fnhn ---- --. "wiiaiitjr PUBLISHED TWICE v .. ,r $160 ft Y VOL. XXXVI. tfEW'CLUB BUILDING. ,..;.nt'nn.- were rf.v . mr r -nial Opening oi me aanuiaciur- ( Eveninr. , i al opening of the hand j i home of the Southern Man- Club.'ot Charlotte-will Ik ( i i.-iis (-veiling by probably the r;iiiant reception ever given in :rv of tlie.crty. The receiv ;,, will include a large number (. n;(,,t prominent men and wo- ;;, city and section and 2,000 1 issued for the occa- Urilliant Rights, beautiful mu I lmndsome women will make '. hnildint' a most aftractive fill"-' , . , , 1 -1 t ' c,v duDj-iias Deen duiii ana triv at a cost of $110,000 and UX'. , inikomest club home in the o-th. is handsomely appointed, 'w "eU-snnily furnished throughout, beir- (q;iif)peu wuu cvcij muutriu nvenience and (comfort 'the- modern ir.,its a very .striking exiertior ap-, ,lt, Willi U M'muuii ui icnuro w t'endiii around two sides of it. The sjrjftiuf; is built in from the street r,l tlic intervening space will be mrtVl and male;into a pretty stretcn i i .. ! 0 lit" ii. The Southern Manutacturers' Uluo , ;.a.1. 1 f voire o rrr onrl in. iflivios in us mempersmp a majority oi rhe manufacturers, bankers, and most of flu- prominent; merchants and pro Vosnhnl men in Charlotte and quite i nirnnei' l munuj-auiuicio, uiatuiu . .i - i. : frv men nni oiners who are nut xesi-dnt- of t lie city. Quite a number of forford people. jwill attend this re ception i o - Boys' Corn Contest. Mr. T. 15. Parker, state demonstra tor, has sent out, a letter in which'he furnishe.s directions as to measuring the Boys' Corn Club 'contests, and AS TO UlC COIHUIIUIJS VI CUlli WilCU it is measured.; He said that the standard for. an acre would be the s measurements of seventy Yards square for one acre, the meas urement to commence at a distance from the row of corn equal to hall the width of the corn rows. As to the condition of the corn, he says:?' "The corn when measured must be dry and merchantable, dry enough to grind, for meal. The corn should be shucked, and measured in the ear in'a barrel or box holding not less than three bushels. Shell one or two of the barrel or box full, weigh the thel led corn and make the calculation from that. It twill be necessary to shuck and measure th, entire acre n. the ear. but will not be necessary to shell all the corn. Be sure that the corn shelled is an average of the en tire lot and that the barrel or box is filled each time as nearly alike as possible. : ! " " CONCORD, N. C.y THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1910 EVANGELIST AT KANHAPOLIS. -ZZ - : I , " 1 c i - .1 : : )uo tn Atlvnnoo. Rev. Wm. Black Begins Meeting There Love Laughs at Locksmiths Work on New Presbyterian Church. Rev, Wm. Black, the Presbyterian evangelist, besran hist meeting ho. Saturday night and had a lanre and attentive audience at his first serviee. having the lanre auditorium of th Y. M. C. A. nearly full. At the Sun day morning service it was comfort ably lull and at msrht service it was packed. Mr. Black has won the reo- ple ove rto him and we are sure that much and lasting good will bo accom plished as he has the attention of his congregation from start to finish. Mr. Andrew Burr has charge of the sing ing, which is the best we ever had at Kannapolis. The talent has been here all the while and only needed to be drawn out and Mr. Burr has succeed ed in this task. There are services ev ery morning at 10 o'clock and at 7:30 in the evening. The song service be gins Id minutes earlier. All the Christian .people are united regardless of denominational lines and