L -4 " ' " ' - i - - .1; , .J ' ; .1S H. SMttKKiufc, Bdltor and Publlhi. . , - f .' . "-. ? ------------ , . , - . -.-r . - -' -""' 1 - - ' PUBLISHED TWICE A jWCKK. - . lfiC. Y D I TA ;l UME XXXIV. CONCORD. N. 0. TUESDAY. AUGUST 25. I908. Number to CX" M I & STILL WE GROW. WHY? fORIUNES ON IRtfS. This is n strong bank strong in capital, strong in ils oll'u-crs who hnye its manrigement in hand, strong in ils I arl of'ditTCtijirr, "strong in its stockholders who iitimlti-r over tightly of the most representative and in ilurntinl men ol jhe town and county a bank with which the man of -small afl'airs can do business 'and nurt with the same courtesy and consideration as the man whose business amounts to thisands of dollars l.iilv. j ' It is a careful, (aclive, safe-, successful and a growing institution, and oic that allords its patrons the high- t rlcgrce of safety known to the law. ' It al avs has money to loan to meet all the reason able r('iUiremen1s of its patrons. If vovi are not alrea ly a customer of this bank, let this be vour invitation io become one. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY I A. JONI-S YOKKU, 1'rrRiilf-nt. M J,. MARSH, V n t I'rriilrnt . CHAS. Ii. WAGONER, Cashier. i ioiin fox. . Assistant Cashier. THE SINGING MOUSL i WE WANT TO BUY! YOUR: PRODUCE . WE WILL GIYE YOU THE HIGHEST Orchards in the Northwest Which Yield Profits of $1,000 an Acre. TX'tinir&I World. J In the.Uofrue river valley in south ern Oregon F. II. Hopkins in l'.KVT made a profit of $19,000 oft" sixteen acres of winter Nelis pears $1 , 1ST r.0 an acre. In the same vallev G. H. Hover bought ten acres of near or chard at $TA0 an acre. Fifteen months later the crop brought him $y,r,oo. , - i Fight years ago J. L. Dumass set out fifty acres of apples near Day ton in the Walla Walla district of southeastern Washington. In the summer of 1107 he Ixnight fifty acres of apple orchard adjoining the prop erty at an investment of $IS,000. The apples he picked from these fifty acres that season sold for $Hi,000 and the total crop from the hundred acres realized $.r.000a return to the owner of $10,000. A climate and soil that are capable of rearing such monsters as the red- wook trees and the sequoias;, which render measurements of vegetable growth in other regions of thia coun try puny and scant, account in part for these bewildering figures. I'ut there' are obscure valleys, nar row and diminuitive, mere pockets, between huge mountains, where in the past no plant worthy of cultiva tion has found so much as a foothold. And it is in many just such spots as thee that! the returns are the hugest. Irrigation,' in such cases, is the remaining factor that explains the mystery. - The same; magazine tells us a ' re markable story of the success of two women who tried farming in Eng land. The? began with five acres in MANY DtSfRUD WIYIS. AY All! ABU ACtlS6N. In Uncle Remus' Magazine is a let-) One of the Results of the Recent ter from one of the Magazine s ub-1 y r w r Rcribers telling of a marvelous vocal- i ,unfS lor ?.-inV ist, a singing mouse. Here U the! York Erminjc Voi. Hard Berkshire, put found they had 1 too generations tale, lie it true or nature fake Suddenly in the night, as I lay awake, I heard a few notes, sweet i and clear, yet low and faltering, as if the singer were uncertain of his power, and feared to Jet his voice out to its full. It was very like : the sting of a bird a caged bird, that, dreaming of sky and stream and for est, sings in his sleep,! with head tucked leneath awing, thus muffling the sound : ; '- - Like a flash came the truth to me : I was being serenaded by that rarely-heard " musician, the ! "singing mouse!" Long ago 1 had read of him, but had never before hoped to Ik? honored by a serenade; from the shyest of singer?; be sure! that I Jay perfectly-quiet and listened intently. I found his song just I what it had been described as being, very much like the canary's, only more soft and sweet, altogether unmarred by harsh, shrill notes. The writer of the interesting account of the sing ing mouse claimed that the creature is no strange species, but only the common house mouse that has either inherited the gift of song or learned the art from older members of his race. It is supposed that originally the accomplishment was learned from canaries, and this, seems prob able as singing mice are more often found in houses where there are