' : THE - C0NCORD ! TIMES. VOLUME XXXIV, - OONOORDN. TUESDAY. MAY 5. 1908. ".-P. "' Number flft grUixQ arummcsczs cgc3Tar3iycs CS:impi tbHuQ- H33z3r. I Capital Stock paid In cash Thirty Thousand Dollars. t. Undivided Earnings Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars Additional Liability of Stockholders Thirty Thousand' Dollars. Deposits One Hnndred and Twenty Thonsand Dollars We offer the business public the advantages of A STRONG BANK that has the ability and never refuses to help a worthy . customer. The Bank whose, influence and efforts aim to advance the development and progress of this City ami Section. ,J j Direct Business Connections with the Financial Centers of the Country. Citizens Bank arid Trust Company l A.JONES YORKB, President. ' CHA.S. B. WAGONER, Cashier, i H. L. PARKS, Vice President..; JOHN FQX, Assistant Cashier. THE PROHIBITION HIL JE3E -aeAaaaBaaW I . . . i Days r i "Wo have 10 Dozen Hats that wo will sell during -.. The Next Ten At Special Prices; It will pay you to call and let us price therajo your e D. J. Bost Co. 1 ' Opposite the Court House and Gibson Mill. j. ' Th fall text be voted of on r The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 '. ' Surplus and Undivided Profits $29,000 j ' ; i - ' ' '. ' . ' . I ', ' Your Business Solicited. Every Accommodation Exten ded Consistent with Sound Banking. IV B. COLTRANE, Pkesident.. L. D. COLTRANE, Cashier. JNO. P. ALLISON, Vice Pres. ! SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. Quick Route to all Poinis, North, South, East and West Through Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts, i Affording First-class Accommodations. . Kletrant Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, Club and Observation Cars. - . For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel via the Southern Rail way. .. Kates, Schedules, and otter Information furnished by addressing the undersigned, j s u n.rririr p Traffic Mansrer. W. H. Taylo, O. P. A., Washington, D. C. R. L. Vemon, T. P. A., Charlotte, H. C. SEABOARD Air Line Railway. Winter Tonriat and all year round Special Rates. Winter Tourist Rates from Charlotte to Hindu n. S C Havana, 4'uba I wkiMiuvllle, Fla... t AiiKiwilne, Kla. . tanipa. FU I'aliii Heiwb. Fla.... TailWiawe, r'la.... . . .. $ 4 40 . 6280 . M.00 . 28.80 . 36 60 . 4J.W . 26. 1 T'cketa sold dally with fifteen (1B transit limit i-riiilttln stop-over, and baa final return limit until May lst, 190. All year round Tourist Rates from Charlotte, to ne, i vilt Lake City. Utah. Mrxloo I'lly, Me .... .u r ranclsoo, Cal... ln Aniceiet, t'al 4083 8 1 11 w USE ONLY PURE CIO LASSES We have just received , a shipment of the Pure Porto Rico which we guarantee to be the best. Send U3 your jug to be filled and be convinced. Dove-Bost Company 'Phone 21. Pure Food Store An Act to Prohibit the tUntrf adore tad Sale of Intoxicatioc Liquors in North Carolina. The following is the the prohibition bill to May 26. The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact : t Section 1. That it shall be unlaw- ul for any person or persons, firm or corporation to manufacture or in any manner make, or sell, or other wise dispose of, for gain, any spirit uous, virtuous, fermented or malt li quors or intoxicating: bitters within the State of North Carolina: Pro vided, this act Bhall not he construed to forbid the sale of such spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating: bitters by. a legalized medical depository, or by any li censed and registered pharmacist. for sickness,, upon the written pre scription of a regular licensed and actively practicing physician or sur geon having the person for whom such prescription is made under bis charge, which said prescription shall specify the amount of spirits requir ed : Provided further, that wines and ciders may be manufactured or made from grapes, berries or fruits, and wine sold at the place of -mnnu- acture only, and only in sealed, or crated packages containing, not less than two and a half gallons per package ; but no wine, when -sold. shall be drunk upon the premises where sold, nor shall the package containing the same be opened on said premises : and, Provided furth er, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the sale of cider, in any quantity, by toe manuiacturer irom iruits grown on his lands within the State of North Carolina. x Sec. 2. That all liquors or mix tures thereof, by whatever name called, that will produce intoxication