i' ' - : . ' - ' " .:' ... - " ; . - ' I.,. i i i i .i i m - I... -- a : : .- 7 T2 ;rierrill, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE -A. WEEK. L50 n Yonr. Duo in Advnnc. T NO. S9. xxx CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1910 fc-- w . . '0L- 1 B SHENKGOES TO GREENSBORO. COUNTY MATTERS. Call to Pastorate of First Proceedings of the Board of County Cominissioners Monday. The board of county commissioners . j-rsin Church There bUiti .. , . .,nn, held their rejnilar monthlv meetiner I V vncliK mini '""J r a pl " ) im Lutheran church Monday. There were no matters of ,1 a call to the pas- ;i"" 1,"i7iautc iiicscuicu iu ine uoaru aim ine usual numoer oi Dills were presented and ordered paid by them. The following are "a few ol the orders made by the board: Pay J. D. Sides $10.75 for guarding f thn ,.rmd itmn I I'aueuib uuaranuneu ai la .,1 !)'!'" First Lutneran cnurcn ;i.!lttlS ago the council i cave 01 auseuuc v aii irCOUIlt (1 lie moved his family Springs. - About two ner N it. formally tendered his uliii-h was reluctantly ac- r:i;i.: ;u oiccnauuiu aic ., fho work of that denom ( ,r. They I ave purchased a ,,,,1 yet begun the erec .,!;,;,;,.!) l)iiilhng. It is a mis m . the direction of the in ' Brown Mill. Pay H. St Williams $4.10 expenses incurred in appeal to the Supreme Court in Alice Bost case. Pay Dr. J. W. Wallace. $104.25 for mtdical service in smallpox cases. Pay H. W. Caldwell $500 for inves tigating death o-f the infant of Dora Pharr Pay J. M. Burrage $820.48 chain gang exnenses for April. Pay J. W. Wallace $14.50 for med- . i i i n i ifnl Rprvippa fr thA Mirtitr im- man could ne iouna, u - - . ---v. t i r : v ai ivniiri m.iiv aim if lu'l Will ,1- jienmt, tc put in charge year: ?kv.. Pay Missouri. City Mercantile Co., $37.17 for supplies for smallpox cases under quarantine at Brown Mill. It was ordered that the bill against the county for the bridge over Cold Water creek be pa if., amounting to $927.00. Ordered that railroad fill in the rails at all crossings with 2 1-2 inch plank and also one plank on each side of the rails. The board instructed the road su- til a successor to leI to lntfct rotairom.rr' lr1 K. F. Faggart's to Bost Mill with a view to opening up a new public road. i Clt- hi! If ran church for five and ainl bad been a most astor. iotli ne anu tne ,(T of h family were very pop ;,, r,,:icn!'.l. and their popularity WrvdL ' W. Kulin&. ot- Salisbury, - . m .a hen supplying the churcti if- CI.nVo aVcuirio TU ill P t lie work un Shfnk i pelected CLEAN-UP DAY. THE RED MEN'S MEETING. One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be ' One of the Greatest Meetings tfct Given for Boys Hauling off Trash. Now is the time for all the .boys to enter the clean-up contest -which has been inaugurated by the city, begin ning? next Mondav jnornm?. This is encement at Greensboro Female Kings' Mountain Herald Changes College. Hands. insboro Female C'jllege will em- day publisher o0f the King's Mountain e Mav 15th to 18. The graduateir Herald, spent an hour here Monday ear are: Misses Ethel Brinkley, night on business with the editor of v Elizabeth Broom, Anne Estelle this paper. He informed us that he ir ' ii . T i U : . I l -i 111 a' T 1 1J Vii, iieiuieiiH ljexiuxa vutuuni, naa soki nis paper vo mr. i. j. uauiu- liailey, Anne McKinnie Ed-leu, formerly of Washington, D. C, s, Frank Kobbin?, Ollie Lenoir who will publish it in the future. The trill, Vlaia Belle Suit, Edith Cath- paper will be enlarged with this ie Ward. The following will be the