ca naries. That they do learn the song from each other,1 and also that it is hereditary, is proved by the fact that if one is heard in a house others are likely to make themselves known trom time to time, even unto many An epidemic of wife-deisertion has MARKET PRICES FOR IT. We will buy your Butter all summer! Pack it up-in crocks or some other vessel. This saves printing, and i just as ool fpr. us to handle. We jvvill pay you 124 crnts a pound for it. J Highest prices paid for Chickens, Eggs and Beeswax. The D. J. Bost Co. Tin; CASH GROCERS. much land, jso they cut down their holdings tp less than half that amount. I The teachers of the women were a French gardener and his family. who, with an acre of land in France, sold $25,00' worth of produce in a year. ' j In a bare ploughed held stands a square palisade of zinc plates enclos ing about three-quarters of an acre," wnte3 a vistor to the farm. The ground is all covered with inverted bell glasses of the kind known in Eu rope as clochers. Under each bell at the time this writer visited the farm were five lettuces. Lettuces were growing around the bells and other vegetables sown broadcast were coming up everywhere. Every inch of the soil bears at least three crops a year, each of them anticipating the season and therefore producing fancy prices." HusbandI'm afraid Fm becom ing cross j eyed, my aear. wire The ideals Why do you think that? Husband-r This thing of trying to look at my income and our expenses at the same time is slowly but surely getting its work in. j ; Charlot te Ohrrrr. 1 i j The New York World come into camp, not precqtat,ly. a f rhasj by a Uar. but with Match' ftrp and dicnity. "The World," it y. ftruck the poorer districts of - this; Kpt&k trig fnr itself, "ha harplv dt city, according to rtiorts which the! agrved with Mr. iSryan and Uh I Vm Chiblren's Aid Sriety has received joe rat ic party in the past, it ha u- rrom its visitors in the eight districts held them hnever they rvprrnt where the society maintains itsel true iJernoracy. lit ha pp'd branch stations of the sick Children's j their I'upubsm and 'Socialism. . It txruaiHt of a u a. Mr. Joe F. Cannon was recently elected Vice President of the Can non Manufacturing Company. 91 Farmers' Business. V I'irf p.irtiitil.ir atti-ntivm to t lie business ot t.irmers. A i lud; in); account witli Vi hank is .T convenience no farmer should he ll llMlll . ! . Our i rt ificates ol" deposit lcar per cetit. interest. '( i ii r t:..iiiiiiotiious wtlices alwavs at the disposal of our customers. We mulially invite the f iriners to tnaki this their Banking Home. riiej Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 . .a, rt J t( AAA Surplus and ijnaiviaea rroms ? ju.uuu Bad Symptoms. The woman who has periodical head aches, backache, sees Imaginary dark fepots or spcks lloating or dancing before her eyes, bayenawing distress or heavy full feeling in Itomach, faint spells, drag-gtng-downAeeling In lower abdominal or pelvic regton, easily startled or excited. IrreguUfror painful periods, with or with out pHvic catarrh, is suffering from weakntt-ses andCera ngements that should have eaJiy aytt'ntion. Not all of above tymptoiM ace likely to be present la any case at one yume. i . . riegloctyl-or oaaiy treaiea ana sucn cases X)iyin run inio maiaaies wnicn ae man Ute surgeon's knife it they do not resivfatally. f No medicine extant nas such a long 4pd numerous recor.l ol cures In SUCH afcS as nr. nerce s r avori.e rnsrn sucn As for my own pet, he came every night for several weeks, invariably between 1 and 2 o'clock. Always he faltered a iittle at first, but after wards, becoming more sure of him self, would let his voice out fully, singing with the pure abandon of enjoyment. The first few nights I was afraid to arouse my mother, who slept in the same room but in another bed, lest the little fellow might cease if I should speak. But after the first two or three solos I ventured to call her, and he was not startled in the least, but sang on without pause as if his ears were closed to all save his own musical notes. After that, at her request, I would always call mother when the. entertainment began, and never once did the mouse become silent at the or.iir.fl ty-i r T7r?rr I j I wish I might say he sings for me still, but he does not.! Whether he died a natural death, fell a victim to some hungry member of the feline tribe, or wandered away