shall be construed and held to be in toxicating liquors within the mean ing of this act: Provided,' that medicinal preparations manufactur ed in accordance with formulas pre scribed by the United States Phar macopoeia and National Formulary which contain no more alcohol than is necessary to extract the medicinal properties of the drugs contained; such preparations, and no more alco hol than is necessary to hold the medicinal agents in solution, and which are manufactured and sold as medicines and not as beverages, shall not be held or construed to be or to come within the meaning or provi sions of this act. Sec. 3. That any physician or sur geon who shall make any prescrip tion (except in case of sickness) for the purpose of aiding or abetting any person or persons who are not bona fide undefhis charge to pur chase any intoxicating liquors, con trary to the provisions of this act, and any licensed or registered phar macist who shall I sell or otherwise dispose of, for gain; any spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters without the writ ten prescription of a legally qualified physician or surgeon, or who shall duplicate the prescription of a phy sician or surgeon ior intoxicating liquors for any person or persons not bona fide under such physician's or surgeon's charge, without the writ ten direction of the physician or sur geon who gave the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, : and' upon conviction shall be hned or impris oned, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each and every of fense ; and all licensed and register ed pharmacists selling intoxicating liquors by prescription as aforesaid shall keep a record thereof, which shall bear the true dates ol the sales, the names of all persons to, whom sales were made, the names of phy sicians or surgeons upon whose .pre scriptions the sales were made, which said record shall be subject at all times to the inspection the solicitor of the districtrthe sheriff and other peace officers of the county, the mayor and police officers of the city or town in which said licensed and registered pharmacist's business is located, and all other persons ; and any licensed and registered pharma cist failing to keep the record afore said, or refusing to permit the ex amination of such record by the of ficers named or other persons, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and up on conviction be fined or imprisoned. or both, in the discretion of. the court, i , - Sec. 4. The place where delivery of any intoxicating liquors is made in the State of North Carolina shall be construed and held to be the place of sale thereof, and any station, or other place within said ,.State. to which any person shall ship or con vey any intoxicating liquors for the purpose of delivering or carrying the same to a purchaser shall be con strued to be the place of sale : Pro- county eomtalssioners or any govern ing body of any dry or town from prohibiting the sale of spirituous, vinous, fermented or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters by any licensed and registered pharmacist in their respective counties, cities or towns: Provided farther, that said county commissioners or governing body of any city or town may levy a special privilege tax upon any licened phar macist licensed to sell spirituous, vinous or malt liquors. see. 7. That all laws or parts or laws in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby, to the extent of such conflict, repealed : Provid ed, however, that nothing in this act shall operate to repeal any of the lo cal or Bpecial acts of the General As sembly of North Carolina prohibit ing the manufacture or sale or other disposition of any of the liqucrs mentioned in this act ; but all such acts shall continue in full force and if feet and in concurrence herewith: and indictment or prosecution may be had either under this act or any special or local act relating to the same subject: - Provided, that, if the provisions of sections one tn nine (inclusive) of this act shall fail to go into effect on the first day of Janu ary, one thousand nine hundred; and nine, because of the failure of a1 ma jority of the votes cast in the elec tion hereinafter provided for to be Against the Manufacture and ISale of Intoxicating Liquors." then I this act shall not be construed as a repeal of any laws under which prohibition or a dispensary has been established: nor shall it have the effect of restor ing