GONCQRD TIMES. -4 4 Johm B. Shbrrim, Editor and Publish. PUBLISHED TWIOC A. 1 AO da. TmA.UK a5 IM AKVAMI VOLUME XXXV. CONCORD, N;C. THURSDAY. JULY 15. 1909. NUMI1ER 5. - 1 . ... a 1 a Citizens Bank and Trust Company . . . -i w coNConp, ;n. a Ihis grown into the strength that comes from In it h fill and efficient service to n j,nts?rrssive Community. I lit h resources of t wo hundred t hou- nnd with every facility for siness well we invite mud 'dollar. hnndliiiLr your but your pn tronnge. A. JONES YORKE. President. M.L. MARSH, Vice President1. CHAS. B WAGONER, . Cashier. IOHN FOX, Assistant Cashlex. PIEDMONT AIR UNE INDORSED. A UTTlf KRTHDAY Glfl fOR JOHN D. Hailed as "the Oorv Wav" for Autos from New York to Atlanta. W. J. Mot gan In New Tort Glob. H. L. Hopkins, southern manager for the Atlantic Refining Company of Cleveland. Ohio, and special rep resentative of the Overland automo bile interests in the south, came in to New York Saturday direct from Greensboro, N. C, and Atlanta, Oa. He was seen at the office of G. W. Garland. New York agent for the Overland car and himself a south erner having from South Carolina. Messrs. Hopkins and Garland were holding an animated conversation relative to good roads in the south, especially as to the most feasible route from New York City to Atlan ta, and it was the emphatic opinion of both that what is known as the Piedmont air line is "the only way," and all other roads are delusions and Baltimore Ban. Mr. John D. Rockefeller. LL. P.. was 70 years old on Thursday, j It was a joyous occasion. In token of the happy day the American people were presented with an increase of one cent per gallon in the price of gasoline and in addition will be given the privilege of buying butter made from kerosene oil. This will enable the people to tender their fellow citizen a little birthday present of from $500,000 to $1,000,000 a year, lust to show their love and esteem come to ; New lonci " KTu"Z ' in return air. fiocucieuer yicotnw them with a present of $10,000,000 for the cause of education ; which is Eroof that the people are getting ack som4! of their money. Dr. H. F. Biggar. his physician, is of the opinion that Mr. Rockfeller is good for 25 or 30 years more. That will give him time to pick up the few railroads, factories, banks and nthar on fomriofq hp hnq overlooked. snares. ... i . : i . Mr. Hopkins grew poetic in his de- ana property raiou out ... scription of the beauties of the route . inougn not " which takes one through the Shen- astical ly as the Fourth of July. Mr. Anu ii0 f Vircn'nU Hnwn Rockefeller's birthday is a great BETTER UT HEATHEN PERISH. Srmt and Obaarvar. "For ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain the heathen Chinee is i peculiar." That remark has been emphasized since the mur der of Elsie Seigvl by a Chinaman who was her Sundry school pupil. ie became infatuated with her, he became jealous, and sne paid ine heavy penalty of her should forever put an practice of having attractive young only by chance was it difwr that women teaching the "heathen Chi nee." Better let the heathen perish than to put our girls in jeopardy. Knowing the Chinese character as do, in face of the awful murder of mission worker in. New York city, would not allow a daughter of mine or any woman, young or old, to teach in any Chinese mission in the United States." II to THE ONE SURE WAY lave money is to save it. The one sure way to save it is b depositing it in a responsible bank. 1 ou win men uc ex-i-mpt from the annoyance of having it bum holes in your n,,okets, and aside from the fact that your money will be safe Irani theft, the habit of saving tends to the establishment of thrift, economy, discipline and a general understanding of business principals essential to your success. To those wishing to establish relations with a safe, fitrongj bank, we heartily extend our services. The Concord National Bank Coital. $100,000.00 surplus, p3u,uW.w --- - jia-aa THE CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Capital, Sioo.ooo.oo Concord. 