J :TBE ' CON'CQRB '.TIMES. B. SHERRibk, Rdltor and FStlih. 1 H N PUBLISHCO TWICE A W ISO a Ya- VOLUME XXXIV. CONCORD, N. C , THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1909. NUMUKU fill r1 ; -4 1 A study of the interests of our -customers and unsur passed facilities for serving them characterize the ser vice of this bank. - CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COUPAHY CONCORD, N. C. A.JONES YORKE,1 President. M. L: MARSH, Vice President. Farmers We Rive particular attention to the business of farmers. . ' A checking account with a bank is a convenience no farmer should be without. . Our certificates of deposit lx-ar 4 per cent, interest. Our commodious offices always at the disposal of our customers. We cordially invite the farmers to make this their Banking Home. The Concdrd National Bank . Capital $100,000 ! Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital, Surplus and Profits, $135,000.00 ' RESOURCES, OYER' HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. Conscrva ti re Successful -r Strong. -if A Bank for the people; All are welcome and assured of fair and courteous treatment. Fpur per cent. Interest paid on time certificates of 'de posit! -. i' - Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. .itiiifiAAiiiiAiiiAAAiiililiAiiiiiiiiAtiiAAitililiii S"R1 A "Rn A T?."n 3 Air Line QUICKEST LINE TO New York, Washington, Gharlotte, ! Florida Points, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans and the West. I: . 1 - . - . ; - ; Double Daily Service -with, High-Back-Sea. sl66piag ana , We operate Double Daily Vestibule Service, with through Pull- m i 3 loArvi - m Pau fr T L-artn vil 1 a Atlanta irmtnaKom XfAmnh'a Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. c I : For Time Tables, Booklets, Reservations or any information rela tive to special rates and routes, call on L. C. PACKER, Agent, or ad drees . C, H. 6ATTIS, Travj-Passenger Agentt, - No. i4 Tucker Buildings Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN r RAI bW&Y Operating over 7,000. Miles of Railway. Quick Route to all Points, NQrthr South, Bast and West. Through Trains between Principal Cities and Resorts. . Affording First-class Accommodations. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains,, Dining, Club and Observation Cars. i For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel via . the Southern Railway. '! " Rates, Schedules, antt other information furnished by addressing the undersigned.. S. H. Hardwick, Pas. Traffic Manager, j -W H. Taylos, O. P. jfc, Washington, D. C. f R. L. Vernon, T. P. Caarlotta, H. C. j . vVVVVMMMVTfT niiTUCDM AftniPIII TIIRIQT UU I I1E-IIII fnlUIUUUkl UIIIUI For 40 Years the Most Instructive and Entertaining Paper for Southern Farm Families. 50 Cents a Year. AAA- lrt HEADQUARTERS FOB SOUTHERNERS IN NEW ;Y0BK CITY. BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL - Broadway and Third Streets, New York City. Only yew York Hotel: Making a Specialty of the American Plan. T3 A nPTTC (American Plan, $2.60 Up. -Ki 1 HO t European Plan, $1.00 Up. Our Tcble la the Poundation of Our Enormous Business. " Send for Comprehensive Map of ITe w York, Free. I DAM. C. WEC3, PrtprUfor, cf Charlntsn, S. C. - i . CHAS. B. WAGONER, Cashier. JOHN FOX, Assistant Cathtet. Business. - l 1 ) I 1 f Railway. v.. ctAA A A A A A A A A A A AAA AAA A A A A AO lAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA t t t t t c I t I f One Copy Free. . A UW TO MAKE JUDGES WORK. Anentthe proposition to Increase the number of judicial districts and Superior Court judges, to provide more court facilities, Senator Elliot, of Catawba, has introduced the fol lowing in the Legislature: "The General Assembly of North Carolina to enact: "Section 1. That section 1506 of the Reviaal of 1905 be amended by inserting In the second line of said section, after the period in said line! and before the word 'the,' the fol lowing sentence : : "Each judge shall remain at the county seat daring the fall term for which the court muy be prescribed to be opened and held as set out hereinafter in this section, unless he shall be called away either by his own sickness, or the sickness of some member of his family, the fact of which sickness shall be