r H B. Shkhhib.v Editor aiid Fvibllatiar. PUBLISHED TWIOtt A WaCKK. -8 i Number 15 VOLUME XXXIV. CONCORD, N. O., FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1908 1 I ! - .1 . 391 STILL WB GROW. WHY? THE ODELL SKIES CLEARING. FIGHTING RABBIT BEAT All COMERS.!; THE TRUTH AT LAST. f ARMERS OH TOP. BECAUSE- This is a strong hank stroncr ia capital, strong; in its olliceis who have it management in hand, strong in its borird of (lirt'ftorr, strong in its stockholders who number over eighty of the most representative and 'in fluential men ol the town and county bank with which the man of small a flairs can do business and meet with the same courtesy and consideration as the man whose. business amounts to thousands of dollars daily. i ' It is a careful, active, safe, successful and a growing institution, and orie,th.'it aflbrds'its patrons the .high er degree of safety knmvn to the law. It alv ays has uiniy toloanto meet all the reason able renuircments of i ts patrons. If you are not already a customer ol tins Wank, this le your invitp.t Ireauy i(n 1o become one. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY A. JOSF.S YOKKIv. v President. M L. MAKSII. Vice President. CIIAS. IV WAGONER, Cashier. JOHN FOX, Assistant Cashier. Mr. SJ W. Cramer of Charlotte Expresses t ferocious lepos Syfvatkus Was a Terror t tlrtfa ao4 CtuUrra. W WANT TO; BUY YOUR PRODUCE WE WILL GIVE YOU THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR IT. -1 We will buy youf Better all summer. 1'ack it up in tW vKjwpl I This saves printing, and iv; lout ns pood for us to handle. We .1 o - cents a pound for it! . v will pay you 1214 Highest prices paid for Chickens, Eggs and 1.. Beeswax. The D. J. Bost Co. THE CASH GROCERS Belief That Settlement is in Sight Charlotte ODierver, lwU. ' Well-posted and intelligent cotton mill men declare that, as a result of the recent fires which have atilicted the Odell Manufacturing Company, of Concord that corporation can now see its way out of trouble and that if present plans do not miscarry the stockholders will shortly - have funds in hamTsuflicient to take steps looking towards a discharge . of the receivership find the return of the management of the poperty to its original owners The amount of the insurance held on Mill No. 4, which was burned Saturday, was $210,000. This amount, to wit, $210,000 will certainly be paid as the risk was an approved one and the valuation Well within the prescribed limits Added to this should be S100.000. which is due on the insurance helonjrinir to the Odell ire Company, which were burned in the Ken bleachery lire several weeks ago. in omer woras mere win shortly be available at least $310,000. with which, it is believed, the stock holders can, if they are so inclined. . 1 i 1 A 1 . A go into court ana tane me steps necessary to have the receiver dis charged on the .grounds that they can now finance the property to the satisfaction of the creditors. With these facts in hand. an Ob server man yesterday called upon Mr. Stuart W. Cramer, who re presents several of the creditors, and asked him what he thought of the situation, v He responded that he wa willing to do anything to help the Odell Manufacturing Company and that he saw no reason why the situation should not now be cleared up. So far as he and his interests were concerned, he added that he was willing, after having looked into the matter carefully, to recommend that terms, of part cash and part time, such as could now be given, be accepted and that the property be returned to its original owners. It is likely that the j other .creditors, when the facts are Rightly presented, will agree to the same proposition. As Mr. Cramer stated, there is little doubt but that the Odell interests. to Cats, Dogs and Boys. rutikuin; t;aett-T1w. j.y that tb "'poof 1 f. srrat qiwn-trwd.k-n . . I i 1 I ' i . - Ha . k. ... , . i Tirw nf n cm arr ohi noui?n ncrrjwT miw -itwi. I remember very well how many I rwrtl. ivn frwMnt with Crttver Have you ever seen a fighting rab-j Cleveland who "auld out to