J ! John p "g"pl PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. SI GO n VOL XXXVI. CONCORD, N...C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER )5. 19 0 NO. 22 .nTir.HTON AND COWLES ' . AT WILKESBORO. AN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. KANNAPOLIS NEWS. HOOPER IS NOMINATED. ATHLETICS AT the COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. TLrr tit ;t sf Rf ctSCCI ;uu, line Crow ton Wins Payor and Makes a A 1 Impression on me juarge d Present. of the rv Mr. teresting and helpful series of meet-'".. inzs Tuesday mzbt. He was assisted P' 4 y'"" Vul Y.u,"wt lalt week by Kev. T. E. Wags, of ami lunner cut loose irorn la Norwood, who return home Friday. r by referring the latt reru- erY A Lot of Choice MiUrUI a IU&4 for the Of jaaixaUea of Strocxj Teiru at Mt. PleixmV StudesU I i Still Enrolling . j The Srt mceluig'ot the Ath'.cxic A petition of -th Collegiate latl- II. t' t o: urt any. fi.Ia. ImL. in t f fi-!fftfk rliltwl er Maxwell touring car, occupied V0 T H Za tr Zm i,i- Pent State executive committee TuWay aileron n. ; U at a Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ferguson. Mi.s 1 , ; , ; ,,.7 .rr.T, 71 , " " i .without discussion. eiithuaic wtmj uaTtKilMtea xa ie Rankin and M. A. J. Klcltzf uV?t t " ":rl2:.:" Thus wa3 or-anixed a formidable by all the students, a Urs cumber ot of the car and pr.i,n-:ror of the v H Jll l lwkin- triumvirate to campai-n for whozu have already bcoun:e neabrn xri.. i..- V. ' still there was not as man as .-was I i,,- , , "...Lji .wv it atte llacke seeeh s,poke idlv b every Several Persons Barely Escape Death A Pew Interesting Items Proa the Tennessee Democrats Endorse in an AntomobUe Accident at Bnsy Little City. , Republican Candidate. Cook's Crossing-The Event in De- Kev. W. 15. Shinn, pastor of the Th mdepnJent Democrats tail Jletuotlist cnurcn cioea a very in-i . n a-had the following in Thurs- in an automobile accident at Cook's unin s paper: crossing, 6 miles Irom Concord 'Mon ti. L.CDoughton and Hon. Chas. day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A 30-horse .vies the two candidates lor pow n the eisrntn congressional by ' .. i- A -.Vv of n of f Vl Q I T r ' met in jvim, uware k i jjcs iiouso in Wilkesboro Wednes- owner iho court xuuxix "- u duls-iuUlu iuS l oivcus- . , f Ht there wr o-ooJ seeds . r Kl therutmost .to nold tne crowd boro, '.and Mr. J. W. Ferguson, otr ... nmillMft n hrvt in viraIe wnsistmg.or-UepubUeans, in- tw,n of identifym- tbemsclvt iul--' Whpn thA time came f!lmrWti fumpd nvor ami nil thp nr-1 . deoendent IVrfiocrats an. State-widl thv lav nf sriirtol liins. The Ia-f prohibitionists. The independents and stttute has ever made a nrm slacd lJ " m t arose, and in a short stirring en route from Charlotte, where they tQx Qr from Bethpa-e Sunday P romDU,oni st are s? closely allied as Ioi pure, wholejwaxs exem in jw k , , , c li" laiKcn ovtrnaij la incir memocr way ot auuriic un mini um ship: I qutte an enviable record m thu re- J-iAher fea a hall pag U4y Xel4 The Tossible break In the solid I jsoect. ' I of barrain which r Wins ,1 to the ir lis A U.v fort of Lir,lt ar raw lay itiZ brik KtrtTS.&-zi bailiiar Tl Car.fwa 4 Ktr .CVttxxay baa rarrd t eci-M atay' ff lb rJbrat! UyaI..