I I ; HFHE : CONCORD TIMES. . J ' h Shbhh,, Editor ndPbii.h.r ; : FUDUOMCD TWlQgjA WCCHC. . . : j ; TjT7'- . mmlmt Vp.ume XXXIV. . . . CONCORD, N. On TUESDAY. JULY 14. 1908. - - j . ' !' iTTnfnPrT'''T 7 .- J - "" " ! . " ' ' . . .', , - . . 1 t 1 , i 3 6, 0 r v.. r- -s. 4 The Citizens Bank and Trust Company ! CO n) noting a legitimate commercial banking hiimet in the city of Concord, North Carolina, knows that it can meet the re uirenient3 of a most discriminating public. Ih strong Board of Directors gives to it standing' second to np bank in the country,, and its j courteous ant! obliging officers makes business! transacted with i a pleasure. A. JONES YORKE, President. M L. MARSH, I Vice President. (Wo. L. Pat'eraoo C. O. Gillon Haul P. Stalling N. r. urke M. L. Marsh W. W. Morrison V. D. Pembertod CHAS. B. WAGONER, j ' . Caahier. 10HN FOX. I . Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. Chas. McDonald V. A. Bost B. j. Umberger ' A N.James A. Jones Yorke Cbas. B. Wagoner I. L. Crowrll.Att'y. BRYAHIS 11AHED Oil FIRST BALLOT Third Time Nominated For President ; auditorium treat banks of snow sari well filled lotg before the first a cool greeting to tht visitors. From delegates iU alternates btgaa to b realm's actaal aoalaatioa was HE GETS OVER 8C3 VOTES the mountain heights the gnov aad been brought down to this mile-night level on a special train, and baulel through the city In carts of various descrlptlona. The day was by no means warm, however, and' the only fftct of tbe mow was the novelty of an icy street scene la July. The doors of the ball were unbarred at 11:10 o'clock, nearly one bour be fora tba gavel of tha national chair man, Tom Taggart. was scheduled to fall, a signal for tba beginning of tbe Initial session. ataie. tbe wtU assemblage rose am' a maka their appearanea. Tba cowboy sand, ttnfaUgua4 by Its strenuous ax- j aawspapar. aau aa4 coats, aaytblng 1 1 nAf t. aaaakwrcwata. Kara twr saai aUe sen as Rnnning Mate. Danver. Colo., July 8.-Wednesday It was difficult to say which of the four jQbn W. Kern, of Indiana. Cto- pricipai divisions of tb-ork before ... ' 1V. A. . I A l 1 4 I which bald Its first session here Tues day held first place tn tba Interest of tba delekates when thev fathered for GREAT ENTHUSIASM SHOWN tba second daya session. 14 tbe for grouna, ; nowever, inextricably en tancled with aU t'na other matters and Amldat Wild and Exciting Scanes tha ln a important , way j involflng ' Democratlo National Convention I tbelr outcome, was tba work of the Ohooaes Its Standard Beanare-yn, caittee on credentials, which sat - all night to hear the arguments for opals of the Platform Adopted , Eto. and againBt those who f ron several Coffee I Coffee I . r When you want to buy Good Coffee cHetxpt ctot-k't fek.il to Convention Hall, Denver, July 8 The democratic national convention began Its sessions at noon Tuesday amid scenes of stirring animation. The vast amphitheater of the audi torium was packed with 12,000 people, an ever-moving, intense and expec tant throng, moved by patriotic airs and stirred into tumultuous demon- stratio- .. "a silken portrait of Bryan was bv w.-hln the hall. It was Just 12:20 when Chairman Taggart, of the national committee, called tat convention to order. Bishop J. J. Keane, of Cheyenne, Wyo., pronounc ed the opening InvocaUon, an Impres sive plea for Divine grace on the con vention's deliberations. - Cheers for Bryan. The convention promptly effected the preliminary deliberations , electing Theodore A. Bell tt California, as temporary chaJritfln. Tbe keynote speech of the temporary presiding of- by involving James M ! f - i! ' . . . :J j come and see us. v J j J- . ! !: ,' ' j'-i.; - i pounds Good Coffee for- . . . . , ' ' . . . ,$1 00 lj'anry Roasted Coffee, per pound. . . . ..... . 12YaC. uur Leader Coffee. ..... . '.!.. '.. '. . .... .......... ..14c ! Hir Special , ........... . ...... 15c A ."