license where prohibition or dispensary now obtains. I , bee. . Any person violating! any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. "9. That th& foregoing pro visions of this act shall go into ef fect on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord i one thousand nine hundred and nine, if a majority of the votes cast at the election here inafter provided for shall be "Against the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxi cating Liquors." I Sec. 10. That, on the last Tues day in May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred jand eight, an election shall be held in the several election precincts in each county of the State of North Caro lina to determine wheter the provi sions of sections one to nine (inclus ive) of this act shall become effec tive.. Said election shall be conduct ed and held under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as elections for State offi cers ; and, unless otherwise provided in this act4, the general laws regulat ing elections, as set forth in chapter ninety of the Revisal of one thous and nine hundred and five of : North Carolina, and the amendments there to, shall be applicable to said elec tion. At said election every person qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly shall have . the right to vote. At each election pre cinct there shall be a ballot box pro vided for the purpose of said elec tion, which shall be labeled in plain Roman letters, "For or Against the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicat ing Liquors." In all other respects said ballot box shall be in conformity with the general law regulating elec tions, as set forth in chapter ninety of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina and the amendments thereto. At said election every qualified voter shall have the right to vote a writ ten or printed ballot, or ballot part ly written and partly printed, bear ing the words "Foi: the Manufacture and Sale of - Intoxicating Liquors," or a written or printed ballot, or a ballot partly written and partly printed, bearing the words "Against the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxi cating Liquors." i The ballots shall be of white paper and shall be with out device. The Votes cast at said election shall be counted, compared, returned, canvassed, certified and reported under the same rules and regulations and in the same manner as the vote for State officers, as pro vided in the general laws -of the State above referred to, except that the Board of State Canvassers shall, appoint for each election precinct one , competent person generally i known to be in favor of the manu facture and . sale of intoxicat ing ! liquors in the State of North Caro lina and one competent person ren- erally known to be opposed to the manufacture and ate of intoxicating liquors in the State of North Caro lina. The several county boards of elections shall make publication of the names of the registrars and judges of election and serve notice upon them as required by the trto- era! election laws of the State. Toe compensation of all officers engaged in the said election shall be the same as is provided by law for simUar ser vice in case of general State elec tions. In order tot fully effectuate the purposes of this act, and to carry out the true intent and meaning of the same, it is hereby provided that the State Board of Elections, in mat ters affecting the entire State, and the several county boards of elec tions, in matters affectingv their re spective counties, shall respectively have full power and authority, and they are hereby directed, to make all such rules and regulations and to do and perform all such acts and things as shall be necessary to complete the details for the holding of said elec tion, and to conform the same as nearly as possible to the general laws of the State regulating State elections, as set forth in chapter ninety of the Revisal of one thou sand nine hundred and five of North Carolina and the amendments there to now or hereafter adopted; and if any officer shall willfully neglect or fail to perform any duty, act, mat ter or thing required or directed in the time, manner and form in which such duty, act, matter or thing is required to -be performed by the terms of this act, the person so of fending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 11. . This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. - In the General Assembly read three