times: THE : " ' ' : " ' ' " FUBLISHED TWIOE.A Wet EX. ' Johm B. Shbrriu, Editor and. Flablisrss . - - " ' rTrr--- I AO TssaVta. Bll ISt ! VOLUME XXXIV. CONCORD, N C. MONDAY. JUNE 2S. 1909. 1 1 1,1 r -rnrir iinninr 1 r M ,v" H 1 THf "M HK ngn I wnsiw rorawiiss. THE Citizens Bank and Trust Company OF CONCORD, & C. Has grown into the strength that comes from faithful and efficient service to a progressive community. Tvsh neAnriahftwo hundred" thou sand dollars, and with every facility tor handling your business well, we invite your patronage. A.JONES YCRKE, President. M. L. MAKSH Vice President." CHAS. B WAGONER, Cashier. IOHN F6X, ' Assistant Cashki. Cows and men are in danger of ultimate extinction through tuber-1 culosis, declares Nathan Straus, of New York. ThwstarUin announce ment was made bv the New xoric The threshold of the harem has occasionally been crowed clandestine ly, jet. save those in rare cas. where a Turkish family, having adooted the conventions of the hi- CbarloUe Chronicle. Is the linotime machine soon to be come a back number T Undoubtedly It will if Rev. Bayloa Cadevoi norm rolina ts noi wrong m nhilanthronist in a naper read before rooeana. admiU its intimate f mod . tauonsoime t, r.. i ,t :f;j n.iV. -nnor! at U-f t... MMH,i. Aniail- S hL betn made T by a Hungary. As the result of 18 years been permited to vial the gyneca nn?Snert bS detlSS hive spent in warring against tuberculoeU um of the Turk, says N. C. Ados number or papers. DUl ueuuio .l, .c I uVji m.7 kQ I. vm vineed that miAm n tk. nlnarnr for Ju V. tlSSSw toZTZAitoln present The one"exPuTn 'to Uon-clad IZfdStwt Ur!cS? methods wUlcertainly assure the ex- rule, strange to say. occurred in the a general idea ox wnat f th- Hair industry and of nata. nf .niten. type-setter win ao. ine cn my : 'i.ri th.t th. r u 1 isn? Km th HMnMfhpr broad but It must DC I huhmui ite. " I at wavi Seem ratner unu, uu "" . ... .nd nimHi I D!cW nnn.nm.r,t Bmnt nir In remembered that when the linotype .7 EZXZZ 7Z i a'dream- largely because of the peril of tuber- j Htion agairst Napoleon, ordered the culoels miiK. Jar. &iraus saiu; i suitan, aeum m. m iurreowr 'Tuberculosis cows bear neaitny fleet. This Seam reiusea to ao. ana calves and straighway infect them I the English fleet sailed through the with this disease through the muk Dardanelles into the i'ropontis that they give to their young, and when the calves are weaned these diseased cows supply the germs of the white plague to the human be- venfnr vu told that he W8S . .... ... er. We have always heidtnattne linotype machine, wonderful as it is. is really a crude machine ana is aes tined to be superceded by a simpler. more perfect and cheaper maenme. Is the honor of inventing the succes sor to the linotype to fall to a North Umlina man I it IS auue wiuuii rvu .. . - H-;r i ho - "thei- milk. Thus we lD? '"K? ' lTi-Z . r " inviting the extremination of the without firing a shot. THE ONE SURE WAY it. The one sure way to save it is You will then be ex- ta have monev is to save hv Honnsitincr it in a resoonsible bank empt from the annoyance of having it burn holes in your pockets, and aside from the fact that your money will besafe from theft, the habit of saving tends to the estabhshmenT-of thrift, economy,-discipline and a general understanding ot business principals essential to your success. To those wishing to establish relations with a safe, strong bank, we heartily extend our services. y The Concord National Bank Capital, $too,ooo.oo - Surplus,- $30,000.00 a few noints would indicate Mr. Cade s type-seuer is nov run tn? moor. Two men can carry it and place it at any point desired as easily as they would handle an office desk. It is operated Dy a smau air compressor. It will set any lace 01 type irom nonpareil to job display. The oper ator can read and correct ine line before it is cast. There is no cum bersome and complex machinery lor the return of