, Z. - ' - - ' " ' ill "Mww,Mwwl,'Mi11 1 '' "' anni.ii 1 tt-fe;. .-..... -. . 111 13 rA 4 - Tt Jnn- , PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEIC .ow o jo m Ativans VOL- XXXV CONCORD, N. C.. THURSDAY APRIL 14, 19J0 OWDER MAGAZINE EXPLODES 1 I TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION HICH ALARMS THE' CITY. ninrftd Graveyard Beaches Tires the Powder iAs'"v v Ttrworth Co. and it Explodes vothing Left to tell the Tale Hun-. nf Liehts Broken in Brown and Other Buildings Other juj pamage Donev Tufsdav afternoon about 3:10 Jjick a tremendous explosion was ,,or,l the concussion snasmg tne lar I .1.!.. ii . 1 . .. gest buiWin? of the city dnd snatter" mny window lights all over the town. Hiram .Alexander, colored, was burning ssuine brush in a field a short distance from the powder magazine of Vorkc & Wads worth Co., one and laC .. ,1 D X 1 -Z L 5 11 . half miles soutn oi me cuy, ana me Oailztll 11 1 c in xuc uiu iiicixx auu and brush being very dry, the flames otn swept down to the powder house. Onlv a t'eiw people realized the dan ger and they were powerless to pre vent the explosion which soon occur red. Jt was first reported that the boiler at the Cabarrus mill had exploded and excifenieut ran high. In a lew mo ments the streets were thronged' with people, crowds Hocking out of stores, 'offices,., workshops and residences, to make their way to the mill to view the wreck of the disaster. In a short time the cause otthe explosion was deter- mined and as the news spread over the-city that it was not the boiler at the mill the people breathed a sigh of much .improved. A message from relief. there this morning stated that she Crowds hurried to the scene in car- rested well last night and that her riages. automobiles, on horsebaek;and recovery is expected. -on foot, and in a short time the whole w, . . n , xx hillside -was covered with a multitude , e sPrin session of Concord Pres of people. The road leading ou by uter .ned in Spencer Tuesday, the depot was lined with people and he gnS fmon Preached by crowd, were swarming 4t every pv . F. lhngsworth of Morgan street leading out of the city in that 9J. w1m instead of the vener direetion. It looked as if the inhab-' able moderator Rev. J. M Wharey, itants of the city were fleeing, from who died since the last meeting of the some terrible disaster. rresoytery. The powder house was constructed . MrsT Jno. M. Craven L and children, of brick and galvanized iron and twhen will leave next Friday night for, Un t,Fe explosion came small fragments ion Springs, ;Ala, where they will' visit of these materials were scattered in relatives for a while before going every direction. ' It 'appeared ;for ,a to -their-? new home,., at .Birmingham, time as if it was raining , small parti- T?hey will remain there until Mr. Cra-, les of brick and sand, the depot, Ca- ven joins them. "He does not know yet barms mill and other houses near when that will be. ' them beinr covered with small atoms. " ;. News . was receive here Monday Fortunately the explosion was of of the serious illness of Mr. G. Linn such tremendous force the brick and Bernhardt, at his home in Lenoir. Mr. iron were broken into many thousand Bernhardt suffered a stroke of para little atoms and when they descended lysis seveal days ago, and is noiw se they amounted to nothing more than riously ill. . He married Miss Lucy the particles of dust raised by the mul- Richmond, daughter of Mr. G. G. titn- Richmond. The mile and a half from the town be c i tween the Brown Mill and the Young Hartsell mill, and only a short dis taripp frr.m Q;i.r Ti:ri i iwiu -Kjii v ci mil. J- lie cauiu- . . ; -r xt t. ii sion caused the people in this 'section adjoining it. Mr.- Umberger will move much more damage than' here in the hls offi;es in thls r0?? M soon as the ty. Practically every light in the room can be thoroughly renovated and Brown Mill, on the siae toward the a number of improvements made, powder magazine was shattered by whieh work will be pushed as rapidly the explosion. The plate glass win- as possible. Jow in the store of the 'Missouri City All of the smallpox cases at the Mercantile Co. store was broken and pest house have been discharged and many window panes in the houses all the county authorities have discharged over the Brown mill hill were broken the keeper of the house. It is very out. Fifty or more