PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK, -John I1.CO A Yor .0 In Advano. VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD., N. C. MONDAY, JULY IS, 1910 5. 13Stierrill, -Editor and Publisher. Oil IDE no CHOSE ON 58TH BALLOT FRI DAY AT STATESVILLE. Lead on First BallotMurphy t Opponent Convention in Love Feast Resolu te the tr; Closest Opponent Convention tior.s Regarding Death of Col. Paul 3. Means. . ; ; ' ..-..htii district congressional : convened rnuay ai t?c court-bouse at 'States called to order by Hon. KlutTz, cb airman of tbe dis .icc, wbo called Capt. E. act as temporary chair "n. II. Clark, R. A. Deal and 1 temporary secretarie A. many times a delegate to National Democratic Conentions. 'That in his death his party has lost one of. its most loyal and devoted members, his State one of her bravest and truest sons, and his friends one of tbe most lovable of men. "That the secretary of this conven tion cause this resolution to be pub lished in the Democratic press and send a copy to Mrs. Means. (Signed) J. P: COOK, It. A. DEAL, . A. D. "WATTS. THE STATE COfillil ALLEN NOMINATED FOR JUDGE . OVER MANNING. r. 1 j.. At a meeting of the Cabarrus deler jgation held before tbe convention, an organization was affected as follows: L T. Hartsell, chairman. ... Member of committee on permanent organization, T. A. Moser. Member of credentials committee. :5, T Ti CV,r.ll le a snort but vigorous XT. n . , ,, , -, . . - 1 . ! Cabarrus attended the convention. Mr. fM-ell also made p, ringing Murphy 's 'delegates were, of course, in -which- .at- "c diilv annointprl .icorrtinw tn ttaP , tainly be redeemed this year, j ctrength of his vote. The other dele- ri!! .jnad H.'.'V;!! t.hat: he was not a prohibi .; " iViiiocrat or an. anti-prohibition gates were divided as follows: For Caldwell L. T. Hartsell, J. B. j),..n,M-r:iu not a gom ai ox a sherrill, C. W. Swmk, Campbell Cline ;t;;;er Democrat, but just a. plain an(j Johnson. Dcin'-'crar. i - For Doughton R. C. Benfield, A. B. Committees on credentials and per- Cleaver, T. A. Moser, John Howard, manent organization, were appointed, j. -p. Dayvault and J. Ed Cline. ' a;ur the convention adjourned to meet i Notwithstanding the fact that Mur at 2:30 o'clock.. . j phy had no friends on our delegation The convention assembled prompt-, his strength was given him on each lv. The permanent organization com-j vote as long as could be reasonably expected. Internal development and improve ment tends to the up-building of any citizenship and me take pride ia the progress that has been made under Democratic -government in tbe build- of . - r ' -rr t n: . v mittee selected ur- Jr Ui jStatesville, as permanent chairman, and R. A. Deal, of Wilkesboro, as sec retary, with R. R. Clark , and J. B. Sherrill, as assistants. Death of Mrs. C. P. Walter. Mrs. Christiana Elizabeth Walter (nee Rodgers) died at her home in Every county in the district had a this county, July 13, 1910, of neuritis, full representation, and there was no at the age of 58 years, 4 month's and contest from any county. Nomina- 5:6 days. She leaves to mourn her ting speeches were limited to 10 min- death a devoted husband, two brothers tites and seconding speeches to 5 and many relatives and friends. The minutes. Alexander responded through day following her death after suit J. H. Burke, .who named John L. able services by her pastor, Rev. C. Gwaltney; Alleghany, through W. C. . A. Brown, at Lutheran Chapel E. L. Fields, named R. L. Doughton; R. B. Church, China Grove, of which church McLaughlin named L. C. Caldwell for the remained a consistent member till Iredell, and for Rowan John M.' Julian her death, her body was tenderly laid named Walter Murphy The speeches to rest in Greenlawn cemetery in the seconding tbe nominations were made presence of a large