t i B. Sherrill, Ekiitor and. Fbltarier: john PUBLISHED WEEK. ICO o Year, X Advnno. J VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1910 NO. 2. TWICE A J OHNSON STILL ALIVE. plTT HBGLAR RETURNS. ;,tizht Some This Morning by Pa- Big Black Champion Not Assassinat or and Mr. J. H. Dorton Has ed as Reported. Working in Cotton Mill in Washington Herald. Oiarlotte Not Very 'Much Im- Jack Johnson not killed jet. AUTOMOBILE DEMOLISHED. i CHRISTIAN; ITfTTynAVOE. SO CUTTY I AT HEAD OF MOVEMENT Fast Vestibule Hits Machine Which! Stnck Just .After Crossing. Train No! 38. the New York and .New Orleans Limited, was late Tue To Prerent Exhibition in MoTing Pic- tnrs of Johon-Jexie Fight. Telegrams received here state that messed With His First Tnp and lany anxious inquiries, and other day evening, and the cause it was there is a wide-spread movement all hadover te country to prevent the ex l.fc Tronble and Publicity His ot so anxious, came to the Herald of-Uoon learned, was that th train ?! TTas Caused, nee test night about the reported as- struck a bi-' automobile which had hi"n the Johnson-Jeffries fight h nrui.w - - i i cooottintiAM iu. u:M li.i. .1 1. . . retui who have appealed to rw'nfl "I wi-"- -.-r r 11 n 11 tt 1 " : . t i car was a namDier. Rrwi fwunnren trains on no. o wi a rraw xiagier, seemed greatly-relieved when inform- Prof Cha, Ifortv. of th v of Hce Chiefs, fieyoan? son ol mr. iarnan ed ihat the rumor was only a rumor, tho State .University at Chapel Hill. Resident Taft and the Governor of rfiv from home ten days ago, rather and nothing more. The car was oceumed bv Mrs Hertv. every State in the Union. Tho com- m - 1 i. r-v r Arkaia tiam tAn -r-v in ii , . 1 . : i .' , suniau, iu wupwu xux y- oome 01 tne questioners snowed bv "1V flnnirir r.a ttt. .nnt many owning tne nnta to snow tne .ileitis. Mr. Hesrlar it a their tone that they -were disappoint- and Mrs. Herty's two sons." At tlje pictures is believed to have spent a The "I'H . a miuioa auuars. I Mavor Fitzrerald. of Boston, an- v . .a ju . .' I 1ft M'm-miHillB 111! . I I X I 1 I I 1 a r-, w 1 oec:i -w . Wlie was oamenngiy 101a mat "Jmo, it .was about 6 o'clock just after "ouncea we piciures mm noi o ;a .whore he had 'secured employ- Johnson hasn't been killed yet" and dusk. There were two care running exhibited there.: The chief of police pn: on his arrival in Charlotte. He became somewhat flurried over the nn- together, the other bein onid bv of Washington said the same. A tele- i ImmpdiatelV ' tor Charlotte, ac- pmptp1 wnnliaciB nlaond 4Ia cmP.hr. t n r i t:" Umm from Vow Vnrt Vp1np.lar.l ic.. : , -r i. 3 I z. .-.wa.o uu oui.- tur, u. v,., i aeur aua xauuiy, oi iiu-ir- - -v.. . .)s;ianit-i uX .u.. ouu "uo snowing yiai ine sauy nad carried, eolnton. This car Lad passed the 1 as ioaows: t-an " r j.vj - it was a peculiar commeniary on crossing, whicn is on a high ridge and -lur, vui u. iucic iially IK-atea tne piace wnere ne was the deep personal influence of the fight very difficult for automobiles. The world-wide movement against exiiibit- kLir.un? neai.xue mni, auu ju. xur- witn Us awtul aDDeal to tne rabid Das- second mt opnniv1 Tiv tiA TTprtvs mg moving pictures oi eunewoan- S)a ,v( lit into his room and told the sions of a large number of both races, choked down just as the car crossed s01 bght. Secretary bhaw, of the bv that - they had come to Charlotte These queries were received well up the track. At that moment the whis- Christian Endeavor Society is leading X1C icauuj olccu mio me nignt, and even in tne eariy tie of the fast train was heard, and luv muemeni aainsi me piciunrs. . .Uu TVT. T4-U 1 I i j i r ,i . , , .i l . . ., .. . . . it. : ii.: . : :u the the OCCUDants of the car unloaded fie 1S fiuug m coaiaiuaicauoa u themselves in a jiffy. Everv effort ities all over the