TIMES, JL JTlitL t : John B. Shbrrim, Eklitor and Futllki. PUDUOHCO TWlbC A Wl VOLUME XXXIV. s CONCORD. N. C. MONDAY.; JANUARY 4. 1909. .NUMBER Oil. ITAIY TURNS TO HER STARVING. GREAT EARTHQUAKES Of KBT02Y. SAUSSURY CHS CAUL KlKCAl DlfOSIlOCtV AN nilEtSlttG STOIY. v. Substantial j M Business 5 Hen of ,with the one fcV'f, accord praise methods employed by thia 1 iaqk lor the conduct ol its business, always- extended to our 'Fair, courteous treatment is depositors, "whether their deposits are large or smalL It is our desire that our reputation for justice and lair dealing, should equal, that for financial integrity and solidity. - , . j : ' CITIZENS BAKKI & TRDST COUPAHY CONCORD, N. C. A.JONES YORKE, President. M. L. MARSn, -Vice President. CHASB. WAGONER, Cashier. JOHN FOX, . Assistant Cashiei. Our Cert ifi rates of Deposit pay four per cent, interest, and are payable in full on demand without notice. Farmers' Business. We Rive particular attention to the. business of farmers. . A checking account with a bank is a convenience no fanner should be without. Our certificates of deposit bear 4 pet" cent, interest. . " Our cpmmoaious offices always at the disposal of our customers ; .We cordially invite the farmers to make this their Banking Home. - The Concord National Bank - ; Capital $100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 Refugees AH Bring Horrible Tales Safferiirj and Anguish. -Estimates of the death roll of the earthquake now eease to concern the Italian people. 1? is enough to know that the catastrophe is over whelming figures - would add noth ing to the grief of. the stricken na tion, nor move to greater efforts those upon whom the work of relief and rescue has fallen. Every channel oen to the govern ment ha been, ilized to this end. and other nations have been quick to come to its assistance, even before the cry for aid went up. Shiploads of fugitives have been carried out the stricken zone to Naples, Paler mo, Catania and other ports, and according to the Minister of Marine, rescue vessels to the number of 36 are now centered in the Strait of Messina, and 5.000 soldiers are being landed on the two coasts. " Most important of all now is the question of the living. Thousands of those who escaped the falling walls and the sweep of the tide are starv ing and without clothes or shelter. They can scarcely longer - survive their sufferings.. The first thought has been to carry food and covering for these helpless people, and it has now been decided by the govern ment to send a fleet of emigrant steamers to transport them to other places. A frightful scene occurred at Mes sina Friday amid the ruins -of the customs house. Bands of famished ' -1 wittwasrd a little tackiest terday that was as inlerrsUrg at it r.nbmal fVntral America. SHWwt Cor. Ot-rt. 4. tui. founded in 1524, destroyed-by earth-1 After a remarkably quiet day, all A number of town in the Stat nuake and volcanie Motion in 1556 : thincs considered. Obis city. "wet" are agitating , the establishment of th ntvl r.nmala. nlkhed to the core to traveling near the site of the first, almost de- the great prohibition procession at for the sale of liquor on prcscripUoru man last night to an Obsrrw reper- stroyed by earthquake in 1773, sue- 11 o'dock to-night and the town and The Landmark has given some atteo- ter.f I was in a twUhboring town ceeded by the construction of the county, figuratively speaking, went tion to the working of these deposi. waiting at the depot for a Cfaarkttt -fft " Mr. Howewr. it was a sfreat tories and It U of Lfbson, Portugal, almost destroyed sales day