K n B. Sherrill, Editor and Publisner. Joti PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. ftLGO t Yoar, T A AdVnnot. VOL. XXXV. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1910 NO. 92. , v? . ' INTERESTING COURT CASE. Case of Concord Merchants Against. E. T. Grant Consumes Sev eral Days. jve case of H. L. Parks' & Co., and nther merchants of the city against r K. T. Grant, which had been on rial fr tlie 1)351 tW0 ays Came to 2111 ln todav. Messrs. Montgomery- & OowellL. T. Hartsell and H. S. Wii- appear for the merchants and Mrs. W. G. Means and T. D. Ma- rP;; for Mr. Grant. Mr. Grant had been a resident of " i i' i -i n vA4 1o nni Inof aic'r he moved his family to Anderson, C. At the time he moved he and J;3 family owed a considerable number of3 debts to merchants in vthis city as shown by the evidence in the case, and he firms of H. L. Parks & Co., Cannon & Fetzer Co. and White-Morrison-f lowe Co. attached the household fur niture of Mr. Grant. , , Mr. Grant immediately employed an attorney and fought tie execution of the attachment papers, claiming that the furniture was the broperty of his wife and not his. The case was tried in a magistrate's court arftl sent to the higher court. - Mr?. Grant has been the principal witness all through the trial, remain ing on the stand for several hours. She was subjected to a most rigid examination both direct and redirect, being compelled to go -over a large number of items in the accounts of the merchants and state to the-court and jury when and Where she pur chased them and how she secured the funds to make the purchases. Attor neys for the plaintiff called over item after item and each time she had a ready answer for whatever informa tion they desirejd concerning it. Dur ing all the cross examination she never quailed before the fire of ques tions from the attorneys and remained calm and collected throughout the trial. There were a number of witnesses put on the stand to disprove a num ber of things" stated in the testimony of Mrs. Grant and a large amount of testimony varied! considerably from hers. In her testimony Mrs. Grant stated that she made the money to purchase these articles of furniture by sewing and keeping 'boarders and she purchased all of the articles seized with her own money. Comet Visible Friday Sure. While the comet is so close to a di rect line with the sun, you will not, of course be able to see it with the naked ye. But as it moves toward the left, ft wil get out of the direct rays of the sun, and get out of the direct rays of the sun, and by tonight or tomorrow night it should be clearly visible in the western skies just after sunset. The comet will be visible to every body until the beginning of June. It will be visible to astronomers -with good telescopes all summer long. . There will be a great sight in the western sky tomorrow night. That is the real night for eomet parties. When the comet appears just after sunset it will be much more briliant 'than it was last week' in the morning sky. Look for it right over the spot where the sun goes down and after the first night or two look for a shaft of light rising up into the heavens until it seems like a rainbow cut in two. .Martin Out on Bond. II. Martin, a prominent citizen of Gold Hill, jailed in Salisbury Sat urday under charges of incest, was Pleased Monday on bail and will be tried at the next term of Rowan Su perior court. On account of the prom mence of the family, the arrest caus ed considerable excitement-and the result is being watched with great in terest. For the Orphans. -Lhe proprietors of the Pastime and the Theatorium hn.vA mnzt. o-pnerouslv offed to donate half their profits on jne mgnt of Thursday, May 19th, to