authenticated by a written certificate to that ef fect made by the judge, which cer tificate shall be certified to by some practicing physician, which said cer tificate shall be filled in the office of the Attorney General, who shall print in his report a table of all such certificates, showing in detail the names of the counties in which the courts were held, number omitted, name of such judge excused and the names of the physicians authenticat ing such certificates "Sec. 2. This act shall be in force on and after its ratification." The object of this bill, as is mani fest, is to make it difficult for a judge to shirk his duty, should such be desired. Those who are favor able to this measure assert that the practice of curtailing ternds of courts is on the increase in some districts of the State and that this is in a measure responsible for the con gested dockets in some counties. New Wrinkle in Blockading. Mt. Airy Breeze. There are no people on earth who are up to more tricks than the aver age blockader, and while their meth ods as a whole, are old, they now and then introdure new wrinkles in the business. The latest perhaps is what was told a Breeze man by a man who resides In that section of the county where most of the moonshine is made. He claims that each oper ator has two Btilla, an old one and a new one and that their code of sig nals is so perfect that a revenue offi cer cannot approach without the knowledge of the man who operates the still. When the alarm of danger Is sounded the operator quickly re moves the new still, and substitutes the old one which bears the scars of many revenue raids and it is this worthless affair that the officers "cut instead of the one that '''does the work. When the officers depart the new still goes back into the furnace and .the business is promptly . re sumed. Don't Take the Risk. When yon have a bad cough or oold do not let it drag along until it beoomes chronic bronchitis, or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the at tention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are sure of prompt - relief. From a small beginning the sale and use of this preparation has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of ooughs and colds have won for it this wide reputation and extensive use. For Bale by all Druggists. Beck (despondent) I said some thing my wife don't like and she hasn't spoken to me for two days. Peck (eagerly) Can you remem ber what it was you said? The most important -part of the human system is the blood. Every mus cle, nerve, tissue, -bone and sinew is dependent on this vital fluid for nour ishment and strength necessary to maintain them in health and enable each to perform the different duties nature requires.- Even the heart, the very " engine V of life, receive its vigor and motive power from the blood. Since SO much is dependent on this vital fluid it can very readily be seen how necessary it is to have it pure and uncontaminated if we would enjoy the blessing of good health; Bad blood is responsible for most of the ailments of mankind ; when from any oause it becomes , infected with impurities, humors or poisons, disease in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions,' pimpled, etc.,-show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a spur, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities , through the pores and arfands of the skin. A very common evidence of bad blood is sores or ulcers, which break out on the flesh, often from a very f insignificant-braise or even scatch or abrasion. If the blood was pure end healthy the place would heal at once; but Being-loaded1 with impurities; whichare discharged into the "wound, irritation and inflamma tion are set up and the sore continues. Bad blood is ' also , responsible for" Anaemia,. Boils,: Malaria, , etc; the weak, polluted circulation cannot fur nish the Nourishment and strength required-. t sustain the. hody.. and a general rua-down condition of health results. S. S. S. ft nature's blood Tmrifier and tonic : made entirely of nvyt&iend herbs." It goes down -into the circulation- and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poioa that may be there, restores lost vitality, and steadily tones up the entire system- It adds to the blood the healthful properties it is in need of, andinevery way asaistaifl the cure of disease. S. S. S. neutral izes any excess ofadd In the.blood.vmakintf it fresh and pure, and perma nently ewes zemaAcue, Tetterr and allx&er .fni 8.S. S. cures "Rheumatismr Catarrh, Sores'and T Ulcers. Malaria, and all otheriaeaaWorisedtxrarisIiirfrbia ? tad fclood. Bookou tae blood and mt medical advice desired free to all who write. . . 