country. Seven was ouicklv made to rmsh thp'oar out ve already prohibited the pictures, of the train -s wav,but it could not be and many others, including uaieign, bndeed. A ftistol shot was fired to Atlanta and wasnington in tne soutn The greatest oil well in the world warn the ensineer of the train, who have taken preliminary action. In the meantime nuns or tne ngnt are neing brought east from Reno in a special ear, being developed en route. Till they reach New York Friday no decis ion will be made by owners as to the method of fighting opposition to pic tures. It was declared today, how- re: a:-: t Moving Pictnres. ;ome. wun lur. onon ana ms inours today further indicated fiti er..- nify 'h iu mc miii -wucie general spread oi tne rumor. r,a buv had been working and drew V m; and after spending the night Greatest ' Oil Well in the World in -i (iiarlottc they returned home this orr.ii The young fellow seems to be in g'od health but declines to js the famouse Lakeview geyser, in the heard and understood it but too late i' l 1.1. vAwi Anin T-kn-f" ii Ti tiAt liio I -ir -1l n. i i i i I i -j it l li t taiK hi ins cAi'ciicutc, uui uuimS inc. Maricopa neia oi central -oaiiiornia, to stop (tne train oeiore nitting tne oonversation he intimated very strong- which has been spoutins at the rate of machine. The car was struck and !v that he was not very highly elated 50,000 barrels a day since March 15. pretty badly damaged. over the .experiences Jie encountered soon ,win be flashed on the screens of The occupants were not touchedin oi hr first trip away from home. thousands of theaters and playhouses the least as they, stood to one'side . Tr'is needless to say that both of tbron'o-hoiit thft world. imnotpnt onlookers at the destrue ns parents are overjoyed on account Recently representatives of a mo v- t ion of their property. The engineer fver .on,. &ood authority that there Af-t'fip return . T of their son and his in m'fttnrp.-mnmrn nhotooTnnli t.h hi soon n ha was able brought his is a likelihood of a legal battle in the f-rnpr stated this mornins that he felt o-rnt o-pvspr Rmnloviw wctp. shown tmin to a ston and the crew went back! endeavor to get pictures into the confident that he would have no fur- at work, and to make the scenes to render any possible assistance, cities which have barred themes a re--tronble keeoins: the youns man at rpsivmhlfl tliA parlv avc of th jmont- Nntliincr pnnM bp done an so Mrs. suit of the race riots which followed home. The young fellow seemed very er as much as possible, long rubber Herty and her party were invited to the prize fight. The" president of the ' m'wh humiliated over the Wlblicity rnta nnrl nrinlianpa witb whipb thfi boa rd tho train for home. Thev sDent moving picture company is on the iven his disappearance and refused army of men fought the big well for Tuesday nisht in Greensboro en route train with the pictnres bat his attor- : . . . t.: I , i i . . i TT-n .mi i I nAVe hprp 9ta invptirfltino'. to talk to any one concerning rms ci- days and days, iwere 'brougnt into req- to unapei mil. ine car remains uesiue .: n. 0. jerieaces. ' , usition and much f life was thrown in- the track awaiting orders for its dis-J tw oittnant i MT. PLEASA2JT KTWS. Mr. D. D. Barritx Selli His -Store II Tc'- ia Coscssrl lL T'.txixx jL HarrUsx. Jaly W As- ((Mr. IMitr: ITltr UI 'W a rra : fr IattUat st 'KuxsV 0 rd lliniibsr:, J sly 2, 30 s4 As-, 1. I tAll tlsk 4 ry t'mikt' t &otir t 4 ia jvr Jpf i&4 tall tW atttatiaa f-yar. frfr rA4eri :."t th iarjrtae of at!di in tbt iaUilaSr. Thrm b- i4 in cntciioa itth lb Fnstr Is titul i Woa Isttitatt (irrtUjhl over by MiM Se:t at Mil VU Mat, , mnd Mr. Hutt, at Canard asd Har ribur?. Wo35a Iatthat"are OV is exjeriatf bat ar rrctrdfrl by ;thoMf .bo ar srwt fAXi!If tba of a or ircp)rtaaf tha