PUBLISHED TWICE J WEEK. il.GO n Von r. Duo V VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 2U 1910 NO. 6. 13. Srierrill. Editor and Publisher. Af TER MEDICINE MEN. Levied on for Tares lor property tftich They 'Say They are Not Liable. owral -weeks ago representatives -Y1 c.,,inr4l Medicine Cj. of Saranbura S. C located here and r3 eliciting .orders throughout a tax of $200 on peddlers There is f medicine in w wuntj. .u. XK n -unmrviwl tfv Trolled, the a few days ago and the men re U to pay the same ile immed- elv levied on two of their horses, ties and harness, and advertised Zsame'for sale for taxes July 30th. u x V Adams, an attorney of Char 'representing the company, came t0 Concord Monday afternoon and eave bond for double the- amount f the taxes and the property was re- Tbe representatives- of the ' com-1 paar. claim that they are not liable I ' ' . - . A Vif Viotto o for the taxes aim ma-u rit'to solicit orders for the medi cine. They also claim that they do not delivered the oods at the time tbe sale is made but. send the order to the house and deliver the goods at a later' date. The county authorities a!- 1HV1 3 ' leje that they keep tne meaicine ai a certain place in this city and when thev make a sale come back to the city and ?et the medicine and in a few days deliver" it.' The company contends that thev have the same right to lake orders- for their goods - that any other traveling salesman has, and for this reason they decline to pay the tax. They do not deny having a lar?e stock of various kinds of medi cine stored here, but they put forth the claim that they had already re ceived orders for it. If the goods come .here in bulk twith the name of the purchaser on each separate pur chase they would be liable, to the iax, but the county authorities claim that they do not do this, but ship it here altogether and go out and make the different sales and pretend that the' order will be sent to the house, but instead of that they come here to their store room and get the goods. The salesman of the company in this: county have been" doing a nour ishing business. - The following is an order which was filled by them for an old negro in the city, which was famished one of the countv officials while investigating' the matter, bottle" of Life of The Blood, 1 bottle Digestive Compound, 1 bottle of Pru miida, 1 bottle of Climax Colic Re lief and 1 bottle of Bnehu Compound. They also sell Jap Hairine, "77" land various kinds, of liver wafers, tonics, etc. The representatives of the com pany intimated that they, would fight to a finish any attempt to collect the tax. " Woman's Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church. Tne executive committe of the Wo man's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the N. C. Lutheran Synod met in the Sunday school room of St. John's Lutheran church at Salisbury Tuesday, sa'ys .The Post. Those pres ent were: Mrs. J. A. Linn, of Rock well; Mrs. R. L. Patterson, of Char lotte; Miss Constance Cline, of Con ford; Miss Mary Brown, of Barber; Mrs. J, Q. Wertz, Mrs. A. W. Wine jot! and Miss Mattie Miller, of Salis bury. An interesting program was aianfd f()V Le annual convention 'vMch'.' held in St. John's Lu erau church, - Salisbury, August ing' Pound After Forty-Two Years. Gronsboro News.- ''.'