7 . ma SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, Oi. THE WEALTH Of TRLNIJY. .. . . N . V ' ' Trinity Corporation of New York has issued a detailed financial state ment ; the first, it is said, ever issued by this vastly, wealthy and unique church organization. The statement may or may not have been brought forth by the growing criticism of the secretive methods of the corpor ation which is the self -perpetuating body governing the parish of Trinity church and its possessions. Among other things owned by the rich church is a lot of tenement property, and the undesirable and antiquated condition of this property is also the subject of much criticism. The possessions of the corporation are reported to be worth above $14,000, 000, although thevalae is proba bly a good deal in excess of that. The receipts for the year amounted, in round figures, to $780,000, and about the same amount was expended. The corporation maintains 10 church es and 16 schools, and 28 clergymen are on the regular staff, at salaries averaging about $4,000 a year.' Pew rents amounted to $18,000 and con tributions aggregated $95,000. The people of many a poor, strug gling congregation, who can with difficulty or at least not without effort and self-sacrifice feed and clothe their minister and his family, pay their part toward their church organization, and help in taking care of the community's poor, would wonder how it feels to worship un der such easy conditions But if the greater sacrifice brings the greater blessing, the people of the poor parish, you might say, have a bless ed advantage over the people of Trinity. Dry Wave. Salisbury Post. The mighty dry wave continues to sweep over the South.: Like the cyclonic disturbances over the great desert nothing stops its onward course. Prohibition sentiment has crystalized until it appears there is to be a complete revolution through out the entire country in tbe handl ing of whiskey and spirituous fluids North Carolina and Georgia have gotten on the water wagon. Ten nessee is to be a follower, and Vir ginia it Is believed wiH-be dry within a year, Kentucky lis agitating the question and concrete action is imminent. South Carolina, profit ing by the many internecine dis turbances, murders, arson and as sassinationst this ironically, have foresworn against prohibition but just how long is not known. Florida now the only sure Mecca for dealers in stimulants, has a lease of four years, free of molestation. After that period it is possible the dry sentiment will have reached that clime. v i In a Prohibition State. "I wish a real circus, with a big tent, would come along," writes a Georgia youngster to the Atlanta Constitution, "so we children could get tickets and go to it. Dad's got one in his room, but Maw says it is a circus of animals that nobody but him can see. - "Last night we heard him hollerin' "ketch that elephant! Stop that tiger! Take that snake out!', An' we didn't see no elephant, or tiger, or snake. . "I think it's real mean for him to shut hisself up an' have a circus all to hisself, but that's just the way it is." Many an advertisement has paid a 'profit after being, considered a loss. 0 OjRkJLJ iiS yuJ 1 Tour S. S. S, 1b my opinion, is a food a medicine m can be had it limply cannot be improved upon aa a remedy to purify and enrich the blood and to invigorate and tone op the system. : This spring my blood was bad and X was ran down in health, and having seen your medicine highly advertised X commenced its use. Today my blood is In fine condition and my general health is of the best. Am filling posi tion as fireman for a large concern here, and If I vs not in good physical condition it would beJmposslbls for me to fill the place. Tour . 