ONCORD f .s J The Times Covers Concord and Cabarrus Like th: 1 Dv. I'w ice (tadi Y$ f and I 'rid!: is O.viy; One Dollar V3tr; PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. I 'i in I -V Shkkkill, Kdltor and Publisher. f 1 oo Advance CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1906. Volume XXXIII. Number 30. r r, c S A V KAH, DUh i N m a e c e c 4 C AD M IT D Q open an account with rnfllVILnO us and grow with a gro'V'ing Bank. The prosperous and influ ential men of all communities are the men vh6 carry bank accounts. The smallest de positor here receives the same courtesy and consideration as the largest. U II there is anything you do not under- '''t'f stip,1 about the banking business, come in let tf expkiin it to on. I CITIZENS BANK UNI) TRUST COMPANY. "Ml Mta is lis I, d ri ll-M i ( 'o: I'U - mi ll Ihr 4 A ) 1 '' I in-.' ! -m i t -Mi' : ( I m i!)-l ?:i:i I i In to. - ;i! i!in.' : : .; ii ,iv I . i i d r i. Li' ' III j';if;-iu) ill rd -l.ihil I'.'H ! ' .in Jjiist. Received 400 Pairs of Pants ! it y t : i lp tn oiler i 1 1 1 i.i I hat'Lraiiis in, and it I i vou In -n ii- iict'iiiv iiiivin. Staple Cheviots, -k ifnd J. Inc. I'wavy wei-lits etc, l."0 pT pair. Fan- '-t.'-fl- and 'a-dmi'iv- at $"J.L'") tli.it usually .sellt'or j . f ;pad . 1 1 r S.'i nil lin- i- hard to heat. livery pair . l.in r(it ''M i In- iatr-t pattern-, le-t trimmings, linings I wfti k'lii.ui-liip throughout. w I Ill-Mil' OtnilfP :uv ,:,r-" li;,I1,lli,'s "' lh'iduee I IVyUULL .;UI w.ml ,1,,. ehickens. eggs, 'uit- ter. i.iUons, ete.. tliat we tan jet. When von have Fro- ili i i all .if t ii- lirt'ure -ellini;. ...D, ; J. EOST & c r Why a NATIONAL BANK is Best A Rational H.iak is uiult-r Hjni'ted States vt rnmcnt. ,as 'MeininLr .Nayonal :'fi.cv are required v sr!)mit to the government a s'Nvora detaih-il statement FIVE TIMES a year. 'ihr stekh'.!ders are held responsible for DOUBLE .'ilhe ;i!i!i.un: ! t In ii stock. This is for the benefit of ' " Ri.e' U". u I ors . . "i. - ) c.'i pi t a 1 "il'iii-t ie lie'fl i iataet for the i'.. X"' batik is rniiire( each year to add to its surplus .ieCotint befoie (Uvlaring dividends. This i9 for the 'liitlhcr seeurity of the depositors. 7. ,. Sational Hank cannot loan more than 10 per cent, (it its capital to one man or firm. the Concord National Bank C 4i fa K $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $26,000 i j No InrRe amount required to start an account. V Going i CALIFORNIA A ' ' , a IV Trail. It's the ('.rand , : Cool Persi i H Ask C SARTLLLH, S F & P. A. j ' l . !" N. Prvor St., Atlanta. Oa g ? '1 I'or Tourist Sleeping Folder, a .7vv7";l Pries i Success in iiiLC ( " m pt i t i n . iMirj; 1 1 i" tin' last v. ;ind no t on lour venr lias gained l'tidiin the i is xn i n i i i lt i-ed -i rapidly. popular price iv. A trial purchase tr rl iim lit vnii will lind ijkdiI-; I'mI less than . tamlard prices. COMPANY... the supervision of the Hanks are very strict. k i; reiiuired to he paid in cash, and leneiit of the depositors. Tourist 55 2 is the way f eeonnmv and comfort. You travel in quick time over the shot test line to Southern California, along the historic Santa Canyon line, too J md dustVss aid ILarvev serves the meals. 11,'illv conducted tri-weeklv exeursiot s KLACKBUkN AMD RURAL ROUTES s:.iti-- , .! I .ii. 