H John B- pherrill, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. VOL. XXXV. CONCOHD, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910 LGO t Y? , Jvio irv AdVnn i l NO. 91. iNjliTcOMMEIICEMEIlT OF I number passed out into blstorv mJ w The exercises that night were eon- ducted entirely by the CTadaafcuxr THE CONCORD PUBLIC HIGH class an1 the auditorium -was crowded THOOL THIS WEEK. Wlth PP15 to.-witness the exercises j lauudics, duu uu oue couia re sist a feeling of pnde when the dif WORK OF THE COURT. ANNUAL COICIENCEIIENT AT ITT. PLEASANT. SAD DEATH 01 A-Y0UX0 LADY. Excellent Address Monday Night by fe ev, T. A. Smoot ureauy Enjoyed a Large Audience. Snowball" Given' Sentence of 50 Years in Penitentiary-Other Cases uoaPiet Proiraase or tie Extmses Disposed of. at tbe Iiistitxst aad Sesiaary, 2Iay The criminal cases at this term of i.T. . ve tnauk the faculty of the ML Hute for an , r cases in his usual vigorous manner J lhf Institute and Seminary, vaich will fernt rentaTire; or the css eoart be pidjy disposed W would complete their part of the pro- the end of the docket is near. So- ULfZ mmm nl a fW f u-.f, 4 i ucuor lancson is prosecuting we T" w by . ,oi lfyinf- ATwisAG f tw I their seats with their last dntv to I Si.MU'SSX ' e Central p'- pf if-r f (jwua ociiuu f if Hip r o, u:'- u their offenses. It is safe to sav that V - LPPrd, J. fc. Miller, J. wv. then introduced ten sentod the scho' dilates muc h prsen to say those convicted at this term will hesi tate many times before committing other offenses that will again bring ti, pvercises were opened bv the lue Pram performed his or her ...dience singing "Our Public Part. m a manner that not. only did Lhoob" followed by a prayer by cre,dlt to-themselves but to the class .. , ,...i.a iic t t t J and to the school. 1'. 1. uuruaui. x-ivj.. u. xj. .ueniz " ; , ... them Hpfor the Kr !.. introduced the class of 1910, exercises were Degun witn the " V - mtrouutu t a xf" ftiaRa nf 191fi Jnmnr "Fr0nr0ii The following cases have been dis- rn,. .T F, Smoot. chairman nf Kur School.", The President of the Pf? r Ml i'i " ' I 1 -f - 1 . l hnnnl whn. after tnvi'no. fi I Class, 311SS iL,iizaoewi Irwin Wood- .x rww , - - -- - 7 o ' r " w A wholesomi advice, n a manner that showeoVthe eh a graduate certificate Jie4aAsmat!? .,,n:.best,ow- JS finSft ted to eac of rraduation. Trui". Leutz then introduced Eev. 1'. A. Smoot, pastor of Grace Street Metliodiat cliurch, Wilmington, who delivered the annual literary address. Mr. Smoot's address was a powerful inea lor inaerenueui, luiuKmg ana uie cultivation oi C. Peck, D. L. Ilidenhour. The following is a: complete pro gramme of all the exercises at both institutions: Monday May 16, 10:30 a. m. Con test in debate. Mount Pleasant Colle- Adam Harris, larceny, guiltv; 120 ate Institute. Query: "Resolved, iuai uaDor unions are ifuniciai 10 our Countrv. Affirmative: IL E. Cline, H. V. Fisher, Z. B. Trexler; Negative: I. R. Crane, L L Hpffner, D. C. Trexler. Monday, May 16, 2 :30 p. m. Sen ior Class play, Mont Amoena Semi pleads 90 a, d. w., incr th hrhef honor iF their- miotic I guuiy : nnea 5-io.uu and costs. upon her. then presented to the audi- Paal Ingram, larceny, guilty; enee the class of 1910. da;s 00 T0- Miss Mary Francis Hartsell read Nathaniel Fineher. larceny; 120 a naner ' "The Class. Its Past and days on the road. Frank Blackwood, store breaking. I nan iovo,T hrr ov.rv ono Mi wrfcoll guilty l 18 months on the ro ad. . Monday, May 16, 4:30 p. m. Con- ""c u.ar.0i tho .T,;cnW fiio ioc0 fmm I Jotm itusseii, larceny, smiitv: i&) v. im-wmuuf .