. ome time ago J. M. Reeves, a col ?r(Hl who, as the sequel shows, an honest old soul, was digging a V" i for a Jrain on tlie prpertv f Keeley Institute, when he happened y H'e something in the ditch shining. mou?hr it might be of value and 1C lued it away in his jeans. When ,ie got Lome ho IpnnpVI nff th p. flirt nd saw was a ring; he also Vof'f at iac some initials inside . lf- Then he commenced to make inquiries of persons he knew. The otner day he showed it to a gentle- fi a' ' to e xious to nnd the 0rner. The man saw the ini ai and suggested that he interview r-J. E. Logan. Straightway he lla visit. to that gentleman. Dr. then r ; uia KJt, an Logan put in her appear- V, o make a long story short it, was -it 4o 0?an's redding ring. She4ost ti-"? ears a when calling - at what v,u men the home of Mr. J. A. Am v. .;very effort was made to find it, but Ion!.0', not be Seated and it was - eve7 lunZ -aS given up as gone for onKuff ord W was happy, not , tw . n nad tound the owner, but .a ?ad ln .'s hand a check re- mm for his honesty. : fri -ti requests the erai ;. ed his crutch .sev san:o :1LU5 t0 Please return the h once. r NEWS FEOM KANNAPOUS. Cannon Mill Closed Down for Two Miss Ethelyn Crabtree Will Teach Weeks Kannapolis. Defeats Con- English There Again Next Session, cord Other Items. '' j Miss Ethelyn Cabtree, who taught The Cannon mill is giving its eia- English and Expression in Mout ployees a two weeks' vacation, and Amoena Seminary so acceptably for they seem to enjoy it. Many are vis- several years, has been secured for iting friends in the country and many that work thK session. Miss Crabtree more are visiting distant relatives. was weU qualified for her work when But we are not lonesome, for we can she Uuht at Morrt Amoena, being a hear the whirr of the spindles and the graduate of Boanoke College with high rattle-ty-bang of the looms in the class standing; bufc since tbt time she Patterson mill. This mill had its has taken the A. M. degree from vacation during the first week in Roanoke College and also took a July. three years' coarse in Virginia Col- Mr. J. G. Love returned Monday leSe makin a specialty of English from a two weeks' vacation, visiting and Expression, The following is what Hendersonville, Ashe viile and Forest her -teachers say of her work in Vir City, .N. O, and Johnson City, Tenn. &1D!?r Polle V Mr. C. D. Mcintosh, overseer of Miss Crabtree has been for three weaving in the Cannon mill, is spend- P st?dn, of th? V"" Col ing his vacation at Blowing Bock. lee Seho01 of Expression. It gives us Mrs. Mcintosh accompanied him ; on P his. trip. I I Mrs. E. C. Love and little eon, Guy, are, visiting Mrs. Love's father, Mr. J. T. Fortune, at Forest City this wv m f j t sxra fTfftn Tenn., who has been visiting Mr.; and - I Mrs. Love for a few -weeks, accom- panied them to Forest City. ! f Mr, J. L, Towell and family are vis- iting friends at Cooleemee this week. a rr c:j j JL:i iting m ifche country. 1 Mr. Lester Patterson is at his oldL.i t j u t 1 xr nr stand with the Patersonoung Mer- canhle Company after being laid up for two or three weeks. gave him so much trouble necessitated an operation by a specialist. Our popular barber, Mr. H. H. Pea cock, is offering to-sell a half inter est in his barber shop. "We hope he will get another barber to help him so that our turn will come quicker. There were two games of ball play- ed here Saturday eveneing. The Kan- uapmi3 WJS wlwIu iu five inning game 7 to 0, only to suffer defeat at the 'hands of the Rimer zr v-, - .t. - - -: iown Doys in a