the matrices. . They are v returned automatically. The machine can be sold for $500, wnicn will place it within the reach, 01 newspaptr publishers all over the country. . Mr. c-ade is a macninisc irom youth. He has been working on this invention for a penoa 01 twenty years. His first machine is now be ing built in Philadelphia, and will be completed and given a test within three months, it has Deen inspected and approved by the best mechanical experts in the country, who say it will do what is claimed xor 11. we are drawing this much from dairy industry and of the human race, for this plague is increasing both amonor cattle and among men and it will increase like the spreading of fire so long as the milk swarming Meanwhile. General Sebastiani. the French ambassador, assisted the Sul tan in organizing the defense of Constantinople, and did it so admir ahlv that the British fleet retired Accordingly, the Padishah told him to choose hw reward. The general, a thorough European, asked permission to visit his majesty's harem. Sehm, bound by his word, granien with tuibercle bacilli is used as fdod J the unprecedented favor, and invited for calves or babies. There is a I him to witness the review of the sul mathematical certainity as to this tanas. As the latter, the most beau- fact. tiful women of the East, with blush- "Eighteen yearr ago I declared ing cheeks and modest eyes, passed that it would soon be regarded as a one by one before them, the Sultan crime to feed a young child upon Mid, "Who ever of them all you find milk that had not been pasteurized, fairest is yours." Sebastiani, de I was optimistic. Intelligent farm- lighted, indicated one of the imperial ersnow regard it as folly to feed a odalisques, a Georgian of divine calf or a pig with unpasteurized milk beauty, with deep black eyes, unless they know by the tuberculin The next morning a procession of test that the cow is free from tuber-1 black Blaves appeared at the em culosis, but Chicago is the only city I bassy, bringing with them a magnin- in the world that takes such precau- cent casket. ,.Kaismg me 11a inereoi. MAN AX X Iftt W STW. The ISttkhoro Record civ an e!iie. j.,KnuiMrt i,i,(nhiiIai count of the arrest and trial of a ne. u m nuraD in th tmrtbrra groboy on the charge of atrahrg irtoI SaUJe. hf ty dollars from a ctutrn 01 j -ltrfi ctLtne bcr arrTal taocthi ham county. At the preliminary o, t h4 but ltlti mooey and trial there was not auftcntevwcncj I family, lkcauw of Um to sustain the charge and the ammd ; great tra here b was ooabW u was released; but be waS requirrd ; nnd an tmiiy houw and ro(vr4 to VMXii one ct bis own. lie bought an ur.impixnd kt to th north part of the city, m a diatrkt bw kct ing Tipcrauona craard bat a yrar ago. and on going out to plan his how he found half the lot occupied by a gigantic cvdar -tump thirty feet high and eighteen feet in diameter U-n feci above ground. With an auger and saw Srivert cut out a seven-foot recti on from the south end and walked into ha stump. The walla were found to be ftftren inches thick and the wholtf atump was a hollow thell.. lie cut out win dows, laid a tight floor and mads a ccilitibt vt pianking and flooring. With a ladder he cut another door twelve feet above ground, went in side and made the window for th second etory. The third story was .constructed and s tight roof of ship Up and rhit.gte was made over the St-ivert nee led ott tha baia and NUMBRR 101. nu tm av)i hy. to pay the coats of the trial, the amount being deducted from a sum of money found on his person when arrested. As The Record remarkt, the question naturally arises. Why was the boy discharged and yet hit money taken to way the costs? We think we can answer the question, and all who are acquainted with the procedure In the courts, of many magistrates in this State will mj that we answer correctly. As there was lacking sufficient evidence to bind the accused over to