-i. . . x. u. . a strong and lorcexul Lt.. j i.u j il. t nv n fTi rn? Auten. O. L. Flowe. IL P. Gannon. I individuality. And taking this as the ruaia subject of his address for more than an hour he held the strictest at tention of the large audience that com t.lpfclv tilled the auditorium of the school building. the day they entered the first grade to the graduating day. Tracing their Robert Burton, the nes-ro who Lowder, D. P. Whitley, J. L. Yost. o ! a I, i ., . -. i v rr I I 1C a .WJ1 ft crrnlnnl rrrowfh throng the Afferent. DrOKe into tne residence Of Mr. J. JV. I -A"uav Jiuy XV. o.ov p. IU. processesof development in their as- Patterson the first of March, was tried nual drama M. P C I and M. A. C. Mr. Smoot cent toward graduation, recalling a Monday afternoon on the charge of Tuesday, May 17, 10:30 a m. Ad number of events that had transpired burglary. After the evidence had dress before the Literary Siciehes, M. f loin vqI been submitted Burton's counsel, I " . I. .President Henry Louis bmitn, . : . i iiiiii" Liic .vuain 1UC VlOrn S JL. XlXV UUU I ' 1 -w . his address with a tew personal re- been- tbeir journey toward reach- Messrs. Williams and Stickley, sub- " marks over the pleasure it gave him to in the covete(j ffoal where they now mitted to burglary in the second de- Tuesday, May 17, 3:00 p. m. Con be with the people of this section of rppanPj the -nleasant memories sree for their client. Mr. Williams tets m oratory, M. P. C. L W. H be "ran le with the people oi this section of I , nnnnaA jQ,conf mr;: srree for their client. Mr. Williams tets in oratory, M. P. L. L W. IL the State. He then went off into! that jinked with them of the social stated to the Court that they were Uutton, O. H. iaggart, D. b. Lap his subject, taking up reason, indepen-1 evenFc tlev had attended together. confident that the jury would convict pard, J. E. Miller, J. C. Peck, D. L. dent thought and showing the good Mr wjj-'am Montgomery Shernll, Burton, although Burton strongly de- UUdennour. results that the exercise of these two fftP Pi;VPrp5 h oration, nied that he was the one who entered Tuesday, May 17, 8:30 p. m. -Exer- things have in the development and TJie ar,n to Appomattox." Mr. the house, that they as his counsel cises in expression and music, M. A. S. creation of -a strong and forceful in- sherriirs speech showed that in him thought it the wisest step to submit Wednesday, May 18, 10:30 a. m. nduality ana personality inai is tne cagg aj und an orator that to burglary in tne second degree ana I oaccaiuureaie oermon, ivev. xv. u. rai le to stand upon its own resources. wag ful y capable of delivering an or- thereby save Burton's life. Judge I terson, B. D. "The power oi reason is tne pow-1 f- ,uan',n Uh f.ho hirh stand- Pell promptlv sentenced .Burton to Awaramg oi meoais ano. aipiomas that leads us above the animal life Li p ur,e the ol bad ac- 30 vears at hard labor in the State Marshals Gerhardt Society: D. L. . . . m, t aiA .WtA.v-v, - I I T f 1 1 m f T T V..1 T T la. Hiss 2Iac Parks Passed Away Yes terday Aflersooa After a Tlrtt Weeks Hhitas of Typboii TeTtr. Miss Ma Elixabeth lrka. tke youartt dauhtfr oC CapL aai Mrs. Ii. H. Parks, died yesterday afUrcooa at 330 o'clock, after aa illsets of thre weeks of typhoid ferer. Mia i'arks wu i siadeat at Peace Iruti- ate, Ualeih. atd returned bose Tues day two weeks ago accompanied by a inuned nurse Irorn JCaietriu Her condition rapidly changed fur the worse, and there was never aad cHaae in her condition that would give hop ior ijer recovery, ahe grew rapidly worse yesterday morn in rr and crad- ually grew weaker during the day un til her death at 330 in the afternoon. Miss Parks was seventeen years old the second day of last October. After completing7 the preparatory school here she entered the Southern Pres byterian College at Red Springs last tail a year ago, remaining m school there for one year. She entered Peace Institute last fall, and has been a student there until she returned home ttfp weeks ago. She was just entering a beautiful young womanhood, and her death is a peculiarly sad one. She was very popular with those who knew her, and her -bright - laugh and sunny disposi tion will be much ir.issed in a large circle. At the very threshold of life, when its beauties are just beginning to unfold to her, she ii called to lay it down. . Miss Parks is survived by her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Parks; four sisters, Mesdames T. M. Crowell, E. V. Freeze, Lucia Parks Stephens and Miss Geneva Parks, and - three brothers, Messrs. P. B. Parks, of Mor ganton, Hugh Parks, of this city, and Mr. Joe