lb inktitate for men. It U t ti o' afst inititatr bos csditUs r diaMsi an! tspntfa,il ttj l$led that tea4 la the Wtitr ralti of the faaaily aad to other ccrt:;ur,t tht will twin butler eouat It-r. for oar cvbiUrfo. TU. a; lift lis home i tbe rt thinj eftt.T t brin Uat r4n tent meat: aa4 "prtcr ijy on the fna. At the Women'i Iattitatrt ir oilcnnj a prfnani oi 5i.w lor im Wt loaf o.f. bread bail ami exhibit'' ed By a girl or oran living on tb farm. I hali be ' did fr yoi t an nounce t hit throa rh yoar paer,. and if you will app!ement that by offering a fubcriptioa to your -paper, for tW second premiam it will be bhly ap- previateil. Thanking yon ia adtanee for yoar kindneii in pablifhing a notice o the institute!. I am, Yoars verv tralv, T. B. PARKEItv I Director of Farmert Institate. Chanxt u LiTtry StabU BlcycU Acddent UrL "VTtiih Dcizx WtU After Operation PcrtoLal Kotts. j Oae of the b:ret sclera ' day farir wa euaipieted Ul Tiariy utm property. Tie tcoata oz Jube is bv all 4J U:e twf cia'l month, a period wbertia all Ker: art eaal, ta that th?y very of izu world godi aad what Uey do have U of poor quality. It u won derful hea e!coLse to tciak aboat that so oay-people. in the throe of abjert poverty during th xaoatb of June ihould poe suiSdeat recajer- alive power, from a material new point, to live through aaotber year. And yet they do, gttin poorer ai the years go by. Our soil and clizaata produce wonders, when We see two dollar hogs in June develop iata jwander till Christmas, twenty dol lar mules raUe another big crop, fix dollar cors overstcck the market ita butter and so on'docn the list. And looking ct the proposition from another-.direction, what a striking Con trast between insurance values and tbo-? for taxation. Mr. D. W. Muliu has purchase! tle grocen- store of Mr. D. D. Harrier and will conduct a grocery store at the samer stand in; the future. Mr Bar rier will devote his time to his exten sive farming interests. ; A business, change has taken place at the Fisher-Foil Liverv Co. stables whereby Messrs. F. W. Foil and P. II, Moose1 will have charge of the busi ness. Messrs. DeBerry Foil and Thorn ton Fisher retiring. Miss Grace Miller is visiting rela tives in China Grove. A message received here yesterday evening says that Mrs. Mary Ella Welsh, who underwent aa operation in , Charlotte last Saturday, is recov ering nicelv. Her many friends are glad to learn of the favorable condi ions. , STILL DEADLOCK IK nTTIL to the scene. position. Exposures of the remarkable petrol eum geyser were taken on hundreds of feet of film. The sump holes, oil, pumpin I or After the above was in. type, the maehine was brousht "here, and it is not damaged as much' as first re- Judicial Convention Today. Quite a ffbod delegation from Ca barrus went to Gastonia this morn inn: to attend the convention which - , . ta nominate a solicitor ' plants, picket stations, and in fact, ported. Messrs. R. M. Odell and Eu The convention will be. called to or- J; - fla -:i.mit tne lir0nertv was gene r Earnhardt went to Harrisbur .der at noon in the opera house, by Mr. A. L. Buhvinkle, of Dallas, chair man of the judicial district conven tion. The first ih'ing.to do will be to effect a iemporary organization, elect ing a chairman and secretary. Then a t'omoiittee on credentials will GRADED SCHOOL MATTERS. everything-about the property Was brought into the pictures. Wednesday in Mr. Odell 's uHup Prof. Black Declines Resolutions of Respect to Memory of the Late Superintendent, Prof. J. D. Lentz.. At a meting of the school boardgunday in China Grove lesday night Mr. W.X Black, who Mrs. Sallie IMisenheii some time in the national capital look inz after some real estate deals in which he is interested. i Messrs. G. F. McAllister, P. A. Moose and Miss Ethel Conine spent . . i . . ' i n . i .The .tta-ihSH here", notifiede fcard that views ox tne greatest on wmju "-- --x 7- - 7 c' li Iplineil to areert the nosition history of theorld will be the big- Odell drove the wrecked car to Con- or-ticont tbft California oil cord and it is now in Bogerys garage, f gest advertisement the California oil The as de- I 3 ill il. .a. mnA.'n Af i, i, nm ;fl affront n-j tliA It is the ODimon 01 tnse too saw we , , - ... , 0 . 