times, and ratified this the 31st day of January, 1908. WHAT rsonsmoa has oot GKUKSEORO. f OJT ttf XKY GRADY OH IM IXJUOt TtUTX. u Greensboro Chamber of Com meree,-recently published the ful Tonight it enfrrt an humhW h.rv Mr. Chas II. Ireland. Secretary of j to strike the rtwra from a ronns rM.K. f-v t - , i -- --- i . i. k this republic ill Um halls of Centre. Today it trikt a erurt from th tips of a aiart ing child and tomorrow levir-a tribute from the gtnrrtvrurtit itself. There la no ruttajr humble enouirh to rarape it. no paia t now urtrsut nun fuevtrv lowing letter: i as to uie en ecu or proruwiion on a.a. ft . meuiyoxureenaooru. il gives me great pleasure to state that the ef fect has been beneficial from every standpoint. I am sure that no ladt-Ienoush to abut itout. vidual or firm in this town could It dr fir the law when it cannot have felt the effects more keenly or cuerce sutTraf. quicker than myself if the dire cala- it is the mortal enemy of pear mities prophesied by the enemies of and order, the deapuOer of men aad prohibition had taken place in accord the terror of women, the cloud that witn tneir prophesy; namelj. that shadows the face of cmklrm. the the business would be rained, that demon that has dug more grave and grass would grow in the streeta. sent more soul umhrired to judg The fact of it is, business was never rnent thsn all the pcstilcncM that so good tn the city of Ureensboro in 1 have watcd life an God sent the the history of the twenty-seven years pisgues to ypt, and all the waJU I have been here as it has been since since Joshua stood beyond Jericho, prohibition went Into effect. It comes to bring gray-haired The panic of 1907. struck us as it mothers down in ahame and aorrow did every other portion of the coun- to their graves, try but notwithstanding that there It comes to change the wife's nas not oeen certainly exceeding one wve into ue? pair and her pride into or two concerns who have Tailed on hame. account of the panic, and those that did. it was not because of the busi ness conditions surrounding them at the present time, but due to causes outside of the present management of them. nri . mere are more people owning on It come to stiit the laughter the lips or ntUc children. It comes to attrte all the music of the home and fill it with silence and desolation. It comes to- ruin your body and mind, to wreck your home and it homes in Greensboro than ever be- knows it must measure it prosperity Mayor of Murphy Gives Alderman a Hot Number. Ashevllle Dispatch to Bitltlmor Sum. Members of the town council at Murphy, N. C, have sent a petition to Mayor A. S. Hill, asking . that he resign for the "general good of the town," charging him with being too lenient in enforcing -the town s ordinances "to impose the proper respect for the town and for the au thority of the mayor's court and its officers." Mayor Hill in his reply said: "I would like to know who in these United States vested you with au thority to demand my resignation? If I have not done the square thing go ahead with impeachment proceed ings. I was not appointed xby your board. . You have blown m sz.300 you have collected and got : nothing to show for it. I don't know what you have done with the police fines col lected. I don't find any record where you have turned them over to the county- treasurer, as required I have not refused to issue warrants and the offenders have been punish ed where the evidence was sufficient to convict. If the people get too hard on you poor aldermen I would suggest that you resign and not try to take your spite on me. x ou cer tainly are a nervy set." Aqua Pura. - . Jnli. IS. Gougb. M Water! Look at it, ye thirsty ones! See its purity', now it glitters, as fore. There have been more houses built and people come nearer paying for their goods as they get them throat any time in its history, and more people are to be trusted today than ever in the history of the town. This is from a business standpoint as 1 come in close contract with the building community, and I mention this because this was the great point that the enemies of prohibition made in the campaign. No man 2 would dare mention that in this community today because he would be consider ed a simpleton who would talk any such thing as that. Another thing was we wouldhave whole stteet of empty houses, the people would all move away from here, but such has not been the case. The town has steadily increased from that time until the present, and ever since the panic struck us people have contin ued to move in here, so that won't hold good. I How as to the morals. They said we could not enforce it. I will leave by the witness and certainly which it wrecks the world. with it to the enemies of prohibition in P","' or 'M u u u this town whether it has beenxen- Word:. has a 80301 P' ing! still, with smoking fires and choked with poisonous gases, does He prepare it; down, down in the deepest valleys, whertj the fountains murmur: and in the grassy dells. where the red deer wanders; or high on the mountain tops, where the storm clouds brood, and thunder storms crash: and far out on the wide sea, where the hurricane howls music, and miamy waves swell the chorus He brews this precious . be immediately after sit. has completed veraee of Jife. pure cold water. Ev- its canvass of the returns of the said ery where it is a thing of beauty, election from the abstracts trans- gleaming in the dew drop, spreading mitted to the Secretary of State, a golden veil over the setting , sun, certify to the Governor a statement or a white gauze around ! the mid of the result of such canvass, and nicrht moon: dancing in the. hail the Governor shall forthwith issue shower, ringing in the summer rain, his proclamation announcing and de- and weaving that seraph-zone of the clanng the result, and such procla- sky, whose warp is the fain-drop, mationbythe Governor shall have and woof of the sunbeam. i i r 1 1 rt . w i 1 1 1 i irr 1.1 ir- r.ii i . u i t - .... - m . m . k - jj i iru ct.. ta..'aI lO De Kiwi oi me uctauae 11 gives Elections and the severs countv iu uie ciuurce w wvc .u, w Wura HarriAf wh' rp hprpKv n. and to play and to iook up forced or not. One of the leading papers which opposed prohibition on the grounds that it did not believe it could be enforced now comes out in an editorial that it has been rigor ously enforced. j Again, they had an excuse that every bouse in town would be a bar room and that all the drinking you could imagine and five times as much drinking would be done under pro hibitory laws as under open bar rooms, but that has been exploded also. I suppose there are men in Greensboro who drink liquor today, and will be up until the time that Gabriel blows his trumpet. There is no accounting for men's foolish ness and for their wickedness. There will be men who will drink liquor if they have to barter the life and soul of their own children; in fact, their own souls, as long as this condition prevails. It is not to be wondered at that you can not break up this, but I unhesitatingly affirm that pro hibition is better enforced to-day than the laws against larceny, either petty or grand : better enforced than many of the social evils ; better en forced than the law against gamb ling, and as well enforced as it is it a mass of liquid gems! The Eter- against horse stealing. The fact of nal Father of all has brewed it for it is the crime of liquor drinking has His ! children. Not in the simmer- been relegated to the position where we have wanted it for years, a crime against man and - God just the same as any other crime that men commit, arid public" sentiment has relegated it so we have no fears of its getting its hold upon this community again. As a lover of my State, of my peo ple, and as a humanitarian I have no hesitancy, yea, I urge every com munity on the earth to agitate and work for prohibitory laws until this traffic is banished to the position of any other crime of which men may be guilty. . , ' Yours very truly, Chas. H. Ireland. DontWant to Be BotbcrrfJ With Re ligion. After the Bishop had read the ap pointments for the ensuing year at the clos of a Conference, one of the preachers aaked the brother he was to succeed, to give him such facts as would enable him to do the best work in ; his new charge. The an swer was: "I can tell it all in a word, you will get on all right at if you don't bother thow people too much with religion." That is it. Too many churches do not want to be bothered religion. When they are vacant, the preacher they want is one they think will not bother them in this way. And there are preachers who will not bother their churches with re ligion if they think such a course is not popular with it. Salvation in its taught in the ace in their preaching. Of course. For if Sal vation is emphasized, sin must be, for salvation is from sin. Sin ex pounded in its fullness is not agree able to their hearers. The wages of it lis