the bit? Did you ever wilnessja dog money power." We were led to whipped to a frazzle byra frisky believe that he lined his pocket-book cottontail? A gamecock. bleeding with the lucre 6f Wall Street, and and dazed, forced to run from Bun-' was perfectly willing for the country nv? Or a fiercely growling tomcat to to to the dbg3 so he was well After Ufcrf DcUarv Uai MrrhanU AcUtk. U in a fair fc?fUt make thitirhrriy arvufl that tiMni They ar after the !4 farnvr ari-n from the rsr- ijrtt-e the d.iu-u no muc n.l now t4M- hU own bttMnes. iure ioctunt h-h thjr will t We have recently visited a cro- mjt. j A credit hat trm then ttautn Rivmc munity where, a decaie ao. ire t,y turned into a faltering coward that fixed himself. It was all a cruel scurried up a tree to the nearest (falsehood. Mr, Cleveland lived, a branch by a gray bandicoot? Why, simple and economical life at i'rince B. S.Jones, of Valonia street. Thirty- ton and died a comparatively poor ninth ward Homewood, Aas been man. Even ao recent a thing as his com oel led to fasten a steel muzzle election to the board of advisers of on his giant specimen of the Lepus certain insurance companies brought Sylvaticus to prevent it from tear- upon him the wrath of his enemies ing to shreds the trousers' seats of and the indignation of the ignorant mischievous schoolboys, and he has and the credulous. No man, per had to chain it down with a ring in haps, in all our public life has been its nose, like an angry bull. And he so villified and slandered as has is no competitor of rrof. Long for JGrover Cleveland; and he bore it all nafurA-falfincr hnnnrn He SftV9 his I in ailrmro nnrl natipntlv waited until on the goods rodent has achieved a reputation no the passion of that unhappy period day at the crackpot the o Manufactur- bulldog could hope to surpass, and hal subsided. We are now entering lash was more of a slave, ere burned in is the undisputed boss of the Thirty- upon another campaign that pro- are different now. The far "time" nierchant wu the monarrtj of all he surveyed. The farmer put himself completely under the power of this village autocrat, and when he laid in his supplies the crusty clerks were under instrurtins to sell him as little as possible and at ka hiirh a price. The poorer the buyer the bigger the price. In the fall U the year the crop was simply turned over to the merchant, and there were hard times in the farm er's home until the next spring w hen the books were opened for another account. Oh those were dark days for the tiller of the soil, and no ne ero who e er arose at the dawn of overier Things armer has learned a few things. He has put his brain to work, and by the proper use of fertilizer, the drainage of his perm a i rating. ui u u c not stop at ti. ,S)t the lleeord: j Ijwt wet k a member of the Mer chant. Asxiatkn u ta!kir.g with ; oue of itfee minuter of the town about the matter of drbt paying and the titration amoung the local nerchahU. It mm that aome of the nr.nUter dicuvd the matter among tihemfwlve. and a a cutwe qu nce. not pay,rg a jut debt w tnadt tiile sut-Kct of rvmark at leat two pulpit Sunday. In the morning Dr. Detwtler. at N eat Market church re ferred U the matter jut before his sermon and woke up some of the brethren. At tlie f o'clock service at V, race M. V church, the pastor. Uev. T. J. Oiiburn. U aaid to have taken the hide along with the hair on the question of not paying one's dtbt. This U a deplorable situation. It is aaid that the Mer- on IUslte4 U Mr. Rna fM RtltL ! The IVtrau are mre iv e ia thi emmj en thMhry h lrr-n a Ume lv' I irtfrr nrr the trJ ' l","",t!! ; UTi4?rI. drter?r.ire.!, aJI humxj ai'. atn that faitu rairp fn turl i wr.H h rea!ti in a treat Vm vtatK each! land lde Mr, t'.rjan Ka -n ninth ward animal classes. No mises to be rather active, and it will heavyweights are: barred, either. be well for us to recall the past and TUa T-aKhit1 ia nni vorsall V arpnrrtwl I tlrn arith manu orraina nf Rolt th Ipi- nd hull stories that will he set land, the employment of tettcr