THE CONCORD TIMES; ,,hm B. SHBHRHkk, Editor and Publisher PUBLISHED TWIOK A WKKK. Volume XXXIV. CONCORD, N. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1908. NUMOER 19 8 Worth Looking Into. jAll nn'ii who have nVH'nus, hut all hank ucfoHiitB. hank aocounU are cot propcrou: men have The heinning of the prosperity of most men has heen a bank amniut. The connection, between ihank j)rosperity and a account h worth looking into. It you decide for a bank account, bank will welcome you as a customer. tl CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY A.JONES YORK E, President. I! i, M L. MARSH. Vice Prehident. CHAS. Ti. WAGONER, - Cashier. 10IIN FOX, Assistant Cafbier. BRYAN OF 1896 AND BRYAN Of TO DAY. aaministration danns: -which peace and prosperity will be restored to he business and industrial world. Sin reply to a request from the New York World Chsrirman Norman rl Mack has prepared an. apprecia te article eontrastiner the. William Jl Bryan of IS!) with the Bryan of me present time. W hat Mr. Mack said of the leader of Democracy in the World article will he read with interest by voters everywhere, and w Riven herewith: , "No other man in publie life has Krown as William J. Bryan has jrrown during the past twelve years. Ana i say.. this without disparaging the high qualities of the man as they were revealed to his intimate friends urine his first campaign for the Presidency. Mr. Bryan was conscien tious then as now; then, as Jnow he was eloquent in public speech, re sourceful in debate and faithful in the championship of measures, which, in his view', were for the general wel fare. But since-then Mr. Bryan has grown in such a way; as to make the Jryan of 181)b appear as a stripling the Bryan of : WE WANT TO BUY YOUR PRODUCE 1- WILL GIVE YOU THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES FOR IT will buy your Butter all summer. Pack it up itt ks or some o then vessel. This saves printing, ami just as good for us to'liandle. We will pay you 1214 ins a pound for it. . J. ihest prices paid for Chickens, Eggs Beeswax. and The D. Ji Bost Co. THE CASH GROCERS. E3B Farmers' Business. Wf vivr particular attention to the business of larmers. i lucking account with a hank is a convenience no farmer should be t ii. .ut. . - ' .; ' Uir i t rtiticates of deposit, hear 4 per cent, interest. iur n mniouious offices always at the disposal of onr custf ruers. j "We co-dially invite the farmers to make this their Banking Home. The Concord National Bank Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 There can be no doubt of the fact hree-Year-Old Quid Drowsed ui a Gully I that the Republican are becoming The three-year-old daughter of Mr. I L4 tA mnj,, it tk., WiUiamRape.whoMvesonMr. John New York correspondent of The when compared to 908. This growth is particularly notice able among the merj who, through intimate political association with the man, have had every opportunity for close observation, and this growth is the natural order of a career fraught as Mr. Bryan s has been. with the elements that make the development and (.he maturity; of a nign ciass citizen. Mr. JBryan revealed to Nebraska Democrats his fine characteristics when he won his spurs in a battle for tariff reform; and then during his first term as a member of Congress he captivated his associates in the House and won the respectful atten tion of his countrymen generally through one of the greatest tariff re form speeches ever delivered in the American Congress. JThen he reveal-; ed himself to' the members of the; Democratic convention of 1896, while in the ensuing campaign a considera ble number of the American people' came to know him well during a con test which for sublime courage on the part of a young man fighting against the greatest possible odds is without a paralled in the history of popular government. But those who thought they knew him as a Congressman from Nebras ka, and those who thought they .knew. him during the Presidential campaign if 1896 learned more of. him in the single glance they obtained when on the day following the 1896 election lie stood erect among his countrymen and showed by the manner in which ie met defeat that he had m him the tuff out of which heroes are made. j "It goes without saying that a man having passed through Mr. Bryan's experience in 1896 and having four years