lights were broken probable that there will be no more in the power house of the Brown mill, cases this year, as the people have near the depot. A number of lights been very careful in taking the proper were broken in the No. 2 graded precautions to prevent it and the dis sehool building. The glass front in ease is always bore prevalent in the Purr & Bast 's store was shattered, latter part of the winter and early The glass , in the front door of Dr. spring than during the summer. Pemberton's residence was shaken out, Officer - John Braswell left Tuesday tailing to the floor with a crash. A for Fort Meyer, Va., with Lester L. chandelier in the dining room of Mr. Mincey, the young man he arrested th i illefor1 was also broken by Sunday night at his father's home the shock. A glass 14x25 inches in a for deserting from the army. Mincey rent room at Mr. V. L. Norman's will be turned over to the commanding !f flenc'e was 'knocked out, falling to officer at the fort, according to the in tnefloor. Mrs. H. P. Deaton was sit- structions received by Mr. Braswell ln? at the window, almost directly at the recruiting station in Charlotte. naer the glass when it felL ' Win- He will 'receive a reward of $50 and all lights, in the home of Mr. G. W. necessary expenses for arresting Min ' rans at the extreme end-of Union Cey : " street were broken. Mr. W. H. Heg- Salisbury Post: Apropos of the an Jra;imalsarrieronroute6 was nonncement made by Editor J. P. ioTP i -Se a few S50nds be" Cook, of the Uplift, a paper printed in bv JmLZp n He. .-was warned the interest of the Jackson Training said th or0 eianger ?nd li is School, near Concord, offering -three of Unci? Vpee m refr.ds Pies to sohol children of the State 31 ?- ? s fastest mai1 tram' of $50, $30 and $20 for the besc es CuketJrfini1! sa concerning the counties in the had Itrnek VV ?J n 7 f met State, Chairman P. B. Beard, of the omfn One old -negro COUnty commissioners, makes poser : 1 1 . mT; " VDp. C51 ie" icss roa, 'jviister! 1 was first ?L Taeh n.e, se,win?.and. .the rL thin? T knnwoil ,o,: iui . tuc iuaimuc mew d tl!P "'x, ?round.' . . s Lui rii ' :i v .11 1 r t n r 1 lr. GooiUnn p i ttt , Co., says ftaTle U ' W amount of wwderZl w! in the hou TTo u .; Sm.t0 order five hundred pounds wait until .hft afnv alv exhnncfo .Xc sl r , "" ucx.uie uuymg more. years nr nOBi .r'rT 7. Ui re ifZ tHe?aPhst -church Edmn, Z astor of a -at MINOR LOCAL MATTERS. Mr. L. R. Crooks went to Gold Hill last week to accept a position in the sash and blind factory there. The young infant . of Mr. W. A. Overeagh died yesterday morning at 5 o'clock at the Charlote Sanatorium. A temperance entertainment will be given at Sunderland Hall next Friday niSht- The public is cordially invited. mr. a. oaunaers, or jno. y town ship, brought to Concord recently about $JUO fworth or gold which he washed out from some ore on his farm. Mr. J. F. Misenheimer, of Mt. Pleas ant, now has charge of the Kimball piano sale in the rear of the Surprise Five arid Ten Cent Store. The boys prayer meeting will be held at 7:30 , o'cloek Friday night. " Opportunity of the' Day" will be the subject, and Harry Isenhour, Fred Peck and Clyde Propst will read se lections. The -Woman's -Foreign Missionary Society of the W. N. C. Conference will meet at Reidsville in June. Mrs. A. S. Dayvault has been elected a del egate from the society of Central church, and Mrs W. C. Houston al ternate. " " Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coltrane gave a dinner yesterday in honor of the birthday anniversary of their daugh ter, Mrs. D. A. Garrison, of Gastonia. Those present besides Mrs. Garrison were: Mr. L. D 'Coltrane and family, Mrs Murrow and Mis Howe. The condition of Mrs. J. F. Harris, who has been critically ill in. the hos- pital at Salisbury, is reported very iur. . l. umoerger nas leasea tne room in the Allison building, formerly occupied by the Concord Pepsi-Cola t r w t i i l l ii. . Bottlins lo.. and a large wareroom an additional offer oi $o xo any scnoi- nA in ,Pwon hn will write the best essay on Rowan tuuui t . Six Southern itanway . . - r-v . engineers rm m were summoned to Lexington 1 uesday to answer to the mayor to the charge . haTf fte s an horn-mpos y d- dermen on all trains passmg mruugu xington. Upon their submission the mavor imposed no penalty but pay ment of costs. About the same time the aldermen held