numer of rela as follows: Caldwell by L. T. Hart- tives and friends. sell; Owaltney by W. C. Newland; Death of Mr. S. A. Rich. -Mr. S. A. Rich died Friday morning 3f ri roll v b v La wrence Wakeneld ; l)mirl,fnn hv T C, "Rnwio and E. X. J 14 i. J I (, v W k w Lovcll. at his home on South Vallev street. liallotiiig was begun shortly after Mr. Rich had been an emnlovee of the ! o'clock. On the first ballot the vote railroad company for many years and tool: Doughton 1L2; Caldwell 24; had a larsre number of friends among Murphy S.3; Gwaltney 42. the employees all along the line. He For about fifteen ballots there was forCed to give up his work ..:t the clianjre. lnen iaDarrus ana station here several months ae-o on account of ill health and his death was -not unexpected. He is survived by a wife and several children. The funeral was held Saturday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the home, after which the internum: was made at ft Stanly, which counties were net in- ostcd iii the judical fight in the 13th trict, hcan to seccaw their votes. Cabarrus -voted 10 votes for Caldwell, 1') i'ur Doughton and 7 for Murphy. Till vote was shifted, each of the three-candidates receiving all the vote Koekv Ride. Lee Chosen for Corporation Commis sioner on First Ballot Flatfona Adopted Last Night-A Hamoni ous Convention. The Democratic S'tate Convention of North Carolina met in , the Char lotte auditorium Thursday at 12 o'clock, and was called to order by Chairman A. II. Eller. . Mr. Eller made a ringing speech, and introduced Senator Lee. S. Overman as temporary chairman. Senator Overman made an eloquent speech: o atiiaing the 'issues oT ihc campaign. Senator Overman received a great ovation, which gave another evidence that he is the most popular Democrat in North Carolina.- Com mittees were appointed and the con vention adjourned till 3 o'clock. When the convention ' met at 3 o'clock Hon. Walter E. Moore, of Jackson, was announced as permanent chairman. Nominating speeches were then made. Chief Justice Clark was nom inated by 'Hon. Jas.-A. Lockhart, and his nomination was seconded by Judge R. W. Winston. He was nominated by acclamation. ' Associate Justice Piatt D. Walker was nominated by Hon. C W. Tillett, seconded by Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz. His nomination was also made unani mous. Judge Manning was nominated by Victor S. Bryant, and the nomination iwas seconded by Cameron Morrison. The speech nominating Judge W. R. Allen was made by Ex-Governor4 Aycock, and the seconding speech by Walter, E. Daniel. The vote on Manning and Allen was then taken, resulting as follows : Allen 52G; Mannin 434; Allen's ma jority 92. Mr. Foushee, manager for Judge Manning moved that his nom ination be made unanimous, and this was done. For corporation commissioner the vote was as (follows : Lee 527, Graham 313, Pearson 126. Lee was declared the nominee. It was moved thai the nomination of Lee be made unani mous, which was done. y O'ClOCK p that the committe on platform was not ready to report. At the night session the committee on -.platform reported through its chairman, Hon. C. B. Watson. The platform was presented by a unani mous vote of the committee, and was unanimously adopted by the conven tion. The platform in full will be found below: ' - We. the representatives of the 7 . mg-; of--roads and the extension mean of comtcunicatioa and trans uortation all over tbe 'State, and we particularly approve of the work in this behalf by the Good.Koad As sociation of North Carolina, We recognize the great growth and improvement of tbe State along ma terial and intellectual lines under the policy-of the Democratic party in tbe supjKirt and maintenance of the com mon school system of North' .Carolina, and the pledge of the party hereto fore made ' of