-lb can that sells for $1.00 every whee. .88c The D. J. Bost Co. THE CASH GROCERS. states bad come to contest tbe validi ty of the certlflcaUon under which groups of delegates held their places on the temporary roll prepared tbe national committee. The Gufltey Caae. The Pennsylvania ' cases tbe membership of Colonel GuCey, of Pittsburg, in the national committee, afforded a sensational epi sode ln the opening session of the convention when the case was refer, red by Temporary Chairman Bell by sheer power of the gavel, to the cre dentiala committee, In spite! of vocif erous demands ot Colonel Guffey and his associates for a vote on tbe sub Ject then and there. The denial of a roll call by the chairman was the subject of much discussion among tbe delegates after the adjournment of the convention, and It was made; plain that when the matter comes before the conventkm on tbe report of the credentials , coismjtea, the outcome will be anything but a foregone con elusion. Meanwhile, the committee on reso lutions, and later the subcommittee to which the platform was finally refer red, beld a protracted meeting ..The full committee remained ' ln session until after 1 a.' m.T and beard argU ments in favor ; of many pranks; teen it adjourned until 5 p m.y leaving the sub-committee to wrestle with the problem in detail. tarnoon work, entertained tbe aaaenv bling dalegitee and spectators with a long program of popular eelectloaa. i Under tbe glow ot thousands of lectrio bulbs the convention ball snowed to beat advantage. : Tbe convention officials after a short conference, decided that no work snould be undertake by the conveo Hon except to consider the report ot tnej credentials commtttee. Rebate on the majority and minority reports, it was agreed, should be limited to thirty minutes on each aide. Tbe report of tbe committee on permanent Airynisatloa and tUe speech ot Mr. Clayton went over. :? : The always diligent band in tbe gal. lery was ln evidence early ln the ve- clng, and worked away for the pleas ure of tbe galleries, which were al most filled before 8 o'clock. Appar ently It was tbe opinion of most of tbe; visitors that ) the night session was to reveal a reproduction ot the spectacular scenes enacted during the day. Delegates were, however, of anotber mind, arid bavlng wearied themselves by their enthusiasm earl ier in the day, did not pour into the ball with tbe same alacrity as was shown by the public, i; Took Guffey'e Scalp. Shortly before midnight Wednesday tbe democratic ; convention delivered tbe scalp of Colonel James M. Guf fey, of Pennsylvania, to Mr. Bryan and then adjourned. The convention sustained the majority report of the Credentials committee,! which was against Guffey, by a vote of 615 to 887. m: - I .: - I' I ' The fight over Guffey began shortly after the convention convened for tbe night session. 1 Before taking up the Guffey matter tbe convention beard speeches on va rious subpects from Richmond P. Hob son, and others. ' j j Platform Committee. ' The 1 platform was still unfinished and everytalag which baa Is eoU lay apoa to wave aloft or sari lain Ok air, while a bedlam of suvad per4 oot from these tea thoussad tbroats i Kerai t jFjlrwt HaMe OFeoe. Oa tie rtaU lr etafea, lailaaa at4 tbef aasae et Kre; Oralx tarottgb rrstef Oorar Ttessas, sCaeed la freeested aolrUva ca.ar, a. 5Crw Torli ; Ccttrt AraUbaU McNeta. as 4 tteorsta Clark Ito For a la- It kk4 a ta&b a balM woud b rlr4. Bat steady Ui of Ut watcb Jut4 la ecQw4UeV Krps txba;K sooa W1LXJAIC J. BSTAM. In exultant yells, cat calls. Comanche warwboops. with the added din of shrieking boras, the roar of mega phones and the strains ot the band! plajing aa exultant anthem. 1 Nomination Unanimous. . When for a moment order could be 1 secured out of this tempestuous enkogj of demonstration, state after, state which had at first recorded its vote for Johnson or Gray, fell Into tine with the overmastering column, and the nomination was made unanimous and by acclamation. - The taking of tbe vote bad been followed with breathless Interest! as state after state swelled tbe Bryan strength.