IMES John 3.' Sherrivw, Editor and Publinv. PUBLISHED TWICE A, Wl I AO Ym VOLUME XXXV. CONCORD, N. O. MONDAY. AUGUST 9. 1909. NUMBER 12. THE CONCORD - THE Citizens Bank and Trust Company OF CONCORD, N. C. Has grown into the strength that comes from faithful and efficient service to a progressive community. With resources of two hundred thou sand dollars, and with every facility for handling your business well, we invite your patronage. I DR. QJOrS RQJGON. A.JONES YORKE, President. M. L. MARSH, Vice President. CHAS. B. WAGONER, Cashier. IOHN FOX, - Assistant Cashier. THE ONE SURE WAY to have money is to save it. ..The one sure way to save it is by depositing it in a responsible bank. You will then be ex empt from the annoyance of having it burn holes in your pockets,-and aside from the fact that your money will be safe from theft, the habit of saving tends to the establishment of thrift, economy, discipline and a general understanding of business principals essential to your success. To those wishing to establish relations with a safe, strong bank, we heartily extend our services. The Concord National Bank Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, $30,000.00 Charity and Children. A great deal of noise was made over Dr. Eliot, who did the South the honor of submitting a' few remarks at various institutions of learning recently, and saying nothing worth repeating wherever he went. He did violate all the canons of good taste at Trinity College by making a fierce onslaught on those colleges that are trying to compete with the institutions that are fed on the boun ty of the public treasury. If he scored a single point above the com monplace in his various speeches we failed to see it. Dr. Eliot has broken out in a new place. He has deliver ed his ultimatum on the subject of religion. He sends the Bible into limco, rejects the divinity of Christ, and with that beautiful dogmatism that has been a leading characteris tic of his life, he graciously gives the world the Eliot plan of salvation, He forgets that wiser men than he in ages past have done the same thing, and they and their theories have long been buried in the deep sea of oblivion. The Eliot brand will 'place reliance on nothing but the laws of nature." It denies the sup ernatural and will furnish to the world another "gospel of sweetness and light." The trouble with Dr. Eliot is evidently in the fact that he has obtained no comfort in his own religion. This is not surprising, but in talking about the religion of Christ being enshrouded in the gloom of the grave the Harvard president simply confesses to the emptiness of that form of godliness to which he has clung. Millions of earnest and hap py Christians know the joy of the new life in Christ and would not ex change it for all the vagaries of all the crack-brained scholars in all the world. There are some things Dr. Eliot can do. He can run a college. for he has demonstrated that; fact; but there are two things he can not do: he can not make a selection of books that will please mankind, and he can not substitute true religion with adulterated moonshine, for he has demonstrated this fact also. I THE CABARRUS SAVINGS BANK Concord, IM. C. Capital, $100,000.00 Surplustmd Profits, $40,000.00 STRONG A SAFE BANK A SUCCESSFUL BANK Solicits Accounts of Farmers, Merchants, - Laborers, Corporations. Five Hundred New Accounts Wanted. ' Four per cent, inter est paid on Time Certificates. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. YOUNG MAN We have been watching you all the5pring and we know what you want: CLOTHES THAT ARE BUILT FOR YOU ALONE. We have them fashioned for your Spring taste by the highest grade tailors in this country. .' The suits are not UNCLE'S or FATHER'S style, but YOURS, and they express just that air of Smartness tliat appeal to you. We have sold the best men of this county for five years. Ask them. Why not you? BROWNS-CANNON CO., Shop of Quality Clothes. ZEPPQJIfS UTtST ACHimVllNT. Atlanta Journal. It is entirely natural that we should exult over the success which the Wright brothers have achieved with their heavkr-than-air flying machine, which indeed has worked wonders. but when it comes down to the prac tical success of the various types