a' four-months' free school in eery district of the State has ben .fully, met, and we promise t lie continued support and improve ment, of the public school system of the State and the extension of the same to the institutions of the' State for higher education, to the end that the,e ijstitutions may be placed upon a permanent basis of extension and maintenance consistent with the growth of the schol system of the State and the increased population and demands of her citizenship, and we favor in the schools of the State a more liberal instruction in agricul tural training and the encouragement and development of the agricultural intertests in such schools. The supervision and control of public service corporations is a well recognized right of the Statefand na tional government and we pledge pur selves to the enforcement of this right in the interest of the people of the State consistent with fair and just treatment of the public service cor porations, and grant no special privilege to any person or corpora tion. Monopolies. j Private monopolies are inconsistent with the growth and development of internal affairs of the State and the liberties of the people and should not be allowed. We are opposed to illegal combinations in restraint of trade, trusts and monopolies, and favor the enactment of such laws as will make their existence impossible. We condemn the unjust and unrea sonable discriminations in freight rates against the towns and cities of North Carolina and in favor of the PASTOR FOR STJ JAMES. Council UcAniaosslj Kosisatti-'SUt. C P. McLinxUia, of PtnrjjlrxsU. --. At- a meeting uf the etvjncil of St. Jame Li!hrsa ehurcb. htll rUr day. Rev. Charle 1. Mc!-a!;'.:::?t f LMrrdalr, Ia .''wa-s ur;at.inHVJ,lv -en- To U tl . : ioT a: r. Mr. M c 1-3 jz h I i s , 3 s be r a j ;j hree ek a, and prtWied tv n.or.s at t. Jaaiej and all who heard biaij ere ally I!tai wita lu:n K:h a a and a ircacher, -and tit' cudrieti.eM of the couiK-il is the raH of the xWxl, .- The con r Ration tf $t, Jatnc mett S m lay, July 31, io vote 0:1 tie council nomination, anl no Mr. Mcl called as T!tr. Mr. Mt l.aair::h"u j al 't;jhl n:;a:-aioUs'v age.and hi family ronsi and three children. If is he will accept the call when tendered him. and if so be will move bis familv Conconl about October 1st. ut 30 year of t$ of l.i wife probable that The convention then adjourned till' -Clt";s f other States. o'clock p. m., it being announced e pledge ourselves to the fostering auti tncouiageuuem ojl an xcLxuxaLe of the countv on different ballots. On the 28th ballot Doughton came Mr. John W. Cook to Manage Jackson Democratic party in North Carolina, within 4 1-2 votes of the nomination, School Farm. in convention assembled, rejoice in l)llt nn llio npvf r7 h.nllnt. bft fell r t v the call occasioned by the coming 1 iiv.iw i I 1 I . t I 1 I 1 V f WW. IT H LA. Ill Wl I u 1 w FOREST HILL NEWS. of Reidsville, "v:,v i .'i'.vn a era 111. f election, and the opportunity ot- iriiii niiH 411 lilt- I'll 1 v 1 , Li una : .... n h;dlotinsr kent un until about nnJ' BMM,f i,e;flcB mon fered to lift up again in the .midst 01 rt i t :i mi v.. 1 v 11 i i .. 11 u 1.11 i.ji.i 111 x 1. i . - . i .ti'o'clnt-k without interruDtion. except- r,l fow QWof the. people of North Carolina the ban- w-n a'delesation woild ask to retire nm 01 a Tf.venn Tmini.n-o- ner.ot the uemocratic part as a sure ... . ... I I JUl 1 111 11 M.LV U . . - l1"" ii'l' ;1 few , , OCllOOl. vooiv -xi u a ancauj cuiwcu ... . , i .On 1 m. fi'fv-oia.lii)i , nnllnt Tmio-h- ... . i - fnilin? . ffiiide of their prosress. and .i l v 1 11 l 11 iJLiiAv u w -1 - r n niinin r in.' ri ( m va- ftiiwii 1 1 i 1 1 i i i ' ' nominated the vote stand- -r,w xr Wtor we reaffirm our allegiance to the - - IlLl Hill' iiUIlC ULH Jj.uiiuu.1. aw . . . , n n . . . . ir hi;: )i.nvMnn 1 .8 r0 ATnmhv t .iti..