-When New York was reach ed In tbe call of states, the annownce- wfcea the weary sub-committee having meat of Cbief Murphy, "seventy-eight it ln charge, went to1 bed close to mid- vot for Bryan," brought out a wild night; I expecting to resume wlrk on I outburst of enthusiastic approval. It at; 8:30 Thursday morning. Con- which for a time; compelled tbe su sideration of the various planks was! pension of tbe roll calL sub-divided and sub -committees work ed, all! day on tbe several ! subjects , with tbe result that at mldnigat.' "while ithe text of the platform to be .moommeiided to the committee on rea- A Lona Session. The convention ; adjourned at 6.t0 o clock fTiday morning until 1 p. m aterta le erva 9m te t'tW e4 Ta e i . We fi t5aii: ttk t Ue lartff f tke J rn ta wta trii;rej t ' aa?4 v a-4 pa tt re RV aad a,.riL t.irk fi-: v &ade la tke tarlf tie aoar tee el Ufa. e4ar ax artUa Si W4iUag w!t Ae1ca st.aae- XaKtaree aa are !i atv watte eaeasF ta at kft. sal grjt rQnea te a m w.r.4 t .m: made It afarat thai Ue cbaae of etsu ebeda'e a fee; fee a .fr all :otber ikaadidatee bad bwa esUa- U rtre tbe tarttr u a rt. .gaisbed.: J' , . Trvetel ' j. vu Karn. A private att-: t ta4fatle iff. Tojftae Is to wet tbe Ural asd Utersba. We, ttteafe. fa- eandldsteta rfncett tbe dertle vor tbe ttavrtwa farrsst mi aatare of ke Kern tveeawt. f4 ?s ertailnal !aw atatett fty lrt avag a rlnglBf sph fee wlta4rw bl aim aate asd eSciaia. at-4 4a4 t eaaotaseat of awb adJttkHtai 1!:V !" av be ecary te aab It tt !!: fif private s&uwpaly to eaist in tbe Tfeltad f!atea. Kaliresd Rfii"a We aatert tbe rtftt f tmtt U eiercite cosspte rretrt met latr slate eomntrce and tbe Hstet cf aa Slate te aterrie like control t r cn sserre wlthia Its bordra. We da&4 U;trcrc( o re pors of (be Uttrttate ensarce eusamUakia aa bay be tu co mr! railroads to perform tktr d ttas 11 wmtftOB carrier a&4 priaat 41artBnleatka and e'trttla . Labor and Injunction. I2xpeiienre baa pro tbe -!-ty ot a saodiflcatioB vf tb prfat law relating te l&JuBcttnfcs. and we reit erate tbe pledge ot oar aatt&al p't- foms of ItH aa4 1H la fr of the measure whiek r-d tbe ralt4 States If n ate la lsH, but which a republican eoagrea baa ever si sea refused to eaact, rlatiag to footempt la federal courts and pro Ming f.r trial by Jary la eaaea ot indirect eoa tempt We favor tbe eigbt bour day oa all government work We pledge tbe democratlo party to tbe enactment of a law by eoagresa. aa far as tbe federal Jurisdiction as-. tends, for a general nip'.oytra ltatll : t- !i . 4 r II I - fiA- mm It jjOIIN W. KEUN. from eoaalderaUon and pledged bis support j to the ticket et Br) an and Kern. j ; ! ; Deleg4te J. T. U1U. of Georgia, who ln nomibatlng Nr. lfewell bad made tty act, covering Injury U body or H1"" a lue T,ulJn. loss or Hie 01 ampkxtti. and withdrew Mr. Howell's name, and I We pledge tbe denwcratlo party to seconded lera or Ueorgla, I the euactaimt ot a law cteaUaa a d- Withdrawal quickly followed from 1 nartment of labor renreieated . after having been la aeaaloa contlriu nrnnrvsed oslutldn bv the sub-committe waa far .. - 1 1 . i ii ; . araieiy aa toe prwia.m a cabinet. n torn Wblet candidate which, diriment .ball Include tbe w . . - w e : " I 11 ill 1. LI1C3 CL'UlMH , fM ttULU U lamsYlll LUU - I alAd. I. a TU 4 h A 1 Alva? 1 tu ut iiviu . 1 u wuuuiawai teen jdecided upon, Beveral -of the tinued to rererberftta throughout the lf IkU M.ArA.. most Important planb. were in final bulldlng wnUe crowd, ouUldt took up ,,1 by! a motion that the noml- form. 'so far aa the sub-corn mlttee Is I .v.. v. v. . . 1 .v ' w- v-"" ' J v j 1 eoncernea. ana it seemed iikpiv uat ..j n. v ",U".m DEFmrai-OiM $ CotipWsr of las Currsncy, - , ' ' Washington, D. C, May 26, 190R, Wlerea', by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it i.ren made to appear that The Concord National Bank, in the ciiy of ..i.. .rd, and State of North Carolina, has coriiplied with alliheprovla . .1.- t the -Act of Congress to enable National Banking Associations to . 1, .Itbfir corporate existence and for other purposes;" approved July . i . 1 .. - ' ' I .uv, therefore, T, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller 1 11. l urrtfucy, do hereby certify that The Concord National Bank, in . 