8. S. has been of great service to me and I do not hesitate to give it the credit it deserves. WM. F. VAJTDYKB. SIS Fifth Street, Beaver Falls, Penn. IHNf DISASTER 11 WEST HR. - GLMA. Balttmor San. j Wjthm a period offifteen days there have been two explosions at the Lick Branch coal mine, in West Virginia. The cause of the second disaster has not been definitely de termined, but it is suggested that' the explosion last Tuesday may have been due to the Ignorance and negli gence of a foreign miner, who car ried an open lamp into the mine. In the United States disasters have oc curred in the last few months in mines at which, it was understood, crery precaution had been taken to assure immunity from explosions due to preventable causes. A "model mine" in Pennsylvania, which Euro pean experts of long experience and wide observation had pronounced as safe as mines can be made by mod ern appliances, was the scene of a terrible catastrophe. In Great Britain, where the mining industry is under thorough inspection, there are disasters from time to time, al though they do not occur as fre quently as in the past, when precau tion! to insure safety were not as systematic and scientific as at pres ent. Against ignorance and reck lessness on thepart of mine employes the most up-to-date safety appli ances cannpt prevail. The only thing to do in such cases is to exer cise tbe strictest surveillance over all jpersons entering the mines Eternal vigilance is the price of safety from disasters caused by ig norant mine employes. The pffort should also be made to broaden the inte ligence of the class of employes to whose lack of knowledge and con sequent rc klessness many mine cat astrophes are attributed. Qrmichael Called Insane. The brain of Rev. John II. Car- michael, who killed Gideon Brown ing j in the. Rattle Run, Church and committed suicide at Carthage, 111., was; examined by four physicians at Detroit Saturday. At the conclu sion? of the I autopsy the physicians stated that they had found unmis takable evidence of insanity. ' "jWe find that Carmichael had been a sufferer from acute mania," said the physicians. "The blood vessels of the brain were all con gested. There was an adhesion of thej coverings of the brain to the cranium, which showed anaemia -of theright side of i the "brain, and we fouhd granulationslff the superior posterior surface cerebrum. It is evident that Carmichael had suffered several attacks of acute inflamma tion of the brain." The doctors agreed that the marks found upon the body, which had given rise to the report that the dead minister had been addicted to the; use of a hyperdermic syringe for administering drugs, had all been made after the minister's death. j The Pure Food Law. Secretary! Wilson Bays : "One of the objects of the law is to inform the con sumer of the presence of certain harm full drugs: in medicines." The law re quires that the amount of chloroform, opium, morphine, and other habit form ing drugs be stated on the label of each bottle. The manufacturers of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have always claimed that their remedy did not con tain any cf these drugs, and the truth of this claim is now fully proven, as no mention of them is made on the label This remedy is not only one of the safest, but one of the best in use for coughs and colds Its value has been rjroven beyond question during the many years it has been in general use For sale by all Druggists. A - . Overman's Cotton Explanation Amend- I merit Senator Overman has had incorpo rated in the legislative appropriation bill his amendment appropriating fifty thousand dollars for the exposi tion of the American cotton goods trade in the markets of the world. As-the result of this appropriation, David Clark, of Raleigh, and other special agents of the Bureau of Manufacturers have been enabled to .Visit the markets of the world for the purpose of studying textile con ditions. Two years ago this appro priation was bitterly assailed in th House but so gratifying have been the result from its expenditure that there is little prospect of opposition to it in Congress this year. ' An announcement that is of con siderable importance to the college world was made by Dr. J. H. Cleweli, president of salem Academy and College, in the college chapel yester day morning. The announcement was that by mutual understanding the two sororities now existing in the college would go out of existence at the close of the college year. This action was the result of a re qest by the board of trustees, volun tarily granted by the members of the ' sororities. The request was made on the grounds that the ideas underlying the sororities were not hi accord with the underlying prin ciples of the school. . THE Af flR HAXY YEARS. , The body of a guide, per frct'y preserved, has becft jkkkd up by one of the Swi glaciers after a period of twenty-one jear. His body was lately recovered, and fcU appearance was ur.char.gtsi by its long imprisonment in the ice. There have been other cases of the bring ing back of a long-lost body rWld fur years in the close embrace of the ice. some of them are mentioned in Mrs. Le Blond's "True Ta!es of Mountain Adventure." One of the first instances on rv ord is that of the Uaniel accident, which took place in 1S2U. Several guides were swept down by an va lanche and hurled into a creva?e. Hamel prophesied that the glacu r would yield them up again in the course of one thousand, years, but Doctor Forbes believed that the end of the glacier would be reached by the bodies in -forty , yeans. r This statement was considered bold, but its accuracy was borne out by the event In forty years the fbw of ice brought the bodies to light. In 18G6 Henry Arkwright was lost in a glacier." In just t hi rty-ci e years his brother received a telegram from the mayor of Chamour.i that the body was found. Fvery article of clothing was inta' His rme and regiment could read clearly on his handkerchief, und his gild pencil case opened and shut as eaily as when he last used it. tl ree de cade? before. Nervous Disorders and Ifuan ty Due to Bad Teeth. Cleveland, O , DlnpsU 'i. In trying to prove his theory that original instincts as well' as many nervous disorders and even I insanity are caused in numerous instances by defective teeth. Dr. Henry Up9on, a Cleveland neurologist, has already produced marked beneficial effects on patients at the-Newberg Insane Asylum, it is said, by simple dental operations. " ... Arrangements have been made by which Dr. Upson will this week make experiments on persons at the Cleveland work-house. An X-ray machine is used to determine whether the teeth or their roots are defective. This test also develops any pressure of-the -roots on ( the Various nerves leading from the mouth to the brain. Dr. Upson bases his belief on the theory that insanity and crime are correlate. Says Rockefeller Will Live to Be 100. Df. H. Biggar, physician and close friend of John D. Rockefeller, denies the report that the oil magnate is suffering from rneumatism. Hesaid Mr. Rockefeller i erj ying perfect health. "He'will live to be 100 years old," says Dr. Bigtrar, "by these simple rules: First, he avoids all worry; sec ond, he takes plenty of exercise in the open air; third, he never over loads his stomach and always gets up from the table a little hungry. If men would follow Kir. Rockef oi ler's physical methods, we would all be young at 70." Fit Subject For the Reformatory. Wautanga Democrat Now that the reformatory for youthful criminals at Concurd is ready for occupancy, immediate steps will be taken to get. little Bynum Holsclaw there, a boy in knee pants who has served several months in Boone jail for stealing. In fact untill the new jailer came in, he was still plying his trade in prison by ordering post cards, pictures, etc., by mail and then selling them at any old price, and never remitting one cent to those furnishing the articles. The reformatory, we hope, w ill do much for the boy. . .The Heiress And haven't you any financial prospects, George, dear? George Why, yes. , I'm figuring on a sure thing that ought to net me a half million at least. The Heiress What"' is the sure thing, George; dear? - George You. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, .with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to Ihe Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, So a Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free on request.' , . t. 17. wood & sons; Seedsmen, Richmond, Vs. MM 10 Hit Mitt rU5WD Lat Friday tischt Jutifi t..r.tj, fc tf lktrj Owiu. ha h4 jat married IVarl Julian, dvilc4 it was necessary far hi.rn ta pruvii i h,mt forhiinew hrfi. littirg srvurvd apartmrnU h forthwith prerek! to the ham of Divkl ttrnftel t ard took thenr f nrn a bed and twd-iin. a chair, gun. miyrc and such other househol 1 and kitchrn furniture a he eonsidcml ricceiwvary.: XJr. rW field, after discovering httlu, finihd his property at the home of CUw.tf. anj had the Uxirr arrenU-d. i and placed in jail at TatkrsviUc Satur day. The bride was not Involvtvl. but he having plcdgrj bertelf to cling to him in aivemty as wrll as in prperity. refused to t wpa rated from her recently .aiirrd John, and holding to him with the tenacity of the Gordian Knot. 'he accompanied him to prison, cntrred ilk fateful doors and shared the 4i tude by his shie. This unfortur.at pair were taken to Caldwell county Wednesday, 13th. for a preliminary hearing,, the robbery having oc curred juft acrosi the Alexander line., Not lor Him. quiet and retiring citizen rccu- pied a seat neir the door of a crowd ed car when a masterful stout wom an entered. Having no newspaper behind which to Jiide he was fixed and sub jugated by her glittering eye. He rose and offered his place to , her. Seating herself without thanking him she exclaimed In tones that reached to the farthest end of the car: - "What do yojb want to stand up there fur? Ctne here and sit tn my lap.'' . , "Madam," gafped the man, as his face became scarlet, "I leg vour pardon, I "I--" i 1 "What do ou mean?" thrieked the wefman. "ou know very well I was speaking to my niece there bo hind you." The- Democrat ofthe Indiana Legislature have nominated x-Con-gressman B. F. Shively for United States Senator and he will be elected, the Democrats having a majority in the Legislature. Mr. John Worth Kern.'late Democratic candidate for Vice President, . and others were candidates. "How dees your grandmother get along now that she has lost all her teeth?" "Oh, all right. You know he has a biting tongue!" Itch cnrM iu tftj uiiuuku by Wool ford's Srniiarv Lotion.. Novcr ..fails Sold by M. L Marsh, diugjrint The public to know that the Salisbury Greenhouses Salisbury, C, are prejxnrcd to fill all orders for U Itetrc Td I:;:?:i Our tock,of flowein la exrrT'tlcnullr Dun this year and all dcaign work will In; ex ecu ted in the itett pouitie manner. A trial onlei will convince you thai our w orli in superior and our prirca low. All order Riven our amenta, Poojile'ii Irug to., win nave our beat attention. Salisbury Greenhouses,: SAL1SUI KV, N. C. Nov. 22. Electric " Kear City Hall. i . City office : Opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Quick service, best" quality of work. Collar, Cuff aHd Flat Work unexcelled. W. S. BINGHAM - Manager Aiur.4. Three Good Things To Advertise! 1st. ! Best grade new crop Ne Or I Jems Molasses, the regular 7x 'grade we sell at f0c iTlie GOe m.le at 50c 2nd. ! M--?roe Flour, the l-et t Le jlisd. .The 'prices on flour, are j very much higher. Our price for a short while remains the same -i. 7 : 3rd. I Cream of -the Lake Flour. . A ibis: cat load Must in. Out of a sale last year of more than 800 barrels; not tne failed to please. Our price is nglt , Cannon & Fetzer Co. Laundry! Gov. rumvy uasftv lior. -KiL-fcin'a. i'n4'cvsrt aJMfr h Uvn. rcij rwriit H it csm arnataT ! ik Vt tv burri b'.rrr!a fa r. 9 faw-rv a Stat pntDAty Um u ruii.) txtiw cf r Vc'.jr r-.-.trtta , ' trut etfoivrrnt vt ti rsJKibit' law ; th fi,crj'-tftf jf ejjriuRJ a4 rharitaUW irtuttna a-M Y "' fAnirairx-M Pf c-U.-U: im tttf.mrtmt in tmcU ty 'cmIAh ' m a to fnaVc t&c hit th mill woTacr rn-jrv ai-rvraUk , pfMir not unrrami4p rrtf ku -n f hu4 lal.r. the Attn? (Jcrwr td e,r tri t attrn?K ti to r.'fr rati -.tr. afl krcj th-m tlhn th? U , an c!T st to abohah hf prrw-r.t unrratalJ diwcriminstlvn In int-r lai rai;ri frruht rate , thr trJii ff f ro!a, th suarantw of Stt tf k dewH an ! vr.mr n jytltf ri lirrviiturp. Ttwrr -ill 1 htilc. tf any dij-nt- from the iMrrtnra viri rxrrpt on the i rimarr an I rrailjr aJl ifrw that rtiethit-.tr U mciaary tn thi hru ar.4 ! iruarantft? of : Slat Ui d;it Tbrr ia much . ofjti .n, lo thr latUr. . SIx Dtdat Slftp wrll. A woman wha lives in an WJanJ" town, while iruing to a cnrnlun in' adiatant city aint or n:;ril of the journey m tar. a atranilxml. It was the firt time ha I ever trav eled hy w ater. Site 'reached her journey's e'rul ' extremely fatnruel. To a friend who remarkel it ahe re plied: "Yes, I'm tirtd to death. 