the orphans. We ask our citizens -to .ona this good deed by a full at leMance at both on that night. Spe- Ji pictures for children will be ex ploited. THOMPSON ORPHANAGE GUILD t Q infant of Mr. and Mrs. L. B y"tles died yesterday afternoon. The juneral will be held this afternoon at .nome, conducted by Rev. W. C rT111' Pastor of Cannonville Presby- ienan church, after which the inter- win take place at Bala cemetery At the meeting of the Woman's uome Mission Society of the W. N, ' Conference at Waynesville this Mrs. D. B. Coltrane -was re jjeeted vice president, and Mrs. Plato uriiam recording secretary. ington Dispatch: Rev. S. W. Beck, nw resides in Lexington, has secured to assist Dr. Leonard . owing t the summer. . Mr. Beck will SrJ his entiretime to the Second Reformed church. The weather is just one thing after Mother. .- ME. LENTZ EE-ELECTED Superintendent of the City 'Graded Schools Other Matters. At the meting" of the school board Tuesday afternoon much business of importance to the schools of the city came up for consideration and the board spent several hours in going over the "work and discussing a number of propositions that came before them bearing on the school work for next year. Prof. Jay D.Xentz was re-elected superintendent for the coming school year and a committee was appointed to receive applications for teachers when same were filled with the super intendent, and to pass-on them and report to the board. A committee was appointed to arrange with the sup erintendent a course of study for the coming year. A. committee was also appointed to look after the grounds and buildings. An appropriation of $100 out, of the school fund was made so that the city superintendent could join with the county superintendent and estab lish and Institute or Teachers Train ing School. A rule was passed that no teacher would be. employed to teach in the city schools unless she had attended this school or a like school at some other place. Prof. J. W. B. Long was elected to take the school census. PERSONAL MENTION. Some of the People Here and Else where yrho Come and 3o. Mr. -Clarence Bernhardt, of Salis bury, spent last night in the city. Mavpr C B. Wagoner left this morning for Black Mountain. Miss Gertrude Wilson, of Canton, will arrive tomorrow to visit Mrs. C. M. Ivey. V i Miss Ruth Coltrane returned this morning from Greensboro Female Col lege. Mr. Fred R. Bost has returned from Mebane, where he has been attending Bingham School. Mrs. B. E. Harris and children, who have been visiting here for some time, will leave tonight for their home in atonton, Ga. Mrs. D. A. Garrison, who has been visiting-her father, Mr. D. B. Col- ine, will leave tomorrow ior her lome in Gastonia. - Mr. Eugene E. Caldwell, of Knox- ville, is visiting his parents, Mr. and- Mrs. J. Mac. Caldwell, on boutn un ion 'street, this week. Messrs. -J. Locke Ervin, D. B. Col rane, J. W. Cannon and L. W. Bran- -der attended the meeting ot tne American Cotton Manufacturers As sociation at Charlotte yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Gibson Entertains. nn WAlnpsdav mornins at 11 o'clock Mrs. W. H. Gibson entertain ed at bridge. Twenty 4adies were pres ent and as this was . Airs. Gibson s first entertainment, the guests were much interested in her pretty little, new house, and it was some time be fore they could settle, down to cards. AftPr delightful game delicious re freshments were served anu ail .weni home feeling that the morning had not been wasted. Those present were Mesdames R. S. Young, L. T. Harteell, E T. Cannon, J. L. ibmitn, r. rh TTarris. Ed Moss, G. Dusen- bery, J. S. Carr, Jr., A. J. Yorke, F. O. Rogers, R. Reed, leonaru xwvxx, f T. riflTimm. Misses Kate