job" B' snerrill E11101 ar- Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. LCO or, Duo In Ativan VOL. XXXV. ' CONCOBD, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 2S. 1910 NO. 87. flRE TUESDAY NIGHT L.Deaton Cottage on Spring Street, Destroys ix-y Presbyterian Manse .NaiTOWly -Escape. jije Dtaton house on Spring Street dectruyed by lire Tuesday night re living in the house and the or in'ot' the tire was a mystery. The blaze was first discovered by Dr. E. s Voting who was returning from a "a!! lhe alann was inunediately uriied in but the blaze had gained uchTT'-adway that tne re department uniibhr to save the residence, al-thMi'-'!i lludr arrival proved more than f,)rt;:iute for the Baptist church and the Presbyterian manse. The roof of the church had caught and tbe whole j,L oi the church was smoking and " . ' , il . ,1 X X e;f xru ii - wnen ine uepanuieiii ar- i 'I" (iromon (MVP tVlPTr atfon. 1 ' . . 1 . . . con first to the church as it could be rMfiilv sen that the residence would lH- -0!iStlMV,. - . " J . J t would be impossible to determine ...'... nf thp VlfmeP flip firo originated as the floors and ceilings u the back ruoms appear to be about i. i .i tUa r-r,L.,x ma'no is only . slightly damaged but the Jlaj'tist ."-church is considerably Har!(i"-e.l The roof on the side next to the house caught fire and the, shin BEER CONFISCATED, GOES BACK TO 1IOOEESVILLE. CLEAIMJP DAY C0!HKG nTTEEUEBA2C TEOLLEY LXXIl "Xtnln-n rrnJI T 1 l T1 1 .... I '. - I . . ' . - 1 w xwo6 x unuerDmr, who Mr. H. P. Deaton Again PnrcHases I at Eeady wttn tie Goods Wtea tit j Vim of Hr. O. Ed Kesil tr ca Pro- 2 aued to Appear to Claim It. the Mooresville Enenirie. I .Bon After Prize lleney Call Be Jo$ed Uza tm Grttiibcro to Aa- On Tuesday afternoon Chief nf P. I Mr T? i ruitnn crn r..n.4vl 8nr tt Chnr in th Tin n? denoa, S. C. -w tssccsrai t-a lit aes I 1 A A Usv. - I ' . 1 I - . v iuvgcr was lniormea ov a nartv i m m,rviiio ti -kiu har nttr. r- i: n- ... .t thaUmaa t&d delivered a wagoo load abased the Mooresville Enterprise rWn-on Hv nn!- nf lH, ,it -r lU .baU -atcTibi ttwley tor, ol barrels at an emDtv store hnnco noa-cn r, 1 1 : ft.5.L f r . iqt both . " i vt. vuvv i ucgiuiuij to raiurr irasa. i raa was a uu& lUliUbLUE Itory. Chief Boger -went over place and on searohinjr the store discovered ten barrels of beer. naa been told the man s name whnl Mr. IVaton-thrL5 rnp ImaL- to hial"f Tan.nn 1 I . . . I " O VIVBU-UII M-rt VVA H4UU V fcV WCJ: luwc auu on.mvesu- nrst love, ne was editor and ; pu-1 ruliy appreciated. Une such effort gating," the matter further found that libber of -the Enterprise for seven I nrovA.l th -srnrth nf th m am! the oeer was tbe nrarwrtv nf RKo4 1 1 air-., until kraa ta u.if am hrU i .u.. .:.. i " M W " -J AW U.A.M V A ? U11L11 K.UA.V AAU IJill 1 CU1 3 v m ill A I III W I III 1 I IlilL 111" r 1 I V H lk II.. . - Funderburk, -who up to a few -reeks when be sold out there to Mr. J. B. I much sickness bv the purification of " i,rr " 1 fJ.M ago conauciea a near beer stand near Kobertson, and returned to Concord lots and alleys! - , Vt: the depot. Funderburk was cited to to be with bis aged mother. .Mr. Dea- There will be many busv bovs, work- J' ,n r.5 i, V!af?n, Chr armpftr nt. the TijnrrAar'a AM.i rA i.. In lo and tbe boutb Caroliaa town morninff at 9:30 o'clock. hoH, M Dparon -mi