CONCORD )HN b. Shbrriu, Editor and Ptatlih. PUBLISHED TWICE A WCKK. r TIMES r ! t 4 4 3 3 VOLUME XXXV. CONCORD, N C. MONDAY. JULY 12. 1909. MM'TrTTTrT ... . - NUMHKU I. tiii: Citizens Bank and Trust Company I hi from OF CONCORD, 'N. C. grown into the strength that conies faithful and efficient service to a pronn'ssive community. With resources of two hundred thousand- dollars, and with every facility for iiumlliujtjour business wTell, we invite your patronage. , A.JONRS YCRKR, President. M L MARSH, Vice President. CHA.S. B. WAGONER, Cashier. JOHN FOX, Assistant Cashier. AUTOS KEEP FARMERS AWAKE. PROHIBITION IN GREENSBORO. With So Indiana Rural Roads Are Beset Traps. Indianapolis Dispatch. Automobilinj? in Indiana ia becom ing increasingly dangerous, pleasure riding is on the decrease, and dealers are beginning to complain of the effect on the trade. When autoa were new on the country roads and farmers, horses were easily frightened by them it was supposed that the prejudice of the farmers against the machines would disappear when their horses became accustomed to the sight. But the reverse of this appears to be (true, and drivers of machines are having more trouble in the rural dis tricts than previously. Many automobile parties once drove out to towns and cities forty or fifty miles away, got dinner and returned by moonlight, but such excursions have been almost entirely abandoned through fear of accidents caused by bridges purposely weak ened. deeD ruts in the roads made Frankly admitting that it opposed state-wide prohibition, the esteemed Greensboro Record has this to Bay of the effects of the new law in Greens boro, which should be read closely. The improvement pictured in Greens boro has been eqally marked in all other parts qf VLe state: "A figbt is on at Florence, S. C. between the dispensary located there and prohibition and as usual it is hot, with all kinds of reports as to the working of prohibition in this state.-1 The local paper a Florence, the Times, printl an interview with Mr. James M. Alton. Jr., presumably of Goldsboro, this state, though his place of residence Tis not given, in which he tells the Times of th eutU r failure of prohibition in thi3 state, especially in Goldsboro, though he adds that practically the same condi tions exist in most of the other towriS of this state. "In substance Mr. Allen says that labor is demoralized because the col ored man can make more money run cine a blind tiger than by honest When Roorevelt was n resident half million dollars was spent to change ! the VV hite House to suit the Kooae velts. Now $55,00 has been appro priated to meet the present needs of the Taf ta. to give the drivers trouble and other work; that business is demoralized; THE ONE SURE WAY to have money is to .save it. The one sure way to save it is by depositing it in a responsible bank. You will then be ex empt from the annoyance of having it burn holes in your pockets, :md aside from the fact that your money will be safe Jro.m theft, the habit of saving tends to the establishment of thrift, economy, discipline and a general understanding of business principals essential to your success. To those wishing to establish relations with a safe, strong bank, we heartily extend our services. - T1 he Concord National Bank Capital. $100,000.00 v. &urpiUBv30,.uu 1 means of annoyance, which the far mers have invented to prevent the use of the roads both by night and by day. In many cases machines have been wrecked, and hundreds of minor accidents have occurred through what the autoists call the unreasonable prejudice ol the i arm ing communities. In one case for more tnan a .mue ... . t - M on one ol the nignways pieces 01 barbed wire two or three feet long were laid at a distance of jt few feet apart and for more than a week autoa coiner over tne roaa were stormed bv Dunctured tires. One that more money is being pent away after liquor than was spent for liquor under saloons: - that drunkenness is rampant, with blind tigers running a oner smoothly and practically un disturbed. "The Record is not in a position to sreak bv the book as to Goldsboro, although our information is quite to the contrary; but as Mr. Allen takes in the state as well as Goldsboro we mav be Dermitted to say that so far as Greensboro is concerned he js wide of the mark. The