'I : i u 1-. A Keinililii-a'i eamnaiura 'Ih-uii nt that is U-intf eireulated in this dis trict is a sheet licaded "Fann P.oy and Cnnressman." n the slieet are two pictures uf "Hon. Ivlniund Spencer black! urn." The ne rep-reenl- hnn as a t'aftn ly ln-einK cera, liarefin.'ieil. patched tnuisers. une all'.i-."' shirt open a' front, hiir hat with Ivile in ere a ii. erspira tiu'i pouring fi'ini his face in drops as hiK" as tnarhles. This hiheled : "At a-e of 11 working for iii mother. bca es no weeds hehind." The- other repre.-ents Mr. Hlackimrn standing up in the llmse of ( 'oi.iri'ess. arm outstretched. and thi-is laheled : "At the ae of ;'.l a K.-presentat'r. e Unit ed States Coneress. working for his District." It .niudit have !cen add ed, -,A!so Worki:- His C,,n-tit!ient - on ( ccai"!i, hu; in.-t.-ad. rijut ui der Mr. 1 1'.a'k ! li i arm. the in.-cnpt lUtstretf hed tion reads: "One man. woman and iloiiar tor i erv child in his district .-ecuivd y him yearly. 1 i" K. V. 1 . routes in three years. Mail hromdit to your w ti door." We uraler-tand that this statement means that the number of rural routes secured by Mr. black burn brii.e;- into the district in sala ries money s-i'ii.'K'i.: to jrive cry man. woman a:d child in :n-di-tri ct one dollar. ''cr well, bet i- i".k into the matter a little. In the hi r.lackburn t place, portraying Mr i having risen from a a 1 'orcressinau is deaui- j farm h.. t tfotfic and are numhe m 1'.- i.oihinj.r. There men in puMt po-i- t ii 'ii h i ha . e I " i becau-e has doe- n-'t of n- -If '; i.ifrii !'-'-. been a larm !:i.-;m that he i "!, if. for we en w!, have 1 ; tiited to ill I '.'T.'M e-s. it I .o S hi ad to he a i on.-e-I know plet.t c of n j farm 1m . - w !i . are ; , resent '. ho.i- ; pie a I'ct we -tar'ed " .1 1 rural r M : I '' or it i - cla;e 1 f r h e-tabh hed : ; i j three year-. M r. 1'. t : recent 1 m- cane. i I'olre-- thac a a-:;t i..n th. i rn Cia! : a- at! he h ;-. civ -: n h.as ia di-! p.-1 We - IS i pos,- !,e c a I .V fesvnted th of u hi ii How many strumeiila! '".ee-- a par' I'OI'-! r a ra! in est wa- r .:e- h-e a- m- iia: l -1 i ; r . .u' in tne . ! i mari he ha.- been establishing in thi t ear. we don't eighth, ar d how inst rimentai :n dis rict the pa know ; Mr. Kl-ittz c-t a! ! i -bed many of the roates in this ,i-tiact, d.nibt-!e--s a majority of th. :r.. Mr. black -burn claims 1 lo in three yeaiv a: d le;ies the i n : pres.-ion than they ale all in this di-trict. A rdim' t. the report of Mr. l'eiiraw, f'ourtii As sistant i'o-t ma.-te;- ieneral, made Diibhc ;t few week- a'o, there are uiilv 1 1" routes in ;h, di.-trict. and everybody kn s PL ICi- irn e.i estalilish them all. n fact is. wt are sure he is i.. .t res establr- limi-nt of om for mo-t of ; i.e rouu tln countiA . ii- ;- w n-ibie f..- tla alf of tt.e;n n th:- 1 :i 1 1 i ii know a. wei'i established during M r. Klutt.:'s term. I'.ut s'lpjM.-v Mr. P.iackburn is respon-ible for the u.-tabli.-hmerit of 1 rou'cs. In that case lie has done no more f"!' h:- penp.,- r.ot a, much in one iiistani e as the I K mo era ts who re p rest tft the other dis tricts of the State have done for their people. Mr. Ki'chin. for in.-!;mee. has established Is'', ro-ate.- in the fifth di-trict. 11 more than Mr. P.lackburn claims. Mr. I 'age. Dem ocrat, who re prosen!.- the seventh district, next door to us. lias lis routes in his district, only 'JT less than Mr. P.lackburn ci.ums Mr. Webb, 1 ena .crat , ai so o while next 1 12o '.lack- door neighbor, ais es route- on i i ian Mi burn claim-. Mr. DeOra-v'srepo that this district has adverse reports . n r for than any fh,-r State. The number t furthe receive up e s ',-' liis'.ri. t of adve :' -how's 1 more itiolled m the i'se IV- A Wonderful Record. A- in. i' pr. -ti.'ii i- ;i la ti ni; .o i inu .li-i'l.i i I ;.:a , n't a .'i. -.