score 01 o xo o, piay- ingeignt innings. Your correspondent being on ' the sick list, is unable to get all the news items this week. Southern Conference Lntheran Synod. The Southern Conference of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod con- yenes in Christ Lutheran church, East Spencer, at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn-j injr to continue in .session through Sunday. On Saturday afternoon the Woman's Missionary Society, of Hhe Svnod, Mrs, J. A. Linn, of Rockwell, preiaent, will give a puDiic entertain-i . -i IT I ment and reception. This exercise will be under the direction of Mrs. C P. Fisher, wife of Pastor Fisher, of Faith, and will consist of songs and recitations. On Sunday morning the sacrament of the Lord's will be administered. Oh Sunday evenin will be closed by a I On Sundav evenin- the conference , i "i i CT i t,. Prof. J.H. C.Fisher, of Mt. Pleasant. " w . -v A-iva. t w Bear Story From Troy. The Mont?omerian. : A bear story is going the rounds and The Montgomerian hears that' two. ladies were out picking blackberries , he nderWsh thevteot , .? i i .Ji a snarp iookout, mmKing it iw a catx that had gotten looso or a mere man b.rUoM,VoutwTffi: tw ' i c-f ' TMVin "di- t, 1 1 i. X 1 rAr, nt&UttTvmot departed swiftly from the neighbor- i.o; r- ;n nflinnt.l possession. that there was a man in that locality utiLci J. . iuuuiteim.i " fcj i llliX L liici c ' v cuzs i mau. m iuwuhj picking blackberries and it is probable that he'was mistaken for the bear.' Death of Mr. Gordon Johnson. Mr. Gordon Johnson, a well known younsr man of No. 2 township, died yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness of consumption. Mr. Johnson county his t death. He is survived, by! his "r T i1 ,Tn1,n.An nnil fTiiAA will be neld this afternoon at 4 o'clock i J , ctarc ta fnTipro I at Popular Tent church, conducted by the pastor of the deceased, tev. d. RnTntmfirs. Admitted- to Soldiers' Home. Clprlr f Conrt M. L. Widen- hnnsA twpivp a notice from the an- thorities of the Soldiers' Home, Ral- l!l. - '1.-1? lt-.i Xt-' .nl ..nliAn A 7' luah J Tn.ffQr.0 iiA iTi rwm a iTin been favor- """"" i-v iiiiv uv- ' of anil ,fhat ,iiA ramnM " --V,, , r n be admitted to the home upon his ar- t..i:Li. ir. TjArm'ii iflBM ;v , rrr . T n-r. A- i i v m i in ri.siiMiirii. 111 1 . i itzojlil 11111 ica vol TBZZ,rSy, ktZM 1 i? ii.. : J. T,nn. - "ViV The store of H, L. Parte & Co. is elose4 today getting ready for the Iwa onln .1.;,aII. lAArmwi ArA fArrinTnvnf oaAC, W'illVll " ' "tf IVUilllvni was years oi age, auu a jvuug vviv-. oiuim uuu i.pcrcm, . . - f . - , , .. s ,. x . . . , , w --v" man of manv fine parts, and had a on, Thursday, the 28th day of July, sick, and m 20 minutes after it fell distressing accident occurred near the Only CoL Brown of the four veterans lare circle of friends throughout the 1910, we are going to have one of the near the Rocky River manse was dead, passenger station, and was witnessed as here in the flesh, but I doubt not who will regret to (hear oi granaest picnics oi tne season mere. i--" "" .' 64oi " r ' i w" . .v-. ji.uuv., mai ui were present in inespirn. MONT AMOENA SEMEN AET. 10 lesiuy mat ahe has been in every iway a most satisiactory pupiL "e5 na application, aa- ded to nataral ity and a mind conversant with the best literature, can not tail to make her a successful , field o pP11 Mica I'mMMA'ii nrnV n A . 