week's issue from a six to seven col- 4 ' r i ft 1 ramme: . umn paper. Mr. uauiaen aormeny iindav, Mav LMh at 8 p. m., Y. W. ran a paper in Virginia, but for some Anniversary. Sermon by Key. I time had been an employee v. of the M. Litaker, Paster. -Centenary J Government Printing Office., We ch, Greensboro. gladly . welcome him as a member of pnday, May 16th, evening Reci- the North Carolina press. Mr. Eury tby pupils of the Expression De- is an old Cabarrus boy (being a son Wnt. of Mr. L. C. Eury, formerly of Mt. juesday, May 17th, at 11 a. m. Pleasant and Concord) and has made valanroatft Kormvn xr T?Tr CI : T. omnoo nP Vii TTo ral TTo will otilT e, Pastor of TrjTon Street Church, live in King's Mountain, -where he is lotte, N. C. in the insurance business. Juesday May 17, afternoon Busi a splendid opportunity for some hust-1 ling youngsters to make some good coin. The city has offered $5.00 in cash prizes, to be divided as follows, and gjven to the boys for gathering up the, trash: First prize $25.00. Second prize $15.00. Third prize $10.00. There will be five $2.00 prizes and ten $1.00 prizes. These are the prizes offered by the city alone, and does not include the prizes that will be given by the merchants of the city, which will greatly increase, the number of prizes and make the clean-up contest 0 attractive that no boy can well af ford not to enter it from the start. Full details of the contest will be published as soon as the other prizes are decided upon and a few details can be settled upon by the committee. All the residents should begin the work of cleaning up their premises now and putting all the trash in one heap if posible, so as to be ready when the boys come arond to haul it off. A number of residents are under the im pression that the boys will clean off the premises and haul the trash off also. This is a false impression, as all the boys do is to haul the trash away after it has been raked up in heaps. Have all the trash on your premises raked up by Monday and don't delay the boys while they are hustling for the prizes. Order Has Erer Held. The annual tare ting of the Great Council tt lUd Men of .orth Caro line, which has been in esion here siuse Tuesdav, came io a close tnis morning. It ha been one of the bet sessions this splendid order has ever held, and Concord h&s entertained it well. The weather ha been ideal, and the many delegates have had a delight ful time. V resolution was passed at the meet- of tLe eltv f,ir lK fr.asr e&irttfiir, extended to thea dans,: tleir Uy here. A number of the dr Icsr left this rnomisr for their hoe asd a lanr number will rt an t hi after- nooa. THE LUTHERAN SYNOD. In Session at AllKCUxle EtT. V. Y. Booxer Re-elected Prettiest. The North CaroUn Svcod of the Lutheran church met in annual session at Albemarle yetrday. In the af ternoon the cvnodical cnaoa a E ' I I m ing last night to increase the per cap-ipreacaeu by Kv, V. . liooxer, alter ita tax in order in the field, and UCiCiL9C IUC J'Ci wp- J ' m m ' to put an organizer oich officers were elected, as foihir: do other important if ntTT?ev- Y11 , angh funds to sac- ice-I resident Uew J. L. bbenk. cnrlr matins pnnti cesfully complete the -work. Kepresentatives from Edenton and Elizabeth .City extendeti an invitation ecretary Uev. 1L A. McCulloh. Treasurer J. I). Heili?. Iast night the exercises incident to to the order 'for the next meeting of hLaymen Missionary Movement the ureat Council. On a vote of the delegates Elizabeth Citv was chosen meeting of the Alumnae