--l." cardina Drineinies : 01 uemocrauc . i seiecilOU COIUU ae ueeix xuauc,, auu - - . , -.1 ir n i- i,of government ana couaiumie Uiose wno xvii.ow mi. wua .Av-i - at. -u. r. i: , V, . ,4- TeODie OI -Noun axuima uuuu lilCiXlCIl. LUC 101U1 . .' -i 1 3 The store wlse progressive and economical au- bal- Mr. minutes for -consultation. tv-eisrhth ballot -jjougn. h'ughton 158.50, 10:!.."(I. (';, I, Kvnll nl A -ffHV Jots before this the name, of '.viiltncy was withdrawn. Messrs. Murphy,.' Caldwell and y all made eloquent and ring- "z speeches, pledging the nominee 'Ift-u; heartiest support. There was no bitterness- and consequently there are Jio sore-spots .as a result of the con ation. . The. ar"l Wat ansa' voted solid for Dough the enterprises and developments that may be located within the borders 01 this State, and in the administration of the laws nO legitimate enterprise shall be injured. "We condemn and denounce the tariff policy of the Republican party as enacted in the Aldrich-Payne bill, and we declare the same to be the most iniquitous tariff burden ever placed upon the United States, for mulated in behalf of sectional inter- n . , -i i i -l - ests and tostermg tne irusrs ana com binations of the country at the ex pense i f the great mass of the peo- let and vv spited of the promises of n TJei ablican party that prosperity would follow its adoption, we call at- entioii to the present commercial condition of the country, its idle fae- ories, Mdustries -and unemployed op eratives. , We denounce the extravagant and ti t A r-r IT' 1 i-'O TYI Q T of Mr. Cook, in No. 4 township, will r'-"vu .T nOTnn intuit since tuc iciuiu ui i"v jvuw TIT 1 A. A"U MnAnln y-p excursion to Asnevme. i , --t:- A, .. An excursion wil be run from Con- onn Larouna .. ue 1 dllu.IL; cord to Asheville on Thursday, July 28th. This will afford a good oppor thp siippesss with which the affairs have been administered by the Demo counties of: AlWhanv. Ashe - fT. rt f- cratic oflicials ' and the clean, efficient -ILllllLV lO VX&ll, UC Jiuuiucuu " I i i U Qft n -f, T n rino-U nf ana econoiiixcai tuuuua ui tnc tt v ci y bixitiix com.. ii. v. j. jjiuvi. . i ii . mnnaa-Pr of this PY- uvci"ut"1' ilum --j - --- -- . hi i A I I II I II 111 IJUV CI UI I lie uciuutiaub jAi anytime doubt about Dousrhton be- ti,0 foro fnr thp rnntid lVe nomm. He made u stirring tri onlv $2.75. C. H. Peck u look i vvi u accf nnni" t hp nnminnrinn nnn . .i... il. 'I c V; -it- ... . 1 - j - - lnsr.-aiier itie iutwcis ima .-i en an ovation. liiOl'e WIC loco ' ' i.tii11 5 n r ' in 11C11. ln on: every ballot, and Wilkes was Faith N - is ear'.v s,llld for him. There iwas never " nT1q .aeiiv dij ('0nT.-l I 1 rv fl-iftv r.vnr tita TiriTTrt fxrrY .wiuuu tn a ii tiiiv vvc uavc cvci ,r- There' were no wrangles and here and can give you any informa- lt. tv. and we-reaffirm the declarations of our party upon the questions of the extension and improvement and uo-buildimr of the internal affairs of 1 i - . . the State and the institutions pro vided bv the State for the care of our rr-:u '1th JJ-.tiiL' convention. When it was seen Dpughton had been nominated, M before- the ballot" was announced, U'ghtoiL's friends went wild. -'howan sent a solid car load of dele--jU's to the convention to work for -'iuiphv. They marched up the street -roin uie depot in solii phalani, .each la;i1 j aving a-Murphy ribbon pinned .-Tiie ?rerislh of Doughton on the was 12G; several times it 1-30 and upward, some of the -lions rotating their strength - the four impartially. -' -1 tl'e fifth ".ballot was reached ;1!-'-utakable that a nomina ' ' t: not be made soon except in withdrawal. Mr.' Mur , -'( pr oh one harlot,, ran. second "Ci t!rae, iGwaltney third and on V;1 Caldwell reached 119. J ' 'llowinj? vpcnlnt O -j yst.xj MO CH.UJt G convention Lv a. risino- vnto. 