Means, Pat Adams, Maude and Grace Brown, Mabel Means and Jttiizaoeiii wuxvu. Fire in Charlotte Yesterday. Charlotte Observer, 19th. A firft which originated in the barn of the Charlotte Casket Company in Piedmont Park, two nines nom from Independence bquare, igniieu r,Mrk mlant of tne vocuxauo Arfi jtr. -Mnveltv Co.. a f cw minutes lofit msrht and betore it could be-effectually fought it had re duced the latter place to a Iheap of as. including a large stock of mantels complete and ready for shipment, and. all tne except a 25-horse power motor which , i j? ATio-mfi room ai- 'was.araggea uruui - . i,o JnoT- had been sma The bam of the Casket Company was 7 . 3 which was destroyed, auu , within was burned to deatn. Mr. Joe F. Cannon -Operated on- for Appendicitis Mr. Joe F. Cannon ;was taken pi ously ill Tuesday wun t--"-" J . ... srr tot5a so rap- and his condition -7, ; n i.t.i. no-na taken mat u Ci A telegram was re ter his arrival. A teie entirely successful tne aperauuu ;actino. twell. 11 1 flTQfl 77 J W. Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. J. - a tT --r s r t -m rmimi and Dr. xt. o. j i-u tvti- diannon vvo,o x.w o n'anied Mr. Cannon to Statesville. . - - A TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. To be Held in Concord iix August County and City Boards Co-operate. A Teachers' Institute continuing fur two weeks will be held in this county during the month of August. It will most likely begin on the third 3ionaay. ine conductors of the In- county. The county board of education has appropriated $200 and the citv school board lOavfor the purpose ofdefray- ing the expenses of the Institute. The xact xnat me cuy ooara co-ODerates I with the i county board in conducting pne institute assures a much better institute than could have ben main- tained without the support of either, Let every teacher who expects to teaeh or who hopes to rt each get ready for the institute which will be held in AuCTst. It will be a great opportunity for the teachers of the county to strength en their powers as teachers. That 'New Passenger Station. Statesville Landmark. Concord has been after the South flm no.. -p dentlv the trail is hot mfwyp fwfpy Aatu, idti uttuij i uo nail ia ticn-iui; a Jlttic I nTom Tiir u,T u i and clean the old station. That is fT vw u nnA o ; I ili auu uiaac suuic iiuiriuiciucuta uu the yards. If the Concord people keep knocking, they may see the plans for the new station in a year or so. A year after the cleaning process began J - " O X 3 I tion were exhibited. The work is yet to bejrin. " . Gastonia is also after a new station , and a delegation went to Washing- ton to interview Southern officials. Speaking of the visit to Washington the Gazette says "Gastonia's need of a larger and better passenger depot will be met and, it is believed, met promptly.- President Finley assur- ed the Gastonians, the Gazette con- tinues. 4 4 that the road would build a depot here with as little delay as possible. 'arid that it ?would give us the very best . structure possible withtin the limits of an expenditure that is reasonable, as viewed from the amount of business at this point. f j.i xuc uaiCnc .? , " . v promise its faith in President Finley i , , : " , , , , wax and wane. When the boutnern promises to do something with "as little delay as possible" it means wi 1 1 snirer neiore manv'iuwus suau any old time or never usuany me iax- ter -unless force is used. unairman uuiui oiiuo. 1 TT A C5: T1!! a .S n 1 i s'hi 1 rv correspond eitt of the Charlotte Observer, speaking of the 0UAt,mn nf Jno A; Sims as chairman of the Rowan Republican committee savs t'rv, firct hnftinftss transacted ai- ter naming a committe on resolutions was the election or a couniy cnairiuau . .. 