with the saloons so far as! liquor is to be sold at all this plan,! two there U a large warehouse, and k n.U n,i .ronriiKT tidal nackajre sales went The distilleries under the proper safeiruarda. Is the! from this wart&oo emerged. WW . XT- w i ivtk .ok unA .KaWIa hmiM hiH ilrndf most satisfactory solution. The sale I chanced to be losing tn that di- u.. nt r (Wi about dosed un shoo, but the city In drug stores, which the prohibition rectwn, a large and .jatfy rat, A Caracas, canital of Venezuela, de was alive visitors from tcighboring law permits. U a failure. There are pointer poppy. Ho -vi been play. , I- ci v-j l. I hnnjt drficrtrUf f rmir hnt I insr around the dfSJNiiV the rat stroyea oy earinquaae whjch. jwna wwp; jbi - i - . - a. . !. -t-, -.-fcTi. .!th.M mr m 'mm Ka tkie the I about as toonas I and as the Aieppo, aesiroyea in ls.. m buij, u r' , . i, L NanWaeverelv shaken, withr ac- who wended his way to the passen- pnvijege-in wma uiancra oru wim w companying eruption of Vesuvius, ger station had a suit case. jug. or stores are esUblished purely for the puppy made a plHteAtah f w him. 01 1857. package of some descripUoo.1 The purpose of selling ana reapmg u a wew-oouna umin wa. jun IlMr Ar4of r - f c Dront tnat the aie Dy orus stores I mu ue ocpo ana u rai rmn unaer i . , . . : . Stiajr if. tk rtrrs rtd rf . Kretofly at JvJ arih- kkmCW ie that a t!l f,fir was seen in thst tt aM tKst f4 )obit thr thrts teia 4Re !KMrii ' wrrt frit Us?vV'a ihM aM al ' Joining reitiNkl . . v In lK txttr vf iv ytwna "wo man ho h4 it rr f ar4 & marry him, Hv. W. WomifV, ef tWia. Tcta,S4rM ?3 yrar. sKot htmarjf thrvuch lh hrart lat jw Ull dead amw LV etth hW-h U terrinrd jrourg wan had ittn jt rtinJnf. -s A tw s rar4i ' cKCJ cf Mr. and Many buildings in Quito, capital of Eucador, shaken to pieces, 1859. Manila severely shocked, 1863 and 1880. . ' . Valparaiso, Chile, badly damaged in 1880. Earthquake at Colchester and home contmgent dia not get it in P-"-"- " "L-A 1? I , kT. T .TT. .T ,77 I Ui"dtJ tt fn , the rush ana many a quart, or more. u. - - TyjT.- r not hull beaming Wgvd In it wind, now adorns a shelf in the closet it The idea of the medical depository U chase the dog ignored the fact that , Tfcyy mJLx-t wanu nunareas oi nomeB. me aaioons -" - -.r y r IVt" n j J. J iT " i. ZT when oi of th huUi wm klrfsi In servedstraightand mixed dnnk. up r 7". -Tw r. U dih Wrring to- the last minute, as tnougn notn-iwuiru w uanuic iw , n ue uuo ijv...- r - - - r- nonr f trnnfr. and the to measure out the amount presort- ciose enougn to ue rouent ne cprn bar-keener and the bar-tender seem-1 bed when a doctor's prescription is I ed his Jaws and grabbed a mouthful m . . .... iw momenta aiicr. ' i A large, lean gray wolf gave Frank Ke iffer an exciting fivf'minuWii Mon day at iVorta. III., hcn it attaWt cwiciuivuuucvt jiibiuiu --'- i ut.. " i ... , , .... I j.i , , L , i m.-.io G n ;n;f A,,rr.f tV-bo cirn.Unn cfwl-natnr. I Ottered, ana he IS paia a Small salary 1 01 vnc ujuurvcr w raw H" . . ' v- .."-arr "T .r. ,.Tr. ."IZT": k;. tk-m. f nrnfir fortunatel the Dunnr's neck was 31. lsob, Dy a severe eartnquaice, i eaiy. in some instances a uarKtn .v.- . , - - ' . ,lhim j.r Inmir Bisl in ik.n . ' . . . . . .. ,. H i ... . , . . ..i u ; oUmin.tAd- th VrT f trnnA inst over the rail at that moment and I nim lumtr yrd in th traH that snooK down many Duuamgs ana couia De naa m some special uranu, 1 , - - - L , M . - . . j u i .