of air craft it is evident that Count Zep pelin, with his dirigible balloon, has come nearest to solving the problem of navigating the air. On Saturday he made a Bight of two hundred and twenty miles, from Freiderichsaten to Frankfort, and then deeended easily and gracefully within a comparatively small en closure, around which a hundred thousand people had assembled to watch the termination of his night. While not so long as one of his pre vious flights, this was conceded to be the most successful ever made. He maintained an average speed of twenty-one miles an hour, and had his balloon under perfect control throughout the trip. Attention has already been called to the fact that in Germany and in France arangements have been made for regular service of airships, begining this fall. Those starting from Paris are to make flights in four different directions, carrying a limited amount of f reight and pas sengers, and tnoae in uermany are on an even more ambitious plan. As an engine of war the airship of the Zeppelin type has been brought by Germany to a high degree of per fection. If there was any way of making it contribute to the death- dealing art of war. Germany was sure to find it. Ihe perfection, to which it has been brought is start ling. It can can carry enough Mu nition to annihilate an army, and if it were used in war the effect would be to make future wars im possible, I They may become the greatest fac tors in securing universal peace. 1 1 PARAGRAPHS. GOUGKG El EASXSLT1CY. tuh rsosrtnnr com. suit fcrv Uncle Nelse Aid rich may perhaps let Taf t be the nominal President. WBwse "As long ez I wuz po" said Brother Williams, "I wuz. humble enough ter be thankful f er what I wuz bout ter receive; but one day I found $10 in de big road, an' after dat I went 'bout holdin' my head so high dat I couldn t see what wuz be- fo me an I felled in a dry well, an staid dar three days, hollerin' fer folks ter pull me out. Satan hisself wuz once a angel in heaven, but he couldn't -stan' prosperity,, an look whar he is now!" ' For indigestion and all stomach I trouble take Foley s Onno Laxattye as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation. Gibson Drag Store; "I wish I wuz Jimmie Smith. 'Why, Johnny! Jimmy hasn't any of the nice things you have. "I know it. but" "And you're big ger and stronger than he is, aren't vou? " "Yessum. but " "And you have a nicer home, and you don t have to carry papers, and " "I know, but Jimmy kin wiggle his ears an' spit through his teeth." A Big Oklahoma Wheat Crop, . - Probably the most remarkable wheat field in Oklahoma is three miles west of Cherokee, owned by John Bahm, a German-Russian far mer. It contains seventy acres, and yielded an average of forty-seven bushels to the acre. The threshers turned 3,291 bushels of wheat over to Mr. Bahm. It tested sixty-two pounds to the bushel. But for a ten-acre strip on the west side, which was on low ground, the entire field would have averaged better than fifty bushels to the acre. Five years ago Mr. bahm paid $3,000 for the quarter section on which the 70-acre held is located. He sold this year's wheat crop for $1.02 a bushel, the 70 acres thereby producing $3,355 80. The rest ot the farm is in alfalfa and win produce almost in value as much as the wheat field. Farmers in the Salt Fork Valley all look for five cuttings. Mr. Bahm is a young uerman-Kus- sian, wno leit central uussia witn his parents a number of years ago on account of the political troubles. He has not been home for twelve years and this fall intends to return to Russia for a visit. Kansas City is to have a new $20,. 