to parts unknown in search of a new audience but finding nowhere a more ap preciative one, I am sure -it is not given me to record. But the memory of his sweet song abides with me, and f "Oft in the stilly night" I think of it, and of him, and in my hear I thank him for the delightful pleasure he1 gave me, "without money and without price." Margaret A. Richard. Newberry, f3. C. i Mission. One visitor has found twelve deserted wives in jne neigh borhood within a month. The reason for these desertions, as explained by this visitor, Mrs. Edith K. Mac Arthur, of the East Eighty-eighth street station, is. 4 'hard tithes." Mrs. Mac Arthur bases her assertion upon a comparison of the conditio' in her neigh borhood lief ore the financial panic which threw hundreds of its residents out of work, and the con ditions which exist Uiere now. "Where last year," he said. "I found only one or two cases of deserted wives in my district. I have stumbled across a uozen j in one month. When it is considered that the recent cases were revealed only by a superficial insjiection of part of my territory, the situation becomes appalling." ' ' . The district in which Mrs. Mac Ar thur's station is situated stretches from Sixty-sixth Street to One Hun dredth street, and from Second Aue nue to the East river. j i Immediately relief is tendered th sufferers, and, whenever ipossible1, the deserted wives are put o work. The work of the society along these lines, however, has been badly handi capped tnis year ty lacK ot lunds as the regular work of the sociecty-f that of caring specifically foi children has increased to such proportions, owing to the hard times, that the additional relief Work ot helping deserted wives can only lie extra contributions. The Hazing at A. & M. Will Not Stop. States tile Landmark. met by has nothing to retract, defend; or n cus It rvpond; now to the; merit and demands of a Cau rather than to the claims of any man or any ma chine. . Independently and firmly, voluntarth-iand conscientiously, and with a keen appreciation of it own responsibility to the public. The World, confronted on one ide by Ilooseveltim and loweveltV proxy and on the other by . IVmocraey and Mr. Bryan, has no hesitation in say ing that within the limits of true IVmocraey, the Democratic ticket is entitle! to the full Ilemocratic vote." r Colonel Watterson has complained that there is no paper in New York to give utterance o the Democratic sentiment of the East. That can no longer he said In The World it ha a powerful mouth-piece, one of great circulation and great influence, and it has in The Staats Zeitung. the great German paper, an ally which, proportioned to its sphere, is of even greater power, for from it the Cer-man-American population takes its opinions. The Bryan Cause is no longer without representation in New York; it could not wish for better ; and the terms in which The World commits j itsel I are sucn in point of conservatism I and reserve and marked by such evident sincerity as to give the greater weight, to its future words in lehalf of the - 'Cause and the ticket. In its surrender the party throughout1 the country: has reason to rejoice. " j tins Pioiini imliir.nunt. ot t-ach (Tlt medicine a strq US several inifrpilient worth more t.hqpgnv, "er t : SOUfrHEKN KAllrWAV Operating over 7,000 Miles of Railway. j Ouick Route to all Toints, North1, South, East and West Through Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts. A Hording First-class Accommodations. ! irant Sleeping Cars un all Through Trains, Dining,, Club ! and (ttiservation Cars. , ! or Sr ecd, Comfort andCotirteotis Employees, travel via j the Southern Railway, n .iiM. s,p liilulft. ami oilier iiiiorni;n.iii nnmnu. "j .-"a S a Hatdwick. Pas. Traffic Manager, I ; Washington, D. C. . j R. L. Vefnon, T. P. A., tharlotte, N. C. ..A W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Hiddenite, N (iV (il'F.N. Wc.nre Ix-ttcr jireparcu ma II i 'm aihli-fl an Annex of HO morel nice i l,i wiih Riindiy Miia'.ler improvements Wr now have all mo.lern con venientep, 'ill li'ftlis. . j ' I I. , i.