- ; THE CONCORD; TIMES. ' I John B. Shbrruv Editor and Puhlhf I ei-i n i muirri T-vasmc- a vaara-- ' " 'V '' ' . rS IBS AV4MI VOLUME XXXIV. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY. MARCH IS. 1909. MElPfR AND HIS BOOK. HOW TO KtfP WELL HOUSf f LY A PfST. PARAGRAPHS. I GIMRU MWS. V -L : I ' ? " - ; ; 91 AO W Y : J- J- 0.0 B Is to handle anybusiness entrusted to us In such a fair and liberal manner as to make the customer's relation with this bank satisfac tory and profitable. RESOURCES, 0200,000.00 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CONCORD. N. C. A.JONES YORKE, - CHA.S. B. WAGONER, President. Cashier. M.L.MAtfSH, JOHN FOX, ViceiPresldenC Assistant Cashier. '. OUR INVITATION. Twice each week we pay for this space for the privilege only of inviting you once again to become a depositor of our bank. j The personwho reads about t9 104-times a year ought to know us at least lOt times better than if he had read of us but once. The better he knows us the, more likely he is to like us and our business methods. YOUR ACCOUNT, LARGE OR SMALL. IS URGENTLY SOLICITED AND RESPECTFULLY INVITED. S The Concord National Bank We extend a cordial invitation to Farmers to call and get a copy of our FARMER'S ALMANAC for 1909 containing list of county officers for North Carolina and other interesting and useful information. Gotten out especially for our farmer friends. We have handed out a number, but have a few hundred still on hand. Call and get one. CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital $96,000.00 Surplus and Profits $40,000.00 Assets over, half a million dollars. II. I. WOODilOUSE, Pres. HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERNERS IN NEW YORK CM?. BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL Broadway and Third Streets, New York City. Only New York Hotel Making a Specialty of the American Plan. "D ATUC (American Plan, $2.50 Up. 1A 1 LVO European Plan, $1.00 Up. Our Table is the Foundation of Our Enormous Business. Send for Comprehensive Map of New York, Free. ... DAN. C. WEBB, Proprietor, We have in our PERT CONCORD AMD ((ANNAPOLIS s j a large stock of Fertilizers, consisting of All Grades of Ammoniated Goods, Acid Phosphate, German Kainit, Cotton Seed Meal; also Nitrate of So da and Muriate of Potash. See us before buying, and we will save you money, WHITE-MORRISON-FLOWE CO., Agents for Simpkins' Prolific Cotton Seed. 4 OUTHERN MGRICULTUmsi NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. For 40 Years the Most Instructive and Entertaining - Paper for Southern 50 Gents- a Year. PUB P-8 SS2s C. W. SWINK, Cashier. of Charleston, S. C. AmZAfiillJJ' warehouses at t arm amines. j One Copy Free. DaUlr&ore Sun. Chapter 7 of the Act of 1860, section 6, the police law for Balti more city, contained this proviso: "Provided that no Black Republican or indorser or approver of the Helper Book shall be appointed to any offiee under said board." The author of the Helper Book, to which reference was here made, was Hin ton Pwowan Helper, who ! at the age of 80 years, reduced to 'the penury and wHnt and without friends took his ovn life in an obsure room in Washington last Tuesday. InScbarf's History 0 Maryland we find the following mention of Helper: "Early in 1S59 a man destitute of prmcipie, driven from a State of which he claimed to be a native on account of his bad conduct, published a book, which bore his name, at the instance of the publishing: committee of the Republican party, to be used as a campaicrn document, entitled The Impending Crisis of the South. By Hinton Rowan Helper, of North Carolina." Some few extracts from this book will indicate its nature and purpose. 'Our own banner is inscribed: No co-operation with them in religion; no affiliation with them in society; no recognition of pro-slavery men except as ruffians, outlaws and crim inals. "It is our honest conviction that all the proslavery slaveholders deserve at once to be reduced to a parallel with the basest criminals that lie fettered within the cells of our public prisons. Slaveholders are more criminal than common murderers. "Our plan is to make; war openly or secretly upon trie property of slaveholders and their abettors; not for its destruction, if that can be avoided, but to convert it to the use of the slaves. If it cannot be thus converted we advise its destruc- on. Teach the slaves to burn their masters' buildings, toj kill their cattle and hogs, etc." j It was suggested to negroes to cut their masters' throats, i lhe publication or this book as sumed a serious aspect, as inciting a servile insurrection, when its teach ings and purposes Were publicly approved by William H. Seward, John Sherman and by, we believe, every Republican member of Con gress. 