-r p i ' -r i v a ; i-l-. e. itTee; - a no .-r-ae la; pa 1 1 1 f i . 1 - ami t i:i:L' t la- , a ! t l! l.iM.laeh.-, Ii He- p. ;,- lei-m :! . - up tie e i -.. u r. i a I ., nil"-- e.ry - i-.l- -HI !' Ill- .n simii ninl r.-l i ' o . r-M-rn t. rn i iil' i.i ciirr- tin- i i.m 'k .-!- Uir .ll-il.'tJMll.' 'Im'. rcKliili. tin- iiiin hiWIT IlLlnlMlal pel H- eat a it 1 1 a ! Hliil v c;i K 1 1 , n. for iii i if i-.i U in -- ll i s t met I V ('Ullliiil "l-'iiMint'1 I'r. mp.lieiiii' for wllieh lire lint fnnniliil nil llic I I . I ' th- a t s'.. a .i:-tr.- aini 1. ! T'H 'ill. i i r i '. m . m iia.l ..v. 1 lie ! ' 1 1 -1 1 ! 1 1 run i ns ripth. in. a. IIM ..I I mu:, in- mi. 1 1 I 1 1 1 v r- ,,f lie IT 1I...S pi ait .pp. I- tiLkini; tli.-lr I'liII'Mii-fid.-liec. It Is liie W . I ! 1 1 1 1 . I'HTV lll'l'-l 1 il -.a -i in- a.r u hieli has lit till' sU'Mlli.-'--t I,.,--Lie the MiM-t .-in an at ii '-'t .' ami writer- . f "-.!' .i a it fur lie- il:-i-ii-i - fur .r-.-iii. nt piael ! ..I of rs : i -1 1 1 1 ml a;? II ii " I- a i a ii.' I- the "Ij'y Mil. en. -M.ii ni.t enli f le.ail.Mi. -0 i -l.n a.iy III ;a .n l'i I. ii i ne i.ih.r iii.da I. l a .r.i: rs fri-in tl.p vji . -ii - i a: : e. ak ui tii. ii t ami v,r:at v. . u her. I here .-l,v !,ri:l,leii- I'reseri it a II " i - ll-. 'l. I ; ni t - iiii tin ' I a-aie f, r . tlirniis'li il i iiiiLM-:, '."-li. i i i tain ;i lalk'.- " I'e. i.tai:. . harmful r.i tip- In kt nm del i.-iite u one a. i 1 l.as eiir.-- I" it.- ei-.'.i.t lli. in a i ein.-s fur uniren ...ici saved thnii-i: ii'l- of -uta i opera t aitf T h a ml lin It ha- rt--t.ii ' ! neat.-. strong :i nil i. r. cis le a !; I makinir Hint lei ho. pes.-. 1. 1 wa-liarr.-niii ln-fnre. lie ! i l ik a 1 1' I making lui (if homes I v i In- ii'l. v ii i a iv It nt oi It t t u -a ml-, nll.-s te streimt hen t lie ma r: t a I I . su n-li i ii.- le-re 1 1, i. ,m am; had relifiie.l l. fi.te. Write to I IT. K. V. 1'ieree. ;i ml -,r In'V lie will -end llill.ll inl ire. e. ars,,i,lely n. v. ' i i ' 1 ! dn iillt o.-e the sys-n-e M.-lii-al (lilies. j tent pay epeii-e -,-.!. t -'a in ps I- .1 -la nii-H-. Addn-ss you i in a (food, fatherly, U'nt- illll. sealed rtiMvi free. A dd r.-s. i,iin at Hut' Ir. l'i"r.-e'- I'lia-saiil I gr ()P. They efT.-et UH 1 1 el. tein nf iieeimi ii ! a ted mi pa I Til"' l'eepleSi ( II I TI) 1 1 S Ad i-er, l.y 1 ir. 1'ieie... lnof frt c .in r.-eei ; t of -ta ai ;i- t of niaillnif "iili. Send :l ... for t lie lunik j II 11:1 jie- e. , er for the el. itli - In, in, d Null. aUive. p..rts on ietitions from this district was -21'. while the fifth district, rep resented by Kitchin, Democrat, re ceived only Is;', adverse reports, the next largest, and Mr. Page, in the seventh, managed to pet through all the routes asked for except 120. In the ether districts, represented by Democrats, the number of adverse reports is -still. Now the point in the whole matter is this: Mr. P.lackburn and his friends claim that "he ihes thing's for us;" that he has done much for his district, etc. He rests his whole claim on the establishment of these rural routes and the truth is, what ever rural routes he has helped es tablish, and they are doubtless few if all the facts were known, is all he has done. He spends little of his time in the House while Congress is in ses-dnn, and if he has done any thing outside to establish a few ru ral mutes and introduce a bill to pen -ion negro (-lavs, then we will be obliged to any llepubfican who will tell us w hat it is, and we w'll .rave him due