f . f ; GONGpRD TIMES John B.8hrmi, Editor and PubllHv PUDLIOHCD TWIOC A WCKK. V A VMM, DS I- A1 VOLUME XXXIV. CONCORD. N. On FRIDAY. MAY 22. 1908. Number 93 We are prepared to extend our customers ev ery accommodation and courtesy their busi ness will warrant. It you have no account with us, we invite you to open one. j yi OUR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT pay four per cent. Interest and are payable In full on uuv demand' without notice. r "hauw.. THE WOMEN HAVE A RIGHT INTERESTED. SmUbnrla IlersJd. ! - This election is one in which there is no element of politics ; this i evi denced by the fact that the wiaest leaders and best men of both politi cal parties hare ran up a flag of truce on the field and joined hands to liberate the wives, daughters. mothers and sisters from the galling bonds that shackle the home on ac count of the. liquor traffic and to banish the temptation from the vouth of the land upon whom will be made greater demands tnan upon any former generation. 1 ne good women ox the land are praying to God for deliverance of . ? i a . J i . Af weir lovea ones. Ana wny may iney not work as well as pray! I he re sults will affect them more than any living soul defend and protect H. L. PARKS, Vic President. JOHN FOX, Assistant Cashier. TQ BE v" AN HONEST SAIOON-KEEPEIL Tombstone. Ariz., claims to have the frankest saloon-keeper in , the United States. HekteM the Temnle Bar saloon and advertises his business in the fol lowing manner : "Friends and Neighbors I am grateful for the past favors and, hav ing aurmlied mv store with a fine lot of choice liquors, allow me to inforni yoa that I shall continue to mace drunkards, paupers, and beggars for the respectable part of the commun ity to support. - My liquors win ex cite riot, robbery and bloodshed. They will diminish your com forts, increase your expenses, and shorten life. 1 shall confidently rec ommend them as sure to -multiply fatal accidents and incurable dis eases.! i "They will deprive some of life. others of reason, many of characters and all of peace. They will make the urtr church miser. Cbartiy a4 audi. ; We are perfectly willing to accord to every man the right we demand for ourselves: to vote on every public question as conscience dictates. To take any other view u intolerant and undemocratic and, we believe.! un- scriptural. But at the same time we must say that a wet church The right to their young is accorded to the beasts 2 5T i of the field, the wild animals of the TTJS: ,.AJ J a.- kiaJa m 1L. J I UlCU UlVUIUUi WIU CMS fWa wvAAi, uu w vuc uuo , ..j m 'accommodate the then where is the man that can be I .i. V , . fcuua .wuiuw h.rj . m S XcX Vjr tlpublic'-it may be at the loss of my eood mothers of this land? The wives, mothers and daughters never-dying soul. But I have a fam ily to support, the business pays, will work and pray for the welfare MSfJKE& eS .n,i th. of husbands, sowf and brothers, as LA jJf PSnifu did the good women of the sixties: H?,,f J d? 8en " I BUIIICLHXJV CISC Wilt. A UH)W IUC Coffee ! ! When you wevnt to buy Good Coffee chcfiwp, doa't fail io come and see ja j Coffee 10 pounds Good Coffee for.- ........... v .... $1 00 Fancy Roasted Coffee, per pound . 12y2c Our Leader Coffee 14c Our Special :. t .15c A 5-lb can thct sella for $1.00 everywhee; . .'. . '.88c The D. J. Bost Co. THE CASH GROCERS. 0M blVU m they worked, loved, toiled, sacrificed and cheered for Home and Fireside then, and the very love that inspired them then inspires them now, and the same God that gave them strength to endure hardships and de privations then is with them now And the men now hying who wore the Gray" for whom they prayed and suffered will not desert them now : they f ought then with bullets. now they will fight with ballots ; and the women cannot be silent and they are neht They have never desired to appear in public and would not now if it Bomebody Bible says: Thou shalt not kill 'No drunkard shall enter the king dom of heaven,' and I do not expect the drunkard maker to fare any bet ter; but I want an easy living and have resolved to