11 v of Concord, county of Cabarrus, and State ol North Carolina, is .i li..ried to have succession for the period specified in its amended ar- ! - tif Association, namely, until close of busiuess on May 26, ItfJS. ! In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of ottice, this 20th of (Seal) T.P.KANE, ' Deputy and Acting Comptroller c'f the Currency i mm Xw I SOUTHERN RAIkWAY 1 Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. ii'u k fjoute to all Points, North, South, East and West I hrotigb Trains between Principal Cities and Kesorts. Afforkline: First-clas Accommodations, i-ant Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, C I and Observation Cars. r ri.fed; Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel via the Southern Railway. ; - , Schedules, and other Information furnished by addressing the undersigned 1 Hardwick. Pae. Traffic Manager, w. H. Tayioe, u. tr. Waahington, D. C. R. L. Varnon, T. P. A., Charlotte, H. C, j ; DENVER AUDITORIUM. ; fleer started the echoes ringing and brought forth enthusiastic demonstra tion for Bryan j and, the" other party Idolsj . The appointment of the con vention committees and the presenta tion of resolutlbns of respect to tbe memory of the late Grover Cleveland completed the formal work of the day. Clayton Permanent Chairman. The committee on permanent organ ization met and! on motion of Gover nor Folk, of Missouri, selected Henry fD. Clayton, of Alabama, aa perma nent chairman of the convention. For the other officers tbe temporary selec tions were made permanent, with the addition of E. Y. Mitchell, of (Missouri, who was named as an assistant secre tary. - . : -v;. In presenting the name of Mr. Clayton, Governor Folk said be bad intended to offer tbe name of Champ Clark, but on being shown abetter from Mr; Bryan, in which the desire was expressed that Mr. Clayton oc cupy the chair, he gladly assented to Mr. Bryan's euggestion. i : It Was a Stirring Scene. It was a Etlrrlng scene wbich spread before Chairman Taggart at noon, when with, uplifted gaTel he sought to bring order out of the confused babel of sound and j motion, Tbe gplendid ampbitbeater. decorate4 with flags and bunting, was packed to Its uttermost limits with a dense and . f or, OKiaaumii, a. Bryan tidal wave of enthusiasm rolled over the convention for one bour and twenty-seven minutes! Wednesday and submerged everything in its path ex cept tbe standard of the Georgia del egation. That anti-Bryan . standard was planted and it stood. the platform in full could be reportedl Just as the first pale rays of dawn to the convention Thursday. 1 wera breakina- In the east with tbe The most important development of resounding cheers of "Brvsn. Brran. the day in this connection was the 1 Brran nation tion. of K Cdn mob era be made by acclama- reaching of agreement ln the sub committee, upon the plank relating to the use of court injunctions in labor disputes. There bas been more dlf- Tbe, following from Senatpr ore ferenCe Gf opinion over this matter provoked the outburst "The president of the United States has said that his opinion of our con stitution is unfair for publication. That, is true of many of the opinions of the president of the United States "Fellow democrats, the great secre tarv of war came to Oklahoma and waged war against our legislation, 'continued Senator Gore. "He asked us to give up our right of liberty and self-government, but by a vote of thim sands upon thousands we rejected the advice of Taft and accepted the ad vlce'of Bryan." , ? t Men Leaped to Chairs. The mention . of the name brought the convention to Its feet in tte firBt than over any other subject to be treated in the platform, and a compro. mise satisfactory to both tbe radical and conservative elements ln tbe sub committee was an achievement. 1 ! f As Adop' Denver, Colo., July 10. William Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, was nominated for the third time for the office of president of the United States by the democratic national convention at 3:40 o'clock Friday morning amid scenes of frenzied enthusiasm. The result came after an all night session, which was kept ln a constant pted j N6mlnating Speechee. Prior to tbe culminating scene lu work! and tb the convenuon ball, when the nomina tion of Bryan was made, the assem blage had listened for hours to the oratory of nominating speakers. Alabama, tbe first, state on tbe roll call, yielded tar. Nebraska, the home state of Mr. Bryan, whose spokesman, the youthful orator, Ignatius J. Dunn, of Omaha, advanced to Che platform. He spoke in good voice, with great earnestness, and to a sympathetic au. dlence wbicb greeted each utterance of tribute to tbe Nebraska leader wltb demonstrative evidence of approval. His concluding passage was a fervid tribute to the commoner aa tbe intrep id leader