tools! chants. Association has due it ness, and in the experience of most afloat about public men. Partisan land the application of more common $'20,(M in Greensboro ,mt of which rhtnH nrvt naaionflrrtt oro onfirolv tnn rArclpqA seh ireneraliv in the runnine of j it U imttareible to cmIocU timid. But let Bl S. Jones, of Va- about opening their columns to abuse his business, he has become the Up- All over the country are , living Innia Rtrpet. tell his ownlstorv. ' and misrenresentation of men whose tain and the store man the servant people w ho drcsa in the moat cotly " WVion I first ornt nn!?faainn nf mv I rvnliioa fhov nnnnw It ran h t I The fine Drices of the past ten year jrarments. out of whom not a cent t Ua "i irant Kim in ttuLjnn,n . rnfo Plu that a man uL-hA hftvt tmiilv rewarded him for all hi can e colloctei bv law. Hut this is LA- UU9 -uiu aava i va vr tt ii no out v a . . . . . . . l - chicken coop. But he raised rows is strong and big enough to be Presi with half a dozen big game roosters, dent of the United States is neither and one after another he took their a thief noi a liar. He is an honest measure. It was great to watch man though he may be wrong; and them fight. Stretching lorth his the chances are that iie is nearer ruffled neck and with blood in his rijcht than we who judge; him. The eye, the gamecock drew at the cot- truth will come at last, but in its tontail. riDDinsr nis long, sharp spurs! lone delay the victim of falsehood downward as he foueht. I must bear a heavy burden not his "Cool and apparently self-poss- own Mr. Kern's His Home toil and the rural free delivery has brought him into close touch with the outside world. We wish the changed conditions m this com munity might be universally true. and we are glad to believe there is steady progress everywhere ia this direction. The raw and awkward hay seeder whose whose picture adorns the funny papers is coming to be the finest gentleman in the bunch. ... t - " . i j Confidence Returning. .. . f Krview in neTiews. .... i Even while the railrQads are showj in such fearful losses in earnings. there is discernib e a strong note oi returning confidence in business This was one of the factors in' the iattempt to appeal to the voting hoi steady advance of the stock markejt polloi by the mere affectation of jn the latter part of July, resulting bucolic tastes and interests. in m the highest prices seen since tne making up an estimate of n the man panic of last October for many int one cannot do better than to accept nortant securities. I he great steel the dnculties with wh TZI ihe judgment of his Indiana neigh- ndustay is reported in better shape;. nnS Iri everyday with the United States Steel Co. w . gn w i u u acquaintances in Indianapolis, in- poration operating at from u to mi cock. Pulling himself together, ne djanaiwljsiga flouri8hing and pro- far cent, of its capacity, and prices arose, looked around at the rabbit -v it but it nas- not yet lf rntton croods have regained some and fled with his long tail feathers thrown off eertain- of the character- 0f their loss. - But concrete evidoni. curled between his egs like a beaten j igticg of a . big over-grown country jt the way of higher prices for com- not the meanest part of it. It ia a well known fact that such people uae all manner of devices for obtaining credit, some of them even go so far as to have goods aent home for ex amination and keep them. Things are getting serious and quite likely the merchants w ill Jn aome way make it warm for those who persistently refuse to pay their just debts. essed, the giant rabbit sat back on his haunches, the only show oi anger being m his great bullous eyes, which buleed forward and sparkled. As the cock closed in. striking and neckincr. the bie rabbit drew back from the circling spurs and, watch ing his chance, shot his long bind foot, with his sharp toenails, out and up in a regular cross-counter that sent the rooter sprawling on his side three feet away. "Half dazed, the gamecock re turned to the charee. but as unex- Popularity in . Town. -''.it Kevlf w ol lif views. . v True to ihis antecedents and the circumstances of his bringing up, Mr. Kern is a Democrat of Uemo fcrat3. In manners, as in principles. he is pre-eminently a man of the people, though he is quite ibove ,ny with proper care and judgment, wiIM ag 1 the left hind foot nowbe. able to ride themselves of . ajrainat the other side of Fnrmfers' Business. p irtu tilar attention to the business of larniers. jug account with :i lank is a convenience no farn w . . . . i . . . i '. ' .,ili -I l.ifiV s a convenience no farmer should he . rni't hM'H i""u'1- 11 I 11 . 