B. Sri err ill, Editor and Publletier. PUBLISHED TWldE A SI CO ft Yr. Du It Ytlvftttc --"J. St- r E- . VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD, N.-C., MONDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1910 NO- 27 G0V. KITCHIN'S SPEECH. did "local self-government.' Tbey i didn't have the courage and candor Twcendous Crowd Hears Him Many to say what they meant. In the west n Mn't Get in Court House A era part of the State they say it has SDeech. wiuiuijijj-iu uo wua me liquor ques- Cfieat dp T,., , . r, I tion. and thev rav it HnAa whpnvr it ' . - ' 'William W. Kitchin, Governor suits then to say so. Will the people rV', Carolina, spoke in the court f T -V -". Xthareverassembled there. , e.n , Jae. err -;u i ;as every seat taken, bnt rlct S4' many Republican yji unO, ' . lawyers applied for the place. Judjre -v:v iwcn.oi Taft carefully looked into every case L;l;:v :-au to turn away lor lack and not find ft sin?le Republican . . fit for tliA r;ti in was presented bvHon. . " (J1J, Jul- i was 1. . melcs. nresent itAnnh hMn A t l f .ificol! whft' will hA Pa- r, S n. or The GoVernoV '7. .a.,;t, i.tAi I great btate. Taft said he wasn't fit. tu i l'arl . , , ' c l t ' Then Judge Timberlake, present nom- , a:u here in behalf of the Demo- inee of the Republicans for Associate cratic party. I am not a candidate justiCe was looked overby the Pres- B v-cii. 1 believe the Democratic par- ident, who said he wouldn't do. Then ... Avortliy 01 tne Support UJ. tver- painfi rn TTarrv Slrnnpr nnntUr T?o jv aiid-the Kepublican party is not pubUcan nominee for. Associate Jus- tt,:thy the suipon 01 man inj justice, and he was turned down as iKKiucratic party is not perfect, and unflt Taft wanted to appoint a Re tiie Kepublican party is not . altogether publican, but he could not find one ,1. tli'-ugli it is miguiy uau. xnat fit for t he place. None of these men varty has no good reputation in tms Wre considered by him fit for a Fed s.,Vf. iHl our party nas. ii.ven a ue- pra -Jnps,; paDli. an would have to say that the cans put them up as Supreme Court character oi;ms pmy.m Judges of your State. If Taft turned bad. There are some good men m them down why shouldn't you! Vote the party, . r for rj. VUil " " . -resident says y v, has gall- and. orass enougn u say It wag ft fine speech, and gladly re- I tneV would r'-i;ent as.you- fhcy havjrt the material in their par- complished. iv ,uv to improve on ineir past rec Does anybody 'believe-Marion Dr. Brem, of Charlotte, Found Dead jlitler would now be in power with in Bed. them.it: they had had the material? M waiter, sent from Gresham's Morehrarl, their chairman, never at- restaurant entered the room of Dr. terficd uie nepuwitttu t Charles F. Brem. in the Hartv it that's no justincation for the Democratic nominees, as your won't find a , Republican pres;.aent says your men are not fit. 1. brass enougn to say It was a fine speec give you as good gov-- ceivecL Ifc wag just !ve had in ten years, good, and we believe NEWSPAPEE OFFICE DESTEOYED BY DYNAMITE. Many Perish in Euins 0cUls of Company Say Union Printers are Responsible for Cowardly Attacts bnt Union Leaders Deny this Em phatically. The building and plant of The Is Angeles, Cal.f Times, one of the best known newspapers of the southwest and of which Gen. Harrison Gray Otis s editor and principal owner, was com pletely destroyed by andplosion and fire soon after 1 o'clock Saturday morning resulting in the death of up wards 20 of its employes and a finan cial loss of nearly half a million dol lars. - - The management of the paper lays blame of