for the si.-kiiess. .'mil di at:, thru ma- result. Yull! if I iiii..i! 1 11 in None of the exiliition? held to mark anniversaries of national events has celebrated a more significant histori cal date than the fair which is to lie opened at .Jamestown Virginia, next year. 1'he recent appropriation ,v Congress of more than a million dol lars for the exhibition serves to re mind us that 1'.m7 will be the tercen tenary of the found ine; of .lame-town, the first, permanent English colony in America. Most American fairs hae com memorated events in history, national independence, the landing 'of Colum bus, the purchase of : Louisiana, the Lewis and Clark exjiedition, but they have been exhibitions of modern art and industry, displays of the wonders of the present. The Jamestown fair will be the first to be historical not only in occasion, but in character. It will be designed to afford a studv of our national beginnings. Looking out upon Hampton Loads toward Fortress will stand a gnum . c 1 . 1 1 : .. . r 1 , ' "i iiuiiuiiigs ui oxocuteii co lonial architecture, ranging from the administration building, which will resemble a c.'k.nial or eur!v -rate Capitol, down to the smaller build-air-.. 111 t - ii ... ' 'e- lU'signe.i iKe colonial 'Iwellings. 1 Rise when the ladies leave the room. In the Arts and ( rafts Village wii! i and stand till tiiev are out. oe leprouuceo me nvlust r;i, an(n .;at f hnm liF.. .a .10 - . ..... i- I ..... obtainable relic that will reveal ik A GOOD MANNERS CODE FOR BOYS s.-li-.-t.-,l. Keep step with anv one vmi walk with. Hat lifted in saying "(iood-bye" or "How do you do ?" Hat lifted when offering a seat in a car or acknowledging a favor. Always precede a lady upstairs, and ask her whether you mav precede her m passing through a crowd or public place. Let ladies pass throueh a door first, standing aside for them. Let a lady pass first always, unless she asks you to precede her. Hat off the moment you enter a street door, and when you step into a private hall or office. Never play with a knife, fork or spoon. I'se your handkerchief unobtru sively always. In the dining room take your seat after ladies and elders. Look jieople straight in the face when shaking or being spoken to. In the nark.r, stand till every lady in the mom is seated, also older peo ple. Rise if a ladv comes in after vou arc seated, and stand till she takes a 1 Unknown Man Strui-Knurkc Woman With :!v Mi- Southern forefather. to i e jaacr-d ;r, .--rdrt and at forge, bench ;. ers renre.-vntinu tin low as tho others, and fini.-'i ihe course when they do. I )o mil look toward a bedroom f the nation is door when nnssine- Alw.ivs knock- ecttons- at anv nrivate room door. 1; 'in, w.a k-: Sjiecial rules for the mouth are ia;!y laher of that all noise in eating and smacking r Why a NATIONAL BANK is Best A N.-itii'iial Hank is tinder flic I'nited States (' 1 veriinient . -;: 1 r ism hi ' if tin Law ig Natioii.-il H -mix ie v r strict. gi 1 vcniing Tln-v .-ire iciiitireil to submit t the government a sworn detailed statement PINT: TI.V.I-5 ;i year. The stockholders are held responsible for HOI HI. I; the amount of their stock. This is for the bemht d the depositors. The capital stock is require d to 1 !.aid in en-'i. ,u d must be held intact lor the benefit of the depositor. The Hank is required each year to .old to its surphis acconnt before (leelaring di idends. This is lor the further security of the depositors A National Hank cannot loan more than 10 per cent, of its capital to one man or firm. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $26,000 No large amount required to start an account. an-i atter t v weens 111 a ho- p;:a! was di.-charged as cured, i'lien 'i.e I'e-ieiais soni him north a a pi--' tier of war. 1'ittman was held an : i '. 'ace w as declared . In the prison he had found an enemy 111 an.n her prisoner. The day the )t ison was empt ied the man at tacked 1'iUman witii an ax. andl'itt mun stabbed him to the heart with a knife. Lit t man was at once arrested and thrown into his old cell. A shoit tin, e after he was tried, con victed and sentenced to 40 years' im-prisonment. S' l cx t t '1 i f 11 ,at i oas i e i US-.' 