1 . . . i. ' . . h.rortilWatrs of (lep..sitVK-ar 4 per cent, interest. . ,nr .-..mnio.iious uffvt always at the disposal of our tomers. r coidiHlly invite the fanners to make this their Banking Home. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 SOUTHERN RAlIrWA Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. r 1 1 )aick Route to all Points, North, South, East and West hrougb Trains letweeii Principal Uties and Resorts. A l.trr inir 1 irSt-CKl55 ftuuuiuiuuuuuua. i eant Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains, Dining, nnH Observation Cars. I ..r Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel via I the Southern Rail way. ! 1 . . . . ..,., 1. 1, u.i h !uiiiriHin? the undersigned. K.itfs, selmdulwi. and omer linonuau.m .u. u.... , .. , D h H.rdwick. Pa. Traffic Manager, j Washington, D. C. j R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, K. C. r been beset during the past year a half. ! The property of the Odell Manu facturing Company, which consisted of five mills, real estate, tenement houses, manufactured goods on hand, accounts, etc., were to be sold under the hammer in Concord next month, September loth, by Receiver Ceasar Cone, the upset price being nnlv $300,000. The burning of Mill No. 4 And the realizing of the insur ance money thereon, with the other developments which have taken place within the past several weeks, will doubtless change this arrange ment. All details are of course de pendent on the settlement made by the adjusters which will take! place within the.next week or two. j As to whether or not application will tnen be made for a discharge of the re ceiver depends on circumstances. Fires are bad things at best but if there was ever an opportune sea son for fires in cotton mills, now is the time. Those familiar with the conditions that obtain in the cotton goods trade can well appreciate this fact for all of the mills are running on short time and production lis ac romnlished onlv at a material loss. A Drominent Charlotte mill man de clared yesterday that if he was ever to have a fire at his mill he wanted it to come j now and this is a very prevalent Isentiment in all circles. One of the: stockholders of the Odell Company was asked what he thought of the situation yesterday, tie re plied that; while he was talking without all the facts before him, judging by the newspaper accounts of the insurance, that the fire was a blessing.- S "Now.:' said he, "I can see some chance to realize a little oh my stock. I had. given up all hope, but now l see a fittle light. If the affairs of the company are handled judicious ly, I am of the opinion that the stockholders will yet share some thing." r.u r. "My big tomcat thought he had a fighting chance with the rabbit, and when they met in a narrow pathway in the snow and the tomcat displayed no intention of sidestepping, the cot tontail swatted him so forcibly in the eye that he was sent whirling! through the snow. Growling fierce ly, the tomcat rushed on his foe, but the other lacerated the other eye with a well -directed lash of his left hind foot, and then the whining cat fled up a tree. His ears were both snlit from the force of the blows. "But it is in fighting dogs that the old cottontail displays almost human resource and strategem. j He picks a quarrel with every cur he sees, swats him in the eye, and then runs at hrpakneck sneed. with i the dog in hot. nursuit. When he reaches favorable dace the