1 . . ..1 j ,o i?oAnt.nfr vniftfi Mr. H.11U w Jtuuui -i"" o John A. Sims, at one time sheriff of rrtV o;i V,o wViPUTiorsft of the TWnblican party in that county, was ehosen for this position, mr. cmna has been living in Rowan only about 1 . . . ... 1 r O : four months, but he is a shrewd poa- x:- a ,n',cr oiwpntahlA ' to both lie lil IX iuu v1 factions of the party in this county i 1 lA f he was unanimously cleric. . Commencement at Laura Sunderland SchooL TVia MrmpnrAmpnt exercises of the T,c.na SnWIprland school will take JL.'UiK VV1UU1Vivvv- nirP Thnrsdav and Friday, May ix and 20th. On Thursday evening at q Airv TiA wiAital will beffin, ar l on Friday evening the annual class ex- will take place. The f ollowing members of the music .We w 11 take part in tne. -recital to- morrow niffht: -. . Misses Myrtle McKnight, Bernie Estridge, Virginia Morrison, Sadie Litaker, Isabel Morris, Varilee Par- ker, Blanche Cook, Winnie irieze, Loula Cook and Loma TrulL - Rowan Republicans. . nrv,a T?Aminlian floimtv convention r Rowan was held in Salisbury Mon- for State Chairman Sp were all endorsed. John A. oims tto3,ci tuuV cuuii iiia.ii, a.LijL mo . ,uvm" - xx- TinTYiinatiftn oi county officers "was postponed until July. Delegates were elected 10 we StnA r!nnrressional and Judicial K- 4 W . y conventions. Misenheimer White Sulphur Springs, We call attention to the advertise- ment on page seven in xms paper uj- the Misenheimer White Sulphur Sorins. in Stanly county, wnicn re- cently passed into new hands and have J s rry, been ereaxiy lmuiuvcu. mwc xo i .. . t xi, aw stituie nave not been secured but it is flowing with visitors. The exereiMs IaVor of the 'plaintiff this tnorsi. tfy.vi tse pumoa rr a tit um the aim of the authorities to have one Monday were more largely attended IL & Co., White-Morruoa- union brrf, wlskh ha aia of the best institutes ever held in the than anv vhiohnrpWn nnArv fnr Flowe Co. and Cannon & FeUer Co. boat all of oar fwfnc, ;U& better water anywhere, and the new afternoon, some few remaining until -T.-X.1 arrm nrtTY,TT,rYiljinn Thnrsdav. The Institute and bemi- ine notel ill give every aewaaodaonmy. to guests. The prospects for a fine sts. The prospects for a fine there this year are bright, and tter place "for recreation' and season rtA Tpftoi ' Tll. 1 npaixn can do aouiiu auvwucici 1-. m T JJ J t. , COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES AT MT. PLEASANT. H. A. Fisher, of Tilth,. Wins Medal in Debater's Contest Other Notes. The commencement exercises of the Institute and Seminary be-an Moa- day mornimr. Oar town i now over- the last fW Yire Th PTeplUnt nirw rram which was rendered vestcrdav mak it PviAnt Hint Vita trill larger attendance Tuesday. The first thin" on the pro-ram was th Ah9ir'a nt0a ;n n-wh members of the Freshman class of the Institute participated. The young men ut nn tnnd nrnimrnt. and with the talent of a debater. It was a lit- tie hard for the committee to decide who had won first honor but finally a decision wa rohp vch'h o-- fr TT A FJclia. ToUu o-ui ,41 and 'honorable mention to Mr I R Lrane. of Newells. ;Vt 2:30 in the afternoon thi Senior class of M. A. Seminarv m'rPSPntAd "The Chaperon to an overflowing house. The large auditorium could not accommodate the large crowd to seats some conM not pf in nt nil The play was very interesting. Each of the vonn? ladip won rrnlit V.v " o j Dia vin z ner Toie nenec 1 1 v. lfie declaimer's contest by students o tbe Institute also came off Mondav evening. - The vounsr men acmiittpd ' " 1 themselves well and showed their ability as declaimers. The medal was awarded to Mr. J. L. Yost, of Salis- P. r ri. Y . liarmon, of liar- 1 -, secona