the explosion to the labor unions, with which organizations the paper has long been engaged in bitter warfare. It is charged that unknown persons s; ' off a charge of dynamite in a blunt lley which ran into the center of the building, completely .wrecking the interior and setting it on fire from roof to basement. T8he force of the explosion was ter rific. It was heard for miles and all the windows in the vicinity of The Times building were shattered. Be- twppn ."0 an.rl 75 emrdVves jR'ere in the - - V - AT" W the-kind to do niaPP nf the time and until the whole this end was ac-hjct n? pmnlm-P nf flip, naner can be cheeked over, it will not be known how many lives were lost. Gen. Otis, who is on his w, .r.r- SHOOTOO AT MT. PLEASA2T. IOEOWTH OF SOUTHEII!? CITIES I f AT HXS ror L,TtXItS IS VnXXTTVEX CASEL 0 rover Birriner Shoots Erly riiicr I Krr Orlexn nnt. AlUrU Stoszi in BackExplanation of Sbootinj ard Frobatly Bimirxtaca Tltrl. Mr. Bickett Kext Friday EeciUl AtUala -JoanxaL. the Iradicj tilic of th jNsalh. ibry of.rce, the hale-t:p in tit U tt tie JaU f U rir. U f mio. eoatiaw till it u " M Hirf A IL at the Seninary 2ncercss Per- j sonal Items. An ufartanate hootinr affair yen& Saturday night uriiea (irorr i$arringr shot litrW i iar in the back iith a load 0f bt. Abvat 10:30 o'clock m Mr. Harriner a about to retire, he" noticed someone peering into his window from the oat- side. Armed with his father's shot f gun ,ne gtaned lo invesugate. ice J ' bvm ru ,Ar jv fcs-pfn; tfsi ri Aly tresspasser took to his heel, at Mr. Hf lhe CAllva- J03 W'- 13 tr en!rrr,t ia Itu Mas b fU thnj tkc oU ord.r .of tits. umi-th WVttfittr U The fpalatiwa of lhrxlrax. M tsUtt4 jk'rs? iltut Ala., is lIt!.Q5o. an inerraa cf i- f . i. . .mi. Bamnger's approach, and did not a;s VV iaj ia liu. Sih, T, A. GUSt 1st a "lifts t&t heed his warning to halt whereupon Otitic, still the Ur;ct tity $3H:d. All jsrstsUUar istcmt - ' air. Barringer fired and Mr. Fbher re- f hfr Sootb, grew from 23tlW t4 f-a Wr!rtr,Vr 1A. Tr4aJ TittN ceived the full load. Fisher ran to 39.075. ( iip Sf5J rmtnsI fl a!toa'rr wilt hi home only a short distance awav, iCicbiaoad. jopulatioa 'mat acd rexeh m7fr lUxxtr Join S. Ufa, and called Mr. Jno. Miller into service frum to 1711. deron"of ?aHjanr. scd Car!et VT. bis automobile who lost no time Antonio, Tex., from Smith am aHfil irC0 ttt Ja a4. tting Dr. Moose on hand to ren-l3 to Worth from 26 ditioa to W.W ah lsertlofar al- is to .jij. Ioed. JIecdrfa rtU aa cJiitlssal Everywhere is heard the astonish- fl.mxi a riitr $h r to artist- ing tale of growth, prorc, ceTdo. mtr.i of Stntth. Attorns Tbxai mat, increase, prosperity. I'a!!eroa,. WtUUsi A. War. Barfoa It is significant of the real new Crai;-, T. J. Jrronc Mm.fl IWMi South. It is startling those provincial a lamj turn of ir W dis. comers of the world where the south bursl amo in aJJiiien Ia friends, and no ill .feeling has existed has not been highly regardni. It is U.fW) whuh eacii had aheady r- between them. Mr. Barrinsrer savs "mug uie attention or ine wuon w wirf(It - A l A - ...f- with in getting der necessary surgical aid, and at last report Mr. Fisher is resting well. No serious trouble is anticipated. Those are the plain facts in regard to the shooting but further explana tion is necessary since these voung gentlemen have been the best, of that he shot the man who ran from thls val Potion of itelfv his 'window, not having the slightest idea lie was shooting a friend. Mr. Fisher savs, however, that he was pass- 'rvr on the opposite side of the street, cor" tnat a man ran lrom -Mr. Barrin- - . m. m m tn. iiioii ibib m v a i a m m mmm a a a. a a from Mexico, and the rhishome.