1M.C -; Surplus and Prafits, $40000.00- A STRONG BANK SAFE BANK A SUCCESSFUL BANK. Solicits Accounts of Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, Corporations. -L Five Hundred New Accounts Wanted. Four per cent, inter est paid on Time Certificates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. through Danville and into North Carolina by way of Greensboro to Charlotte. He stated that in the counties of Rockingham, Guilford, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus, Meck lenburg and Gaston- in fact, in every county traversed in North Car olina some macadam road nas al ready been built, and much more is in course of construction. One of the most interesting points to which the route can take the traveller, he says, is Guilford battle ground, near Greensboro, where was fought the battle which was pernaps the turning point of the Revolution ary War. The roads 01 liuillora ana jnecK- lenburg counties art particularly good, and through these runs the Piedmont Air Line, wnicn is not only the best from the standpoint of roads, but also is the shortest route from New York to Atlanta. There are sufficient hills to make the route picturesque, and yet not too steep to he readilv climbed by automobiles. The hotels are modern and 01 the best, and nowhere throughout the south will the traveller see more evi dences of the new industrial awaken ing than is found along the roads spoken of by Mr. Hopkins. This route, in addition to ine piaces named, will take the traveller through Spartanburg, ureenvuie ana Anderson. S. C, and on. a beautiful 1 1 oastnnia and Concord would be ridge road to Atlanta, the metropolis R Wafctorv ian(j profitable invest event in the nation's lire. Ueorge Washington was the father of his country, but he never dreamed of becoming the owner of his.; country. The Chicaeo University professor who exclaimed some years ago that Mr. Rockefeller was a greater man than Shakespeare, was too reserved and restrained. Why, Mr. Rocke feller is worth more money than all the Shakespeares that ever lived. He emild buv I and sell a thousand Georcre Washinetons. and as for Abraham Lincolns he could afford to have a new one every day in the week. By the time he is 100 the map of the-world may look like a plat of the Rockefeller estate, with the kingdoms and I countries and States marked out like little lots in a su burban addition. Trolley Development. Charlotte Chronicle. All who visit the Central North A. 1 1- l7U tVa extraordinary; devopment of that country m the mattar of trolley lines We all know that Mew England also far and away ahead of thi3 sec tion of the country in the matter o! frequent and convenient transporta tion bv trolley. Here in Charlotte, pverv extension of the car line has seemed to prove profitable, and would certainly seem as though lines So spoke Bishop E H. Moore, who of the Kighth District 01 isortn ar- pent years in China for the M. E olina. introduced a Dill in yongress. Church, in addressing the Scate Ep- which he said "was designed w appiy worth League Convention at Steu- to the case 01 citizens 01 n benville last week. He said "Let the who had paid their poll Ux and 1 were work be undone forever rather than denied their right to ote. hen et women attempt to do it," and the Mr. Fence, the News ana yoxryr . whole country will say "amen." The Washington correspondent, Bern we is "Let the nom- the Piedmont YOUNG MAN W,e have been watching you all the Spring and we know what: you want: CLOTHES THAT ARE BUILT FOR YOU ALONE. We have them fashioned.for your Spring taste by the highest grade tailors in this country. , The suits are not UNCLE'S or FATHER'S style, but YOURS, and they express just that air of Smartness that appeals to you. We have sold the best men of this county for five years. Ask them. Why not you? BROWNS-CANNON CO., Shop of Quality Clothes. of the south. Mr. Hopkins says : inntion be closed and Air Line be unanimously selected all of which Mr. Garland enthusias tically subscribes to. in conversation with tne uiooe s representative, Mr. Hopkins said : "The first national automobile show to be given in