' -' - ' j B. Srierrill, Editor and FubllsHer John PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. $1 SO n Ymr. I In Advnnoo, XXXVI. CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, AUGUST S, 1910 NO. II ' 1 " - "wiwwiuMMiiiiTwiWiiiirtTWiBriwiwtiWili mi niiimiimi nti if i it in mmmlmumtmmammmmmmm THE REPUBLICAN BIO TIME AT BETHEL COUNTY CONVENTION. Sunday School Convention The Vet erans and Everybody Else Have a Good Time. The people of Bethel, the capital of Annual Meeting to be Held at Wrfchs- ville Beach, August 23-28. Local members of the Junior Order United American Mechanics are antic ipating with keen interest the annual convention of the order which will be held Wrightsville Beach August 23-26. The order is strongly entrench ed in Concord and a pretty good dele gation from this city will attend the convention. The convention will he called to or der at Lumina, the big pavilion and pleasuie resort at the beach the morn ing of Tuesday, the 23rd instant. Mayor McRae, of Wilmington, will welcome the delegates and after the usual preliminaries business will be in order. Most of the business sessions will be held in the convention hall of the Tarrymore Hotel, which will be headquarters for the convention. Fri day afternoon, after the business ses- : e il. i" i 3.3 fTM i . . ui iijc cuuveunon nave enueu. Then he set a trap for the congre- t. ,iii 3 , A. x ' m: TUr 42 1-2, B 36 ?"d.? SffiBSlSZ K j.2. .Mr. icetcr was aec.rea ice nom- . jss , ol Fear Ri joachine at Southoort and vominates County and Legislatire Ticket and listens to Speeches by Messrs. Cowles and Pearson- - at the court house Saturday af- vention last Friday, the 5th of Au- enm at 1 o'clock. The convention gust, and that convention is one long ! culled to order by County Chair- to be remembered. Rev. W. L. Hutch- II S. Williams. Every voting ins, the Methodist preacher from For- n'eVuct n e county was represent- est Hill, was engaged to make the ad- H -except No. 3 township, where only dress, and it is a puzzle to know how t . K( publican attended the prima- they secured him, for no one knew Ms and no delegates were elected, his name. Some called him Huggins, rllw were no 'delegates from No." 4 others called him by other names and Lit f-veral republicans Tviere present the superintendent of the Sunday 1,1 thee were made delegates by the school actually introduced him as invention. Hutchinson. If he had gotten mad "rr IT S. Williams was made per- and left the place, no one could have Qrpnt chairman ana jviessrs. . xj. u"c" mm, uui wuen ne iook me alu " . . .. I i 3 1 j It. i . t . s and Chas. K. Andrew, secre- piana, ne toia tnem tnat nis name was neuner ttuggins nor Hutchinson, but vnwrs' M. F. Teeter and C D. Bar-Tnat fie was none other than the old rinor were placed in nomination tor man nutcnms nimselt. fh State Senate. lanes JUNIOS OEDES U. A. 11 The vote was as them WAS nnrlpr tio irar iian ha. lilt-t. I , . ... II. S. Williams was nominated tor sprung tne ingger, aown went tne he House oi itepreseniaiives ny ac- epcuuuuuu iur aooui ininy minutes. The Veterans' Choir from Concord probably going out a short distance into the briny deep. The Juniors who will attend frpm here are anticipating a delightful trip. All the three days will not be taken up with business and ;Wrightsville Beach affords great opportunit: "''or enjoyment. done. DEATH OF MRS. J. F. HARRIS. After a Lingering Illness. Mrs. J. F. Harris died this morning lamation If ' Peninrrer and W. L.: Robbins i i : : I woe