wbo had borne aloft tbe battle-scarred flag of democracy through the campaigns of 1896 and 100, with tbe devotion and faltb of tbe orusaders yantten Adjourns. The motion ; was carried with a deafening stout, and the great aa- semblage brke Into clamorous demon atrstion on jibe accompllabment of Its le completion of the demo cratic: national ticket. Tho nomination was-made at 4:23, and tbe convention adjourned without datej TEXT OF PLATFORM. mocracy of by Convention ver, Coio. at Den. subject of mines sod mlnleg. Civil Service. The lawa pertaining to tbe civil service abouM be bonMr and rigUly nforred, to .the end thai merit and ability shall be the standard of ap point meat anl prnmotlon. ratlnfr tbau servlci-s rendt-red to a poUtl-al par ty. f . Stand for Damocracy. Tbe democratic party atanda for de mocracy, the republican party fca drawa to lUetf all that la arlttorra.!) and plutocratic Tbe democratlo par ty la tbe champion of ctvtl rlgbta an! Opportunities to all; lb rpubili"aa pary Is tbe party of privt'e ge and pri vate monopoly. Tbe detiiocratlc par ty lUtens to the voice of the !! people and gfttigea progrea by the ! I .. . . .... W; tbeftepresentaUvea of tbe de-l properuy ana aavancewni or u.e av erage man; the republican party la tbe UnltedStatea, In na tional convention asaemble state of turmoil up to tbe culminat real Bryan demonstration. Delegates mg -moment wnen the wepraskan was of old days -America's great com from nearly every! state jumped to prociaimea ine cnoice 01 me conven- their chairs and yelled. Many mem- uoa as, ine uemocrauo tanaara-pear-i J Bryan bers of the New York delegation Join- 1 1 Platform Presented. ed in the cheering, but a majorityy re- , i On the First Ballot. rt ... after mrdnla-ht wben the nom- malne in their seats.- Minnesota The jnomlnation was made on ta mating speeches were temporarily ius. ana vteiaw are were fne conspicuous first and only ballot, the vote stand- p6nded to receive tbe report of tbe mis -; ;.r ;- William - Jennings Bryant,' 892 Governor) Joan A. Johnson, 46. Judge George Gray, 69. Not voting, 8. ! ' The announcement: of the vote was j mlttee entire membership reaffirm our belief 1$n and pledgo ourlpyalty ta the principles of lh party, x. 'We rejotelat'tbe Increasing algnk of an aweUening throughout the coun try. : The! various investigations bsve traced graft and political corruption to the representatives ot predatory wealth and laid bare the unscrupulous moner, Nebraska's gifted son. William methods by which they have debauch ed elections and preyed upon a de fenseless public; through tbe aubservl ent officials whom they have raised to subservient to the compratte'y few. who are beneficiaries of governmental favorites. We invite tbe eo-opratl'a of all, regardieaa of prevloua puiithal ifflllallon or past dlfferenca, who 5e- stre to preserve a government of tbe peoplebytbe people sod for the peo ple, and wKo-avor aueb an edtalatra tlon of tbe government aa wtH insure, as far as human "wisdom can, that each clliten aball draw fiotu society a reward commeosurste with his eoatrl biiUoa to tbe welfare of society. exceptions to the general celebration. A Bryan banner, which had been lurk ing in the rear of the ball , ; was rush ed to ;he stage an(jl waved above the heads of the . chairman and speaker. The point of the flagstaff caught one platform committee. Governor Has kell, of Oklahoma, chairman ot tbe place and power. j Economy In Administration. BRYAN HEARS NEWS. ub A., MtaaiHHmtH uoeeooevoevcoqppgegog THE DAYIS WHITE SULPHUR SPRIH Hiddenite, N. C. s 1 '.V t tl'EM. We are better prepared than ever to serve yooY f Hj.iny addrd an Annex of 30 more nice Single Rooms and Electric w iih sundiy amaller improvements. ! Wr n,.w have all modern conveniences, such as Sewerage, Hot; and 1 H.ttlis. " ' . .- - ! " ' ; i- tiic Liyhts, plenty of nice rooms, nicely furnished. Bell and Inde nt I'h. ne connections Two daily mail trains each way and all lor a !" Jtf Hi ice. ' ' . L 1 ir place is one mile north of Hiddenite. N. C. on Southern Railroad ' liMilutle to Taylorsville; change from Salisbury at Statesville. I'll IAL RATES for June, $3 to $7 per week; $18 to $26 per month. I r further information write for Illustrated Booklet to , . - IHiddenite, N. C. the center arena, sat the delegates. Just two more than an even thousand, and back of them the one thousand alternates t'nese two thousand tbe real convention, with tbe destinies of the party in their bands.