1 1 inuusii v , wmvu ii.wi c nuvi."0 1 . , , . , . I nosrn ' " hft I - ' . 0 I - 4- TTAnki.A. V, o if nras ct-rnflr 1 UUaiU. ' - I off nnf nn -F f.ha rtrhn o -arm-ti . ;hnc PVP.r Ciii Uh iiaiiwuuis tuat - "- cxv- . T . ; . o r , nmo1 f n Hf of deleo-ates "L,'c"VAV:ii VJll 7' " V u fi, fV. nnnn THa KniiV -miss uiui rosier, oi ooum, varu- "dmiu i'uo rppeived. Heonie evervwnere wno j vj- v...0. r r oa i foJ faof, f f Via ;o-f.tf, i ;t -iitr . .mill seat of the car was KnocKed iree irom ; , , " , . , . ... ;., . liaVC UCYCl ODCil O.U Ull U6Htti . I . , to the convention. ..a J.-; in the graded school at Abbe- leuuumuus-.---- of all oil Wells without, having to mere are uiuer -p Vi. g C. for seven years oraer. - U-.-T.i an00na nf m be fft v pw t. macnine oro.Ken dui wun me auumuu i " n v w j ..jianf XTr. -T. .T TTrt- liavA t"v,uo""uo vv- -ef,;.! 1 a grraauaie oi converse .ouege. ne loiiowiug reuiuiiuu v pa;- ffrade. She has been teacher of this Abbe She is I sell of Concordwill be made perma- Nyg Memoriai to be Erected at Jack- the car will assume it's former ap- i(-nf otiairman nf tVlid r-onVPTltlOn. I m n .1 1 I hnorono fr hfld TIO trouble son xrain.g oc.pu. k?"" -- . - - The Bill Nye Memorial committee in making the. tnp to Concord as there aoointed at the recent meeting of the W ? Mr ir , ri i- t A:f: frt running works or the machine. Air. North Carolina Press Asn to d the -Hup- on the formulate plans for a State Memorial came through with a to the humorist, met m Salisbury last . R night and decided that the proposed PerIect score memorial shal ltake the form of a 3g0 Third Withont Nomina- building at the Stonewall-Jackson tion. irainiuj- cuuui iu ..x , u. aa it :oO O ClOCK. iuesuaj 1115m. m- iient chairman of the convention. The Charlotte News says: Mecklenburg bas two candidates in the field for tne office which Solicitor Clarkson has so ably filledMessrs. F. M. Shannonhouse and. D. BJ Smith, of the Charlotte legal fraternity. : Oother candidates are Messrs. U VV. Wilson and A. G. Mangum, of Gaston. and C. E. Childs. of Lincoln. The fight in Mecklenburg has been Smith 20 Third district Democratic congress- iue ngni in aieca enouxg , u hnWn savs the Salisbury excessive v heated. Shannonhouse and , T r,-i-.. v . 1 nM w 4 nnrAT . I nu ? .1 ur fi it. iriM r mi .1 mi? t. I.A. mnal pnnvPtltlfm at iTOldSDOrO WSS in u. "u 1. rrooo .n a server, ine ouiiamg suau com, -wu -t ; -T '69.36. Cabarrus gives . iu iiw o . . - , deadioc. no nomination na.n bmitn xo. k , 1 4. j QT. frt fiiA been made after 380 ballots. rv,f 3 OI. 1 1QQ1 iW.UUU aim SUail w iuiUtu v.w i n -r tt 'vit-a aim ouauuuuuuusc .. . . ,1 ;cf:fntin na a rpr- Un tne last Daiiot ureorge j. juuwu, . . Jl. ' ."'1 v ojxub B UeSSd of. Goldhad a slight lead over wii ana amitn ii.uo. . f Charles it. Tnomas, present mcum , li.e candidates and their "raters- "--.ff 'leave Charlotte bright and early to- edTtof The Salisbury Post, didates and . at that time there -was aiorrow morninsr. ' . Julian, editor oi ine o y . likftlihoo, of a nomination. The r,. c '4u, .:4. f.w;fi,.M treasurer and aaaea ai. ... j - ---- - - 0. L. Barringer at the head, are ar racing an m a big auto paraoe, w icni - r . ,. ns the fund for seph .tdve nere in the morning ior uas-rr r : ---- ,A. tfi'-i?.i ir- 4.uf nM .rteei the . memorial o!v k0 Af uaan ntpr for Asbeville Citizen, v "v vucu nave utfcu v.. . v . rhp , , Raleigh News .'v.. -ii i ?