mPlf inL-it't,. riM provided the jeople along the propo The beer was seized Tuesday after- eoin- back home. But do not depend on the bovs for " anre"ua r . noon and was brought to the city ball, Rev. Mr. Wehler, who is a minis-jail. Do not expect them to go into where it was securely locked up. Fun- ter of the Reformed church, has1 been the lot and gather up the trash. Have uerourk tailed to put in his appear- editor of the Enterprise for nine it read v for the boys, rue out where ance at. me itecoraer s courr next months, lihe was obliged to retire I thev can readilv trw it. but bv no morning, and after, his name had been from the ministrv on account of the I means expect some one else ta do that calleT out, Chief Boger was sworn condition at his throat, and was for Do not forjret the old tin cans. How and stated that he bad cited Furder- a while a professor in Catawba Col- burk tQ appear there. City Prosecu- lege at Newton. Hisjthroat trouble ting Attorney Hartsell asked the has been overcome now, and he will Court that the beer be confiscated and aprain enter the active ministry-. He turned over to the county commis- wil remain in Mooresville for the Recorder Pun-ear granted present pxjrr and frtit ati- j mmionr w. rive The Tribuae tie foU u V n tWr inpa. rax Kiioum ur 1 , mM , - ..... I Hr. A. W mcr. of I'm-.U Une such effort 1 1;. - v I will tirAri i tkm llfr- He says ai the Messrs. Dale bare taorai. He proMy Tie Concord cradtx! oboc4 Uxa rasie orrr Turdat ttrnir.f a4 U- UT. fLEASUT CIPnTUICT. coattxrt3 it. m. ruralt. Mrr. UaU a4 Uafa of Sai6arTt ruitcU tit;r rvata htnt Sajhiar. Mr. Ixt IVii brocjtat bU a Cirw t?r frva 5alibary lat tk. oprat4 sioners this request and the beer is now in the hands of the commissioners. Imme- Mooresville, and r (. on iiiat siue me uarxxj w iipcu. oiaiei v -aiier ctui i aujwnjcu 'war-i irienas reirrei io see film leave von The live handsome stainea glass win- rant was sworn out tor ninderburk cord, thev -wish bim all desrrees of sue clows on that siue were ruinea Dy ine and. it is very probable that ne will cess at Mooresville. heat from the flames and the 'window be tried tomorrow. faeiii'-s were twisted so it ia imjos- The laiw states that after the seiz- Opening of Carolina League. sible to raise the windows. ure of spintous liquors and it has The Carolina League will be for- cans do acumulate. Thev seem almost to grow, so rapidly do they accumu late. The can, too, is a dangerous thing. It has been condemned bv all health authorities and must co. Let everyone Ivingout go to the tra?h pile. Mr. Deaton has a splendid field at I Allow noneo lie around to breed the while his many mosquitoes. Get started early in this work; do not wait. A little can is a dangerous thiug especially if turned up to catch water, and becomes a home for many tute by Kwn of 4 !o 0. Tfce raaa -tj I w f iM tatrrtiti: frnj itart te take trnie interest in wid propoitioa I lf' . . . " Mary a lit sxtue SatanUy. Tha tv malted in a tie of is asd tit. The boyt will f& down atarday to give thern another faxe. Tht rvcital jritrn by tbe muic U lent of lie Seminary Monday nisat i unrb ajinpriatoil by a Urre aa diencp. Thi jdrt)dd e-nfertaissitat rrllrrt much credit on tie director of ibu dejwrtmrnt. The.xInttitttte tam playcti an ia- terptiUifamc of bill here Monday ue should show our inclination to