0 : , u"ucr 400 Kfv 'euCu scope requirea aor graduation 1" ' t w uirr kn nna - J , p her o-any one requiring a teacher of Rn nr-eJ Tf uu T 1 . . piea&ure mat x nave xne opportunity 0f testifying to the excellent work and the appreciation of English Hterr.ture my opinion she would admirably fill any position she might aceept." uiv.ii vuui iaIjl iiXioo ViaUUCCv J-1 Small Child Struck by Freight Train at China Grove. The 18 months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Hinson, of ' China Grove, morning about 9:30 o'clock by being struck by a moving freight train, T,he narpnfa ftf -i i. . . x.i m -i J , suun aisianue xrom vne rauroaa xracK and yesterday .morning the little fel low crawled up the embankment op- Uosite khe lioTnA an wo ffi'n the watching No. 11 pass by, Lun a fmiihf -?n -Mma'". - t;hfi tipw 1nnVlfi onrl cfmiV Vm chiw knocking him off tne track. He is very dangerously injured and it is almost a miracle that he was not in- stantly killed. The little boy was standing on the extreme edge, of the track when struck by the engine and this is given as the reason he escaped Lover of My Soul,,, "Rock of Ages,,, being killed. The child was givenland "Asleep in Jesus." prompt medical attention and the u a in F"juiu swi iae wiii recover. i , : Detectives Still Missing. Salisbury Post20th; t, . po nrp :n n, to- the thereabouts of the three detec- uvebwoo, axier -annging inaictments ion eintPPn ditTftWnt. vOnnf no-mneM U Vht pph Afft nto oocf ZZTZ rCT"I v. uoiiBuuiMua viwugiug tuein wun vio- l ii ir t ii cm nrrvn i niri am i o ttt t- i i Ari -v lating the prohibition law, failed to show up as witneses in the county sW up tneses jn the county t14" nT7.1-Vl 4"llV AACrWf. imA.A nnlll J f.prdav . It is stated today that the aV sence ot the witnesses at this time win not MKf tne cases ott tne doclret. Every effort is beingmade to locate they will be brought back iv n - - - - x.c.xv, . uu5 xu tempt oi court. Canon Petzer Co. to Have Big Sale. - The well kno finn of Cannon & Fetzer Company will, on Saturday, Julv 23rd. besrin a fifteen dnvs' nrice I ' o Cllttin? kaIa rwhih will Tnpnn Trmpli to tullIUS -wmcxi win mean niucu 10 -ii t. x for this sale on all goods iff the house - i j . " d"" " from 25 to 50 per cent This includes clothing, shoes, hats, furnishing goods, etc. In Friday's Tribune and in next Monday's Times they will tell you all about this genuine sale;. Picnic at Bost Mills. Listen 1 Look forward friends. If Be snre and come. Don't say no. I fnf flffl CniTIC V OYTlDnf TTvn I Knne Tfliir nnph rtnsfAt. -a Inner ami enjoy the day with us, for we are contemplating having a lively 6c-! casion. "XUUxNU rjVVL,U. Gastonia Gazette: Mr. W. G. Bos- hammer, who lives at 207 Dallas street. .-ihas some T3nllets which he thinks have established a record in ll. II C "U I J. I L i !V8 s ft "T pWtv fifth of fthis vast nnl "hAo-nn I o' l9nff ah .Tutia . TUv 9 a t. i t t t. i WC a between Brown Leghorn and Rhode ti. t?aJ I n or TnaTr tn wt readv imiiiii iri. . . Weduenlars Salisbury Post: Mi. I Kl.anh Knvrl rvt 4 "vnAOT-rl nnH MacfPT I tt a i have been visiting Mrs. W. T. Kluttz on North MainW, returned to ts. Jii. Harris, oi Jiiaionton, ixa., wno I ! TnTiaVJTfl 19x1 Tl 1.T1T. i o DEATH OF MRS. B. S. WHEELEB.I After Months of Steering ThU Good Woaxn Passes to Her Reward. Mrs. Robt. S. Vheeler died Whines-! day morning at 5:30 o'clock after an illnes of over a years duration of ti 1 r . .... . . 