1 1 t-TT s ht-re ho u as c 'lilined. He says j thai he i. trying to blot out the p:Lt I from his mind, and that he U-lieves he wiii ih-wr mention the prison. His -., ;;! was broker, by the ter rible fa'e that hail befallen him. He w as w it ii, 'ii ! tn in.ey. and a prey to abject hi.pi ' "Less !) did not write 1 1 : is wife ..r friends. Edwin Booth's Open Theatre. A .-.ear or more before his death I '.ooth received a letter from a prominent .v,v ..rk minister, in which tie reverend gentleman ex plained that lie had always felt a 'li'-iiv I" witness l ninths portrayal of "Hamlet." but as such an act would he conlrarv t the doctrine of of his faith he a.-ked I loot h if he 'aid i.-.t arrange to have him ad mit U .1 bv a private entrance after 'tie performance laid begun, it being i :i- m t. ;:' i"!i lea e by t he same door, thereby escaping the notice "f ' he audience. To th:- I'ootii replied: "K. v.-re: d Sir: Vmirs received. 1 It- ri p:y wo'i,,l sav there is no Hour I ni t la thi at re t In-. iugh which 'n 1 .in il M i C .nir-.nli--- l.lfi- VVaili- r'tarmi'L' frotn tln (Jraml Army la'1 iiiiii-ini-nt at Wa-liiiitoii ('ity a 1 oinr.ti!" from Klgin. Ill , wjw takeu wit'i rh.ili ra li.nrl.ns and-was in a crit i-i,i-.-!'.:i..a," says Mr .1. E. Hoiifrn liti.l. of Etilnti. Inwa "I pave him ( 'iia ui! i. rl.iai s Cnhc, ( 'holi-ra and Diar i i,ni a K -nn-iiy and l.i'In-vesavcd his life. have t"'t 11 "ii i' i d for t n years in im migration work and n inducted many tiartii-s to tin' south and wist. I always carry tins remedy and have tised it snc- fuily ci many i K-casions. " Sold by M I.. and I). I). .lohnson, Con cord, and A Y. Moose, Mt J'loasant. S I.ISI',! :y, X. C. .! ,':v : 'ergie .Jenkins, a v II known and re.spev-p. il oii-!:.'.;. of this city, was tin victim a tj as sault late Saturday i-.ial't at the liands of a s'r;tr,ger v-. ,,; i slipped up behind he-. ri ihe st t an-l dealt her a fearful blow i: !:.- fo-eh.ead with a pair of knu Tin- blow came without warni ig or provoca tion and Miss denkir.s was knocked down and dazed for the time. She was accompanied by a younger sl-ter and a gentleman who attempted t' knock the villain .dour but the latter escaped in grtat baste. Odicers later arrested aJnan yi ing his name as Mauney-. whit33 su - ected of being guilty 'of ihe crirnn. but there is man. While asleep on ti e main line of the Sou t hern Hail way ' wo miles south of this city piii! I'o.sti"-, colored, was struck and instantly killed by am in coming train yester lay. Hi heart wa.s literal'y torn op -n by the blow from the pilm nf t! -' engine winch hit him. Foster ha.: with him a suit case tilled with wiasxev bot lie; and carried Is in cash. '.tie i M colonists w'i t,riK hi,. v. : .,r .i,., i;,... . i,..,,i.i i.. like those that have survived from! tJ'''r 'Kvs- I Conundrums. In the department of education! ,-, , , oi,! i ,,; i ii hen t.-. a step like a great bur UI" social economies will tie revealed I (1 , ' not merelv theinstructi-.e continidtv i u-. , e - yf r , -I W hen lu avv. 1 ifg n a hi for three centuries, - , ... , ., i,,t i u i i . t.i ,- W hen is a babv ike a ba . Pat t he i I'M'!'" nm-i'.t of : he earn e na-1 u-, . ;()? i iit. ii a iii'iiia in; iiiu . '-i i' ii. .1 i e ' When is a woman's tongia Ihe exhibiti'-n wo, be good m f';-: hrs0 in han;css ? warding aciuamtance and sympathy ! -. - , i...,,-..-.v, .. .. .. ... a ...a ....v., ... ..,. oeiweeii .'eopie in iiiei sejitii iiii'v . 'i.t.- ... i , v.. I" 1 s .. LIU. ' - Hi ' , L 1 . . o . I IlLi 1 V til 1 , 1 . ' : u hi'ther or not he s ti irtunan-enough ,i-e , . e a. i , . " hen counter-fitting, to Lsit .Jamestown, can f:u to In-neat i,-u , , , ,, i ,. ,, ii- , c V hv s a booth ack ike the sun o. Lin- iiu hhk eitii I'M i a i ,ei i i hi n great tiational story. -- ,: f. . ' ( J 3J ;.m hi. k. When is an honest carpenter a il- Wanted to t.r Obliin. .i:iy vis;tof, wisning to Po to the little son of her h st at table, said: i "What a pretty dimple -oii hte.e, I'.enny !" "Vou thi-nk that'-s a iire!! .lim- pjL-l'" -nil tlu Im.v "N'an-ma ca'i I rir.w trr-K-- III! -rir. o,i , a.