later been again nominated by iiis party only to meet defeat must have had within him theelements for substantial progress. When we add to all tins the experiences through which Mrv Bryan has gone during the past, eight years then we need not find it difficult to believe that there has been going on in this ieoun try a process of character develop ment in order that at a critica period in the history of free govern ment a great occasion may be pro vided with a matured m.n. V "Rpmihlicftns who have carefnllv studied the danger signal just now visible in the republic of ours feel as Democrats do, that the' occasion is at hand: and those who have the pnvi lege of present-day acquaintance with Mr. Bryan feel also that m him the American neonle have the man. They feel that Mr. Bryan of 1908 I is a well-seasoned patriot, admirably fitted by experience as by character by conserve tism as well as by courage for the head of a national Secreet's place i in East Sanday Ridge township, was drowned apout 0 o clock Tuesday forencon. lhe ittle girl was trying to follow some of the older children down to the creek, which runs not very far from where Mr. Rape lives, and feu into a arge gully which was full of water and which had to be crossed on a small bridge in going1 from the house to the creek. The child was not missed at once, and the body was found in water near the bridge about or 20 minutes after it had falling in. Mr. Rape himself, who had gone down to the creek, did not know that the child was attempting to follow the other children. When the body was discovered only one hand was sticking up above the wa ter. ' .'-.' ' NEW YORK DOUBTFUL ii Washington Star report that it I no exaggeration to say that the Re publican party in the State of New York is now in the root deplorable condition of factional dissension that it has experienced since 1SS2, when Cleveland carried the State. Thi conaiuonor i actional disruption as It will no dubt urv',l,' many our reader to learn Ut r ranee a more representative republic th4 the United Mate, that i. Ux'repre wntative of the pHipk in the Krvfwh national assembly have more poer and the President ha les pow-eri than in our. country. We copy the following extract f mm the lat letter in the lrotresHtve Farmer, writtefl by it talented editor, who is now visiting France: 1 The President i elected lor a term of seven years. The Ctngre consists of a V House of IVputie 1!Y DfltAI HftniOMStt. at present existing menaces Republi-I correspond,,; ?o pur National House can success In November. It goes without savins' that every 1 possible effort will be made by the Hepubli- , can managers to overcome this des perate situation end to smooth down the factions. There remains ten weeks in which the attempt can be made. No one should class New ox ipre.tut'vVi,ictiiMn by man hood suffrage f"r fmr ear; the Senators. uuis. h-.'M j f-r! i years, and pre elected in ppitJcailj the same manner. B'lt no radical differences tn tween onri tern and the French sysicn. Iri .lbe first place, the President hasnojHuch i prk in either the liepublican or the power as the President of th I ?hitel Democratic column until the results States. Like the Kins of Hnicbtri. of the efforts to be put forth begin he is little more than a figureshead (done Ripe for Change. To the Editor ot Tire World: . Mr. Bryan is a great man, a states man, sate and sane, and is today the greatest leader of men and thought in America. He deserves to and will be elected to the presidency Here in the country he has the united support of all the Democrats, independents and tor show. This state of affairs is brought about by the candidacy of Governor Hughes for renomination. His aspirations for another term aligns in opposition two elements of the - Republican and independent electorate, the reformers and those who object to the Governor policies in that direction. dt is even said that the Republicans have got down to the hope that the embarrassment which seems to in- a iiuiiiucr ut uia- . . i . . , gusted Republicans who feel that the J SiT ni v nf fLrf 1 teriff is the mother of the trusts and l&iPjuPLii0 that the Republican party is the ser- irfZ t'TrT iha, "XI ? vant of the tariff barons who fur-1 i ' ?5n.ri ?anllh.a,Ltlle ' iiau ma v uc c Albeit-u iu uu me wrong thing at the right time. nish the money to buy the elections