credit. Those are the facts and we defy any Republican to deny them. Democrats are told that we should elect a Republican to Congress be cause, being in sympathy with the administration, he can do more for his p'-ople than a Democrat. We ask in ail. sincerity. What has Black burn, a Republican, done for his peo ple during this Republican adminis tration'.' He claims he has estab-ii-hed 1 lo rural routes las a fact he has done no such thing). We show by the records, and we defy contra diction, that Mr. Kitchin, in the fifth district, has established more routes than P.lackburn claims, anil j Mr. Page, in the seventh, and Mr. I Webb, in the ninth, have established 1 nearly as many; and the record also ! -hn'.t- that in P.lackburn's district j more petitions for rural routes have b'-en riMicd down than in any other d, -tri-:; thai the Democratic meni- i.e'-s. w no ate support to nave no a--' aTi'-e with the administration. ha e real!;.' d-f.e ni pie t nac than, this rn f rlii.ir rc torttu.r .o- e-.'-ov . . a; ii-- . , a- Ii. A- matter of fact thei IS not an j Hi! rent man in the district who d .e-n't k:a.w 'hat so far as the es tablishment of r ii ra! routes and other su -h ma' ters are concerned, a Dem- ocrat lias ;u-t a much influence in ' ("onrri -s :i- a Republican and can do ' ju-t a- much for more if he is indus- tri cis. as Mr. P.la--kburn is not. I as a Repulilican. i it a me'noer ot t engross is wai Alio W 1 i ot'. n-r Re vote lor protection and iilican policies, of course il Uep'l'o ican is wanted, rail l'emo- rrat- r. t w;.nt to for Repub ote tor a man llCan policies, who Yl'ti and seeing that a Democrat can serve rather than trv to avenge it. Lvnch them just as well I in ail other re- 1 inR has fai)ed; we must trv something -tM-'cts and wnl at the same time vote olsc As the superior race we owe IT I '-'11 1 I illi1 noin-iC.s, HI filial I ''.'in 'cratic policies, in which t hey b-'l ie e. the Democrat-, of this district should, and will, vote for Mr. lb. th. k-'lt; a-il'-lric te.. if all the Democrats in v mc f. r him he will be 1 A Woll Story. !'- I r. -s. u 1 A red-faced man was holding the ; attention of a little group with some I w 'tiderf a! recitals, j " The most exciting chase I ever 'had." he said, "happened a few years ago in Russia. One night, when sleighing about in miles from my destination, I discovered, to my intense horror, that I was being fol lowed by a jiack of wolves. I fired blindly into the pack, killing one of the brutes, and to my delight saw the others stop to devour it. After doing this, however, they still came on. I kept on repeating the dose, w ith the same result, and .each occa sion gave me an opportunity to whip up my horses. Finally there was only one wolf left, yet on it come, with its tierce eyes glaring in antici pation of a good, hot supper." Here the man who had Uvn sit ting in the comer burst forth into a tit of laughter. "Why, man." said he, "by your way of reckoning, that last wolf must have had the rest of the pack inside him!" "Ah!" said the red-faced man with out a tremor, "now I rememler. it did wabble a bit." He Dodged. It is said of a noted Virginia judge that in a pinch he always came out ahead. An incident in his childhood might go to prove this. "Well, Penny, said his father when the lad had been trointr to M-hool about a man, "what did you learn to-day'.'" "About the mouse, father." "Sjell mouse!" his father asked. After a little pause P.. nnv an swered: "Father, I don't believe it was a mouse after all. it was a rat." To jilace