invlfpr n rrn Arwxm anA Vtaln An ,f Court. The vote was taken br.t be- the singing, and of course they were fre the result was announced Mr. on hand and did all they couid to help Kuhljins moved' that his opponent be with the music. " dominated by acclamation, which was Bethel has one of the best trained cnoirs in tne county and wen may Sheriff J. F. Honeycutt was nomina- Bethel be proud of it. The Bethel wife of Former Sheriff Passed Away el by acclamation to succeed himself, peopie were so anxious to learn n ine Ilis nomination brought forth' the first choir was coming that they 'phoned to 1 C !-,. ntnuantmn tV I IvOnPOrtl. 1 I1PV "Were 1 M T O r IT! R (1 IDRI " ------- J """" "0 t tt: Opnrtro -PisriPr fill liia Wo. rnn1 at 6 o'clock at her home on West De- .james I . limns v as uuiuiuaicu iui - " 'B , , , , ... . Renter of Deeds by acclamation. wagon with veterans and had started pot street, after an illness of several ' m a n.flM,0i, them towards No. 10. The dav was an months. Mrs. Harris had been in ill r Or lltasuici m a.. rsjiaou v to i . n , 3 , 1 nominited bv acclamation I ideal one. It rained the day before health for some time and four months Tv l it j ii LwaViji tVio dnf Whpn hA vptor. ago she was taken to the Whitehead- h or coroner jiuvvaiu kjcliu w cii wits i 0 - , , , , , , ;v,t ;t;r,! ans hove in sisht of the, church thev Stokes Sanatorium where she stayed For Cotton Weigher D. B. Porter saw something that alarmed them very for two months Since her return - much. Thev saw a man near the from balisbury she has been gradually Was Iiommaicii 'n iiuuul jvljjoi.IiIjii I I ai i 3 . 1 ,1 V. Ir,,, 3 ,r T.x .nL nrovln Inro-P xehUe nth gro wing -worse until her death this No. 7. were placed in nomination. The that looked to be a flag, the kind that moJn; vote was; Kluttz 54. Lentz 22. ! we used m time ot war to give the itt k tz:ji.. i, n I movements of the enemv. Tj Kestler. Cxeo: S. Klnttz. R. o! fi! was not in the war and of course kept Mrs. Stephen S Murr, and was born TO- mr risht on. but when we got 11111 ILil 1UU1 1 iaUUli J.'l AfXa J JUL 11 I w ' tllSSIOKARY HEETIKO AT 2IT. PLEASAKT. ! TO MEET IN SALISBURY. I'onrteenth Anneal Session of tht So. j dety cf the Eefpnsed Chsrca Larjcly Attended. p The fourteenth annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of ary Sodety of tht North Carolina Synod of tht Lctlcraa Ossrch to In the city c-f Smlkbarr Aorjii 2? wtU wsrr.f r. turcttn of in:rr: u- V , , r goods n? nnuTAcn rn Cbarelt of thU It il c in eion Aura.t 2t-29, indaive. Follow tc; it tb bro- sram: .i r':...-.i l. r . ;; . Miran wosjm all over the Mj' fvtivvi wiuica a ia session zi ou it ; .:.. ,t tt- lce ana a numoer or nssio-J State Fere in attendance, f An informal reception was held jThursday evening at the home of Dr. And Mrs. M. A. FoiL The business sessions began Wednesday morning jit o'cloek. Reports were read from the different societies and the iisuai ; routine business transacted. A paper was read by Mrs. L. R. Whit ener. At the afternoon session the prin cipal features were the annual ad dress, by the president and a talk by ri4 Nan! mUzi ract fc? Ssrrti1Oi,4 till k St!