HTHE i CONGOR i TIMES. ' - - : - ji - - . r. . , i J"h" tl-"rr'"' Ed't9'" Ub"Hr- - : ; PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. , - I, .i&O a ai'to Ilv slierrlll. Editor and. Publisher. VOLUME 34. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY; AUGUST 14, 1908. . l: ,.5 t : " fa I 1 I I r 'A a WHAT A BANK ACCOUNT WILL DO. 1 MR. TAfT fAllS DOWN. TO TREAT HYDHOPHOEU. It will rnnbte von to get nhead during the produc ts' vnr of your. life. I 1 1 w ill st:irt for you a reserve fund which Will mean in ; :i. , plenty ami contentment in old age. ! I It will l)i"ing you into contact with thehest business ii of your coinmuLitv. I It will establish 'your credit, which will enable-you i.i borrow tunds wheii such a course Incomes necessary . r !il nnt.'igeous ; It will make yon a good citizen, worth something in i out sell and to your community and v hat better ihili can b:' said of any man when he has lived his life? I A bank account is the only luxury that does not lkI you any tliiug and the time will come when it i, ot only take cate of itself but of you. j will CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY A. JONKS YORK ft, President. M L. MAKS1I. Vice President. CH AS. B.WAGONER, j Cashier. JOHN FOX. Assistant Cashier. Greensboro Patriot. Ca f 3Kinlii H.:. ,. d,i-.:l. t t ; i i ' a n i i in uis spwen accepting ine ivepuu-i e . - Psrn.e Mr.-Taft referred to the fact that aautwrwv thA I lpmrwrrtn nlatfnr-m rifrwitmtfM I lir. iLirhnnl H TiDfi3 BAnraUra he Republican administration for I or thebtate Uoard of Health, makes increasing the number of federal of-fornciai announcement of the readi- WE WANT TO BUY YOUR PRODUCE ..... . i . WE WILL GIVE YOU THE HIGHEST MARKET. PRICES FOR IT. W'v will buv vour Uutter all summer. Pack it up in ciMrk's or Fome otner vpssci. a uis saves uihiuuk, uuu i j'l- t as good for us to handle. We will pay you. 1212 i i. irius a pound for it. Highest prices paid forChickens, Egg3 and Beeswax. The D. J. Bost Co. THE CASH GROCERS. nesa of the State Laboratory of fly ifiene lor ine preventive treatment of hydrophobia or rabies, t ' Although the method of accom plishment was worked out by Dr Lewis, the idea of the State furnish ing this preventive treatment to the poor people free of charge originated in the fertile brain and noble heart of the late Dr. P. L. Murphy, super the. State Hospital at fices by. fully twenty-three thousand, at a cost of $16,000,000; during the pa3t year. "Such denunciation." he went on, is characteristic of the Democratic platformfor it fails to specify in any way what the offices are and leaves the inference that the increase was resisted by the repre senatives. of Democracy in Con gress." I ' : - t may not be out of place to sug- mtendent of gest that the Denver nlatf orm was JViorganton. quite long enough without sticking 1 he benefits of the treatment will into it any part-of the list of new he given free of charge to! alt resi government offices created within dents of the State who present Ito the last twelvemonth especially as the Secretary of the State Board of under a provision of law all such fieaitn, or its representative havmg things areofficially reported atstated in charge the management of this intervals, a brief of the last gumma- special work, an affidavit of inability ry oi omce ana salary increases ha v- to pay, amy sworn to and sub- ing been sent out from Washington scribed before a iustice of the peace. I A it I ! il . i aooui a monui ago.: or, u me case De a . minor. such an Ihe Republican candidate s own affidavit by the parent or guardian. defense, or explanation, of his party s lo meet as far as may be the ex record follows : "As a matter of penses of this special work j the State fact, the net number of offices in- Board of Health is authorized to de creased was just about half the mand from those able to do so the number stated ; the increase was due payment in advance of a reasonable chiefly to measures which congress fee, not to exceed in any l ease the passed with almost unanimous popu- usual charge made by the reputable lar approval. The Democratic plat- rasteur institutes of this country. form charges that a dehcit of $60.- 000,000 between receipts ; and ex 1. 1 .a rm a penaitures during the nscal year ended on June 30, 1908, occurred. During tne past seven years the in come and expenditures of the gov ernment have been- nearly equal Taking one year with another, in eluding this year, there has been an average surplus, j So that, in fact, :U!'