your umbrella in a rack indicates that it is about to change owners; an umbrella carried over a woman, the man getting nothing but the drippings of rain, signifies courtship: when the man has the umbrella and the woman the drip pings, it indicates marriage: to car ry it at an angle under the arm signifies that an eye is to be lost by the man who follows you; to put cot ton umbrella by the side of a silk one means 'Exchange is no robbery;" to lend an umbrella may be interpreted, "I am a fool;" to carry an umbrella just high enough to tear out men's eyes and knock otT men's hats signi fies, "I am a woman." He (soul fully) "There are a thou sand stars to-night looking down upon you." She (unconsciously) "Is my hat on straight '.' TILLMAN ON PROBLEM. THE RACE Augusta limnicli-. Senator Tillman had carefully pre pared the following statement of the race problem, as he conceives it, and upon which he declares the South must act at once if terrible conse quences are to be averted. 1. The white men of the South were never more united or more de termined than they are now in the purpose to maintain white suprema cy in each and every part of every Southern State regardless of negro majorities, and the thought of social equality is as intolerable or even more so than the idea of political equality. The two go hand in hand and cannot be separated. 2. The negroes were never more in tent on contesting in every way that they dare this position of the whites. Their teachers, their preachers, their politicians and every organization which they have formed, one and all. are bent on compelling a recognition by the whites of the rights given to the negroes by the 14th and lath amendments; and in every practica ble way the Republican national gov ernment is giving aid and comfort to this idea. 3. Race hatred in every foim is growing in intensity with both races. 4. Lynching for rape of white wo men by negroes will continue as long as the crime is committed and the fact that in many instances the guilty fiend is not caught intensifies the hatred of the whites toward the negro race and tends to precipitate race conflicts in which innocent and good negroes are too often the- suf ferers. a. Amalgamation is the hope and mumc piiii- 'i o.t- ik-bi utr.-, L.ir i obliteration of the color line, and i many white men. too many, obhvi- ous to their duty to their race and , caste, are voluntary criminals in this ; regard, while, thank (iod, our white j women prefer death to such a fate. I In il most everv eomnuinitv white , 1 ' , , . - ' men can 1h found brazenly living : upeniy wnn coioreo women ami nuin- i intr is said or done anout it. is said or done about it. We n-iit nrotei-t imr u.ompn nt nnv and i all hazards else they would spurn us and ought to spurn us; and we must j draw the line of caste between white men and black women and sternly I compel its observance, just as stern- I ly as we are resolved to draw the j line between black men and white I women. The fact that the negro .! ravishes the white woman while the ':! white man onlv lowers himself to gratify lust with a willing negro wo man as morality is concerned, makes the onlv difference. j The most essential and burring ano u-itV- hria' in nrpvont Miwi ,t-iiraK-,-n nrnter-t tho trcrui and innocent negroes, oi wnom tnere are many --millions of them in fact from false teachers and bad lead - ers who are rapidly driving the whites to desperation and to the massacre of the negroes, and to a race war which can have only one result, the destruction of the