-h-' 1 le shines for all. ' When are sick people like a tea , table" hen cupped. c What part of a cow do boys most fear V The cow hide. When are boys like saddles ? When pummeled. Why are our eyes like saucepans,'.' They have lids. Jl 1 i - yl , I , .1 1 1 iLn on jco hoi ise ' Lecause it has sawdust inside it. . -' 1 o not attempt to rerr.ev, frotn the face w ith cold water. Ust Cranberrie for malaria. are said to be good Headquarters for Edison Machines and Records. Standing order for all new Records: records 35c srold mould. Headquarters for Victor's Disc only. Standing order for all new Records. Headquarters for uColumbias"Cylin der and Disc. Standing order for new Records; cylinder 25c, disc 35c, 00c and $1.00. In the good old summer time when woik is done and you are taking your case, get me ot the above magnificent cntcrt a inet Vou and vour friends will envoy if. Coin to the store that satisfies and hear those Royal Entertainers, and u, like ihe I 'neen of Sheba, will exclaim, "The half has never Lcen told." bell & mm wmm co. r ' ': f ': ' - ; iM " . ' & m ' . : . - m - -St j si 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 iTlie lm-H Co-1 5 We have our Warehouse r filled with Flour, Ships tuff, Meal. Corn and (hits. He E sure and get our prices be- fore you lmv. E Hring; us your Hutter, r Ivggs. and Chickens. T. , Will vc you the best E E market price. DOVE-BOST COMPA'Y 5 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II III III IMS I It 1 1 1 til III Mill HUH For sale--A splendid 4d-acre farm, on Dutch r.uttalo crock, in 'N'o. township, adjoining Mrs. M.iry L. Kitchie and Oook V h'oil, with dwelling, barn, outbuildings and orchard. Price uly 150. Juo. K Patterson A- Co. 8 tf What You Leave I With Us lis v V I i, u i. , I - I 11 1 o Willi . o s n I ' ' I It 1 1 III . I A I v ! I o ' is, . Is i a 1;' eh I : i i , I, .1 1. 1 r si u i , ' - a. r v. i i -. 1 Ml I I "I lo:' 1 1 1 . 1 t f S 'ill. lis : i ii I i el I H ' -. ifs- t '; i a i ia--.ii ..., ,rci . A kla u 'MS'l -laic- m- .-..! order man's hi , n isa i. ,n , and wc Will sin i w V Ml In i ' . ra ;, 1 1 is to, U;, to 1 1 1 1 j ,1 iea 1 1 1 1 . cr 'il.cly wc will he aiil. t,, .P ih'h ill. in dui'licat it . It will In worth our while to iro c t Ins tor i Mii'sell. VV. C. CORRELL Loading Jeweler. 4 4 i 4 4 i 4 i Nutiung Weak About Him. An Irishman, coming over on om if the big liners, was seasick ami lendintr over the rail in great dis tress. An ollicer ot the neck stop ped near him and remarked: " l on seem to have a weak stom ach. Hat. Straightening- up anl throwing .at his chest the Irishman replied: "Wake nawthin'! Oi'm throwin' as fur as annv wan on this side the hip, sor!" A M in I erfi M rue le. "Truly niir-ulou scniod the recov ery of Mr-i. M'lllie Holt, of this place," writes J. it It. Hooper, Woodford, Teim , "sin1 whs so wasted by coaghing u)i Jims from her lungs Doctors de r!aied her end so near that her family ni, d Aaichcd by her b dside fcrty-right aojr-; when, at ary urgent requtst, Dr. King's New Discovery wr.s given her, with the astoaiahiiig result that im provement began, and continued until nIih family completely recovered, and is a healthy woman to-day." Guaran teed cur" tor coughs and colds. 5oc and I Hi at All Drug-ists. Trial bottle frees. The Canadian soldier is the best paid in the world. He receives .$2- a month, w:h a substantial increase after the completion of his first year's service. The Canning Factory An nisi it ai ,- it, w. . h aj'p. ars t be pei formiag its !i...-si.,n w 11 i the canning fact -r.v n. ar M.rganto!a r.lackberrie-s:ire now being bro-aght in by the wagon load, :'..r picking which the women and ehil.avn get from s'l to J.iin ;i day, to sav notldng of ied ugs. A correspo!-.. lent oi uiei nar otte I )bserver s;i s the' men. even. have stopped other v..rk X pick ilackberries o!i ace.-,,nt of superior financial induci-na :.ts. After tlie erry season is over the eat !;; gets iiisy with beans, toma'ees and c -rn, md finally jiunipkins, which carries the business well up to hecimber. What, we would like to ask. is the matter with the canning business '.' MoihM e I ;t t in ll'li'ii nrrj Hit- lot ( i.n- ii : inn. When Max. n. t'a - fiano-as guii iiivi-n- tor, I'hu-. d Ins gua In lor-- a conimittec of judges. Iv- -tad-d I-- carrying powi-r to be mic-h below wn.i: he felt sure the enn would ;i.'i .ini; '!..