with. 1 The time is right, the opportunity is here for a political change, and unless I mistake the feeling among the people that change is coming this fall, and it will sweep Mr. Bryan whom we can trust to favor tariff reform, to oppose extravagance in government, jingoism, imperialism. militarism and trustism, into the presidency S. N. Shafeb. Richmondville, N. Y. Aug. 15. Knocks Out Republicans. i . -. . . Greensboro Telegram. It was a shrewd stroke of Bryan's when he declared in his acceptance speech that a platform is binding as to what it omits no less than as to what it contains. . By that simple, straight-forward and unequivocal statement he knocked into a cocked hat many a stock Kepublican argu ment against him. Hereafter when. at the mention of Bryan, somebody howls "free silver, f'government ownership, or initiative and re ferendum, v the champion of Mr. Bryan can silence the anti-Bryanite by simply referring him to one of the significant remarks near the be ginning of Bryan's great speech of acceptance. The Oklahoma Republican State Convention condemnec rs "undlgni fied" the Democraaic policy of ob taining campaign - contribution by popular subscription. It is certenly much more dignified" to go to the offie of a trust, magnate and get $100,000 and then let him recoup himself through the tariff scheduler This may be a forlorn hope, with such men as Mack Conners and Murpny in the Democratic manage ment, for these men are something of politicians themselves. But they take consolation from the fact that Mr. Bryan is running this campaign and that what he wants to do he will do. The correspondent quoted from says that "taken by and large and all in all, politicians in both parties think there is enough in the situation to cause New York, at this stage !of the proceedings at least, to be re garded as a doubtful State. - j Dead" Woman Came to Life, j Mrs. Catherine Malone, a somnam bulist, 62 years of age, pitched head first down a flight of 17 steps at 1 o'clock last Friday morning at her home in South Norwalk, Conn fracturing her skull and apparently breakirg her neck. She was picked up as dead and pronounced so by Dr. R. H. Wolfe, For three hours she lay thus, while her husband and children sent for the undertaker and entered upon the funeral arrangements. Just when the undertaker arrived. Mrs. Malone sat up in bed and yawned! "My head aches this morn some be has and the real executive; work is through a cabinet or ninistry. the President nominates the imin isters but they can not act until the House of Deputies accepts them. and in a crisis the House can force the President to resign by refusing to accept his ministers at all. More over, the ministry ltseli must resign when the House of. Deputies refuses to support the minister's measiiirea. so that the real governing imjr of France is the House -'elected direct by manhood suffrage. It is mich as if our national House of Representa tives in America could compel the President or his Cabinet to resign by refusing to BUpport their policies This, of course, means a government more quickly responsive to public opinion: if the United States jwere governed by the rrench plan, .the election bf a Democratic House of Representatives in November Would put that party in virtual control of the government at once. ing and 1, guess-1 will have catnip tea," she remarked. S rallied and will recover. A Traveling flan Received the Thanks of Every Passenger in the Car. "I must tell you my experience ou an eaatbound OR: N, It. R. train from Pendleton to.L?Oraode, Ore., writ Sam A. Oarber, a well known traveling mail I was in the smoking department with some other traveling meu when one of them went out Into the coach and came back and aaid, 'There ia a woman sick nnto death iu the car. l at ouce Rot up aud went out ; found her very ill with cramp colic; so bad, in faet, that I vat almost afraid to tak the l-Uk ; her band and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and with a dead like look pn hei face. Two. or three la dies were working with her. and Riving her whiskey. I went to my poit case aua got., my Dorue oi unamueriam Colic, Oholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel without it), ran to the wa ter tank, put a double dose of the m di ciue in the fflasp, ponred some water into it and stirred it with a pencil ; then I had quite a time to get the ladies to let me give it to her, but I sutioeoded . 