the higher court, the magistrate was not entitle! to pull fees from the county for the preliminary investigation, but he could force that negro boy, without friends and influence, to pay whatever bill of costs he chose. He would not have dared pursue such a course in the investigation of a crim inal charge against a man of any po sition or influence in the county. This maaiatrate assuming our al most positive inference to be correct painted the stump a light, green and is one of too many in worm caro lhe window and dor frames pure Una who tarnish their office by of- white. The hoU makes a very ficial greed. It is one among several Drctty home at a cest of $10. and the grave reproaches upon our judicial owner has refused !.&00 for his system and the justice of our courts unique alwde. that we place in tne omce 01 jusuce of the peace not a few men. whose chief aim is to collect fees and who care little whether they collect them unlawfully, mere exists very reai need for reform in our magistrates' All that a rcan hath w U he' ritv far fe hfe. W t,ar in tN 4i patrhra f rt A !-. an avut a tttan ho ai (ire aJI that h fea for U fetfiV'.'Uf ;WtaUe lac SlthrnT. tf tttA'n. rtfuln-i to t the wra.'tfcirt ef aU th rallhy iwn ta t i' sited M!e Srrtat, ia rrpirted to hrv aa4 that h wtntU gi alt h mu;- if H dotna the Nralth tf hi n eMii4 bo reatoml. It U not nuif thai a dsr paMra that rftaar mm d not r4 their own tire fr et!4. It ta the prk of many a et ime ofcW4t4 and many har draibUc haneml away -their souls for it. And y hr i a man ho say He U willing t $r all he has for his sort's Ufe More than thla, thr ar twuhl tudea of peopW who wtM wUImgty irnporerifch themirlrts to aai lh they love. Hutalvrfulavaim may be. it cannot al.w In such a caa as this stay U hand t f death. ' and the rich are no cwure. regarded than the poor. NerertheW, whm a man who haa apent all hi life m the accumutatHtn of wraith, ShAl who doubtless valors it arfordtngtv, says that he ia wiltinir to gl it al) to purrhaae health for hia . this- la an exhlblUim of human love that elevates mankind atovs the level of the beasts thst perth. v The SluUeriBS WiL courts system. tions to save its people from tuber culosis. .. . . . " As for the consequences of dairy men selling tuberculous milk Mr. Straus pointed out that there had been in New York city in two years an increase ol 33 Per cent, in ine Sehnfttiani beheld, lying upon the nnmle cushion, the head of the beautiful girl he had chosen. By its side lay a letter from the Khalife, which read as follows : "Though our law forbids that a woman of Islam be given to a Chris- number of new cases of tuberculosis J tian. yet thou shalt at least have the o foot nhinh the Health denartment I ionnnlation that none otner snau a con- I 1 . CaAa thin morS!WMSch flat he wal ofthecitytrWto whom thou hast pre- THE CABARRUS SAYINGS -BAHK Capi. .-o,ouo.oo Concord, N. C. Surplus and Profits, 00 STRONG A bank; sa BANK SUCCESSFUL BANK I Solicits Accounts of Farmers, Merchants, -Laborers, Corporations. Five Hundred New Accounts Wanted. Four per cent, inter est naid on Time Certificates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent MvVtTTTTTTYYWrwwwwwaaaaaaaaSSaaaaa aaawsBiaiawsaiaisa not for the public print at this time, Did we feel privileged to say more, we might inspire greater faith in this invention. It was suggested to Mr. Cade that if he has what he sayB he has, he will die a millionaire. His rpsnnnRfi was that money-making was his last thought, tie is wont ing for the goad of humanity, for in giving to the world a type-setter, of the character wnicn he invented, he would certainly be conferring a blessing on the whole people. We believe that a paper in Shelby, his home town, is to have the honor of making the first run on his new. ma chine. Mr. Cade and tne macmnisis who have passed oh "his invention may find themselves mistaken in the expected performances of tne ma