weaker race. Woumln. Kruti- ami Burn. Bv applying an antiseptic dressing to wouuds, bruises, barns and like injuries brfore inrtamiDiitiou sets in, they may be heabd without maturation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest dis covery and triumph of modern surgery. Chamberlain's Pain Halm acts ou this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blcod poisoning. Keep a liottle of Pain Balm in your honie and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience aud suffering such injuries entail. For sale by M. L Marsh and D. D Johnson, Concord, aud A W Moose, Mt. Pleasant. Wa It a Story? "Now, Johnny," said the teacher, "you may try your hand at writing a short story." A few minutes later Johnny handed up his slate on w hich was written, "I's hoys all love our teacher." In the Muun 1 1. hl,li.l '.' Srieree has provm that the moon has an atinopere, w hirh makes life in some foi m p nible ou that satellite ; but not for human beings, who have a hard enough tiuie on this frth of ours, especially those who dou't know that Electric Hit ters cur' s H-'&daehe, Biliousness, Mala ria, Chills and Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep sia. Dizziness, I . rpia laver. Kidney complaint', (ieuiral Debility and Fe male weakness, s L Dequaled as a gen eral Tome and Xpp.-fier for weak ter sous and especially "for the aged. It in duces soui d slep Fully guaranteed by all drutrgists. Price only aaao. An absent-minded man met a friend and asked after the health of his family. "They're all well, thank you," said the friend, "except Martha. She's better than she was, too, I guess. She's dead." "Too bad! Too bad!" said the absent-minded one, and went on his way. A few hours later he ran across his friend again. "Why, how do you do!" he exclaimed, "How are the children?" "They are still well," said the friend. "And Martha?" asked the absent minded one. "She's-she's still dead, tnank you." The American Tobacco Company has raised the wages of all its em ployes at Ihirham about 10 er cent. SENATOR COUNTING HER tHIc'KENS. This Young Woman Had Ci. Sellers Beaten to a Standstill. Lord Sholto Douglas, who was ar rested through an error in Maine re cently, was congratulated at a Port land hotel on the courtesy ho had shown in pardoning the erring' Maine police. "Why shouldn't I have pardoned them'.'" said Lord Douglas, laugh ing. "They did their duty. Their calculations were wrong, that is all. "1 admit that their ca'culat mit were absurdly wrong. They re minded me of a young lady I used to know when I lived in the We.-t. "This young lady, whose family was well-to-do, announced to bet father one night that she was going to marry a penniless man. " 'If vou marrv him,' her father grumbled, 'how- on e ti'th wi Vi ill live'." " '( li,' said the girl, 'we have figured that ai is quite simple. You in: lent 1 v. out. ani I it know that black hen I bought la-t week.'" " 'Yes. What of it'." " 'Well, I have consulted the best poultry circulars, and they all agree that a good hen will raise twenty chicks a year. That means that next season I shall have twenty-one hens. These at the season's end, each hav ing raised her twenty vming, wall give me 420 in all. The next season there will be "-.ion, the next MW.ono, and the next ;;,:;rn,oi(i. .hist think of thatl With chickens at ."( cents a piece we will then be worth s 1. '.