- Mn. u .f.H- w. min. eete the same whether he sells or the wheels of the heavy coach pass- M,winm . j:t-K. -t i ;- v, t i..r a doesn't y sell. This eliminates the ed over it. makiffg as elean an ampu . tt- nofarn nnhi; itilr Iftnkpd fnr nroiic wnicn is me mam cause pi vawuu m of the country. by some to-nigbt. but their expecta: the privilege being abused by drugr St. Pierre and other towns of the Uons fell flat, a the town behaved P ana it aiao eliminate any leei TatanH nf Martinifltie deatroved bv remarkably well under the circum-1 lofiT that one must, to win and hold onWfnn nf Mont PIm Mav 8. 1902 : atancM. - trade, allow liquor to be sold nilgai earthquake shocks through the West In the morning the regular "eye- y w accommoaaie irienns tj: i on aaa iinLM... rniofAmMi iriii ha m nn. nn l course awnonesi uoctors can lost. the streets and this old 3an Francisco and neighboring wake up to adjust herself Of still it had been done with a surgeon's knife. When the train passed on, the dog's head, with the rat firmly gripped In his teeth, lay in the middle of the track and outside the outer rait lay his body. You may not believe It, but In that towns shaken Wednesday, April 18, J conditions, and Bet-about town will give presclriptions to whoever calls, dead canine'i eyta. which were wide plained to- him that If to new but at present chances must be taken open even in dearth, there was a look jority of , the. .Vrf) rr t n m.t on that. It will by and by regulate of intense satisfaction -he had shows of Greater N of the city and chawd him f mir Mocks through the ilrwU to his home; KeitTcr entcrrdhl huc In time to alam the door In the animal,s fare. Seiiir.g a ritV, he put a bullet through its. brain, boutina' thro.uh" a window. Moveti by the prttrts of minis ters of every denomination who com- that th etrat ma- movlng piflurc ew York were CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital, Surplus and Profits, $135,000.00- ' RESOURCES, OVER HfllF A MILLION DOLLARS. bonserrative Successful Strong. A Bank for the people. All are welcome and assured of fair and courteous treatment. Four per cent, interest paid on, time certificates of deposit.- . - Safety Deposit Boxes for rent.5 ' r s ART" T RIGHT! jNo better way than buying a Globe- Wernicke Book Case and Filing Cabinet LIBRARY IMm 25 .ORIGINAL LIBRARY PLANS If vcu kdieve in the home beaiiMvil U rjinouncement thoold inlewt you., n . oi tavx;. e& kis ivm( vgue& acot- v wrt - . .t 'iv.flw -ttaAni: bound Ut . . Winn o. . " catalogue W .Each Oluauon i uken from origin-J .dr.. the rfes. coding ovet $500.00. . ; - , f . l:;l n..mher ol the txxk wi.-s.-" " ' rwjuert in penon by malt- t Wehavesl V,ii nnltf Aft I will .Kow'i our-o,e y comW o, 9WWwW. book. s, w Ae finUh. yle Wd Pcrn dcma uu. r - lfwrhPPnloWexacOy.youipify.wewaioDU it hom the factory diiect j .The manufaclurere arf interested to hve us utiify you, and we are heartily co-operating wuh them to thai end in view.' V debris in the hope of discovering food. The first of the eearchers who were successful were attacked by others with revolvers and knives;; and were obliged to defend their finds literally with their lives. The struggle was fierce. The famished men threw themselves upon each other lik wolves, and several fell disemboweled in defending a hand ful of drv beans or a few ounces of flour. One of the unfortunates was pinned to, a plank by a knife, while-clinging to his hand was his little child, for whom hehad sought food. Ref ugees . f rom Reggjp and Mes aihacontinue to pour into" Xatania, and the city is one vast fjospital with each house in it a ward.-; 1 Thousands of half nude individuals of both sexes have gathered along the muddy beaches on either side of the ruins of Messina seeking food or trying to get away by sea. Many children have died from exposure, and the cases of madness are in creasing. .