1 VV I iW C veral Teks, and the announcement oi uer oeatn wui te no surprise to an4hrougbout this section of the BefdTe her mamage she was Miss I Mary Williamv of Beidsville, and ah 7otiedy?0e?', Musifi U be "funiiAed by the iSS?? 5S,L S fhvVodman band and the reteraas oir. Vr7A r , cmrr. . T:S? TlJTl part in the affairs of the church, be- ing an earnest worker m the various noble undertakings instituted by her SLtf Son or contributions as follows: fight has ba prtKJooM a haxdrsd ViklS w m tl th5 " Ko- S- Grier, J. L. Staf. times over by small Jeffrie and na3 llSf f beruf ford, LI M. Morrison. Johnsons, both white end Mack, o C-SS' J v;rW41 -fi?? compelling her to rlT m ive membership in the club. As atnbuts to the Jove and esteem m which she was held by the members of the crab. she was nn- ammously elected as a honorary mem- ber She was 33 years of age on the 2oth of last August and as survived by her husband and four Bmall cbil dren, Joseph, Susie, Catherine and Lucy Cole. . The funeral service was con- T,nbonreenr Tha7 u VCe , ; ' wu.. No. 9 Jacob R. Earnhardt and by the pastor of the deceased, Rev. Wjh Krimminger. . riaio uuruam. xne loiiowin? were 1 the pall bearers:- W. R. Odell, J. L. Hartsell, J. L. Crowell, A. F. Hartsell and W. C. Houston. Mrs. J. L. McKay, of Kings Moun tain; Miss Susie and Jessie Williams and Messrs. C. H. Fetzer and Will Williams of Keidsvaie were here to ; funel ' W attend the mains of Mrs. B. S. Wheeler was held Au :j ir Txru.i 4- U tJ TIT- TTTT 1 iL" morning, and was conducted by Rev. Plato Durham, in the presence of I many friends. The music was infoharge of Mr. R. P. Benson, and the following com-1 posed the choir: Mrs. Plato Durham, Mrs. Hugh Propst, Misses Janie and Grace Patterson and Mr. Lloyd Mc - Kay. They sang sweetly, ''Jesus, The floral tributes were many and i i! i ii. . 3 i very oeauuiui. Among ine aesigns were the following: Kerr Bag & Fin- lshing Works, an immense anchor oflGraw white lilies; Central Sunday School, harp of white lillies and asters: Vir- suua ?are 30012 Cluh !heart of w ' n, ;f-,r. -r oman - foreign Missionary society, ' " " v6" .j V) ,beautif(ul white crescent. In ad- , A, . there were many ex- from individuk i - v - qulASJ?e n . After the service at the home the vK-.J.. 1 i J X 1. - I I. J J, iaiu. iw icsi, iu vaiw cemeter Run Down and-Maneled bv Train. The , mangled remains of a white man supposed to have been those of f Charlotte, were were fiound on the Southern ttaUwav of7.AVW o t: Tuesdav mornins at7:45 by a section foreman a mile arid a quarter south of Le.i.gton ltis thought that the man . beating his way on No. 38 fell. The bead pattered off portions of the body scattered for more than 100 yards npthe track, f h un me ciotnes. ot ine man were iouuu ii i ii n'ii . .1 1 "" , , i . - v carS s.lglie1 D7 .w' 31 'ipJ? - . , r rtf ir script ion written lor jits. w,iL forf Dy if- J w- r"? tUd w e sma11 Pographs of girls and women. ' . u.u. vainer xwoca While Mr. W. H. Heglar was dnv- in his family horse on his rural mail being sick at Mr. Ed. Ervin's, but bv wnci. -n-i, u.a. x " r it showed signs of sickness -again. The H,a ,aa -1 i. X ,;fv hnfnro 12 o'clock, the horse fell, and at ten I animal was 8 years old, and was vai- ned at $200. His death was caused by sunstroke.. 