- Flanking them and sweeping around the "hall were th-e long lines of eager, expec tant onlookers, rising tier on tier and gallery! on gallery, solid masses, the brightness of the women in their gay Costumes vielng with tbe splendors ot old glory, which hung at every band. Drift le to Bryan. . The interest was centered in the opening session of the convention, and aside from this tbe early part of the day brought few developments ot importance as to . candidates or plat form. The overwhelming drift of sentiment continued toward Bryan, and the enthusiasm of tbe opening ses sion only emphasized his commanding hold on the convention. A strong cordon of police ; was stretched about tbe Denver auditorium ot eething mass of bumanity. Below, ln ot tlf Buspended eagles over tbe chair- the signal for a wild demonstration, wn!ch ranged themselves on tbe plat- than $CQ,000,090 for the fiscal year. . . .. .. ... I man s I deak anil broue-nt It rrasnlne I .niniiin t. in.tmiA... tr 1. a ... I j . . .. .... 1 . . . ' . . . ... 1 - desk and brought it crashing It was quickly and held above down to tbe floor.) caught up, however. Senator-Gore's head.! Band Played as Delegation Cheered. The band joined In the demonstra tion with lively music. The applause was relaxing come- wbat, tfie band poured oil on the fire by striking up "Dixie." Senator Gore, who had caused the terrific outburst waited tor a . time for j the noise ' to cease , and then Quietly turned and seated himself against the railing of tbe platform, waiting for the uproar to subside. ;'-.-(;; ! After ten minutes of yelling the per sprlng, scrambling deelgates with their state standards, left the plat form and started on a parade around tbe hall. Back and forth ln the aisle, the excited, .shouting Bryan men car ried tbelr . standards, but the cheer3 were by this time beginning to de crease In volume. The chief Interest in the day cen tered around the action of the creden The; republican con&reM in sssUm R,terte That He Will Not leek Just I ended; has made appropriations I rrm committee, made the report announc- amounting jto ,008,000.000, exceed- FfcirrJew Lincoln, Neb July 10. ing.at the outset that it was present- ing the total expenditures of the past Tb foiJowjng Butemect was made by ed as the unanimous view of the com- fiscal year by $90,000,000 for the fl- t.tn. !.. t. r.- cal year, and leaving a deficit of more MnolIBWI11-llt of tla Bomlna- Uoa as the candidate or tbe democrat. Ic party for president: "The presidency Is tbe ilgheat offi cial position In tbe world, and bo one occupying It can afford to bare bia views upon publio queatlots llaaed by "AylS BROS., Owoera and Proprietors, "(SjBgjiaglHglgaglygl CyipPi?9lP0' .i...Via Holcp-otAd tn fh democratic convention began . toi arrive ' at the als committee in declarln against .v. 0,f ty. M(I. I wuuey, 01 rBUBa,ni, ties. The sidewalks were roped ;oH to assist the officers In handling tbe curious throngs that, began to gather about tbe ball early in tbe day. Mounted police kept tbe streets clear as a passageway for those holding tickets.' Snow Cooled the Air. In two of its street fronting; tie and the : vigorous , preparations made by , that skilled and veteran political warrior to organlxeshls forces for battle in the convention which he was determined to carry to the uttermost On account of delay ln the report of tht'jcredentlais committee a night -ses sion, was held Wednesday. At tbe sight session -tbe galleries equalling ln turbulence, if not in dura- form flanking Governor Haskell, as We demand that a stop be put to this tion, tbe I record-breaking display an evidence of their united attitude, frightful extravagance, and Insist up whlch on Wednesdtay afternoon greet- The enunciation of party principles on the strictest economy In every de ed the first mention of. Mr. Bryan's wa9 received-witb close attention and partmcntj compatible with frugal and name in me convention nan. j with frequent demonstrations of as- Tbe scene within the ampbitbeater Bent. The provision concerning In- at the, moment the nomination was junctions was punctuated by applause m aa rft a was ; rn t c? f 4 rr anl m ft tfrtn . 