chine, but in case they hit it right, we may look for a slump in Mergen thaler stock. The next few months will tell the tale. The Canny Scot. not denv. At this rate he said within a generation the great wealth of the American metropolis would be in sufficient to provide hospitals for the tuberculosis patients. Mr. Straus said that bovine tuber culosis now costs the American f ar- mer $i4,uuu,uw a year, anu me immediate killing of all the tuber culosis dairv cows, if it could be effected, would cost a billion. iut that pasteurization would infallibly kill the germs of tuberculosis and all other disease germs that might be in the milk. ferred. , Kill the Grade Bull. Progressive Farmer. In Tennessee they have a dairy as sociation, a live organization worthy of the men who have made "Tennes see Jerseys" synonymous with qual ity the land. over. This association has entered .on a campaign to improve the general average of the dairy cattle in that State; and the slogan of this cam- . t utr.-ii il' r j T1..11I" paign 18, JViu tne viraue huh. The Tennessee aairyman realizes. all the soutn ti.. ti..i,.a r.'.ri I m everv farmer in siar rir imiiiir. iiiii. . should realize, that there can be no Vernon. Texas, Call. mrmnnont imnrnvement - UCWIUbU V .... -- - 1 The telephone girl sits in her chair 0f uve stock so long as sires of ' mon and , listen to voices from every- grei ancestry are allowed to produce where. She hears all the gossip, she themselves. hears all the news, she knows who! There are in that State hundreds is happy and who has the blues; she J 0f cows that have produced from 14 knows all our sorrows all our joys, ,,r to 20 or more pounds of butter she knowaevery girl who is chasing I rjer week-these are the daughters Surrendered to the Dogs. Monroe Journal. . Monroe is too nice a town to be turned over to the dogs. Dogs, dogs, of every class and kind, but mostly curs of low degree. Lying on the sidewalks for ladies to pass around, stopping the entrances to buildings and even the church doors. carrying bones and filth from place to place, scratching holes in graves at the cemetery, chasing cats about folks houses and baying loudly at every shadow on moonlight nights, rousing sleeping people, and threat ening the lives of children on the streets. Monroe, north Monroe, east Monroe, south Monroe, west roe. all surrendered to the One man who knows the town well thinks there are five hundred dogs here, all of them more or less at times on the streets. Many families own from two to ten. Some of them are trained chicken catchers and don't resnect the property rights of chicken owners. The hot season is on us and time for mad dog scares at hand. We've got thedogs alright. There once was a special tax on dogs, but the dogs were too sacred to be bothered and like the United States tax on incomes, the law pass ed out of itself and no tax was col- They sre reviving that delightfu old one of W. It. Travers, the stutterl intr broker, says the New York Tele gram, concerning his discovery that Henry Clews was proud of the fact that he was a self made man. Next time he met the banker, Mr. Travers eyed him intently. "Well," inquired Mr. Clews. Im natientlv. "what's the matter? "Is it t-true that you are a s-self "Certainly," replied Mr. Clews. "W-well, while you were about it. w-why didn't you p-put more hair A top of your head?" Mr. Clews, who had been invited to a famous fsncy dress ball, met Mr. Travers and asked for a sugges tion as to the character he could beat represents 'S-sav.' Clews." stammered his Many of oar rtUtw are drtfue t. ward IkWrhtV dv.a ty W4in Tiaptotna of kt4ny i bialr treats which Tulry Klt6y Uitly will qeb-kly ear. OttMt ! Hor. When an oldachelor falls in lovw he is looking for aome one to help him out. The Fanncr'a Wlfa (a Very f-arrful NU He rknra. It cakl It il.