nonor. ao: me annual arama was pre- sented which was much appreciated ii . n i mi - . y wc auaience. in is was an excel- ient piay and all played tbeir cbarac - wvu- Tuesday's Programme. The commencement exercises Tues- day. were more largely attended than those of Monday. Everybody enioved the day exercises very 'much. The address to the literary socie- ties was delivered in the forenoon bv Dr.: Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College. Dt. Smith's address ,was mneh appreciated bv the laro-e audi- ence. It was filled with inspiration from beginning to end. His subject was "How to Rise in the World,-'" I aiIU uc VYtli uciuuuoviaicu., mo main principle bv which to rise: I x x - . wnipn were. ener?v ana eon ration. ' o - The orator's contest was held at 2:30 p. m. by the graduating class of the Institute. The orations were well composed and all the speakers Had creditable productions. The young men delivered them in a most credit- 1 l 1 i i 1 l - AT ame way, wnicn was pieasang xo me audience.- The judges ' awarded first honors to Mr. J. C. Peck, of Mt. Pleas- ant, and second honor to Mr. W. H. Dutton, of Richfield. - I iiuuicuiaicij vj.tKWA. test tnere was a Daii game on me am- letic ground of the Institute. The 1 A A . i ntAn ' An m A ATTO. an11 i itram irum Ainugwu '. v",tj' "" nlaved the Institute bovs. ine firame i 1 - was a little slow, though very enter - I taininsr. The score resulted in a vie- tory for the home team of 12 to 15. 1 4 l O .OA 1.1- 1. 1 UTT 4-K elnHfints ai o;ou ine rcuwi tuc of expression and music of the Semi- nary was rendered wnicn am creun, to the vonn? ladies for their most ex - I c . . cellent entertainment. The exercises I ,T.rT-r nf 4Ual jyAa-f -nrViTrVi wonld T1p&S - nsm vi mai viuvi i.u.vu r- ed almost anv audience. , - Wednesday's Programme. The commencement exercises ot tne closed Wed - AUJKllUhV UUU v" -J nPav TWe has been a larsre at- UpndahAP Mpt this week than has been an of the eommencements hereto- fnrf, he baccalaureate sermon was hri hv Rev: K. L. Patterson, oi Charlotte. He chose his subject irom tw nmAtPPnth verse of the twenty- sixth chapter of the Acts. Mr. .Fat- terson treated his subject well, and all ,were ipronted by the excellent ser- mon geverai hymns were sung by the choir and audience. After the sermon Prof. J. H. C. After the sermon Prot. J. n. u Fisher presented a gold medal to Miss Grace Williams, a member of the sen- 1 - o-.:t --Tia h-vino' ior ciass ox me ocuuuaij, received the 1 'highest " f; UJCUK. X 1VJ1. VJ. . the young men of tne institute wuu had won in the respective contests, Mr. Z. B. Trexler, of Gold-Hill, won . - . xr a i: i ine senoiaTsniD meuai. were then presented ciaes oi we iwo hisher and Prol. Cluster, announcements were made by rrvL. AiftAHistPT. one to the eneci that ' . i ; school would continue at the lnsti- tute another year, just as bef ore, ana ------ - The audience was then dismissed Dy we ueuyuwwu. JNeany ail tne sraaen C.Tionia loft frtr tlipir homes in the --- - - . . x:i affprnnnn. com a few remaininsr unxii nary nary have 'had a suc ceul year , ana it is evident that the next ses- sion will be more successful. F. i Alt VlAO!?Tlfr siav. IS. ' - - , - GRANT LOSES HIS CASH J cry Deliberates AH Nii.t iz& tarns a Verdict Axiirrt Hia this! Moraiax- After ranaiiinz 'oat :nce yesterdir rnon about four o'clock, the jury ln lhe of 1L L. Parks & Co, r, l- l- Orant rt turned verdict ia attached 3Ie property of Mr. Grant hen he moved from this city to An - -Idersoa last vear. for debt h and hit family had contract! daring their tenee in this citv. . When' the arms auemnteil to execats th tachment 'lupfrt Grant foaht 1116 ease, claiming that the fanutare belonged to hU