we! come this great movement in oar rnidt. It h true a company U now building a line here but he think it would no doiibt either be an in dependent link, in this chain or eUa be willing to join in said gvncral line. In either cae we would .be' tbe bene ficiary of iaid enterprise. If tbe pro moters of this line -will-tell us what is necessary for' us to do to co-ojicrate in the work it would be the part of wisdom to do it and thus bring an en- terorise here that u-oul.l vninff th Bin?baat School, of Mrb- irreatlv to our industrial growth S irh am' TiiJ wa brl i:r.p of th things sih?II oroirress of untold value The dcaiU of the granfe ara t'i i n pummnnit v r.l tuwutla trill I folloifc J encourage all efforts looking iu this . Isit Anderson out tm fint; direction. In ten years we oujjJone flil out to abort; Sharp walk- mosquitoes. The clean up will cost the city sev- . ed. stole terond. went to third on & The house is the property of Mr. P. been ordered to be confiseated and mally opened Thursday. April 28th. era! -hundred, dollars. It will be , . , , , H jld throw and eomi on lVak'i aio- , o -vt er x I. -i .1 . I,. .... - ' A..- , .. I il VT 1,. v "" v wum There M. Misenheimer, of No. 5 township, turned over to the county commission- Spartanburg will be at Charlotte; worth many more, ho telling how ..... Mt:m,?A .l; vallItt rftiI,if9n, gle; Doak went to econd a wiKI was -.$000.00 insurance on the ers, they can sell it to some person "Winston at Greensboro and Green- much sickness is saved Dy a tnorougn f -- . , v;; ; throw; Helue ttruck out. .1,1 ll. . ... . . I V ..I ft .1 I . V VMWU W 0.MW..V... . A . . ..M.W. BAM I m - . .... . jt iurr urui io wojivI OH fnllv covered by insurance. - the proceeds go to paying the ex- m the league bas ben raised and ev- nx t ieae me ctu iur "IC" - wrouHit wonderful' fhinn to thi weiana aaennee; nryan ingieo ttoia The house burned was an old one of nenses of, the seizure and the balance erv team in the circuit has taken ad- enumerators. He is after ve 'folks . Tf , . I second ; Miler forced to catcher; . i . i . . "ki (iTT i i-v kv &aj a a uiv t v iuv uk d avu . . r Howe tU)gied and aoored riicr and Bryan; Mooe tingleil; Utchardaois flieil out to third. 1 1 T 1 . il ' 1 Tl 1 1 1 ill 11 1 I A - n m 1 lnAA.. H. HM 4? iL A k4W touse and the carnage to me cnurcn nvno nas a legal rignt to sen liquor and ville at Anderson. The salary limit UI1"K lue the North and West these lines have is fully covered by insurance. - the proceeds go to paying the ex- m the league bas ben raised and ev- ieae me cu iur mc The house burned was an old one or penses ot the seizure and the balance ery team in the circuit has taken ad- enumwaiura. xxc x aii "'tt i sections. If this movement is depen-rnt-fln wiAm .1 n A was ifnr imaTw vpars ! tr Vip TnKli orVirri fund Thp mm. I irniiio ArwirinnUv inland cans don't count with uncle I i . . t.... ,ct.x , - - - i- it, I " -w wv. - I Tg,, wa. xuxf viiuu; i , , , ueui uion our co-operaiion lei us It takes big mon- , ' . 5 ir -r i ta x mu I ' .ni. . n ii. - i ' 1 . .1 . 1 .1 - til Cnm t&e home 01 iirs. ii. vj. jaiou. i-ue missioners can euner sea tne ueer or strenfftneninsr tneir clubs, inere is I . LtnH n rvnMt . .. 1 . . . .... 