-r"if l.ljr wU.f . i4 fl It a sun twin t )) IL M thai Urr tburn l ir H IU Ulnt Ua baiur ltil 1 aaa In IV lb iUxdwIi Is a clturn. la t' unndi snl fllua aa4 auulUa tiwu ara rlrn4 fro irrr blch are almi icUr lna taa ehurntM ' buttrf. 1 il IH Sfr thro Ut If thl umaf h-thara U loal H Btkiw foul all atilrhU l'Ul Into HT. The avll of a ful k t rwt aloaa the bad tasia la ' ntnutk et4 Oafoel braia eauMd bj It. (ml tha wrr''"a x tha pure eurrl ol iiim4 an4 u oi-w m. friend, "why d-don't you sugar-coat I insUon of itaa timit W.a uly. a vour head and go as a p-pill?" l)r. runra's ioWa Miirl lwr dogs, your head ana goasa p-pui f ,(omkrh YOUNG MAN We have been watching you all the Spring and we know what you want: CLOTHES THAT ARE BUILT FOR YOU ALONE. We have them fashioned for your Spring taste by the highest grade tailors in this country. - The suits are not UNCLE'S or FATHER'S style, but YOURS, and they express just that air of Smartness that appeals to you. .am the heat men of this count: VV C 1IUT W bum for five years. Ask them. Why not you? BROWNS-CANNON CO., Shop of Quality Clothes. .-L .i. 11. Af she knows of our strife: she ineysaieacnattuccAwc o - f ho horsehair sofa. They had been coortin' now for something like two years, but the wide gap between naa always been respectiuuy preserveu. A penny for your thochts, Sandy," murmured Maggie, after a silence 01 an hour and a nan. Weel." replied Sandy, siowiy. with surprising boldness, "tae tell ye the truth, I was jist thinking how fine it wad be if ye were tae gie me a wee bit kissie." , . , . "I've nae objection," simperea Maggie, slithering over, and kissed him plumply on the top of his left ear. . . . Then she slithered bade. Sandv relapsed into a brown study and the clock ticked 27 Ivuvv - minutes. . ....... 'An' what are ye tninkin- aoout hoo-anither, eh?" , "Nae, nae, lassie; it's mair serious thenoo." . , . Is it, laddie 7 asked Maggie. softly. Her heart was going pit-a- pat with expectation. An wnai michtitbe?" 'I was jist thmkm'," answered Sandy, "that it was aboot time ye were paying me that penny 1 - knows mean to nisi wife; she knows every time we are out with "the boys." she hears the excuses each fellow employes; she knows every woman who has a dark this lected. The present tax collector. ikj. lima'. lrvtsvvrra nn. . tlvmKloa I - K.illc nrfVl lnnrr llTK3a tt Mr. T. L. Crowell. says that if the 1 m l - 1 1 .7 ; , . . ur, I nMormon will Ipvv a sopfial tar hiornnrnn nr. nff ancestry uau i ...... ..... -r them. ' There are also thousands of cows that do not make butter enough to na tn-r thoir Irppnintr these are al- mnat invariablv the daughters of naat- uhf knows everv man who is in-1 ermHo or nrrnh bulla. rlined to be "fast:" in fact, there's I The eamnai&rn is for better and a great secret beneath, each saucy more profitable cows but the only curl of that quiet, demure looking sure way to get good cows is to get telephone girl. If the telephone girl rid of the poor bulls "Kill the told all that she knows it would turn Grade Bull.'; half our friends into bitterest foes; In this' campaign the dairymen of she could sow a small wind that every State and every community would soon be a gale, engulf us in every man in fact who wan ts better jail; she could let go a story which, cattle for any porpose should help; gaining in force, would cause half and the very best campaign slogan our wives to sue for divorce, she to be had is the one our Tennessee could get all our churches mixed up friends have adopted, in a ficht and torn all our days into if vou want to have better cattle sorrowing night; in fact, she could in your locality join in; and let's all keep the whole town in a stew if help "Kill the Grade Bull." she'd tell a tenth part of the things DR. W. C. HOUSTON 1909- joL. Wood's Garden Seed. Dr. F. B. W atkins, Always Dated. Office. PuUerBunadJolnlBg Montgom- pUH size Paper, tWO f Or 5C. Ee.lJaDC.atDHITHTrlng'.;iePfeet. - . a 1 varieties Watermelon and ia ' DR. H. C. HERRING.