000.000 union railway station. Bal timore is trying to get a little &00, 000 one. Friend Taft, it seems, thinks he may essay a little tanit revising on his own account - Mr. Taft knows, moreover, that in the bright lexicon of golfology there are no such words as "that hazard is too much for me." Ahmed Mizra. the new ruler of Persia, cried when he was taken away from his mother. Poor little kid! "If at first you don't succeed," fly, fly again ! Teddy's caught a dingalinga. shot a digdig in the eye ; oh, what a lot of funny things for a Smithsonian pie! That's an astonishing sights-Cabinet officers actually cutting down the Government expenses. Senator Root seems to h:ld a posi tion equivalent to that of advisory counsel to the administration. "People worry me too much," says Mr. John D. Rockefeller. And Mr. Rockefeller's idea of relieving them is to raise the price of kerosene oil now and then. A Colorado man says he has ob served that "only ugly women vote." Evidently the rise of the suffragette movement is to be counteracted by subtle diplomacy. Mr. F. W. Hensel, an Englishman, practiced in the art of astronomy, thinks he would have more success signaling Venus than Mars. It does seem more likely that Venus would talk back, some. If England really wants to abate its suffragette mob, why does not the government arm the police with mice? ' . With woman in Congress, as threatened in Colorado, there will be no guesswork about the stocking and glove schedules. It would seem that President Taft had succeeded in getting well under the epidermis of some of those Sena tors who fancied their hides were thoroughly protected. The price of wheat is having another little Marathon with the thermometer. rv. - . v'-t. r. K.. u I t nrre ts ererw i.Lati i Kat 1 pably justified in demanding reform f lhi w ,a wrr. 14 tn bankruptcy matters, wnen a firm or corporation goes into bank ruptcy it meant that the receivers, the courts and the lawyers just about wipe out the assets. They leave little or nothing for the creditors. In the receivership of the Pomona Cotton Mills of Greensboro, the ex pense of winding op the affairs of the concern were so enormous that the gouging aroosed the condemna tion of the press of the State. Now another outrageous instance has arisen in settling op the receivership oftheOdell Cotton Hill. Receiver Cone has been paid $28,000. attorneys $14,000. and the other expenses have been along the same astonishing line. At Greensboro a few days ago be fore Judge Boyd, of the United States District Court. Charles W Tillett, Esq.. representing creditors railed out against any further goug ing into the assets of the bankrupt company. The receivers and at torneys have already grabbed $42,000 and the court was asked to allow $2,500 for an adjuster appointed on behalf of the receiver, whereas the same work was done by an adjuster for the fire companies for $200, while the third adjuster called in got $150. It was this that caused Mr. Tillett to protest. He made such a strong and reasonable presentation of the matter that Judge Boyd deferred making the allowance asked for. The law ought to step in and pro tect the right of creditors in receiver ship and bankruptcy matters, as in most cases the disspalion of the as sets is a monstrous wrong. Notably ii it so in winding up faHed banks. , A very interesting incident took place in the court room at Statesville Monday afternoon when Otis Lyons, a young man of the town, was sen tenced to ten days in iail for saying, "Oh! You Kid." The trial of a case was in progress and a witness was being examined . when some one in the audience, who proved to be Lyons, yelled out, "Oh! You Kid" loud enough for everybody to hear. Lyons was called to the bar by judge Long and arrainged for contempt of court. He was very insolent to the judge and the solicitor and was sen tenced to ten days in jail. ... snaouij ami ta vaiM. w crcf yield of any other year for a drrk. 1 Of ti of the principal crop, all but two- f toe and cotton--stow aa inert! acreage sine lat yrmtj Tboa two ahow a decitne. !ttt aa rrcards riw, but conakirraU aa r gards cotton. Cutiaidtrtng the state geographically, the Southern (roup ts least fortunate th year: for not only ts there a decreased arrea of cotton, the principal crop ot the section, but the condition are slightly below the average. In the Northern and Western Cen tral States, on the other hand, the condition are so much better than last year. and. indeed, so much better than the average for ten years, that the aggregate for the whole country is then-by raised above the average. Corn, both winter and spring wheat, oats, barley, rye. flaxared. nee. hay, pasturage, potatoca, sweet potatoes, tobacco peaches and grape were ail in better condition on July 1st than at the corresponding period last year, and better than they usually are at