-er.g- wina0w across the street direct sibie neadfroi ine iimes.r1;voc-i- ,y before him (Fisher) just as Bar ly charge The Times building disaster v firej causing , Fisher to receive e this year. If they had r.T:-. ' . Jl... 7-? M.,M narrow ij "i" the shot intended for the other fellow . fit to runjor confess in the "'.3 Di. . " " " " ' "' '"K'Wh wtyttrar Bre" lyiS the bed. It was tvith equaTemphasis, the leaders of p Sunset JIClMncn, wuo iwo jear?, JiQmvro,l thot Via h his person to indicate that he hadtaken and offer all the aid in their power to up ai'o wen 7 - w , t into the Democratic prima- r;f. in tne itaieign oisiriBi , tuey hig own g0 after the physicians detect the culnriU. nnnin? a man wno inree muinus made an examination they gave it out Assistnnf General Manager Chand that he probably came to his death her of The Times says that an at- as. a result of an attack of asthma, tpmnt -was made to blow up The which produced violent coughing Times auxiliary plant at College and spells. Dr. Brem was 64 years old and San Fernando streets a few minutes had been in bad health for some time, before the explosion destroyed the His death was quite a shock to his main building. Irv 1900 the following ciftcs of the South occupied the order of size in which thev are presented: New Oriean.. 287,104. Memphis. 102320. Atlanta, 8972. Richmond, S5,0o0. Nashville, SOVi. . San Antonio, 53,321. Dallas, 42,638. . Birmingham, 33,415. Jacksonville, 28,420. Fort Worth, 2G,CS3. Now, ten years after the above count was made. New Orleans still The irceirrrs Hral report a! tA howt total dibarenen?t. tVf,9.2, and total ircctpU W7f.jl, Icaric; a balsnce on hand of $UWl.rl. Tt receivcrhip hat existed aVtit two year. wn a Democrat ? Same thing In the Wilmington district. Is that kind of a party the one a young man or a good man should east' his Jot with? There is not a single Republican who believes ine .oiaie wuum uavc Barn Sensed This Moralaf. A barn on St. (corr tree!, b longing to Mr. C. J. William, was de ftnncd by fire this morning aUat 3 o'clock. The origin of the tire it na known and Mr. Williamt ttatc that it U his Wlief that it was the work of an incendiary. Tb alarm was turncil in and the fire depsrt meat rth- waa male the progress it has made iii the many friends, and the suddenness ran high throughout the leads the list with 330,075 inhabitants. Unnndd m-onmtW W M t 'a. Ml t. 1 It" ' I 1 '- wnai ciiy wm we mtcuuu i 1 -i-j- K n, rtMm. :phis? figiires have not yet been made Jircde1 ihclr trorU lowaril prtrfnt. Jng the flames from fpreading ana soon hal the conflagration under. control. The bam contained a quan tity of rough feed. Ul of which waa consumed. All of Mr. .Williams' ttoek were in an adjoining bam? Th tost wag about 00.00 with no tnarsne. who'' succeeded in making his escaje and whose identity is not even sus pected. The night was too dark to recognize any one. " It is hoped that this distressing ac cident, will serve as a most serious warning to some young fellows who have been seen out of place when I Atlanta has not taken from her the t, - , , coveted honor ot second piace. io The first actor on the political stage I , n j- X. v i i r' ; iT,. A t will be settled in a few days, is booked for next Friday when At- , n v...i,ii iiffhout tne l , ir. i t- :n l nor nave iuc Upuua vi m..i.v w - . ii . " a uniui n j rnmpv; iTPTipriii niPKPi L win euieiLuiu i . . .. m i last ten years under Democratic ruie th hi h he Dassea awav caused Uitv dnrinr the dav over The Times! r : A ,: . u ; t been announced, nor tuosc ior jsck- i fthP Kenublicans had been in power. ,:ttiQ oiorm Tf Hf fn Li:.. omOT1Ari W th .lue mc. , . , 3 sonville or Dallas. All the others are ' , "w - o uwujiv-i "J .