-DENTIST, TS ' . aow Wta. 1 WnUMorrtaoa-Ftow. - by the pound. Comp"T - Onion Sets, white and yellow. oonoow drTj." s. laffertv qibsoh.dbpq Mtobe Office over MaV-K Store. ASSeSSmCTlt NOW DUCi PicEre.N-d Tina JSLl nniMftniO Pl5PARATIONf 19 ' : SecandTreaa. UUAlJ O mffiu&rnB XTMtlng card. JHSfftafm. or For Mounuta or SeMida reUrf 'c"P;f" V Th TlME offlca at 60 cent tor 60, or J,TkZ? SanoX bt ?.riftiM' 75 cents for 100. ftmiiM, Rltraauttiia. Swtlltal. Mw tm. , hp ' . . ft - ' '- .-' " 4 ' " " - . " m ',- M'': - - - - - 1 that she kneW. Oh, brother, now d risen' t it make your head whirl, when you think what you owe to the telephone girl. Has Peary Found the Pole? Friends of Commander Robert Edwin Pearv . the explorer, who left the United States last July for the XT .U KoKAna that Penrv VlV The Howling Very Difficult to Account for tnis tjme haa 'reached the goal of his Ambition and has succesrsully planted the Stars and Stripes at the North Pole. No news has been received from year it will be collected. Not Her Husband. A widely-knowir clergyman was one afternoon pacing theldeck of a steamship that was bringing him back to this country when he chanced to observe a nair of individuals more than usually seasick. One. the woman, reclining in her steamer chair, exhibited that pallor of mal de mer that betrays utter de spair and indifference to whatever may come; and the other, a man, just as ill as the lady, was crouched at her feet with his head in her Jap. looking for all the world like a poor friendless dog that had sought cont ort of the nearest living being. So deeply touched by this unhappy pectacle was the good divine that he approached the wretched couple and inquired of the woman in his most sympathetic tones whether there was any assistance he could render. A Jelicate Hint. Sandy and his lai had been sitting together about half an hour in si- "Magpie." he said at length, "wasna 1 here on the Sabbath nichtT' "Aye, Sandy, I daur say you were. "An' wasna I here on Monday nicht?" . " "Aye. so you were." "An' 1 was here on Tuesday nirht, an Wednesday nlcht. an Thursday nirht. an Friday nicht?" "Aye, I'm thinking that's so." "An this is Saturdsy nicnr, an I'm here again?" . "Well, what for, noo? I m sure ye're very welcome.' Sandv (desperately) "Maggie wc I man! D'ye no begin to smell a rat?" TRUTH TRIUMPHS. rnnrnrf CitiieM TeiUlv tor we uduc Benefit. A trathfol statement of a Concord citizen, given in hia own words. Should nnnvinoa the most skeptical about the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. If you Baffer from backache, ' nervousness, sleenlessness. urinary disorders or any form of kidney ills, the cure is at hand. Bead this: Mrs D. M. Thornburg, 4HOrowell St., Ooneord, N. O. , says : Several y ears ago I used Doan's . Kidney Pills and from perience feel justified in advising others to use them. At that time my back was very lame and sere and often the pains extended into my limbs. I also had dull, miserable headaches and dizzy spells and was annoyed by irregu lar passages of the kidney secretions. Thinking that the trouble arose irom mr kidneys, I started taking Doan s Kidney Pills and was oonyincea tnat they were the remedy I needed.- They soon disposed of my trouble and it has never returned." - For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the - name uoan a ana eno other. Charlotte Observer. None of our readers, we. trust, overlooked the attitude and the ar gument of former Lieut. Gov. W. D. Turner on pending tariff matters as briefly set forth by him in yester day's paper. ; Anything coming from such a source as Mr. Turner would merit and receive respectful attention at the public's hands, but we wish to say that, in our opinion, his point was made with singular ef fectiveness. Mr. Turner recalled the old cow used for illustrative purposes by Governor Vance when on the tantl. tier neaa was iowara the South feed in e. while her odder was toward the North