cottontail slack ens speed until the dog approaches, then he leans into the air, turns a hack somersault, lands squarely on the dog's haunches, and sinks his teeth into his body rapfd is off again like the wind. He repeats this pro cram until the do is beaten out right or quits from exhaustion. "Finally the schoolboys began tossing snowballs; at Bunny. He took up the defi at once. Rushing at one big lad, he nipped the calf of his leg and was away before the boy sum his stockintr was tinged with crimson. He chased a whole crowd of boys down Valonia street one day last week. leaDine into the air and tearing their trousers. town. ; One of the pleasantest, or these characteristics is the neighbor ly pride which it3 citizens take in the honors that fall to any one of - their number. Everybody knows Fair hanks. Beveridee. Kern, and the modities, of returning prosperity less in evidence than a general hope ful feeling that the country is in the process of righting itself from thc bad upset of last fall, and that steadier weather is immediately South Dakota Town Moves Away. A brnii n or. liiew TriOurr. The town of KvarU. until a fe months ago the greatest cattle ship ping centre in the country, p wed into oblivion August 1st. Isot even a railroad track remains to mark the place where millions of head of cat tie have been cared for on thoir way from the great plains to eastern markets. When the Milwaukee Railroad en eineers settled upon a site several miles north of Kvarts for a bridge across the Missouri river the town wa doomed and the exodus began BuilriincH were dran arrow the nraririe to (llenham and Mobridge In a few davs the Milwaukee will tear up its tracks leading Into CvarU That will lc the finish. great pohlirai aa- itv m ch,vra an Ktm mar., Mr. Nfn--an i. Vfaca. tf iaf!alV who lhrvy(th!f kk-ftlifWd ith the oJJ lVvetatt. ir.ff)f a party, U tnarar h campaign and, ba at the imc time i a dvotr! and U al f . k'vf -( thr rluijucnt Ncbnwaan. It t relent that the IVra-ivraU are gtMng tu amme th awrrx-. from th tart U r.nfc. aM Ihejr arevjroing U? aauU' and atom the RrpvUifan lrvt work, a'.! aktf the line. TW C.rrat Standard OA fin of TJy.uO.um ha lx-n mr aiW by Standard (hi lirpubhcan Judr and thue ttcpnvtsl Ihr U-purx-an of the onlf U'gitimate evijrme of real rrult yrl accompUhei! by the K.wrvrlt adminitrtim. In fart the Republican in thi campaign,., eannut punt to a aingle Uurt that ha been buted" by the admmia tratHoi. nor can it tKtnt t a ting ie item of relief that hu lern a!Ti.r!vl the peiijiie a the rrult of the lie publican adminUtraUon. Kurther more thev pnt to the fact that all of the policies of Mr. lUrvelt that have excited uch irrmerwiuu pu larity and artrtival were rtmul irated by Mri liryan lr.g Ufvire Mr. Ilooaevelt ever thought of tletu. In other word Mr. KorvcU ha gained lonulahty only by carrvintf out Mr. llryan' pnncipSra hkh were not only prrachM by Mr. Bryan but have been Incorporate.! . in Democratic platforms as well, and are tWnt from the llopuUican platform. In other words if tle people want relief they mut lMk to the IVmoeraU ami tol to u Ive- publicana. Wedding Invitations Printed or Engraved in the Very Latest Style.. We With to mt that we cart hmtislt the moat lirawtiful Wc14ine InitlHs, Mthcr prtntnl r rm(rrr. Oiat c tw tmxtuiY!. Call antl arr r r"W lioe of aamitb-s. Prires: t:.ngrmxr4. JO 1, (.it CO lit Intel, f lor first fU. The Time Printing Office, l onr..Tl N, C nnuT n unruA l lima i lesser lights, and everybody, irre- ahead. To this feeling the very spective of political affiliations, -is I satisfactory crop conditions have readv to hang out uia uiory, Durn nrceJv contributed, uotton nas nau 1 1 ...U fkinrra 11 T ' I 11 A I. . rea nre. huu yy wp uuuo o-enerallv when unusual distinction has fallen to a ienow-townsman. The non-partisan demonstration spontaneously arranged for the oc casion of Mr. Kern's return from Denver was, however, a really re markable and exceptional testimonial to the nominee s popularity among his own people. In a city like In dianapolis