all are working together and are realizing great results. Mr. Holloway Dwisrgins and Miss Fallie Veach went to Fort Mill, S. .. Friday and were married. They failed o get license in this county on ac count of their age, but Jove laughs L lipn 1i- , V .i . . i ai tumcumes and cupia darts striKe he young as well as those advanced in years. Mr. Ed Williams and Miss Emma Snipes were married' at the home of he bride's father, on Maple street, Wednesday night. Rev. W. B. Shinn performed the ceremony and pro nounced them man and wife and now hey are one, and happy. Work on the new Presbyterian church is progressing rapidly this fine weather and the building will be com pleted .in a very few weeks. Judging from appearances now it will be a-Tvrdttv building. Mr. C.-R. Stack, formerly with the Spencer Mountain Mills, is now num bered with the loom fixers in the Can non mill here. " H. Kannapolis, Sept. 29. Booker Washington May Speak in Concord. Craig Will be Candidate for Gov ernor. One of the most influential Demo eiats of the western part of the State and--a close personal friend of Hon Locke Craig, was in Raleigh Wednes day and authorizes the announcement that Mr. Craig will be a candidate for governor before the next Democratic state convention This gentleman stated that Mr. Craur was reluctant to make a formal announcement at such an early date, but in view of the letters and requests received bv him from every section insisting that he be candidate, and 'hat he should let his intentions be knovn, he felt that it was his duty to his friends to say that -his name oulu eertainlv Democratic state nomination. This jrentleman also stated that go before the next convention for the it personal innnioH. Some of the People Here and Else- SOUTHBEN POWES- CO. TO GET BLEWITT FALLS? where Wno Cone and Go. oaclctifin nf a; m ,r..v . 1 I It H Drt.bih'i. that t;s. C-.tV. . . . VVM. Crowell, of ne'er, is I Power Combanv. whm f l?f:rJ trasa- visiting relatives here. Mr?. W. G. Caswell, cf Salisbury, is visaing jirs. J. w. brink. liss Kate ilorrison Li visiting Mrs M. S. Morrison at Winston-Saleb Hon. W. R. Odell attended the fu neral of Dr; Dixon at Raleigh vesier day. Mrs. J. W. Canno :, Jr.. v.ent to Winston-Salem yesterdry to visit Mrs. J. B. Douelass. 5 .?vit iiur aireauv ciiecu over a lanre section of Xortb and South Caruhua with ojwr lines into all the manufacturing tities anul towns of thd piedmont action esoecialiy, vili bil m ttie IJIewett Falls property near Hockinirbara. when it k oSfcml for sale in New York next Wednesday. Dr. W. Gil Wvlie. of Xew York, prc- ueni oi tne Southern rower Company, inspected the Dronertr last week and is reported as immensely pleased with With it. It is ei1 fiv nn'nMra tVi Mr. Peter King will leave tonight $1,500,000 will be reouimlto complete for Lane City, Texas., to visit his tbe hrdroelectric plant and put it in brother, MK Horace King, Mi-s. D. L. Bost went to Charlotte today to attend tbe reception at the Manufacturers' Club. Mrs. W. D. Pemberton and Mrs. J. F. Laney are spending the day in Sal put oieration. When eomoleted it will have a capacity of 32,000 horsenowei of electricity and tr.Jismission lines will no doubt extend over a larjre section of Richmond. Anson and Scot- laud counties in North Carolina, and ibury on a Msit to Mrs. T.J. Jerome. South Carolina. If it i. rurchasel bv 3Irs. Leonard Brown and children the Southern Power Company the have returned from Yaidkin county, transmission system will be connect where they have been visiting rela- ed with the present transmission sys- tives. tem