Asso- ;iou. fupsday, May 17th, 8:30 p. m. Re- on or ine Alumnae. tednoMay. May 18th, 10:30 a. m lilnatioii exorcises Address bv Br, f Mr. Arthur Odell Buys the Pastime. Mr. A. G. Odell pui'chased the Pas lime moving picture shoT Monday afternoon from Mr. J. Lee Stone, who has been operating, the show since it was established. Mr. Odell -will rnll K. (intes of Washington, D. C. continue the operation of the Pastime pdnrs.lay. May 18lh. 8:30 p. m. alongv the same lines it has been so pnnl concert by the pupils of the m1PfteSsfullv conducted under Mr. ! : t , i p I'epartent. - Sfnnft's management. Mr. Stone will dftvote his entire time to his photo- Boon to Have Cars in Operation. graph gallery. Mr. Odell recently es- hi. i. ii. a lnprrnrn. at Aansn irv. tan nanpn a ?emrai iusuioui-o p is the moving spirit in the con- here and operated offices in the Phifer potion of the street car line for building and his new business venture tity, is spending the day here, will in no way interfere with his in vamiertord savs that the work on surance business car line is progressing nicely and i u will be only a short time be- the Cars will hp in nnpratinn. All net-essan- equipment for the car has been ordered and most of it arrived.- Work -will heen Mon- 7 (n the construction of the trolley x iine. Work wil lalso besrin in a t (lav hav on the lot belonging to SS1' Cook & Maness, on Depot tet. at the intersection of Powder fi i-i P Tit . u- it the work continues to as rapidly as it has in the t few ('pL- it- ;n v ,ir o oVi-.T.f f-until the first street car will be ra(i,l in Concord. Burrage-Allison. Cards reading as follows have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. James M. Burrage request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Mary to Rev. Carl Reginald Ailison on Wednesday evening, May the 25th nineteen hundred and ten at eight o'clock Forest Hill Methodist Church Concord, North Carolina Concord's Splendid Graded Schools. tu liiirlnt.t-P Observer of this X HI- vyuti.xvfcfcv morning has the following: temlent Alexander Graham of Charlotte graded schools and Mr. Paul Gilmore in "The Mummy and the Humming Bird." Mr. Paul Gilmore is coming in the most succesful play in years, ' ' The Mummy and the Humming Bird," a play which will be-presented is one of the best known comedy-dramas now before the public. The play is one that by the interest of its story ex- j cites and maintains the. interest by the natural sequence of the incidents, bv the dramatic keenness in which its plot is developed, by the brightness of its dialogue, and has established itself in the general . estimation as one of the best comedy-dramas ever present ed before an American public. In no other single play have so many strong characters been assembled. 1 'The Mummy," a scientist, to ab sorbed in chemical researches as to almost oblivious to his everyday sur roundings. "Rir.1. ' ' a literarv foreigner, whose habits and character as develops warrant this sobriquet, an Italian organ-grinder who proves a rnvotal character upon whom the 1 . ... ,i n P story of the play hinges; tne wiie oi the Mummy and the young widow whose' second wooing forms a part of the action are a quintette of dramatic personages each of whom is distinctly a type, intensely iorceiui ana mier Mr. Paul Gilmore will assume ' his great character, Lord Lumley, and will be supported by an excellent com pany, including Miss Adelaide French the Torular society actress, 1 - . At :'Vord opera house, luesaay evening, May 10. as place of next meeting, which will be held the fourth Wednesday in May, 1011. The election of the Great Chiefs of the Great Council of North Carolina, resulted as follows: Great Sachem. William L. Stamey, of High Point, N. C. Great Senior Sagamore, William J. Leary, of Edenton, N. C. Great Junior Sagamore, Capt. J. R. Anderson, of Charlotte, N. C. Great Prophet, Sam T. White, rx4 firoonuilln "KT Oreat Representatives to the Great wi be that of moving Mount Pleas- Council of the United States, Sam T. ?JJ !nr".u.ie: -n r uou 7 Whifp ftf flwonriiu V f! V. A but that this mstit Uion wdl be moved, Ebert, Winston-Salem, N. C., Benj. fc!!!1 IJ W? Taylor, Washington N. C. J2. A. Ebert, Winston-Salem, N. C, Benj. W. Taylor, Washington, N. C. iook tiace. DUrnnir Addresses Here raaIe by Rev. George H. 'Cromer on 4tThe Need of the LaymcnV Move ment in the Lutheran Church." Mr. A. 1). Russell on "Extension .of the Kingdom"; Prof. G. F. McAllister on "The King's Business and-My Busi ness"; Rev.C. E. Cronk on "Relation f the Ministry to the Laymen's Move ment," and Judge B. B. Miller on "Along What Lines Can the Lay men's Movement Best Serve. Our Church." ; All the most important questions for the Synod to settle, says the Albe marle corespondent of the Observer, UT. FUUSWT CEPWmEDT. -IM'iMUiilMHaMMWMe.-. Mi IUrie tUs;!e, ( OttS.nJf u ruatiaj Mr. A. IIUiiirUr Uu rek. Mr. It. lUckUf las par Mr. K JL Uyttf, of CiarlotU, U vihui hrr taolher, Mr. M. K. Wik Rev. J. V MiUc r, Imf. O. r. MeAI. lUter and Mr. C O. H ilir. are atUod. ir lb lutermn Srtsod l Albjui. Mr. a&4 Mr. U. S. lirdf of Co cor!f tited rtUtive her Saniay. The enuruim&eat cira by Prof. Bingham Friday r.ij:i;t ii tsach ta ed by the madience. Mr. BlsffjunVi talent at a itrr anl reciter aakc hi prtsrram very intrretiss; . " The faralty and tude&t of the la titute will pv a rrcrptfoa to tit faculty and !udrtit of-tie StninarjT aiul other friend Friday nleht tb 13th. Thi fceaur lVfd fr anl to with murh p!airire by th student .- , A very quiet election i hHd hert Monday. Mr. J. M. Shaping wu elated mayor arl Metr. J. H. C Fih-r. I). I. Barrirr, U S. Shirty, A. M. Nnvman and K. M. Dry wr elected rtmiionrr. Thee rntle men are well capable of perfonmoc their reetive dutie. anl probably no Wtter selection could hare been made. Last night was Red Men night in Concord. Not only the members of tne. order in tne city participated in entertaining the visitors but great swarms of people gathered on the streets tp witness the celebrations and to aid the local Red Men in their efforts to entertain the visiting "In dians." One thousand torches of va riegated colors had been provided by i-hc local lodge. The Red Men lined an m the Pythian building and with each man carrying a lighted torch the parade started going down Union to Corbin; down Corbin to Powder; up owder to Depot; up Depot to Spring; down Spring to Franklin avenue; up Franklin avenue to Union and down tioned to which it will go. The presi dent showed an unprecedented num ber of new churches dedicated the past year, there being three r one at High Point, one at Lexington and one at Spencer. A new church is completed at Landis, and one is in course of construction at Mooresville. THE GENERAL CONrERXNOE SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. Dry and Blake Will be Tried Again for Murder. The Supreme Court yesterday hand ed down decisions in the several case from this county, th& most important of which is that of Pink Dry and Gas- t ton Blake.charged with the .murder; aUscpiciou occaaion. North Car. yrweriowe,cwiu;- has one bishoj, Jamea Atkinji, of decision is iuai, mc . inuvuciii .uu. , again oe jwactu uu . ... i -i i iii i lit ."-- V I, mon to tw sqnare wnere jn. p- Railway Co., a new trial or- T,iiZ IhUZ cession stoppeo a iew mmuirs iv give . , , ( w.-.-. -7- . . 1 r . 1 . Of the Methodist Church ' Began a Thrte Weeks Senion in Aiherill Yesterday. The sixteenth qaadrenuial caio of the General Conference of lh Methodiot Episcopal Churrbj South, oeuetl WedueiKiav morning at 6 o'clock, BUhop A. W. VUu of Bal tiniore, Md., senior Litbop of the epia copacy, presiding. With but few ex ceptions every accredited delegate ot the general conferei.ee U in attend ance. The conference it composed of! j 310 delegate, half of whom .are lay- men and the other half clerical mem bers of the various conferences. r The msuis meeting, fa the Audito rium at night for the formal wclcota- in of the conference delegates wra j a j uc9t iiic-j auu n jri' wl' . - tt S M. A t Jfe.Av that he enouid preside ai iae ursi vs. i . i Lii general conicrtnrc 10 uvm iu mu, sion to tell several incidents in 00a- arge numbers of spectators an op portunity of gaining some fn Viott q rnip fflPA an be made t - - - - . 1 'i oirrnh 4 x.. was auirmeo. aisu , t j Indian. About twenty-five Red Men ""-r; :n ht MRA if cvp py iisnop ourv ana lD? nary o were dressed in Indian costumes and ' - ' ' been abundant. Among tne old iana Were UrebSCU IU ximiau iwiuujm i -r, nair,ol lha ct mo cnmn.tnv ..... . the nrocession halted at the ' " marks in tnis section, ne saw waea idea as The decision of Ue lower Murt in . Methodism in thia aL nn the case of Dan Forney vs. Posal w Mwa can uc uiouc au , , , m rr.-j aica . , while the -procession iniuauon . u p"" -ft"- Th. ,mIn.ncement exerc scs at ?.WhM!rr S E.izal,eth Col.ege at. Charlotte e- tonUroi thesqnar. and ..bent brace pt W i. U. twentv-five Indians with lighted -'"s " -"'ZZ, p.v t r " - , , ,. in-Ma Baccalaureate sermon, Kev. j. u. torches began to do a war dance ft 'n , , k around their captive, each one hold- uiditnen, . in' a lighted torch. Around and m- v ,f , . " j l- u, ..t flnQhin the Address before the Y. M. C. A. by XtZ the Kev OMbert Ro. May IMh, 8 tood there looking first one way and - - - viv M flt 12 . l. 4-1, roominltlV hfVVl KlerfHl lucru auuiuci, oo- i , 1 1, i n il ...... ota I O f lOCK. and amazed and auogewer ur - ; a , . im;u,v 15tu of the amusement his .predicament " o . Matat 8:30 oclock m. nlfi who had srathered there early in . .... iLi r.nlnkvntinn ID. SVL "thTon iass day exercises, May 17th, a inousanu ox yy &" " o'clock, a. m. the streets to witness tne puc u n, , ... .r.:5A; RnPaker. Hon. I"ai-..,r7lw . the sidewalks all along the course oi U ""Vw ArVv 17th. e. 8:30 ta.ndIef. !" a ,J id bank 01 " - lAfiievute vorrew the procession were "one soli humanity. The point or central w terest to the spectators was the square and all the spectators made a mad rush for this spot hen the pa- Union street from Franklin avenue. that 'intersect Rem Mail to Get Here Earlier. 1 1,., r- . -"-nviic- vuerver siaies mat Postal departmen is considering t Lvnchburo- U TWill LV. r.V;" rv,. v,nflr f school Wichita Falls, Texas, May 1. , . - o w ii in cominiLLee uj. tut i tuy .ew York- nmil will ho 1p- ,nt -epestprdav m : wed sovi " .1 Z w;rr commissions , . V " fw WUiker Prescrintions in Greensboro. le chan wn.TiT .Tv "iS i:1 the .The Greensboro Telegram publishes CharlMtr 7 tX; . K iiiil. i list of the physician, in that city iJTlcnnur? Tmnnt.Ps a- i spin ir" main-pvuu iucu "D--J --- j i i y tUC Ulu -"- " ir Guess Both Were Right. Mr. Editor: I - sec in. your paper dated April 25th, that N. B. Temple . n a M denies that statement in u oi April 14th, that there were floods' in Texas lately. I would like to explain that statement to you. There were floods in Texas at that time, but they were in another part of the State than Wichita Falls, and it is rather dry in Wichita Falls now. Texas is a large state, more than five times the size of North Carolina. Texas has an area .c o?-; ?Cft onuoro Tnil fnA "Knrth il -Wiuu j ine Mums luat wuum j i a , j ri:' 1,00 Anli'-Roan ennnrp mi ps. ! n.. c o-nots Crowds Mr. Keed and nas Deen cunuucicu uj So Texas is a large State and has a Uad oathered on the roof of buildings him since that time. Mr. Morris, ine variety of weather all at the same an(I balconies and almost every place new owner, came here several montns time. C. A. FINK. a young boy, was the church in which. Bishop Aabury preached. Capt. W. T. Weaver on behslf of the city of Asheville eitended th visitors a hearty welcome. He de clared that North Carolina cmen moroc to the circuit rider and the Metho dist preacher than to all government. There were never a claM of men who earned more and were paid lejt. Lfa declared that government could not exist without the church. Dr. T. K Ivey of Raleigh reisonded on bebalfl of the Methodists of the State. Dur ing his addrev he refeiTcd to the great moral wave which had awept over the State when by a great mA jontv she voted whiskey out. in t lw .j....L TUm em raal response was made by uisnop appy vein, saya to indent of the Char lotte Observer. On account of the General Confer ence M. E. Church, South, to be held at Asheville, May 4th to 25th., I0l0f the Southern Railway announces very. Tl, tween her April, the publication being required oM-n dpd under a city , ordinance, lhe list n n-ow'.and make No. 7 leave tained r 10 Tlllniltpc 1 51 f or than of ViP i J These changes would 1 iUhSS, wh X ne erhnWr mak-s olamad a. half. no r "'f lelav of mnif ,t t.,.- sfBools,. WJlcna:f .. . i ce that Dr. L. N. Barleyson, fofmerly "'the m'ail afres nt'mu.t ?e W8n " ' of Coneord, issued 44 prescriptions for Jm y:10 a. m. until 4. ,mUn I m .,r, a onrpp P.P.PORT. whiskey, which was th largest num .1 r . -"M XV,A 1 III.IIU Y J W JjAXlUJM I " ' - ... . 1 Reed's Drug Store Changes Hands. A business deal that has been un der was for several days was consum- .1 1 fA. V- II. ti,3 fnnr streets mated vesteraay aiierooon, wucu Mt. at thi. point were A. D. morris purcnaseu iiu low round trip rates, uaies oi swarmed with people, anxious to see More lrom -ur. uoei xxeeu. xnc be .May -'na to iim, inciasTq, the stunts that would be pulled on at was esiaousuea -. -b - nmiiea io reiurn "' ilege of an extension until June iad, by depositing ticket -with Speeial Agent and payment of fee of 1.00. The date for Paul Gilmore has beea phanfred from Thursday. May 12th to , C " v I . a 1 I r- - . - , ii . Ml A I a AAnHnaf f na m ... 1 rut. largest crowds ever gathered in we poms win cuuu.auc iu vV .