1 he indignation 61 the people of the South can scarcely be under stood by men of this generation to whom the unutterable horrors of a servile insurrection nave never suggested themselves as possible School Tax Election in .Salisbury. The Salisbury board of aldermen has called a special election for that city to be held May 4th for the pur pose of voting on a proposed special school tax of 30 cents on the $100 worth of property and ;90 cents on each poll. The Salisbury school board has been considerably em barrassed this year for a want of available funds for school purposes the deficit being caused by a big de crease in revenue on January 1st. It is believed the special school tax will be authorized. . r . Royal is Ill Making More Money Out of Cotton Crops 1 is merely a question of using enough of the right kind of fertilizers. Virginia Carolina Fertilizers are the right kind. . The cotton plant cannot feed on barren land. Stud your soiL Find out what it lacks. Then apply the necessary fertilization and the results will surprise you. See what Mr. W. C. Hays of Smith Station,' Ala., did. He says: "I planted about 30 acres of some 'gray sandy land' that had been in cultivation for over 20 years, and used 300 pounds of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers per acre, and I expect to gather SO bales from the SO acres." 1 This is why we say it is the right kind. We have hundreds of letters like this, and even stronger, in praise of Virginia Carolina Fertilizer for cotton. Get a copy of the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers Year Book from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. It contains pictures of the capitols of all the Southern States. .' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sales Offices Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Term. ; aiffnaHLSronnaJ Some Simple Rules Which Every 0n Caa aad Should follow. Hew Jersey Board of Health Iteport- Air. Fresh air and sunshine are necessary to good health. Cold or damp fresh air does no harm if the skin is kept warm. Night air is as good as day air. Breathe only through your nose. Avoid hot, crowded, dusty, dark or damp rooms. Food. Live on plain food and eat regularly. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and avoid fried food. . Drink water freely, (not ice1.) -i Exercise and Rest. Regular exer cise is essential to good health. Go to bed early and sleep with the windows open. .Orthing Wear only loose clothes. Vvjar.no more clothing than you neeato keep warm. Never sit with wet feet or damp clothing. Cleanliness. Consumption and other diseases are spread by careless spitting. Spittfe on the floors of room3, halls, stores and cars will certainly be breathed in the form of dust. . Keek clean wipe and dry the body quickly every day. Keep your finger nails clean, and wash your face and hands before you eat. Clean your teeth after each meal and before going to bed. Never hold money, pencils, pins, or other things in your mouth. Never lick your fingers while turn ing the pages of a book or counting money. A Lesson on Holding Cotton, Real Estate Record. A certain Cabarrus county farmer this week brought in his crop of cot ton held from the season of 1907, consisting of fourteen bales. On Jan. 21, 1908, he was offered twelve and three-quarter cents pr pound, but refused to sell, being advised to hold for an advance in the market. After holding his cotton for over a year he marketed thi3 .week, at nire and one-half cents, sustaining a loss of seventeen and one-half dollars per bale, or a total loss of two hun dred and forty-five dollars. We doubt very much whether this particular individual can be induced to hold cotton in years to come, and there are many instances where ucl- losses have occurred through the en deavor to force up the price of the staple. It would mean much more for the cotton belt section, to have marketed at one the entire crop vhen the money could be put into circultation, and debts paid, making it far more easy for all concerned. Yet we see farmers willing to tie up their sea son's work, allowing their bills to re main unpaid, embarrassing those who have extended to them favors, keeping the money out of circulation, and perhaps selling at a loss at some future date. The fresh consider themselves the