-1 r.i .i Wilmington Star. Mime win oe leu uuiuiucu - . . . - fnnc tn the fripn.lc 0uu, .cnn-nto to s6- active campaign for raising funds to - "".iiuo V VlCUVl fcv v- - f ure the victory. The outcome will be waited with onee Jfcurie-.TnliTicnri HVa interest. ? , w . . - ,- rf., ... . i i iron en rpr m ji i itri l ajui. t- -- v.y i A r. bmith's constituents wun-r. I. . . , . rru.LanrlfitPc sta? fipor?e Hood, ot inger at the head, are ar- Am ' aUttA tie fol- Goldsboro; Charles R. Thomas, of inspiration to his candi- JPcJo . Craven; J. M. Faison, of Duplin; Jo ,ig auto parade, which.ll Marotoa da to re Robinson, of Wayne, and Ru- I t i i t- ? ' a T Charlotte Observer, doipn uuny, oi ooueb. Salisbury Post, and Observer An earnest and and tVU L 1 1 V;UlUaM- CJ erect tne memorial will .be begun at t P to the time of going to press to uay - no action had been taken by the ouvention. Our Car Line Cost $500,000. Charlotte News. Mr. T. H. Vanderf ord, of Salisbury, is in the city today closing the con tract witn the Southern Power Com- Curtiss Flies for Ten Miles Over tbe pany for'the power for the street rail- Ocean, way whicn ms company is consiruct- Glenn Curtiss .went. to sea in his jng in Uncord at a cost of $5M,000 uienn -uu Ail n.. mOC!jQV The cars will be booked on to the aeromane ai .uauw vitj vj , . . v i ai.mu. n avi I i iiii n r I ii i u ii r i ajuiuuui a iimvj by the board: Whereas an omniscient Providence has seen fit to call (from his earthly asks our friend and colaborer, Sup erintendent Jay D. Lentz, therefore by the Board of School Commissioners of the City of Concord, in regular meeting assembled, be it resolved 1st. That we are deeply sensible of the great loss the cause of education in general and our community in par ticular, has sustained in the remova of one of the strong educators of the state. 2nd. That we place on record our appreciation of his matchless ability and untiring industry in building up the schools of our city. 3rd. That we pledge ourevery ef fort to advance the cause that lay so near his heart. 4th. That our heatrs go out in love and sympathy to the bereaved loved ones. .. ' 5th. That a copy of these resolu Still Holds on and the End Is Kot la SUbtr-D ark Horses, v . At midnight of the second day ia Mr. O. A. Barringer is spending tije battle of ballot- in the flftb con- . r: gresiional district the enl it.no near er in sight than. when the rtt ballot was cast Tue4ay afternoon. Std-. man still leads in the balloting but' his' strength has fallen down to a marked deT from the showing oa. Misenheimer has gone the oridna! vote. o Misenheimer Springs to assist m There i a tendency toward a d ar'i the dining department during the rush horse. Just bow far Xhh Undnecy for the next, few weeks. ; r rw Tnn i8 a matter of conjecture now - Mr. D. D. Barrier spent Sunday in but th. dark horse Is .a strong feature Charlotte with his sister, Mrs. Aij E. and'sbme of the tmngct raea inth , Welsh. t district have been rnnning in. ' Mr. Fred Morrison, of Spencer,! The strongest attachment yet earn spent yesterday here. . ' last night at 1 o'clock when on tha Mrs. Albron Peck, of Concord, is 150th ballot Mr. J. A. Ingt of Rox. visiting her mother,. Mrs. Heiiig. I boro, received the solid rot of tb Miss Nina Nussman and Mrs. C. F. delegations from Person. Durham and James have returned (from a pleasant Oranjre. This cave Mr. Long 79 vote stay at Misenheimers. i The applause that greeted Mr. Long' Rev. J. P. Miller will leave in a few voe indicated that many of thf.del days for South Carolina and Georgia pates consider him an available maa in the interest of Mont Amoena bera- to break the deadlock, inary. - From all the prospects now In sight Arthur Green had the misfortune to it is evident that Mar