-'-8i4 ia .C3eo? X Sceai. Tk kcat cottoa 4 Ciajlt La ojward miih etrral bar a 141 taarkH, the pnee Witi C0 rrtsU The Soatbera L sta asd Tral Co i 1 f TAnr.Vitvn ntrVin I. . J i. f J X T If- mtroauceu T"1 uuua Yrfeuauu1"' ,1 night and rendered some very fine tirst. .Air. uouuiyu rviuxiz, wno was onving ani iss rausic before the Dreaehin- service - saw. Wilke: ut spienum euuWauUU I iiin uecupicu mo iiu a , auu Tjie services were held in the one easily understood all ne the Messrs. Ferguson and .Mrs. a er- y , r .auditorium, which was lit- for attempting to deceive the Ulmg at a rate of about 2 miles an There were instru. Souths outlined in the convention I Baseball will come in for a good cnxd n the raart. Sc tit extends only to one office, the Gover-1 share of attention, and prospects now ad and read it. norship. There is a "gentlemen's I point to the strongest team next The mralar moathlv teHiar of tb a re s people by stating in his hour and in turning -the sharp curve ""V" hesidel the iiano and alto- a"fniT' oeiween me inaepenaema spring tnai we sciki nas ever Mraieltv aldermen, which waa U liam i, pwyio j 0 . , ... 0 . . ,r iJ. ments Desiaea tne piano ana ano .,. . pOBnw f na; I r irnk xru fwu (rot her ,the mni sirnc fine ann the I . , . I . 1. , . . f I . ' . - , , party win mvaoe tne otners saieieiectea manager ami ue i planning i lHnH for a vcek. foaat iilS saL'e otier He c mana in tl iit Jellerson mai ne nau cast at me ranroaa crossing xxr. xviunz, rr,Q:rt !TtTOe cno v.e ,1 tVini nAftn A ftt VVl 1 Ices I o t i arrr.t ori in elnelr TriiA mte nt snPfld -. necuoii vii. . : , " . . , v , audience was large Mr. Anaerson icltiv it.. on,i th- fn. Kn tl, .-mml f vx He (suecesstully deteniea but the brake tailed to woric. ine seeme1 to catcll on inspiration and ? T ' 4T T V M 7 ,rd in the Senate of the last car skidded and turned over just as edifyin Sermon wh ch wL ap- n.df ts y assures a Democratic selecting bit team. In order to do : oVnr.flr.v nl nas- H roelve fhe rnilrnQl tropk. All the t ediiyin sermon wnicn as ap- Legislature. The last Republican this, each of the cla will organlxe laiuic 111 r -"V . , 7 " :r preacned witn especial earnesines a Governor in Tennessee was Alvin a nm and fames will be nlaved k- T i 1- of the oil inspection bill, and occupants were pinned beneath the Pn Hv th. :.n Yr HaiV1 Pla-w. See. ad for particular, legislation whicii he advocated, wreck of the mined car, but the 5 j Kirk former pastor of the V "V 1 7 V . ioiyuKnoui ice wmrrv . c i ji 4.1 ippr,, ; V.P mocr, Aan!.MV trt wnrV J V AV,rK xo"?er lor OJ- lue fact that his election was due to a Tennis is also coming in for Its ontrasted tbe dtfence in the Messrs Ffeuson Baptist church at this pla Is ,ere Democratic spUt M by Jud S. p. ,b,L. of attention. This department jemeiit 01 govoiuu.uv aJf uUl "u."" u r"v. on . visit and is kept busy saaKing .k, ... ( k. rf Un' i. .1 f r. t r gnoornoou 1 i tu fripnds. Mr. Kirk is now i -i i j :l-r..i ?n if u.i,rl ! 4l x ti v,, "a ": 7 , ui nvu aywais as an niuewuueui m air. trane wm spare no nama, in ui- ratic ruie, ana guowa uv caxxxeu -uixu ,u stationed at Falmersvilie, JS. C, and thftl,udidarv election last a umist tin nnawoft court and in develon- The SeaUiard Air Unc llailry will iterate a Urm rate exruraion Florida Tuesday. September 2Ttb Mr. Joe Brock after spending aoom ern . -hencver the Democratic party Jackson btroud immediately in ttont fa enjoyin a v tio at present. Mrs. ,vas 'tbe tfowrnnner of he jnclM fiiet nlavers. Thi, U fek-1 1 bn in power in (M-an i tne scene 01 ice acciueu.. Kirk is mth him. They are visiting ,.,: WMnesv. i lo eirin-moi,! 