Atlanta during the coming winter has aroused tre mendous interest throughout the south, any incidentally it has caused much good roaas eninusiasra espec ially since the New York Herald Atlanta Journal scout car has been runnintr up and down the Southern States to locate the best route over somewhat imperfect roads, we ex pect to see in the near future a main trunk automobile roaa irom asu ington right through Georgia to I Florida." i MR. CWlfTS Unit KIL" tieww aa4 OtM-rr. j Some years ago. when the Re-pop-licans (as Maj. Guthrie afterwarda called them) were in control of the Legislature it was the habit to k a local bill go through without ex planations This i done in all Lrgi latures toward the close of the sron. In that bodT. while little local bills folly. jThis were going through tM mu. a mem- h tn iK hr &ked m offer "a little Din ana hi unimnortant local "little Dill was in reality a bill to take away every dollar of the appropriations for the maintenance of the Univer sity of North Carolina. That ! mem ber has since been known as "Little Bill." , , Nothing like that measure has been Introduced in any branch of Congresa GtMRAl Thirty-five canary bird as a part of the choir, and partidpatirg i" the Sbtvath mprr.srg mutxrU prrram. cttitut(Mi an r.fvTUon in the rrli. gwHi wnim at Unc!n I'ark Irviur. trial Btptut rtarth, in ancibnati Ohio. last SurnlaT. On account of the fact that ! publican pht!c:aftf eondcr North Carolina, -Virginia. Tennrwre and Georgia doubtful Stale no IVmo crat will le apixtnted a rmioi u. perviwr in any of them, ThUvtat ment ha two made tj one in twi tkn to know hat he is Ulking about :' Judge Jeter C. Trite-hard called at the White House Tuendsy to pay his I respects to the President. He had i to wait some time before he eouM until recently Representative Cowies. f1.1"00 nt of the crowd. He out that his call had no political ig- SCHOCL MYCHTBiraTS. 1837. 1909. (iUlLKOHl) ( Ol.LKCiK ret .wm in 115 trui vi u.wt i,ijfr ii ijm ttrlr. l hO-f l W Hcrtl lr lMH;fc iMttwtr ai LoratrJ in W WhM.l . V- rfl trrm 8 si-n9l Tl Pew calaUcf Uitr i. u innnv i-(.w.t July 5 i.,fc.i v vtx. C 1 -e - . 1 j Isie Seigel case is not the only one. "little bill" for publication, me euu- specimens w ig telegram pnnted or 01 mis paper wroi m mr.i iw . na, mat Ma ast week shows "Pittsburg. Pa.. July 7. Sarah Crew. 17 yeors old. a teacher in ' one of the Chinese Sunday schools here. today was sent to the House of tr e Good Shepherd, where she will be held as a witness to appear against Lee Fulk, dive-keeper, and her Sun day school pupil, in whose dive she was arrested last baturday. "This: morning she refused to tes tify against Fulk, who is charged with a serious crime, declaring she iked him better than any other man she knew and if he were fond of caressing her it was her fault and n )t his. "Great pressure has been broug! to bear upon the police to give up the crusade for fear they will entangle well-know families. "Lillian Ray, another of the youth ful teachers, to-day refused to give up Caching 'until after her Chinaman had given her the bracelet he naa promised her.' " and asked him to look into the mat ter further, suggesting that it looked like an attempt to re-enact the statute giving Federal control of elections that was repealed in 1894, while Mr. Cleveland was President. The result of Mr. Pence's investiga tion shows that the editorial surmise was correct and that "the little bill is a re-enactment of seven sections that were passed in the days of Ile- . 9 k. nuprvwA nf Perpetuating Rpub an ruleln the palace uch a, they had read about j I . m their story books, walked from S.