: THE: CONCORD: TIMES John BSherrhv, Editor and Publisher.. - ! . . , . PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. ' - , ': V 'XXXIV CONCORD, N C. THURSDAY. MARCH 25. 1909. DM Mf IS .to handle any business entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal manner as to make the customer's relation with this bank satisfac tory and profitable. RESOURCES, 0200,000.00 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CONCORD, N. C. A.JONES YORKE, CHAS. B. WAGONER, President. Cashier. M L. MARSH, JOHN FOX. Vice President. Assistant Cashiet.' NUMHKH 70. SOCIAL ILLS DUE TO EXTRAVAGANCE. r OUR INVITATION. Twice each week we pay for this space for the privilege only of inviting you once again to become a depositor of our bank. The person who reads about us 104 times a year ought to know us at least 104 times better than if he had read of us but once. The better he knows us the more likely he is to like us and our business methods. YOUR ACCOUNT, LARGE OR SMALL, IS URGENTLY SOLICITED AND RESPECTFULLY INVITED. The Concord National Bank If you want to either buy ox sell any kind of Real Estate, See Jno. K. Patterson, & Co. Love of Display Causes the Decrease of Marriage ia America.' - The divorce rate in the United States at present is something: like six hundred and twelve out of every terigthoasand marriages. Germany lags pitifully behind us with a bare one hundred and sixty-five, and even France can show only eighty-six. The fact is, the domestic life of this country is in an appalling condition, says the Rev. Madison C. Peters, D. D., in the April New Idea Woman's Magazine. Excessive fashion is one great foe of home-making. Why the racefor richea? For vulgar display, great houses so many houses as to have no home sumptuous furnishings, costly equip ages -these are the things that seem to constitute for many American women a perfect paradise in pros pect only; for when the Eden is gained the hot breath of a simoon has withered the verdure and the flowers, dried up the fountain, and s'ain the singing-birds, and there is little or no domestic happiness or life. Many a woman would be willing to sacrifice for the sake of becoming a man's wife, but most men who do not marry on the pretext of economy are persons who could marry if they were willing to sacrifice some of their luxurious habits and private vices and were content to begin life with' simple, honest, wholesome comfort, to be increased as life went on. But, no; they must start where their parents left off; they must cut a dash; they love their pleasure too much to sacrifice any portion of it for domestic bliss. The sentiment hasbecome prevalent that a man must make his fortune before he marries; that his wife must have no sympathy or share with him in the pursuit of it, in which most of the pleasure truly consists. This unfortunate attitude fills our country with bachelors who are wait ing to make their fortuneKendang ering virtue and promoting vice; it destroys the true economy and de sign of the marriage institution, en courages inefficiency among women, who are expected to be taken up by fortune and passively sustained without any concern on their part. GUMPTION ON THE FARM. first i mis- Aprll Farm Journal. In every instance the man who has just finished has a great advantage over the one who is just going to do it. Procrastination is the greatest enemy of agriculture, rnd for that matter of every other culture. Take work easy during the few days or weeks of spring. Make a bundle of last year's takes and plow them under deep How could potatoes see to grow if they didn't have one or more eyes under ground?" If your neighbor has a good man who is satisfied with his place, don't try to entice him" away. There's where the Golded Rule fits in. Because hard work made thera so, don't be ashamed of bent shoulders. It is better to be bent in the back than broke in the pocket. Get out of the notion of making "beds" in your garden. Long rows are best. Then the horse or the wheel hoe can do most of the work. Working so late in the field makes supper late; and the tired mother must wash the dishes and potter about until bedtime, instead of resting Better have an earlior supper and an hour to read and rest Half a mill or a mill higher each succeeding year! We must watch taxation and public expenditure, or, with valuation at a fancy selling price, the man who is in debt, the man who has sickness, crop failure, or loss of stock, and the poor follow who never learns to manage well, can not hold their farms. SHOULD BE NO U0SE PANICS. Simple Remedy for La Grippe. La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop into pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar not, only stops the cough bat heals and strengthens the lungs so that no serious results need be feared. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and 5s in a yellow -package Refuse substi. tutes. Gibson Drug Store. If you'd be dubbed a handsome girl. And win a handsome Knight, The secret here I do impart, Tio Hollistcr'c Jloeky Mountain Tea " at night. Gibson Drugstore. "Are" you going to attempt to answer all the charges made against you ? "Certainly," replied Senator Sor ghum. "Answering charges these days is easy. All you've got to do is to say 'you're another.' " Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that ia not beyond the reach of medicine. Cures backache and irregularities that if 'neglected nn-ht reeal- ie Brtl isease or diabetes. Gibson Drag Store. This Is the Opinio of Seulor Ovtrsua, f Norti CarfiSaa. Washington Ooc, STsar Tor Sua. Senator Lee S. Overman, of North Carolina, discussing the country's condition, says there should not be another panic, in view of the saner and more temperate feeling that is likely to succeed the settlement of the great questions before the peo ple. Senator Overman says: ''Business is always more or less disturbed by threatened legislation upon all those great questions which directly affect the financial and com mercial interests of the country. Within the next six months the tariff question will be settled, and whether it is revised upon just and proper lines in the interest of ail the people or in the interest of the corporations and trusts the agitation upon this great question for a time at least will be over. "Within a year in all probability a new and it is to be hoped saner, if not a perfect, monetary system will be adopted. Our financial system should be so perfected that an era of prosperity such as we have had and such as we are to have again soon cannot be arrested by the money kings for their own unlawful pur poses or by unlawful manipulations and by jugling financiers. A money panic should never occur again in this country. , "The flow of the great stream of trade is still turbid and credit is still uncertain"and hesitating. Money, however, is becoming easier and can be borrowed on gilt edged security. The ' diseased and feverish state of the money market has taken on a healthy tone. With the settlement of these great questions which are now agitating the country confidence will be almost completely restored. Many of the causes which produced the terrible industrial depression which has so long prevailed in this country will be ended. "Wildcat speculations and frenzied financering will he discouraged and abnormal inflation of values will be avoided andjthe -Watering of stocks must be stopped. Under such condi tions, and out of it all,, in the near future an era of prosperity, founded upon a solid and permanent basis, such" as we ha e never before ex perienced in this country, is bound to come. "Congress and the Legislatures of the different States, while still safe guarding the rights of the peoplo in all respects from unlawful manipula tions and combination by which they are being continually robbed, at the same time will be just to the corporations, and in the interest of the great eommercia! development will be more conservative, and will enact only soch measures as will aid in the building up rather than de stroying, of encouraging rather than crippling, and of uplifting rather than retarding its growth. "This spirit seems to be abroad in the land, and the people will demand that the laws which have already been enacted for their benefit shall be enforced before other more dras tic legislation shall be enacted. The greatest encouragement must be given to the building of more rail roads for the opening op of new fields for developm nt. "In the South we are just entering upon the threshold of a wonderful development. The marvelous ipd us trial progress of that section fdr ten years prior to the panic, which was so disastrously arrested, will begin again upon larger and wider possi bilities. Profiting by this spirit of development: already begun our people are practically out of debt, and the old conditions under which they suffered and remained poor are forgotten and no longer exist, and with its great industrial resources and advantages of agriculture min ing and manufacturing Its future greatness cannot be - measured, or told. "The tide of immigration is begin ning to turn in that direction to open up the millions of acres of land lying mere awaiting the homesteader. Her magnificent water powers, now wasting, are to be harnessed to give cheaper electricity, to give power to thousands of factories to be built to work up her raw material. No sec tion of our country is richer in un opened wells of oil and natural gas, beds of coal and iron, mines of gold and copper and splendid fertilizing potentiaities. Her annual crop of of 12,000,000 bales of cotton enriches her every year $600,000,000. She is soon to become one of the greatest fruit and truck producing centres in the world. "Capitalists should not hesitate to invest their money in this great sec tion. Not only will splendid returns be given upon the amount so in vested but those who come can -feel that no hostile legislation will be en acted to discourage and cripple in vestments. There will be no fight there between capital and labor. The negro question is settled, sec tional feeling is no more, and the stranger-ia welcomed alwasjtu opened anna." THE 0MV ttlttDr ?0 10W-POCI0 I COIIOt We UastGsts Baakf 0r 0i Sink tad the ttti far Tana. ts4 Get Ool IDcU. Messrs. rrrurji :-Ther it on remedy and only one rrfnedy far low-priced cutton. We mutt quit the of-cn?p system, and reoort to diverufWd firming and stock rais ing. We must live at home, haard at the same place, wear our old clothes, use our