1 . ... -1 .xrx 1 v...x ri i'- -i-- a 1 .L I 1 1 IP L I I jfc MAMA! 1-1 i -I" 1 1 1 XI . . II IKI U7 I I I ir u 1 I . I I I I 1. Jill W ' 1 m n I . tire occurred at a time 01 mgnt wnen pour it out. n tnev sen n someone great interest mamiested nere in pne " - ley and big people to do big things and the Dukes pvrvhndv was sleebinff soundlv. and I out of f he State will verv orobablv I nnpni no- r.f flip lmio on lortrland how clean. vow fpw npnnle aivneared on the scene. I hnv it. as thp. onlv nerson in this State I Aiwwrl um.11 o-r -Prvm .Viprp nVinfW.tP I Finally brethren, clean up. -Pile out It is the general opinion that it who 'has a rigbt to sell spirituous h- and see Lave Cross's Hornets cross your tras"- ve au ".in aoun: should find out what the requirements as the work or an incendiary, as quors is 'a druggist, and it is not very bats with the Spartans. The manage- ?ancTe anV a ood search will reveal are Gf these,gentlemen and if the con- there had been no nre in the nouse lor iprobabie that any druggist woum some time. want ten barrels' of beer. A Sadden Death. Mrs. J. C. Stowe died suddenly last Tuesday afternoon about 1 o'clock at Graded School Commencement. The closing exercises of the Con- ha nA T- n her home on L Simpson street" a f tar -an place at the Central building embrac illness of one day. , Mrs. Stowe bad . Snniav Afonoav and - Tuesdav. u:n i. i x x. " . j , - ' a emu me uajf otuuie out wass up ipttiL i fnv 8 9 and 10 ui uci uiin; jtrsiciuu xxiuiixxiig. nvxicu ment of the different clubs nave spar ed no effort in making the opening day a big success and besides the ball game there will be other attractions 'that will be well worth going'a long hway to see. it. Let the trash gathering begin. COMMITTEE. Pleasant Birthday Remembrance. Miss Edna Correllgave her mother, Rev. T. E. Winecoff Gaining Tame as Mrs. 'E. F. Correll, a pleasant surprise yesterday,' -when she invited several i 1 It li . .... w kes are sued people and . u.-ixwrH ruca oui ny. they should, be welcomed here. We 7 x men ana joacpa Cauble struck out; Auten tingled 1 and conducive to weT1t x nd n. throw; ake steps to meet her wen out on first; Wtlth fot uh urn waikru; iinan wcni out oia first. Thinl Anderson flied out to abort; Jones inglel, scorel on Sharp V two ditions are libera our good, then take them. a Poet her daughters came home at dinner time she was lying on the bed drink ing a cup of coffee. She talked with them and seemed to be in good spir its. The daughters returned to their Circus Lot to be Changed. An ordinance was passed by the The annual sermon will be preached city aldermen Monday night prohib- Sunday at 11 a. m. by Rev. Plato iting any circus from showing in 500 Durham, and the annual feet of Union street. On account of livered on Monday evening at 8 this ordinance Howe 's Great London RerTbos. ;pent vxxnmr n n . i Jbase drive to the right; Doak singled fl. S! .'.J A Slurp; 01... ,inKW .d - , 0, -i, , i - went to seeomt'on throw to.tturJ; now hves at Strongsville, -a miburb of MaxwflI M T , ,w ; Ueyeland O, has become a poet of scorp1 on w h;t; consiuerauie noie, anu ms poems are i .l ,r . rkllx ifn Aim V... xl I '. . " . .. cu xy XXiC XXUX UlCl XX X C1X- I The following which is 1 . 1 J- J x A nA iauy mums io vouic uu F"u flr in'fhia nuntv. no hn hour at Mrs. Correlrs bedside. All x ox :n- .i.l the ladies came- and brought some fancy work to do and a most delight ful hour, from 3 to 4 o'clock, was rTTr, "r ;,T- t. during whioh time Miss Edna r ..rp.. .i. .... ; third. 