of that pomranr. ia Mnnrn linA being extended eastward. has been visiting Mrs. W. D. Pember- Tne completion of the plant will ton for several days, will return home mark a new epoch for a large section tomorrows no matter by whom completed. It Messrs. L. E. Boger, -Eugene Brown. Slt?? f, PlentifuA SUPP) of lec; Henry Smith and John Laughlin went "T' oprauon oz stores ot to Albemarle yesterday on a short efto ""lU and other manufacturing business trip. r plants, the convenience and cheapness - "jl Awim ui. puner as wm as US Recital at Mont Amoena Seminary. JantUy forming an invaluable asset There will be a recital at Mont cv?n. Amoena Seminary, Mt Pleasant, of the property and the visit of Dr. next Saturday evening, nnder the di- w lie 4 Post has th reetion ot Miss Ethlyn Crabtree and f0iiowino.. ; "The sale is set for October 5 in New York, with an upset " price of Miss Ada Stirewalt. The following will be the programme: Sextette from "Lucia Di Lammer moor ucxa -----p $1,000,000, and Dr. Wylie was so fa- wonizeiu .i, a :n il. i . . Nocturne : Chopin Extract from ' If I Were King'7 McCarthy vorably impressed with the work and the prospect for the falls that were it left with him entirely he would nn- ; -'iaiiuv I ! -i ,1 , Da Strit Pianna Anon V- S y i? o leJrmJ' T' Spanish Dance .Moskowski n old South Carolinian. For Cradle Song Hauser ZV a il s 1 as n Vmcni The Execution of Sydney Carton.. thf. Southern Power Company jmd is Dickens lfl:;.9 ot xneir . ivnuviij ' . i ' t C. H. Watson, a prominent colored Ah! 'Tis a Dream Hawley receni nnnenaKings. man of Charlotte, is in Concord to- Rosalie DeKovenl ' day in the interest of a proposed visit Just a-Wearyin for YouJacobs-Bond Baptists Oppose International Lessons here by Booker T. Washington, the A Matrimonial Experiment Dixon great colored educator. Dr. Washing- The Pudding ; Fisk ton will speak in Charlotte on Friday night, October 28, and m bahsbury Dr. Dixon's Funeral. the following night. It is proposed to Raiei Times, 28th. a nimwpin aj This afternoon the body of Dr. to Salisbury and make a speech either fi eujamhi Dixon late audi. m the courf house or opera house Dr J f . g North Carolina; wasumsiuu is uiuig w uUJ . ot! in,M rt acf i n,KTAn,l m. terv. The funeral services were con- Leading men of the Baptist denomi nation, representing practically every Southern State, met in Nashville Wed- A CHEAT IXCOXVl-NIEKCE. TODATS WEATHES UTTOZT. Oftca Ispottillt to riri Ozi Tizt of Arriral cf Traisx uxft ir.ct tae telryrapi cke tr fnovrd fnrs tLe drtct to m poi-t at the wuth eti if t d,l! tra-.i Uth u vp:ui:e tie Ba!o &U1 ar4 at least half a i!e frwra tie :ali3,: there La leea ZTl ecopUist a Wat LOCAL ACT OTHEHWISH at Th Tt the master f ballcttirJn the tlx of 1 Corl 4 W4Tt O. arfifttl arrival of tram. There i a tele terdatr. grapa ofSce in tae freight deil near Gatr. Kiteila. i 1 f,V hT by,, and in tie day time the ticWt ti:mw ti4, W thm ru agent may find oat how the trab are Dr. It, ts Yts wiLU hi-t: . by gvicg over there. At t.i:tt bow ever, and always when the freight of fice u cloedj it U impoib! to tvA oat about the trains -without -prfngr all the way to the telegraph station at tue Buffalo mill. Ttis U i;ra- Mrt. W, C, HoaiJiia e!TtalH! m few ftirU 3rterdar m'Ur.Mi 1st fcoaor i f Mr. J. 1. Ijry. Marnar Iseea-e a i.d staler ticable, as mav be seen, tioj only oaK3Ji J Caj'e, Iwth cf C&txvr account of the di&tanee bat oa areount I f.ir W- VW Ti t of the fact that the way Ls dark and Fo-iket mttd to SJt, John. ntrd not afe at night. on a fu l-mi i4 , 1 We believe there is a law n