1 r 11lt y TlTl n1 Q TlI I - v-rv 1 J - I - -- w - n The convention was run off without I reccignition. a ripple. of opposition to the program I Tihe new student bodv contains 1 ;i. I : a ' Li : i- ; fi n-nA I . ' . . . had veace, prosperity, puriiy xu guv- nans irom iu wij ciC uvu .w Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wright. ment, good management, lar great- rendered prompt aid. Mr. iviuttz re- Rev Mr Black, the noted Presby Cliariotte thi aftennxm. Mr. Newton Stockton, a well knoi hor?e trader, who often vinltt Con cord, was fined $10 and VjU la Greensboro Tuei!ay for nhtinj;. Mi&bcs Maude and Grace Brwn will er education al advantages, nd every- ceived a severe bruise on forehead t - fivanErpi;st. of Oharlotte. will L X .a i ' L .J, ' Lntoriain nt Kurhre nartv Frlda , - 1.1 -i . , 1 I .i I o 7 ' I ui I lie 1COUC1B. V uvoc wuiT nvu i irn juuus: ill, u " uu iiv.-iw - thing that meant progress xnrougu- and severe inieradi A"JUiies VJ- begin a series of metings in tne . to keep the enthusiastic delegates from abilUea for fast track work, which morning in honor of tbeir piet MUl i .. , .norrmonr. it ,t h iivkiii- hi iiiikiiiiwji calcui nxio oui uepm " - a- i . -- - . . ment whereas tie s had raents irtment of the govern- an unknown extent ; Miss Ban- M A. auditorium on the 2oth of prematurely suspending the rules and will also be ehcouragel and a strong Helen-.Vision, .of Grecn, S. under Republican rule kin slight bruises and l fir this month Mr. Black is considered nominating Hooper by acclamation, team will soon be in readiness for Mi Laura Barnhardt, ca.hi -rrfra.7 Tnn pv KrAlnii Al To H orcrncnn nun 'Messrs. i n . i 1 i Q . . T . . . . , T; . . ... . ... c. ier al the Pastime Moring Picture Shot . - t . 1, ; ir n . A r , I . :- . - 111)1 :ViAwe that, tne Deopie s moncr DroKen : mrs. ihku&uu aim lucaai. v.v ii whi'ihnve. evfir heard mm as a mu: . 1.1 ..f l.:: 4i w v - v . I ' - . -m 1 I w : I lllia t7i 1 1 lILfU. Lf Li L A U1CU VJUb J1. I f 1 11111 ! 1 1 1 jll II I. i i i i j. i-r-i - i;.u4-iw iMniKAi i - j i i r j been squanderea, tne oepar r erguson . were oiixy luJur fine preacher and an earnest worKer. order b the permanent chairman, R. Pmf. G. F. McAllister was elected has resigned her iwitin to aceer s run in deDt, me treasury emp- irain ivo. o, wuxcu ; a. i- No douDt our people will turn out in E onntcastle, national Derno president of the associ 1 . ' . . I . . n, ,i I - I . tied, scandals in every governmental minutes alter tne acciuem, wo tup-1 large congregations to-near-mm. cratic committeeman for Tennessee. Zeb - . 1 1 J 1 Antn I -9 J vvtiiVMvH TT ATrt TO 1 On ft I at . --v 1 n T 1 I J I . I department until wnen xne muciaw pea ana nie auju c Mr. A. ii. Sides, oi jvannapoiis, aim There was a long wait for committee It were returned to power tney iaced i"" wnneneau-oioxes . oa-uatwiuui, Miss Belle Howell, of concord, were ulenn task of cleaning every de- isburv. . married in Ooncord last Thursday rirnont nf tha filth and scandal, and The party had spent Sunday m ownxmt, nv. J A. J. Farrinston win? them from the debts which Charlotte and were returning to tlieir performed the ceremony. Jierc pa fr Avere ler task man said Mr. J. H. Reeder and family moved I nnv :rftaaa ftft follows: from this place to the ChadwicK mm, y xecommend that the resolu in Charlotte, last week association and Mr. ja position at Fijdierm, on the Square Trexler. treasurer. Mr. J. C. pleford ha moved hie looks like a good year for athlet- iewelrv atore from the Morris build- reports, and then platform resolutions ics it the Institute. hn? to the room recently vacated b were adopted and nommauons maae One week ago we ventured the pre- Mr Smith Scot U in the Plufcr build- in rapid sucoeesion by unanlmoul dictijon that the enrollment at the In- risim? votes. The resolution on har-ktitute would reach the hundred mark ..'