being milked. Governor Vance said that he wanted to turn the old cow around awhile. For trying to edge her around so that the South may get a little milk the State's Senators and nearly all its Representatives have been howled at from some quarters, as mr. Turner points out. no Democrat now in Congress from this State has voted for any duty which is not a revenue duty by Btrict definition. Mr. Tur ner finds the howling very difficult to account for. And so do we. would be benefited by tak ing Foley's Orino Laxative for consd- pation, stomach and liver trouble, as it weeteos the stomach and breath, gent ly stimulates the liver and regulates the : bowels and is much superior to pills and j ordinary laxatives. Why not try Foley's J Orino Laxative to-day. . Gibson Drug Pearv since he left Etah. North rtrPMiland. Aucrust 17. 1908. in the ahJn Roosevelt for a dash as far into the icebound seas as that vessel would carry him before being frozen in hv the winter's cold. If he has been successful in reaching the pole, thonewa of his discovery will not reach a point of telegraphic com munication until August or Septem ber next. If he has been unsuccess ful, he will remain in the far North nrt make another endeavor next oni-incr " On his last expedition Commander Pearv nueeeeded in getting within 174 miles of the North Pole, making th. farthest North record yet at tained latitude 87 6 Cheer Up! Lacon, I1L, Journal. Don't kick because you button voUr wife's waist. vour .wife has a waist glad you waist for. Stare. have to Be glad and doubly have a wife to button Some men's wife have wnlata to button. Some men s wives waists have no buttons on to button. Some men's wives who have waists i orith hnttnna on to button don t care a continental whether tney are dui- tnned or not. Some men don t have with waists with buttons on to button, any more than a ran-1 bit. The woman shook her head sadly mumurinir. mere is none, mangs. Then after a pause, the clergyman succested: 'Perhaps, then, 1 msy be or some service to your husband here" Without so much as moving ner head, the unfortunate merely glanced indifferently at the head in her lap. Then, in a tone indicating her com plete lack of interest in her compan ion in misery, she replied faintly: He isn t my husband. 1 I don't know who he is." Davis White Sulphur Springs' 25- n An Ideal Place to Speni Bit Sbicibct Th water unsuroassed. Accommodations for 1&0 to 200 guoeta. Sewerage, hot and cold baths, electric lights: neat, com--fnrtshW and well ventilated rooms. Splendid table fare. Two through trains from Charlotte daily except Sunday. Bell I"hon connections. Resident physician in hotel. First-class accommo dations at a low price. May, June and Sept, $8 to $7 per week; July and August, A to 9 per week. Special rates to families. Open May 12 to October 1, 1909. Write for booklet to DAY1S BROTHERS, Owners t Proprietors 2 Il do forth !- K U aaittnt and sua baia do for Ute!iurn-aUoluW-lr rtnov aver? Ulnttns or corrupting la ment. Is this. wsj It nirai t)wsa, pimple, eruption. u-n.ful.us wlHnf, tor, or opn eUn wlrr end' ell. humor or dlMac rtm fmro bad fclood. If you bve tiltu-r, ntT. foul lta la four tnoulh, eotl Uhibu. fl telh, are week and Mllf UM, f1 f-prM4 and dnion.lat. lieve f rjtiKol bo4rl, ditty alUrW. tiwlnf r diU In U.i icb, enntlpti or irrfulr Uwl. aur or biiuir riiinf nwr tuni -- sppelltA. th- ! '"n." enjrcnhlr able nnmlT of ll.nn. Ullret tbl you uffilne fr tn rt!i-iw, lrpi4 or ltf . Uverwlth llio nl arritn.firln lrll etwtloa, or d)patla eml tUlr ttKli Tr" r-1 : -i1--' v, i i 11 air- j4 . t l1 r'ii .,' Ul be redl!y proven to your tlfUj If you will bnl wlU l-tel r rA I riw to lit. K. V, 1rr. JiuffeK N. Y.. ! a res copy of ale bV.l f eiru fn-m (he lUrwlard in.l!rl tnhftrlt. the nimni of ell lrf!ita rtl-rlh la U hit world fiTTtod mwltrlie vi 1h.wv m wbt lb Bi't mi!nt ll-l meet efthe e of Uim. A BOY'S H01IDAY5. The ardent ooofrmerty