1 s -. - , Bna al UB conclusion a nnaina caecri .. i w ' I . ki. - v. .v. ..14 ... went up from delegates and specta- - nLnWm renreaentatlrea ted uoou tbe dtacbarae of bl. dutiee tors. The provisions concerning r . ; . lf1 .....u,.,. t.t b,,, h-uim 1 fsrl " ,T I ourselves to adont such rules and regit-1 that one can beat do this wnen be Is : Misuae of Patronage. We demand that the houe of repre- personal amblUon. Reoognlziog tbla sentatlves shalllajialn become a de-1 reporiBlbl'lty to God and bla ob'.Iga- From pit to dome, the vast j building was packed with ten thousand people. thinned out ln tbe remotest galleries after hours of waiting and tbe intense discomforts of tbe hot night. -Culminating Outburst. It was a spectacle of grandiose pro portionstier after tier and gallery on gallery of agitated forms, the women in white, the delegates massed below. many ot them costless, a myriad of fans flutteringitd combat tbe stifling trusts, railway regulation',' Income tax and various other provisions awaken ed lively approbation. The platform was adopted by a rousing unanimous vote. lations to govern tbe bouse of repre sentatives; as frill enable a majority of its members to direct its delibera tions and control legislation, j Misuae of Patronage. We condemn a a violation of tbe spirit of our Sanitations the action of Denver, (Jblo , July IS. Tbe demo cratic national conve:tion concluded its labor lata Fridav afternoon by the nomination ot John Worth Kern, of 1 tbe present chief executive in uimg heat and cloeeVmospbere of thla long Indiana, for vice president, complet- the jpatronage of his high fire to ee-pent-up exurberant multitude, ever ing tbe ticket on which William Jen- cur the nomination, of one of bis ready to spring Into feverisboutbreaks nings Bryan was made tbe nominee cabinet officers 4 , A forced soccesslon of enthusiasm, and everywhere the for president. . lu tbe presidency. Is scarcely less re blaze of flags, bunting and patriot- The nomination of Mr, Kera was puibant to pobllc keetiment tbaa la ic devices and the envelonine folds of mad bv acclamation amid tbe re- Hfi tenure Itv that office. Old Glory : j soundlag cheers ot delegate aad spec- Twice before the throng had been I tators, No ballot was accessary, as tbe tide of sentiment bad set Irresisti bly toward the Indiana candidate, state after state registering tbelr del- not planning for a second term, I aa bounce now, as I have on former oe caalona. that if elected I aball not bo a candidate for re-election. "This Is a nomination as purely from the people as can be, aad It elected my obligation will be as purely to tbe people. I appreciate tbe hon or tbe more becanse it came, a?t front one person of a few peraoaa. but frwsa tbe rsnk and file, acting frtely aad without compulsion." moved Into a mad ecstacy, first by tbe speech placing the name of Bryan ln nomination and again wben that of Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, was proposed; but these manifestations paled before the culminating outburst of emotion. 1 - Bedlam of Sound. Aa tbe announcement of tbe N- Publicity of Campaign Contributions. We ! demand federal legislation for ever f e terminating the partnership which has existed between cor- Bryan Pleased with Party Platferm. Falrvlew, Lincoln, Neb Jaly 10. 1 am very much , pleased with tie platform. It is clear, spectfle aad strong, sod I am grateful to tbe oetav mlttee for the work that ttey tave done ln starting tte lamas. 1 am sore that tbe platform will greatly poratlona of the ocuntry and tbe egatlons In bis favor, and all other republican party under the expressed candidate withdrawing before tbe unl-j impued agreement that in return j itrengtben na In tbe figbt wpon wbiab versai aemana iot nie noauaauoa for- tbe contribution of great sum a or W0 entertcg.," is a ttatextent f The convention, after adjourning at money wherealth to purchase else- w. J. Bryan upon rtadleg tbe plaV dayUgbt wltb tbe nomlnatloa of Mr. tlons.1 they j should be allowed to con. gorm. adopted at tbe daaocraUe aav Bryan, resumed its seasloa at 1 j. a,', tinue substantially uomolated la tbdx ti eoavaatkaa.

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