- . The horror of the situation at Messina and Reggio grows with ev ery fresh dispatch. One of the cor respondents peaces the death roll throughout the entire territory as high as 300,000, but this appears to be extreme. Others make their es timate 200.000. but the.official esti- matf' ah made bv the Minister' of MarineMtill holds to 115,000. . Worthy of Consideration. Charlotte Chronicle. ' Judge Risden Tyler Bennelt, of Wadesboro, who is. as the Wilming ton Star says, always advancing some new idea for the benefit or relief of the people, suggests- the establish ment of Courts of Arbitration to try such civil cases as the plaintiff in bringing the suitv may designate that as the mode of trial desired, the judgment rendered to be docketed as now. He suggests that, such court should consist of two lawyers and one layman, and should "sit in vacation." His purpose,, -of course, is to relieve the congested condition of the courts, to give speedy trials of civil cases and to reduce cost of liti gation. It would seem to the Chron icle that this suggestion by Judge Bennett is worthy of . disiussion among lawyers and laymenl caueht the rat if he did lose his life in the effort" individuals were groping among the hon fi mm th' infr1 rliatrift th frnnaformatinn whir-h will indeed itself, the best method being to pub- - 1 , ...W W.WW ..w . " 1 W.. " I . . . . . i ii . i t I . .. . I . . I KK na o mnnth ina numhpr rif of the city and the property loss ran transform Salisbury as sne nas not - - into the hundreds of 'millions,, with been transformed in years. prescriptions issued, the name of uT,Ha Villprl Tr npPrllpMtoRv'that the neo- the doctor and the patient. The r i.'t. .!!. .u 1 Ja I nnhlieitv will helnimiirhtily to curtail I Cbartotta Chroalel Valparaiso ana omer wwns in i pie oi mis goou otu wwn wm u - " - - I Phil minPfi hv arthnnflke Anmist I thpir nart toward eivine the new megai pracucea. 16. 1906. and 2.000 killed. State law a showing and her citizens, I Fnf nrrp Thlaw. fcv fiovfrnor. mugiiuu, uoiiiuivu, FU'V""J I who . . u.. r J I ' I . . . . .i -i.l., 1 1 . - il l, f I , 1906 : have been on the Question, will lend Discussinir tne iroing into effect of lo now WF ?vu ? "vc -" w t.hir aid. moral and otherwise, to the Btate Drohibition law in North A fufl-T'une Sessioa. The hones eiDreased for a short session of the North Carolina Legis lature have irone elimmering. It is exhibiting picture detrimental to the morals of the youth of the city. Mayor McClcllan recently iiwued a drastic order revoking almost every picture show Horn' Uud by the bureau of llcco. i It may be stated upn authority that only four cabinet n-lections stroyed Monday, January 14, 800 killed. Wouldn't Take Off Their Hats. Charlotte Chronicle. . ' " Rev.-A. J. Moncrief, pastor the ing the manufacture and sale of in- i- i;..mM I nan Via miMiM boo thaf thpr wan I XUtB Vlljr Wilt uvumrcoa art, nmwivu I iiiu tuivi w .v m v, . I eich. undertook to make the women 1 1; na as the result of the State-wide I exaust the state treasury to of his congregation remove . their prohibition which oes into effect at He Insists that, the law having been will be in sesaion as long as the pay I Taf tV These are: ILihinder C. Knon.s fV,k mfnmlm0nf nt th W rPtrarri. P..mlin, Jannarv 1. Governor Glenn wnicn win wr a penou ut mxij 0I rcnnsvaroa. 10 rccrevary vi '"- mvv...w. o I w. . T 7 I r, - 3 .t- I 1 . . i li in. . says that if he were governor next a- roraayspast. ra rriMH. imrnn..oi eiecv nave Deenrcnajmiim ivjm.