'solved, that this conention has ;'' with profound ''of Col nZ0 for many years a "i-tne &tate Democratic exec "ve committee for this district and Wo Ipam thai a iarse crowd of boys citizenship, both charitable and edu occomnlo VATV da.V ATI the Central cational. and pledsre ourselves to the . .J -. i . . . I . . i:. -L.-iij:-. j j graded school grounds, navmg prize conrmuaiioii, up-ounuxug axxu unci ttelits. etc. Naturally sucii gatnenngs opment tnereoi. . .." ... I IU IT 1 ill.. result in denredations. and tney are we pledge ourselves to tne, con- hurtful to the srrass and trees that tinued development of the-internal are a source of pride to tne people or artairs oi tne state; to tne contmua- r!nnpnrd. These ffatherinsrs should be tion ot tne policy or education wnicn stopped. We like to see the boys have has been carried forward with such fun. but when there is an indiscrim- success under the Democratic ad- inate Catherine of boys, colored as ministrations; to the further develop- vp white, there wm DQ some meni oi locai lmprovemems . 10 me nmnno' npm Tpnnm nrfl reckless enousrh. maintainance of the institutions for the insane deaf, dumb and blind and to the extension of these institu tions to meet the demands upon the State and the needs of the unfortu nate who require the care and main tenance of the government. ' We iled-'e ourselves to ihe conlm "sorrow" of the Paul Barringer Means, 1 A ' to do injury grounds. to the building and Mr. Hornbuckle Preaches at Forest HillReception at Mr. Wright's Personal Notes. Rev. J. P. llornbuckle' delivered a strong sermon to a large congregation at Forest Hill Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. Hornbuckle spent several yearsfn this community before entering the ministry and many hearty hand clasps were given him by old friends and companions. I Mr. and Mrs. Will Wood, of MS Coll, S. C, are visiting at the home of Mr. Jno. R. WoodJ They will spend several 'weeks in the city. Mr. J. C. Keller spent Sunday m Kinss Mountain with, home folks. Mrs. H. C. Raimer has returned home after a visit of several weeks at Wrights ville. I Mrs. C. R. Allison, of Hot Springs, N. C, arrived in the city Saturday night and will spend several weeks with her father, Mr. J. "M. Burrage. Mr. J. A. Lisk, of Mt. Gilead, spent several days last week in the city wjth his sister, Mrs. SJ V. Stewart, on xsorth Church street.! Mr. Martin Eudy, of Charlotte, spent .Sunday in the city with bis father, Mr. II. D. Eudy. .Mrs. Cornelia Mills has returned to her home in the city after spending two weeks in Spray with relatives. Mr. Eli T. Goldston spent several hours in Charlotte last Friday after noon. J Misses Pearle Wash Sherrill, of . Charlotte, day and Sunday at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wright. Saturday night a reception was given at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Wright in honor of the visiting young ladies at whicj a nnra ber of invited friends were present and spent a very enjoyable evening and snent Daiy Satur iKstmrrEs, tli a: Cetccni Js!y 5Ct3i aid IlarrUbtLrf Aaxzn ..Isi. ay' JaSy-30, a4 At iLtrruVirj: Mfta' iir Aurut I. At thre jUm lt. dlt :U1 "iW W ItU aa lttiu? f r AW sirs by MU M; I. Th jrcU vt. ih? iztv.iuu art- httnz -sjr that hy ti:.ay brvs-, txUT:a4K- iJEai.:;lel aa dta'k'inrr 'z..o;iht.