7 - i lrvric Ti rt c - inn i f ii nurnifr wnin n ih i w . . . ioon and she failed to answer them They called in some of the neighbors o'clock by Rev. T. A. Smoot, of W. - Stow& which were to have exhibited .",7"r "11' xw 'p'ITw i pen, was recently published L;" " , Umw-'iImM x 3 x O XL I cut ncic. jxc3uaiu:a i.. xx. x mjii ...i. ,, irr. i . x 1 x I " - - - " txireme euu oi oouui TT , t , x-. , Trr'' m tne v estern vnnsiian Aavocaie : I 1 1 f:n ri, : x i f make no moan. O Wd that -while tanple; Richanln went out oa The -harfrin sniiadrona thunder bv. hrst; Moose acored on i auble'a two sented Mr. Correll with a birthday fv rntain hnM in rpwrv- I base hit to center; Anten went out oa . v. - -r l . souvenir, ibeverai otners among 3in. When Thou are readv. then am I. . . v . , . . T i w - ' . Correll 's tnends also sent ner re membrances of the day. mi l iii i .it ! . .. . , , , . , , ., I LAI i. II iW li XUV V--kJ vv xr " I UU L XI O 1J V UL Vll tT'S, take place on Tuesday at Bo 'clock Union street, will be compelled to se- a'" V C Cxell and Mrs with the smaller children. They call- cure another show ground. Mr. H..G. ltrane' ed her about 4 o'clock in the after- F m, n.: v, t3;x .u- x r J. F. Dayvault, each of whom pre- l -IEIlUTflllfl VV I IT I'll nir Lilt, fill LLVX LA I 111 7. IV. I 1 I 1 li 1 1 1 1 r t i. :ijl- I'lllll. IH.II V I ating class: Helen Frances Archey, here, has secured a lot on Spring Edwin Neil Brower, Edna Camm street near Mr. 'C. A. Robinson's who discovered that she was dead. It is very probable that she died soon af- u Clint;n Graeber, George Sidney circus will show there. " Campbell, Mathias Boger Fink, Char- place and it is very probable that the Hill, Mary t5uena work as Sne Was COld in death WDen U. TTofll ' TaT.tliQ TTnvolk Moefintr T.pmfwvr9ti Tnt.WA Hnm . -ii i . . i I r lailvca xxax iacut . . . . ..v v.. .avwus.v uer neiguoors were caned in to awaKe - Daisv Lippard. Ozama Murr, mittee. ner. bhe was o7 years of ae. and is a r x.n MoTO Mil. .- j . , . , -n ' . . i uaroune aubw xcmuaiuu, -"... j oi'Muni v ner nusoana ana several Hon. B. F. Aycock Dies Suddenly. Hon. Ben F. Aycock, corporation A meeting of the Democratic Exec- commissioner, died suddenly last Tues- Mi n l Moraf Aripf CViiprv. I ..x' -' ,ct 1 dav at his borne at rremont. jlr. Ay .. iui- iiiiii. i i t ilijL v ji & a wwt iii iv-- w i ii ii i 1 1 i i w ' i . v-v iii ir-s ti ir- ii i i i a i . children. The funeral services will nA RnRSPn Trov Al- ,.Q., ai QOfi. of o m he held this afternoon at Meadow Creek. Stanly county. Margaret Gertrude Russell, Leroy Al- urday, April 30th at 2 o'clock p. m. lison Seott, Lee Roy bapp, .Willie may This is an important meeting and a Stratford, William Montgomery bher- fun attendance is requested. ill Minnie Estelle Utley, Alexander Viola, Jr., Elizabeth Irwin Wood- China Grove Bank Prosperous. The China Grove correspondent of h0llse -the Charlotte Observer has the follow ing in regard to the bank in'our bust- Concord Boy at A. & M. Banquet. ucjguuui tuwii, vuiua uiuvc . Last oaturday nignt wie uuxiaux The stockholders of the Bank "Hharo ie tin nnpction )ViJlf thp frost ojl u acc nf the A. & M. college srave a a:a a :Arui n cock had been in poor health several months, but seemed to be improving. He was up town in tbe morning