-uimcnuM'iia, w w pwi-mintr unKrw, James Wilson, Jof Iowa, to be secre- T?f; TWr,,.ia ,(,wh (n'p4l.L.,u.. ....(i,;n WMti, f m.n'. hW and sort except tne ainu vne renei ui u: tary oi agriculture, uaiuoi .uw.w u I IUSU au umci m iiviw " i(iui, nuu v.wj . . ;ii U. mIaIiiii i . V V L i tw or Dins, uniesa an aigna tan. iinciuomey -general. - ; : !.J!IJ...I I . ' ' ' . voted bv fortv odd thousand msior- memoers out ot ten nave inuiviuua ! Profeiwor Johno. of the Unttcr- ity. it is entitled to a fair trial of its mcubatora into which tney put Pennsylvania, says the coat of efficacy. ' I the eggs shortly after the election I ifvintr will continue to rlao fatrr Revenue officers are still eomplain- a inepaixmLg0uv prura 1 thAnwtjrcg fortt kast ninc ycfcrs ing. that the sheriffs in the; counties "Pn uc1"' " " more I?y WlK, he rorc-rcs. tne are making no effort tobreak up h cared that the important Lveraife pricei of rrtmlh will be .ehootnidmoAhnntArnWd Tllirit distilleries, there beinir po9- woricoiieegivurr . au.u - Wrwntnjgrlnantrtt,y reln . " . : . . . I .. . . . . ...... il I Vw nrtrnnM bv- the muItlClOliCltT Oil, cot Tk.. II r. nonl mle andthev are free to express Braau w,',a' " v " . higher. At to wages, tney wm rw, I . J. . 1.l!A.nin..UI. . the hope that all revenue raiders will case in pasvyeara. w.vi 5ut not ,n. propcrtton to tne wsps be withdrawn from the state and let to bve PPf '.. and bound, of prices. , Tlie working the state authorities make the fight message in woo w., u y-H , man wm r,nd hlm-ir p.ncnw in mo There is a movement for the legis- ?er TTTll.t'.T: P1' -f K1- tnerp Will De pnvaie cnar;r un. ut i , i..t iavure vo appwim ojcvw tuuow , tn I I resiucnx iWKMtevcu is nv ww iaii counties for this work to relieve -uuu"i rr! T..! l.;:: stance, uie uarivtn uiwii , t L- i tuA African trip as he was when h first much importance; a reform in the - , .w.w. ' i iiirw HVBLrui vf& bA liiivm.. hst'-r -jlnd it is the same old,, story the preacher; found himsell up against a hard proposition. Sunday night, fie, sized up the array of hats and taking bis seat said he wfould not proceed until the hats were re moved. Then, according to a re port in the Industrial News, "he, waited and waited until the stillness and tick of the church clock became became oppressive and still there were a goodly number, of hats not removed. I The pastor regretted the mSdnifth tonight. I - -- . nil". A Thoushtful Husband. The late Mrs. McKinley was one of the most charitable of women. clergyman of Canton said : widow whose children she had helped td educate. The widow, rather late i'nj life, matrrled. .A few months af ter her marriage Mrs. McKinley asked her how she was getting on. " Tse a gettin' on fine, thank ye,' persistence of some of bis flock and the bride answered. expressed the hope that a compro- I 'And is your husband a good i mise could be reached. He warned provider V asked Mrs. "McKinley those standine put against his de- 'Peed he is a good providah, mand that they would have to ma'am,' was the reply. 'He got me answer at the bar. of-eternal judg- five new Dbces to wash at dis las' inent for interfering with worship." Week.' " ' m the sheriffs. It was a pitiful, mistake, an. error many othcr measures of SUte-wide f n oincr ug rn.n-r.na lie Hmn m tr-. " ' - Ban and- prim. I waited for the 1 1 ; i. It Ka KsttrrKf iitv Ann o 1 - . i imixiruiiia: wtai w wivu&uw r i . .. m miWovtrQin Tri a lifrht waa lavr and I . . nf.