Parks, now attending Lehigh University. . The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Firs OT. PlHSiHT CEPHTEIST. a3itxcrrx3 ar it. m. rMsT. MiM Mary IUrn. f Sabarr. wadiajf lit mrtk itV Utu Marr Ileolix." ' Mr. VA Ik-aver U Ure frwa 'Sua. Oa, ttMtis- hi ruitaSt Mr. Emsuii Tbos'w.a bary, wti in oar tow Tee!? C4et Charlr MWai d.ed to Ahru!e Ssxsdsv 1 .t the tKv!iJe f tl brother, ba u rrry Qaite a nuaber of osr tnU wot the liaamtnc Bird." Paul UiIor ia "Tht Massay aM over Caeord Tuesday's.! t &ear Mr. llarry Otermaa. of SatiiWy. in oar town this trk takia the eesa of our maaafaetttfisc etsb Itshments. v MU Haie! Cobb, who la bWu aU leading hool at the Staiaary return-d to her boat at McUaatnlle Tuesday. The manager f ht Institute ball team it making arrangemecti for m srood came of ball to b played here Saturday. He will haie oc of the be: amateur team ia tb rotate here, and a lively $rae ti promUe!. There will b an ice cream t-ipper given by the Mt. PJeataat Comet band on Mr. I. J. Foil's lawn Saturday night. The public u - cordially la-' vited. The Institute and Seminary are having their tinal examinations "Jib week and are preparing for commeao. merit. The drama this year wall be something of annual interest. "lit tle Em ly" will be presented Monday night, this i an excellent play aad will please any audience to hear it. f ORAND JURY'S REPORT. ba Recommend that a New lloor Placed in Clerk's OSc. The grand jury, W. IL Archibald, ...J no !iril!)iol5ftn TUa on. . .... .i' I Zl i- I T?.rnVirki-T "-inf T T. Vi"ct T sua vu r u, u rf quired in all its undertaKings. . Qn nnff" r " T vJrT- lWZ Prcsbyterilau church, conductedl try foreman, completed its work ycater- thropoid never changed the course of Tup number on the prosrram Burton is known here as "Snowr- Hoffner, H. M. Uaggart, Ludwig bo- y ' xr n . r J . ,:t..i kL- KmVo o Well in the for. , I un it A :0 th M,.Wt Ktvr J O ftlnvas. T Tl Crane. H. M. UCI vic. uajr, uu -hu.ku..),. u a ii uvn. vi wivw " i was tne class poem oy i.u.i& uon, auu yiuuiwij ""- i j - - 7 si, oat mail uy me puwci vj. Camm Campbell, class poet, wnicn was negro m jjonn uaronua. - - . ck u bearers: Krank Caldwell, We the grand jurors for the May has changed the course of 'rivers and well read, and which breathed forth ed a number of sentences on the road The Board of trustees of the Colle- cVruVmite Jno Porter Cloud CorL lerJ 1910 Sunerior Court of Ca streams, and cut down the forest and ' ;he tender sentiments of the in this and other counties. He drank giate Institute wUl meet in the Chapel Jfjl P?. 1? &ff VXrll 1 V...U n--nT-o I . i i r -1 ni A II! J 4Tk oAMiisa a i tit Q s At I noclav Miv It M a Tn I - I 0 r m uuut cmpiica. - . I members oi rne ciass oi j.xu. i nuuur auu mii.ca . wvj - 1910. He was especially lorceful in ex- TTprirv W Tadv.,, a declamation, lazv indolent neffro, a menace to tnis I iorting the class of 1910 to be inde- hjV jEdwin Neil Brower, was delivered race and ; civilization, and there was I nonrlprvt tVimtprs. usin inrpsen)- dav I u'.. l.: e.,wU atr on tn -win the nd-lKfflA cvmnatliv ven amons hlS OWtl 1 '7 O JkTT ' lUy4iALLl 111,5511 a . . l J a polities as an illustration of the f all- j miration of all who heard it which race for 'him when sentence was pro- ure to think independently, stating showed a thorough preparation and nounced. tnat it v.as not tne lacu oi intelligence wac delivered in a forcerul and direct P. B. Parks, of Morganton, a brother, foio wing report. and Mrs. E. W. Freejse.and Mrs. T. We have acted on all bills of iodict M. '-Crowell, sisters, are here to attend I ment handed to us by the Solicitor the funeral. THE STREET CAB LIKE. Memorial Day Obserred. -; Memorial Day was very appropri ately observed here Tuesday with exer cises by the children, an address; by T-he nsp of ihe State vs. Drv and Rev. Dr. J. M. Crier and the songs that caused men to be led to the bal-' manner that did credit both to him Blake, charged with the murder of by the Veterans' Choir. Dr. Grier's It is Expected that the Cars Will be lot box and to follow the beaten paths ana ihis class. Myrtle Flowe, was continued unui address was snort outmost appro- ituiming wwniu au ways. that had been laid out for them but .. The Last Will and Testament of next court, as the decision of the priate, his tribute' to the Confederate Mr. W. F. Snider, of Salisbury, that it wa a lack of independent the Class" by Miss Margaret ,Query, Supreme Court has not been certified dead being most beautiful. The songs president of the Piedmont Carolina thinkinr on the part .of the individual, proved to be a most delightful legal to the Superior Court. by the veterans was thoroughly en- Railway, returned Tuesday night from There are men in the various instrument and at times when she The case of Krimminger for cutting joyed and for the manner in which Grand Rapids, Mich., where he pur spheres of life whose failures are due would read out some of the wills and a telephone wire, which was tried they sang We Are Tenting on the chased the. majority of the stock of on account of the fact that .they fail bequeaths of the class they would be some time ago in a magistrate's court, Old Camp Ground" the large crowd the Salisbury-Spencer Stret Car Co., to think themselves, and turning to followed by roars of laughter if rom the at which time the justice . failed to felt deeply indebted to them. including the gas and electric plant, the graduates he urged them to stand audience. bind the defendant over to court and Crosses of Honor were presented to for his company. This is the com upon their own resources and be free Miss Willie May Stratford present- the prosecution took an appeal pn the the veterans who had not received pany that is constructing the street and independent thinkers and when ed the class gift, a bust of Washing- matter of costs, was heard yesterday them by Mrs. W. J. Montgomery on car line in 'this city and Mr. T. U. you knock at the door of some insti- ton.' In a few well chosen remarks afternoon and after all the evidence behalf of the Daughters of the Con- Vanderford -stated yesterday that tution to strive to knock as an inde- she expressed the regret that was felt was submitted the case was dismissed federacy. The following veterans re- this will mean a big imrpovement in pendent thinker. uIt is only when by the class in leaving the school and and the costs will have to be paid by ceived the crosses: W. J. Black, J. D. the line for this city, we come upon the truth in our-own also their desire to donate a gift that Krimminger. Eudy, A. M. Hinson, A. W. Neal, D. "When asked as to when the care thinking and adopt it to our own ii would keep alive the memory of the Other cases disposed of were: M. Blaclnvelder and W. H. Mincey. would be in operation. in this city, Mr. dividuality that we derive happiness class of 1910. Mack Gunter, affray; .fined $30 in- Many lovely little children gathered Vanderford said that he thought that and joy in our power to reason." Mr. M. B. Stickley, on behalf of the eluding costs. there to place tender flowers upon jt would be within thirty or forty "WpL nnf w,nf t jirw' ontiralv pliool. accented the grift, speaking Bob Ritchie, store breaking: 60 days the monument erected to commemo- davs. That the poles for the trolley ' V AAV U . T CALX KJ IV -VI V MVIAAA W T .wx--y- - - I I I - 1 ? SJ K on books but everyone should culti- feelingly of the relationship between on the road. rate the memory oil tlie umederaie nme were being prepared now. and a t the-clerk ..oftlee; .Jso that vate a friendly attitude toward them the members of the school board and George Jones, larceny, tour montns dead 0f this county large force of hands would begin work mme repairg be niade in the plastering and no man should be mastered by any the class. He closed 'his remarks by on chain gang. m All the veterans of the county are Monday in putting them up; that by n tfac hall book or man, but should have them as telling the graduating class that they The case against Fannie Jefferson, invited to meet at the court house on the time this work is completed the javnff completed all work assigned his companions and friends and tools rejoiced with them and expected great charged with infanticide was contm- the birthday of Jefferson Davis, .vhen track -will have already been completed to M we respectfullv ask that we be to aid him to accomplish things. In- things of them in the life upon which ued until next term of court. An dinner will be served them by the to the depot, and that they would jjscharid. dependence in thinkin? does not mean tuey are a Dout to enier. agreement was maue uaugnters oi me ujiuwiw. xnen pui, ine care m vyemuuu, uufc Respectfullv submitte!. and made presentments of all viola- tioas of the law that have come to oar knowledge. We visited the county home, by committee, and found twenty-six in mate. Thirteen each white and col ored. The sanitary conditions were good, and the inmates expressed them selves satisfied with the treatment. We vifited the chain gang, by com mittee, and found fifteen convicts, six white and nine colored. The convict expressed themselves pleased with the treatment received. The aanitary con ditions of the earap were good. We visited the jail ia a body. and found fifteen prisoners, eight colored and ven white. They eipressed themselves pleased with the treat ment received. Pound the building in a sanitary condition. We visited the ofnecs of the court, and find the records properly kept and would recommend that a new floor that we are to cut out books as there Superintendent Lentz then an- Hcitor and the defendants counse , are times in our lives when we must nounced the winners of the scholar- Messrs. Hartsell and Manessthat have them and days when we need ships, stating at the time that , on ac- physician practicing in this State, who Prof. Webb's absence all of is a specialist in mental diseases be without the books but there is a dif- the scholarships could not be .an- employed and examine the -aetendant would continue the work of complet Hi'tHI nocket Taken TJd. ins: the line over the proposed route. - The civil docket was taken up at ,Wen asked as to the that .i. : nn f nonrf Two the Southern Power Co. was behind es W Wpor: Anna the deal f or the Salisbury-Spencer line W. R. ARCIIIBAIJ), Foreman of this Grand Jury. ferenee in men in their attitude to- nounced. These scholarships are given and to appear here at the next term Hall, colored," for di- Mr. Vanderford stated that it was not Brushing up the Depot. The acount of the condition of the- i . a-. U fiio krT7 -ro-Vio aiTArfl.o'oo over 9d and nf iftnrf tn oive testimonv in the case. "oius iwoks ana we ao not warn, tu w " & , , i w" o . ie a slave to them. It is necessary is in the estimation of the teacher The Jefferson negro will plead insan Wat a mental commerce does exist prepared to enter me couege m wuncu lty m ner aeiense. among men and women as that is they are given. Ihe nignest average tne only way the world's ideas and among tne dovs eniiu a m d jum- Catawba College Comencement. purposes can become the common arsmp, to rne .umvcia.tj xwxbU property of all mankind. T- i ii. i- i i. ; ii.- to 5 & ! ?&T N m common who is the one who .ceases vs. Dan Hall, colored, tor di- ATxl 7 m- nassemrer station ia Mondavs isae . Divorce granted. Bessie Bar- ' JZ ffiffiThvdtd resulU- s. Felix Barrier, colored, suit for for thePiedmont Carolina Railway ow tV.inma.ter, from vorce ner vs divorce; divorce granted The case, of Bird vs. North Carolina Railway Co. is being tried now. Bird Charlotte, came over to Concord th next day and had several neroe at to enjoy life. It is the commonplace things in life that damn us and if there is any one, thing our Master emphasized by His life it was that there is nothing common. Don't wor ry about the commonplace things or yearn for the extraordinary but let your task be noble and ennoble your cask by your appreciation. - i-. m tt i . m t I wnrlr tnth mnm eleaninsf tne IjOOTS arsh to the UM?mgr oi - , inland at the Southern yard .in --J5;1?- V!t2 Vail, of the .Ution. Th, oU .tor. boro. aftJr a few day, illness of pnen- UtMedJo a reprenU of TbeTni- Called tO hlS une loai oe :wwum k--v Mr. William Montgomery anernii, Jday y, b p. m. uaccaiaureaie ier- and the one to Trinity to Mr. Alfred mon, Rev. J. D. Andrews, Uurlmgton, Keil Brower. N. C. trains. This case was vear and a verdict was rendered in favor of the plaintaff. The pendant oId nitt cooler ith tb. top icnocKed on wiiu a new one, u is as good shape) Mr. Lenta then made reference to May 30, 8 p. m. Dramatic pe, J, J JTTW S" Sf the remarkable record of one of the formance. . T!v," " VT. .fnd. She was the widoir oi tie Ber. . K"' members of the class, Mr. WUlUm May 31, 1 to 5 p. m.-Art exhibit Ttry TrL ca Meirs. Webb, for many years a prominent frrjiS. W1 for thft oast ho .-o rlnmbia. S C. Montgomery & Crowell, vv. . uar j rtmB((. "Mrs. Webb was 671 fort is made(on the part of the ea- luuc" T;n f rVnV; -si land and E. T. Uansier represent r7; " ' -ftn ftf Wnt: payees of the road to clean up toe 2Ltr. ; Wnd; a SVoS 3 and L. C. Caldwell ana i. " 5 - inter- eUtion here it wil lbe ii ubvcj: auwaou , - . . . I . r rr. 7, 1 1 TTnrcpll the ilpfendant company. single time or even missed a recitation. Hon. T. W. 5icfcett, Attorney ueneraj. - r . .. 30 a. m. Graduating J Commencement at Laura aunaeriana ; SchooL The annual commencement exercises that Vn V y P? irufl Mr Lentz stated that Mr. Sherrill's of North Caroli tha l h111 IT -S indT171?uallty her and mother desired to present June 1, 10: that will be worth while. It is your latner ana , OAwi ' i. . . .1 . .. i mm wirn a irui Liij.wui. svuwi eiciuscs. l?mt tne dignity oi your - - chairman of the school 8 p. m.-Commencement concert. auii in t nnntrn t ani TrrvTt ti -.t" in a tto v, ,& " . , HoaWl in a few well cnosen words pre- personahtv unless vou think for vour- tK)ara: V, rV, - self. The personality of God and the personality of the individual go to gether and unless your heart is filled Jith the principle' of love "and free irom hate you never have a person alty of force." CLASS EXERCISES. ef a a tn Mr. Sherrill a handsome sold watch. . .. . Miss Margaret Query is another Odd Fellow's Meeting. The Grand Lodjre of Odd Fellows is teenth and twentieth. matters not how earnest aa ef- rt of the estf clean up the V f - k ful Christian character. The inter- "op nere n wn ioc -" ment took place near Mebane this af- keep it decent. When a building has x r become old. and dilapidated and baa lernoon.. - m stood ior mtnv years wun pmcucwij nv; nw. T7-f RrvMii Tjt 1 no attention, it is imposiDie 10 ciea On last Tuesday China Grove voted jt up in one afternoon, ho inatteT , , mi i ii. : p . a.iuuii I now eieai. ' anu siuuaij w of the Laura Sunderland ocnoui lus"" .T:!, be made its size alone take place this year on aiay nine- . b, it unfit for use in a city the i i deserves special men nun. ouc ed the graded school in thev grade and was promoted from t the fifth. , She completed the from the third grade to grad l take place and on cents on the $lw valuation, and o "V," 7- ' " Lf'SS W the cents on the polL The'registered vote what they imperatively need is a new ig recently compieitu xrmajr eves . A 170 oi VAtMt passenger siaiion equai io w c tne spacious grounds of the State class exercises, mere i an. b- ; . flT - . mands of our important eity. deserves special menuon. on r T "C: 0,tW dieted Friday evenin ed the graded scnooi m ;SQtoSUte eto Vxercise. SffiC Kom gg SSS wiU be Lf fWd rade to graduation der of Odd Fellows to the memory of Met-nw Lff:U hard fou2 At the Graded School Tuesday Night Scholarsliips Won by Brower and Sherrill. without missing a This is a fine record. The class and the oth T1ia Class The class exercises Tuesday nio-ht. Lwi the. audience adjourned. ?OTTITlfl4-J XT.. . I 1 - -r-reu tne commencement pro-1 I n, r. il, . 0f of the Concord PubUc Schools Mr. Fred Patterson is spending the Uton-Salem was chosen as the next me class of 1910, twenty-two in' day in Charlotte. r v- s- was elected Grand Master, coon tht the KattlA W4L3 rv-orl- i.tnillv Yesterdav's Charlotte Chronicle: u. 1'. Jtiuieninson ana .uis w Hntchinson are spending the day as the guests or Mrs. The many friends of Mrs. lean: with pleasure tnat from her recent iu Mr. and Mrs. K T. Grant, of An-Ujdewalh. and weare-gUd to note ,be is weovenn? deirscm, s. are nere aiic"vi"a. -