a special session and modified the law so that trains may run at usual speed save at the may run ai usuai oavc u iuC station and at Cotton: Grove crossing, where aU must slow down to six miles i uu luuur. I Mr. Geo. L. Fisher is carina a new I residence erected on Academy street. Jim Boger, colored, naw hx? charge of the blacksmith ehop of the stable of J. Corl & Son. Mr. William R. Foreman, formerly of Charlotte, but now of Lynchburg, v a., will be married April 23rd, to Miss Margaret Lee Myers, of Lynch burg. I A chater has been issued for the Stanly Union Warehouse Company, Albemarle; capital $25,000, by C L. Hller, J. W. Fink and others for general farm product storage. Mr. L. L. Cranford, who works at the Gibson Mill, had the misfortune to get one. of his fingers caught in the machinery at the mill, causing a com-, pound fracture of the bone. H14 in jury is not serious but very painful. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Central Metho dist church will meet at Reidsville in May. Mrs. A. S. Dayvault has been elected delegate from the society here, and Mrs. W. C. Houston alternate. The five months old infant of Mr. Thomas Biggers, of Bost Mill, died Monray night. The funeral was held Tuesday at Center church, conducted by Rev. .fMr. McGhee, after which the interment was made at Center church cemetery,-- " ; There will be a meeting of the Dem ocratic Executive Committee" of the 12th Judicial district in Charlotte, on Monday, April 19th, for the purpose of fixing a time and pla2e for holding the Judicial Convention of the dis trict. Hon. M. B.: Stickler, of this city, is a member of the committee and will attend the meeting. Hendrix-Williams. The following invitations were re ceived in the city Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Milton Williams request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter "" Lillian Starr - to ' . Dr. Harry Matthew Hendrix i on v eanesaav evenins, April ine twenty-seventh, oae thousand nine hundred and ten at eight o'clock v Methodist Episcopal1 Church, South, Kings Mountain, North Carolina. Ir. Hendrix is a son ot Mr. and J Mrs. J. M. Hendrix of thTs 'cify, 'wnenTt he is so fwell and iavoraDiy Known, having lived here until -.a 'few y ears ao. He located in China Grove for the practice of his profession, and is meeting with' marked success. .- Miss Williams is well remembered in Con cord, having visited here sometime ago. ' - - - ' ; Closing of Poplar Tent School. The high school at Poplar Tent, taught by Mr. Charles Andrews, after a very successful session, closed last night, with appropriate exercises. The commencement exercises yester day afternon, consisted of a most at tractive program by the pupils of the school and the commencement address by Prof. C. E. Boger. A large number of the patrons of the school "were present and also many visitors. Two prizes were offered, one for the most improvement in penmanship and the other for the best speller. A spelling match was held last night to decide as to who would be the win ner of the latter prize. After a very spirited! contest the judges were un ahle to decide which contestant should be given the prize, as there were seven of them standing. They finally decided to award - each of the seven contest ants a prize, which was done. Fire at Harrisbnrg. There was a small fire at the home of Mr. Ed Hams, in Harrishurg, Tuesday afternoon ' about 6 "o'clock. The fire originated in a closet and it is supposed that it started from a match being struck by a rat as there had -been no fire in the house for sev eral days, except in the kitchen stove. A number of the children's clothes were burned and Mr. Harris had his hands severely burnt in extinguishing the names. ' v The Government Takes a Hand. Deputy Collector Miller, of Hickory, spent last Tuesday in the city on bu siness connected with the internal rev enue department of the government. Mr. Miller issued papers yesterday re quiring Duncan and " Charles Cook to pay the license tax of $2o for re tailing liquor, of which offense they nvere convicted in the Recorder s court here a few iweeks ago. It is re ported that Deputy Miller "will re quire a number of people to take out the government license or he will is sue warrants for their arrest. Near Beer Stand Here. Mr. J. E. Cline, of China Grove, paid the $1,000 privilege tax on near beer," to the city yesterday and un der the license he will be allowed to begin the sale of it on the first day of May. Mr. Cline will build a building next to . the store of Hahn-Honeycutt Co. and open his establishment there. HE. HAETSELL EESIGNS His Position as Chairman of the Coun ty Democratic Executive Cossittee : Mr. L. T. llartscil. chairman-of the Democratic Executive Committee of this county, has called the cummittee to meet on Saturday, April 10 at 2 o'clock, m. in his oiBce. The par- pjeof this meeting is to determine the manner, o fascertaining the choice of the Democratic voters for all can didates for State, congresional, judi cial, senatorial and count v offices. Mr. Ilartself, nrho ha3 served as chairman of the committee for the past eight years, at a considerable sac rifice of his pnvate business, finds that he is compelled to resign. He ask3 that his resignation be accepted at the meeting next Saturday, as be think it proper that his successor who will have charge of the campaign should have full control during the se lection of the ticket. ' We regret to know of Mr. Ilartsell V decision. He has made, a most capa ble chairman, andjias jivebis time and efforts unstintedly to the work for his partyIt will be difficult to find a man who will fill his place as well a5The has filled it. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Cotton 14.50. I There was a slight tfrost here this morning. v The Davis Drugr Co. has a full line of Hudnut's toilet preparations. See new ad in today's paper, The Dove-Bost Co. have fesh mack erel, extra fine quality. Just the thing for breakfast. Price 10 cents each. Miss Maude Virginia Brown will assume her new position as operator at the Bell Telephone office tomorrow morning. . The long dry pell of five weeks was broken by, a good shower Tuesday night, and since that tinisj it has been clear and much cooler. Mr. Joe F. Cannon has. rente t the furnished home of Mrs. H. M. Bar row, on North Union street, and ex pects to move into it May 1. r If you Shave forgotten that poll-tax, Mr. Democrat, lot this spur you to pay it right away. The time is drawing near? and unless you pay you will 4is jaricTiisenrself.: F ' ? I Miss .Rosa Burleyson has accepted a position as stenographer in the office of the Life Insurance . Company of Virginia, and will begin her work there Monday. The work of cementing thersidewalk on North Union street.which has been delayed on account of the shortage in cement, will be resumed at once, the city having -received a car today, Mr. W. B. "Jenkins returned yester day from "Plant City, Fla., where he had been for two or three month work ing if or the Seabord Air "Line. He is a son of Mr. D. S. Jenkins, of N. 10 township. -: v . "Married in Haste," a lively little comedy of an unusual sort with a story that develops odd complications and all sorts of fun. "The Village In ventor," a comedy drama, will be run at the Theatorium toda3. We ask our friends all over the i city to 'phone us (telephone No. 78) any items oi news they may have. We want to make this paper "a map of busy life" here, and we ask the co-operation of everyone . Policeman Braswell returned last night from Fort Meyer, Va., where he delivered "(Mincey, the young man ar rested recently for desertion from the United States army. Mr. Braswell re ceived a reward of $50 for making the arrest. Seed Corn. We have a limited amount of fine seed corn, furnished by the Depart ment of Agriculture for distribution for farm demonstrators. We shall be glad to famish those desiring it as long as the supply lasts. Yours very truly, H. C. BIDENHOUR. CoL Means Condition. A phone message from Charlotte this morning stated that the condition of Col. Means was uncnangea ana that he was gradually growing worse. Thp nPTt term of Cabarru3 Superior Court will convene the 9th of May. As yet no judge has been appointed to hold this term of court. This- term was on-Judge Jones V circuit but as he has tendered the Governor his res ignation to take effect the -7th of May it is very probable that the Judge to" be appointed by Gov. Kitchm will hold this term of court. H. L. Parks & Go. are going to have a special sale Friday, Saturday and .AfnTiotr This sale applies to all 4 iPir bit? stores, dry goods, notions millinery, clothing, gents fur nishings, shoes, etc. The 'sixth page of. The Times this issue will tell you all about this bier sale: . A CLEAE CASE That Prtrrti A&sdstely Hat Vacd mUoa is z Szzt PmcrtiTt of Ssullpcx. . ; , ' , .. actrse . aj a rL;te trgxas, hve same is unknown, meat to Ir. Luke Kiicr'i hone at "the Brown cill and ooa altenrani the developed, a cac of small poxv X xmsiber of peo ple in the neighborhood though: the disease was thicken pox, a it , vat very prevalent ia the corn ran nity. Am soua it mat determined that the disease was amall pox the; woaaa was removed to the pest houje and the Kuer family quarantined. The family tousisteoV of MK aad Mr. Ki ztr, Mr. Kixer' mother and two chil dren. .The adult member of the fam ily were prvpcrir vaccinated, bat the children were not vaccinated. It has been eighteen days. inc the family was exposed to the disease and yes terday they contracted tbe ducase. The three members of the family -who were vaccinated have not taken the disease. The KizerVamily has been quarantined and 'every precau tion is being taken to keep the disease from spreading. County Physician Dr. J. W. Wallace says: 41 This case should be taken as an example by the public and should clearlvTrove to evervone that racci- nation is a .ure and effective prevent ative remedy in small ox." Married at Last. Mr. L. C. ' Morgan and Miis Mary Bailes, of Kannapolis, were married yesterday by Esquire Pitts at his office on West Depot street. This is the young couple who ran away from their homes about two weeks ago and at tempted to go to South Carolina and get married, but the - father of the girl objected to the manage and wired the officers at Charlotte to ar ret the youna lady and keep her until ne could get to iianotte. 'lois was done and the father went to Charlotte and brought the daughter back with him. The young people have evident ly secured the good will and consent of the father as he, came with ' tbem to Concord this morning and secured the license for the marriage. ' He wit nessed the ceremony and afterwards bestowed his parental blesing upon them, the young couple going on their way rejoicing. A number of interest ed spectators ' witnessed the ccrcraonv, , .: . . ' 1 .; ' . : v- Sudden Deathv- Mr. Ross Andrews, 16-year-old son of Mr. J." Lindsay AndrewsJ who lives near ?the furniture factory, died sud denly of heart failure yesterday morn ing at 5 o'clock. He had been a sufferer from heart, trouble for several years, but retired last night at his nsual time in good spirit and showed no signs of illness. He arose at an early hour this morning and complained that he was not feeling well, His father arose and went to his bedside, the young man dying a few minutes after he reached him. The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at Poplar Tent church.' Glenn Says He Isnt a Candidate for f any Office. ExGov. R. B. Glenn left Raleigh Tuesday afternoon, for Washington, after spending two days there calling on the state officials and renewing old acquaintances. He declares that more real enjoyment was never crowded in two days for him. He talks enthusi astically of his work in the mission field, he says he has reserved the month of October for taking a hand in the ISorth Carolina campaign in the interest of the Democratic party. He insists that he is. not a candidate for any office. Mr. R. V. Caldwell, who lives ia ! No. 2 township, was out yesterday afternoon v hunting some pigs which had strayed away from their sty, and while going through some woods on his farm found two suits of clothes that are .used by the convicts on the county roads. Sunday night four con victs escaped from the chain gang and it is supposed that this is where two of them stopped; to change their clothing. As yet only one of the es caped convicts has been captured. In a ten inning game of ball yester day at Athens, Ga., Trinity defeated the University of Georgia by the genxe of 3 to 2. Claude West, Trinity's star shortstop pitched his first game of college ball, allowing the Georgia sluggers only four safe hits and won his game hy scoring Lis brother from second on a single in the tenth inning. Sam Gant, one of Trinity's regular pitchers, was injured in a game at Spartanburg and returned to Durham, leaving Trinity with only one regular pitcher on the Southern trip. There will be a game of ball to morrow afternoon at the Locke Cot ton mill park, between Concord and Mt. Pleasant. Cline will be on the mound for the locals, with Rogers re ceivins:. The game will be called Tromntlr nt: 4 rt'clock. AdmiSSlOU O cents. ' ... ut. FixiswTCipnrcnr. Mr. C D. C& of MfLryiils. twiJea Capt, Joaa Cwk t:rdjj aad. Sssday. '. , Mr. C G. Leau 11 hi$ bl rUt Dr. J. C Ewt prtarsJ an txtiU cat craoa at tat Mttbt cbarc at cthL The Coracaom;mt prvjrrassxt of he lakSitatt hit beta rrtetcJ. ai an order hi U3 jHir for ifija. ioa -. lrufcior G. !eAUUir wnt mcctinjj of the SjtU Jv-l! Kmnil Cosnaihtec. Ilcva. J. J. Io5, of Soath Caroliaa. and C, H. Pint, of Concord, wfm p!cjnt visitor in ar town Moa day. The con-rrjratiofj uf the Methdifl chnrch ha iwrdiMsl r.tw prixii piano ta be utcj ia the Atiditontru of the Church. ThU i.irrhii Lu ccn contemplated for metim a.ii he congregation it clad la male this addition to the chuirU. Mr. M. J, IUrrinrirr. one of af rural mail carrier, had the mufortua of having tno run-awav Uu cU Hi hoie wan .frightened bv Dr. Mooei automobile both' timet, Mr. Barringer had a narrow eeapc fmst being teriously hurt ia the firt xm. away. He war thrown- from the barr and dra-vd tome little dittance. tr- lunately he wa not in the bajsrr ta second time the animal wt frighten for the vehicle wai iotallv deait. Uhed. One of the best entertainment of the year wa that given by the ex- pression classes of the Inttitute and M. A, bemmary last week. The plar. "Oak Farm," nis thorough-enjoel oy me audience. rieh one tUved the role well. Considering the litnitedl time for practice, this- informant reflect much credit upon the direction of the erpression department." the Literary fcoeteticf of the In stitute selected marshal for com mencement at their meeting Friday afternoon. Representing the Oerhardt Society are: D. L. Rhi.Jenhoiir, chief; J. L. Yoit, I. U Hoffner and IL C Faggart, Rcprewnting the Idwig S Society are: D. L. Ridenhour, chief; and IL M. Taylor. There will be JreM a contest in et lemporanedug debaje in the Auditor lum Friday night the 15th. Any stu dent of the Institute is eligible to this contest. That debater who, in th judgment of a" committee, make the most effective argument will be award- eil ten dollars in gold. This promUca to lJ an intcrestinsr discus linn aa both. Societies will be well represent ed. The cadets and faculty of the In stitute, and friends in town, responded ...:l . i..n .i-ix wiiu u iua ucicgaiion 10 inm recepuoa gives by IL A. Seminary FridaTi evening. The Seminary parlors wenr tasteiully and appropriately1 decor ated, a delightful program rendered and the ocas 10 n enjoyed to tbe fullest. Misses Carriker and Smith stooJ Lr the receiving line and this initial re ception made all feel that it nr&s good o be there. The numbers which fol lowed in the program were do lesa enjoyable. At the proper janctnre. he guests were invited to the toad oils dining hall, which had been bedecked profusely with pennants, banners, and other timely decorations, white and blue being the prevailing colon. A' delightful salad course, followed br cream and cake, wat tenred. It jjoct without saying that the guests appre ciated very highly their evening which was so full of enjoyable feature, and all acknowledged themselvet debtor ot the faculty and young ladies for he rich treat. Work on Connty fcoadi. A contract baa been let by tb county for the completion of the road. from where it was completed by th- ehain gang at tbe three mile limit toi where the macadam begins again ia front of the borne of Mr. George Earn hardt, on the Mount Pleasant road. When this road if completed there will be a five mile stretch of macadam . road towards Mount Pleasant. The contract was let yesterday by the county for two bridges, oa across big cold water creek, and th other across Chamber's branch, near Mr. Rufus ClienY place. Shot up the House. One of the prominent storekeepers of No. 3 township, had quite aa inter esting experience one night this week. He was sleeping in the store, and dar ing the night dreamej tlat a bjrgiar had entered the store. He thought ho was grappling with him, and following out his dream he secured hU piitol and actually fired three tine. Oa j of the balls entered the ceiling, one th wall and the other the flwr. By this time he wa3 ab-ut half awake, isd lighting a lamp looked around, th& store for the'tuppoted negro. IU tyot fully 'waked up, and era wled. back in to his bed. .r.'

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