death. Its ways are hard in this world and dreadful in the next. Therefore, there are substitutes and the saying of smooth things. By the law i is the knowledge of sin. therefore, the law is omitted from pulpit ministrators. The result of sucn ministry must prove to be a dreadful: decline in spiritual power. A jack of consecration and godly liv ing will at an early day be apparent. Paying Taxes With Boys. i ?ome people never can see any thing but the dollar argument in everything presented. Their first thought always is. Will it pay in dol lars and cents? We belive that , the prohibition of the liquor traffic would greatly ; reduce taxes by reducing court and pauper- expenses. But evfn if it could be proved that pro hibition; does increase your taxes, ar you not willing to pav something to protect .your boys? It increases your taxes to maintain a police de partment and a hre department to protect your homes, but you do not object to this increase of taxes. Why, then, should you object to a small increase of taxes. If necessary, to protect the boys who live in these homes? j If you vote for license in order to get the saloon's revenue to reduce your taxes, then you should be willing for your boy to patronize the saloon, for the saloons cannot run without boys any more than a saw mill can run without loss. If to get the saloon's revenue, you vote for license, will you contribute a boy to keep them running? Would you rather jpay vour taxes with vour money or with your boy? Which? Sncae frw?l rr.t u a rt cafl on wtucfe f.?4 ir f.kKtwtrg, "If vfcHkey iMrffem nth btttwaa. f up fxmt tMrrm From our Itmunt etjirn ahoukj aay that th JWw w MuffcJ So buMiww can twti r-nw? if whiakry crc r iRU t. 1'f fjrV w rnut eop4 tS ui UtKhrw, bv-t when hry hrd ckkrl reta a good rr-.p ny .art f farming you mM a wrU tty u run a martunr with Mm er. whrrU. U ha !tm wmri U u very strange that maf. farmer art aptarmtly so itliSTM i the eii of the aaiood andittn!artvce. They must ar how It afTccta hsmt help -unrrUaU at IwM hut dar?rerou when niied with what the rvmhop has toofTrr them. tf cvun. to, they can ave th gang f laf era ami rowdiea that la bml meTrry coubtry town by a saloon. Their wmn mar be inaultrU and their rhtldrm cor rupted by the- hanrr on. of course, loo. Ihry know that many a worllngman't family tnut s ith our lu&urtca - to aar nothing of com fort becauae a la nre har i f the man's earning go into the aalom. TboMC who k-U fruit, vegetables. egg, or milk at .retail in country towna well know how women arvl children crave thre , thinirs and would buy them if ther cmuLI ofily nav that aaloon mor-)! We hate had faith to Iwlieve that nrr or later farmers would rralue thrw things. That they are doWig et plains the wonderful spread of tem perance acntimeht ail over, the coun try. We ara told that already .Tl. (),( W Americana live in territory where the sale of liquor a a lev erage ia prohibited. 'ro)al.iy :&.- OUJ.tiJOof theae tople live in the country. By all nw-ana "f whukry Interferes with your buirtea, irive up your buainea" - lng enough to put whiakey out of buvrnea' thorized, empowered and directed to take all such actions as may be neces sary to fully provide for the election to be held in accordance with" this act. The several county boards of elections shall meetlin their respec tive counties, not later than the vided, that nothing m this act shall day o Aprn in the year ue conairueu to pievuut uciu; of any intoxicating liquor to ariy li censed and registered pharmacist in sufficient quantities for medical pur poses only. of our Lord one thousand nine hun dred and eight, and arrange for the holding of said election, by selecting a -v w si i v -t s-v as aavinf m . r- tnx Oiiu aiiiuugo V" . f.;nA A J judges of election for each election utl"';vuu,1 fjt yaj nrinr-t in their respective counties, of Christ; and to spend as much time to look up at the stars; to be satished with your pos sessions, and not content with your self until you have made; the best of them: to despise nothing in the world except falsehood and mean ness; and to fear nothing except cowardice; to be governed by your admirations rather than j by your diseusts: to covet v no thing that is vour neighbor's except his: kindness of heart and gentleness of manner; to think seldom of your i enemies, "One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin." When a.rooeter finds a big rat worm he calls all the hens In the farm yard to come and share it. A similar