gather the -wages of iniquity and fatten on the rum o: my species. ; I shall, therefore, carry on my business with energy and do my best to dimmish the wealth of the Nation and endanger the safety of the State. "Should you doubt my ability, I refer you to the pawnshops, the poor A DEMOCRATIC RXCRtll. HAVE tOU A Charted. Km so ? ira IrUAK Of IKK. The Democratic I imrtv rain a ' valued recruit In Mr, W. T. Moryan. i if you hare a n. then W to rt of Marion, who has a card in the . move the tcrriUV pitfall f l but issue of the MclVmrU iW-tnocratf drink demon fruro jrwur reading as follow: U. it and frra tbr pathway of your "Witor McDowell Democrat: i neighbor's "I desire to publish, thrvufh your - jtl prohibition win wilh your paper, the I act urn i nave sevrrvo ; vote, and name day your xi at rvi- member who claims that he it guided j my connection with the IlrpubUcan lege. toasting of the fair by his conscience is a prowera we party. Many reaauns. quite aaturac- of 1 il I : a, a. I L,..SeV mo not aat tn rrntr anrl nouses, me police coun, iue uuapit Zrtrnn VrTiVum ?L d the penitentiary and the gal a0 . rX.a if rtm I lows, where you will hnd many menta cease. Remember when the .TVTriCilZ 'rX women were shouting the praises of rtI1u!;8i k0Tt ' "I am an honest saloon-keeper" vnis same tounau oujecuouu oaiuru , . vnn ara - WA . f. h.,alUkaa the Saviour to make them hush, tie i,!: " M. ftf u T k ...in. "it tham vote for liquor on May 26th. If you .?uun.u vt" uj . """" nt it of nnnon vnta fnr nrnhiMHrtn alone, for if they were to keep silent " - the very stones would cry out." r . ... u npalc lntA PoAnU So, instead i of hindering them, 1 VOH s ... . help them, they are working for News and observer. . home and loved ones as in the six- No sensible man is trvmg to legis ties and when we have laid down the I late morals into people. It cannot burdens and crossed over the river be done. The proposition to shut they will come! in grateful remem- up saloons and still is knot an at be ranee once a year on the 10th day tempt to legislate morals into peo- of May, as in their custom, and be- pie but to remove nuisances that in dpw our last restlncr maces witn lure health and nome. tfRrs of trratitude and strew flowers A Dromment temnerance man or uDon our graves. Wilmington, some days ago, meet- God speed you mothers, wives, , mg an alderman who is against pro- vaiuJVb pn w in a v mia wwa , thing about him: he is never a man who has shown any marked devotion to his church or its work. You take your own observation to prove this proposition. Are the "wet Chris tians of your acquaintance men who devote much time to working at the business? Are they not in every in stance men who go to church when they feel like it, and who think we would better look after the heathen at home before sending our money, to helD those across the sea? Did you ever know a "wet" Christian to pay $25 to his pastor s salary. W e never did. But on the other hand the leaders of the prohibition forces in our churches are also the leaders of our prayer-meetings, the foremost figures in our Sunday-schools and missionary societies and the pillars in all the work of our churches, u a "wet" man can really vote for liauor and keep his conscience, why is he invariably a laggard and a dead weight in the work of the church? To be perfectly frank, we do not believe a member of the church who has the love of the Lord and his follow-men in his heart can espouse the liquor side of this great question that confronts us. And for this reason we have much more respect for a "wet" man who makes noj pretensions to religion than we have for one who does. No man can serve God and liquor at the same time. They are exactly opposed to each other and for this reason a liquor meeting is never held on Sunday nor opened with prayer. But if you 'wet" Christians are honest and sincere, why in thename of j all rea son, do you not carry your; religion along with you when you attend your anti-prohibition meetings? It is true the Bible tells us that we must not judge our brethren, but in another nlace that a 1 