.K l SilIIOIIfiti of CuiMbt of lh ikratj, I Washington, D. C, May 33, 1908.- erea-, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it 1, i- i.t i-u mailt:- to appear that The Concord National Bank, in the city of ixh" ml, ami Slate of North Carolina, has complied with all the provis lui '-, ,,f tin- ''Act of L'ongresH to euable National Banking Associations to f tn..l i lu-ir corporate, existence and for other purposes;" approved July 1'. !-.!. -I Novv, tlerefore, T, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller oi 1 1..- Currency, da hereby certify that The Concord National Bank, in n,i . ii i.f Concord, couniy of Cabarrus, and State of North Carolina, is 'uuil.ned to have succe-jnion for the period specified in its attended ar-t.-:. oi A violation, namely, until clo of business on May 26J 1928. , In leitimoiiy whereof witness my hand and seal of oftice, this 26th of under the present administration tnere nas Deen no dencit, but a sur plus, which is actually in the treas ury, ine Democratic piattorm no where points out the expenditures which might be reduced or avoided. It will be found generally that to the increases which have occurred Dem ocratic represenatives in congress made no opposition, but rather sup ported the j measures providing them." . it 13 a political doctrine as old as the hills" that the party in control of the federal government is solely responsible for the administration's policies and for all legislation cover ing the period of its control. That party always claims credit for every thing commendable done during its supremacy, and "by the same token it cannot shirk full responsibility for even the smallest sin of commission or of omission during its regime. As to the point in hand new public offices and their cost these would have been absolutely impossible but for Republican votes and the signa ture of a Republican president ; and whether these offices were necessary or not and whether one Democrat in congress or one hundred voted for them, the Republican party on the stump can no more get away from the full responsibility for them than it can get away from responsibility for Theodore Rooseveltand his acts and policies. A Distinction. There had been an explosion at the quarry, The reporter rushed to the hospital and was shown to the room wherein Fat Mcyueer lay I groaning. The scribe pulled out his notebook and pencil. "Pat." he began they ten me you were calm and collected. ! "I was ca'm. answered Pat, but poor old Dinnis was collicted. I . One swallow does not make a sum mfr: i but several set a man into the calaboose. The Board of Health, at its recent annual meeting, decided tnat cir cumstances would now justify the treatment. I The following extract from , the circular of information issued by the Laboratory - of Hygiene gives the necessary details : i Rabies In no other disease is an early diagnosis of more vital import- A WASH CAMPAIGN IN UNION. -FT 1 : T CUASANTtt Of DtPOSlTS KUWD. ance. t ortunately, a diagnosis can in most cases be made from a micro scopic examination of the! brain of the rabid animal. The isuspected animal, or its head and neck, should be sent at the earliest possible mo ment to the laboratory for examina tion. The head should be packed in ice to prevent putrefaction," and should be sent by express prepaid. A careful account of the animal. with a full history of cause of sus picion, should be sent in every case. The treatment will, require the presence of the patient in Raleigh for about three weeks, but reside.-ce in a hospital is not necessary. The Cost of the entire treatment will be $50, or will be furnished free to per sons unable t& pay, upca submission of an affidavit of inability to pay, duly sworn to and subscribed before a justice of the peace, or, if the case be a minor such an affidavit by the parent or guardian.' " j This work will be in charge of Dr, C. A. Shore, director of State Labo ratory of Hygiene, and all communi cations on the subject should be a4 dressed to him at Raleigh. I The Monroe corre?nonciint tn Charlotte Observer gives the follow ing report or Mr. J. N. Price'i speech at Weddington recently: ir. j. . rnee, wno waa mem ber of the last Leghlature and is standing tor re-election, made the strongest speech of Uie day in favor of the recorder s court. He said he was responsible for the establish ment of that court, and explained how and why it was established, stating that its perpetuation was an issue that overshadowed all others issues. He