-",-OtK). So you see. papa, you needn't worrv about us.' " Running a newspaper i- ju-t like !i:V.M,-t;1 running a Hotel, oniv v, hen a man goes into a hotel and finjs some thjnK on tht, VjLhw. hrh ll)H?s not suit him he do, s tn.t ra-(. ha(les with tht. ian,!.,r, :in,i t,:,u to st(ip his nlll h,,tH ;. : ; ; , nt-set-; that dish to -;de a' d wa,jes jntu tH munv dishes that suit u:.., i : - .):.., . III III. II IS U1IIIMI.-IU HUli Ml!,l' paiKrs readers. Thev find an article occasional iv that does not suit then. exactly and without -topping to think it may please hundreds i,f other readers, makes a grand stand play and tell the editor how a paper should be run and whot should be put into U- Rut such people a;e 're comes fewe r everv vear. A Kansas City editor as r.ot ice i that anv time vou see a man finding fault with his local paper tla . ban,., s are ten to one that he ha-n't an ad vertisement in it: five to one that he never gave it a job of work; three to one he does not take the pajier; two to one that if he is a subscriber he is a delinquent; even that he never does anything to assist the publisher to run a better pajer, and forty to one he is the most eager to s e the paper. i jne emnrv heart i ; heaviest ht,art ! ; " sometimes the DR. L. N . BURLEYSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGECN, CO i:oro. N c K ..-ii, N. .ii. 1 : ; ' a " ' .- : - DR. W. C. HOUSTON, DENTIST. Ortu e over L-'htisnti's Prti; Store fccsiiietue Th.v'iie i: o:five '-- m- u ATTORN EY-AT-LAW,V Concord, N C. Prompt jttfiiti Pit Mui I ih bulbil1 :i g; rn to . DR. H. C. HERRING, DENTIST, .& mm Liarr itu- siore ot '!. it.--M. : i ie-( 1- o 1 . nniiai. v. CONCORD N C. W. J. MONTGOMERY. j Lff CHOWfLL. MONTGOMERY & CROW ELL Attorne s and Counselors at . As partners v;'! j.r:ic 't"r ' ' 'V - : l,s - ,-. aiui ai)1 tilling ou i. ties, m the i.;.- : r ; picnic CmiiUs 't tne S'atc r. i . . t ..c Court v ( f1i . e in court h"UH-. I'.irt ilr: t mi; to len.l rn n'- r ; a : us r pI.K r it in an . t ; in- : ! t iks : , .: ami vr will Iftnl il on i;. . .i rn. : i' r s- ' f i re oi i iLire to t he tlqw s:i : . Wf ni.'ik e t horou l; h e .i m i, .r i : , r : '. offered as sei ur;t ln 'ai.ii. M- -raes U ! e N.r- i u : : iii - l! tr ;rt.sc : . : n s Ot same. Henry H. Ariarr.s. 1 In s. J . j rr nie. Adizis, k:zi iniii I At, ne; 3'-.J V"jr.-e ' jt CwNCORD, N. C Pi a. t i :e ni al". t he State .n I I'. ' Pi win pi at tei. i ion k : en t 1 oi t -us .1 1 . 1 -law Pi.tt.tiie. lVroiis mntsicd ii; tl ment Kt eM.ites, a-1 in : 11 : si 1 ,t ' . T , e-i t.:..' Xuai - i i.tns ai e epe iall j 1 M t 1 1 . .t ! ' . .1 1 : we represent one of the lai t-i U .n . ! , 'u pan ies 111 A mei m a . 111 la t u - v 1 ' . . d , oi a loii'l 1 tn-aper th m any o:,r t -r. I'aitTS ties: rin k t' U iitl m.iii. . ,c, with us or deposit it 111 the n - I N Hank . and w e u ill lhd it u-, app: . ) s iree el t haree to the leini- r. Continued and p.tiiist.tk .11 a:'eM. n u K;eti. at a reasonah,e pr te : .1 . c . tthce 111 new Mori is Pu. g House. VERFillFU Is the same ood. oU-fash-loneJ me-litine that has save! the lives of little chiiiren f..r the pait6o years. It is a meJ Icine maJe to Cure. It has never been known to fail. If your child Is sCW get a t't tl of FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not Uke a substlt .te If your druggist does not keep It, send twenty-five ce.its r, sumps to m. ct? s. zriTLJusr Baltimore, M J. and a bot'ie wiil be fraii-l vci j.-.