that time. Apple, however, acre distinctly below the average, and clover just attained the level of the ten year period for which comparisons are made! . The "wave of prosperity," which is frequently referred to a some thing dependent chiefly upon politi cal conditions or industrial develop ments, or the parsing of a tariff bill. 0 the election of a President. U really a windrow of garnered crops a wave that starts in the great agri cultural region, and spreads in ever widening area, nor ever stops till It has penetrated the smallest and most remoie estuary on which the life of the nation has gained a foothold. It is not in Wall Street that prosperity originates, but on the farms, . The prospect this year is for a good out put of it. when you go to buy vour fall suit and your merchant asks you $5 more than the same goods cost last year, you will have a reminder of Mr. Nel son W. Aldnch. of Rhode Island. who is strong enough to override the wishes of President Taft. his fellow Senators and the people of .. the United States-the friend of "the interests" and the enemy of man kind. Chanty and Children. MRS. JOHNSON KNOWS. VALUABLE FARMING LANDS FOR SALE. We have for sale the following valuable property, suitable fo farming trucking or manufacturing purposes : AnxsrnMn About 80 actcs 3J4 miles north of Concord, in Notap. with small dwelling, good barn, well and pasture. Price is only $832 acres, all in the corporate limits of Concord, suitable for almost everything. Smallstream of water r About 6 acres good meadow, and 8 acres fine trucking land. Can be cut up into fine building lots. Will be sold as a whole or cut to SU37acresVn No 11 township, one mile from Southern depot with dwd-ing, tenant house ana barn. 85 acres tillable, and 25 Jffi82t and Monroe road 10 miles soutb east oi Concord, 1 mile to Georeville o0!!. ton gin. postoffice and stores Two story f barn8, crib, granary, well house, 4 . acres endid meadow, 35acres forest timber, clay sud-sou ami ncs vvx. . " "m and out 140 acres 3 miles east of Concord two story .duelling and out buildings, 1500 cords wood, several fine gold veins. Price $22ou. A SL e miles from Concord at a . b 88 whole, or will but to suit the purchaser if all can be sold. . Jno. K. Patterson Cr Co. Mrs. Uptydate "Marie, have you finished bathing the dog.'" The Maid Yes, ma'am." Mrs. Uptydate "Did you tie the pink ribbon round his neck? The Maid Yes, ma'am. Mrs. Uptydate "Then you can go and see what baby is crying about. HOME ENDORSEMENT. Hundreds ot Concord Citizens Can Tell You All About It Ilome endorsement, the public expres sion of Concord people, should be evidence beyond dispute for every Concord reader, Surely the experience of friends and neigh bors, cheerfully given by them, will carry more weierht than the utterances of strangers residing in faraway places, Read the following : Mrs. L. S. Bonds, 140 W, Depot Street, Concord, N. C. says: "Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Gibson Drug btore, benefited me in every way and I do not hesitate to endorse them. I suffered from a constant, dull pain in the small of my Wk. accomDanied bv miserable head- arlipR and various other symptons which showed that my kidneys were disordered Doan's Kidney Pills went directly to the root of my complaint and I had taken them but a short time when they entirely disposed of my kidney trouble. " For sale by all dealers. - Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Oo , Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and ake no other. She Says That Parisian Sage is the Only Real Hair Tonic. Parisian Sage is the quick acting hair grower that can now be obtained in Amer ica and that is guaranteed by Gibson Drug Store to cure dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back. Mrs. Johnson says : Parisian Sage is the only hair tonic that ever benefitted my hair. I began and used it daily for a while, afterwards I used it according to directions. I am absolutely positive that it will thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair, stop irritation, eradicate dandruff, stimulate the growth of the hair, prevent baldness, and make the hair soft and silky." Mrs. Sue John son, 229 4th St., Frankfort, Ky. Parisian Sage is