Charlei Mf be thrown from his bicycle this after- Stedman carried bis full strength with noon iwhich resulted in a broken arm. him on the first ballot and the chance Dr. Moose set the broken limb and he for an increase at any future tim is reported as getting along nicply. during the convention are extremely Mrs. W. A. Elliott, of Charlotte, remote. is visiting old friends here. This was . j Mrs. Elliott fs former home a number pejjlOcK STILL OK AT 2 P.lt of years ago. Mrs. Kate Foil and Mrs. M. A. Foil are eruests at Mi?H?nheimer. !rrs. Joe Arthurs, of Charlotte, is visitin? her Tarents. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. W. Eudy. It. Pleasant, July 4th. Greensboro, X. C July 7. Tho deadlock in the fifth district congreiH ional convention still connnuei, In ability to get Gui'fnt! solid vot for Stedman, the leading candidate, appears to make bis nomination al most impossible. Convention ad- 1 1 A 1 .Ort 6 . .11mK. mmX Dnsty Amazons on the WarpatH. VK ... . nn A.:t, frt Delia. Bost and Charity Jackson, T,o w5nf, nlMati two colored women of the city, were fa appointed committees to wait on irieu iu lire . kuuc ?- , "- the candidates and enavor to rao LID U JKi "-J I r. .1 T- ft, L .1-- T Bertie' County Nominates Folk for evening. In a glorio-of ten 1 lCon miles he won the distinction ox ueu5 - r I UI, "i Vr. to course over tne uru ssateiu is cuipictc, . , . bilt's company will oegin worii uu President. , TL'e Democratc in Bertie county at the first bird man convention massed resolutions open ocean Klorsing Hon.- Joseph W. Folk, of TbrouTair currents as swirly and' the line. from Salisbury to Concord , r .r .v. v,o ,wr,treA in which iriU be a part of the'great in- i::o fact Triflv -nnf. bft known that his spectacular flight tne ay un for president. . - as incay as - 7 Wnrl terburban system- which is soon to UlS spectacular 'TV twtwna Pipmont action Henrv B. Folk, of Tennessee, he drove his plane at a .speea wmcu f;if,M. ,p -p'n. .B---fwa rMfid a -mile a minute, at times, al- r.o -D..1- . . . 7 i ii v. 4-t,i nnnrco .hPiTiw Tinmeasureci. ncp LiG viuuiitjf, leaving tucio &. , . TVio e was twenty-one years old. He was no official time could be taen. .ne - Hhdent at the Oak Rid.e Academy, aviator feels that his machine has been a Winsf Pleasant Honso Party, Miss Ruth Coltrane is entertaining i rf 1 1 -l f of fii nv t?,m A io.m aviator feels tnat nis mcuie ua wcura numoer 01. ner scnooi maie- 4. Li li r irv iLiu n 1 .'i.iii,m a - . . - iha. 'info TTn-n nnv tt,; Unt. to a final test. The account it Greensboro Female College at a house iC. L XXViii X 11,4. illi. O.J.1.UJ. J J X 1 ll I , . r. 'I n 1 i i i iiira f h nrnm I t il, C lf,ono Ploonnr MVP at 1 1. sP I T nils 'Iliauc ociiv iiiv uiv-. 1 TiMfL V luii nccn. iuiasco j, ?Co TYinortant achievements during Vann. of Franklinton; Nell Pender, cf 1 y ; . . n the meet. Uurtiss is reujr xx ureenyme, ana rii;nitj icivcm-u, uj. thin and the fWright men are gomg Goldsboro, Arrived last night and Miss to fight hm fori every record ne tries ciara Stanton, of nigh Jfomt, arnvea lor. on. Jeffries Back to the Farm. James J. Jeffries, whose great ring career came to an end when he fell ;)t?fore Champion Jack Johnson Mon--'day, has' left the scene of his defeat lor. his alfalfa ranch in Southern California. this morning. Miss Annie Laurie PrwVpt. hane,, warrants were is- . . i cnlJpre ;n the temoon. ine prescuce is --issued to the l36ff,mJfi? trane 's attractive guests has added a iD-rc' liome at Raleigh last vee. , A A i i: t new ,cnarm to tne wti . iio u ThPTP In tVla rminf -P lita AnJa lil r,-tTi i . . I lit. nllAirra fhoco fn I try to torget. In the meantime, The commonweanu city ana they yall be the recipients of He will spend a few days in San Fran- fellows $6 per anum to b lr Such social attention