- I i..hi nlftitv of nice rooms,! nice 1 in lent I'lionc connections. Two daily mail M ".! i :it- Price. THE DAVIS WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Timn'ieril lin lf'arV imn-T.roipirnni Te known to meuical science tor the cure of woman's peculiar ailments enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug is toi be found In the list ot its ingredients printed on: each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. in any condition oi tno lemaie Bystem, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good never harm, j Its whole effect Is to strengthen, invigorate ana regniat the whole female system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are de ranged in function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are -weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. ( Too much must not be expected oi inisi'ta vorlte Prescription." It will not perform miracles: will not cure tumors no med icine will. It will often prevent thm. If taken in timeand thus the operating table and the surgeon s Knne may os avoided. - ! j Women suffering from diseases of long Standing, are invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, jrce. All correspondence Is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. - : ! Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 pages) Is Bent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps for paper-euvered. or 31 stamps lor cloth-bound copyj. Address as abort A Strange Fish in Kansas. Kansas City Times. A great many guesses have been made to-day by the residents of Fair- bury as to the name of; a couple ef animals, or fish, whichever they may be, brought in by Gus Bitzer, a Rock Island engineer, when he returned on his runxfrom Belleville, Kansas In appearance the things resemble a channel catfish, being of the same color and shape, but they have four legand each leg a foot with five toes. Immediately back of the heap three growths appear on each of the an- mals. 1 he strangers seem to get around every bit as well on dry land as they do in water. They have been on exhihitien all day to-day and hundreds of persons have seen them, but no one has peen found who ever had seen anything like them before. Bitzer caught them in a pool of water near Belleville yesterday. He says there are many specimens in'the Belleville neighborhood, but nobody there seems to know what they are. The aninals appear to be vicious and spap at anything held near them Parishioner (a little worse for, li quor) I hearsh you prezh last' night. New Minister You didn't hear much, I fancy. "Thaz what I thought myself." in conversation with a newspaper man at Asheville a few days ago. Dr. Hill, the new president at the A.1& M. College, being asked about haz ing, said the faculty had always been rigidly opposed to hazing, but that unles the student body extended its sympathy and gave its aid the fac ulty was, to a certain extent, power less to suppress hazing. Continuing Dr. Hdll said it was the purpose of the faculty to induce the two higher classes the junior and senior classes to take charge of hazing and deal with all gases that arise,; however, unde : the supervision of the faculty.. "The plan was tried after jthe trou ble last year," said the A. & M. president, "and worked very satis factorily, several students being ex pelled." AH of which confirms the Land mark's first impressions that there is little reason to expect reform in the pazing matter from j Dr. Hill. Whenever the president of a college 1 ' . II a. . I r 1 1 - ; 1 aumus inai me iacuuy is puweriess to control the student body, the student body may be expected to en gage m riotous conduct i whenever the toughs in the college feel so dis posejd ; and really it is a poor recom mendation tor a college president to say that : it means, if it means any- g, that he is not the man for the Garter Snake Cats f nglish Sparrow. Messrs. R. B. McLaughlin and T. "J. Conger, of Statesville, tell an in teresting story of a fight between English sparrows and a small snake, which they witnessed a few ' days ago. The gentlemen were seated on the porch of the law offices in the rear of the court house," when their attention was attracted by the cries of distress of a sparrow and the flutter of numerous other sparrows. who were greatly excited by the lamentations of their companion Investigation disclosed that a small ffnrtcr nnakc, hid undVr the hom-y suckle vines which cover the fence near the law offices, and seized the spparrow. The snake lay incmbush until the bird came near and then seized. him for food. Mr. McLaugh lin killed the snake, but this 'availed the sparrow nothing. ; When the bird was released from the - jaws of the dead snake it was dead. Tbi Mory a tt.U tv the Ut i!thp ltt.r by Bi-hot ludlrt. ' near Iuiv and haiVjrrl fa'l in vkith ft lal njrtman. Khtma un cx-rc,' atnurtn for the city man'n mfti.milnh: xftcd the ay tor further envrrfttktv. What' jurruime?thr etuntr)r man tinftily uvjuiml- "lud:ey.".w th rrj4y. A f tier mtw echar.?e uf irvkierit and cjreriv the ltthop" inter- turutor ha.ranlcil : i "Say. hudlivv. u hat luire Ui you follow ?" I -Trn a r.rcac her " "tih.