1 The New York'Wortt b the Bryan band wao ilh a vereeaoce. That powerful puUW-atioa rtn to be irntrr-el with the rr? portability of iiakirlr tip for Kt lime." ari i dealing valiant blow fr lVrrv cracy. In a recent Uue it give a ram mary of .it rrM for believine that i M-ttblicaniAm ahouKt te defeatetl thi fH. So fomWy axJ tersely d jc it pjt it argument that tion. whieh is attemptirg t project itself iott the future, i hijfhfy vulnerable ' need no prouf ln-yrvl the presentation of4he bare fact; - I. It ha been eitravajrant atl wasteful. "2. It ha attempted to popularize ar. .- "3 It ha eWkh! in PhUipplne im perialism. TV "4. It ha menaced the states with federal Usurpation by mean of con structive jurisprudence. o. It has reckleiwlv .-undermined confidence in bur butnew method. causing tantcideprnlon and suffer- ing.: ' ! it. It ha nrofited bv the political contributioTi. (i f trpor&.jon seeking legislative f nfor. "7. It has spoken vociferous against the i malefactors of great wealth, but it has not brought one of them to justice. It has bullied eongrcw. threat- ening to do a$ it pleaded, law or no law. . i j ; "9. It has assailed the courts when their judgments were contrary to iu wishes. j .! ; '10. It has maintained the highest tariff ever known in a free country and has made no move in favor of income and inheritance taxes. 'My It has constantly demanded law and more law (or the protection of trusts, although existing laws are held by it to be too drastic for en forcement. Hp I '12. It is now attemntirnr to round out a career of wilfulness. greed, ambition and tyranny by forcing the election of a person alU excellent and amiable Proxy." hsfft rVrWr IWIK IU 5sy VMv Art M r&U rereatv -f t Nfth tf:v f. t;t SutkU.v rsi4 jwt H k fr?n a?Ser.-2 itj?;s in the niRj mt- tt th Stf, U chnctr-ir Jt ttf U It I or! V, of the Seis-rt r t'rt. itn fc.'ij-m In S;nccnlry ejrt that Hr UH to 4e!arM een tml t the rr-t ertxw elect ilh a UW e?en-hat found in t many teT In tM SHnrw liTjt s tiKti mrry on tral fr Uiturbf r Hit4if or ah!n. tn thet a dtu fiance in the undaf rtv4 t l-ufty rHt rhu"et. It a wh a cWar re ajrairwt them, be . that they were ( vtUHltoplevt irullty. Hrtwefrr, thry went lo trial tnd 4u Ire 1 v-t !e h4 heard only two r thrre ie- wheu be ma an trd."r fr the CAm. to I dtwntwrd ho4if that Sufay ch.1 are not puWe worwlp la the m-tite tntetvict br the Utue. Mr. Middleton ar tV jjk-e. by way f illuttrationS aul from tw ttenrh that ..the liri2ature opened with rruer every day, but na te would aritue for a roortwnl that they are rrbgvHw bodies or their pruwd log a public wornhep. Gexrtte Uw a Drd Irter. Judre Welb strewed the law that prohibits the ie ef rur ttes t minors in hi charge t-fore the wrarvl jury, and the citiwnh!p otiifht to take notice of it. lhe law , it a dead letter. It U violated with imtunity and the ' inaction of lhe officer furtiUhe immunity Jo thoe who for the aake of a few renin prey upon the youth of the Stale. One single arrest and conviction of an unerupuhu dealer would end the illegal and immoral practi"e in any community. The judge spoke true when he said that the cigarette evil- is one of the greatest that lets hoys and young men. and that it U far greater than mot vople think. A Square Deal I In Time for the Train. Ami in time for the overland man with the to the . ticket- limited?" gasped the valise.' hurrying ud seller's window in thfe railway station at Dreary hurst. "Yes, sir.'-' "When is it due?" "In five minutes." "I want a ticket to Kansas City." "All right, sir." The stranger bought his ticket and sat down to wait. Presently a train whizzed bv at the rate of GO miles an hour. i 'What train was that?" he asked "The overland limited." "Doesn't it stop here?" "No, sir." ; Great Scott! Why didn't you te)l It aatarsd yua han you u; l)r. PUrss't family swUi in- f.r all tls ln(tli snu Inui tbm ars ttntorf ta tlis botU-srii.