.i..i i rt,in fk. this that Carpenters are at work on the new patterson convention be referred tonec0sary two will have entered. Ilnd what if B I He herit fiiA nn v Wae.ies left tbv the ut- home in wreensooro, oeiug acuump Russell radical fusion gang. This nied by Mr. J. W. Furgeson, of Char- under the Democratic wnite lotte, who intended returning to xys e rule has been accomplishedHe home on the afternoon train upon he would not abuse culler oui reacumg oai ,..xj " Presbyterian churcn tnis weeK. the State committee elected by tms Fridav n iirht. the lGtfii at 8 oVlock. nours oemg at;oc T?ntli Rneon. stenoOTaDher at 1 ...in oncwor. in . it. J... 4l 4n ;n 4t,tt rn.man,i; 7 . :iJ coaveuuuu xux Fxc -v.. . we cuxzeiu vx ; , - MnidK- inl tnala astnal ews do mat, out ue ium Kuc ai nic ut. WUu-i Uiu.u..u, th M (agrnolia miiis, oncoru, vimicu mr(1flnie w th the action and nomina- Rtndints the annual recerrfion on theK""-' . " ' v I, . 1 . fm lavor occausc oi meir cmcieut acr- Xnstitnte campus. Students from I lt m v.. 4n rm J 'Carl ota. rarmfl ct s I l it 1 1. tl V. I w " ' w v " I ' - - ' 1 ever get control of the State. The news ot the accident spread tending First street out to Maple siayeT as denounced repeatedly by Carl Jansen, tie well known Swel week. Our latent information 'w tbcre wiil preaching at Mt. ller- tne roil now sianos at vo ana i ... -k,v. ;. v 11 tion sent to this convention ny the doubtless before this sees print the- - . gunjav c.oniinff at 11 0 clock. The Citizens liank and Trat Com- explained the reason tor pros- rapidly over ine cuy aim m street, which makes our northern nor- the speakers and each denouncement hsh entertainer, -cave a free lecture in 1 r tt; 1 tt oh thnmpri min itpe after me re.nnrL leacaea iiem 4- a 1 hatt 1 1 i .nn.trAi 1 ,., . . , . uiiutr jxt-xvxiiic.y i ouv-nvu lu.ulw --r- , io.er.xuoK. a gien , was xeceived witn suouis ui ttHi"u,"' the auditonoum last nini. 111s pur- community. See ad. The North Carolina Democratic Handbook is out and a copy will bo the decker adversity, and harder the xannapous mgunay v .uucu Rev w. T. Talbirt, parlor 01 tne Temporary Chairman G. T. Fitzhugh, as primarily in the interest 01 'V xusy 0fne, 7UVS l,a4rma times during the panic imder Roose- with great throngs ot people in auto- Baptist eh here, has moved his of Memphis,' brought the audience to rhe Wceum course wlrich is being ar- A. II. idler, at lUIcigb. It contains a telt's administration. Speaking ' of mobiles, camagas, buggi i.; nud . on family over to Walnut street, near the jts ft When he said of the Carmack rand for the year, jbut it proved to lot of mighty interesting matter, the force bill introduced by Cowles horseback, togen-er with n huge mux.- patterson Mill and is now near the Cooper case: - ' be quite an entertainment neverthe- Mr. Sam Query, of Kannapolia, ia Conuress, and Cowies explanation her of pedestrams, all spe.yl-ng to-the enter cf hjs pastoral charge which 'wiien the highest court despite jesg ' spent yesterday in the city. Mr. that the reason why he did it was scene. The promipem-? of the mem- wiu be ft great convenience for him. hig (Patterson) efforts to coerce it, K pleasant, Sept, 15, 1910. Query' has resigned hi( iosition with because our own State election laws ters of the partv, fill ot wnom Hart a M j,ames Moore