the I Sir IlernanL statute books of North Carolina! :n. . . . . . which requires that the time of arrival L.!llK ir ,v and departure of trains be bulletined! :R.u t4i " i . h!i ..TT . .. B - V . at the passenger station. This is done oi hl j here as far as the ticket agent can do fi,; !U ho, oui xor ine aoove reason n is ira manifestly next to impossible for lit to be done at night or, when the freight office is not open. j The people of Concord are long suffering and kind in fact too much so. ihis is a matter, however, whieh Dont fail to se Ths Gieat S- eret" and 4 fin the MUiea Shadow." at the Tteatcrium todav. Ttee aro two fine films and must be seen to bo aSreciated. Mr. John Enia arrived in Concordl demands attention, and we suggest Jrdy from MUeatcamer Rfi, ere ue naa iecn aiKmt a montn tut his health. He has been in the dru busine at Canton since la winter. Dr. CidK H. Crowtdt. preider4 of the Methodist Female College, of Ok lahoma City, it eipeeted to trrita this evening to makt a short viMt to his eouin, Mr. J. Ie CrowtH. On Wednc!ayt OetoWr 19, at U that it is one for the consideration of our city fathers at their next session. - .! When Cotton Seed May retch a Dollar. Monroe Enquirer. " They aro just "monkeying" with cotton seed now. We laugh when we think of how Oar daddies dumped cot ton seed in heaps in the fields in win- oVloek J; B. Sbenill. executor of U ter time, and consider the price of K. Lilly, will aril to the highest bid eight cents a bushel for cotton seed dcr at the court home door here 38 ridiculous, but in a few years from shares of th stock of the Concord now, when yon who read these lines National Bank. and he who writes them is pointed out Gracber Bros, will open a meat as one ofthe oldest inhabitants we market tomorrow in tie room next to will talk of tbe time when cotton seed iWjj' iee hf M. They hate had brought the low price of 50 cents a experience in this line all their lire bushel. . . - and we besjcak for them a good pit- Not long from now the cotton farm- ponage. er can get a good big price to allow . r , some one to haul his seed away, bring ,c tender thanks to 3Ir. WJ. b'act' every pound of hulls and meal 0hv. Ireident of KnoxvUle Ei these seed make will be paid a goxxl position, for an invitation and an ad big price, we say, for the privilege of mission ticket to attend the extracting the orl from the seed. jion on Tenneee Pres Day, Indax A few years ago the Western grain September 30th. . frrower had a dream of "dollar Chanty and Children: A boola nesday morning to decile a matter wheat." The Southern cotton farmer Carolina lady wailed recently: "Why ls it that you Nortn varonna pcopn can elect your best men as Governors. . while we quit often do otberwiaef ' Well, when you come to think about it, why is it, sure enough f Mrs. A. Viola and children bar which will interest the entire religious is sittinsr up and looking for theday a i ' i world. These men constitute a lesson f "dollar cotton seed." It isfoming. committee, appointed by the Southern I : I Baptist Convention recently .in ses- Plain Sand Cure for Indigestion? sion at Baltimore and their action wiU That the ultimate cure for indiges- doubtless mean the first breaking I tion has been discovered is the belief the condition of the colored race, to . , T 1 . i ; I l lie luuciai dciuctj ncic vuu I , . . I " " : , I .. ..