there would have been an ovation for any similarly honored favorite son, but it is doubtiui whether the nomination of any other man would have been made the occasion for so widely partici pated in and so heartfelt a reception as that given the present candidate. ! The Grouch Hunters. Once-upon a time there was a man who knew he had a grouch, lie re solved to get rid of it, so he loaded a shot gun and went out to siay. "I'll cret ud on the hills, said he, "so I can spy it afar, and lam the vprlastinc eizards out of that grouch." Rut when he got up. the sun ahininor so briehtlv that he couldi Many of the see the grouch with a spyglass. excellent weather through July, and will be in good shape to withstand any outward weather that may come in August and September. The large acreage of corn is in very fair condition. The Kansas wheat crcjp is being threshed, and the spring wheat of the Oakotas was rescued in the middle of July by copious rains from the drought that j was threatening it. To the North the new wheat lands of Canada promise to give an excellent account; of them selves in the harvest of 1K8. i An examination for the high school teachers certificate will tie held on Sentemlier 11th' and 12th at the county-scat jof each county of the State- whose superintendent shall notify the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by September 1, of the number and names of appli cants who desire to take the examin ation in his county. John Lowlow. Everything. Club W. H. Tayloa O. P. A. f .,in nnnninn v THE DAVIS WHITE SULrUUK SrKlNub Hiddenite, N. C. A ennd storv is told of the Dr. Abernethy, the well known preacher and educator of western iNortn iaro- ! lina. He was once at a county o-atherintr where there were many candidates. One man, well loaded, 1 meeting1 the Doctor said: Mister. I don't know you. but I gess you re a candidate; what yer runnin torr 'For the kingdom ot heaven, was tha rWror's solemn reDlv. at wmcn thequestioner replied promtly," Well, was n't So vounersters now walk around three he came backhome before it got blocks in the rear to get to t me dark school house, and at the request oi( the neighbors I bought a steel wire muzzle and strapped it securely on the rabbit. At night I take this off and let him run loose in the yard at the end of a long chain, which is at tached to a ring in the rabbit's nose. Hp hroke every other manner of confining him, and it was found ne cessary to insert a fine gold ring in the nose cartilaee." ! . Mr. Jones offers a standing prize "I think." said he. to his partner, "that I've got business stradismus the grouch is a myth out upon ijt." And though the partner was dubious about the words, he vas glad to note that the other quit mop ing from that day on. t .- It had been fepored that John Lowlow the famous circus clown was dead. This news was rceived with re gret in the South over ayearago.but the good news comes mat ne is buh among the living; that he is with John Robinson's circus now in, the South and John is meeting and greeting ; his hundreds . of mends every day. Lowlow was one of the few ereat clowns ol the country- on$! of the highest salnried and it was he who conceived the inexpressibly funpy proposition to bring in an other horse." When the spring board was arranged and the athletes would turn double somersaults over three horses and then four horses and then five and six Lowlow r would rush up! on the spring board and make a ficerce dive and run under the six horses and then to the ring and yell j "Bring in another horse always, to the amusement of the crowd. He did many stunts in the ) Kach succeeding day during the past week additional men have been added to thei Southern's force of em ployes at Spencer and conditions are rapidly Incoming normal. It is stat ed that Sunday work in the machine shop will discontinue hereafter and enouch men employed to no the work during the six working days. I A lot of people think that they are climbing the ladder of success when they catch hold of the other fellow's coat tails, i ill nmuinn oiii Forty-Ninth Session Begins September 10. n cxri-IK-nt r l.l fr e.il. Kafrs . i - .1 wry tnKiTiiu-. lor i:tuij;Hr addrcfc, J. 11. C. I ihcr, Ml. IMcasant.N. C. Ang 7 Jin. Belter Resort Than Cobb's island. lalatxl llouiw on I'ilsr IUn l 3' Hlm north of CoM. 4ntK f i)i. Hlilnu Inlrt. 1 Ul.iiitf. lo. AIiol l'i til anil Mitifili-'l tih llotl U li rraru It U it htr Un ty UuihIm 45 tiiltiulr. Uoui.lp 1 1 rt- imxlrrair toi'l ! Ul rl- hotel lo fsmili'- ntl Ur' rt i'-n. Sni tor liooVlrl. IA. II. ti. MKAIIS. July atn. Cl ,W-i.r.a, V Plain Talks on Fertilizers Increasing and Safeguarding the V heat-Crop A camDaien to swing the North SSnn KS S 'S dust ring that gave him Rational re rratS national comittee and Chair- putation. All will be glad to know that I . . . . . iA-friA n ,V, nrn. Moot ia mntpmn ntinc A triD tO "C ia atli ui ta v.. oio- tho Tariie must to Miss Betsy London, of Fittsboro, o nf;nn Ronnrta rwpivwl 1 ha3 been selected as sponsor for the rir.ti ' honrinnnrtprs here North Carolina division of the? Con Ti a to lork ' indicate, the leaders say, that Mon- iederate reunion w ue o.u the door after the horse is stolen , of $25 to anv Derson duce a rabbit that has a greater number of scalps to his credit or possesses more accomplishments.. 3d pardner. l ges you maK a,. ; -ftmp ba(k for Mountain I right as you ain't got no r j ' ' rouou ocic in Win- -..-i u ti,.. QtotDn in th Rorkv ston-Salem next weanesuay, ana nas region for a promising mvitea miss jowpiuue my ui, i wa- battleground for the Democrats. leigh, to be ner or nonor. . , i i n NiW Ol We nrc Utter prepared tlmn ever to serve you:. nice Single Kuoms nu ni? atlihd an Annex of 30 more with tiundiy smaller inurovemcnts V. . I I. IV I.I Hot and We now have tdl modern convenicuvcs, nu '.1.1 Hatha. I . M..iU-iiite I'rUe. ,J t. t.t. .rii:,u.mir on ,r p.ee.s one mue f " saiuburv at Statesville furnished. Bell and Inde- Sontliern Railroad t harlotte to layiorsvuic ; .-..J...1.. .1 A ,t. $7 to $9 per week; $22 to $33 per month.. t" inta i i jaaij - q - r . for further information write for Illustrated Booklet to Hiddenite, N. C. DAVIS BROS, Owners and Proprietors, Treat 1 r - ' ment J-20 nrfpr trt tTMt vourself at home, for any form of female irmth rwrinidn't vou ? Well, it can be done. No reason why you should not be able to relieve or cure your suffering; as thousands of other women done.by proper use of the Cardui Home Treatment. Begin by taking have Wine oil a rani the well-known female tonic For sale at all drugstores. - Joe Moorhead. of Arched. I. Tvrltes. "My wife had nffndfer years -a. i tha Cardui Home Treatment, and nov she haxdhr suffers at alL Sold by dmggjstt. JULU UTIW, J.l , . mm a m w-KfWIX Wflt. tedav foe Irm etwr of hiaHa M-paa Borwa aacm. ww wa . he use oi com- i . mcriial. fertilizers on i the vhcat crop is year ly b ecoming more general proof enough that it iO'S an F,VJ well. Tin) many farmers, hnv.evcr, use fertilize without due regard for the tjcri;d ncds f their soils. Often they lmy the cheaicst grade-;. Or they use very srrtall quantities. That a u c h unscientific use of fertili zers has prm-ed profitable indi cates vkhat it tan accomplish !6r wheat grow ers if used v 1 . It more xaretvuiy ami inteui fccntly. .; Tlie Ix st way tf ltarn just Avhat fertilizers will pay you l.t is" to make com parative teits on a small -scale with ytnir soils then use a IP sufficient amount' and yon will undoubtedly incrca'sc not only the average yield, but yo;r profits a well. Write to th.-i, Vir-ginli-Caruliiwi Chem ical Comjwny fr it new Year IV .k. or Al manac, a costly frac hurtk, written by govcnimcrt and ri-atc exjjerts. It sIfj-ws how and why yoti can in crease your crops three or fuur fold by fowing moU crn agricul tural method.. A postal to any of the Coin jjany's offices given below will bring a copy by mail free cf tlargc. l MUGlStK-CAUUUSA CHEMICAL CO. Hkkmtmi, V. 1nttmm.i.C Krtk. V. LXUjm., t,. C. At 1st. .. , tJbmmfrl, La. w 2 II it I . if . . w 1 " : i . 1 1 ...... -i. : ' i . - - . . . r -- " . --!-. ..- ' A 2 1