a most delicately per fumed hair dressing and has not a particle of stickiness or greasiness in it. Women who desire beautiful and lux uriant hair that will attract and fascinate, should use Parisian Sage. Leading drug gists everywhere sell it, ' Gibson Drug Store sells it in Concord for 50 cents a large bottle, and guarantees it to give sat isfaction, or money back. The girl with the Auburn hair is onevery package. Made in America by Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. " THE REASON WHY our trade is increasing from day to day is because X7e Carry the Best that Money "vTiUBuyl and sell it at living prices. ..CLINE BROTHERS.. A "Conjure" Doctor Called in for Pella gra. Mom o e Journal . Mr. William Helms died of pefa gra at his home north Visiting cards beautifully printed Tbi Times office at 60 cents for 60. 75 cents for 100. of Monroe Saturday. He had been sick several weeks and having been told that he was "conjured' sent for a man nam ed Thompson, who claimed to be able to take off ths "spell" but who did him no ffood. When a local phy sician was summoned, the disease had advanced so far that his efforts to save the man were fruitless. Thomp son has been arrested on the charge of malnractice and will have to tell the court something about it. There have been reported several cases of the disease, pellagra, in this county. The Carmichael bill, providing for statewide prohibition, was passed by the Alabama house Tuesday by a vote of 75 to 19. We need a few pessimUts-not too many to balance the optimists. NEW CROP - - . Turnip Seed ! ALL VARIETIES 40 rents rr nound. r d i n rL.:.. I r r uuie raur mams. I I n t n 1 ITn uiDSon urng More. to The Star Saturdry morning, as he roUnen?ihLTtco: Rocky River Springs. Xr Santa Fp train at the Union Deoot 11 vuaJ wjuaauQMt senator, declared that the Demo- - -iTmA t: 1 . A 1 I eethcr cannot be duplicated the world candidate, ror uongress against sucn rer men as, Murdock of Kansas and the Located 7 miles from Norwood. Ho rest of the twelve anti-Cannon Re- tel has 60 elegant rooms. Table cannot publicans in the House of Represen- be surpassed. tatives. Electric lights, water works an I baths. "And I suppose there will be those Rates as follows: who will cry aloud 'treason.'" Sena- Per montb (two or roor- perron In one tor Gore said, but if that be trea- room) each f25.oo son, let them make the most of it. per month, one person in room 80.00 I place my country above my party. Per week, (two or more In one room And I do not believe fidelity to party each) 8.o requires -a man to be unfaithful to children under twelve years of age and his country. If It does, it IS an over- colored nurses, half price. draft on my party loyalty. For further Inforaatlon sddress. Rocky "Murdock and those men from Riw Springs Hotel, R. F. D., Norwood, t ii . i x: . 1 i -. . lowa an me nnu-iJiiuuuu iwciyc St.,lSrKS T- BRASINGTON, Proprietor tricts. We ought at least to give I wadeaooro, in. c. them our moral influence and help pat Republicans. And then where F .J 1 f ! Cannon men-standpatters espe- H Qnfi NIP XTfl TP ci vily where the moss on their backs I flllll 1 1 1 1 . Ill Ml I J rraih, .o rniind nn which th U UIIU IUU WlUlU walk where they are nominated, then there should be a reasonable I S-quart white-lined Preserve Ket hope of assistance from progressive tie... SOc Republicans to defeat them, i would . ... i i . .... rather see a good Republican in Con- '-luart h,te enameled and blue gress than a bad Democrat. There Water Pai1 -5Ue is no question that there are some ioquart Dish Pan........ ..45c persons in the Democratic party I0.quart Tin Milk Pail......1....15c who ought to be in the Republican n . H - party, and some in the Kepubhcan D1!-u'1 4 auB v v party who ought to be in the Demo-J Complete Lamps ......25c cratic- party. An exenange oi pns- Glassware and China oners a reciprocal granting oi pass ports mignt ne oi some vaiue. Ir i m Cr J dl IU iwciii tJiuic A hill has been introduced in the Georgia Legislature imposing severe Next door Cannon & Fctzcr Co penalties on any person in that State who may speak in terms oi Daseiess John D. Rockefeller has given one hundred and a thirty-five million dol lars to education. -lmtr"t -3 tw t "i to jot that ih iWtn at! iwVy Jttom a4 IN lV4d ir ar ' aaUf daUM for Vrmtm in this Ktat for tS fall sra. tl ts rtatrd hrr that arvvwUrrahie tncrraw ta arffrtattaa far wt to ut Srrtvw feM brrsi ma.W fey the SwUif-i I lail ay &.