declared he was four square and wiUv both feet for it. and he proposedi championing it through out the campaign. Anybody who saytftfeat Mr. Red wine. Mr. Stevens and I got up the court to give Bob Stevens a job is an infamous liar. We created the court to roDnly the demand I have spoken of. We had nothing to do with the election of Mr. btevens. He was elected by the alderman and the board of county commissioners." Mr. Price turned to Mr. T C. Lee, who was one of the county commissioners when the election was held and asked. "Is not that so? Mr. Lee replied, "I twas an entirely fair election.' "The speaker went on to say that the recorder's court had saved the people of Union county something like $L500 in court expenses in one year, and then he threw a bombshell into the enemy's camp by declaring he knew who got up the articles that appeared in the papers against the court. 'Those articles were not signed, but we can tell who wrote them, and for what purpose, by cer tain ear-marks. I am discussing public questions, and I am going to name the parties openly and not hide behind pseudonyms as they did. They are friends oL mine, but they have compelled me to this course. The chief instigator of those articles was Luther How. and he did ! it be he recorder s court took away from him as a magistrate in Monroe a a business thatpatd at least $1,000 a year into his pocket. The people of this county win not vote against a court that saves them $1,500 a year. ust to enable Mr. Flow to put $1,000 a year into his own pocket, I reckon. I han Luther Flow got around Mr Dave Houston, whose fees as clerk of Superior Court were cut doivn $500 a year, perhaps, by the estab ishraent of the recorder s court, and induced mm to oppose the court in this way they have been doing. The speaker declared he would figh along thi3 line all through- the cam paign, and when he got through nobody could say that he had strad dled." (. The plank in the Dem-er r?atform that has met with most favor f rum many quarters is thmt prvWie that banks shall contribute to a fun4 that will guarantee bank depcwJtara, If such a law had been on the statue books last year most of the rigors of the panic would hare been averted in North Carolina, and this incident ioia oi oy an excnang could never have occurred, r ; During the recent financial nanic a German fanner went to a bank for some money. He was told that the to nit mm or reosrroox . The forces of rifhtfoutncM haf pmraJJcJ ajrainst tbe advoemtr fef theaalooa; ar.d berrafter ir fair State b to be free from the lerml ale of liquor. This, howvvrr, duea not mesji cum pic tc tirtory. Only artkm of the Iuor forces will ; quietly and freely submit to th Uw; others must be made to. On Urn part of some there will be a ready dipoition to manufacture, tell and buy liquor ia spite of the prohibiten law. Therefore, It is incumbent upoo us to see to the enforcement of LS bank was not paying out money, but hi" hare chamrnortcd. Ihitv d- was using cashier's checks. He could tnands that all good dUxens defend not understand this, and insisted; on the law, and oppose law-brrakera. money, ?f t It is better to protect the law thro The officers took him in band! one the law lew. It is wiser la shield the after another. 'with little effect! At People from criminals than to shield ast the president tried his hand, and the "blind tiger from law. Let us. after long and minute explanation, therefore, use our evidence' and in some inkling of the situation seemed tluence to convict any person who w uc uawninK uu uic laruicr unnu. v iwrnuinwi mw ui our Much encouraged, the ureadent htate. Then the liquor traffle will Remain Old-Fashioned. An old physician was noted for his brusque manner and old-fashioned methods. A lady called him in to treat her baby, who was slightly hailing. The doctor prescribed castor oil.. "But. doctor,' ; protested the young mother, Vcastor oil is such an old-fashioned remedy." . "Madam " replied the doctor, "babies are old-fashioned things." First Burglar Hello, Jim! Why vou look as if you had been in a' rail wav accident since l saw you last What's wrone? - Second Burelar 1 got into a house where the woman was waitin uptor her husband, and she mistook me 1U1 If vou have a friend stick to him rather than stick him. said:" You understand now how it Is. don't you, M,r. Schmidt?' f I i I t'mW I do admitted Mr. Schmidt, 'It's like dis. aindt it? Yen my baby vakes up at night and vants some milk, I git him j a milk ticket.' " ,.