-o - Known U t Wual XlUUx I lie l;u.r.iii i; i 11 Our banking resources are tour times (1ie that foul play had been enacted, discovery that a dynamite bomb had take olacet ,Dut probably in the af- whaf. they were during Russell .sad- but ag S00n as his body was exam- been found under the residence I of tern- ministration. Last year our pemten- iUed all fears passed away.. r Secretary Zeehandelaar. The pubUc p0i;t;caiiv Mt. Pleasant is usually wu v Hiauo a . i ir. i 11 or. Knflwn Lnr. wnax noiiT ur. roon tori i sifirp (it aiarui aiiu CWU- r made before.. We furnished the cap ital and the management, but the Re of tl three Demoe Th recor a se: av uii-v mean uy ciua. ... ..-u -p.-- oenn was: tuc uujet . Soencer. are visiting ixr. iussmuu . . Toor.cQ Birminsr-l wiJ offi-rin? will ho taken at eaca are pending more money taking care s,iumx vmu xa . miting today. : I parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nussman. f ' " fJ,,-r1 f. thl bottom ten years I meeti"" the nrocecds to co to the foU of more unfortunates, paying more to Judge B. F. Long in the .Superior A large force of workmen, after dig ? L A w MullL, and family spent hara th.t LtT; caoois,tosoiaiera anacuaiiuF- Vuuri a. Y"d"v? 1". AttJ' . rtJV ging ior imrx.y ; iiours mi uo .uo f ew d last week in umon county. - ; ; t raise for mission homes. All ladiel I Brem died. He was half dressed when sternatidn when the attempt to blow I anvwjjere fo the man who lives above in, though, and show the following order of position: New Orleans, 339,075. Atlanta, 154,839. Week of X'rayer. The young ladies Missionary So- Snn1 and third rdaces belong to ciety of the Firat Prcj&yicraj cburcU Atlanta and Memphis, it is believed, will observe a tteek of prayer va Tucs- "Ifmind and'it is not known whether nn fipn Otis residence became known. I -A . i A ianj i;v0 rAA "fnrlov. I icans furnished the greater part he ssed away while ari to re. Por tent years fou0wing a quar- -""T " , il. " hnt to those beyond " a loutt. asui wr 'r 1. ,e labor. I promised to pardon tire" or while dressing Friday morn- rl with the typographical union and l7 " in he subwavs of rmmgdam may rt wa - , u , , r - - .y, times as many Republicans as He was at one time a prominent the changing of The Times to a non- rtWUv there mav be "some- Plac? am Pal t"10 uu P . J::.i.:ir7i. v,;.: rats. V. - nracticin nhvsieian and recentlv.has union nanerT Gen. Otis has foustt un- l: ' f lrnnw. . turtner aown me i ne. tr Vi JV,;' . V e Republicans don 't attack our Deea in the . insurance business: He ionism with every resource in his com- Barrier left Tuesday for f De,0DS 10 ne u? k y Bttbj The Co r Freo d, although they examined with was graduated at Bellevue Medical mand. He has been ably seconded in n,. ' ftpr snpndinjr a month with thlse tfi?f; :t, 'i.. ,ii iLi.. tJ uchlight. The only .thing they colwe and won distinction as a prac- this fight by the Merchants and Mann- Zr-r , une oi tnem wxu kc. . . - - - V - V, - .V is that it was ".extravagant." If titioner. facturers Association, whose secretary frd a. P. -M. Nussman. of . ilow w . 