-kji.juji.jLjtuLat:3cacaoaoaDQayU!jt;yL'juA. We Would Be Glao When you wish to buy any kind of a Stove r Kange to have you carefully COMPARE CO Cj C3 L J L J C3 r -1 r.3 cn C3 CO DQ ca C9 ca ra aa res r) LJ n LJ l: tj cj fj3 iZZi 03 CJ r.3 C3 fj ca LJ LJ n r - L. a ri LJ r.i LJ r.i L :'-: r.T LJ r i L j r.i With any other make IN THE WORLD. Wo feel your decision will I,? favorable to the FAVORITE, Tl.isvfoie we court direful i'i:".paiinm. Wi- kuow tlay are not Kijualed. The Season is Now on for LJ n LJ New Ranges j C' r L J r i u J CJ LJ ra LJ ra LJ C3 LJ DO D3 cn ca cn ca ca ca ca ca cq m W't- 1 ! 1 " t claim we have the rlion t-1 , 'm "ln'st". 'I'lie "l'"aau'ite" Kanireis l-ert'ei'i m TIk "Star Lender" Stove lias no rival. Meet wash .lav with a smile, and 11-r tla 1: Acme n.-lu r. A child can ojierute it. -aw -streiiuth and clotliiicj;. No obstruction in Will hnl 'stole th teed. B 1 more rlotln than any hehind it. it atltles is na nncnrr'nrnnririnooanBnaonDnRanDP' tacrsnnr.nr OO filvif.rin'.L JL JL JLJDPOOacailDrjrJOPDL j "lncn ''L'jiu'jL JL'.i i What You Leave With Us I I'a.'s a- va tr h.irk aj.un 1o von. Wiiit mi sik in '. w U a 1.1: .1w.1v lioiisis is miist likr'.-v . in- lor .1: 1 aii.l all. 1". vii- .Ii 1V..11 sik r.i cm i.-vliv Mil 1 ; town 111.. kes m. us :.r.. I i 1 r lyi.l i!s( ii.it mm h poorer. K I'.'jl T.ST !! in ii t;.r mail ,r.!cr m ' a 's ir.'wii"ii, .md wt- will show o .1 llow C.IS it is a r us i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! ic . 1 1 .- it . i-rv Iikvlv wi- will aiil. to Mi K 1-; t liar, iluplu .lc a I ' will In' Hurili - hi r w hili to IT-. c tins tor oiirsi ll. 1 f t t 1 r t W. C. CORRELL. t Leading Jowelor. T r A.AAAAAAA.AA.AAAAAAAAJL4AAAAA II ! o. , . IT. 1. : ( V s '. INK y, in 11 i- h. V:.-.- IT.- vV !1 ' 1 lis. IN I ; p. c -. Y - J". i. N C SiJ I' i t9"- a, N 4 Capital S 50,000 00 Surplus & Profits . 36,700 00 Doposits eve,3uu.uu Total Resouroos .... 763.0OO.0O M-.l t lul'i f r l.'-fiire t.i erve ,. a i-i . :ir in liv itu.i'v tirni, r ;.fi :il ii ins I o ojicii j Til s with us. DIHECTOR8: L 1 V C.ii.n .n, K'.i' rll s Vur.fr. I.. I y . ,s h. i. I:n.,:.. M. J J""- S. 1 : ! j M M..tt.., 1C !:ii..m. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Beech Nut Sliced Beef. is made from the very choicest cuts ia mint, ciireii in a mini, lit ueale luvnr uv the "Ik-eehaut" iroeess. It comes to your talile in vacuum glass lars. tree from any on ot preservatii e. reai'v for in stant use Iiuluile a jar in voiir next oi - D0VE-B0ST CO., TLniii ' 1 . I'uic I'ood Proline vs jLj I .."I LJ ca LLI rn C'J r.r r i i. 1 I'," L J CiT LJ rai CLI n VII rn rn LLI rn cu rc u: r. -u r i i. . r L r I. 1 r i L j n 1: j r -1 1. . r 1 L . r -L i r. i L J r -1 i r.."1 L"J rn rn L'J rn Lj and Stoves g L'J r n L'J rn CJ r,n LJ nn LL. cn LJ r. M k. 'J rn cn rn ru rn C'J rn 1 - 'j ( ' IT. J rn L'J 1 rn LCJ m ilti:. U 1 ' !:. ian tlicr w.i-ln 1 Nit 'l- t'l. t "lull .... 51 111 immmmimiiiiiiiiimmii.'iiii! inn1 1 Si. Cloud Ik 1 II - First class ,'!T1i! c j If! Iv. T.Cl Work men. The trade of the Cu '. rv r 1'CO lie IS s. I'lullll. J Hot nnd Cold Maths ica,-, r .at any time. y ' )ldcst 'hop ,11 tile l it , a;,'' maintains 1 1 s reputation ti 2 lor the very best v. u , in th.e barltcr line. z: E C. V. HR( V.. rrop'r. uiiiiiillliiiiiillliiilliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nil ' TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT t k k Choice Family ..Groceries.. I ISlaple and Fancy. All kinds of Fruit in season. Country Produce a Specialty. Dry Goods and Shoes t j Ca;l:;-SI:;s Compasy I T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Fetzer's Drug Store. Hyacinths, Tulips, Nar- ' : i . cissus, cninese acreu Lil ies, etc. Come before the choice bulbs are sold. Fetzer Drug Co. ii