-.!. 'I'ne r-sult of the trial was tin referi gr. iit surprise, instead of disapn,ia'i:i,-nt. It is the same with the manut'acturi r.- of Cham berlain's Colic, (.'holira and 1 Varrhoca Remedy. They do not puliliely lioast of all this remedy will a: i-omphsh, hut pr fer to let the users snake the statement What they do claim, is that it wnl posi tively cure diarrhoea, dysentery, pauism the stomach and bowel.-, and has never been known to fail. For sale by M. L. Marsh and D D. Johnson, ConcOrd. and A. W. Moose, Mt. l'lea-ant. OBEY FOR DO YOU WANT IT? Our His Scheme Worked All Right. It is related that a certain man va. recently verv sad because his wife- had gone out of town on a visit which she would not shorten in spite of his appeals to her to '-"ine honn He finally hit upon a plan to induct her to return, tie sent Her a copy of each of the local papers with out item clipped out, and when she wrote to find out w hat it was he had clippci out he refused to tell her. The scheme worked admirably 1 In less than a week she was home t find out what is was that ram Pee.n going on that her lv:-!-ar,d itidn't want hi r to knew ao.-,'U . Could Eat, But Couldn't See. A farmer wh- went to a large city to see the sights engaged a room at a hotel, and before retiring asked the clerk about the hoars for dining. "We have breakfast from si to eleven, dinner from eleven to three, and supper from three to eight,' ex plained the clerk. "Wa-al, say," itxiuired the farmer in surprise, "what time air I goin' ter git ter see the town'.'" k 4-4 4 s i t 4 . Yll! h n Ii it it :s it : tt tt tt Great Stock Reduction .Sale has come to a close, and we take this means to inform the general public that we are well pleased with the results, and wish to thank all our friends and custom ers who so generously helped to make it a success. THE DAYVAULT COMPANY Do not believe in doing things by halves, nor do they believe in making statements that will not bear investigation, and while we have made many new customers and friends, it is not our policy to sit still and say nothing. We are going to get' into the habit of expressing ourselves. What is public opinion ? It is the concen sus of popular expression, and from now on we want you to look for our ads. for we will have something to say that will mean MONEY FOR YOU. We expect to have the "concensus of popular expression' m our behalf, and the manner in which we expect to succeed is by fair and honest dealing, best goods and low prices. The Dayvault Company have never allowed themselves to feel that in simply giving his or her money's worth they had fulfilled their whole duty, but tried to perform that duty in such a way as to assure them of their appreciation of their patronage. Our Cash System is Doing the Work. : We pay spot cash for every dollar's worth of goods we buy, and take all discounts and we intend to educate the general public to come to our store and see for them selves that we are in position to look after their interests in every line, and in such a manner as to warrant a generous share of their trade.' Our Grocery Business sec great doings; in will 1e extended in every line. You vi this store before bng. We want. all your produce, butter, i-ggs, etc.. and will par the top of the market. Our Dry Goods, Notions, ('luthing. Shoes, Hats, Wagons, liuggies. ...Ma- ' i'i i . . : i . i .1.... ...:n ... : ...i r,,,,.. i. ..(',,.... ..i. I'llinel'V, ete., V 1 1 i oe plieeu o ion uiai it uiu paj j on o gi a ui i p n aa i n n i.- ,ui'i "in mien mime j'l.n mr ,,M11 trade. Money talks, aud it you want to see an explanation of it lie I ore r l give u- a chance to ligure with vou. Come to the Cash Store. Come to the Cash Store. THE DAYVAULT COMPANY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4- 4- 4 f r 4 4- 4 4-. 4-44-44-44-4 4-44- tt 4-4-4 4 4 4-4-44-44-4 4-44-4-4-44-4-4-44- tt tt tt il tt ' it ir is t; i: tt tt 4-4-44-44-44-44-44-4 4-it-