-r and thstr fraiU ars attevtw) snt-r oath as bstng em.lts androrivck V l iow lu tt you ars paytna for arl that tl.s 1irs4!snu ars gathr4 frost Nslurs't laboratory, ttslbf aalAcUd from ths mmt salulia naUvt meoUslnal rou found crutM( ta our A roer lean tir CTsl jjh 1 1 potn t to ur ars perhWti harmlsiato ths tnol deilcaU owScg JoJTTTP S-j fimq U'llf SUA t M-M ....' , K-x- . .... hl There are many thousands of looms , A aaA tt r .wi buu spiuuieu ii uw tuie in i-tortu vuro- lina and other southern states and hundreds of people are walking the streets of the mill villages without any means of support. All this has come about during the administra sort of dignity 7 lsn t it time tor that Dartv must account to the peo-1 T V j w . .n . the people th pay the exrense their enmpaiges and stop paying taxes to trusts? ' of by The Charlotte Observer pertinent ly remarks: "Mr. Bryan may fool 'em all yet. He is unquestionably much stronger since his letter of ac ceptance than he was before. ' Dem ocrats are getting i together surpris ingly well." j pie for "permitting" ! such a condi tion to exist. Radical spell-binders have been charging democrats for the panic which came upon the coun try during Cleveland s second ad ministration ever since it "happened" and now they should be fed out of of the same spoon. That which is "sauce for the ..goose, is also sauce for tha gander." Hendersonville Hustler. - 1 , with her, Tabbing her hands, and in twenty minutes I gave her another dost By this time we were almost into JLe- Urande, where I was to leave the train I cave the bottle to the husband to be used in ease ran and I received the thanks of , every pansei.Rtr in the car." For sale by all drupgutts. me?" "Greai me, sir?' Scott ! Why didn't you a-k Miser's Hoard Unearthed. Crttnt Hf-O'U lnd. ItiftpaK h. Nine thousand dollars in void another dose should be r01""' "ltly of large denominations, were iouna in a Daiierea leather trunk here by the sons of Leman Roost, an old farmer, who died alone inj his humble country home last week. Seemingly in reduced circumstan- ces. iwoost naa raised small crops here for years, and no member of his family remained with him. His chil dren had'grown up and gone away. Two of .them remained on the farm after the funeral and made an exam ination of their father's effects. Judge Craig would have sounded pretty good to us. But Governor Craig will sound better, even u we must wait four years for "permit sion" to append that title. "The promise is to the faithful." Hender sonville Hustler. I ii if hi ; iu' a. ir.ji prober uk of rroiiertiss of Its en. btng a most vltibiuitiwi.U; atwl r,tl fenueni, nutriUs an4 toolkit g dwul snl. . GlTrerlns r1a an fn.rtfit krt la Dr. I'lnros's (ol i-n Modical l.covtf Is llis curs of iuI!?tSof.. d yii'.' nl trotk uma-ti, itrn1'-d by r rlilM. hrrV-l.urn. fnul l.r!h, cot 11 Ul (u, txwr apMtlte. irfstwing ti .rng Is nusra. ach. blll'Hitt sml klm.rl l,ts Bi(it of lb sluinm-h. Utt and ll. I'.r.iilp rurtt.u nil tbs lis iS;irinf . allmrtiu. tli.'.'ln Mtslirst I;c.rry U a t.ierlfic for all di,v of ths mi c u BionitTanrt. raurra. lifthrr t tbs nl pimii'i r of ths l.ri,ai-li. U .,.! or pvlvie ttr. ;n in iu tirntit ftsKt It will yirld tolliU sovfriirn lm il If Its o 1 !rvrr-l la, Int Catarrh of ths ! I'd''-, it l s U. wliila taking tl.s lifMrn y.A'c: tis-erv-ry " for tl. oeparjr cmitivu!;"til trsaimni, to r''atirs ! jwiftBrr trrrw two or thriw tiri)- !y itti Jr, r-aj Catarrh Kmly. 'i li tb'.ro'ich et;rs of trvatustit Kners'ljr cur- tts wn-tt ca. la Courtis an4 h'rMn rnt-1 hr Kwi chlal. Uint u4 luti ffn ii.. r. tjf umpUiXi tn Its 1tii.i ,1 -. i ,m J b o ktrdiral Dir.rir " 1 ph m. k-iil !: dr. 1ml IT hi Ohjw i4a.nnmtB. -m nmrtiril l. lrrfti4m l rwrmmM Um Urtmctilal sunu nwn.Unn' 1 1 " l'l rovarr la not mi g -i tor sru rvut. ars. Ids' frua auli) i-ot't. r -r ti.u.t ti I pn-tad lo evrm rnt,uui4t',l 'o H oi-j ! TK Ulli- I l.r il.. f kl U olUi.aU. rl.ftM- nff., vl.k'K. If t tetsl. r tally tr, 1 .J upio "iimi UUj lint hk-Jii iih i.t i V SOUTHERN! RAIIrWA Opern.tinr' over 7,000 Miles of Railway. Miick Route to all Foiuts, North, South, East '"and West "lli rough Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts. AlTortlintr Eirst-class Accommodations. i ' t'ant Sleeping Cars tin all Through Trains, Dining, Club 1 1 A ' I via and Observation Lars. -r Sreed, Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel the Southern Railway. i:.iii. Mcliwlul, and olber Information furnished by addressing the undersigned H . Hard wick, Pas. Traffic Manager, Washington, D. C. H. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A., T us) uaoa KVgopoog o?s91 : THE DAVIS JHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Hiddenite, N. C. ' tiV OI'F.N. We are liettcr prepared than ever to serve you. . 1 1 ivini' added an Annex of 30 more nice Sin cle Rooms and Electric X & SJ i in wuli sundry smaller tmprovements. u now have all modern conveniences, sneh as Sewerage, Hot and M I'vltllti. ' . . . I I li l ric Lights, plenty of nice rooms, nicely furnished. Bell and Inde I 'li nt I'hone connections. Two daily mail trains each way and all lor a l I :i i- I'rtre. " ' . f iur jil.ire is one mile north of Hiddenite, N. C. on Sootbem Railroad in t liarlotte to Taylorsville; chance from Salisbury at Statesville. jr.-iirs for Jul)-and August,-$7 to $9 per week ; $22 lo $33 per month. l'r further information write for Illustrated P.ooklet to CO LLEfllATE w. mwm v I 1 . IV I T" IV N I a I'll A I I IS. I V , ...: i ... '! - . . : . vi-. .' :.i . - v, - ! - t-,-: . ,--.' . 7 To the splendid advantages hitherto offered at this Institution have been added the follovyino; : NEW FEATURES: II I M A. V - LI II II ! XL JL jsj, U. is. J ! - "'- "'..- I t 11 1. A Military Form of Government. 2. New Boarding Hall on Campus. 3. Glee Club and chestra. Or- 4. Improved Library and Reading Room. i The military system of government has been introduced; It is attractive to yoqng men and is growing in favor with ed ucators of long experience and eminent ability. It conduces to punctuality, neatness, erect carriage respect for authority,, and a high sense of honor and duty. 1 ! A boarding hall will ; be opened on the campus where good, wholesome board can be had at cost not to exceed j ij per month. The Halt will be in charge of an experienced lady and a member of the Fatuity will take meals thefe. ' ; To add to the innocent amusement of student-life and to stimulate the cultivation of musical talent a College Glee Club and.Orchestra will be organized and will be under the directions of a member of the Faculty. ' " ! Thfe three libraries of the Institute have been consolidated and'the books reclassified, thus furnishing an excellent Library of more than 5,000 volumes. A first class Reading Rjoom will be ifun in connection with the Library, and both will be in charge an an official Librarian. ' 4 DAVIS BROS., Owner, and Proprietor,, H i (3 d 6 n 'ite, N . C. Wood's Seeds Ya. Cray or Turf Winter Oats Fowo in S-.ti-mlr m farly iu Cr UAr, mike a nsnrii Un- r yi-:-l-inr aul moro pro;itafl' rr than Wheat Tlwv during the fetor an I railr jjfiir and ytt-H just ss lan''y vf rraia aftersrardn. Wood's Tali CaUtosus l- IU !! aout Vsistsbl ai.l f n Sssds for Fall PUntl". Sesd Whaat, Oats. Rye, Bartsy. -Vstchss. Crass aiii Ctovsr Sssds. tte. Write for OaUknr Wa I-1 li. T.7. WOOD & SONS MMtmsn, . Richmond, Vs. Wood's Grass srvd Clovsr Sssdt Bsst Qualities Obtainabls sod of Tsstsd Germination. 11 been added. a graduate of S.C ' The forep-oinc will p-ive some idea of the improvements at the Institute, i To the already efficient Faculty has Military Academy, who will be Commandant.: The Institute has an established reputation for good work. Her graduates enter the Junior Class of leading Colleges without examination, and take high rank. Her ex-students and graduates have been! winners of medals, scholar u:o onrt V,Anrfrc in fivenfthp lpadirxr CnlWe of the Smith in verv recent vears. "Our best material comes from your school,' says the 7 I 1 I IJ J CA 1 1 -4 UVUVyi aaa u w w v.. J J , w President of one of our leading Colleges. Young man, we supply your wants; we want you to share our benefits; I I 41 For catalogue or further information address, Q. F. HcALLISTER or J. P. A1ILLER, Mt. Pleasant, N. C. - - - - II. . ;"v,:;:,;;v;;;:. ;.) v . j. ...,- j . ; ,-.-,- :;-. :. '-,.".- :- LowParty Rates via Seaboard Tl Seaboard axionanrs -ft-rir A ttril int. ther will srtl 0rt c' itnlti I'.rtT Tickets at ml of two rents jwt rr-.ilr ahort line tnoeaifi; jhus arnitrar i-s rt rf.iL h-tr-n ail points on tt Smri Air Uoe llallway for parti's of Ira or mors trsTrliuK I w-tlwer on jnr, Octet ; m entitleii to tha sams prlriU-s as thote lKldiriK rrKnlar Drt-clas tl-k-ts. Ons naiMrr4 mxM fifty pond of i.g- frsce will bs i rmnjoni rre it - h who In ticket aod xrfotj live pomU on earh half ticket. For rates, S lwl u , Infortnat Wfi, ts.. apply to i. II. GATT1S, TraTrilhjr t'awnK-r Aif-nt. ' So. i W. Martin bU fTorkrr ludit

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