salt of the earth. W.. f The finest, most tasteful and wholesome biscuit, cakeand pas try are made with Royal Bak ing Powder, and not otherwise. the only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Sale Offices Durham, M.C Charleston, S. C Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La Prof. Beyer rds of Insect's Rddlioa to Disease. New OrlMia Tlm-DMnccrmt. The common house fly hardly can be denounced enough, said Prof. George E. Beyer, who delivered the second of three consecutive lectures ou insects and their relation to dis ease at the Hutchison Memorial, in Canal street. The house fly carries all manner of disease in several ways, he says, and blames only the negligence of the general public for its prevalence. The covering of horse manure so that it would be inaccessible to flies weald almost completely extermi nate the pest, or at least greatly re duce its numbers, he says, as only in that substance can the larva; of the common house fly live. An interesting portion of the lec ture was the professor's explanation of the method in which the mosquito transmits malarial diseases, including fever. The malarial germ reaches maturity in the' stomach of the mos quito, he says, then makes its way into the savilary glands of the ani mal. When a mosquito bites a hu man being its mouth is inserted into the opening of a pore sweat gland in the skin, where the mouth punctures a tiny capillray blood vessel. The salivary fluid is injected into the vein, then the mosquito extracts the mixed blood and salivary fluid into its body." Some of the salivary fluid is left behind, including often a num ber of the disease-germs. The several other varieties of fifes and mosquitoes were described in de tail, the difference between the va rieties being explained. The common house fly, said the lecturer, lays between 120 and 200 eggs, which hatch in from 6 to 8 hours. About ten days is required from the hatching of the eggs to the time the fly reaches maturity. The ordinary house fly cannot bite hard, he said, and when people complain of being bitten severely by the house fly they have been bitten by the stable fly, which resembles the house fly very closely. The bedbug, said the prof essor, is a remarkable insect, marvelously well adapted to its mode of life. "Of other insects," said he, "it may be said they have a certain geographical range, but wherever man has wander ed in his mundanelperegrinations the bedbug has faithfully followed. It early discarded its wings and flatten ed its body so as to be able to re treat into the smallest crevice when pursued by its maddened victim. Both the male and female can live for months without food." The assassin bugs, slowly making their way from Mexico eastward and already well known as far east as San Antonio, Texas, were described, as was also the chigger. There are 300,000 kinds of insectaj already described and classified, said the lecturer, and nearly every kind as a different shaped or-mottled wing. The mechanics of flight are simple', he. said the wings merely beating directly up and down. The flexible posterior part of the wing bends from the resistance of the air, creating resistance from behind, and thus propelling the insect forward. The number of variations depends on the size of the wings, he said, the butterfly making nine beats to the second, the bee 200 and the common fly 320. The largest insect known is fifteen centimeters long, considerably larger than the small est kinds of mammals, while the smallest insects are smaller than the smallest other known kind of animal life excepting bacteria. . Raleigh News and Observer is Giving Away $10,000. One of the most interesting things that has come to our notice for some time is the Raleigh News and Obser ver's great $10,000 voting contest. This contest opened February 8, and will close April 25. For the purpose of increasing its circulation the News and Observer is going to give away $10,000 in prizes. It has provided what it calls three grand prizes, a $2,000 White Steamer touring car, an $850 Ford touring car and a Henry F. Miller $750 Grand piano. But in addition to these three the "Old Reliable" is go ing to give away forty-one other prizes. It has divided North Caro lina into eight districts, and five prizes must go into each district. The first prize in this district is a $400 upright piano; the second, a $200 diamond ring; the third, a bank deposit of $100; the fourth, a $100 bujrgy, and the fifth, a $50 Turkish rocker. All of these prizes are to ba won in this