1 'TV it 1 - , - I J i A J 4-1, I ml ifr " 1 "11 J i n n poses, then tne cnarge is iiuc. c lernooa iushuclcu tuts juj. uu icimu 0j ine limes Dunaing, wreccu u an are iendin more money, but it is a verdict of "guilty" in the case of explosion Saturday morning, have un- all o-oinw to the highest purposes anu tne uoioniai ciud, cnargea wiui a vi- eartlied nve ot trie .nineteen Douies obieet ! . olation of the liquor laws of the buried in the ruins. said it took! State. The statement of the evidence course for a man to leave the Dem- had been agreed upon by attorneys for Cannon &' Petzer Co. Giving Gold utratic -party and go to the Republican the club and the State, the question Fountain Pen Free. tiri rC I It takes no cour- verdict of guilty was rendered Judge The old reliable firm of Cannon & Long imposed upon the club a fine of Fetzer Co ; w;l for 60 dm aae to c o ttiat. Go, Kitchin here touched on the iOO Th. attorney for t. duB gave tariff, aud made the matter plain to ..once 01 ap . their store amounts to $10.00 between B'fS, moTs Snent "o. October 1 and December 1. You do M;:!aSf,UirrX in ChLlotte and the case has been not have to-.t one i"uu5u.. - mi uC . , , l i nv, t,i1i InivTP- oopcia v lime, auey luiuwu vuu xi , i i .1 hrnnfrnr. i wait icu huh "iuvii .u.viv.-, i i mat it certainly xias r". 3Irs. L. A. Lentz returned last week from Black Mountain. Miss Julia Armour, of Davidson, is visiting- her friend, Miss Elma Welsh. Mr. Rufus Foil, of Salisbury, i spending a few days with her parents. Th students-and friends of the schools were given a rare treat Sat urdav night in the way of an enter- tainment m music and expresiuu, given by Misses A4a Stirewalt and Ethelvn Crabtree, botn ot tne iacun of Iont Amoena Seminary. The re cital was meritorious and would nave T?.nhmond has a strong claim on interested in mission are invited to fifth place, and though the probability attend. . . is ont strong may top both Memphis and Nashville when these cities are juymer Appointed easier at announced, and carry away fourth place. ' 1 San Antonio will probably come next; though Dallas will-beyond any doubt run it close for the place. It is rumored, however, that Jack sonville wil show an enormous m- Statesville. Dewey L. Kaymer is jotmafer at Stateftvillc. HU appointment was re eeived Sunday, anl being a re ft ap pointment will take cJTect a soon at. his bond and oath of office are return jnl ino- ' , ,1 ,0 the ,!-P3rtment H Wa.blnjrtoa crease, jon n i """" .nj nil prosperity to it. The tariff on cotton "XTuTn Tl,Ti; !an mill machinery makes cotton mm -- equipment cost almost twice as mucn as it does in other countries. It costs - 'n . a! 14ttv nra it tuin operative more " , , 7 , .iuo till ; Fii. v,i tnnw who lived here a short while, was Kin v...... .ii u. t, ,inp nnt. nro- ed Friday afternoon by tram .No. pr. i,oi rim.- near Brown Summit. AVhen first. seen Dan Hughes Killed by Train. Dan Hughes, a cotton mill operative Ouv. Kitchin then spoke of Butler. J :x.t, ui, rh;c Lod on Wajroner srove. and who was seriously pus man sees something ahead. lor Tte hurt, was taken to the Salisbury hos- lnfelf. I would not be f.f St a curve and it pital Thursday morning on No, 30 U he is a friend and ally of the hold- piace w ju treatment.-' A message received ,.p v, ,iif nnds who are was impossime iu r - . . ..1 j. oCl .tii The . .1 l . r- n paspn tne iuuat cshcau puncn out tne amount vuur pu,- r - - , obligations chase as you buy untit.it amounts 10 to Miss Stirewalt and Crabtree for $10.00 when they give you the pen. e senymer; all free. And Must here the writer wisnes to u5ctc Little Boy Who Fell Out of Tree Has U ... iha KnhU. that free Meningitis. . The six-year-old son of Mr. John j. Fletcher, who fell out of a persim mrr trPA Mnndav afternoon in the come last, as it did in 1900. All these cities, except the biggest ones, are 1 