1" Parks' Smnmer Clearance Sale. n Friday, July 11, H. u rarJB o- l r, . .,, i - , i l C. to. TO1 Degin WeiT annual ouiuiuei: Clpa ra.n a of frtrnT- Antire summer Clearance oaie oi tneir enxire sumuier line in both stor-ec The store will be i for b ."TnU tHUy TOU Will. Una a Daee OH WJUCU UC a ,j.t: , "amc uuuureus uj. icuuuvia v, summer goods. The store -will open 9 o'clock rriday morn- I rilK. .w feurrei. ine norse snowea mjius ui who were ixjneness 10 assist. i nCNIC. A 0rtat 'J9? oatU Sccri Tuesday la AsjraL On la. SatuniAj a. E&rrirs of C barnm CwiMj Ocdp No. 212 m hU in ncectior with the Daoters of I ttr vMtanjnari. i im c:ir I nUV .Dd pimic for the Confederate fHenuai and tbfir w, it u to . . - . L. v: t' rt 1 ..1 Th) picnid wUj heW oa k- tt . -. . . kn P There wiU also be fome speaking, the! namc of ner to be enounwd later. 1 . u v .v: u ui.T. No. 2 S. R. Andrews and P. P. Toirnsen No. 3-R. L. Snuth, IL B. Emc and r. m. Kimmons. . Ko. mii, TKK. A T mntco& No. M. Barchart Colarn- bus Dart. Vrt V. T?;v; t- Kluttz and D. M. Cress. No. 7 Geo. W. Dry, Geo. Honeycutt and Columbus Lentz Gold Hill. " and C. D. Barringer. vr in t o n t o t and "W. IL Hudson. No. 11 J. C. Sikes. C. F. Smith and E. F. Faggart. tggart Salisbury District Conferenr The Salisbury district conference wi" conveho in the First Methodist church . of Salisbury, JIy 28th. Winston-Salem, there and they will k: - it.. u A ',. l 11. 27th. Dr. J. C. Rowe, Presiding o.i-v j-i. -ii Elder of the Salisbury district, will preside. The-foUowing, is a Ust of dplPf-, fnrm t.u ,whm in delegate from the churches in this city: Central R. S. Wheeler, D. B. Col 1 trane, W. R. Johnson and A. S. Webb. 1 Alternates, J. B. Sherrill and J. E. I bmoot. Forest Hill W. A. Stone, W. R. I Odell, A. J. Demarcus and L. T. Chil- ders. I l1 1 1 T Trl i tyt m iL.pv.oriu o. x. viayxon, . i. Jerome, J. W. Chaney, and J. E. Mc- Concord circuit J. A. Scott, M. I. Winecoff, W. E. Kluttz, A. J. Shinn &1id C J' Ooodmap- Mise Yerton Entertains. ; - In honor of her guests, Misses Ad- die Kluttz and Mamie Marshall, of Concord, Miss Ollie Yerton, of Har- ii- t-. .f - ir-,v.u risburg, delightfully entertained a I n lim rui rvr 'Hot. T-wt nnla a t V - .v.. . UV4 I counl 8 to 11 o'clock. Dainty and delight- ..i v . "1. j il 11 n,;nfv Aif. iui iTTAityuiiicuis were ierveu, ana tne young, people enjoyed the occasion very much. Those invited were: musses Addie Jvluttz and Mamie M.sses Add,, Kluttz and M Jiarsnau, oi uoncora: Annie JMcKm ley, of Augusta, Ga.; Mary Alexander, lev. of AniniRta. On Marv AIpt Lena Taylor, E vie Oglesby, Lula Bar- Minnrton Oglesby, DeWitt Morru Messrs Wirt ison, Charles and. Iui, Alexander, Ira Taylor, 'Turner and Tom Roe Query, of Harnsburg. , Gave Life to Save Son To save the life of his son. whifh . j was imperilled by a a mad team pull- ing a wagon, Robert L.! Mills, a farm er and hero, who lived near States- ville gave his own Monday afternoon, 1 he father, in his effort to stop, tbe runaways, was caught between a box car and the wagon and a few min- utes later his dead and mangled body JIvey's Shoe Sale. -The Ivey Shoe Company have a I TI,a,. at, a ... 4. in their fall stock, and offer aU sum lhisis not a lew job lpts, buf ail summer time shoes in this, tore.l The Triune TVi A riv A;. 4aj7att. a? tjw. i i . n i i. it- tomorrow u.ey xeii uu au auout iois Ibigr sale. Prof. Thompson Tomomnr Night. rroi. vaiier i.nompson or tne Tr- - l;n ii Jackson Training School, will address i . . i n . the people ot toncom rriiav nisrht, July 22, at a ma .meeting -ft .be held I "J ll sociatKm -or -North Jarolin at the .. t , 7 . 