-k. Late Frs4y ftetsa' ' t sas. lowrr tatton, Th r eo- Uf.c4 ar4 OSwf IUns&.arit nt ovtr ta t&aW aa iair!iiux It fua;U the rd ixarkrd ty i far nav at rrport4. H Vassc.bak to Friday, "Auwt 20,3 p. m. Fonaill,fce hrajuartm c4 , by opening of the convention; orraaixa-1 oucr:ca ewp. iftet wkj ta tion; enrollment of delegate; prev. otrr Jr4 M i;t far dent's report; appointment f com- tJ:e tifrH lo pds bat mittees and rcDorter. S r "tn .! tr MTiul they mw fit htU votional service kitorirtl ti I05 ?ads arouM tie furrac raeJi Miss Constance Cline: addrri Ilr Pf lilm wf tpoifc J. rM obenk, collection -bt ouri cmuM op t&t itf bs. saiuwav. yJO a. m. IWMirtnai I ""a t r?n uuiaace oi ta rata service; reports from o2ers when t bey rnle ad ah to arm t thrsu Itandtni3 o.imm:Mi . . - I ifie tntanl lney amteared Jise i r.Lr5s 'ter: li. it in pr pr n pnrv rron inrAF Mteai w f vwAiA rri i Addie McXairv. Tenoir- MrcnA. Vi business session; collection. injr secretary, Miss Addie Barrier. .".-V AA ? uurcss, -irayer Concord. ana missions, ' ' icev. K. K. Shenk ; col An interesting program was riven ecf10n 3'30 m devotional service; ihursd Mrs. Mrs. t . . . a paper address address of welcome was delivered hv 1 31153 Agnes. f hirer: "The Volunteer Miss Marv Barrinffer and -the re- -Movement, uev. m A. uoodman: sponse by Mrs. L. R. Whitener. "Oleanings I-rom the Rochester Con-1 the track wai oft and '"foufhy. Thw law breaker punM a ftr tei on th Mart and tnanajred to maintain th advantage throughout th race. Whi! rain alonj where the pfinj wai rough before her marriage she was Miss Our driver Julia S. Murr, daughter of Mr. and close and reared in this city. She was 60 that it was TTneiA Jim Lears or age. sane was married June narui, vv. u. iew 17fi tn Mr. J P. TTarris. wbn rk ii ssh 1 1 wii.ii' ins uiir wiiilc iiauuA.ci' -.w. - - j chief waving for us to come on, then 'with six children survive her, three we were glad for we knew there' -was sons Messrs. Q. R., James N. and D. no danger ahead. iN. nams ana mree aaugniers, miss TTnlp Jim hnA TiaiTerl a brtT tn a Sudie Hams and Mesdames J. I. tree that looked more like a horse Freeze and J. B. King, of Monroe. ell, who sated that as No. 10 always trou than anything else, and as me lunerai win oeneia tomorrow i.-.xi. l! soon as we all trot out of the band morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by moved the nominations be made nnan. wagon, uncie dim iea ns aown xo me r v.u.u, E. O. Pope and II. W. Harkey twere placed in nomination for commission ers. The following were nominated! O. Ed Kestler Frank Goodman, G.S. Kluttz, W. A. Kindley and J. P. Mor rison. Upon motion ot Col. Bill New- Thft Tnnrtli A n-niToroar-iT' a Wfl9rS TT " I T t? i.: 11 - tl' -T- c. tit 1 r t....t tt. I- ourtrwan, "iuission OIUOV," MT Wi,uua nc Clarence Norman: "fWtin fA The fourth anniversary of the Naza- Lavmen From a Wnmnn'. Rrwi- fth Orphans' Home at Crescent wiU point," Miss Marie Yeager; duet, Miss -ueitt xnursaay, August ax. ine Ada and Mr. Hamp Stirewalt; u0ur semi-annuai meeung pi ine Doara oi Unfinished Task." Mr. P TV TXmvr "woo wo uciu c v vwa. vi collection. service; report of committees; btisi MORNING. Music by the - band. Song, No. 297, Sunday School Hym- ness" session. - 8 p. ml, devotional ser- Evangelization," Rev. R. C. TTolland T rv .. -! - . . u. v.; coiection; formal closing o the convention. FJZ :benefit .f" found all kinds of PJ, assisted by Grier, i iruit, apples, peacnes, pears, grapes a-Lci wmcu.iuc- miauicui 'wm. w arid man yother kinds of fruit. made at Uakwood cemetery. After the morninsr services were over we were all invited down to the Forest Hill News. arbor, where we found a table weight- Mrs. J. C. Co:k leaves tomorrow ed down with good things to eat, and for Winston-Salem, where she will all were asked to help , themselves, spend several weeks visiting friends. which thev all did. Mr. Arnold