is on the sick hafl jjanded down a decision which : ; the White-Mprrian-Flowe Co. to eft Armm-tnnitv fnr fraud, he showed lai'se numDer 01 i.i?nu & im .u-iiuujh- ,. f -tW ; a WAPv i kni .lmcest fnend and chiet Ita; wrct rxrinfT Rinrm 1RS7 1 accent a Tosition with It. r. Uesir- I LJ 1 ailUV KA XJXJ vwwww III CU.lL.b3 KUb W A W V ww Mwwvfl- I ft that 190. t Cowles was in the Legislature' of ances in this ci4y ad-fc t a -ica.er Mr. E. W. Clarke, whom we men- political adviser as a murderer he Weather predictions are interesting eher & Co of Salisbury. 3 when every word of our pres- interest to the report and m n lemar- jn our lagt letter as mg slck and trample4 nnder foot o 1 M James Abbott, of Miss Hattie Pounds most deligbU e ectinn nv was enacieu. auu tui v duux. - 1 1C rn n critical conui -f rvr I nnrrpil nn nnilsua'iv la'Ifi X i'uc ?ctiessi neuuiiiea uiuiusu " . 1 yve nope, uuvvcvtrx, iwi nv I witJl .1 , , r 1 , , l ava of t'n ccpha nun is'frv I . i .u. . I R") VH'SSible fraud or nonpenuxxu- "i - - a change tor ine Deuer bwu. with ance of duty and that these laws puuxxc. xixguwaj t. - Viola, aiie iniie n-uwuiu-uiu world. ' erepassed with the assent of Mr. tlo.i was crowded wth pep.e m:,k:ng daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beav- 'wles, that Cowles furthermore was these way to the ..osrig anxious died Tuesday, a.bont noon of a DiAin in the ReRsinn nf the tesrislature of off'.- their aid ml aic.a-:rv t, u.e , irronble. after an illness of i. 1 ..a... inn 1 11 1 1 11 1 iifn auu lu aovi. ii..i ..-w - I nnroi ttaItq t ia remains were iaiu 1, mW V is in a critical condition witn ieer. thig judgment which was m accord a man whose business fully entertained a number of Ur law ami jusiiue auu " . ; I keeos him out doors tne year rouna, 1 inenus iav eKwuj i ut wu v the approval 01 m - " I has been hitting it very well on what bout h 3lam street, uunng ipe cTen the winters will bnng forth, says the mg roost excellent music wa$ renaerea OF MRS. JNO. C. WOOTEN Record. Last September be made and delightlui reiresamenis acrreo, , ' a bet of a suit of clothes that there The series of meetings that are now tttit. Pajitnr of Forest would not be a fall of snow as much beinir conducteil at Kpworth churrla .m, r..j.- nvT, Tii in Wil-I as three inches all winter. He won. bv the pastor. Kev. J. A. J. Faninff- " Tjast Jwefik he waTjted to wager a bet ton, are attended by large crowds and mington. with th same man, but he declined. much interest is " manifested. Tha Friends in Concord were shocked However, he made this prediction services begin every evening at 7:15 Tuesday to hea rthat Mrs. J. C. and s standing by it, to-wit: That the o'clock. Wooten. wife of Prof. J. C Wooten, xrinter will be the worst since f - t v,r. rmtmtA Journalist Here. nf Trinitv Colles-e. had died Sunday 1Q-7 Tina -tcJll do 94 a starter, fori vt Cnrin. m-Kr. t T I v -J O . I -A- ja,am " . J 1 I I 1IiJ 1 1 ltTU il Vllii Wl' jiist mai, ii o iiu . j . TviTor I Mr. iiivin xxuxiu, vjl -1 nigni ui a nusioi o-- 1 1 mis was we wors iuici ""ihas been snendin" the summer con Pnr frreLQ than all the Dem- s:er states that there are a numuei , arr:vflA in tne city this sHa .had. been ill for several I nnr ch f mm one I u: ti inAM eratie representatives in the State of the mechanical momin!! wd will spend today and to- days whh malarial fw. . to four feet deep on a level. Mr. Ab- WMrt tt ProDrietor ' Korman state is influence had not been sufficient broken and twisted 10 -- --- morrow here writing special