ll.. .ontti'S taken at random among iuc wuw larger places. , Death of Mrs. D. P. Boger. r Daniel P. Borer died last night 1 . . , 1 1 v in lin the interest of the schools, that free a c , c.oc. r entertainments never fail to draw a iou u.,., - full house, m hope .all those present i-il MrT Jennings I II U Ant h A1F O 1 I lir, liaU.UIVS VA. - last Saturday mgnt wm &uu lu k- - - c-i Mr. Ita-mer is a young lawyer o! the Statesville bar, and .has been quite prominent in politics having been a candidate on the Republican ticket for legislative honors. lie hag a spotless record ""ana many ifriends and fcis appointment wi, give patisfaction. I . it A Pi 1 A..f. anI XV ft Q - . . i i, i rnv . rvr o i :i il i v tuumt buu " - precision ?"LTTr 1837." She s i coming back to hear the bcotcn Bin, . cnt.mhor 26. 18C5. to Mr. The Huramj Saie. - The Rummage Sale conducted by the Ladies Aid Soelciv of Central church in the Ishifcr building last Sat- 1 - ' 1 . 1 1 . A the other. The hurt, was taken to tne aiisDury no,- erg fpQm Glasg0w next Saturday nigni, V;r;iC tVrM ' rV. urday was a big .uc-S S3 Uing re- thus getting two splendid evenings IOr - jjt of Mt nolly. M. A. I alizel. The sale v. ill be conUnaea the price of one. . . - . ' r cmvLo.i0 .nd Prnf C. E. next Saturday all day and at night. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnson, or -r, u.. rintendent of edu- Anyone who has anything fhejr.wuh the i rt ii. . M n r i no pniriiiH i i i 17111 tui.Lj.oiLruA. t k j 1 im 1 1 rnro t n ttimti wt suuvai .. v.s"' 1 . " . 1 . . 1 t ..... 1 1 1 a. 1 . ri 11 1. 1 vj ill .rvs v a - ...... " . w.. tit.it I IT T rv (in Prf 1 I1HIX1. J.UVI .. . 1 I nhlld ic crtrriownfl r 'DPI Lrl. UU.L luak lir 11 1 mcitinr MT .1(11111- 1 -"-f - " . 5 ! :il 1 - II k v 7. " f . and on cart OI tne express car pasow vv ... , 7 V , . iJieciuenuurg, mo iaiMufa - a nriA c Uipr Mrs Amanda 0 coninuuie wm pjsimj ran u never clo it as long as the DemocraU to7euttii oil both legs at he has meningitis, and bis death at son.s father, Capt. Cook, Whose condi- J' She rr 11 nn.! Ifc. ,Jlertr. """orfth'e bonds whe" .'re the ankles d smashing his head any time is not unexpected. tionU very much improved. 1s' of the jate Mrs. M. L. fill !1 for it nt Tb,y m,rn- ,i, o5get fhe money? To paj ; hes came here to pIav ball, and Arm Aain Sprained. : P'- 11.." Z7r ' . V " tni-,. w,U take twelve f jhe Ioff nth ag0P, He aws a when Mrs. J. A. Kimmons attempt- The New Lutheran Pastor. ice th faneral""n be held CataA, co,nty had no mri-sro- M,t you now pay for State taxes ion an ajwingt the Cook t0 t into a carriage -m front of Rev.. Charles P. MacLan?hl.n the 'CafJon,eCOn1cted bv the pas- in? thh year, but there will i.f pnbhcans,. how can yon jusuiy . ... , - .ji!,whi.kev.' He seems to l,.- hnmn Thnrsdav afternoon tne at.,f St. James Lutheran . . , , Miller. be a different tale to t.U in 1911. I 1 -v " - - r . . . .1 ,a I iiif v rs M'..u-elt by voting on tne wrung wu? - , 0 hobo. w-l i -T T rnant. nave ""ecu, a iv o: .uvu you Know 11 is wiuii tvi 1 ybody to be Democrats. Three "j'v.ntiss of the good 'men and nine 'Cn;hs of the good women a re, Demo---i"iUs." Democrats you must work. You count on all the Republicans be- at the ballotJbox except those that arc sick in bed or in jail. Governor then referred to tne ' :;t? t" t)lank in the hf'puhliean platform. It reminded him t a 'man who put up the following si-i. : "I've moved from where I was tr? where I am. where I may be found 'viK-n I'm not elsewhere." The Re publican say thev favor "local self- goyornment," yet President Taft ap points your