district, but in addi tion, every contestant has a chance at the three Grand prizes, as fully explained in the News and Observer. Votes are being secured in two ways: by clipping the dally ballots in each issue of the News pnd Observer and by securing subscriptions, either old or new, to the paper. Votes are being issued on all paid in advance subscriptions. There isn't any rea-i son why two or three, at least, 01 those prizes shouldn't be won right here by some of our popular and en ergetic people. As Advertised. I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and found it to be all claimed for it in the advertisements. Three of the family have used it with good results in sum mer complaint. H. E. Howe, publisher of the Press, Highland, Wis. For, sale by All Druggists It is easier tohit a lion than a hare. Collector Crum, of Charleston, S, C. after a diligent study of th writing on the wall, has corhcludcxl to quit. In New York City, they are uring. bkbies as collateral for another argument against race suicide. "A Texas legislator compUins that he was improperly approached." sajs the Mobile Register. As we understand the situation in Grand Old Texas, nothing so fills a leg islator with woe as to Le improperly approached. A man who gets to be a President's private secretary may be regarded as having a good position for life. We'll all be very likely to remem ber the Ides of March. 1909. ' The "Monday message" habit has been abandoned to the great relief of Congress. King Alfonso is talking of ring up in an aeroplane, and King Manuel of Portugal is thinking of getting married. What brave Kings these be. . Sometimes a state is better off without any United States Senators. If you don't believe it ask Delaware. King Alfonso is trying to rrise a mustache, and the old joke about hair apparent must be dusted off. The motto of the England militant suffragettes appecrs to be: "Give us notoriety, or give us jail." Absence in Africa will make the heart grow fonder. !..''. Before a great while, now there will not be anything to get excited about except baseball.. The new administration is already playing in great luck with the people who eat eggs. The price has dropped greatly during the past few days. ; It is conservatively estimated that 845,978,246 snapshot pictures were made in Washington during the inauguration. Children Clean Charlotte Streets. . Over two thousand school children, white and colored, worked like Tro jans in Charlotte last Fridav scraping the town as with a fine tooth comb to gather up every stray bit of trash, broken glass, potterv nd brickbats that could be found high and low, in a contest for prizes offered by the Woman's Club to the child raising the largest pile of trash. As a result many of the streetsof the town present theppearance "of barricades, with trash piled waist and head high along the gutters, waiting for the city wagon to con vey the rubbish to the crematory. The chief of the sanitary department states that it may require a week for his department, working with the street force also, to get rid of the accumulated piles. Nothing like it has ever been witnessed in Charlotte before and the municipal authorities admit that they are unable to cope with the situation except by gradual ly disposing of the ' tons of garbags brought together by the industrious lads. The public schools gave holiday for the contest, and the streets in some of the negro settlements are almost blocked in places where the colored children have moved thousands of tin cans, rocks, bricks, etc., to the streets. WOMEN'S BEAUTY. It Can Never Be Perfect Without Lux uriant Hair. A head of luxuriant hair i; sure to be attractive. But nature has not crowned every woman with glorious hair., Some very loveable women she has treated rather scantily in this respect. -For instance, there are tens of thou sands of womtn in Am rioa to-day, who have harsh, faded and )u-trle8S hair, who are unattractive simply because they do not know that nowadays even the whims of nature can be overraled by the genius of Fcience, If you are a woman without beautiful hair, do not permit your attractions to be hidden because of this slight mis fortune. " Go to-day to Gibson Drag Store and bu a large bottle of Parisian Sage for 50 cent;, use it each night, and you will notice the harsh, repulsive Lair disap pear, and in its place will come soft, silky, bright and luxuriant Lair. Parisian Sage is guaranteed to cure dandruff, itching of the eca'.p, and 6top falling hair in two weeks, or money back.' That