wife. The case his been oa trial for the Past hree days and there waa a M316 number of witnesses called on to testify. Mrs. Grant waa the nria. I cipal witness in the caa and rnt several hours on the stand testifying 10 now anu waere sae secarru we furniture. She named over the ar- tides that belonged to her and in- practically everything of value at was seized. A piano and ewing machine were the most valuable ar- ticles attacUed but in their verdict th faHtoaward these to -Mrs. Grant, although they dui rive her a i , . .., ; ... r . uumun imuts Utuj sue wuiw "V7..1? lucrc.was no cviwacc suonuueu coairary vo aer ckuid. The following is the issue the jury , j , j . had to decide and answer : . . If the interpleader Mrs. D. . uram iiie owner oi vne propny . ner amua.u, or any par, mucui, u r-. DOX cmna, one cemer iaoic, wrec vyv imw uAho i iv Ana a vr oncmn Tania ""V u jT va. "i - jwuiu. .v, . ox aaMi . ': . , .. Vf J."VX ;V3f 'fffi the ".L. Z Mtet wm tli1; tb waS uu' , Y ,t . . I rcU wm or uorptis. t..j x nn 6uej a wrIfc 0f habeas corpus on W. R. Whisnant, the street car conductor ot i;nariotte wuo iorcioiy snatcneu k: u e I ii lo uauj iiuui tuc aiun vi io uivw i . u gv. T?n;inwr fn n xrrt ill L lie uuuiuciu uaiinai svauvu iavu- jay mornin while the mother was awaitin the arrival of a train which wag to take hex and the child to Ox- fonj it was made returnable be- fnrp juAr& peii at Dallas. Gaston pminrv. Mnndfiv. At that tinte the I ? . . . I unrf wi 1 dptprmine the proper per- fn havA th raariner of the child. Whisnant was also served "with sum- : Avnrna rmwedino broucht by Mrs. Whisnant. , i "Xiie uhariotte vDserver says ui m co. pu"bnc sentiment appears to be i much with tne pretty young motner in ... . . i i n Z Uu T act Msv ftr a div of i tuo 1.00c. J- - . 1 domestic strife, beginning with the nf frc " WhUnant AnA end - - ith a farious struffjrle in which I a . . ... i . i a A. her husband attempted to rear-u ouv lf her armS) 6he had him arrested or disorderly conduct, but througn 1 iml.:,,i;h, full Pv.deneA was! I n tcvuuiva-.tj "-" - - not gjveb and he was allowed to pay I . i . mi - ik. .uiAn1 itne costs.- xneu camo w -uf wron Klnffirt the depot oo- hiceman with the. claim of official authority unsupported by any pauge 1 mA mr AT Ip-al paper, he seized IVX. w Q a 7 Uh "hild and bore it away in an auto- mobile, leaving the mother to weep anj Wail over her unsupportabie loss. Tt said that he took the child to Clover, S. C, where he is from. He ha returned to tne cuy. vruenv charged as tpe ground tor divorce. : McNinch Nominated for Congress. Former Mayor Samuel S. McNinch cotte was nominated for Con- - iu t.ki;i i.VAt at th . Shelby yesterday. tl0 0QeTU hj C. F. Mc .B1iA:w TwMMt Tft was hcvcaa"" cuuul""o r V 7 -rV rrmW onnosed bv J. r. neweu Uho took the floor and made a stir- rrAwH (Tfiinr 1L. lairWUUWUfc that the Connor appointment f'thin that the EepubUcans nld nSn give their tacit con- should. not even give i i i ttt. thi -motion oi jxjt. i seiiL lu. mi.u to tne graauanns , pnt fore the conyen- at the cemetery, w"f V"' -u ProfJiNeweu s v xt I v tr,(c,0 mttnr of the First Ban- ?rZJ Z": tion. all of the counties as uwry "-r rru: xr nu jvicAiusiex. i, : ainabetical order voted tist caurcn, oi - nxeiaiied in alphabetical order i cf nntn Mecklenburg bx " "r. VAii otv A. 14. nnfil 1 A W I PT1 nn IT7 Hdo reacneu ut" witharew nis motion in deference tf manifest h of the convention. reach ea wneu-, - xhe resolution wim us cuuuiu. i f president Taft, Cnairman Adams and tie jst was aaopii nnani m0usly I J Southern Baptist Convention fk in Balti wnix more, enaea w?. t' a freatnmee Jacksonville, tFla next year, THE PASSENOE2 STATION. A Uuer froa Ocural fr Coapsua ca l Ssbjcct. I A fe 4ar aj J. it, Kitmll, cbair I t traauwrtalkia csuttt of tht lc3l,pa Mw CJah, iwu to l!