-4ki to Tto fiaanrial cewt . f IN rtrrnt Tocrry iMvUnrs at tMton ctn rated I. TW carW4 r. ewwd It. aw for hw tvr. Tl attcttdanrr at all Uw arrrirr ajrxr- rtJ lie. Ilaxlua CWW. N rrmttlr lnwtrd a y prartltn marhim hk4i he la havtrc butU in lT.Ua.W!r.l. ays ths machine will t rrff atnt Auru lMh and that he wilt lake it to Shrlby for trial. Inauranct Comm.s-fcwr Yckim ranctls th tWrnas of tW Vdnt Mutual lira laauratw Company, ef (iirenaboro. on arrount of Its heavy e tprnas ratio and Its failure ta keep proper record. Sheriffs tfcmuxhottt th State are adviaed from lwaW.h that tnoUtrry. rlet arc liable to the Itortiae Us of imposed oo automobiles and aim.lar' vehicle under the State automobile , law, and each motorryrle must rarry a Ivcene tag vtU at all time. Georga. A. Kimball, cashier of the Cltitrna ilank and Trust Company at Southern Pines, who on Saturday was declared short in his accounts to the ettent of f l&.OuO, returned from York lieach, Maine, at six o'clock Monday evening. John Hall, alias John lonard, and James Krasier, both of Sumner township, and Karoest Wade, of High Point, are tn jail at Greensboro being suspected of the murder of Miaa Lydia Newman. M las Newman, who was an eccentric old woman, lived alone at her home in Sumner township. She was found dead tn the woods a short d I tan re from her house about ten davs ago, her skull having been crashed with a club. A severe electric storm passed through Rowan and adjacent toun ties Sunday night accompanied by heavy rains and tn some Instances strong winds. Ten miles south of Salisbury a horse belonging to Mr. G. A. Treiler, a1 well known farmer, was 'killed by lightning. Another animal owned by Mr. J. J. Mortran was also killed by the same bolt. It barn which was struck at the same time was not destroyed and the dead animals were found neat morning. The BmuU Ge. Cash Store. Have some very special things to offer you this week. A look will convince you that they can serve you to your advantage. Will Quote You Prices in the Store. OUR LINE OF S 3E3C O 3ES .S detraction or innuendo of any wo- Sale OT VElUdDlB rcirni 111 man. mereoy causing uer m -uncr in reputation ana 10 lose unjusuy the espect of her neighbors. The object of the bill is to stop the ton gue of idle gossips of both sexes from wagging, and to punish foolish or malicious babblers. Husband "You must marry again dearest, when I am gone, and that Will be very soon. I Martin Llpe Uome Place, containing It Wife "No, Edward. No One will I acres, more or le-a. (See Book of Deei o, .n nlrl wnman likp mi Yon Fifty-two. page 248. Cabarras ecmnty, N j ' r : . i r i iiu nod & Cabarrus County. Rt airreement of the nreaent owners the nnderaiKned, R. L. Michael, affent for the Swearingen heirs, will aell at public auction at the Conrt Honae door, Concord N. C. on Saturday. Ad trust 21st, 1909, at inm. the followlnsr described land: Being situated in No. 5 township, 2 miles east of Concord, on the Mt. Pleasant rami rlioininr the lands of Prof. Jaa. P. Cook, Ed. Llpe and others, known as the ought to have died ten years ago for thatl People with chronic bronchitis, asth ma and lnng trouble, will find great re liBf and comfort in Foley's Honey and Tar, and can avoid suffering by com mencing to take it atonoe. Gibson Drug Store, C.) lias good 2-story 7-room bonae, good brn and doable crib, ana za scree nne timber Land. 15 acrea fine pasture, wired in and well watered about 16 meadow land: remainder in first -elaas en tl ration. Terms of sale easb. Good title to be made to purrhaaer. ThU akh dayof July. 190B. B. L. Michael, Agent, Ang. 2 td. Lexington. N. C. is hard to equal ; in fact we have not seen their equal in style, qual ity and price. No "Cheap John " but good goods at right prices. . '- v 3,000 Pair Pants ! 59c to $5.98. Compare 59c with $1.00 Pants, 15.98 with $10 ones. A. B. Dayvault calls yonr attention to a ware house full of Mowei, Kakea, D'wc Harrows, Drag Harrowg, Kuggiea. Let w uhow you. The Dayvault Co. i W.tpi '. e CfV"" .: