- : : - - : : " . ;7g7srierrillt Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE at .mr. Duo m Act vane. job VOL- XXXV. CONCORD, N. C MONDAY, APRIL 25. 1910 NO. SG. FUNERAL OP COL, P. B. MEANS I .rcQTVE SERVICE AT CEN- V- .rnrntTAnTCP nTTTTDflTT Conducted by Hi Pastor, Eev. Plato Durham, Assisiea uy .xwcv. -ui. yisMany Beautiful Floral Offer gNumber Present from Other parts of State. ' r, e funeral service over the remains '! iA Parti R. Means, was ue wlc j - i Kridav morning at 11:30 in (etral .Methodist church, of which W Means Had (for several years been I rrhfr. The service was condnct- f l Kr Col. Means' pastor, Rev. Plato, D-u-hani, agisted by itev. j. i,. jjavis, u I) reftor of the Episcopal church. jj.e b'M.ly ot oi. queans lay in .. ;,, church parlors from its Arrival 'Wednesday evening until the .,,,.f ral hour. me casKet was covered vi the room filled with many beauti tlural offerings, evidences of the esteem and friendship for-him ,vi.o no longer walks among us. ir,o:!'' these was a large and most lVa-.it i f;'d cross design' of lilies and 1J. iti .iis. sent by the Dialetic Lit erary Society of the State University. ti'o choir sang sweetly, "ThyJWill he Done." Those composing the choir vcre: Misses Janie Patterson, Mary Morrison. Until Gibson, Messrs. Lloyd Uf-Kav and Kay Patterson. Mr. Dur WADE HARRIS GETS GAY. Thinks The Times' Pish fJ Pn. titles it to a MedaL Mr. Wade H. Harris, who presides over the destinies cf the Charlotto Chronicle, and dishes out to his many reaaers every day some of the livest stuff going, gets gay with this editor in his paper of yesterday, and has al ready, unsolicited and without our consent, honored us by presenting us with the first of a series of medals which he proposes to give to ten of the biggest liars on the State press. The fish story, which we published in The Times last week, has won for us this distinguished honor. In order to keep his story, straight, however, and to honor only whom to honor is due, we want to state hat the story was caught and produced by our city edi tor, Mr. Jno. M. Oglesby, and -we re spectfully ask Mr. Haris to have his name engraved on the medal. The Chronicle submits these re marks in regard to this medal busi ness: The Chronicle is going to "found" a medal. There is a loving cup award ed each year to the person making the greatest advancement in literature. There are medals for orators, debaters, firemen, marathon runners. Sunday school children, doctors, lawyers and almost everybody except the editor. The Chronicle is going to offer a med al for the encouragement of lying. That art is being neglected by the newspapers of the State, a fact that is called to mind by the fish story pub- Davis for many years a close personal Jished in this paper yesterday from friwl of Col. Means, spoke of the in- The Concord Times and which shows tenst he took in public affairs, but what an editor may do for the -enter-spoke especially of his inner life tainment'of his, readers when he makes which none knew but those who were up his mind-to do it. As a matter of in his closest confidence. He spoke of course the medal is already won. It the simple to rise higher and higher will g0 first to "Editor John B. Sher into the image of his Maker. riH and the fellow who wins it from Dr. Chas.' L. Raper, Dean of the him next year will have to do some University, of which Col. Means was bright work. But for the birth of so Ling a trustee, spoke of Col. Sherrill 's fish story the medal -would Means' life. He spoke of the contri- have gone to the editor of the States bution of his life to the university, ville Landmark, on aeount of the Ire who gave it the best his heart vhad to dell county fox story, but the compe give. tition will be open to Judge Clark. Mr. Durham spoke of the testimony The newspapers of the State hav: been Col. Means left that all was well with too dull. We believe the contest for him. He referred -to his brave rec- The Chronicle medal will act as an ord in-the. "time that tried men's inspiration and result in the produc souk" He spoke also of the great tion of a more entertaining class of struggle off the deceased to become literature.. Mr. Larry Gantt has been what he should be. Be passed into the requested to present the medal to Edi- shadows with a perfect and unbroken w Sherrill. durinsr the session- of the faith. ' nrp-convention at Wrisrhtsville' in The following were the pall bearers: KTiiup.' . Messrs. J. S. Harris, D. A. Caldwell, it might be suggested that if Boy- 1. J. White, P. B. Fetzer, D. B. Col- lin. of the Wadesboro Messenger and trane and J. L. Hartsell. A large Intelligencer, will stick to his rabbit number of veterans, about 50 in num- stories he may be an easy winner in her, were present and acted as honor- 1911. " arv pall bearers. The church was fill- The Chronicle's three deck Hoe ed by those who came to pay this last pr-eg will be worked in the design of tribute to Col. Means' memorv. - fV Tnodnl wlnVh will bear this in- RECEPTIOH: FRIDAY NIGHT. By Ninth Grade Complimentary to Pupils of Graduating Class of the City Schools. v The reception given Friday night the Central school ruditorium by the pupils of the ninth grade compliment ary to the graduating class of the Pub lic High School, was one of the most LIKE THEIR AD. Schloss Bros, ti Co., of Baltimore, Give Our Paper Highest Praise for Settinr Attractively Displayed Ad Tertisements. Oa yesterday we reireived the fol lowing complimentary letter from Sebloaa BrosL & Co the biggest cloth- uug manufacturers, oi liaunno-re. UNvxamro or 2IONtjih3ts I collxctoh reowk TO DECEASED WOODUEH. non & Fetzer Co.: The Concord Times, Concord, X. C. Gentlemen: We wish to congratu late you upon the splendid ad for the Cannon & Fetzer Co. in the issue of your paper of recent date, copy of 1 il.. 1 If T I ham then annouueeu.me uyuin, jueau Kimllv Light," whichwas one of (! Means' special favorites. Dr. delightful of the series that have been 1'ne is handled here by the Can- held there for several years. The room had been most tastefully deco rated in the class colors, black and gold, potted plants, ferns, etc. As the guests about 50 in-number entered, they were cordially greeted by Misses Estelle Dick and May Pember ton and Messrs. Fred Patterson and Watson Smoot. Just inside the door they were cordiallygreted by Miss Amy Stevens teacher of the ninth grade. After tho guests had assembled a drawing contest was indulged in which created much merriment. Each contestant was given a slip of paper with one line of a. familiar song writ ten on it. and requested to draw a picture on the blackboard represent ing the song. The others were then asked to guess by the picture what song was represented. The following were the contestants: Prof. Webb " Under the Shade of Miss Bllen Gibson "Coming Thro? the Rve." Dr. Caldwell "Little Log Cabin in the Lane." ' . Miss-. Marj- Hartsell "School Days." Mrs. J. B. Sherrill "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky." . Miss Clara Harris "Just as the Sun Went Down." . One of the most delightful features of the evening was-the music by the members. of the ninth grade, who sang several sooi2s. v , I At 10.-. D'plaak- refreshments were served, during which'Misses Janie and Grace Patterson and r. Kav Patter son rendered sweet music on the piano. violin and flute. Appropriate Exercises Held Yester day ia Hemory of Dea4 Zleaben of this Order. The ua veiling of th tsonasjcst of the deceased Mvemtis of tbc Em Camp W. O.' W. m held yesterday afterwHa at Elawood cemetery. Mon ument wre uaTeiled to the folio is; deceased sovercijrs: W. P. White, J. H. Caldwell, IL M. IUrrow and W. A.- CaldwelL After the impress! exercise were. oncladed a most fit ting and appropriate addreM tra de livered bv Mr. J. C Fink. - One hun- idred and thirty mcmhrs of the Camp which we herewith enclose. Of the I met at the lodge room and march! thousands of papers that we receive from there to the cemetery, many of each week none of them show more them carrying Urge bonnets of Cowtn beautiful in display than those you to be placed upon the grates of their set up for4 the Cannon & Fetzer Co. ueparteu Drottier as a tnoate oi If you have any extra copies of ive and respect to the memory of this paper we can use nine thousand the departed sovereigns. Hundreds of paper (9,000) of them. We use them over visitors were also present to witness our mailing list, from which The the impressive ceremonies and to pay Times- mizbt also derive some benefit, their respects to thi band of men in If you can furnish this page prinU their noble endeavor toward keeping ed on both sides with the name of ave ana perpetuating ine memory paper and date line at too. we will of their departed brothers. be triad to buv these papers frorn vou. Arrangements 4re being made by and will be glad to have vott let us Elm Camp with the camp at Gafrriey, know bv return mail whether or not S- "- to hold, the unveiling excrete Buggy Smashed in Runaway. j Dee Sides, the young son of Mr. John Sides, alidia small negro boy were driving the horse of Mr. Chas. McDonald, Saturday, . down North Union street, and while coming dowrff AC Pae, Aberdeen. the hill opposite the home of Mr. Bd- A number of people were present scription : f mm other places, among them being: v n r Judge' "Armistead Burwell, Mrs. Ru- x Ul fus- Uarringer, Mrs. C. N. G. Butt, Messrs. Baxter Davidson, Thos. Long and Cam Witherspoon. of Charlotte; Prof. C.L. Raper, of Chapel Hill- B. W. Means, of Albemarle; Gen. Julian S. Carr. of Durham.' Col. W: H. 55. Carolina Press Association Mendacity Medal Founded-by' The Charlotte Chronicle Winners : June 8, 1910, John B. Sherrill, Concord Times. There will be a bar atachment Biinrwvn, of Weldon. a life-long providing space for names of subse friend of Col Means, exoected to be quent winners, up to ten years, when present and speak of the public life the term of service of the medal will ah1 ivm-k of Col.-Means, but a mes- expire and it will memorialize the ten sa?e wa received-from him sav- ablest liars ot the btate press. that bp wn? nrpvpnfpd from oming by the illness of his wife. At the conclusion of the services it the church the body was followed to the. 'dd. Lutheran cemetery, where it V" tab to rest beside those of relative-; of three generations. you can furnish them.. With best wishes, we are, Yours verv trulvy SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. at the monument oL the late H. L. Parks, w!io is buried in that citv Delegates to General Conference. The Chronicle's Marathon Race. The Marathon race from Newell to Charlotte, gotten, up by the Charlotte -; 1 1 V , . i i . t The folowing are the delegates from M-'nromc.ie wiueu iok piace -ia pav thp tu-n onnfrPPs-in Tnrth ramlin9 uruay, cream.i. more rnieresi m vnar to the Methodist General Conference !ote an vicinity than anything which which meets at Ashevillc in May: Western North Carolina Conference Clerical: J. II. Weaver, Hickory; T. F. Marr, WinstonSaem; J. C. Rowe, Salisbury; II. K. Boyer, Charlotte; G. IL Detw'iler, Ashevilie; W. L. Sherrill, Greensboro, Lay: W. D. Turner, Statesvilie J. L. Nelson, Lenoir; F. M. Weaver, Asheville; W. R. Od ell, Concord; C. has ociurrel there lately.. The dis tance was S 1-3 miles, ai.d the winner, Emory P. Knzor. made it in 5G min utes and b secontls. 1 lie seeond was Archie Templeton. t who covered the distance in 57 minutes and 5.1 seconds. There were 13 runners in all, and the time taken by the slowest one was 76 minutes and 38 seconds. Enzor, the winner of the first prize, will rirr uv norrr. Bids Delist to Oowlct aid D; ilart Sccrrt lltoda. Mr. Tu. J. I'cdcr. Waistoa and Orrrr, acsd tl !&mTg l ttrttisjf ttaJl to tiat pcfH&f Jtar day: ., tioarpp II, Bmi3 ill cMrt-rvlt&iiaafk him jah as cvticetor fr iatcrsal nctraat for the Ytra Nortij Caro Una dtfttrict vishoat a fbt, cotilh utandir.x the fat thai te ltrahleam bofvr in the Mate bate arrasrvd with Irrsid:l Taft fir hit rttirczaeat to private hfc. Mr. Hivtti u pu&t and ha bid dc&race o iTrttxraA Colc AtmX NaUo&at Committeeman lunran, who made the rrcommendA i'tan that malted ia the appointment of Henry Heynoldf, of Wilke. by the Presides t. . Today Senaters 6tmaotai and Overman rcceucd Irttera fna the collector aHnjj that the ijtat ment be held up ua!il h can pmcst liw w at tK-c Whi! I!ouv Mr. Bnn " cmplair.fl that he had beca 'drtiicd a hrariri by Cr.jrcma.j Cowlrsr, and he a!o tal.f rTrr.s at the scrrt mH hvl ti at rrc ucd ta ' bring abut hi removal. Of coare, the North Carolina fcnator will tee that Mr. Brotm t given a hearing;, and hh rcuct t!at th nomination W hrld "if wftit ijninc-t ttay. The nomination will not be acted upon for some day. Congressman Cotrlcs it not having the rnot n fitful -rt of day. He is thrtattntM with defeat for renomina tion by Frank Iinney, according to report hre. Wliilc Collector Brown i not strong politically, he hat a son-in-law who i a big Ike in Uepuhliea poU-tic'in the Kt,Ttjth district. Hcf erence. 1 made to Clint Wapier. To-day Con grem an Cowlct telegraphed for Wagner to come to Washington. It is said that Cowie w alarmed a the result o the protect re-ultioj: from the decapitation of Collector TT TrZl't fr lZ;' p TtU ' is quite an experience,! runner. Lost Brown, and has dHermincd to maae H. Ireland, Greensboro, 1. b. Lan- J k .. ., . - w.;th th fm v bv otferinr tween Washington and Baltimore. alWajmer the pwtofnee at .sutesville. bert, Thomasville. North Carolina Conference Cleri JNorth Carolina uonierence cieri- v . " r. , Tk iu t,i.i Kt- 1 W C Imwf who oal: J. C. Kilgo, Durham; T. N. Ivey, d.stanceof 2C milfs. Enior, however, The job , , , h M b J. . U uft wfc R ton; J. N. Cole, Raleigh ; R. C. Bea- man, Durham. Lay: J. G. Brown, Raleigh; J. H. LWilsonjP T, J. Jarvis, Greenville; H. keeper for Swift & Co. L. Young, one of the, shafts broke, causing the buggy to run down on the Charlott, observer. norse. i jl ne norse maae a miaa aasn down Union street, running the buggy There U a story here to the effect that while Cowles i trying for v . a. a- Concord a Well Lighted City. renomination, be is without nope ana anticipating defeat, .he .has arranged corner -has-been competed. Thisf to grab the coUectorship for his own makes four of these arches on Union nmmeaiaie usc. Dr. J. Rush Shull, of Shelby, will be flaming arc light at the square, rning regularly, which supennten into a telephone pole opposite Mr. R. r' ' "T-T ' ; po t Ts- i j i . o j j interested to know of his success in un L. Dick's home, loung Sides and . , , n.'..i, -ut Du the little negro were thrown violently to the ground, the Sides boy receiving several paipful bruises while the ne gro escaped unhurt. The front axle, one wheel and the shafts were broken up, a ik Aeording to tbi re- street, each of them containing 44 port Reynolds is only to rje m few lights of 60G . candle power. With months after the retirement of Brown, and tbat the appointment oi vxjwjc will be announced along about tha fourth of March next when be will be out of a job. Dr. Rush ShulTs Success. tte Observer. The many friends in this section of these four arches and the 3000 candle Assault With Deadly Weapon. Garfield Pics, colored, was tried in the Recorder's court this morning Philadelphia. Dr. Shull will be gradu- dent Fher, of the electric light de ated from the University of Pennsyl- partment. states will be done, the bus vania in June. A few days ago he :11P cation of Concord will be the received. a decided compliment m -his hest lighted of any in the State. It election to the position oi resiaeni d the harness completely torn Peian anart. The ' horse ran on down the - r ... oeiug uirci-u. 'umia . c..i. J4.4 Thm V anA wn ,nrh. in front of of tions. Me took .competitive examin- of some porful electric light. The pi nu o n. Mr. A. J. Yorke's by David Pea, colored. in .1.-- ? i i - PJffcJ Tuberculosis Sunday. bur Pa.,.and received that aPfint- Three ,o the isters ofjhe c on t also. He goes to Pittsburg An- pesteruay VTT v . - m to the position of resident wiu be impossible to go anywhere n the iiecoruer s wiir.xpw ?ian at St. Agnes hospital,4-' one 5n the main section of the city without charged with an assault with a deadly 3 most desirable of such posi- bein-directly undeY the effulgent rays weapon upon Uritton Hall, a memhr ation with 36 other applicants, being citv pav ,the expense of these ex- two negroes were over m bmi chosen over all the others. He also tra li(rMs V ' grove about 11 p clock and a dis stood a similar examination at. the t " nLvi. Ve.tween .tbein .,M!, fttai mem gus- New Cannon-Finlayson. Those from this city who attended the marriage at Goldsboro Wednesday evening of Mr. Eugene Cannon and Miss Emma Finlayson, returned home Friday night. The marriage was sol emnized in the First Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock. The bride is the popular daughter of Mr. H. L. Fin- Commencement Exercises of London High School. ine commencement exercises of the iayson) of Baltimore, and has several ew London High School will take times visited here. Concord people will be glad to welcome her among us. Ouite a number of distiguisnea out A Three-Legged Chicken. A three-legged chicken is on exhi bition at the Davis Drug tore. The young -chick has been preserved in the alcohol and is attracting no little no- before tice. Messrs. Waren Moody and Jay a Cannon are giving the chick special attention as these young gentlemen have a special fondness for fowls ot this variety, and as the "drumstick" is their favorite part of the bird, they consider thejnselves. especially, fortu nate in securing this one as it. pos sesses an extra " drumstick. ' ' There is a grave danger of a serious contro- jjen versv arising netween xnese Smith's pute t tacked Hall with a rock and a knife, hammer ing his head in many places with the rock, besides giving him a number of a student at berculosis or sanitation and health, I re hcl wJt ihc knif(.. picjj L 1 Tk CI-.. ,11 ii'nc " - . w- r r t i i . m . . tSate -University at Chapel Hill n rF " , "4un " (? v finfl $30 or sentenced xo mny sroin" to Philadelphia, lie is Ar , 7 1 1 i7 davs on the roaa. ne was ulu young man of much prom 'rSStoatei In Tb Pipits "J00 10 I ... in 1.1 . Place May 24 and 25. On Tuesday mprnmg, May 24, the annual sermon Cabarrus B. & L. Association. all over tne uniieo, oiait-s ux -v"tut"U5 nrwm nnt on KOTmons were orerbhcd The annual meeting of the Cabarrus L & -jn the fight on tuberculosis. In Real Estate Transfers. Mr. H. P. Deaton has told -his housa 1 other real estate in rair- prt,,nfv Hnildinc Tx)an and Savings .'