-tW Ueaeral Maarr 3 r aiseni - it!?, tzxig Mal 11 t the iatesiion to i h1' t k Corporal ioa Comsu. on regard to tht matter uatil th Stkera had bcrn fa ily a4trb4 aa4 Pven x? opjwrtaaiiy-io act ia th "t. rrpiv wx r. cJ1V(xl TueUy o?rnm? frwa Mr. ,-oaP:Iia, Mr. J. It. berriH. .Chainuaa, Unitrd Citiiera Cab, Concord, N. (X I Iar ir:Yoar leltcr of lU lta in:aat, enelokin tvv? of pctitioa I sijraeI bv the buinr mm of vosr city and aJdrcCAl to the North Caro I no vquraiion voairoiwaan, jn rt pard to qaetun of pawnrtr atatioa. has been received The plan incident to carry in g oar double track through Concord, and the necejwary. improvement eonnect- tiierewnn, nave not yet been luuy determined, and you appreciate that until such time aA the plan are fully i . . . n w- j uv a ,a-r . The matter will be given further earnest consideration. Yoar trulr, E. IL COAPMAK, General Mmager. ... , xaorrow. i . . . Iter. J. K. ttbenk ami family Lar been here for several day, and wiU leave tomorrow ior tneir new borne ia Greensboro, where Mr. bhenk baa ve cePted the Pasiorat oC Itherta Parsonage on South Ashe treet. Th n?toro ? and his work: The Rev. Mr. Shenk is one of the? strongest preachers of the Lutheran and the local CMWfflU tion is extremely lonunate in aecuruiff his sendees at this time, when so man PlaM are . wi 00 tot Lutheran expansion. . , B : , r . : , fine lot on South Ahe btreet and eon- . . ., . . . l icmwiaw: iu? nnuvu v. , - . . . . , . 5urc uP?n. l m tl: D.?r i"111,1 church is Occupying the Sondav "hopl 1,00111 of tbe -hmtian churcJi "f1' anu ai n urL,ul ,u " buuamg next ounoaj me iny. ar. Shenk will preach bis nret sermon. . . . ... the Comet Ddni t 1UU Ua. There were many hundred comet searchers in the city last night, bat the tail of Mr. Haileya comet. It kcius, " ..v.-- ..- tne interval oeiwecn ine nru auu earth, consequently it did not brush W a n a VIA vrtfit mr rmwtT". i us auu mc.c v w- I And the earth continue w oo uai I ii 1 mi l n ess at the old stand. There naa 1 been predicted by acientistf metono showers, electrical disturbances or ao- I 1 J! l.. Tl.n Vi wl von l 1 rorai aipiaj. iV-' v"- , very light, but it was due -woolly to our ancient ineno, ino moua. Our people were jrreatly interested I , . i . i today in a large ring witb rainbow HinK tt Vi 5 Vi a rrMa rpA Around the IQ3. " w.v.. . T ' and many eyes were xurnea oa iw. is more than probable that the come. j 13 responsioie ior . WorJc oi tne vxjuxt. I . The ease of the Orensboro lioiier arHl Machine Co. vs. u. u. carriiter, rs ni was taken up at the morning e- Ljon 0f court up to the noon hoar the case bad not oeen compicicu. iw company claims that Mr. carmex mirehased an enzine ana Doner iraa them and has not paid lor it a com. ing to the contract bewteen tbera. Mr. Carriker has a counter claim that the ensnne and Doner were noi aa gow be and decuned 10 pay ior this ground. It is hardly probabia that this case will be concluded before 11 I a; ftrnn wu.k Mrs. Meek Dobie died at 12 o'doclc tion. bhe was yeara 01 leaves ber husband and two cdrea. She was a daughter of Mr .J. W. Dn- Z" nZC win Va nlaea todaT . . i ci. ic uixix "... r - ' I A Aliilil T" x T).(lM!Ati virTm Vinil lvv ait itooen ducisuu, nx.v x aQ '0Je of The Times office sine , eJ bt years' old, left this week q accept a place with tne aeamaix Printery at Durham. He is one of - the astest anj most accurate compos itors we have ever seen, ana, 11 TP ATA A imposed to bet. would back him against any printer in North Carolina - anywhere" eUe for thes two .0- a fenU. at F . See The Tines fox Job Printing. . . J i .1 K IfMf V. 1 1.