- t I climate to inllmiw irtcivii Remarkable Record of Pastor. Lexington Dispatch- . Last week when the officials of the Wages Hereand Abroad. Consular and Trade'Eepons. ' " ' i In Dundee a girl running a side of First Methodist church held their seventy-two spindles on a jute dry annual meeting, the salary of the spinning frame makes $2 55 a week pastor, Rev. A. L. Stanford, was in- of fiftyive hours and pays $1 70 a .v j i ooa nn tko week for board and lodging. Those nraawui l m iiii an , n tm a.aa mi i .iwr. a i , UbWW T f " " " , I m vpt haa been the most nrosperous running dim. ..- It came'at last,' and from car there stepped a dainty dame, and, looking up and down the place; she straight unto me . came. "Oh, ! Jackl" she cried, "oh, -dear old Jack!" and kissed me as she spake,! then looked again and frightened, cried, "Oh, , what a bad mistake I" v . lV and Wners suffer. Everything found in, a Furm- ' ture Store "we, have" at prices ngm. - Oar Load Buyers. Discount Savers. Price Haters QASH OR CREDIT! The "Store that Satigfiesw for 1909 will strive to do its full duty Sd rSntintSnce of the good Ad increasing trade gtven ns in the past. v .- ' ' 1 Wishing you a prosperous New Year, we are, - " Respectfully, jGets Out to Go In. News' aniTObserrer, 31st. . ' Td-day Charles Blackburn, alias Charles Cranford, leaves the State's prison here, but-will Jbe taken in charee by an officer from Virginia for trial in that State. Blackburn was convicted of housed breaking and larceny in Augusta eountv. Va.. and was sentenced to three years in the State's prison on July 11, 1905. He escaped from the Vireinia State farm and fled to North Carolina- He wasconvicted of larceny in Forsyth county, and was sent up for one year. His North Carolina sentence expires to-day and he will be taken to Virginia to finish i a. his unexpired term, as aepuiy Smith,- of that State, is here with requisition papers from the Gover nor of Virginia. the First church ever experienced. The congregation has made large crains and is in the K best condition in every way that it has ever been. The Sunday school, under Mr. Stan ford's pastorate, has increased in membership from 75, one year ago, to 400 now; and the church roll has been increased from 250to375 gains that the congregation and pas tor may well. feel proud of. The collections f or all purposes have been in proportion. More money was raised than was needed. Mr. Stan ford has made an ideal pastor and minister; and he is deservedly held in very high esteem by not only his people but by the people of the en tire town. ! two sides makes $3.89 a week.. 111 Slllillal JUtC lUliia su M.sjoas- setts for a week of fif ty-fiye hours a girl running one side of seyenty:two spindles makes $6 and for two sides makes $9," and pays about $2:75 a week for board. tured business; the Legislature will find an abundant excuse for a full time session. . - ' ' A Great Development. Charlotte Chrooksl. -f , Tfie Southern Power Company hss I said, "Forgive me, maiden, fair, 1 tlibluhed a map which gives a com- for I am not your Jack, and as re- prehenaive understanding- of the gards the kiss you gave, IH maKnitude of the electrical develop straightway .give it back." And ment of that company. When the since that night I ve often stood .w., roi.-h. rvwr sta- xv.i j: v iliuofc wv v.w- r upon piauyrm- turn, , vu u . completed a few years ago, once in a man s whole life do sucn"v" . . The heat of summer, the exUtcneo of w many poisonous insects, the foulness of the drinking water, the Inability to secure fruits and fresh vegeUhlef in the wilds of his protective hunt- ng grounds, all of which he has wal about recently tend to give hvr COIU ItXl. things come to him.