and friends remarked that he was looking better. In tbe afternoon be -went out ThP field Rnan "FTptp.. to his tarm near town, returned nome, Several farmers in the eit, Tuesday ?te his upper -and was ttiaj Ultag X Vi "v n ttt. X X.U- I IO HIS V IXC VV11CXX XI C WOO suivuw...... xcjJUll) u xicayj iiusv x-xixa- iuxwxxixxxg, C, W. SWINK, Chairman. Cinim Grove held their annual meet- kor.. at. Aiprseh's cafe in Raleisrh. L. xi,: k,.i. :x some time. There was no warning ot ' i i . ' - I " ... I tUlUUU -LX1 la otv IXv IX UllL It 15 xxcfcxvx I J , 1 TT . . 1 y- mg in their banking house a few days Tne banauet ' consisted of eight . , . prm- . fhp Amoiint of damage fche approach of death. He was a bro no-n .nwl -,u xx : 1 x X? XI I . , T J ft- I " -0 axxu iuc miauciai nepurL xox iuC courses. The itaieign Jews- auu vy- todav. One of them stated that he s x months was very gratiiying serv,er among other things m wag positive 'that most all the youn xmit-eu. ine om noaro or airectors. iL. o f tim hannnet: iVi.i- ji i II t t XT j n.r t F?"5 - .V. . ., . vegeiaoies .m. -uis aixieu wwc. m- AUiillU For them the multitudes acclaim, For me the long unhonored wait; For them the muster-roll of fame, For me no roll-call with the great. But when, some sadder, darker day, The beaten columns stagger back, 'Fore Gog and-Magog to the fray For that, O Lord, I silent wait, My tempered steel . I ready keep, Till men in panic need shall call A lesser Moses from his .sheep, Or Cincmnatus from his plow. Mv call-shall come, or here or there. heart failure, and fell from his chair Sonje larger battle duly try . dead. He had had heart trouble tor tu trusted troop reserved of God . n i -. When Thou are ready, then am I. ther of ex-Gov. Chas. B. Aycock. J. D.. Norwood, M. L. The enthusiasm of the class cheer hUred and he thought wheat and oats Ball Game Here Tomorrow. A' game of ball will be played here first. Fourth. Bincham didn't reach flrtt base. ' Fisher walked; Wel.h got bit anj walked; Miler singled; Kiher eut oat on third; WeUh atole thinl; Miller stole Fecomi; Howe went out on flrat. Neither side scored any more until in the eighth inning when Joeph singled, went to second on Anderson sacriflre; Jones fouled to first; Sharp singled and fdole second; Doak mad a two-bagger and scored Joseph and Sharp; Belue went out on first. Moom; went out on first; Kir hard ton flied to second; Caiiblc went out oa first. Ninth. Maxwell walked and went out in a tangle; Tayloe -mingled; Prir ett flied to center; JosephipIed and sot caught napptnjr on first. Colored Man Goes Insane. Anten'got hit and walked; KUber Gene Cannon, a young negro man, I walked on balls : Welsh flied out to third; Brvan walked; Auten scored on noon by the officers. Cannon' mind wild pitch; Miller went out to left; lutchie, M. A. Stirewalt, J F Cooper, leaderf R. L. Morrison, was' keyed to were 'also injlired, but He was unable tomorrow on the Forest Hill diamond has been weak for some time and yes- Fisher tagged and scored ; .Flow, flied. "T1?" ""u -'Y' the highest pitcn ana 11 is io mm to find out as to -what extent before was re-elected Immediatelv following a Vi nnnrc ATA dllfi for the forcible i -. t!,.. .. . - i ixxc u"" - - iraviiis ai MucKuoiuers meeting the directors ome. u..n ua TnV Xfill an Mt. Pleas- terday he eemeu to become suaaeniy out to second. . TCincou