-pt't out! What re you sir- tngnie? "But I am. I preach every Sun-i day." i WheH-" "In 1nimillc." "Well. I rMver! I never would h thuht it! You ain't ft stuck tit like most of the preacher down this way. : An invitation to hear thi new maile ftecjuaintftnee preach bj c companu-d by ft neribbUl carI. and the nct Iord s Iay tmw the rutu' in hi "SuTwlay Ust," ' U"herrl into the Bishop's own lew. where he liitencJ intently to both service nl sermon, i! ( He "was nianife&tlv am azx.nl after ward to have the orator of the morn ing come down to creel himj s cor dially and familiarly as in thf wood. He managed. toi tammer hH thank, j and added :!.'. ', 1 ain't much of a judge of thil kind of thing, parwon, hut 1 riz with! you and sot with you. and saw the thing through the let I knew how. All the panic, if my opinion is worth anything -to you, the Ixrd meant you for a hunter. Some Sayings of lincola.. I think (od must love the common people Iteeause he made so many of them. Men are riot flattered by Udng shown that there has been ft differ ence of purpose '' tietween the Al mighty and them. Trusting m Him who can go w ith a 1 me and remain witn you ami tie everywhere for good, let us confi dently hope that all will yet tx? well The occasion as piled high with dif ficulties, and we must rise with the occasion. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last let hope of earth. VikSX IftUYIDCSCQlMV. "Mark Twain U thr w m!rrvt ir rharsx-trr in Awn.-i?i li.rr!r ti-daT. ftrvl ha rf-avJ ' rrvre 04t -f k1 a of nrw hoir It Iha's ant ithrr S an -r. rx "lie 'm- j-t rta!i-e ft'nvt frvm our iae an t e hiro vrr) i rten He U vTf 4 happy a when trllirtf ft Horj, r j often m Uirg n in a jrujp fxr-ernial irtc. He iriAg. fne that rewntJr he rf-,t lr,t Mw !c Wprtmet;t i f tvur h. uw. arvj, Iwiri attra- te-i t y a particular Un4. ftked the prhv. " "r our dl!r.' the cU-rk. " Ve!5. tHw." id Mr, t k-nerv. '1 am netter writer. lKn'l I set dwxurit for that ' " VerUin'.y.' rv;l the oUslng clerk. " 'I ani !t mazarine wnter". !K i iret ioethinir of tr that ?' "Ve. Mid theek-rk. "ytj get a dieount for that.' " Tm ft! an uthr. Iv'i come in on the ftath.r'a dUcuM? ' "Yea air. you get the author's discount.'. " 'In addition, ' aid Mr. CUmera, 'I m ft atnekrHilder in this ue. Ivthftt entitle me tv ftomcttdnjr " "Yea. air,' tle clerk turre!. " 'Now.' continued Mr. IVniens. 'I would like to state that I am Samuel Clemen. 'lKieathat entitle me to another rake-off 7' " 'It does. Mid the clerk after a moment' herniation. " .'That's irond repheil tle u- inor; now moa murn un I owe " 'We owe you N cent.' " the clerk. your afttd thin job. A young lady went into a well known establishment a few day8'ago and said to the shop-walker. "Do vou keep stationary?" "No, miss," replied the shopwalk er: "if I did I should lose my job. Quits in Disgust. Commissioner Watson, of South Carolina, says he has waked up from his jd ream of solving the domestic servant problem in this section, which is steadily growing more acute, by substituting foreign white servants for the negroes. "jl'm done with the job," said Mr. Watson with a sigh. "There's no use. I will make no more attemps at least for the present to bring white servants to any part of the State. Conditions will net warrant further attempts along this Mne There are some instances in which the experiments have proved success ful!, in which both sides continue satisfied, but these are few and fan between. The chief trouble is the matter of pay. People in this State ar unwilling to pay the increased nnce for white help, lhev 11 start out with a thorough understanding ofwhat they are to pay, and begin right away bragging on the relief they are getting, and everything will work lovely till pay day, when there is a grand split-up and the jig is jail up." -Friends of Governor Glenn are in terested in a story that comes from Atlanta, to the effect that the Home Missions department of the Southern Presbyterian