trait of ha man nature is to be observed when man discovers something exceptionally good he wants all his friends and neighbors to share the benefits of his discovery. Thia ia the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. Tnis explains why people who have been cured by Chamberlain's Oongh Remedy write letters to the man of a-tareri for publication, tb at other similarly ailing may also ate it and obtain relief. Be hind every one of these letters is a warm h enrted wish of the writer to be of nse to omeono else. This reined ia for sale by all Druggists. ; Sec. 5. Nothing m this act shall be construed as making it unlawful to sell to any minister of the gospel ur other officer of a church wine to be used for religious or sacramental punxwes. In making the appointments of J Many a man is sorry that he has Sec. 6. That nothing in this act' judges of election the county boards had his own way after his wife has shall be construed to prevent, me 0r elections shall, ii possible, eacn ieft him. precinct in their respective counties, the duties and powers or. whom snail be in all respects as provided in the general election laws of the State, as above referred to. as you can, with body and with spirit. in God 8- out-oi-doors these are little guide posts on the foot-path to peace. Henry van Dyke. If you want to take advantage of any or all of our clubbing offers at any time of the year, you can do so even if you have already - paid your subscription to The Times. No wonder love is blind when girl has more dollars than sense. the Corrupting The Press. N'r C. Christian Adorii. ! It seems now to be an open secret that the liquor power is making a desperate effort to carry the State against prohibition by buying up the small newspapers. We -are glad to believe that even this will prove a dismal failure; but when a small country paper begins to howl about the liberties of the people being tak en away from them it is pretty good evidence that the medicine is having its desired effect. We are glad to know, that- as a rule, the newspapers of the State are taking a manly position in favor of closing the saloons and this means much! for the success of our cause. The good people of the country ought not to neglect to stand by these papers that are bravely fight ing for the right. Moreover, we do not; see that they are under any ob ligation to stand by those who either oppose the cause or fail to help it forward. Let those who espouse the cause of liquor get their patronage from the liquor men. The Utht Sprradiet. Oiaf1l au4 i-ftlMr Taking Davidson county a a fair sample of the more doubtful countira we feel greatly encouraged at .the prohibition outlook. From different sections of thia county tlie good news comes that the trmtierance sentiment is widening and ' deepen ing every day. Aa the bill ia Iwttcr understood those who wen in the dark are coming over on the moral aide of the issue. Many jfl rr n are honestly mistaken about tlx pr vislonaof the bill. Liijuor advoratra had muddied the wiU ri and mi !.! those who trusted them. The, drug store yarn has U'eti exploded, al the discrimination againt the country iople is accepted and Ilevrd only by thoae who love li'juor and ft-ar that their supply will be curtail!. Th magnificent work being done by such leader as Gov. Glenn ar.d llm. . H Aycock ia telling mightily on the rublic mind. We are g'ad to lu-ar that Judge I'ritchard has accepted an invitation to come to this section and we lok for great results frm the unana werable argument be makes in favor of prohibition rfanie I very Churtb. Heriot Clarkson. Km.. prenidrnt of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League; Mr. John A. Oates. chair man of the executive committee, ainl Kev. K. L. Davis, State organizer, have issued the following letters to the various churches of the State: "We are now in night f the gal we have long looked for. Our frayersfor the abolition ,f the iquor traffic throughout North Car lina arealJout to be answered. It is with the church, by faith and works, to bring the answer on May 26. The battle is a great one, but the Lord is in the forefront and vic tory is assured. "We desire that every church in the State be thoroughly organized for this conflict. We feel that it is a battle for God and right and ex pect every church to do hoc part. "We must also largely depend n the church to raise funds for th support of the campaign and there fore ask you to present this matter to