Record did not suDDort Drohibition; it opposed the measure because we dia not Deneve . - J- j in that nrohibition would reduce drunk nm.iiiiirM.eii uu iuui uicwa tt i v, i r- . , a few hundred yards and each made ennes, but seeing is believing, ana ; ;fFOMf rohooi we repeat what we rave often said, L. . i t-i I un. Bii.k hnn Kaon i f a cnrivaa thflf. The most dangerous aevices, wnicn "i uui --r the auto owners have had to contend we do not believe enough signatures "VIl i . ;a r.naa tiio con d be had to petition to call an Willi OIC lalKC jam ovivoo I ; . - . , roads, usually at a sharp turn, and election were i ; Possible to hold hone lVri .La crnoil hricrpa For a few months following prohibi or culverts, which bring the mach- tion a very large amount of whiskey r x .jj ui ,iu o iar. Kof was shiDDed here: people ordered it 1"T7 - u u nnnta out and drank lt.but they got tired of it nn thA rod. Men have driven over and for the past two years there has a ; tho .rtomnnn nd return- been very little ot this business s ,ffor,irhtfll hvp run into deen course there are blind tigers, iuK w-e, , , i , , ruts that were not in tne roaa wnep Of we . - . rm 1T THE CABARRUS SAYUMiS. BAN A' Capital, $100,000.00 Concord, IM. C . - Surplus and Profits, $40,000.00 STRONG A BANKf SAFE-BANK A SUCCES iSFUL B AIM K Solicits Accopirits of Farmers, Merchants, S Laborers, Corporations. Five Hundred New Accounts Wanted. Four per cent, inter est paid on Time Certificates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. YOUNG MAN We have been watching you all the Spring and we know what: you want: CLOTHES THAT ARE BUILT FOR YOU ALONE. We have them fashionedlfor your Spring taste by the highest grade tailors in this country. The suits are not UNCLE'S or FATHER'S style, but YOURSrand they express just that air of Smartness that appeals to you. '. ') . We have sold the best men of this county for five years. Ask them. Why not you? BROWNS-CANNON CO., Shop of Quality Clothes. they passed over it a few hours be fore. - They think thajt the person wno thus tried to wreck their machines saw them pass, and soon after night fall purposely made the ruts to wrec their machines, in many cases iar mers living near the scene prrmsna have refused to lend assistance to people in disabled autos, even deenn- I r . . . . 1 a. 11 U, ing to let out tneir norses iu pun machines, thougn assea 10 name their own price. Th f untipra sav that tnere are two sides to the question pomnlain that many of the automo bile parties visit roaa nouses ana are in a hilarious mood when they re- l turn, making the night hideous witn their mirth and the honk honk of their machines. j i They say that they work nara dur ing the day, getting up 4 a. m., ana retiring at S p. m., ana manner have earned a night of quiet and rest. Instead of getting this they are kept awake, if they live near a public road, by tne ceaseless passiug of machines whose occupants seem to have no consideration ior any thing except their own pleasure. GENERAL OUR OtAKGtD COXDWOXS. Old rtsboa fcoMoy ( ClWtf Bnr there are blind had them here when the saloons were in full blast, but there are also con victions and road sentences, so that at present and for some time there has been very little of it. No one but a wildeyed fanatic would claim that prohibition would completely stop the drinking of liquor, but in flrppnshnro it has-accomnlu-hed arr immense amount of good and it is a rrp thinor to see a man even under the influence of liquor, much less drunk and down. 1 "Mr. Allen's assertion that so orrMtis the distrust that the next They legislature may repeal the State pro- some supervision, either ot the im? hibition law is enough to make a of -.PWt marten TnHian auch; it is too absurd tnem, una latcijr u i on its face to discuss." The New York Tribune says that in that State the mosquitoes were so thick the men in a triads- factory could not see the melting pots or the ends of the blow pipes, and there fore the factory had to close down. With a view to the better enforce ment of the prohibition laws and their general bracinz up Gov. B. H Comer, of Alabama, announces that he will assemble the Legislature in pecial session July 27. The call U not yet out, but prohibition will be the leading feature of it. With teeth chattering until they could hardly answer