X jmw " " I T T 1 i IF Til v m 0 . . v.. . In the citv but little n,l tns. The line-im will bePP Lnsa.n.e- "e "v?s Q H ne up 01 ait. rieaaani: t ianer lira, ei ana re-elected A. M. Uanna, pres- UrprP Pmiduted. went; J. D. Norwood, of People's Na- art Morrison who recounted fruit is all right. tional bank, of Salisbury, vice-presi- (honors of the class and advocated uni dent and W. C. Sifford, cashier. -a-o' motto for the coming senioi closing year marks the most pjass. He impressed the class with Prosperous one in the history of the the responsibility of choosing the best bank, the annual and semi-annual members of the class as officers of Thank Yon. the coming senior Charlotte New. 25th cent, while a nice little sum was placed ijd and White surplus s way in which the yells and songs don t vegetables. The ant teams.'The line-up for Forest Hill Jrk s place, about four miles from Welsh ss Brjan 1st. Miller, D. 2nd - -a.. - kJ.,'. i. i x . I ... . , . trt'.K. c:il the citv. He came to Concord Satur- FIowp rf. Moom ef. Tlirbardsnn If will be: cook, rvizzian, ouiiui, c, - ,n , . . - - . - -v : - Hughes, :Allred, TrexJer. Batteiy u v.oil f Q.n Mnh nterest lua- uc BUUW" Vi I yiws wunr iki., iTiirn nrf wxix xtt: vantvi v v. . I p l J In .1 . r.i . . m . iur several uijs. i uoaa p ana ei., ixiue p. ana ei.. a When arrested yesterday atternoon derson If.. Joseph e. by the officers he resisted arrest and I Bingham 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 being a large and powerful negro, itjMt. Pleasant 202000012 proved a difficult task to get him tol Umpire, Cline. the Shenff's office. He was connned r.'- T V. mr i ttA V . a C X fvJ.l Al. A , . v 7 . v.x l is bein? manifested m this game, as it Loncora xnoune one oi tne u5t wi , ... . omp haa x,u XT .-1.1. f has been some time since a game nas mc xtrw ucar xicx-ixuux a Ticuk J-. . . . xi. x TT;t1 lia dividends paid amountinsr to 10 tier Li ATwmPk ami of the terday at the Serwyn. " I ",P y oD,x ..... . , exass "" . mond. Dinner at Jndge Montgomery's. Charlotte News. Cabarrus Cases in Supreme Court. Other Xkmtribntions to the Firemen's Fund. .. Tr. ii .... nAmt Taim Tts Tail. t7. Tw' t4r t Zorieh officially in the office for .short time and later No More HUM Work tt tb. Browa " , T. T x w- 1 taken to jau, wnene ne win remain an-! We are informed that after Friday t i. StmTftmfl Hjourc several cases i ocYai auuiuuuai wuwiiuMvuo iu rpnnrtjs that nauev s ewmet wa us- lM - .. .. r j- - - - ' ,AU ...i xi... t. Ul. 1fA ft. ,nliina I . " , , , IT- '. i V- "1 W appilCaUOU Wf UlS BUIUWIUU jar. and Mra h Hnrani T iinv,.n Pohamic ncprfl aruea mis 'wees, wo xixcxxxcix j.uxiu uc xxx t wvv- h .rt nak-pn eve lot uu luiuuica i . ., . . ; - -x . i . ir "iu -x-. joxBcu, xxixx vyu.utviiu . - . . i-i -j ... in DC IDSane asylum IS OCICU UIMJIL. .... ... .... rs. E. C. Register and Mr. Frank Mc" They are : Dry and Blake vs. State of dy made since the list-was pubhshed. fore dawn Tuesday. Its position alication made several days mht .f,thl4 T'k eri W,U D Kae spent Saturday in Concord as North Carolina; Sye Forney vs. Pos- The fund now is as follows: due east just above the horizon. There "J, in tfae sherifrs officc te nwre night work at the Brown eottoa quests ot Judge Montgomery and fam- tal Telegraph Company; uunn neuig rreviousiy acunowiedged was no trace, however, ox