- , s i This did not apply to any Ilaleurh banks, for none of them issued scrip stop. I desire further to put you on your guard with reference to repre sentative in our next General As sembly. I am sure that the advo cates of license will leave no stone unturned to carry their points and nominate men who favor license to represent your county. Already they are laying plans to this end. ife but all banks were hurt because de-j and cautious, and see that only . t i i . 1 m positors withdraw their money from the banks when cashier a check? rnd scrip was paid in lieu of money. If the depositors had all known that even if the bank failed they would have been paid in full they would not have been frightened and the mopey famine would j have been largely averted. Guarantee bank deposits and money I will pour out of old stockings and other hiding places and be put in circulation. As a pre venter of money strinc-encv it is worth every other iremedy that has been suggested. j j S Will Take Anything on Subscriptions. M4CIMTIU0 Record. J j ' Will we take eggs on subscription? We'll take the entire output of the hennery for the next six months and pay for it in subscriptions. We'll temperance men who favor no-h- cense are nominated and elected. Find the man who will properly fill the position and press him into the race. Only thus can we get the bet possible men. By this measure we often get excellent men who would not otherwise become candidates. This is an all-important matter. See that your county does the safe and sane thing, - If the friends of prohibition fail to use their privileges and sit idly by, while the advocates of license work for, and nominate through the pri maries and county convention, men of their choice, we can blame only ourselves when we meet reverses in the Legislature. Work while it Is day. It will be too late after the primaries are over; and this matter is entirely too important to be over looked. We must give it thought and attention. Some men must be take lye soaD. clean raes. Grinaenor. pant patches old bones; wood, green come candidates for Representatives hides, hound pups, old clothes' lumber to the Legislature in behalf of civic cull ties, wagon tires, peanuts, stick righteousness, even though it may candyj onions, crackers, turnip mean personal and financial sacrifice, greens, sausage, town lots, cabbage Help me to preach this doctrine. leaf cigars, yearlings or milch cows. Yours for service. Legalizing the Blind Tiger. Charlotte Chronicle. I Savannah, Ga. , has evidently fallen on evil ways in dealing with the liquor traffic. According., to the Greenville News, that city has adopt ed the . plan which is said to . have originated in Maine many years ago and is known as the Bangor Idea. At intervals of six months the beasts are rounded up and asked to part with i $100 the first round $9,300 was deposited m the treasury and from names in the hands of the police it is estimated that the fund will reach $25,000 be fore ihe end of the month. This gives the city a revenue of $50,000 In other words, blind tigersare legalized bv the taymenfbf fines. which amount to a license to do business. They 'know how much the fines wiltamount to. They pay the finesand pocket all the proceeds ptef and above them. But the Savannah law places one restriction uDon them. , They are-not allowed to do business on Sunday. When you don't know what is best to do, just wait a bit. r U. L. Davis. Superintendent. Wilson, N. C, August 1, 1908. sorghum, pumpkins, spring mules. well seasoned shoats, sofa pillows. footstools, bachelor buttons, patent medicines, eight day clocks, patent churns, home-made sox, choice scrap iron, old maids and chewing gum. You can bring them by the wagon load, armful, in tow sacks, byj the honbd YtS was trying to sell someery young Feline Converts. One of our popular New England lecturers tells this Amusing story. A street boy or diminutive stature them. We'll take- anything to you t3 subscribe. : j get An Editor's Soft Answer! Leesville, Col., Light, j J uur esteemed contemporary says that in recifing "Sheridan's Ride" at the Methodist churctff estiva! one night last week-we f looked and acted like a jackass. We could retort in a way that would embitter the man s fwhole future life, but we have learn ed to pass such things by.l Suffice to say that he is an infernal liar and a crawling scoundrel. I i i end Phillip Brpjak chase, and recomm ood-EbiscoDal 1 tiaro-e Kr t' missus doan ; cet het terby nex' Tewsday fortnight I'll send fer t