the solemn qnes- tions of the orheiatmg minister, w. N. Lynch, of Fruitvale, Cal.. and Mis3 Violet Poort, of Colorado Springs, Col., were married last week while standing neck deep in the icy waters of the Sacramento river, near Shasha retreat. The president of one of the largest steel-plants in America has issued an order requiring all the emlpoyes of his company to sign a temperance pledge. This is in line with the ac tion of some of the railroads, wen rendered untrustworthy by alcohol are not fit to be employed in danger ous occupation. President Taf t has issued a proc amation providing for the opening up to settlement or aooui iw.wu acres in reservations in Montana, Idaho and Washington. Would-be settlers will be registered between July 15th and August 5th, and on August 9th the distribution 01 lands by lot will begin. The United States is importing fish into the Panama canal zone now to eat up mosquitoes. These hsh belong to the group broadly known as up minnows, so-called from always feed at or near the surface of the water. for which the structure of their mouths and habit of swimming with a large portion of their backs out of water adapts them. . Bibles have been placed in guest rooms of many of the big hotels of the country as a result of the demand of the Gideons, a national organiza tion of Christian traveling men which convened in annual session in St. Loui3. The association expects to continue its propaganda until every jjuest of every hostelry in the land will be provided with an opportunity to peruse Holy Writ. Cheap moving-picture shows are everywhere. The importance of either of the class view illustrated by j a- . Aii x y 1 an inciaenc in Atlanta, vjreonria. Three boys, the eldest eight years of Needed Tt-tfjy. Ct)rtu aad lTllara. Formerly we heard men boast that they landed at college wiitt to their pockets and worked their way through with only a small debt, and the rare ones with no debt at all. All this sounds strange to those who are familiar with present day col lege life. I s , We have heard of boyi w ho coo ed for themselves, cut wood, or hair, shined shoes, told clothing, per formed any and all kind of wok and made every edge cut. whether sharp or dull, to save a sixpence. This fine self denial and resource ful energy is not so common as it used to be. We are more extrava gant in every sense of the word than we were 25 years ago, but nowhere is it more plainly seen than among the college boys. ! Why even the young preachers, in some cases, are getting somewhat above themselves and spend the money that is given to them like lords of the land. We heard not long since of a young fellow who sent a bill for cut flowers to the church that was helping him along. But this spirit of spending money is not at all peculiar to the preach ers. It is the rule rather than the excention among them all. The boys wear fine clothes now, we are told, every day in the week and Sun day, too. Tennis outfits have be come a requisite to social position. Baseball togs must be had at. any cost. Instead of saving at every point the rule now seems to be spend ing at every point. . j, j Asa consequence, education has come to be a most expensive luxury. A father with half dozen children to educate must be a third cousin to Rockefeller. $500 a session instead of $225 is not considered startling. We will have to get back !into the old way or somebody is going to be hurt; and those worst hurt will be the boys who cultivate these habits of extravagance. The fellow j who must dig for his education j is dbout the only one who is reauy educatea for one of the most important ele ments of the education is the proper valuation of a dollar. Careful economy is not stinginess. To be able to restrain one's self and say no to desire, is one of the funda mental elements of strength that en ables a man to do things in after life. The feeble yielding to the slightest pvprv whim un dermines character and blocks the way to ultimate success, j i The old-fashwned economy 01 tne pollece bov of two decades ago in what, we need in our colleee life to day. An old man ho Uve oear Ker nersrtl) ?Uim tht b can ear aa cs of rendtrii Hh wtrrm4Mi seed tern, lie h planted fl gmi- Ions of rreMn rsj and will nmi W ready t. muke cheap and quick cure. Ileferrirg to the fact that iKe At lantic Com Line and Norfolk at d Western rwln ad will tnlikl th roma from W(Jebooto Winston-Salem, the Southern will ettend its line from NorwoMi. only twenty mile, to reach-Wadeboro.' This would tr WadeUro more big railroad than any town in the State. Excited over an order of th court that he and his wife must lear lh city within four hour. John Ben nett, poning aa a lame beggar, walk ed out of the courtroom at KiWiith Thursday without hi crutrhes and had to go back for them amid the ridicule of the spectator. He wm distributing court -.plasters, and ak ing ten cent donations while his wife had some other form of graft. Ihe )adkin Kipple calls attention to the fsct that the national govern ment will f jrnih free marble triark- era for the vraves of any soldiers who ever served the United State, whether in the 'revolution. Mexican or civil wars: The state also furnisher free marble marker for the gavis of Confederate soldier, The burial expenses of a Confederate are alno paid by the state when not exceeding, we believe the sum of $20 The annui.1 meeting of the Uowan county board of education was held Monday when County Superinten dent K. G. Kizer made his report for me year, snowing me work a one Dy Kowan schools in UilS-lOOU. At cost of $41,000 83 white school and 40 colored schools were maintained during the past year with an enroll ment of 7,43.1 There are K7 while illiterates and . colored in Kowan. The board elected committeemen for the 83 districts for the ensuing year. The meeting of the North Carolina Press Association last week" In the beautif ul town of llendersonville was without question the most delightful that the newspaper men have held in many years. Mr. Joseph us Daniels, editor of the Raleigh New and Ob server, said that he had been attend ing press conventions in the State for the last twenty-eight years and he could recall no meeting which sur passed this one. Lexington Dis patch. . Ue4r The Wfnm txajature hrfore It ftna'Ty !Kimr4 for the ir paaard oe mt riorWftt taw a bill t4 rruhthtt prtvfanlty In r-aSJie fnr The at w law nle that any pertrtfi w ho ahail u in ih Hrawg of cKner prravtfM In any r-ubi? lewd. larlK'. otwrr cr i-rf Me lanaAar ShaJt U Jor-rrwxl a-Tilj r t a mwfclemrarKM' and ha'i W rnl1 by 1 fine of nt than $.'. im- priKMtmeat tn the euety r-t t exceed thirty day or by lih eh fine and Imprisonment, It Is a wl law, and It U rpK it can l enfireed, it tr-lvt the repeetaU eitten ant vri:ir the finer en4tu!te of womm fron an outnure atvl an tmm'-t whW-hi not agjfx-ienlly fuardeil asin.t It is not the wk-edrr f it that ft rite so much tnlirnatiw, although that is stmng factor, but it u the Uw down eoariTww, the lferm of the act. The contents tf the ad are known frm what come -nit of it. If thoae who use profane and ot- scene language could know how they rate themselves In the rtiioU of Ue who hear them they would feel bit sinking Into a hole and irrtting out of sight, luring callou or 5urn scious of this condemnation it oui;ht to be. made vit4e by them by fine and penaltle jmpowd by a rmrt. The violation of the laws of decency are more to be condemned than. i- lation of statute law. France has refused to.reeognie Benjamin Franklin as the inventor of the .lightning-tod, claiming that that honor belongs to a French phj siclan named Jacques IH lloma. who in 17fi0, two years before r randan, announced a means tf diverting lightning. The French Academy of Science in 1 ti recognized Homa s claim to priority, and now I resident Fatliere has accepted the presidency of a committee, formed to erect a monument to Romas, the real in ventor of the lightni'ng rod. The Southern Railway Company, according to a circular letter receiv ed by the passenger department of the road in Ashevilie, is to exiwn- ment in Virginia with automobile as a method of transporting Mrn- Eer. The railway has established etween Manaaaas and Strasburg. Va.. a motor schedule, operating automobiles between the two point, a distance of 01 miles, in ad dition to the steam ear aervio. ntrp the vouncest six.-svisited a dic- Cows Tail Came Off. ture show and saw a representation I . u 1 : a Alken.S.C, Journal, Ol an execution uy uaiiKmK. - 1 nrririrT they went home they tried to repeat A day or two ago a cow belonging ey y . to Martha Brown came, home with- wnat 1 victim He was found out a tail A good j leal o barely in time to save his life, was created m the matter, as it ap- 10 J reared to be a case of inhuman Concerned about what they sup- cruelty to animals.. The police were pose to be the possibility that ne notified and two day3 elapsed before Kroes may be sent into the homes of i,Qw onnM find out tne straicnt 01 white resiaents oi tne souin aaenum- it. It appears that the cow was in erators to gather information for Mr. Henderson s pasture. liiiue the thirteentn aecenniai ieuerai ceo Chavis a small negro boy, a cow SUs, democratic members of congress a poainrr a omall bov robbirg Lindor was in the uasture. and he will urge President' Taft to give m- a bird's nest of its eggs called him a caught hold of the cow's caudal ap- structions that only white enumera- wicked boy and asked mm wnai ne pendage in a piaying manner, 11, "tors ''..r1' 11 Li. U. nr.rv mnttlBr hird WOUld I cn'tA artA if nil llpd off. The cow had smith of the Mason s and Dixon s An whPn it found its nest despoiled, undergone an operation upon the ap- line." Representatives of the south- 1 x l i 11 nnnv mnfhor I 1 'V.rtllrtaT toil " t hp tail I at-wt at tie answerea unit uui ""-.. . pHUunt;c iui . ' .,r . bird" would never return because ja cut into, and a portion of the bone the lady had it decorating ner nai. taken out; tne piace nau uevc.upcu, it seems, into a muu ui ouic, r,f TTinh nf a null was necessary to aavv " c . - t TTonaoa thp inouirv eoes around mir th caudal member. It 13 not 5 and 10c Store Ladies' Linen Collars, ioc. Linen and Satin Bows, -:' ioc. Full line Home Goods. 5 and 10-Cent Store. Next door Cannon & Fetzcr Co. DR. W. pm states m concrress say that they have little hope of preventing the pmnlovment of negroes, unless the President interferes. C. HOUSTON DENTIST. 1 Office over Johnson! DrE St or. Raidenc 'Pbone II. pCcs 'Pboaa 41 as to the fate of the dog that used to believed that any case will be made trot to town unaer tne laruieio agamst the boy. NOW SOLD IN AMERICA. mi f A matvt rrrnOQ rn nArsnm 1 np Trriiir nuvv tvwa w town in a motor car, tmd his dog no doubt died of a broken heart. HEED THE WARNING. Daniels Assails Bryan. TVio f ollnwinc is an extract from a speech made in the U. S. Senate by Senator Daniel, June 21st: "His loud-mouthed adulators. said Mr. Daniel, "think that wnai ever Mr. Bryan says settles it. In hia onppch for a ten per ceni. oau. tax on June 5, 1894. Mr. Bryan, in Many Concord People Have Done So. Whn the kidneys are sick they give : 1.1.-1.,.., wio nraminm that should not nn.fmr nnmnaiiv with his associates be ignored By examining the urine declared that no man need be bound will say that Mr. Bryan has avoided HAVE YOU A. CANNERY? THE PORTABLE IDEAL numw-. , ,p-to-date and loweac-price-""-? eaaUy carried sSed. MJ" boiler iv iu imnrnvpd. most np- mnnv and linsorpaasea. 100 t.i any place desired. The '"OO tocaBaorgla jars per day. Trice of Cannery and all necessary fixtures $9.5Q yea. uy- n9 for catalogue. trial. If not aa represented money for canning .iiiirantced for five '-u.-.-rfully refunded. is?.inrwir iuiumu-. TTieborV IM. C. HOME CANlMExlY CO., Department H.Hicfeory. .1 tine 28. June 24. - S outherm Agriculturist NASHVILLE, TENNEbt- For 40 Years the Most Instructive and Entertaining Paper for Southern Farm Families. Voor Orifi Codv Free j i.-rt0f;n f Via Iridnpvs iidoii the first HUH 11 cniiusj, rw - sign ot disorder, many dayB of suffering may be saved. Sick kidneys expel a dark, ill-smelling nrine, full of "brick dust" sediment and painful in passage. Sluggish kidneys cause a dull pain in the small of the back, headaches, dizzy spells, tired, languid feelings ana fre quently rheumatic twinges. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only ; they care sick kldneyc, and rid the blocd of uric poison. If you suf fer from any of the above symptoms n mn nse no better remedy rfw j, -t-x I- nwi nnrmin recommena lAu b VVUWrWAv. i 1 Kidney Pills. Mrs. Ii. M Moser, 240 N. Spring St., Concord, N. O., says : "I used Doan s Kidney Pil with such beneficial results that I am glad to recommend them. I had had symptoms of kidney trouble for a long time and when Doan's Kidney Pills were hrougnt to my m.""'"". procured a supply at Gibson's drug store They soon relieved me and thus encour orrorf T continued their use until cured . i j I would advise anyone similarly biii;i to eive Doan's Kidney Pills a tnai. For tale by ail aeaiers that responsibility but seldom in the past twelve years. ... r .mi . iL. nvvmricr With WnatlS vne use ul iiiK"'is small fry politicians who deride Sen ators because they do hot take up the reiected and discarded platform of 1908? No party takes the same platform twice." Mother "Just run upstairs, Tom my, and fetch baby's nightgown. Tommy "Don't want to.' Mother-"Oh, well, if you're go ing to be unkind to your new utiie sister, she'll put on ner winya a. fly back to heaven Price 50 cents. Gibson Drug Store is the Agent for a Fa mous Hair Grower and Dandruff Curer It is mighty certain that the American people appreciate a good thing when they see it, for the sales of Parisian Sage since iti introduction into America have been simply marrelous. There's a reason, of course. Parisian Sage is guaranteed to do just as adver tised, or money back. Gibson Drug Store stands back of this guarantee, - Parisian Sage is safe and harmless It kills dandruff in two weeks, by kill ling the dandruff germs. It stops falling hair. It promptly stops itching of thescalp. It makes the r hair soft, fascinating and luxuriant. It Rives life and beauty to the hair. It is not sticky or greasy. It is daintily perfumed. It is the best, the most pleasant and invigorating hair dressing made, and only 50 centf for a large, .generous bot tle. ' Made only in America by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. F. B. WATKINS, Offlce, PUifer Building, adjoining Montgom ery I WWOii ,r Residence at Dr. Herring's, lept street The lay vault Ge. Cash Store. Have some very special things to offer you this week. A look will convince you that they can serve you to your advantage. BSSSSSBSB SSS Will Quote You Prices in the Store. DR. H. C. HERRINGr DENTIST, I. now over the More of WtalterMorrisoa-Flowe Comptnv ! , OONOOP i- - - DR. J. S. LAFFERTl Office over Marsh's Drug Store. concord, nr. a. Prmctlcenimlted to EyeEar, Woee, and Thnmt Office Honra: Uattua iv. a to ID. ! m' J. MONTOOMERV. J tIS CWOWFtt -MONTGOMERY & CR0WELL Attorneys mm CMseelors at Law, CONCORD, N. C. Ai pertnen will practice law ta Carrsa.SU and adjoining counties, ta tbe sJPri prene Conm ot tbe State md la the Fedsra Paitie desiriDK to lend anwr can leare tt wM . .., i, ; .n. of the Concord Banks Iar va andwewiillendh oo rood real ertate secsrity , x .t W i4aranaaitnc. tree oi cnjun . .,.1. We make tnoroann uiaiuw. - offered as security for loana. i iSres f orecioaed witboat expeaae to owner. 3S Tommy-"Then let her put on her wings and fetch her nightgown Adams. eromt. Frank Arm field Tola D. Manes GALL AND SEE .ME I liaai, Jensi, ' Ln&tii I turn, Attorneys and Couiwalort t Uw, CONCORD N. O. 11 tbe State and U. s? M . ! 1 .11 h Ttf, IDQ U. 3. WW". Prompt attention given to collections nd law Practice. Persona interested injlhe settle- .t MtstM. laminisuaiuisi MardianswTespeciallT invite! to call on as. - - 11 r I ToC "Vi rXmerica : in lact we wiU go any kmd .1. van Linuiey rruu jr .d to y e Concord any' Saturday. iTr. ctoiVc nnnosite court house. W j.7 O fc.... - " -i are the best. All stock two years piTfltoft, Buffalo. New York, old and tirst-oa. x sole agentsior the United States orders. MwrTT Remember the nameDoan's and j J. A. KEIM1METT. take no other. June2S-w. 'X. i J M . iMVa It Parties desiring, 10 ".rTl 4rw-klT IT. in 111 1tak.d. wi5i f iend it bo approved cuni Iteeoicnari. iU v. ed ana P t.'' inah , TkTICe. lO UI Kin Morris Building opposite ur.rt Continue gven, at a reasonal Office in. new FRUIT POWDERS SCARR'S j SCOTT'S and KING'S Wholesale and Retail Gibson Drug Store. GOVAN'S PfcPA CATION ,! fcXIEKNAL ANTISEPTIC Fnr K-wntain or Seaside. Instaal relld lor Creep. Colds, o- TamaL Sanbura, Insect Bites. Bams. Sprains, Qnutci. Khrnnnhsm. SeUta Redoccs Stnt. OUR LINE OF S.3E3C O is hard to equal ; in fact we have not seen their equal in style, qual ity and price. No ,4Cheap John," but good goods at right prices. 3,000 Pair Pants ! 59c to $5 98. Compare 59c with $1.00 Pants, 15.98 with $10 ones. A S. Day vault ralla your attention to a ware house full of Mowei. Kaken, I)ihc IUnrow, Drag Harrows, Buggies. Ut m bow you. The Dayvault Co. House. t V M a .

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