Dennis returned to the The writer wore his straw hat to city Saturday from Asheville and Bethel and when dinner was announc- leaves today for Fayetteville. ed he placed his hat under the table Mrs. J. W. Kime and daughter ar thinking perchance something good rived Saturday night from Wrights- might fall in it,j remembering at the ville Beach, where they have been same time how things at home would spending several days. be when he got there, but the people Misses Maggie and Odell Mills rnmm;cC;nnJ. n t? Vai mistook the hat for a waste basket leave tomorrow for Bessemer City, toramisioners: i. hid. Kestler, ,, , C11 .. i t ,1 -i, 3 i j imons. H. Harris, who has so vigorously fought for the nomination of Col. Kewell, we will state that Col. Newell received 11.40 votes. 1 State Senate M. F. Teeter. j House of Representatives H. Si Williams. The following is the ticket as nomi nated:. Sheriff J. F. Honeycutt. . . rierk of Court A. H.Pe'ninger. "Register of Deeds J. F. Harris. Surveyor F. S. Kluttz. Treasurer W. A. Overcash. Poroner Howard Caldwell. Jj-ahk Goodman, G. S. Kluttz, W. A. Kindley and J. P. Morrison. Congressman Cowles and Mr. W. S. Pearson, of Charlotte, adlressed the convention. ' ' and began to. fill it with chicken )ones. where they will spend several days After dinner was over, wo all repaired visiting friends and relatives. to the church, where and when dele- Mr. and Mrs. Will Goldston, of gates were chosen from the various Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sun- schools to attend the county feunday day with Mrs. J. L. Goldston, on Mc- School convention. Then we had some Gill Street. ! Ann 3ii r X rx r Y r itttTi fY Vl O. 0 1 1TT1 OAfi in I T T "D TT.3 4- rAvtl- CinlnTt Zt . me riace oi tne iegro the church were over, we all went to Spartanburg S. C. with his family. in pontics. the Grove where the old veterans san? Messrs. Reece Chamnion. Cliff SDen- 0re0nl)Orfk ' T?frfhTV? 1 a rmmVor rf war SnnffS. I onrl TlciTrirl TTirrVilon1 cnont Snnlov Governor Jarvis, who spent the first Tne time had arrived tor us to de- hn Charlotte with home folks. .. l J !! 1 L il J - J I W -rm .i-ri i 1 jMiss Ji.tnei jonnson is visiiin rela tives in Salisbury. Mr. John A. Clayton and daughters, Misses Hattie, and Zula, will leave Wednesday for Dexter, Ky., where they will spend a month or more with Mr. Clayton's brother, Dr. Charles Clayton. Misses Lila Wash and Etta May Part of the week in Greensboro, has part, and1 very reluctantly did we 'lost none, of his wit, which was al- Meave the place where e had spent .. " . I n., 3 i i iV.i l. ways original and to the point. Talk- one oi tne nest outings .mat we nave ln wiih an old friend here who was a Democrat until the silver craze came aln- but who has since been a Re-P'lblu-an, he said " They do not play le political game like they did in our liiy and tllfv An nnf liflrft na mn.ph J-UU.. had since the choir was organized. We will remember Bethel. .... W. M. WEDDINGTON. A. Horse Has a Hemorrhage. A horse belonging to a Mr. Talbirt, ivt"A nii fall I 4liic nifv ViPpnmA friMifpriPil at a iFrpplnnfl J nf (f!hnrlnttp- snpnf Snnrlav Hllt IJ 1 U V VVU1U XU11 I UJ. llllO VJkVt r 7 . Vfc .V,wwj 'f j y K Oil thrt nawA on1 im i A fln Cofnrrlor offornnan iiiftf ln'frnnt I in fhft Pitv iwiffi Afr anil Afrc -T K- ow the nesrro is out of it and I of the Luberser Poultry Farm, on the Wright. and made several while attached to the in the game and we can shake him buggy and was at once taken with a ; ' a AV1U for he is worth more to us hemorrhage of the lungs. It bled pro- uuan tue , t- e v licucis iruiu our ioreim munrtniriflc i 111-I1L. ITUiJSISLlIISr III MIKN TIVI 'O ---'.. v I . . . .. . J. I, Murphy, of Hickory and Kev- A J-Stirewalt, retarniM mission- 21' Vf$ M. A. Fouf of Mount PleTsant ar' from Jan- 8 P- m:f devotionaf t J?? vHjP "r UP- feasant, ca-n o . . but neither cainel anv advantara ia by Miss Ida Hed rick and an 7M y vjoooman; papr. . ... 