church has made a proposition for him to enter the ser vice of the board as a field worker wben he retires from the governorship. General Walser Double Dared Sal iKbury Post. Former Attorney General Zeb Vance Walser made a political sjeech at Monroe Saturday and the Char lotte Observer correspondent says he talked loud and long about the high prices of all farm' products and prayed that if prevailing conditions constitute a panic they might con-? tinue. We double dare the General I to make that same speech either in Salisbury or Spencei where fK) or more railroad men have lieen out of employment for a year or more and where the cotton mills have run half time. True, the producer has on some items iuunu a gooo price but not a ready market, for many among his former best patrons m 1 11 i I L ' 1 have lacked tne means wun wnicn to buy and a glutted produce market has resulted. General Walser should bear in mind the case of the indivi dual who when pressed to buy a horse that he had been admiring and which was offered him at a half its value, remarked that he had sixteen reasons for delaying the purchase, one of which was he had no money. Never Poll in Your Sign. tW.CoOfWT. In all tho towns where a newspa- paper.is published every man should advertise in it, if nothing more than a card stating his name and mild ness he is engaged in. It nearly al ways pays the advertiser and liewides lets the people at a distance know that the town in which you reside is a prosperous community of hu.Hinc men and that the tieople may settle in it with a chance of making a liv ing. Never pull in your sign in a home paper while you expect to do business. ' ! A farmer had hired a man to assist ifl the work of the farm. . ., At 1 o'clock the next morning the farmer called tip the stairs: "Hi. there. Jake! Time to get up an go ter work.!' Shortly, after Jake came down the stairs, tunue in hand. "G'lin" t take your bundle (tut t' Work with ye?" asked the farmer, facetiously. "Nah! "sniffed Jake, "I'm goin mime where to stay all night.! . In buying, w hat you get is just as imiiortantl as the price you pay. Not only what you get in weight and bulk but what you get in uw, in work, iri satisfaction and results. A hog buyer going through the country mw a drove of hog. large but pretty lean, and noticed that they cted juite pcculirly. From , one point they would all at oner run to another part of the 'held, atay there a few minute, then hump themaelve to ft different plce. They .kept -this up for mme time. The buyer called on the farmer. id he had been looking at the hogs and they were bout what he wanted ex cept that they were light in weight, ftnd then he mentioned their tculir nervouimen. ine larmer in hoarse whiwper explained that he hail always called the hogs to feed them, but that he took cold und lot his voice, and then got in the habit of pounding on the fence with ft stick ftnd now "the darned wood peckers are running thov hogs to death." Durham and the American Tobaao Con pany. In urging ft citizen to run for the legislature in its county. The Iur ham Herald remarks: "When wild eyed hut well-meaning men draw lurid pictures of the rapariuu greed of the American Tobacco tVpany. you can atand forth In the fashion of a man and tell them the truth. When mendacious mountebanks (irate loudly of that corioration" hold oMm the ul of men. you can stand up in your own god -like free dom and tell them that company' ethical inlluence is nil, it tlitical IHiwer a joke, but it commercial welfare here the life of this town. I Trinity Park School $ t ' T A I irt t I't rt ot r St li'M.I DR. W. C. HOUSTON. DENT 1ST. .. - C'rrt ifu aim of Cf ndu.it if i Airt rd tor KnlrnjuT to f.r:idin Sotitlx-t ft C'ilU-y Iteat l-uuipliril I "fr fmt nliir v S l.ool Ml 1 lir'jVillt ll xlnia ol -riiv Si n ,ii.t - tilB'Mtll I'-fil Hl''tlrtf-1 ill,l-, -; riil-"-l r mniuin. M-wh (ilriu Mid iiKMtt-rn nwlii"lif hmickIk j. In iim-iiI U-rXurr l fMi.li-iit li i f f."