-. - - Sive advice ana to neip improve ineir . -p, I away from the international Sunday inf William AOranstein. millionaire I i-fnm.l in fiinmni fmm Hirhmond. condition generally. lis advice is tj. church and were attended by school lessons in use by practically head of a milk firm in Cambridge, Va., where thev iate'b-en Hrir g for vv nuicwuic auu uio vi.. jlvi terment of the race has been and is a great one. We hope he may be se cured for a speech here. . To Open Canal in December. Sailors will escape the dreaded hundreds of people representing every allof the leading denominations since Mass. ... several months and .will occupy their walk of Jife.- many being: nnable to ol- Uraustem had Deen a victim ol in- house on Loan street. .Mr. vjoia ana ' - - ' - - I Ti : I i 1 -C A z I - .. m rf-k ... fi o-et into the church. The services 11 ims Known xor some time digestion lor years, un in aavice tus son, Harry, will remain tn juca were unusually impressive and there tnat tne baptists, are not entirely in0f a physician be procured some com-mond. were manv wet eyes and bowed heads cord with other denominations on mon building sand, stenlized it and Mrs. IL L. Teazcr. and little ton, as the tributes were naid to the de- the question of these lessons. This took a spoonful of it three times a I Arehie Clifford, arrived Wednesday II- -! 11 1 - I , , I ! ' - nv Jiv Trnwrnnr Kitchin an ex- aissatisiaction reaenea a climax re- dav. In six weeks, it is said, a cure frrtm Alein. T nnA are th inif- graveyards at Capt Lookout and Cape Governor AycocLJ. The altar, before eeritly when 'a Baptist member was re- was effected. 'Dozens of his friends 0f rs. C. A. Suttlemire. They also Hatteras. where so many vessels and , hnAv ms .t1apw1. and . the moyed from the international lesson k a ve. tried the same treatment with L mw 4n cnrwl nfn fim w i ! !i ?-fr lives have been lost, by utilizing the casket were banked with beautiful committee. what was declared to be favorable re- Teazels parents, Mr. and Mrs. P C ivilmiH nnnn I M nifl I XT TlPfiriniT V !flTn II IK- In . i. ii . . I li- -V- I ' mIa.r Yaa s I v ''-. '.. lmauu wiiai iauV floral pieces, suem tnouxes sent uy i , . , . . , suns. iow wueuoer urrauitriu icus i ueai, oi o. lownsmp. non, wmcu wiii ixiiiv " friends from this and other cities. ,--. ,.w. down or cas any worK m nanu r)lrlntf fttlim(.r. There is mucK j.uc.uicu6v-o " . . i v iin me removal j me ccuauisuiu i rponinri"' snarDeneu iacuiuc( i . . .;... . t . t cfo,fi;n ;i c nio t,:! r.; , wk in rauway circiea u The dredges working from each end of the canal now are less than three-quaraters of a mile apart ThiTwarS tenfor W e barn of Mr. C..B. Roberts, at demic ,t Naples are bei.recelved Uonfa! of his panacea from a well"" Tn 0 Xr wi b tbV Southl The canal will be open lor xramc . . , . , . v,0f I A number of oersons have died in the vial. i I.".. J . . TWiK,. oA will afford ereat anaib, was tiumcu ' , , . - f Itailway. It is a iacioi noio icai "cCr"t ' :i w t 4 o'clock. -When the flames were dis- " a.1"" A. ."VI reiiei irum xiie picac-i j.aa0,m eemed to be the! general opinion that i". Craiir would ne nominated without ?(innus opposition two years hence. A Eummage Sale. Tbe Ladies Aid Society of Central Methodist . church will have a Rum Jie Sale .in the Phif er store room nt to H. L. Parks & Co., on next turday, October 1. They will have A-r sale all kinds' of .furniture, china, -aware, bric.