't,;7 bv Rev. W. H. Cansev. Th T"e pen Doors of Opportunity " T .u Z-L I '.Tr ' t - . . ' ivii i - i in tti liinv Bnii w rwm vtn. 1 fronted by a thick bed s& on the bank of tho crck, but thin bcltl no terror for the flccin? roan and on throujrh th vention' Mr. J.K. I Linn; "Echoes T V? " ii " -P i. From Japan and Edinburgh," Rev. A. bn tt J Rr,.H.n.n q,. xr. the cooling water of the cwk. Ui Hi classy work on taking the hedges and high places gave him such an advan tage that the officer gave op tho chuM, Thirteen ihirtt aad two hat wr found scattered on the1 ground. Th officers have strong suspicion a to nvho two of the men are by the hats they found. No one has as yet idea tilled the goods and no robbery of any 3:30 p. m, devotional service: , busi- headquarters. Rapid Orowth of HethodlitJ. In a report just given out at Kash ville, Tcnn., it ii tbown that during the past nnadrenntum $3,103,035 was collected on the foreign field by tho two mission boards of the Methodist nal. 1 Address Rev. Dr. James W. Mem- inger, Lancaster, Pa. NOON. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least, of these, e have d0De it Celebrates Kinth JUniy.ry of to tnLl' AFTEKNOON. ,, T " . increase oi oi, i I U U KM d 31 31 T 1 31 33i 3. . r j - Aii: a j I ottaujr uunuuuur ji rain on lauaurennjura. r 3 ; u.. T T V XT '.1. T3. . t "3 JuauiUWCUl lO CI TO W II I xuc mwii lllCi . xrajeruv.v. j. x. leaner, iwc , . fl , n .... ; , . . . I 1 r z Ann? Av,iW9 bv nmkn5 " au 1UU n o1 Annis cate a steady growm m me ipim ci tvuoiaiiu;: ui. auuss anu maiuucs. I 3 . - . I. . ..... . . -3 Offering for benefit of orphanage. r;: " S." l.T. .-o." Announcements I UJ,lc JA'SV er iue ana in img iue iasi ji-at mrtuia ui j-k q ij u ' Veui. vJ't:h w commemoration of which these friends I has been reported, an increase of $16 Afoot Am,; uau aiuertju at cer rome 10 pass me iiao. iue increase in cuurca ouuuiui J'i.: atltlUWU. iU XIUULU CH. IU6 UCCiXSlOU I JS UJU.'l Mllkilli;, M UJIC 111 iiV'J IUU ji.rs. omooi naa aecoratea me nome, were rcponeu int cnurcucs ana cnap- heflllti fill! V. bnf cimnlu U nnrnl. riA lolc lro hnvo flJQ rii nnr(Lnt limits' A JJeservea ITiOUte. hall in sunflowers and the Darlor in an increase of 181. Parsonage to tb Ihe Uphit. ' red geraniums and roses, whose rich I number of eighty have been built dur- The Uplift owes it to itself to give 1 colors enhanced the; brunette beauty ing the last quadrcnnium. The Iu public expression to its regret that it I of the little hostess, j Jof property owned by te Church on is to lose the presence inj the comma Games of various kinds were en-1 the mission field has advanced to pity of one of God's noblemen, a per-jjoyed and as a souvenir of the occa- J nearly two and a half million dollars, sonal and helpful friend, a genial spir- sion, snapping mottoes with pictur- the exact figure being f2f I27,4l, or to it, an able man, a fine preacher and ajesque little Dutch hats enclosed, were I increase of $1,0GJTJ3.. gentleman of the old school the Rev. given each guest, luefreshments of J. C. Davis, D. D., who has been con- ice