articles Before her marnage to iTotessor ts it down that there wi'l be tbat he had a mt .Mccesafal scasoa r tf0f t uon nf oo f o Tornler the mechanism oi tne car rr1 ,. i.u rti;t;al mtn- mi:- t 07 iqarMV Wnotenl ru . . . . . - ' vi. it lie 1 1 II III 1 l-H. r 1 uuuiuuvvvv 1 tio i,vf a. - - ieh he was a member to even con- powerless. Mr. Jno. R. crawiora, a Mer this bill. Mr. Doughton's speech brother-in-law of Mr. came -strom and convincing, dealing down Tuesday and towed the ma- fard blows to bis opponent, frequent- chine back to Salisbury. iv punctuated with applause which inn- . , iwi an K and .as an evidence xii.m " -v - . 1 ... 1 1 .-. . .. . his entire advocacv. and satisfac- the catastrophe. . , st ,at zion chapel, near China ion .with said election law he never The machine was, ijiwu a Wednesday about noon, we introduced an amendment or sought city that night by Mr. L,. r,. iioger ana mthize with the bereaved pa rents in their loss. r . ' any way to chan-e one word pr after an examination it was lounu liable thereof. He stated in eonH to be injured more than was at ur Hn;ft .m;a.oiT,w Mir. fhmirht. The top and lenders were r-ivu mat nut vv iuiidi.xavjo - i o T T Stales' boast that he had more in- practically demolished ana jur. xu- 1 we,nee m tor nis paper uu r"" - wooieu on uuxie J-wv" I at least six snows x six wtucs uwj ... outioolc Tor tne ne ation in this county. H was until wag -Miss Mary Page, of Ukian, can-1 ach before the birds sing next spring . u yery encouraging. o foxir months asro orivate secretary to forn;a. at which place the marriage I Th is omto enough, but six snows ' . , 4 w owner i, r.nsmnn Webb and is thoroughly tftnk 1 she was a woman of nne nlv S:T in-bea deeo will not com- L -.u.i : n... i fSarith the political affairs in raltu?e having.graduated with hono pai the "wint f '57. , H.w- - u" pplause which T , thig gtate Mr. Horton was formerly from the University of Caltfornia ever it boped it will not end of the Hon. R. L. Donghton to bpeaK uere 0f The Tribune and has with the class 0f 1902. While in col- worse than six inches, even i Monday, as ieafenincr at the peeeh. Aer-an introduction bv Repre- . MnHjav shoudl be a. red-letter h, lf.nli:. - iAl """"J TT lWill. i-uaine randi . Mr. ( owies arose, nv,orril i)Amocracv. xion. Ind tto, ' ; V".rT3 t. v,?e ay-xux wuxxc . 1 lare number of friends m Con- lege sbe attained distinction in liter- should '''be six snows. ary arts, beng connected m ner emu year with cations .i. -Ilrollment of COG the first day, rlns X wieiei t i-ri an increase Ui. aim, wci tua aw last vear and greater by five than tt-; .L.J Dw n 'KTnla Peeh in the same old wav. and the t:n ' -Jmnt debate Mr. Mr. J. D. Ume, who mes xxx , was popular in rnnntv Meclical eocietv is tning hard No srww v, of tlm fet . rpu enoirinc vill Harrisburs:, is in a very critical con- qj Cnietv circles.of her Lw v ;rxr,fn nWiterate 1 Spencer Blackburn ten years ago. J' , p ' , t the court house at 1 dition from f3unes J state. Mr. Wooten met her while in from ihe educational world, expen ie smnVft l 1 11. 1 It. vn I iaK0 Pilte il' , , .j. . I u; vVe.1 bv a mule Monday ai- , i , i TieT-tlev. Cali-I xrr.j j. Trr 'uu, !:i rrLr riine led the mule m r?6 w" " eutt:V rtKlUo dav on his way to Charlotte to U exouueui. 1 xexiivvjj. . 1 tnmm. 1 nnamrinna oneninir in 11s xxiivj- - 1 . - . t- t H '0 shaw that he was ght, and in the T State, a genUeman the stable W.WriW, after their marriage I ejjajgs ronht against the tetitn- tend the r s'temellt of the Secretary of the lKuTrte Democracy of the dLtrict the animal facked torn in tne th came to Concord where Hr. hv Dr. nemer, oi the Caroepe iir. Hifkorv. for eer asnry to the contrary was nntme. i' Vi" ted to represent it in the knocking oui axx ux w ;n7 Wooten was pastor of oresi xixxx Fonndation npon which the j-orsyin l V" j d1 V take nra hh price of farm Products was E.f? a vry on Methodist chnrcL During his V-r,r Medical ociety is basing its Ural years and ha deeided to take up. aua bv hiffh tr?fl tkt the ?ex "Z! do so his face. ; " t. We . wife was one of-the rT"' w little or no-effert npon medicine, ne wm auexxa v-- clamor against the high cost of 2A h(i We MondaV. Don't come : - ; - . Im0st popular women in Concord, be- standing of the college, if the hv the riervnle. living in , 1 mnth -vim. and w were in error in stating in a . , , j hcid in esteem oy . nf students and the en- Hiot ;p--u,f ; aione, orin0 soxue v I 1,0 Mr Walter West I .,? t. : u , t, Vcwiallv was she I - 1 o nnnin exer- v r ii-ivdJan Advocate: Rev. TL coe ihnt everv man la your cumiuu- receni, .. an wuu jcw uci. --1 - 1 innsiasm suwu -1 1 : see that ever mx j thronsrh Concord on h?Lnnnlr:with the members of Forest l . . - - anvthing. TL WinecolT. who come years ago nity is nere. t r pionwiTit where be would ttmi wi, v.a cia entered into I ' ; 1 - An rvnfrne from the Erjis- WttV IU a i-" 1 nju cuuibu, nuvie ww -v I como w s 1UJ Ses' .and that if-they succeeded in lUUCtS WOnlrl fall 4-1,0 :J that a high tariff was the farm- 55 r-ly hone. TW . -nr, cfUT in n., x - xjv Tca uvxu n. LUli: uiu iniroauceu uy 'Vlter n rPirin1o-. f tan imin- ire-aCh 1116 debate closed, and ex- I -1011 nf frrniifinQtSNv. fusing The Epworth Revival. The meetings are growing in inter est and in power. We had the best service last night of any ot weer-. - j; at Glover N. , nt o.i;g 1: . 1 t-;o vol- i wirve iuuxkxiu " -p. siaiiiicuuon were iiearu s w . p..- . --,"i.uu s irienas? on everv siae. xvev. x. a. xyuxM-" x- - . tes "' r . I tnWTITlCT MT ire u r.1ift nf the neoDle amons whom sne n,,, nmnn Cath- Word has reached here that Mr. A. I labored, and ?X olic Church. The meeting was attend- MUlu . .1 , t t,a -rrT 11 ha coined to reau OI xier 1 . . 1 .ffivii LUCr . . . 1 . .1 1 ntn. mnntrnr 111 uc i nci nui tjs k'"- - . i .i nn rnnniiv iiltt: vvui. tanrlin Wt1u ,W4 wb has a gospel mes- j. ixiuuz, py, -Ci,tt w " 9n :rtenl oastors wile, rT"-' ' hi. IRnrv U .1 1 vixvxi 'aav& u,-i.x laro VPUhiicans to get out ie ernWd yet U was vident that ixr .Kj - was aimost ecraanv "va lilt iDmAAramt a great v meetingl 7 'In n 'el nek. REV. J. A. J. FARRINUTOW.-. Pastor. lecture on the Roman next Wednesday night. .11 iuc ipmnoroAr e-r i ' - i M . , . . aangerou x - was always visiting, helping and bemena accident last Monday, ana j and who taken to a aiisnury vf .o more popnlar pas-! : Tt is stated tnai ne w m 1 iu , . - . j iu- xij. - ve U,vrfi wife has ever uvea in vuucuiu. . T ... i4 M kaMn heominprijuauiv a - , n.tw Miss 3iarv ixu jiu - ir ' . nn W internallv. his Prof, wooten nas xa -J-t -:t" . -c.ip-, Female -Academy, time, xxe . . r - 1 1n .: T,nmw.nf our people in me ujviuw3 t -11 uv; -t t -- - - - cy r tor of Strongville Charge, North Ohk Conference of the Metiiodist Episco pal Church, has been recently trans ferred by Bishop Smith to Alaska Mission and stationed at Fairbanks, the most important Methodist Episco pal Church in Alaska. Col. J. H. Wallace, "of rtHeM, U ofrf ininrv beinsr m one oi nis au- i-bv --7- -- aiXVes XU uiXLuaisx.