-nator Vance then near the close his illustrious career, was cnair- an of the Committee on Privileges report nineance. Thutethe first call thia well-known North Carolina liepubli can has paid President Taft. A report that the boll weevil In its flight eastward ha reached Pike county, Mississippi, and that aeveral ere found near Magno- ate. h contained in The i Picayune t summary of cotton crop 1 conditions in Mni-i;ni and Loulai- j ana The past apiK-ara to have gained - an early start this urimn In the in fested territory and cae are cited where planters are abandoning wee vil ridden cotton and plowing up he plant. Two tots, Joseph and Mary Mc Carthy, 8 and 10 years old, who fan cied that President Taft lived In a Trinity College, Pour I W-jvt imriilt t ",l!rilr, (tradualr, P.otrm-f ing and liwy Iirge library filr. Wrl! ejuiprd laliuraiom in a'i U-partm-tu rf Sinf. om ii.mum iurni!ird itli' W apparatut. fmj"nM rtv MkhI eralr. Aid lot rth y tf-tulroi. YiMtntf Ml llltt lj tr houl.T lnrxstM1 It1 u-n- 4 vaatAirm oft err I ht Hrtilnl l law at Trimly I'jllctrr. f Frl'ailon a4 TurKtft j - lnfurtuLKM, mA-Xrvmt ,l. W. NKWSOM, KruiUar. IU Mil AM, N. C . Job r nnrl F'.eetions. and wrote a that showed up the statutes j in such licrhtthat thev were wiped off the books. Mr. Pence prints part of that report and illuminating extracts from the debate in the Senate. - ; ' And yet Mr. Cowles'a "little! bill" affecting wrne of his constituents, who were troubled about the poll tax If preachers and iay workers can- provision in the State Constitution, Chinamen to Sunday comes iorwaru in tue .ci asks to have these Keconsiruciin measures re-enacted. Lynn, Massachusetts Monday after-1 noon, eight miles distant, to see the wonderful structure that they had pictured. Disappointed, tired, dusty hungry, they were found in tears behind some trees because they had not seen the palace of their fairy book. Money was furnished the lit tle pilgrims by good fairies and they were sent home in an electric car. ..Trinity Park School.. A First -Claat Prvpatatorr aWko! I Ortlflratvauf r.rartuai law m-rj'c! (r Krtlr.iK-. to l4-allii( !ttiilt' rrn l,lltv,r,,. S.liu..l IUtulttwl 1 rrrlf jf in tii rvtnjUi. not attract school, let them remain in the heath en faith. . ments. We very much need better and more frequent communication with all our near-by towns than we have at present, and in view of the miwesa of everv extension of the trolley system so far, it would seem that profitable lines to Gastonia and Concord would only be the beginning of an extensive mterurban trolley system. A Charlotte and Davidson trolley would conduce immensely to the convenience of the two towns anrl miht be so convenient as to make it unnecessary to consider further the moving 01 the college to Charlotte. jThere would seem to be a possibility! also of success for a line between unarioue ana iroy, cruss inty the Yadkin river near the Whit- npv nower I plant, which is at the Narrows. 1 - Romance of a Cigar Box. Mrs. Corinne Raleigh, of Rich mond, and Cyril J. Worthington, of Alaska, formerly of Newport News, are soon to be married, as a result of a cigar-box romance. The groom-to-be went to Alaska some years ago. where he engaged in mininc. and ' made considerable Ashcviile Has Mystery. The Asheville poKce are wrestling with-the problem of who the woman ami and where ahe is. that Friday morning after hiring Addie ciassin-i game, a colored woman, aa a nurse. and turned the child over to her, with a uit case to keep during the rfnv on nretextof oroing to :sew with 5 and 10c Store Ladies Linen Collars, 10c. Linen and Satin Bows, liability of Ira offiawra aurt iMu-lMr taiupui or M.vnlTi mrr I4irfi i mMltAlallltf fil V tliUMtl't T.ilUKM ( iulppl tuinaxunt. 11111 i.iuu. and uiotra mt xd nf lnruH. t tm auMt lctur t( rrHii irrr. and other lnforiul lti M. NORTH. Hrailinukirr. Fur raUUtMrur, tld II: tU'HIIAM, S. Jnn.M w ' IOC. Full line Home Goods. Z:. , . i . , r.i. . . j j .u: tr 1 r money, rne bnae-to-oe was leu a friends, has departea ana noiuuiK flnfl U-vJGnt OlOr : J in r maintain nor. i L. Knn ks.rH fwim npr 1 np l . . . self worked as a packer in a cigar woman who the police have found Big Hats in Church. States vllle Landmark. A Statesville lady whose husband j atant danger! from wild beasts refuses to go to churcn because tne headgear of the ladies often ob scures his view of the preacher, suggests that a ruling be made com pelling the women who wear large hats to take the back seats and the men the front seats of the church. It is