.. .nf Wochin-rfnti plprm'-1 and lot an Association, was held m the court mennA laymen both spoke in sup- view. Prof. J. . B Ing purchased room of the city hall Thursday night. . of thU great battle. This is an- the residence and lot. Mr. . l Ar t r fnifranp was made chair- m : Mnmntm fhii I'iell uurphased the lot tu the rear ot 11.1 . ij. j. .-. 1 omer mutrsnriic m J o great the residence and Mr. James C. WU- iefurd purchaMHl the 101 in me rar w men as to which of them is entitled to r;;;; fter 0which the secretary's Says Have xiaa no iiooas m ic. E j Hnml ha purchased the extra "drumstick." Both of nnn nnr made . which show- Editor Times:..In your paper da- the hanaroe residence of Mr. W. IL them have established a strong claim , a . increase in' the business ted the 14 ht oipAilr,btlol)etnbahcm I lfarri on North Union street. man of the meeting and Mr. d. m.. - i.e:nr wasred against the 1. TUrt v-i i nut a AT I . nx, secretary, xuc white plague. thf lnt. meetmsr ' were read an . ap- bv sriving the chick several hours their spare time. We will leave this ort Tne terms o of the association from the last yearly ted the 14th of April I see a abort ' Mr. Oaude Ramsaur has purchae4 lis rinnrf The terms of the following sketch about floods in Texas and nv- the residence of Mr. Jno. M. Crarea .. - " 1 wuiLC i uuuiuvj. " - o mvii - - 1 rannrr i jig veiLUS r i . . , , uu iu-" rao an1 friPnnS I .ul!nn -Pn- Tn inarra-f Taxra dp-l.' . , -r t T. n rvf h-inks- 1 COUld UOt aeiPk U nf nnnc irf t lBd A j . -IOI-LOWI1 uwuic, icii.- - mucouuii ivi mwxj. -"j - I dlTPCI OTS eXPired. l. i . vW --.itia v-v . , ai Hit K'mt '---p UUC, Of 1 hnr nttp onH at W -ill I n .1 1 nnnn a a ttfin Hvl I -I J !, ntrmrA if f ho ntlP I i 1 Ji TT Tj.l- I 1 r. h 1 r rr met a llt.1 0 dock the recitation contest and ,mary exercise will tnVft rklno Wednesday morninsr the literary ress will-be delivered bv Rev. -Dr. I r,v, t.. ivfT-art! Mrs Joe Cannon: i - t?i- I Wn out here. The river is overflow oVWt .V1X.n' ?f Raleib; ,8 Messrs. Ross.. Cannon, Luther Brown, JuliS-Gates, and Tom Myers, of No. president J. M. Hendrix. secretary ing here today bnt.it is sand and dirt ht ia the clty aoa left yterday a m v a n n v-i--n - ni 1 f r 1 - - i m t a. 1 imm ti An t .n urn . . arm va.- zs u v n & a mta . - & & a m av kct m r 1 w n Collegiate InstitcU. team of Bing5u School, of. Mebane, spent baturciay 1 l"l IV r.nflT 0'Omnr n rtrrtHTT ttti I I Kn I v-. i rt 'il TI C i. . nnnjAri onirl I 1 i .. n ?1J. v. v. t 1. 111 n.1 .l. I. 1 1 cti i v 11 1 1 1 ill. 1 iiiMA I w irini rn Li 'i r I ill n inaiiHiii " . . . i ci I m m m i rrnnc leihlpv 0 1 j. lauis. umiuu, 4 townsuip, vveiii u&uiug a Uio"kl ian VU out here. Respectfully, and Mrs. Robert Young, ail f ago and caught 102 cat fish. They set torney. 3 ..inr;un AT? . mpicps. of Jack- .1 1 t ; xi I -r recital at Mont Amoena. SftTniTiarv 1 oTlla T?l T?ne Scott, of Granani: Xl m X- mi mI a wtT Am 4-1-1 ATT TTTftTI 4 TA fhAm Tir w s. Rankin Here. l i. 1. W"'"t A - .' Wn lUitt Illglll w r I . .. . . . .. rr. I 1 OI 1010 Tonight. Lovie Jones and Uataenne vvoanon, kd do was to pull tkm m. Dr w o Rankin, of the totate Wichita r aiis, lexas, Fr ihe mnsip. chto p m of Raleigh; Mr. and uiian o. cvv TTT Amoena . Sftm;oW .-W'.-di' Carr. Jr.. of Durham; Mrs. M. A. U,a;t.