tree is known by its fruits, and it any reader oi this paper can point us to a "wet" church member who is aflame with the missionary spirit liberal in his gifts to the ' Lord's .caused devoted and loyal to his church and deeply concerned for the salvation of his neighbors, we will give up the ques tion and acknowledge that we are defeated. daughters and sweethearts in the work. He will be with svou and Dy His grace so will we. ' God bless you ! (iod Diess you ! E. J. Holt, An Old Veteran. Freakishness dividuality. doesn't indicate in- A man who work others. will not work will hibition. said to him : - "Why do you aldermen Keep pass ing laws requiring cess-pools to be filled ud and garbage heaps to be re moved? Don't you know that you can't legislate health into people.'" He laughed and acknowledged the force of the argument. The use of money is all the advan tage there is m having it. Benja min Franklin. tory and overwhelming, fcy th time, to my mind, fur a long time acting upon my judgment and con viction, have led me to thu dectwon. which is by no means a natty one. VI have no unknu word to utter against the party with which I have for a long time atmtated; for I real ize that the roasHca who compose the voting strength of the party, espe cially in western North Carolina, are as honest and patriotic as any people living. The pity is that too many of their leaders regard and use the party as a chattel of theirs for the furthering of their own personal ends without regard for the real upbuilding and future welfare of the party. Hereafter 1 nrefer to cast my lot With the conservative element of the Democratic party. ! i W. T. MORGAN. : "Marion, May 11. 1903." ; Mr: Morgan is a prominent lawyer of the western part of the state. He gives a good reason for the change he is making. Many of the Republi can leaders do "retard and use the party as a chattel of theirs for the furtherance of their own personal ends." Until it is rid of this kind of leaders, with eyes for nothinjr eXceDt the loaves and fishes it will continue to dnv Its best men into our ranks. We are glad to welcome Mr. Morsran in the Democratic party. and promise him that no matter how often he has voted for Blane, we will not hold it against him. Not Tryinj to Settle It: ird ut North Cafjckhna a a W4er In trm peranc reform, mat make )ou proud that you wrre otw of thow who atood acainat the drink ettl in thi criwaji tt whuiley win with your vote, and some May your own on. reeling home with h hrvt drunk and Mart ins on a lOrniT rarrcr of diaitation. may mak you cure the day f our error and,, the men ho led you wrong.- 11 From thip far, far pat and bring ing down through the kng ages that ni CAM 1 A UtVUlL intervene,'; there com U u tbr Da- his Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored oitixen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dys entery. He told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being oared, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept it in stock and lost no time In obtaining It, and was promptly cored," says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Woloott, Vt. For sale by all druggists Christian Hun. The saloon men have had their wav through the long years. They have not settled the liquor problem. They have not fed the mouth of the huncrrv. nor clothed the back of the naked and needy. On the other hand they have done more to nil our asylums with insane, crowd our prisons with convicts, overtax our orphanage with inmates, and rob our homes of happiness and prosperity, than anv and all other classes and oeoDles and institutions combined No. the saloons have not settled the liouor Droblem. lhey never win It is not their purpose, wiii.oraesire to settle it. Their wish is ever to deal out more damnation to our boys our brothers, our fathers. They are not trying' to Bettle the liquor problem. X 1 Men are seldom more innocently emnloved than when they are hon estly making money. Samuel John son. i Mnnpv ia a handmaid if VOU know how to use it a mistress if .vou do not know how. Horace. j You can't Ksir rrwral uKUkry om wiU adm.it that. 't ? If a man xt Vt rn '.h" Kwr tK ataeufacturr anJ SaW of i!trat. injr t-kvirtr, trfrtrc K u make drunlard th f f r and mrararg aM jwft?'t KrJp it. You mil! admit that, rvn't Well then If Tou vote U rr-alv dnir.kar!s Mwhww muil furt!ih ti U l thew drunkard. AM the rrt Are jou wliii f r thst hpc t- t rour? & If you are. tN n y,u ran .. trnUy vote aita:nt .nhiUt.i. if not. we dv tnt mrc haw ) ou fan. Certain U u that K-n Kir. Al cohol fir nr -tim w.mUl be a fairr thing ad rm rr natural thing for him to turn to romr whrr votra wrre cat t rh-m him to the tat. and mt of hi victims this rwt greratw will come from urh h m. A vote to makr drurkards- anl . then not to t at to i4 a tn iun or amcnlmrnl Battr.? . "rrtvlcil. howevrr. that thi curse hkU rnt fall on my own tn"" ln t it a arriou r-t-i4ulit: Up thtnk It Is. and want )u l think abvut it ruulv. Seaator Surhm' Draul. Senator Simmon mh! in a rnver. aation todsy that hr hal wrwral k-t- trrs from irirnd in tlx Stato a I- vising him of a rumor allritmg an agrvemrnt or undcrtanilinf - twrrn himwlf, c IirrTwr Aycock and Mr. Craig, to th rtfrri that was to renign his acat in Uw Snatf just before the rwxt rix-ral rlortl.n and be a candidat, for tiorrrwrf w hile Covrnir Avnu k w ai to p .iim Would Goil I had died for thee, I to the Senate. To all of Hmw U-t- O Absalom, my son. my son!" Iters he said lie had rrt.liod stating that there wa no foundation ir. lr Wanted -A WrteflOef. from the Senate. whrtUr at the rn-l Thether day I pkked up a news- of hit prewrnt trrm or at some f u- and. glancing over the adver-1 lure xrrm. nc snoui i rrnrv u pri- ti4mrntji for holn. rtad as follows : I vate life. "Wanted-A bartender. Must be ine enaior sau nc na-i ' m a 111 JlfcS Mierru tnis aiMurwi ninmr bitter andiheart-rvnding cry of vid mourning over the death of own wild ind rrrkles ton. But David had not contributed to hts son's downfall; he had not helped the tempter drag him down; he felt no self-reproach for the. ruin that had come io him. But at the last (and as the final word that! we shall write upon this question) think what in your case will be yoiir feelings if you vote on Mav 20lh t'For th Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors" and your own son is one of those whom the Demon of Drunkenness) marks out for hi prey. Bitter as was the feeling of David over the death of a son he had tried to' save, bow bit terer far to the soul of any father w ho had voted his son to ruin must be the day when retribution comes. ond how with a heartache that will ast an long as life, must be exclaim with Israel s sorrowing king: () my son Absalom, my son, my total abstainer. Apply, etc. Is riot that a curious advertise- . t .... . ,i . i t m mentT vnai snouui we inina oi such an advertisement in another line of businew.? How would an ad verti.sement like this look? Wanted A barber who has never had his hair cut. Apply at the barber-shop on the! corner." Or this? "WAnted-A salesman in a shoe Rtore.i He must go barefoot while on dutv. ADDly at Bank s bhoe Store.! What other business finds it neces sary r desirable to advertise for help pledged to make no use of the onodskold. Can it be that tle li no t rirt of su!h- cient importance to. call for a denial. but that in view of the fart that a reputable newspar had. a he w s advised, this week publilnl the ru mor, he thought it wa . prwlwbly proper that he should say that there was not a scintilla of foundation fr it. and that'it was an Invention pure and wmple. Good for I. vcr body. Mr. Normao K. CVml!r. a prnmlunl arohltft. In lh D-HTl l'olltliiff. Kaa Kraacl, Tj "t fatly wwlm all that has Utt ht of r.W trie lutirr as a tooir iulMii. Il I good l r rj- xAj. It corrn-t ukus h. livrr and kidney disorder In a jniiit aud rm I nunr t'rafl'ie find it has wrought so great demoralization among its fol- Uot maunw and build op tu ym " lowersthat it is forced to draw up- IKisctno IMwn is th iln tntl on Temnerance or Total Abstinence fanatics' in order to continue its business. clns etor sold orrr a draKirti' coaul ; as a blood iurlfl-r It I ui"iualt .Vjo at all drug stortw. r The Concord National Bank ! Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $29,000 j Your Business Solicited. Every Accommodation Exten ded Consistent with Sound Banking. D B. COLTRANE, President. L. D. COLTRANE, Cashier. JNO. P. ALLISON, Vice Pres. WwsraaaaMsta SOUTHERN RAILWAY 5 Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. . . . . n tj.i.4. VaIi rfifh."Rflst and West. ! rougl i Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts. : T artj? A1Aia h. rtrimnnfl t ions. si innmiTiv riiaLH-ioM faww" Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dinmg, Club For Soccd. Comfort and Courteons Employees, travel via IDC OUUIUSIU ioii n . ki.hui h uMrftsstiut the undersigned. lutes.Soheduies, anaotnerm.M T-lo. op J ..ii-irv P.s Traffic Maast sr. - 4 W. H. Tsyiot, O. r. 1 Washington, D. C. , ' R. L. Vsrnon, T. P. V, CkarlotU, W. C. For Saturday ONLY ! One lot of FOR 59. cents per pair ttt-o r crnintr through Gverv demrtment chopping Bargains, bring your baskets along with you and fill them With some of our chips. Our chips that we are chopping make thin purses smile, i CASH PAID for all kind of Country Produce Our Stock of Groceries Js complete and Pricsa m Us Vm ! I I . ' SEABOARD Air Lino Railway. Winter Tourist and all year round Special Rates. WtuUr Tourist Kates from Chsxlotte to- Ctkiiideu.H C ...... U avails. Cubs Jiwksouvtlle. Kl. St AuKimtiae, FU lKhips. Y I lm Hfiu ti. Fls.. ......... S 4.40 . 62.00 . S4.00 M.BO SS.60 IJMOWJ, n.l. pTiulttlns top-over, and bas IbsJ retara- limit All year round Tourist Rates from Charlotte, to- Hot )rliiK. Ark Hull jie t uy. II tail. Mexloi City, Mei .... San Kriuc-lsio. Cal... l.o aiiKolei. ( 40.g5 OS SO 1S1.40 JS1.40 n-, ..... ti ... .i,m iimttiut tn raturs with- iU.nmt,(0) day . jm Mum'lUda oilier uoiuu, i... , i . biua niouUi. permit oi sWp-wrer. aod are sold via diverse route. We operate double dally ?etibule serrlee.with bt. Aukustiue. Atlanta, iflnulnsftam. Mempbl, r-ortsmoutb-Norfola. Klehraood. Waslilogton, .. .... IM.II..I.I..M. anil lUAMf VftPk. t or Tim Tables, BoohleW. Reservation, or JAMES KKR. Jr.. 'A f. A., charlotte. ax .ITU T Da m a a m Telepuoue no 111. Cor sale-40 .ac nearj B'i mile iroai iutu.u. - ,7," of 636 tree... Two-story, dwatltag. .w USE ONLY PURE MOLASSES We have just received a shipment of; the j Pure Porto Rico which we guarantee to be rrA heat Send us your jug to be filled and be convinced. j Dove-Bost Company, 'Phone 21. Pure Food Store Wedding Invitations! ' a t Printed or Engraved in me Verv Latest Style. 1 - i .... We wish to say that we can furnish tbe most beautiful Wedding invitations, CO Dress Goods and Notion Department. Good Calico--- -1 -4c 1,000 yards Apron Ginghams- 3c Manchester Chambrays, all colors, 36 inches wide" f --7o Yard wide Percale, the best quality, at -i 1 - 8c White India Linen j- --9c 25c Brown Linen. 36 inches wide, at -1 - i-- --12c 15c Figured and Plain Lawn 8c 60-inch Bleached Table Damask, sat in finish 19c rir int. nf T?.ftmnants in Woolen and -Cotton j Goods, will be sold j at halt their regular value. Fair OF M1I5' 1 P LADIES' 5MIE SHOES ! iust received. The entire lot will be sold at halt price. ALL SIZES ALL SHAPES ALL STYLES ... AT HALF PRICE .... Clothing Department. Men's good Suits, worth $5 and 10, for.- 98 Men's $ 8 Suits for. .4.88 Men's all wool $10 and U2 Suits3 Men's $15 Suits- 8.4 Boys' Knee Pants Suits 69c ?2 Boys' Double Breasted Suits 98c Boy's Knee Pants - -- 19c 75c Boys' Knee Pants .1 39c Men's good Working Pants 89c 12.50 Men's. Dress Pants 1-29 Mon'c trrSnrl Ovfiralls 39C most Dcaumui icuuu.K - either printed of engraTed, that can be prouaccu. v. . line ox samples. , r , Pricei: EnRraved, 9.ou lor nrBt ptinieav a.ou iur uw yv. i The Times Printing umcoj H 1) AH- ViA-TJ.'L'T M CONCOiRD, 3iT. O- , This store will be open until 9 o'clock every night during the sale. '' SB 5 ! i I 4;. t . i I . t : ! t - ! i t I I- 5 i j ' it iiood autbulldlnsa. rnca w Concord.lN. C )ao. K. Fattaraon Co. s f f J r

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