during their ciseo, on the way, straightening out the sum being paid each quarter in . , lis business affairs. amounts of $1.50. ' stay here. l tb inrderlv ron tions be spread upon the minutes of ucfon-the sUeet yesterday. Charity this Board, that a copy be sent to the jacfcson Was fined $10.00 including the family of the deceased and that a costs anj Tjeila Bost was fined $3.00 copy be furnished the press of our anj costs, making a total of $95. city. Charity paid her fine but so far Delia - - H. I. WWDHOUbL, hag been unaDie to raise the necessary M. B. STICK I rY, 0:n an(j :s renosin? in the lockTrD." A. S. WEBB, Ann Moore, a negro woman of Pine- Committee. anj was tried on a warrant charg- Repnblicans Joining the Democratic ing her with assault-with a deadly TianVs weapon, bhe and Charles bcott, a ne- MooresvUle Enterprise. Sro man, oecame invoivea in a oispuie ,r T T -d ' VnAwn yesterday and the discussion came to A f h-3:.- - abrupyt end when Ann jvuua luaij. v i' ta an rhonned a larsre size slice out ways more or less amnatea wun tne , Ci " a cmnn Republican party, yet dividel his vote h ?Tf h was fined Slo.OO when balloting time came around, last Vk "" ' l Saturday atte nded J htoe' Cabarms Personals from the primaries and voted for all the btate c,,; , and county ticket. Since then a rumor . " , u t a. ff.f ffiaf Mr. I Air s. ueo. idk went to -oncora Perrv had stated that he did riot in- this morning to spend seral days.. tend to vote for the Democrats in ine xtajr acuv, Vi --w, general election, and in order to re- spent yesterday in the city taking in I il I ., a . a . a n 4 y r "-"I rv lwA lieve the minds of those in doubt, Mr. ine ceieurauua ? iuiuw ui Perrv requested the Enterprise to this morning. . . . state that if he lives and is able to get Miss Opbia Barrier, of Rimer, Ca- to -the polls on election day, he in- barms county, is spending a few tends .to -vote the straight Slate days m the city visiting rclriiyes. and county Democratic ticket. . . tt i J Rey. W. N. Flanders, of Hendirson- F.firn" will have nar on sale again ville, passed through here yesterday Saturday, 25 pound bags at $L33. mornxng. en route xrom causoury, Thev have also hundreds of other where Mrs. Handers is in the Sana specials, whieh takes a page to enm- torium. to his home. MrFIanders erate. They have at aU times ais was anvuig ui ui u-v ui prtP. TIipv have at all times also was equipped roth a complete; camp- many specials that are not aavenisea. mg ouiui. some arrangements whereby deadlock may be broken. ; Little Mary Elisabeth Hill Dead. Mary Elizabeth, the 3-jeic-oll daughter of Mr. and Mrj. Charlet Hill, of Winston-Sra, died Tiiter day afternoon at 'I'Ui .)clot. She bad been in ill health for a year bat bejr condition k me serious- cvorat days ago and for the" past few days very little hope was entertained for her hecoveiy. Sa had ttiited hero on numerous occasions who her pa rents rthe home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cannon, and was a beautiful and; attractive child and, a decided favorite here. 3Ir. and Mrs. J. W. Cannoi, Mr. end M'rs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., M:h Laura. 3rcGill Cannon and Messrs Ros anl I Charles Cannon are in Wlnstoa-Salem to attend the funeral, which will bo held tomorrow morning. National Irrigation Congress. Mr. Editor: The National Irriga. tion Congress holds its ISth sessioa in Pueblo, Colorado, Sept. 2G-3i; i91Q. As chairman of the Board of County Commissioners I am requested to ap point five delegates from our cin. to attend this congress. If any of; our citizens desire :o attend this ccn greas I shall be glad to appoint them, as our representatives and they will kindlv let me know at once. . " O. ED IvESTLER, Chan.

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