cream, cake and candies were serv-1 " The Only Way. imI-h-i f inn f Vi r i v4- AiACf i r T5V a n A T I Ctrl T .1 f 1 ft f ice A nn!o wi iVi a haa! 1 ""I 1 i t . . ? . I Here is a movement in the right di rection. The Ilickorv Democrat pays: "Monday night the Hickory He- tail Merchants' Asociatton paised without a dissenting vote, a resolution condemning all advertisements by and the Butterflies," articles toxThe ient of many dainty and useful gifts, JUphrt. Dr. Davis, after a long minis- each of which bespoke the love and es try, quite a number of years spent in I teem in which she is held. this section of the State, retire." from Those present were little Misses active service and goes to Georgia Marian Morris, Margaret Virginia where he will spend in quietude the Ervin, Elizabeth Dick, Adelaide Ifar evening of his splendid and noble life Iris, Adelyn Harris, Lucy Richmond means of "programmer for operas. among intimate relatives, uou spare Lniz, 3iary Branson uoitrane, Jiarma piavg and shows of any kind given this grand old man and his estimable Caldwell, Lucy. Hartsell, Elizabeth anther bv bone or foreign talent, wife for long years for the pleasure Black, Ruth Crowell, Elizabeth Smith, R-nr- arr!' fnr athletii. Aonle.f. r. L J a! i n ' 3 - -r-w f t 33 3rr . . ...'ti.ii" . t ii , 3 " -v-i r,-- 01 meir many inenas. ur. jjavis is r ranees ioung, jeuie jiuy vaiuwen, aiso laeed under the ban. From thi iuunuing out nis eigniy-niin year, iriureuce xionecuu, oara Jicuonneii, I imo nn. rnirhan nf IT will Elizabeth Correll. Nina Norman, Cat h- aaVertie by these method." A wi -. now ine negro is out or it and I ot the Luberger fou ayt been fearful of results, but things Kannapolis road, a ?re working out all right.. iButler is violent plucges whil Picnic at Church Mt. Hennon Grounds. The Mt. Hermon congregation will nejrro everv time." Unlike fnsplv and it looker! at one time as hold a picnic on the church ?rounds T-OSt IUPn nf Viie n rra J-rvTmr-n n- Tovi'o I i-P V. V.nn .-rrnnlA Aio TIt ITrT3flRn lTTri1IV Alicmcf 1 9 .Vo33 33 33 3T3fr of TO) t0es nt live in the mst ! hv anv wnc snmmnrp1 and after workin? with a. m. and continnin? until 10 n. m. ens; he is right up with the pro- the animal some time it regained Dinner and supper, ice cream and V-n and knows what is ;done and strength enough to be brought to the lemonade will be served by the mem 110 w it. is done. He is a live wire. city. Dr. Griffin thinks the horse burst a blood vessel during its mad forehead Defeated by a Majority of attempt to run. 212 Votes. Greensboro News. Veterans' Dinner Tomorrow. Two long rows of tables have been n -x l -.1 . . . ' .1 luuservative estimate, based upon constructed at tne court nouse lawn liable returns received at ithis office for the, veterans picnic tomorrow. The io the hou of going I to pre -' .mat .Mr Morexead is defeate u-v d majority of 212 votes! bers of the church to the oublic for the benefit of rebuilding ?the church. Everybody is given a special invita tion to come. ' Xow good people come along and enjoy the day with us, and spend your monev for a good, worthy cause. " COMiflTTEE. veterans' choir and the Woodman band will furnish music for the occa sion. Every detail of the preparation has been completed and everything is 'Colonel Whartnn .T a:i:- in readiness for what promises to be -ulsuea ex-tnno-roccTo j tne most successful veterans oicnic '.3- ,3 33. autw a- J o-"--oviuici- auu , .... aaa provides . mat any aeaier wno at- a 4 O'J'! Saturday h Aid!!! Lmpts to sell other than by weight, --- AAZ. HI. lie nATVia rl-A.. Zl J I Will lir. TIIMI1K II V S. J. 111. 