true that the plan would solve tUr. m-nKlpm to so me extent, but . .ofoj- aittinir hfHirlp their 1 mftdicine on eartn . TU mnnU olen I flnarftntapd bv all dratTKifitS. Trial bot- nf convenience to those women who tie free, snend most of their time in church Liffl 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists (have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men," who lived 100.000 years ago. when life was in con' xo-aay the dancer, as shown by A. W . Brown, of Alexander, Me., is -largely from dreadly disease. "If it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cared me. I could not have lived," he writes, "suffering as I did irom a severe lung trouble and stubborn couRh." To cure Sore Lanes, Colds, obstinate Ooujrhs, nri nrnvent nnenmonia, it's the best tuo ana $iuu factory here. "I em very lonely, she wrote on a slip of paper which she enclosed in a box of cigars. Ihe tobacco was purchased in Nome by Worthington, who wrote to Mrs. Raleigh. A correspondence followed which led to a proposal irom tne Alaska-Virgmian, who wanted a Vir ginia wife. Photographs were exenangea, ana the correspondence finally became a matter of real interest, worthing ton is due in Richmond in the next few days, having left Alaska for the wedding, which will take place in Richmond. The bride-to-be is but 25 years old. Tortured 0a a Horse. has been here for some months, a fpnr dava airo went to the Western Hotel registering after some hesi tancy as "Mrs. UlbOS, o aiorgan ton." She was a neatly dressed and nrmarentlv well-bred woman, and -rr -----f -- . -i had with her a lour 01 nve monm olrt hov. who is a spry-looking fel low, although teething, is not very fretful. In the suit case were clothes for the child, and everything points-to a well-planned desertion. The child is being cared for b Mrs. Garren, until a home can be found. Hanged a Second Time. With blood flowing from his mouth and begging piteoualy for water. Morchoii Tewia . colored, was led Next door Cnnnon & Fetzcr Co. DR. W. C. HOUSTON DENTIST. Office ovrr Johnson. Dr Sr. Re.ldeoce'Pbou n. Offlca PbOM 41 Dr. F. B. Watkins, hifiT Hiill'llnK. ailjolnlng Montipmi erv trowi'U. Offlco, Kaidenre at Ir, IlfrrloK ". pet atroet. - & DR. H. C. HERRING, DENTIST, ll dow over toe ftore of Whtf-Mocrt a-Floa ConpuT OONOOf inarf tintr and commenting on tne attire of their fellow women. It makes little difference to this class inrKofhor thev see the preacher, iney are more interested in hats and dresses. NIGHTS OF UNREST Many Cattle Die of Thirst Appordinor to reports brought re centiy bj stockmen from the north Mmtral nart of Mexico, thousands of ho.H of rattle have succumbed to thirst in that section. In Darts of the Mexican grazing country not a drop of rain has fallen in a vear. I Many streams on which the ranchmen depended for watering For ten years I couldn't ride a horse b&ck tQ the gffo'd ,n Nashville, Ga., Friday to be hanged a secona ume, after the sheriff had made a bung ling job of the first attempt to exe cute him. ..... The drop of six feet stretcned tne cotton rope so that the man's feet touched the earth. He was cut down and with the aid of one man mounted the scaffold a second time, foitincr roherentlv. The second at tempt proved unsuccessful in break ing the condemned man's neck, and death resulted in 15 miniites from strangulation. , . . ,- a Twis shot and killed Clifford without beinar in torture from pues, writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky., when all doctors and other remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica salve curea me." Infallible for Piles, Barns, Scalds, Outs, Brtls, Fever-Sores, Eczema, Bait Rheum, Corns ; 25c. Uuaranteea ty an djuggists. ' ' . a' eonntrv minister, in the course of his visiting stayed at a nouse where a roast chicken was served for dinner. The chicken looked good to him. - . , , Well," he facetiously remarKea, 'here's where that chicken enters the ministry." . .. . , 'Hope it it does better tnan in iay work," rejoined the small boy ot tne family. A Wight Rider's Raid. The worst night riders DR. J. S. LAFFEim Office over Marh'i IrtiR Storr. CONCORD, IT. O. Prartlcclimitel to Ey..Er, i and Tbroal Offic. Hor: I a. m. to It m. THE NORTH CAROLINA j College of IpidUrs iii its:iitic Aril Tha HtaU'i Oollejr for tcm altonal training. Oourana In Arncultur ami HorUcoltar ; In OWU. Klortoal a4 Mecbanloal KnjrinWTln ; In Cotton llUUng and I)yrtn; In TndnrtrtaJ OhraiUtry- Why not tit ymiradf Ux Ufe by Uklna; ooi of Ihw onnrwi? I). II. 