Chicken Law in Rowan. Salisbury Post. Many inquiries have been made of The Post as to the provisions of the law enacted by the legislature with reference to depredation by do mestic fowls in Rowan county. For the information of the publi it may be stated that the law provides that when the . fowls of one person depre date upon the premises of another, the latter shall give notice to the owner of such fowls. If after this notice the depredations continue the injured party may kill the de predating fowls. For the third of fenses the owner of the fowls be comes guilty of a misdemeanor. IVfMJfM Tafl Kno. ,t this wtvU.) 1. an cflimUtJC tdtt.j traliun. to anfttvii?ii!u of hope, chix-rfuSrw an4 cor.fiIcnf. of the irrratot pater ani rrKttxp ular rvliinoui writers f the Ua. tn refcruary l.Clh, at his home in Brt..kiyn. N. Y. It is announvd that Cvpgrrman IuchmonJ lVar..n Hvbf will have fight for renomination to Congrri frurn tne suth Alabama distnet next year and (hat Ho t.:i . rj.-v.i- defeated. ' " ed la raie the first tortia boat of uie .nieoeruey Irum the bottom' of Lake I'ontchartrain. The boat is lying near Spanish Furt. where it went down )ears ajfu. It is propos ed to place this vcmcI on the lawn of the Confederate Soldier Hume in New Orleans. Three men whose features iptear to hate been concealed by their heavy overcoat and slouch hats, walked into the study of the lUrv. Kra-imu Ansien, pa-tor at Newark, N. J.,-Friday in rning and opened fire upon Mm.: Three bullets from their three revulvt-rs hit the priest, killing him instantly. The oddest story of the killing of a calf comes from Farmer William Keid. in Fast Bradford township, Chester county, Fa. While his cow lay in her sUll at night, a calf, tied in the same stall, clambered over her. The cow row, lifted the calf on her back, and w hen morning came there it wa. dead, hanging on its mother's back. Morris Cohen, grocer of Atlanta, tried on a charge of storing and sell ing intoxicants in violation of the prohibition law, was Friday senten ced in the city court to serve thirty days in the stockade and to pay a fine of $."00. Recently a thousand bottles of beer nnd 100 flasks of whiskey were seized at Cohen's place. NASAL CATARRH. (iib.son IHujf Store Sells the Urcat Remedy that Cured Mrs. Karberg. Here in a vt-ry i n pit? yK wholly sin cere statement of a Michigan woman. who wh cured ly uing Hyomel-the no cure 110 pay remedy far cMarrh asthma, hay ferer croup, coughs and colds. "A had CAe of -at firth wiis rtjr4 fV-r me by the ue of fijomii. The trouble affected my head, uoa and eye, aud was very auuoyintr aud diagreeahle, aud the c ure, froi the u of Iljomei, was very giatifjing Hyon e has from me a strong r commend and endorse ment." Mrs. K.Jarterg. 218 Kingu'lej street., Ann Arbor, Mich , Nov. 16, HHR Thousands of jat such ltWs are in existence, and thousands more woul 1 be but for the drt.ir to avoid puMi.Hy. - If you have catarrh, bestir ' yonrw If, and drive it out of your sysbm Kill the geruit. You can do that eaily if you use Hjomei (pronounc d Iligh-o-m) It is a dry, atitiptic and very pleas ant air, that, when inhaled, quickly re lieves aJl forms of catarrhal Inflamma tion, stops Bun(U-3fi, hawking and blow ing. Xhe price fur a complete outfit including inhaler, is only 1 00 at Gib son Drug Store. Men Deserting Families. Thousands of men are deserting their wiires and children in New York because they cannot find work. Frank G. Warne, University exten sion worker, told the assembly ways and means committee that there were 200,000 idle men and women in New York City alone today. Sev enty per cent, were farm laborers who had drifted in from the coun try. Mr. Warne urged the creation of a commission to investigate the un employed It Saved His Leg. All thought I'd lose ray leg," writes J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Buclden's Arnica Salve cured it soui d and well." Infallible for ckin eruption', eczema, salt rheum, boils, fever sors, burns, scalas, cuts and piles 2Vj at All Druggists One of the last official acts of George Von L. Meyer a? Postmaster General was the issuance of an order directing that all mail matter sent by Frances F. Cleveland, widow of the late President Grover Cleveland, and by Mary Lord Harrison, widow of the late President Benjamin Har rison, under their written autograph signatures, fchall hereafter be con veyed free of postage during their natural lives. Simple Remedy for La Grippe. La grippe ccuehs are dangerous . as tbey frequently dtvelop into pneumonia. Foley's Houy atd Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so that noeerioa results netd be feared- The genuine Foley's Honey and Tarcontains to harmful lirogs and is in a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. Gibson Drug Ss'ore. English Spavin Liniment. removes Hard, Soft or CaJloustd Lumps and Blemishes frcm horses ; also Blod Spavin, furbs, Sx-lints. Sweeney, Ring Bone, btifles, bprcin, bwollfn it roars. Coughs, etc. Save $W by use of one battle. A wonderful Blemish cure. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist. NUMOKit ??. 1 le Opa tsr o&tk Lr a 1ki t tr.4 t .-, w .', 1 v t4 lW !u lUfthli fcU-f M L-4 Pt . ' 4. t tart fi rtM Six. ke ITtA.i. IfT I ..." r i . JY a I 1 irrC !J 5fcfsfci. S-rK. 6rtff'r e 4 ! kt tUiaWtiakt or !!!! '. -. uirmf faftl!, ft)e, 'r ) t4i;t pWvlft, etTh! 4fi8 ihi V'hi .,,; tans of 4kbwt. lr, ., i 1Hrrtt!K I k l rl. ira,r t U tti'y .U. In r .K ,i f i .v tt tMkl, i'! itf ', u- fc! f, r-g Bioll.jt si4 In t-t U,m iu.tn t4 ths eiix-ttit tnarf !. uir i -it. Uu n-i,tfii ( el :.4i 'k. . . artli:r .1' 'J t. , . j i t , argsas 4t:( i.j-i.wJu't la jm! r. It Is.aiM a w.t ;r it I u.g t'i rt bvrtlhe tJ r;.M r( . r , .u, Offoui .ro!j,( ii. t l-ntfi-, ll!E, f li TT . f M :lu. iiil., UliPf Jllr. r ' r , jb .. n. asf of Ua 4lti!nc'i;y tru.ie! . f r A ht cf iHMlVkl Kilt .'.x.rtnA i )! veral k1ui:. ttt ' o, tr in-i..l eb of lb --rii! ! f-.- n.t ft l :.ti l"str)i rr,:r;'t; i m4 t i( cur of tb d ; f f ,u h H :fu to m a rur V.u tut rr,l i t U. SS( yrrt i f b.m.,1 ,.g iu!ff4 rwjtlnl lif U,t K . .( ril'l fmm tie t-a1it' f !;.-. ii Jit ;, V.- Ilerr, Inv .:'' 11 -.1 r,j ,? i ; !.. Utute. Iln fTi K. V.. an Ut wlti ci,ms rou by return t R.opotxt ivrvd That Settles It. (!owin' l'iuiiiii.!ii.i Prr u ra tion rcc.t( U-tMUM- it i n ii im-,lv of m ri and v iU do ;'! i uti c.'t for it. lU-itg fMctti.il ii i itiiiot form the dru lulot 'oi.tuoiijjr its curative rtritt m r!.n.Sr if anlin.il fjl, it j'-nctiic 'uuk!v, scatter intl.unin.it ion and i.i.i tion and - rediicc lurr, !l ;ivt itihtmit relief in i ihij, nuli,'-. cold, fcore tl.ro.tt m.! p.tin 'in the lungk. Absolute jtHH( from hih cfct authority tint it will picvtnt and cure jiofumoiii.i in worot kl4 gc. For bunts il relieves U.f ':iiii and lie. iU at iluue, I".u r-teuma. tiMn, e j r :i i r; , triiir, ifV, jiuim u lar Sore nnd ti.!fiiess, it ;ir. tiick relief. Tin m (.t.ili inr-m tc verified by thousand of Ic llrt y users'. A trial Uttle iSU'on Hue. Once a customer, always .1 cuslm er. You cannot ailord tu riU ioli tatioits in the face- "f froup r pnctiiiionia. (ow:ui' i in a vla by itself.- There ire no )tt as g'M"d. Your money bin k if imd a directed -wil li-.tit teniit. Sold by all drujjist. from to l$c. Electric Laundry! IU-:ir City Hall. City office : Opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Quick service, best duality of work. Collar, Cuff aud Flat Work unexcelled.' W. S. BINGHAM au.. Manager 1909- Wood's Garden Seed. Always Dated. Full size Paper, two for 5c. 31 Tar let ics Watermelon and is varieties Cantaloup-, by the jxjund. Onion Sets, white and yellow. GIBSON DHUG ST0EE TUUSTHirs SALE. By virtue of authority tated in rri ly I ! in Trust, or MurtHif. -eull tr Mattic Si ii--r hin it h iil I huti1, Writ't Smith, mi lh- IO'iiMmj" of April, which Uri or f m Trit ! duly reeorded In i'fk So. 1-t tjr 'Ji of the r--ort "f it?pr t"t ('aUmit county, 1 wiJl wll a ij'liC ii'n t "' the courthfMi- ljr in nrfl, S. , on th- Mb 'day of Aj.ril, l'.J. lu the hia-h-est hiildr, for esh, uue t '! aijd lot, situate In 'Want i. of the t'My nf Omeool, on the auuth id- of CUmtrtut trtet, m te n the lota now o-euirl hjr Henry Moan on one aide, an-1 lan itiww, on thr other aid-, ifl Ut twin fit fret frrnit and rupblnx arlc IV) trr tt'rta asl't Chmtnul atr-f , and la dearril"! In th' deed by John V. Whit, to said Moilt bpenrer Hmith, aa follows : Lylnx in tl.at jart yf t rn known aa IxiyeTown, lwirin!ii(r at the nortweat corner of Henry Moa-s' Jo on tn-atnut at rret, and runs with t'TWtaui street fwt to a stake ; thrn h t t to a atak : thta n W e OU f.-et to a stake Henry J!o corner; th-n witlrtjlm f-et to tlw b- f lnninif. Kaid lr4d lini, n-crdtxi In tword of Iiwda N'. &3, y' Title to said property la uppoa- to b. . (rood, but tbe purchaser only lakes such title aa I am authorised to conrey under said nxDrtunjrc. Tbia brd day of March, VfO. J. 1 ci:ov Kl.U Trtm. For rent 7 room cottar. Ijth, near tmt ines part of town ; li ir mouth. Jno. K, ratUrson. It 1 . 1 I i It A 1 i ? i -1 , I