1 don't know as I care to" travel ly water.;', airaln. I read the card in tny Ule room abouUhow t put the life pre server on, and I thought' I. under stood it; but .Iitueas 1 didn't. Some how, I couldn't s'o to sleep with the thintf on." ' Charlie There, wan a p!enlid trick dune I a I evening. I mr i man actually turn a handkerchief in to an eg-jr. I'.illy That's uothiDir. 1 k a man only about a Week or two agu turn a cow Into a field. Nurulng Mothers anl OuT-hurdmcd Womf In 1 Mll"fi' f I'.fw, h'iaa !f Im1 vitality mar luv .! ti uih)tiiiIih1 aot trk n ili n i y (ivr- wurk. twiiii ocial Jutli . ti U fnjucjit lar!ti it rbllJrfii. or Jth r caui, wUi'Cl In 1W. iVrco 1'xvortut l'rrtitn tta wt pot i t, lnvliiralin ruratl iirrnjfib fiver ever dcvtvnl U,r tl.rlr ipfTUI U-n. fit. Nurlnf iB0thfr THsfn'l ll Iy valuable iV autlalnlris Ltr t(rr gih ' and tromotlngyn aV.nwlartt rHirihnifnt for tlwi child. :truint i.Vfr to will find lta prlr'!ri?Tr j;nH ih ivttftn for baby's coming anl rojiii th ordral etniarativrTf palnlraiTjJ canri'MiQ Larrn m n? '.", r r"i"J'.-i " 1-Iicavs i! Awus," viraU women. . who suffnr from freonrnt tfatlach Lark srh, driaiflnif-ilown dittfi low il-i.wn In tb aUl"int n, or frjon oalnfiil or lrr nlar montlily -rtia, 'gnawing or -di-lifmu'ti Knnntli.n tri umarh, J!ry t flnt pell, Imaginary nifk or.ii'U floating tfora ). havp diagnt4.' pelvic catarrhal drln, TUtii.. ant vc rslco or rfLro-vi-r.inn or oihrr d ia.se mehu of womanly orj,'n from n-fw of psrU will, wftlr' thry itri-f.( many or onlr a f-w of tli,atioT inv touia, flnl 'r-flet ar'l a tx-rrnanetiffurw ly cuing falUifully anl fairly r;U'bt:y. lr. rlerro'i Favorii I'rwriitirt. Tbla worM fanutl j--'-i!ic. I'r wi.tan'i . weak ' Bixl ("fm jr a.iUi'ot l a pure giyrrrlc utrart of tho rhoi-t na- alcohol in In maWup. All lu If r'ti nts printed In il4n l.iig!ih on lt IxjUS' wrapjier aitd aif-u-l utvUr oath If. Flnrco thus InrLf tl fui!fl lnet( tlon of bit' formula knowing that It f foiind U contain only tlf - a?(ta known to th ni"t a'Jvatir'! it!i al aclonraof all thnlifT.reiit acli-xMa of rr Uca for Ui cr of woruau'a pv-uir weakneue artd atlmnnta. If you want t.krcw more a f -at tna compoaltlon . tirfatofial rrnir moot of tbi "Fvor'u prw-rtpMirti." w-rwl poatal card re)'j-t to Ir. IL"V l' rrm, Moffalo. N. Y.. for hUfM Uokl-t u-aV " Ing of sama. yoii can't afford t si-crjrt a a au tally tots for tbla rnxly J hnmi-n a awcrft nrtrutn o. Hon. Don't do Ik DR. W C. HOUSTON, DENTIST. 0(Rr rrrrjottntem't Irag . DR. jFcTherri N G, Dentist, mow ovt th tor M Wbtl-Morrim flow H ooMOoe ' DR. J, S. LAFFERTY Office orrr Marah'a Iru Store. cowconD. w., c. Practlca"llaittl P.r..rr. Mom mmI Tra OAc Hon i (a. a. lai j a. I P- l I 9 m. w. 4 momroomttrf. 4 iff CMMti MONTGOMERY & CR0WELL AttaeMyt nA Csalr at Law, S CONCOPD, U. C. Aa partner wl'J prartir taw In f'trrsi St) ao4 dynut coaatwa. 9 IM Snrtar s- prraM Cru o4 IK ( mi4 la !h fdwa Cmfta. (Jlbr im ltil'T HsllM.df. ' rartie 4mt log to Inid m-mry cm ! It wilk aa of ptar M ta any at lb ntar4 t.ki i aad w will lend K on gv4 raaj mmmlm aarsrlty fr of chMXgr le the awmiun. Wl auk ihorfevab tmiMi'm d lilt to Us4 oSrr4 aa rmrny tor Inane. ' Moriigaa lucacioavxi vuaoat iooh to mn at I Heary B. Ada Tana. J. Jaroaia. rraaa Arm&M& TeU IJ. Muoa iim, Ism, Lziil l Kuw, ttoeaayt tad Cfjimcrt it It; v ' OPKX0 aj. O. Practtca m aQ tbe State and U. S. Coarta tromu atteauoa given te roertina mkI gaberai. bw f ractioa. fotoM Mereatad la the aettJw uil - mt let re, adiwiuefreiora, esertrtara. aa4 gureUaaa ate eapeoaliy Myvtted to r.'la aa. aa ere repreaeat one at the'1 lareeet bnetdieg net ptmim tm AmerKe : at we wtlt g as at! at a timm per lata awr ewe caw. . faruee 4mmtnmm 4 rnvmwr CM Jeeve with aa or evwM a tle Ceacee Smmmm Sea. ad ww wiil www It aa apewueaa mmrmm tree tifcaareeta tka leader. CoMiaeed aad peii ting atteetieej w.!. e grew, at a reaeoaahle yfc le aii Wral tm-.

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