-a-brac, carpets, rugs, rt(,!!'s clothing, ladies' clothes, pic tlro1 glassware, baby carriages, l?.s. hats, shirts,( children's clothes a;i various other 'things. .. . . iiioy want everj'one to come out help them. Proceeds will be ap ii('d to the payment of the church debt. - 1 . . ; Anyone having any article which ulfy would like to contribute to the j win please call up telephone No. y and collectors jwill calKfor the ar- ' ' Ihursday morning. .; """" The Music Hall Girl. l season at the opera house was last night with the presenta turn of "The Music Hall Girl." i-i ' c?JC? eom?dy & music. " Only a fair fiaience was present, and the ow deserved a better one. The mu- was catchy, jthe jokes witty and HuT S actln good, -and as a whole ii all. 7UUW gave sunsiacuoni to U. aii present. - - I 3 .... . -.T.V iin.T nalrArl tho Pntir sucn mai tne police navo uiuacuity Tn- VtLn nt fif m- anfi j- Badly i ..,.1 -;i,rtf,. rates from jiorthern ports. JSarges w:fAM hesdY in maintaining public order. It is re- ' wrt i b i with a draft of eight feet can navi- tu .- i ' . , , i . , 1 change. sate the canal.. Such boats can carry fat everything was ed except j g g i j The s.x.yearld son of MrJ John iJ. A report, evident y well founded, uuggj. ,. xwu .- Thpre were - new casea and 2G Lrietcner, oi tne caDarms iui,i leu Das it mat uovernor rvnema may cura- and one mule butx none of them were , 1"ere.were ur' YL Z Lr,f f Q immnn tW in th Wa!r.L;W,i ,.n n V. DlTon. Jr.. aoni . i. iu. f nf Toe. oeaius irom xne cnoira m apie i ; " " " " I "V . . . " " " r.T. . t nnpr irnve JMonoav anemoon. anu. i of itiA iai atianor. to succccu ma 500,000 feet of lumber. Immigrants arriving from America falling on his head, was badly hurt, ther until next January, when the aa from landing Ho was on his way home from school, I ditor elected in Kovcmber will be ln I ri H LIliU Ul IdiC 4TO. w " J I 111 LllO WIU. XUC ao c." k vhi. i rv t a Presbyterian minister of Newbern, day afternoon, and as it could not be 1Usaa- - -1 ? nn-rlrf o foom rf Trm1pa I 1,4- Hr 15Vw-fr, t,irnn,l rvnt llA I -Uimig on a uimiKc u- .v,ix.o - . : mu-ui. r -f with his automobile near uocKy two horses also to keep it trom going Tui " wnira on the steamer Ca- and stopped to climb the tree. He augnrated. Mr. Dixon U Lalf brolb ount' Ya". da?.beer ?ff' ,Mrs. Roberts also had fortunate- n PWS Naples from Bos- fell 15 or 20 feet on;hU headj and Lr of Rev. Plato Durham. . UcWDtto27 tT G if rnn lith ton; were permitted to disembark, but was knocked unconscious, lieiwas Mrg. j. M. Odell. who has been ia well is visiting relatives of ;his wote mght. The loss is about $200, with 1 ? . . , oenn , , . thtt ra:i taken to his home, and has not re-L. v mnntH near poanoke. He f?1 WO insurance. road station by soldiers. V ff consciousness He is lm-! m retunj Ecxt Sat nr. arrivmsr there Monday night ana later , , j I T-r. hnvcr. nd bi TihvslrfanJ . . ... c.i:. iri.t:.,.. r- XtJlcaoCU, 'Jr j." x . . 1 IT I 1 i 1VUgUVUU v4w' bond omaranteed by a itoanoKe ivme - Stanly. cj ..-. - I . ... . I a t nml and was not locked up. Hon. R. L. Doughton will speaK: in M-nanoite isews, oin w . -' . - " . I r- Qm-.f linnac tn nnll him thmnfh. I . -t . . 'it l. -t Can't Stand Cannomsra any iionger. v x -p i iotief win reiurn wua ert wu j-:k t- 1 . I some time here. laiter voiin uaeu Boyd Property Changes HaruL Durham, of Gastoaia, will fpend tha The Republican State Convention and piaees at -Saratoga Thursday evening nomina te TTpnrxr j. Stimson, of ISew orn, ' rni as its candidate for Governor. The nomination of Mr. Stimson was one mm-P -vietorv for Colonel Itoosevelt wim rrsnnallv led1 the fight for the nomination of his candidate, complet- . fi 1 .Atnno ii f-rmmrn3 in0' tne uuoroeu j.c v - .. . . . v A I F 4 f A btanly county at tne loiiowmg xiine Mr. A. A. . uiaexweiaer, a prommem T nroneptv on rn. strcet for Uinfr ith Mr. OdelL merchant, of Lenoir, was in the city I r - jr - . , , . . M. Richfield, October 10, at 2 p. m. last night. Mr. Blackwelder is a many years occupied by the late i Mr . . irr. GUKam' Grissom, the secretarx roja, as a 0f. the Itepablican State CommitUe, Albemarle, in Almond Hall. Octo- I insurs'ent Tennblican and stated that! ber 10. at 7:30 p. m. he waVsapptins Bob Donghton for ""P T"?.rT. rt. . '' want ll probib, Porters. October 11, at 11 a. m. congress in his district the eighth " "!t Tn,ir The lot "on laoa ancctW wiu oar earn. Eudv, October 11, at 7:30 p. m. . aad expected to cast his vote this fall lttc of I13- but ,he ot ,bu ' Sta t:-t':.i. n.ii.'i KiV. m I . :, fnr has a frontage on Chnrca streei oi , .. .. . . . i r t ill rr r a i f i r ( i 1111111 111 ro . w-v v . - . t - rrr - ' - - n - - Locust. October 12, at 7:30 p. m. Hon. C. H. Cowles is invited to be .-A M. A fc i i I V Ub teet and part or it wy fMyiranb every time they. wht drink- land: they are going to take revenge on J f t i. a in come , I lice lien.wrrais ior orinjxr awui te4UTTae1 & Ideep. The price paid was WOO. mflmpnt the convention was I A,-,f f AiQVi "-p ' tiia . TnvA times I rki-iriTi 4Tiif Timtfrhton -crnnld called to order until its final adjourn- nd places and will be given an equal under the wire an easy winner (over Well under way is a movement state of affair." IVhibitionbtsf division of time. ment. Appointments by Messrs. Wilson and : ' Hartsell. Hons L. T Hartsell anoS Geo cord 'at'thT foUowing places nd at he, home i.Pa.a.a. m IOrmeriy llveu m auauiui uu aaa.- Cowles and that nothing would please sarted at Fayetteville Thursday to se- wnat do yoa think of that! liim rno-ro day to secure for Major E. J. TT, , , , n in m more. . , . . . tt;t. frunT.;na nnn,,, ednelay- Greea-W ai i v i i i x . . i- - m m a -n rri- in ri i ir- iim . r irk rj iii i . , . I A letter received .. J.?re yenj 'SEJT "5 M thV oflSee State Auditor made JDt j0? .W. bears the mlprmation tnat ine wiie over me omuraa m "" -- - . . ,. n, t -p mght from concom ,to wich p i - -- -l 1 1 iniL i UnAMm ii. - ! w- f tnr. i A-iauk lit t a v. v v i j wa. a '- - . ofilrs." J. ii. aloose died on we 10m tiwumunj uu iicasuio .Vv . ItC- i the tool: &yivester pasa ard : - ; 1 Tent Meeting. X? it . ii nn - . . UUIC9 . ' . m - i. T71 .VnTit i-U-nn mAnths fm I - -r ti a i Ml t ? a-j1 . . . T Locke Erwin ball ground, .Monday 10 xiunua ' Aiexanaer wm.oepn.a leai given out bv the bureau give t i-IXiCt jwULW-JW - r Soro Kecord : last lace placed him in the Stonewall Jackson Train- - r- i i Tt t . Census fi-ures for-Richmond, Va., ocnoou. ne ooy wan conviciea ciijr . ritti tt i r " j. - a. 33 Steon MUl, -Tnesday ni, Octo- phoid fever. Mr. Moose is a v Ail. Oi jxr. . oer m. - - , . , Brown Mill, Wednesday night, Oc tober 5th. MM7 " heetinS at Ph 127,623! This is an ?m Odell Ilard ware Cp. Lynn brother Oetoher 7tb. at 7:30 n. m. The nubbe .io j;tq nni -J. Stout, the other boy implicated in tho t 11 ? A 1 A .11 3 At- I - - 7 . I vAhhATV W 1- Alf r . .At . it. ic: coraiaiiv mviiea to aiiena mei lann vi,an t ha ttrr7 Tvrmiti-n i uuu,-';i v v" "ju v vo services as they are undenominational. 1 ' oCXO - I . - . leosts and ne was onlered to appear TtWk & Shenard are sellins linene There will. be three services Sunday j in court every thirty days for the next Cabarrus Mill Thursday night, Oc- waists with your initials embroidered following at 11 a. m,3p.and i Some men hate conceited people be- two years and show that he had been 5; Jt - I thereon in colored silk for $125 each. I night. J. F. ALEXAOTER. I cause they dislike competition, r of good behavior. tober 6th.