- , 1 "I hope you were a good little boy- while at your aunt's and didn t tell any stories,"j5aid his mother. "Only the one you put me up to, ma," re plied her young 'hopeful. Why; what do you mean, child?" "When she asked me if I'd like to have a I second piece of cake I said: "No, i thank you; I've had enough. be- Unable to Buy, Present, Dies. Downheated a4d discouraged cause he was oufi of money and could not make, his wif j happy with Christ mas presents. fThos. Hamline, a plumber, of Denver; Col. , killed him self Thursday night by sending a bullet into his brain; The suicide was j In a local option, election at Roa noke, Va., Wednesdav the "drys" were victorious bjr a ms jority of 86 votes. The "wets ' carried three of the four wards; their total majority "in the three , wards being 107. The 'drys" cat-ried one ward by a major ity of 193. v i "Dickyj," said his mother, "when vou divided those 'caramels with the Question was the ability of the plant to transmit the electric power Wis Tommy. fv fWlotti without sustaining a Tommy was a very sound sleeper weakening or leakage of the current and wouldn't get out of bed earlier would make the venture unpro than 10 o'clock, no master what his fitaD)e The idea of sending the mother said to him. So one morn- t ' milea WM considered msne tried coaxmg ana saia w rolematicaL NowJ the current is "You have Wd of the little boy -ent to such , distant ppinU who got up at 6 o'clock in the Greensboro, and WinstonSalem. , to wbpn h went out he! Shelby and Gaff ney, and will go ul- f ound a purse of gold P" timately to the remotest parU of "Oh, jes," said Tommy, '"but North and South Carolina. The what about the little boy who got nlanta of the Southern Power Com- ap before him and went out and I DanT wui have a maximum develop- WiltPatUm, mm it Mr. W. IV Pat- ton, while coon miming tn iw roouir tains north of Morfcranton a few nights ago, killed a bear that weigh ed about 2.V) ptunds. He at nrst thought he had treel aroon, but on stricking a match to Investigate, re discovered that the game was a big bear. By the light of another match he brought old Bruin down with a shotgun. ." . bullet into nis nram. a ne auiciue waa - j.j l uJ7 in the wife, who had just given him a small JL nTt i Christmas remembrance. . . ,7;, Touched by her thoughtfulness of w U1Y1UC- him and his inability to return her j '.will father be-an angel" asked kindness, he broke dawn and cried, j tj httle toy.. "He's got whiskers, This will be a saa Christmas . for . . i ii j a. yoj, ne saia. ana waiiteu miw an other room, drew a revolver irom a suit case and placed the weapon to his head and fired. - lost it?" " 187.000 horseoower. It ' vt: i , U Avfnt a9 tpr. Always Dublin, ' . a T,;u,n nA n Attiptiti niory serveu aiiu uic were talking about their own coun-1 ness covered. It U a most remarka triAs one. dav when the American ble industrial and commercial devel- aaid " - I opment, and when completed in its ."America is the richest country entirety, will be the greatest in tne in. the world today. ... I United States. , "Shure, said Tat, "Uireland wui . "TTnor'a Vint?" tutlA tliA American. I That a famine in the newsprint Shnre." answered Pat. "isn't the Daper market b likely to result from capital always Dublin V I a much longer continuance of the : iT I present dry spell in paper-making Alimeumg. territory is indicated in statements A New England man tells of an I adopted byhe officials of the Inter elderly citizen of a New Hampshire I national Payer Company. Many nrrm nrkn Irtnor knr tht rpnn'tation I milli nrKiK havo fxTi mmnelled to your father may get there but it . . . . mMnP),t man An the mn m, .Knrt dm In several deDart- will be by a close shave. Thi old rhan was DroDrie- mnt. nwn.no- tn low water, will be and angels. don't have any." 