- luesnay, iay lvin. citv and the like of it has never teen business at tne present siana anu f- ' iIa v. wr.0 Tith f he rjossi- Reed will le associated with him until Tm Mark Linker returned tbisv tie can secure a regisiereu mu6t. I morning lrom oowsporo wcere no at tended the meeting of the Funeral Di- There will be a ball game tomorrow and Embalmers Association- afternoon at Forest Hill Park between jjr Linker has been in Raleigh fo , .: r.Am Alkomorlp n-hprp he was luul uuaca ttu vFFwa-v c . , .lL u fs- .i Tt ro nt r hp i pnnAiwi vim cine oi iuc uiuw ri OvCi r rr t no T5i t-5 r i m i i t a uuv va. . - s. it and brings it on. This xT - VfTviMov fair sHhtly ber issued by any physician there ex Fair tonight; Fnday tair su nuy oe Wood t mail that ;. xt 3 warmer: cooler in western "Y i n uiat arrives on No. 43. and . . ' . nr winds." , , ,. ' . ngnt to moaeraie "id bring, here on No 7 the north prninj not distributed until next I " ' n T?A TTacffpr received & h vuairman vj. xu - - .tterford CoIIpo-p n,M lpffpr Tnpsdav morning from the Phil ev- Plato Durhan., of Concord -will Kelley Co- o Esmond, Va., offering llvthe literary address at he -50 Per barrel for the ten-bar-ncement exer f Pntw "Is of beer recently confiscated in wrr May 11 at ii a. m. The city--At,ls.veii pw 1 T .L" l,ne x. W. C. A. and T. M. P11 accept tneir oua. t A- will hp. iolJ.j o . , . & 8th, hv i"' S,?1 W.'M. Weddington is adminis- andihe"l trator of the estate of the late Gabriel Wler nfVeArnd by Bisll0P Warn A. ran' co1 WJ tlan The alumni Mr. C. H. 1 io issued 50 and 52 respectively. Over half of the 85 physicians issued only one prescription each. 91,424,423 V. S. POPUUkTION. First Estimate by Census Bureau Given Out Yesterayd. A Washington dispatch dated yes terday says: The Census Office today unofficially estimated the increase of population in the United States since 1900 at 15,- ble exception of the crowd that turn ed out to see the tourists pass! last fall and to get a look at the one and 1.. -f vu Before the narade last night the Concord and a team irom Charlotte. the few month preparing for aa Rwl Mpii mPt at the lodge room ana ine game ui w I r J . examination oeiore .v . Atoned o a mostXsin-address by 4 oVlock. Admission,15 and 25 cents. of Embalmed which a, held m Mr l!V Hartsell wTorning them to The following is the line up of the Goldsboro at the meeting of the fn. our" oitv- The resnonse was made by Concord team: Barrier, 2b., L. Sap- neral directors. There were fifteen our citj. ine response j a c,naB(!4u AV . i:. Mr W T T.parv of Edenton. ine penueiu, v. pw, -iappiicani& ior uccu fL Lztl nd f.. Coo. P.. cf., Allred, rf., Patter- fpnds of Mr. Linker will be glad t wuiuea uaiia piui - j -r tii- - I , . t .At,. - -jr wu I L Atlnnto n mi. i .1 -y-t . I- Mnliii at I 8 or MooresnUe. oftm. . . .'l 76037. .... ed as only the Woodmen Dana can p., . w KDOW loai "c , ' , " n1.v. rendering manv lively airs that . . eleven applicants -wno pasieu. did much to enliven the spirits .of the Miss Bessie Utley entertained a otttWino. nrwl make the festivities a namoer oi menas ai ner name aues- "w. I . m t - s. success. The Great Council held a Rev. Jno. A. 'Smith, Synodical day night, on N. Church stieet, in hon-1 Evaiijrelist of the Asociate Eeformed: cTinrtlor of Miss Mary Eurrage. The event Presbyterian ihurcb, will preach ia 3 I i: : l tr t rr.ti tt i: xne . ureai. .u " I was a linen shower party in antieipa- the Y. JL C. A. Hll at KannapoIi KTrSrSSi: VcU were tion of MUs Bnmge's approiehins Friday and Satordaj- at 3 o'eloek, jx. InJZ1? CL "re- marriage cn the 25th of May to Rev. and at II o'clock Sunday, be will: installed. After the installation cere- T. ' j ::.f.. .mfe ;oe nplndod resolutions I - preacu miu -uu TV VA V 1 were -nassel tharddn? the citizens of the city, the Elk 3ub and tne nea- of the Lord's Supper. The puMie H. L. Parks & Co. will have another cordially invited to all these wrnMS. . " tl A fieM iTnoTfeneeTwhea tha kscv; houses and hotels and the newspapers 1 paper. v are ca wn.