&e: -r.i;eAi ab! tH-.Urr sf'K4 ' pfrrantxjj ti.erii. iu.'f aa;tatiK, 'U-.c.fru;t. aaa wivsi -4;ir'X unais: : e tttrtii f r-aditor.t it rural' f:if mry raliin-i?, the ..itf a -41116,: of-'ih. ion:e and La-o irH-;i:inrf ., ,-ctc. pra tirl dcaiontratiia j;j trji can ning by Mr. A; B. Shaw, AtiUltat Horticultunt!. Every woman iti'th county should i-ee tint des;onst ration. n interesting program hat btea pro pared for lhee - tcertiAjri. A premium of $1 -will be gien (cz the best loaf of bread balod and ex hibited by a girl or woaiaa litriaj oa tbe farm. A premium wf l vul U riven for the beat ate tan of par- bred corn. - Institute lectures1 will be present M followi; Mr. J. I. Burrtia. Ajoa omist, State-Department of AffrieaU ture; Dr. . O. Chris min, eteriaaw rian, State Department of AjrrieaK tare; Mf. S. H. Shaw, Asaistaat Hot ticulturist, State Department of Agri culture. All farmers and their wires, aoaa and daughters, and all other interest ed in firmir and the betterment oJI tbe (farm horres are urged to attend., theae m e tings and join in the diaw. m w mm cussions. Morninff sessions wm oncsk it 10 o'clock and afternoon session at 1:30. Tak a book and pencil to take notes. Any Woman Can Have Beautifcl Hair. Many women do not realize the at tractions they itossess because they d not give projer attention to tbe hair. The women of Paris are famed for their beauty, not because their facial features are superior to those of other women, but -.because they know how to keep young by supplying vigor, luster and strength to the hair.. . , Three years ago Parisian Sage could hardly be obtained in America. Bat; noil this 'delightful hair tonic and dressing can be had in every town in America. Gibson Drug Store aell it for 50; cents a large bottle, and they guarantee it to grow beautiful, luxu riant hair; to turn dull, lifeh5t hair into lustrous hair; to stopfalling hair; to- stop itching of the scalp. Ask for Parisian Sag; A United Democracy. Mr. Jno. M. Julian, in hi writf-up of .the conmiohal convention for hiSipajKT, the Salibury Pot,ay: - This much i ertaiu- the Demo- cracv ot tne iiMritt k in txiier fettle than it has b-en sinte VJ(T, and Death of Former Concord Lady in .High Point! Mr. J. C. Fink received a telegram this morning from Mrs. Fink, who is in Ilight Point, announcing the death of Mrs. Emma Atkinson1, who died in t,j, Ilot mere whi-tlin- t- keep that city this morningj Before her Up-coura-c, citiier. ' (Sov. Ioi.'htoa hrst marriage to Mr Uliam W ine- toM me x.u .cti'.n of the district nnhii.iinPssslikA administration of the cff of this county, she was Miss hs ;n hotter shaiw "than it has been for nv;,- f tl1G ofinnnl crnvpmmpnt bv Emma Kimbro, also of this county, years. Benresentative Bouie naid th VJ- Xiwt""" O "'l l 1 11 1 V A I M ' j . the Republican party, whereby there Jnere sue n.w a large numoer 01 samc 0f Ashe, while the Iredell, . Ca- has been a useless expendituie at inenus. one is surviea py one uaugri- barrns an( Stanly folks are all talkin over $300,000,000 annuallv of the i ter Miss Xizzie WmeCoir; oi liigli bi- Democratic figures. After dis- rieonle's monev: Point. The remains will arrive here count in? a iroo.1 deal of the confident L 1 J- ... : Z ' "V - 11 'I 1L. .-c - . Wp oll atfpnfinn tn the failure of louioiTow mormug on o. x.x anu xuo exnressed bv the 'twenty or more lead the Republican' party to revise the interment will be madei at Oakseood hng Democrats I have interviewed to tariff ' in acordanee twith the pledges cemetery. I dayj 1 feel sanguine over the proj . 1 of its platform and promises. We demand the enactment of a tariff for revenue only to meet the expenses of a government economical- iv auiiiuusicicu. Mr. Williams Leave3 SchooL Mr. W. H. Williams the Training Cotton is Highest Since S alley Year. of Alexander! Not since the memorial Sully cam- county, who has been assistant super- paign ot jyi'.MH has coticn soid as mtendent of the Jackson! Trammp high as it did in cw,i orlr last SaU Rprionslv HI. School since last beptember. has rc-l unlay, ihe July option advanced Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, while s signed tnat -position, and he wili 3ooui -'u jmijiis ioio.o., or aooat 5t ;npnlcinw nt- tha il .hnnrflnniifl at V in- I xa c iuixxuxxuw xor xxxs i-orixxer xwiur