me iau, uui ihey made the trro in Mr. Gar- v; Southern Railway uo.; lan J?or-m. b. Williams J-.w even with the telescope. sed's new Hud rr Pcfal TeletrraDh Co. In the Rev. C. W. Erwin 1.00 . ' w mjl TT -I1VAU XJ 'liOO I U.C V V O X- VfcJV" - I oujcc uiei ... ... v . ... nesrro ouoted several verses from the . - . .. . . . Total $305.00 nev just purchased from Mr. Osmond Bar- ase of Miss Alice Bost vs. Cabarrus Cash Tlnger. Jude Mont?omerv,.!.hfvn.5Phf,ld monnfv for damages, a petition was J. H. R. .. . showered its old-time Southern hospi- filed by defendant to dismiss. No tality .on the visitors, the judge being opinion has been handed down yet by especially assidious in his gallantries the Supreme Court in any of the T.A Afv n 1 TT- ... ... j y -ub. , uarsea. ms gratitude to Iher above cases. r a once charming hospitality is f .t0 the klnd that Mrs. Judge Cilly, Yesterday 's Greensboro' News : Ex 1.00 2.00 RiblP and boasted of his strength. His . AAnrAK.(;in MmfIf sWa tW ip I Jars ago. This announcement it uc I it iti. it. .... :i ..M.4 Mr. M. B. Stickley Eected Member of had corn.pletely l?St.hi, reason. H. SAT . T uthT-LT the School Board. A meeting of the school board was Cannon was in our office Monday vt ! hplH T,,Pav afternoon to consider : , x . ... . neia V"uWr--m:. Column, savinir that he bad trone to frrynf. will be the resignation of UT. J. vv.iYimams . . . placed in the. entire Moms building as a member of the board, he having - n . anTlrt vnre-,,h near the postoffice. The iron beams moved to Raleigh -His "sa0 Conn.' He acted queerlv at thatlJ-.Dn D; P--"will lijer the tc . a- 4 ai r tvi r onr.Kjr v i - w i AAiiifTa a .'li a sv w f . epic- -ox. Hme. Trinity College Comencecient. Trinitj' commencement will this vear embrace June 5 to 8. Rev. W. of Hieknrv t XT nnjiUft a-P xl. I Vt q 7 a Q'rrivAl anil wnrlr nn the f ront I was aC , -j j "vc ui a ueusju ixxii 1 1 ;nn pressman xv. i. -j-ouxxch,, ux uxxt. . i . . . . . hostess: "She is a charmrao. woman ffl ' strict, spent yesterday in the will begin in a few days. The new was elected a member io fill out the I ana does not smother .W Bi ...x! v,0, wifli lii rm.mmvm front will extend from Jno. Ii. Miller's unexpired term ot ur. y imam. in detestablP mm;M ft cuy snf, ? . rP-?p- LtnrA to the Concord Turniture Co. : Pa., will preach at Boger 's Reformed Judare MnnftmrYiPinr iiVp IP610 n -mo v ff;Ufrt-P Winding th ?tora- of Mr. Rev. Chas. W. Byrd, D. D., of Nash- church, in No. 6 township, next Sun sea because sheave ?a Blackwelder. This will make ville, Ky., is conducting a aeries of day morning at 11 o'clock, at Bear dinner, ami didn't ptvp if .. Titz.iTif ir i. T?.ii.M. tr.A lonifA n iTnnrempnt in the appear- reHrious meetings in the First Meth- Creek at 3 p. m., and at 3It. Pleas- to ble' eanrsp uc. tningsaxe . .tarri, t ;nFw; Mv ?ld,-na. .odisf church at Salisbury this week, ant that ni-ht. ; -"- I Un n'rarllPTS ft lanUSHUC IU13 XaxX. ' . xxv wx. v Vw- v a-- , . . T calaureate address, and Hon. Charles XageL Secretary of Commerce and La- Rev. S. A. Wysong, of Lancaster, bor, will deliver the annual address. The annnal address before tbe Alumni -1 Association will be delivered by Sen ator Simmons, and a poem appropriate the occasion will be read by Ker. Plato Durham. xxc uvuv" I - -

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