1 . .1 .. . . w -v0 imies irom , 0 mav De Drosecutea on the eomnlamt of the purchaser and be punished by The grocers of New York are do ing business under a new order. They are now required to sell eggs and bread, not by the dozen, or the loaf, but by the pound. The ordinance Negro Living Who Built First Fire in erine Deaton, Rebecca Dayvanlt, Cora conclusion, but the telephone diree- . oucnanan, r.uzaoem union, An- ton' ought to have beej included. Ad- me urace jsappenneia, Margaret JJa- Verti?ements on a programme, score vis, of Morganton, iVelma Revis, of card or directory only serve to de Yadkmville, and Lillian Reith, of traet attention from the le'ritim! j State House at Raleigh. I It is an interesting fact that there is still living in the northern section pf Raleigh the negro who started the first fire in the present state house When it was completed way back in the thirties. His name is Charles Hin ton. He was the body servant of fstate Treasurer Hinton and says that uosnen, mu. purpose of these cards and the gen- Cabarrus County Should do Likewise. eral.rKt thc reader takes of the ad- ru. nu-. nerusroieni ji a wisn mai 11 were noi 1 Charlotte Observer. r..- . v..t , 1 1 lit. c r. k r r 1 11 rn v i i nT-3r -r nnin Alamance county is bestirring itself be vastly imnrnred wer. drfiuw 10 esiaonsn a nospnai. ice county ments omitted from it. When a eity ayetteville ff3. 33 and Ti T TTflrtsell. whiA " ' "riei. "mess, r- ' i was not considered serious un til u ,, . " w"sAueiea se U shortly before his death. " A woman likes to be irreil on poise, fine or imprisonment for each of- but not on avoidupois. Ifense. . ; ; r . T, l. .:n al. a a a t. 1 fireplace in the State Treasurer's of- IrTTl. . 17 :1? aim; ory 1S uw1 " ,s Ior U1 1005,n fice. These fire T.Ue ,wpre the I; TT, A ; P oi a name, and not one time m a - r-. - iween rsurnnton ana uranam ana thonanl i an a!vertirement in !k !fn;m,nVi; m .i.t. fcnn: Pe'wu ?as ?een ra.l5e1 llL &on noticed. The Hickory merchant k ' T V -.001 Vv 7 aIone for the Pject. Tomorrow a harc eone in to save monev was hnrnPfl m 1M1 and the nresent I , . . - ..... uBKgumr in ioweuwuci. i -.ww x- nnnp.Tn.nnnu Mniass win ra rvoemn stnnp pinitil troa a VirTi f tpn TP9r I . ... . . . 0 . - J 10 increase tnis amount. .Medical sci-l Tannnn ;M' nn.l , cmc w 5cau in me njsm" weure repuuiatea oy tne JCe- a c w Amn n aiii tiaw 3r n r w ww 3TV i mm m m amb 31 31 - a tt wr . m , Xir.r. r,r j T I liaiiuu iuj ii cs arc 1 nuDHCans OI Kail'ias ednela v. Sevr- nSuZ: would formerly have en out of eiht insurant -CnSL Propit and Ed. Sherrill spent yester- ;Sfmfp without men have been nominated in spite of iA ; ftoi;. OTlTf f ,r. I hospital -facilities and trained nursing Cver-thing the congressional onrani- tTii?J Tnr33 6 the doctors are unable to secure the t ion at Washington .ni 3- II A .. ucak utw- iwc cij iuaieriai ua-1 m .tvansas coma ao 10 save their men. &13 uj. uouArs ana cenis 11 wm noi 1 1 neir xnavintiea ran rmm ?inn r IT TT SI 3 I . .. . ! . ..... I 7 - 7 " Air. jay cannon is now on nis va- tae tne proposed ! institution many 13.500. Of the air stand-at Ct,. cation and Mr. R. L. Morrison is on months to repay the investment made (men who were seeking nomination, the clerical force at Davis drug store by saving lives which would otherwise I only one is sure of havi his name ort ounng nis aosenee. i -nave Deen lost. the ticket this falL lillian Miller.