doctorl Farmer-fWhy not Garge? ! Garge Wuu, it'll nex' Tewsday fortnight since we 'ad t' doctorn I'd like I jt' make it t' even fowty. v j ' , 1 before then. be towty year kittens to the passers-by. One day he accosted the Tate asking him nding them ttena. Dr. Brjokslaughingly refused, thinking hem too small to be taken from their mother. A few days later a Pres byterian minister what had witnessed this episode was asked by the same boy to buy the same kittens. This time the lad annouced that they were faithful Presbyterians. "Didn't you tell Dr Brooks last week that they were Episcopal kit tens?" the minister asked sternly. "Yessir", replied the boy quickly, "but they's had their eyes opened since then, sir." Mrs. Taft, so the telegrams say, laughed at her husband's efforts to talk into the photograph. Some men are like the inside of a i Rhotcrnn. Thpv mav have n heauti. f ul polish, but are still a bore. (Seal) T. P.KANE, Deputy and Acting Comptroller cf the Currency. J i M M ft ft It A A i SOUTHERN RAlkWAY Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. Mtck Route to all Points, North, South, East and West. I h rough Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts. Affording First-class Accommodations. Fl int Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, Club and Observation Cars. X I "r Speed, Comfort and Courteous1 Employees, travel via the Southern Railway. '"".Schedules, and other Information furnished by addressing the undersigned. 5. H. Hai4wick, Pas. Traffic Manager, w H. Tayloe, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. . R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, If. C. ! MT NSTITUTE r .!:.: I I-,- ' 4 ft A-AA AirtHH AA THE DAVIS TOTE SULPHUR SPRINGS Hiddenite, N. C. i - . ' OIT. S. We are better prepared than ever to serve you. 'vinp a.ldfd an Annex of 30" more nice Single Rooms and Electric ' with suiidrr smalltr improvemeuts. 'W new have all modern conveniences, such as Sewerage, Hot and f "Kl Hiiiha.. . ' . , : , I " tiic Lights, plenty of nice rooms, nicely furnished. Bell and Inde-K"i'-m Phone connections. Two daily mail trains each way and all lor a M-.;l. i.,te l'rice. ' "t plarr is one mile north of Hiddenite, N. C, on Southern Railroad " liarlotte to Taylorsville; change from Salisbury at Statesville. '"s for July and August', $7 to $9 per week; $ $33 per month. r further information write for Illustrated Booklet to ; DAVIS BROS., 6w.and proprietors, Hiddenite, N. C. I I !! PLEASANT, NORTH CAROLINA. To the splendid advantages hitherto offered at this Institution have been added the following.: , ; The military system of government has been introduced. It is attractive! to young men and is growing in favqrjwith ed ucators of long experience and eminent ability. It! conduces I to punctuality, neatness, erect carriage, respect for authority, .. and a high sense of honor and duty. . A boarding' hall will be opened on tjie campus where good, wholesome board can be had at cost not 1 to exceed 7 per month. The -Hall will be in charge of an experienced lady and a member of the Faculty will take meals there. To add to the1 innocent, amusement of student-life and to stimulate the cultivation of musical- talent a College Glee Club and Orchestra will be organized and will be underthe directions , of a member oT the Faculty. I r j 1 j The three libraries of the Institute have been consolidated and the books reclassified, thus furnishing an excellent Library of more than 5,000 volumes. A first class Readirfg Room will . hp run in connection with the Library, and both IwiH be in NEW FEATURES: 1. A Military Form of Government. 2. New Boarding Hall on Campus. 3. Glee Club and chestra. Or- 4 Improved Library and Reading Room. charge an an official Librarian, The foregoine will Vive some idea of the improvements at the Institute. To the already efficient faculty has been added a graduate ol b .1 .ary Academy, who will be CommandantThe Institute has an esta i n,Kr,rr c avec witrtmif vnminatinn5and take hih rank. -Her e: .IiSa Ul ldUliiy vuin-r v,j ...v..v. ' - o Uinc onrl lionnrc in five of the leading Colleees of the South in very recent years. "Uur best matenal comes irom your President of one of our leading Colleges.' Young man, we supply your wants; we want you to shareur benefits. -For catalogue or further information address, Q. F. TlcALUSTER or J. P. MILLER, Mt. Pleasant, N. C. fvmvmwwtjiQmvmwm ggqapBqO'?0'?opog030"opO'iio 1 . - 7

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