7 VETERANS' BIG l ' ; A iwOlf VviiAU cum I . Westannister rtesbjtemn ehurch T.GC. Clement, of Charlotte, U; irr. nxAs.NT. IDr. Jlowt uxm a Trtxk Dxsuxt hr Goes to A1Uju1 Olitr Not. frxU. far aa ictrrtftff astmaa. u, aU 41 i rt-Sl kil- E;bt frt ar rrfUy tr& kj look hk iM fcr iid Af nfrftA!Lv, Upe. U.,... A c. niti 1l .11 31, Who.d bat tU Jeffries Jhnoa Ct was tt ta ; ervkee As to tbo Istter lm, W Si4 has not yet emitted hbf) as to what rill be t Il riw c3 ?;.rxU.,v. t JI iw. i;.t t tn struts and about the null tb oraal fila will not likely bTtw preo ' The linir last Thursday m&k struck one of the ent fwwiJTL. . cupied byi Steve Williams, on Mr. WIL Kind ley's ShankU Pla.. Tb bolt struck the etove flje, ran dowu into the rook ' nor nJ inUiitf W molished it. Tbe'chlmaej at the op poite end of the house was alsa , partiilly knocked down. Fbrtaniielj, The LadieV Aid Society of. ti - Metliodist ichurch gave an ice cTeaia supper on the church lawn list Frt. ;U K- a neat little sum to help along their work. Mr. Chss. Tbayer is home for a fen days from an extended trip thrvda South Coralina and Georgia. Mr. - " '.Kin. 'T- u- i ?m ...Ir '"T " Prof. I).! B. Welsh is spending .fivJ! bPnnP ILdldenll; Misses Katie Barner and Iidlu I UiMW XOJ I Ti 4JU liUlUH SiIi k nM ? school at the University. University M:a "Z ??? hi potion at Mr. C. O. HeiligV r t rr r .r i where ie has been for a number ot years. Mr. McEachern has not yet fully decided upon his next position. Mrs. J. P. Miller and daughter Miss Grace, arc visiting relatives at Newton. t Miss Elma Welsh spent Sunday with her mother in Charlotte. Miss Ethel Corrine left Fridsy night forEgypt, Ga., to send a fort night with her school mate, Min Claudia Kiefer. Mr. Lee Foil spent Sunday in Char lotte, going over in his motor ear. Mr. S. J. Ludwig has been elected is teacher in Albemarle graded schools. It v,,f- i.'.: Tu ur, u ?T-" ,! 1 te fZl!?" soucnea on me pan oi rrox. ivuawiff , de. cld,ec. HHri' wi1.!?!?: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Barrier-am Unmi nrf fom -l,r. f Tl. . 1 J Barner. ner 8 Pents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mt. Pleasant, July 19. Col. Brown the Only One This Time. News and Observer. In the' past, fifty-two years, tlire Democratic State Conventions have eeiJ n There, was only one oeiegaie nere louay wno was m attendance fifty-two years ago, , two years ago, and today. That delegate is Col. James N. Brown, of Cabarrus county. He served in the Mexicanwar and in the Confederate amy an 1 is a fine type of the real, old fashioned I .t: ntv. : . a i, n vtiu vv ' lug JUlClCUb landmarks which the fstbers have - set." He received a glad welcome and hearty greetin-s on all cidta At th convention her in 1908 there were three other delegate;: who were here jn 1858 Eider P. D. Gold, cf WUson- then a lawver of Cleveland count Col. Roger Gregory, of Greenville, .and Sunday School Convention of No. 2 Township. The Sunday School Convention of I uvuw uiv V, - 801,0013 .f f Ptors in the towap . - . . T Jn - . . . ... .T 2nd he? th. ."S'' Ie0 Ta,er 1 1 ree. Everybody - invited. w. j. Mclaughlin, Pres. East Cabarrns Farmers ' Club. mere win oe a mecung oi the Kast Vaaj r-i c j Cabarrus ! armers Clab Saturday, . aa iri . . " July u, in jui. neasant. at 2 d. hl. All -rnberse -questedto be W I ----- ness to aliens to. v 1 . - ttt I Iff n XlUiLUiW Ces Tta Times for Job Printing