old bujrsrie. and live In our old houses until we prt out of debt. We will then be frw American citkena and In rxwutkm to ecure an equitable price for cur cotton." There is no sane man who does not know that we will get mure money for ten million bales than we will for fifteen million bales. The history of the past twenty years is proof po. tive of this statement. We all know that a large crop of cotton means a low price, and that a low price for cotton means poverty and wretched ness all over the South. This being true, why will Southern farmers and their wives and children work In large cotton fields in the beat and cold for about three hundred das In the year to grow a large crop of cheap cotton to pay for high-priced Com haVsTY Um mnU A Mfk. .farm products, with the profit of several middlemen, railroads, aid supply merchants added T There i ) n to title? fyHsre J r4tt . Ha r-rorxl the trto i f cvtun far I. Ipw an eTa.UK . ars4. Ha ettai I tihe4 the rml.l tvm. A L . . Southern farmer raim! their mp pJ at borr, there t tvr production of eotttx and no t"r ity tor the credit tj.trm. . VKt hot H lhr fvtr Uutr far mien as loftg a the haWl. wife and children CuHir by f f (h larrer part ef th farm ia cu,n to ay far farm trtiot KufM at pnocrtr profit Uh trwM prviU Jvid t There tt no boj. The fro umt of ewry farm pr. duct nerrwiary for h ; oe U Curtail the pnxlactiim f rot Uvi, raise the rriot to at kt IS cct.u $r pound ; and rn addukxv, i:i en bit us to use the money otulmnj far cotton to build manir;frr.t home, churches, s;otd ruai, edu cate our children, and fa) our UnU o overflowing. The holding- of a lsrt of our cotton frm market wi'.l be of only temporary brnc.t, M'e growing of feexi. food, and-liv Uk will oVcrraae th jrk-id of cotton, at not do away with the txxrwjtr far the credit system, and enable us to MJ our cotton until we obtain riuitable prices. I "Iamsohppy."heald." "V.vrr since my engagement to Charlie the whole world mini different I do hot seem to be In dull, pnwaie K-ns land, but-" Upland." tutfgrtcj her little brother, who wa doing his geography lesson. fir 8 II c t ytbsptalety Tare The Only Baking Powder made from! Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Ma.de from Grapes A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food See the Free Exhibit of the Celebrated Cameron Steel Ranges At the Bell S Harris Furniture Co's Store, Week Beginning March 29. Hot Coffee and Biscuit Cooked on the Cameron Steel Ranges Free to Visitors Cooks and Housewives Everywhere Admire and Use the Celebrated Cameron Steel Range. RE AD THIS ! Cameron Steel Ranges arc built to last a life time and will do so, witli ordinary care. They seldom ever need repairs The ovens are built larger than the Ovens in .any other Steel Range made; they bake and cook quicker, better and with less fuel than oth cys. They burn any kind of fuel and the flues are so large that they do not "cliokc" up nor burn out. A great feature is the warming closet that makes it easy for lhe housekeeper to keep the food warm as long as she wishes. pecMly Invited ! The aiie All styles and sizes at modern prices and guaranteed by us. DON'T FORGETi THE PLACE AND DATE: Bell & Harris Furniture Company. March 29th to April 3rd, Inclusive. T IXopoixis 4xrd Thiat Settles It. (Jowan's rncumonia Urrpara tion re jcati Ix-caiifcc it J a rnncdy of merit and will do all clsimrd for it. llcing external it cannot form the drug habit. Containing its curative audit in a vehicle of animal fat, it penetrates quickly, scatters inflammation and conjjr tion and reduces fever. It gives instant relief in crouj), coughs, colds,1 sore throat ind'-pains in tho lungs. Absolute prof from high est authority that it will prevent and cure pneumonia in wont ta gcs. For burns it relieves the paiu and heals at once. For rheuma tim, sprains, bruiVs, orct. muscu lar sores and stiirncM. it give quick reiief. Thew- statcmenti are verified by thousand of letters by u4:rs. A trial bottle will convince. 4-Ottce a customer, always a cutm er. iou cannot a (Turd to risk imi tation in the face of croup or pneumonia, (iowan's is in a class by itself. There arc no jut as goods. Your money back if ucd as directed 'without ic'ults. Suld by all druggUts, from $t to 35c, , lSf(p9. Wood's Garden Seed. Always Dated, Full size Paper, two for 5c. 21 varieties Watermelon and ia varieties Cantelou jr, by the pound. Onion Sets, white and yellow." aiBSOH DB-TJO ST0EE Wanted Trust wort jr ina.it -or wotnta In each count' to lvrrt:, rcr-l orders arirl m n tnjatna lot fitw York Mailorder JIoaa. 1-4.W mtkly. position lrmrent; no Inrntmvtil 19 xnlred. rrevloas xrine not rau-n-tiJ to hirfcinjt. hre tlrno ttluiMr. KneloM! eif-!irFar4l rntrUitt tor tin partieolars. Aiirr, C'isrks Co.,'hi alc lhspt., 1(3 1'ark Are., N Vork. 75 Electric Laundry I Rear City Hall. City office : Opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Quick service, best quality ofworh Collar, Cuff and Eat Work unexcelled. U. S. BIHGHAH - Manager Aaa.4. If v r . i i i f t- i l .1 i t i I Jr " A. A A A A A A A V A A A jF "V v a a a a a a a a a a a a a a avi IT I 1 TiT Ti' -i a. ;i. .i. .1. 1 i. tt. .1. i M dv jt. . . A A A A 4, a i ax 1 i t a r

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