ntai a viusms. fjpM ,c,c aftpmnn. snf- near Hiddenite. Mr. Williams's f am- was .due solely to a continuation ot fered a temporary collapse and was ' ; ily left several days ago. Mr. Wit- the short scare that bad , been reppon- nmnpil cfnr crnkrino-. He re- nams was iormaiiy principal or. tne siuie iqr me auvance 01 more man a jrraaea scnoois nere. xiis worK . ai the Training School will be done by John W. Cook, who recently became Our linotype operator, Mr. Frank Brumlcv. i takihff his vacation this "-.'7 week. He expects to go to Wilming ton Wednesday. While he is out the machine is Messrs. Ed. Snyder. being .manipulate! by ued aidand assis'tance of the Cohfed- : Walter and Homer Misses Grace White and Mary Por ter will leave this afternoon for Chad- bourn, to attend a house party given by Miss Fannie Ivoonce. crate soldier and demand that legis lation shall make ample appropria tions for his comfort and care. State Administration Endorsed. We commend and approve this ad ministration of Governor W. W. Kitchin and the other State officials, Mrs. W. H. Branson and daughter, and commend and approve our Sen Miss Anna ranson, of Durham, will ators and Representatives of Congress arrive tonight to visit at the home of for their activity in behalf, of the Mr. W. R.Odell. I people of North Carolina. vived sufficiently to apologize to his audience and said: "Am better; noth ing serious.' ' Great anxiety is felt by his friends. Mr. Cannon had not been feeling well since he arrived from Kansas City in the morning. He had nearly finish ed his speech when, after taking a drink of ice water, he began to talk incoherently. Sir. Harris a Good Gnesser. The Asheville Gazette-Xews says: "W. R. Harris of the Hams Furniture Company has been award ed the third prize, offered by the Athens, Table eompany of Athens, Tenn., the amount being $15. The prizes offered were for the nearest guesses to the amount of the increase of business the . Athens concern did the first half of last year. Mr. Har ris proves that he is not only a good furniture man, but a fine gnesser as well." . - .- The Directors of the Census Fri day anounced that Lynchburg, Ya., has 29,494 population, as compared with "18,891 in 1900. a bale last week. Mrs. Theodore Smith and daughter. of San Antonio, Tex., visttr- day mormn? on train No. 30, and ard visiting 'At Mr W f QmitV'i TK The county pension board mst ilb wiH. go with Mr. Smith on his camp- , August 1. Additional Pensions. morninrr and the iollowinrr pensions, ir, v: :. sly reported, were granted: ; ' ' - not nrevinn j. j - t j ,-- w Soldiers, W. A. Coleman, J. W. Clari and A. D. Melton; widow's, Elizabeth Smith, Martha J. Eury Williams. This makes a soldiers and six widows Dr. J. C. MontgorLcry and family, of Charlotte, Fpent yesterday after noon here. They came over in his machine. MiMes Shirley Montgomery and Luc v Richmond came over and Eliza J. total of seven of soldiers to oe granted pensions lor luis year. anJ returned with the: During tne year lour soldiers and lour widows have died, making an increase of four in the pension list of this countv. Republican Primaries. The county Republican primaries will be held baturdav. i July 30th. at in the countv and at 8 Mr?. Ludlow 'and Mirses Margaret and Louise -Ludlow, who have been vi.-iting Mr?'. J, F. Cannon, will re turn thU afternoon to their home, in Winston-Salem.' 2 o'cloek Misses Zola and Grace Patterson nrwl ATiriam TVTirnTi!lp ' trVin Wur-v KoAh ii. ,i . . I - . ... , .....j. , v u exovx. xxx ixxe cxi, an piacepnc ue attending the summer school at I win lkj puausnea laier ice conni I morr(w convention will oe held Augo3?; 5tb, I when the 'county ticket will be nomin-l MrIIugh Parka has returne! front ated. ; i a two week's visit to Linville . i i

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