'MIX. Prt-MMit. - 3on7. Wrt KalPUjli, GLAREHONT COLLEGE HiCKoar, .Noam Cki ix . -.. 0m ScitcmrT 7. orreaa: A Faculty of Traiw.l TrwlKt Suiicrior Mokl Avnolafc'ra Loratma liote1 ftr I1rlthlulnr and Ilrantiful Strnrry A ColU-jje l.dK"t"n 1 Mxirtair Rate. Help for limited tmmiirr .i wnnn; Simd lor the new caiaioitTw. JOSCi'll I..' Ml KIM IV. Jane 14 2m. ,'rT"'lr,'t; j. monraoitttrf. j tii eaowtu MONTGOMERY & CR0WELL AtUrnar Ciala at Lrw, CONCORD. N. C A. p-rtoer. win rr.ctlc. ! I and awl UHnitir coyuuw, - ;- -- preme Court, ol the Courts. Office in Phifer B.ildidj la th Fedara Pvtiet dcirinn to lend money caa leara It W1U I a. or pl.ee it in ny ol tne v' " THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the 8laU for tba Wooi r...t. t-A nomofonf nnstmaater at Ld we will lend it on Rood re tw mootj r----- -. :Ufxol ch.rKe to the depo.. or Lenox, Ga , April 12. his guilt. The Southbound Air Line We make thorooitb ei.mmatioo m mm u -i. 4 uraritt lor loan.. w -loMd wttboat exocaa to owr of Mm are calomel, . ... h- snf. horda have entirely dried up, croton oil or aloes pills. Thej raid your Ho bleep, W D art, fPW wells, the cat- bed to rob vou of rest. Not so with Dr. ferar from luaney. xroBDioa. . ... . i . T ti ,.o. ia i tinmn h.ua nn airemaiive out w Mime itiewiiUB r. No peace for the kidney sufferer . .. . ,-OTrip At 0t thirst. The tress or inconvenience, but always - a. I ICt lUWU w-w . . I . - m I nrpaented bv the thirst- cleanse the system, curing ioms, new- i . . i : Henry B. Ad.aii. Tboa. J. Jerome. HAVE YOU A CANNERY? THE PORTABLE IDEAL HUMb vAlMicii . r.nntnir Diit.flt made. Its easily carried its are many ami-m ui l-.". itiipr nn atove or furnace, ine oouer me wm. v wifiriinBorelassiarsperuay. thTOhfnirg Can-Capper, which enables even and rapia cuiuiuk- I in I'd-, flkirrl. weld, aeamlesa-ietiniefa. vv .. r....id. ... ii 1 i-nrll I ail in-1 J ' I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' ' - - f Mii-rifiicwi peensoiiB m $9.50 Price of Cannery and all necessary fixture! t - ior canning f fiot M represented money ' . ii ininteed for five years. Ten daPnx"rite ua for catalogue. ' !.. , (nv refunded. Fo? further information M TTiVlrftrv 1M C IIOIYIE CANNERY CO., Department H, Hickory. N. C. .1 une 2H. .1 ime an. 1 " ? .M.MaaJIllf aallfTTTTll . . J MWM Vtr X t outhern Agriculturist Pain and distress from morn to night. Get up with a lame back. Twinges of backache botner you an tne extreme day. .. Dall aching breaks your rest at nignt. Urinary disorders add to your misery. Get at the cause cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills will work the cure. They're for tha kidneys only Have made great cures in Concord. Miss Rosa Thompson, 28 Pine St., Concord, O., eays: -rams in my I back and headaches had annoyed me for some time and I often felt so lame and Bore that it was impossible for me to sleep well. I had but little energy and was much run down in health. My I mother finally procured a box of Doan's - a- HIV... T wax Kidney Pills lor me a. woaou Store and I began their use. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. . , r , T nnA "F.ntertainin?: For 40 Yean the Moat xnBuuuvC- --.- - .u Free I Palo LUv pnpr for Southern Farm Families. returned. I eive Doan's jsoaney rium the credit for anecranjr a I"""01" cure." . ..l a hv all dealers, raw ou ooaw. Pnatar-Milburn Co , Buffalo. Kew Jtora, -nta fcr the United States. "u" T. T-w ,r,A crazed animals is said to be pitiful in ache, Constipation, Malaria. 