which ha been waairnr In r-niani aim "m-rH. oonoernina the brt way to a. w echool boys tn lhlos etimmrr v- Ition has prom ttd the .ratd irana tiii r Hntrm to Uoui a prtal ll'U- I ration giving- u(rgwitin and jirartiral bipta to parnita, as to wbal to ao wiwi the public and prirt-T erbool boy daring the month of ioly and AaguH. The vacation camp is una oi tneeoia nons and the publirtloo entaM. WbatehaU alloy do wiih fcin- tion" thoroughly oovrr m grouwa solves the problem of lb bt wsf f . a schoolboy to tmj'ry bl holiaay. A copy may beoUained t"CtiH by applyfiijt to F. D. Iwyr, y r.t- way. Kew ora. Sale of Printing Outfit. By virtue of a mortgage executed to me by Tnomas J. uen mj w-u rc m uc therein mentioned, default having ben made in the payment oi eaia aein., , trustee, will eell to the highest, bidder at public sale at Concord on Tuewday, the 29th day of June. 1, at 12 o'clock M., the lollowinK properly, wwik 25 fonta aotertiainn ype, J" rules, al pounds 6 pt. Koman body type. 25 pounds 8 pt. O. S. body type, 4 beadT inwruk. 1 two-thlrda cabinet.,0 pairs new umm, 10 single j?alley, t douoie fcaueya, a joojiaueyn iuii.), w wim posing sticks. SS Imposing atones, planer, mallet shooting stick, SO pounds 13-em leads, 10 pounds 13 em slugs, 50 brass dashes, 30 single ad- ruiea, 10 double. ad. rules, 1 pair 7 column chases, VI pairs quoins with keys. 7 Job caaea, 48 pounds 10 pt. O. S. body type, 205 pound 11 pt. O. S. body tvpe, 2 pairs caae bracket, lo pounds double column slugs, 10 cut off rules, 25 pound IS pt. poster type, labor saving lead rack, galley rack, wood gal ir -m. noil n da labor-aaving leada aud slug. etc; the whole being a complete out dt for a V-column newspaper. Term of sale, cash. Said mortgage la resistered in book No. 31rpage. l-gs tera office of Cabarrus county. . i. B. SHEBRILL. irustee. Mar. 7th, 1900, Alaka-Yukon Pacific KxpositloB, SeattU. Wub , Jone 1st to Oct. 1st, 19W. For the aboTe orraaloo Soutars IUUay lanogm'oi exrera-iy "'7 ?oundtnP liate of M75 1U apiMy fm Conoord. ! Heme round Ulp rsl will ri." f,m nearly all POlui. in ort Car- "I""' t Tnket on sale d.ltv untlf Sopt. SWb. with u, .o v.a iw JT7V .ATis knottier oireT - - coat. 1 win HW additional to go er reiurntbntuKb alitor n la, on way " r further InformatkjM call on yoor dewt ,-nt.orwrK, t. VERNOW; D P A. n barlotta J. C AH A1GLB'S ILYSIOat. According to advrTtlmint all sum mar reaort are alike. Tb-y are- tka beat ever but if flbltnf Is n.hing U bH ter anyw&rr ele that it U in "(Jeor gtaa Bay" we do not know whee It U. Tbare is a grrater artty of fih la this water than anywhere le. and they ara always hungry. The ooiy p'ar- wiw voa tan afford to nn w t na nn are nuineroos, trn ..- flavor, and that pla U Oeorjrlaa lr so tna nanermen wmj, send for ImoklH. laaued by Grand Trunk Railwsy Hratem fre. Mlinff about the botne of tbe ba. plcaervU ptke and the aobla trout family. Addrese P. F. Dwyer, 2.0 Broadway, ftew Yotk. Fine Tract Land for Sale 1 4i .icresl V. miles cast of Kan nr St.4lO. Dwelling. iarn nnd OUtDUllGincs.EOOu uicuuun , 1 1: hnttom. tij acres iim- w that is estimated to cut 200, 000 feet Inmbcr, 3,000 cords ol wood and 1,500 cross Uca. Tim t,- . ;il nearlv oav for Land. Also"5-room cottage and lot tnhie on Allison street m Wadsworth Addition. JSO. L PATTERSOX i CO. tUttoaal Cdacattoaal AaeadaUaa, Peaver, Colorado, Jsly 5-9, 19W. barv. W-'C . ba mr-ta ' iwyuani uaii. rttura tor ti ttmUm. pMaa ( aroilna. aad tbm oium craae rk of Kra- a)ay I'laf Onffln. and a mW of tbe 4w rare will it4 Uwtr tr p to Miiu.Wwi, taktnf In fHlowati I'ara en r'. f toralaa via Haa PreiM-teno. t 4afNw, Malt lka and cblcao. 1 hrmgh Pnl'maa rr vt wt UoMemni riHp.l,Jarl'i Vrt- lar showiD fall ttiawarv of route w.j ba furatabrd 09 applicaUua. Yor fartiiar infunnaUo. aad Pullaaaai i.Haw wrw, k. i, vaujio.. r. r a ; -tbarlotia,M.C, if i i 5 I f : : 1 ; 1 ' ;l - 1 5 f ' v .its :i M -1 i : " :- i ill'!