postmasters, your judges, your district attorneys, etc., and it is all right. The man who wrote that platform knew how to write the morels "local option' V as well as he linrsA Ttiovfiii. and she T.as tliroffn Lu.j-.l nnn;ed the pulpit of that I r t.,- m-A woman, of down. She fell on the arm which sue ; church yesterday morning for the nrst force nf eharacter. and when (in this . sprained some months ago, and again time ag pastor. Mr. MacLaughlin was . WOman dies a whole community The K :e. every Mrs. Unanes xxd-iiJcx o Z'ZTZl i rru. linrJ: r-, 4r . 1 JJon, t t- "1 1 Jl (Ja ws-I n TT I STlrH 1 II till . J.L. - -LUC LX .O iv.. . I irrPPI Pll nV a 1.11 C iUv..v Mrs. Charles narper aieu ouxuaj - . . . of v . . OCCUDied. morning at the CUario te oau x . Mrg- Kimmons had barely 1 tV f hi text the words in the after an illness otpeuafe 5ecovered from the effM o. the first ninth chapter of 3ratthew, "Thy Sins taken to the Sanatormmiri ! Be Forgiven Thee," and preached had only been ine - .... ! .from" -it an excellent and thougfattul fore her death. tone wus ,o .- Mr. JSicKeu to apeas xiexc , - . vi-orous and fluent of age and a native ot Anson couayr .. n Bickett Attorx,ey Gen- , . TOanner and delivery ex- i f it.. Clln rr,11 i-nnn 1' m 4 1 1 1 . it'? ana nis cougrtrga- mourns. "There is going to be a ern eontet county next yfar," declare ewton Kew. Kvery progress un ronniv in ine Male rias upa- Ifnr.tMts and linndr! of thousand uj. aj;c auu . ir XXUI1. -L . i un-ai-n, .ww-- - cnllcpr maim and was married 18 years ago to Mr State, will speak in Con- 4?. Charles N. Harper, a we 1 known mill , rfd Qetober 7 Mr. Bick- f.S .1.;. Uxr who with ttour cnii- ; qtnte a, a """Jfi"tA "u " man ui tuia vj TT i en- nas u snui fcw ------ i iv (nlpa;pd with mm. x drensurvive her. MjJ Earperjas and th. people Jg,SKS force, of memoer oj. iV ,, !- ana vananus ivnuua . :r I cnnolifv n,l we lorn our lmaerau . , . i . . , e ... anf i nnsriHU s t : u . n-n thn I v . . - ... ..i -i npn t Tniifiintf iiiir xiiici l 11 iug i onri a nriv 01 t-AL-cui-ui, QTI nrvrvortnnitv oi nearuiir ixiui w i 3 j T F thA rltvl f. . . . . j m,xv " i . 1 - At f vrr " . - t 1 irienus ziuu mo Mt" v- -"w 1 . Mii fha .tata xia ii-tv. . 1 l. a nTira 11 11 111 nr. 1 1 . m 1 -1 ,1 . - character, wno mxu. - -- lsSns 01 tne campaign. relatives W friends throughout this section. Mrs. Stokes Walker, who has been ' ,r T-i e lUrAQvilU. vitinir Mrs. W. P. Ritchie, has. re-: m. W.15:mox,-- . - -edto her home in Richfield. in the city yesterday. Reliable Crop Estimate. 1 jof bashelii of com will be gatherea The most reliable available crop es- 'that wonld not e ln wn hxd timates for 1910 in North Carolina ! there rot been thu cownecdable t are for 00,000.000 bushels of corn tojtivity.. We can do . anytbin? any other be harvested from probably; 3t000,000 ! wanty can do and we are going to do acres of seed for one hundred and". - rd ,imwereTeat-l,'wcul-"il c " - Mild or inznzz. neara mm were 0reii i in aaa nAras j-ilnriT on l fori 2 He is a man of I rZ: Zl I desire to thank my friendi for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of mr wife. 1 r tr i t-rrr . 11 V JnA Ni-Tfl- 1LUUUI. generally in welcoming him as mm. , , 4 trorV f tlie state and ' ister and as a citizen. e -rjnited States departments of. The Theatorinm is running two high Mr. Eisben Allen spent Sunday in agriculture in furtberins interest in fift thqr e sure iTr-j I intensive cuiiivaiion oi coru. - . .1 v.wwv. r?AA AAA Irv- r P nntfn C nm nrtVi' Vltf pe t.- t 0 AAA Lutheran ' V"' V.

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