- w fwere W on oneh th oitv. Dr. Rankin was Sixty Acres of Corn in vne iWw. d treasurer, and L. T. Hartsell, at- and we call them west Texas showers aftcrnoon for Mt. Pleasant, whero tney nave a game rucvu Pleasant Collegiate Institute today. The team is composed of the following young men: Jones, Taylor, Joseph, Floyd, Hackney, Belue, Maxwell, noak And Sham, nie team is give a recital in the auditorinm Townsend, of Dunn; Mr and Mrs H. book There inall 60 pounds here to inspect the proposed new wa- IL H. Parks, president of the Big 1 eompamed by Coach D. B. PrireMV -uonaay n gramme, under there Monday nibf A L. Finlayson, parents, and Mr Lee f fi , . bm nd Brother hpr enrnlv of the city. The State law Pasture Settlers' Association of who has charge of the men on tot ider the diretcion of the Finlayson, brother , of the bride, Harris, cf the Charlotte Chronicle, requires that all vat acher of music, Miss Ada Stirewalt, Baltimore. "SS been grronrnJ : i J TM I -..luoioCT! rtiiu priu Leu. xnose u?11 take part are: Misses Leona -m-m uToo-no 9.t. Atlantic City, 1 r Ml 1 ait; . iXllUSBS liHma UUO. jjLfcvw XVirir Anna BisnP Fannie Agner, Mrs. W. G. Means, who has beon in Stw, aye Hinly, Katherine Fisher, a Philadelphia hospital for several "111 UmSOf. I-VC1 I OT ,0 l 1 I . . J. . 1- -Trx-n r OQTT 1-11 0 I ,. It m 1 -p-. ucmo ouyaiij iauo.-1 weeks tor xreawnexit j-w ak-"ui"' t tion ox oianiy iwater 'supplies for Grandfield. Okl has one row of eornmen on the trip. XXUl va. r-w -- - - ' I A Utl " - . I ' . I will please hurry up and send that the cities in the State be approved 4y that covers sirty acres, it is circular medal over. I ..1.1 M- - - l.M mm. MMAW MHAA L. - . --r lit T T7. I 1 LI.. - nnn iiiiiino 1 nrlT! 1 All lU4ClC3k uiww. -- flip Sfaf Roard of neaiin. xr. xv-iana resemoic I iL. rr v-. w; iTinet the water shed and the in the center of the field. Thirty yf' T .. . .. . . . I -.I. fl,;. rrf-m f Mr. Faul cceauiam mio uemocrauc nommtes in sniy. conditions or tne - yv - hotel erected on the Bynum protv At the Democratic county conven- into Cold Water ireeK ana c iarminR auu r rr ' TVest Trade street, in Char- peTer,ola BroW11 Millie Barrin- illness, was on Thursday Uken to At- marle Monday Srpi t? a.Fulmer Ruth Tnom Mil lantic City, where she wilt remain for dates were nominated and garner Bonnie Misenheimer two weeks. It is expected that at the Lounty 0ffices ertna Knder. La n.. .io will be sufficient- mM t end of that time she will be sufficient- House of Representatives, , Jas. E. ,-,t v,M ; A iruo-1 t-Qtam- r fha tate isoara oi f iri, n ytrcu wwjwu, uu, wuuf : -v . . . . 4t i ji The-?oUrnr- L soon the new source of water it fa time saved. Mr, Parks iWZ'rgZJZ for the various for the city is aproved by them the p,rt in anotherw of cotton on cov- n ,ke 5aS -r. -r u .1 i 1 nptp nlant. . I o-nn- fnrtv seres. ... I01 nnw"v"it-f o : senate. JJ, JN. iJennei-. worK can uegiu wii i"-x- . I tVia )wtI nn manage it. 1 I 1 U JV - - O - 1 I I r- -n TT; : lv improved to be brought back home, Crook ;. Clerk of Court, A. P. Harris; u ,rlca owier and family wHl i,. --,Ti-ir fVienda here will be re- h?-;fA- of TieJ: J ! M -'Bovett: rther Richmond postomc fv.i . , a' 1 tor Denver, Col., to makA Lv:- this. Her daughter. RhftnflF T R. Pnresfc: Snrvevor.' J. M. of March 27, when $3, n wm'V11 v R tt BeUe Means, has been mth'her Harwood;' Omner,::Dr.: m t mil; Eddie Fay and "little , move his famil y in to thftii ,AaJJ'li i.A tio Wn in PhUadel- Wrnuv. rionn. ri wAre. Friday sentenced to ten -Mr. E. C. Lentz, of In Hrdi street to fce vw wa7J 7f AWnt teniteTitiary and spent Saturday niht Pi;nm OT;itv ifl the robbery "of Miss Rosa Lee Smith, of Mt. Pleas- e on we iS"'iane, spent jrcsiciviav m iuc wij, 000 was taken, guest of Mrs. R. L. Dick. m the city on Miss Marjorie Ritch, of Salisbury, spent yesterday in the city, the guest of Miss Oza May Mnrr. Mr. and lfrs. W. E. 0. Robtnscv spent yesterday in China Grora. Icityl -. r. ICoggins and A.F.Mabrey. I fined $8,000J each. . business. - . i - ' . v ' ........ .... A ...... 4rv .