25c at all drug stores A lndv on one of the ocean liners. who seemed very much afraid of ice bergs, asked the captain what would hapten in case of a collision. i ne captain repueu . . xiic ice berg would move right along, madam, just as if nothing had hap pened," and the old lady seemed greatly relieved. rannia with chronic ! throat and lunir trouble have found comfort and re lief in Foley's Honey and Tar as it cures stubborn coughB after otner treaimen. has failed. L. M. Ruggles, Reasnor, Iowa, writes : "The doctors said l naa consumption, ana I got no better until I took Foley's Honey and Tar. it sroppea the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as aound as a Dune. What? Fell downstairs! How did it happen?" - . , t "Whv. vou see. i siarieu w Sees Mother Giow Yonrg. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters,' writes Mrs. W. Ij: Gilpatrick, of Dan forth, Me. "Although past 70, she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dy wmaia for 20 years. At last she could nuw Aft,, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders fnr her health." They invigorate all vital organs, cure liver and Kidney twvnhloa. induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only B0 cents at all drug stores. " Charlotte Observer. The Winston Sentinel I publishes a man showing the line of the propos ed Southbound Railroad. In passing from Winston-Salem to Wadesboro, throughout the towns of Midway, Lexington, Fairmont, Whitney. Albe marle. Norwood and Ansonville the road is almost an air line. If it will be as straight when built as it ap pears on aper according to The Sentinel's maD it will be as near an air line road as could be laid out. And by the way, the Wadesboro people Lave gone earnestly to work in their effort to secure the location in their town xf the shops of this railroad. That town has the advant age of being pretty nearly centrally located on the joad between the forminal noints of Charleston and Roanoke, and that fact should give cr AopC wpiirhtto the claim of its citizens wkh for the shops. rraok ArBet4 Tola D. Maaaa Kon r ral ar rem ft iMwUaa: to Dvr. Ht tJ Uaora ior Teachera. Kail mUm tioa rWpt. lr 16, 1WJ Thoae dmlrtng to ecu aboold apply aa aarly aapoa-lbU l or catalogua and othf Information addr J. I. rotlST, Pres., Oreenaboro, N. C. to, Jer.s!, irsiili I tea. OONCOHO H. O. . Practice la all S1 nd v- 9: Omru . . .jmtr,inn. cxarators. asd panic, in America; m fact wiU r ar "nJ JTli. u. tb C4cord Nattoaa Ed" .r-iU "tend H o- W" fice ol charee to the ' ned ana DAYEHPORT COLLEGE For Young Women. Few Schools ofTcr to.-many ad vantngea for o little tnonry. Cootia OScc hi new Morria . . 1 .u . will K painnaains . iU price, to all leal baataca . no name ww""- FRUIT POWDERS v A school for earnest young women who hold to hlrh Ideal. For catalogue, addrcas.J Ciias. C. Weavkk, Ienoir, N. C. I was soon Tf neonie with symptomB of kidney or relieved of the trouble and it naa never bladder trouble oouia reauze io er they would without Jos ol time com taidnir Foley's Kidney Remedy Thia creat remedy stops the pain and Everyone will be benefited by taking Foley's Onno Laxative for stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation, it wwtrai the stomach and breath. oentlr atimulatea tne nver ana regu lates the bowels and iaJuuch superior to .4iia nrt nrdinarv laxatives. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxative today ? SCOTT'5 and - KINO'S Wholesale and Retail Gibson Drug Store." J ana to - k r: . : jj i lArin!' Ann i m not ine nmii of Brighta' disease or otner ------ j " , woman, so down I order. Do not disregard ine cariy BJ . -. A rate of one cent a mile has been nflWAfl'S i. k. ..nMH fmm th4 ruiroaai iorwe lo ue i Kwuitu , ' Confederate veierana reunion k ... a a, nr I Charlotte on August PkPAATIO"J LX I l:"NAL ANTiatmC For intam M Seattdc ImtiiH rrllrf U Cnmp. CakJ Thnwt. Sontwrm, bMct W. I tnita. Racaauttua. SotUial Raiau w. CALL AMD SEE HE wben in Concord any Saturday. Up stair opposite court house., J. Van Lindley Fruit Trees are the best. All atock two yean old and firsUrlass. I want your order. ' - v- j. a. irxNWirrr. JoaaSMw. npntc a Year. One Copy I 50 I r I WCUk. 1 take no .other. Remember tne uiuc-w" -