-fi -"lHiir!)' tun!, fi-. Ii-n )r- ol iilv-O'XMii! ikw. Otfire over jotimrm't Itbc Store. and otlif r li.li.rma- The Newton Enterprise is author ity for the statement that Limber- twig apples, the backbone of winter life and prosperity, thechestnuts.be loved of hogs and men, are both plentiful in the mountains as abun dant as are the crops of apples and peaches. Nothing is said of the prospects for white mountain cheese. originated in Olympus especially for the gods, and later handed down to the sons of men for their profit and pleasure. - "I guess my father must have been a pretty bad boy," said one, youngster. "Why'V inquired the other. "Because he knows exactly what i Questions' to ask when he wants to I know what I have been doing." DR. H i oow oyer CTHERRING, DENTIST, J oonnoi For Cut al'iKiic tion H. M. NukTIl. lii .Mii!! lHirliatn, N. C July io-i 4- DR. 4 s. LAFFERTV J Trinity College r Ii ji7 North Union !tre. 0xntc Si. :!oud-Ntnmniy Hotel j CONCORD. N. O. Prciir llitiitril lo.F.ye,.fc, Nfr and 1 kraal Offw-eHonn: H a. as to It m. v ! at to t m 4 Iff COWll , c. h cvfr to serve vou. Single Rooms and Electric i i ! ilch as Sewerage, Hot and j y fnrnislied. Bell and Inde- jtraius each wa? and all lor a m. J. MOM TOO I Y. MONTGOMERY & CR0WELL Attarncya and Coiifscira at Lav, if. CONCojpD. N. C A partnm will prarticc law in Caham. Stan ) ni 1)iiiiiiik countm. in (be Sspcrtor and Sa preine tirairta c the State and la t be J-'edera Courts, t Orlite m 1'hifer huil'liHir. I'arttel lr"(irmir to irtul atrmry ran leave H wltr ui or (1U1 r it in ny ot the (.onrorq r.uika lor ana we wi'l lrnl K on gxta real th.r i,l ue U one mile north oflliil.lenite. N, C., on Sontiern Railroad 1 1 . .it. Charlotte to Taylorsvillc ; chance lrom I riles for July and August, $7 to $9 per week); $-'2 to $33 prr month r.,r f,irtl-r informntion write for Illustrated) Booklet to DAVIS BROS . 0wnm and Prop"tora, Salisbury 'at Statesville. Hiddenite, N. C, m Bniilrls J-21 UrV.of te mAirlnt fnr Tr nifA Vrtll. if sitk. VOU SaV. But one medicine will not cure every rana.oi bicKii, wwusc uiii.k medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver, another to the spine, Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that Is why estate acmriti free t choree to the 1epiai!nr. 'e make tiw.roi;rh exxmtnattnn el title to laada offered a security far loam. Mot rases (orecuwd wit Don t e i pease loowwan of tame ; ' - m I'onr Ik-part rrw-t C rll jji ate, tfrndunlc. l:.Vj?itrrtihgnni l.nw. l.nrgr lilr:ry l.mlitxs. Wrll tiipptil lahorntotU a rn nil detainment a f.f Stirnr. liTtlin.tnuin furiiioltrd with 1m t nppar.it us. l.t itroara rrjr riMMlerate. Ail lor worthy student.. Younjf men wishing lo ttid b"til itivrsti'ite tle sutrrior ad vantiixt-a oflrrrd hy t lie Drpntt merit of l.i w at Trinity CoJVj.;r. For Catalto nod fur " thcr lr.lormato AAlrraa D. W. HEWSOM. Itogltrar. Durham, N. C. J July lo-fcw. Frank Arat4 ToU U. Ma Win has proven so efficacious e io.f O af in most cases of womanly disease. Try it. Mrs. Win. Turner; of Bartonvlno. ITL. vrttes: I suffered for years with female diseases, ana aoexoroa vlthout relief. My back and head would hurt me, and I suffered agony with bearing-down pains, At last I took Wine of Cardui and now I am In good health.- Sold everywhere, la $1.00 bottles. - l.miiPP Itr I t llTPfs WrtitKlvloratreaiyorytabtep4-pag V fom mtai MaOcM ALL I ILK Write today tor a tnu copy of valnable 64-paga ID ostrated Book fcr Wotnaw a a . t- xik. ma... lumntim ctittn. and tvtilv will ha sent fca Address: Ladies Advtscry Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Jx. cnattanoaga. laaav ; Henry B. Adams I Tuna. J. Jeroaa. Linh k:zio Liisli i Kuts, iAttorMi a Couneor it lie, : -'f ;.' OCNdORO N. O. Practice In all the State and U.S. Coarls Prom-it attenlu-ifl riven ta collertwos and (renerai. I law l-ractwe. Prris interested in tne settte- nt ot ! estates, administrators, esecatnrs. and iiardians are esfectatly invKed to rail cm as. as I we represent mc it the largest txmarag coss I ajittrj in A met.ca: in tart we will go any a rod of a butxj rlieaxrr tium any out else. raniea oesirinK l trua money caa ware n with as n detKisit it in the Concord Natauaa I Sank, and we will lend it on aiyroved semrii tree oi batrt to tbe lendrr. Coutinoed , ano painstaking atteatiua) wlu be f given, at a reasonable r Me. ta aii irgaJ nwstiMaa. Utbce U new mcm-tm Bttiiouig mioom uoan Hoaac . m-9 aaia;aata)aaia at . Wedding Invitations Printed or Engraved In the Very Latest Style. Vic wish to mt tht wr tan furnish the most larantinil WedJinjf laritatitM, citbtr printMor cdjj rayed, tbavt a$ he (rt-cxiucril. Call and tee? our romplrtc tine of sa tn tile. - I'rire: LnjfmTed, 10.00 for firat CO trrioted, 2.Gi tor Lnt JA). The Timet Printing Office, Concord. K. C

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