'Well," replied the grandmother, A - movement is well on foot to establish an automobile line irom m..L! Atlanta ThP line OI the road selected is to pass throughregular breathgbdiscerni She ray . btknm rharrus. Kowan. nas naa no water ur iAanr. nnnfnrd and Rocklneham since Christmas day. uaviuovui w vv counties in North Carolina, touching Charlotte, Concord, Salisbury, -Lex ington, High Point, Greensboro ana The guaranty of State bank depos- tor of a hotel the rules wereof pro-1 forced to shut down entirely within t -a TToii Dhn wr tn Rln Christ- t xik-tK r-or.i?n i tn Mm nn 1 Tided that everymrag; . sauuiu te lour wee its unieaa ram, iua, jc w iAPU a-at t " -w r UJ aui,vu waavaM m a- I - , I ' : , j ... mas day at Rome. Ga.. is stUl asleep, before the Leeislature to convene kept under lock and key, the result ficials say. Suchi a shutdown, ow Cka onnpara milch i&S a TjerSOn In 4.nn;i fifK rath' It 19 said the en- of which was that no. hanger-cn Ifac, to the fact that that company viuw jw . ' touuiuj wvm . ... . : I . . m i .i !il ik. v.ot oiirrViti f v;f .k. mn d tret tua nanoi on b newspaper, i has no leserve buduit oi imixi aeaui witu iuc " i aorsemenu oj- wvauutre.i. 4kr i . .. - . r- . j i-- - - - a bit oi notei sxanonery, a iree wasa, i W0uld, . is saia, cui on auipmcBi or. in fact, anything free at all. To I to number of biz dailies- Mr. Samuel C Burnett died at his J he climax the old man one day ome in Reidsville Wednesday after-1 ame m nd posted the following no- . . S TT! J 4t " - - I f noon at z oxiock. .ms ueam wlUce above tne oniyeioc mine piacei A Lazy LItct ffT ba onfr a UrM hvw, vt a starrad liver. It wuald U a as VA as sava tblnf to Uat a wtry ov tarvl man bncaaM be ur4 la hii woric Ba la Westing lb Uening. torpM Ilraf It If a great nUuka to Uh It wllk itrotf drasUs druca. A torpid livtf Is Ml aa , lodleaUoo vt n in-notirlbd, afU4 body wboea brg ans ara warr wlta cvtr work. Start with the stomach and aI!U4 erfaas of dlf'tloo and notrlUoa. Pol them la wafklog ordeaad tt j eakkly your liver will Uomm ativa ' Dr. FUtm's OoWo Msdleal Dlaesry Las mads many marvelous earn of "Uvcff troabl" ty lu wotiderfUl control of tha organs of dlgvtlon and antrlUon. Jt rt tores tba twima! act!rtty of tba iteasca, too tlwi frocrvUons ttt iif Uood-ftalf tog glaada, eleaflw lha yUm frwa poi sonous access olstlon. snd torsiltvaf U Urer of tb bunJc'ns tmposM epoo II by lb de fee Uon of other orgaaa. If roa b Wltw or Ud tM ta taa men be poor OTrfVUMa spplia, eoaud loafM, CMlwMk.oaaU. aodichMi pla gaavtag or di MklM tUMt tkjoM Mttaa. aa4 of 4 tlmA fcllMWn 1 -m. . . i ink stottAca aaa lorvra t , i ; L fr9al -Bn(UeKa la sewaaa, rtalacla During the last year 404 new school houses were built in North caused from eating a 1 stew of stale oysters Monday at the cafe there. "This clock for use of hotel guests only." A Methodist pastor of ML Olive has joined the ML Olhre Baptist Church and was baptized Sunday by Rev. C. M. Reck, the pastor. mtri!uli lui u-pui-J wUI bo vrmn U M tlm aod yot point to torpid li ini.il nn aod k ). Avota ai kos brMO a4 btoSta, rrVMJ f V oWtodiautis food kf"f Ulroaaov1uosaadso. Tboreowy . . aouats a sirorto c ""J 1' . s - -- vita sa Mtetod oa boUr5Pr aa SiM i - .k. mmA r tar which U U aaposltioa for ti.: aca-srst asr ry aorvwar oevrrm. . . '- i. ! ' II Keid3ville. Carolina or more than one a day.

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