your people at an early date and give them the opportunity to con tribute.' - Crackings, a joke does not neces sarily impair its value. Of Interest To Women. To sock wosjen a sre not erlouTjr tn .Tv J V... . I. . v. rtw.m 1tiLa either In Ua war tit ha- la ocll duties sd4 Iudo orlnf noihrt. Dr. rtoca s FsvorlU PrcVription haa proi a bm valusbla suMrlln 1011,6 n4 'nyt,rl tBC twMrvlna. Br it t'm-y Minetiuiii vJtrfori tuLd areor as weiftfk aurr-"ni arxi lha i r-"-t . fry r, r-.f.iT Ti " "- I he jt avorit iitjr i irknta tn Hot Surlnv llmlUMl to return with in iilnrty (W)) dava. uo stopuvera allowed To tiirr poiuu, MckU limited to return within n i e month, permit of atop-overa. aud mr auU viadlverM route. . We or rate double dally veatlbula aervlee.wltti throiiKb Pullman Hlrieplnr Cars to Jacksonville. m. AuKUNtiite, atlanta. BlrminRbain. Mempbla, I-.rHuMjuth-Nortolto Blebmond. waaulDgtoo. H-Lllimura, Fblladelpbta and New York. Kor Time Talilea. BookleU. HMerraiions, or iijr Information, aadreaa or call n JAMK8 KK.Jr.,n P. A.. Cbarlotta. I . A. ti ATTI 8. Trav. ftfm. Aatu, No 4 Tucker Building, Raleigh. N. C Telepliona No UT. Foraale 40 acre near BrafTord'a mill 6 '4 m 11m from Concord. Fine orchard of Kio treaa. Two-atofr dwellrng, new Uood sutballdlnga. Frlos 91060 I ao. K. Pattarsoo Co, - Wedding Invitations ! . Printed or Engraved in the Very Latest Style. We wish to say that we can furnish the most beautiful Weddin either printed or engrave( produced. Call and aw line of uubdIm. Prices: Engraved. $9.00 for first CO printed. $2.50 for first 50. . The Times Printing Office, Invitations, that can be our complete Concord. (L C M lb II : . - - II Pains at theVaist. backfront, or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble. Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless nesA, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced and the womanly functions regulated by the use of of Csurdra Mr: Annie Hamilton of Stetsonville; Wis.; writes: "Cardul saved me from the erave after three (3) doctors had failed to help me. It is af good medicine ana l recommena it to an suiieimg wumcu. rui auc ai au uiuww, awM Wrlf fcxUy for frt cotrr of nlnlile 64 ea gtotrated Book far Wnmm, If l Iob. SMcriba war tympiom. nrntm tgm. and repr WlH be aant la viaia aaafcat ' Udtaa Aavtsory Dwt, The Ckaltoaeaaa MadVtea Ca, Cbatta a. Tmm. - WRITE US A LETTER Mrs. Neighborhood Favorite. E. D. Char lea. of Harbor. lUiss. apHtkioirof Elrttric Bitters, say: lt u s tofighborhood favorite hra with oj.' jit doterTti io ha a favorite evt-ry-wbter. It givM quick rtluf tn dyspep- siaj fiver complaint, kidney deranga meut, malnatituon. nerToasneas, weak ness and general debility. Its action on the; blood.- aa a thoroogbons purifier makes it especially naoral aa a spring medicine. This grands, alterative tonic is sold under guaranty at all draa; atora. 5004 i. ". -' , j For Whooping Cougb. Give Chamberlain's Ocagh Bamady. It wiU keeq the eoagh ntm, ezpeetora tion easy and reoder the fits of ooughing l-m t reqnent and leas sever. It is safe and aura. For sale by aU dnurruita. tn to r-T il.Tn- Laa Droven a treat boon to ei perunt mother by preprint; the ju-m tor th coming of batr. thereby rwl-rihf child birth saf. eaay, and htot tlnl-a. Bar In lad vUaia that In. PrVs FavoriU Pra-crlftloB U not a a-fl or patent madieln, aga!ul LUh U irot hUellIgot poop! ara naturaHf avarae, bacao of thn otMrtalntr at to thatr eompoatUon and harmtacharicW, bat is a sii'Kixi or io toart tjo, a faU Uatof all lt incrwitefau Uirj printed, in plain Lriih. on evry w u wrapper. An namlnali'tn of thia l!t of lofTdlnU will (J.mtW-iw U. fart that it ia non-alcohol lc In lt emv-ttntn ctf'n.r ally pure. trtt!e-r!Uii rljrwrne 'r-9 th plac of t!je cniBi'i!jf au-U-.l. la iu Bak-ut. in !'' conrti'U it Biav not be oat of la4 to UUi that U. kavortt Pr-rfniu-oi In. I'w-rre ia tb only nWlciri put P f"r " enT ,f woman a peculiar w-&ko-a- aid ail ments, snd W thrwrU droiu, a.l Um lurrdrit of ahi h have the me animous endorwnnt of ail th M-U.a;. saedlcal wrltera fl Uarhr of a.l the everal scboola of prat ure. and that aa rmdir ior the e.lftx-nu tor h favoiiva I"reet-riptkti- U rrouim-iui. A 1UU boba Of Ui Mil'Jrw ui-m.- -... ba sen to anr ao.m. pji ahaolately frt If yva f")""1 nuul r.r or lelU. of IT. li- lil?ier.Vl!-a.nt ItW. core eoo ttlpaUoi: 0liiatn is th eu of maar dn- Cure tb eau aod yoa mm th tfisess. ty wUkctoJy. ixi ume vr li. V. 1'icrre, if ii : 1 - t I 4 i, . ! i