B. Sherrill. Editor and Publisher. fr-it-lfl PUBLISHED TWICE X.WEEK. SI GO n Year, Du In Aivaric. VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1910 NO. -32 I"' .- WHAT THE RECORDS SHOW b delivered hi ehsrges, bat betas vs CLE2IEKT WTITTL1 P.rvtrnrnQ of the fart that every charge be madt I 1 - , was baaed from the record of the pro-J Says Docfhtca Will Canrl All His ceeuinirs or the - oresent hnsni nf THE CONCORD rounty commissioners. Mr. Hartsell said that be advertised his speakings and that he did not go around under cover of darkness and! THAVELDCO public srnjL suriras. Cowles railcxe of Socthrm to HiTt Tile REPUBLICAN BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS HAVE ISSUED NOTES FOR OVER $15,000.00. : make charges, "In mv speech at the And Have Paid Only $3,274 on Former Indebtedness ibsolJnillI saidttey bad taken Pnjntu, ba seat the following let- at am r-m 4 W Tbr An(1 nl V c 1 r. the ehani gang to Mr. Burrage' farm ter to Mr. Henry Reynold., ehainnxn of tbety who r etui Voa lnis in rave ui i awi uiiul DUasi nas Been made and worked a road running through 01 lc "-publican Committee: AppciBtncsti . txd lien fros Krf Until Election if Cowles jraph Sutioa at Depot Cases "wootJieSiae. Qmt IzcozTtzkzct. f tl.. 1. .. ... . .1 . I - iuvuca vicmein, cancan f; Tarsdav aftem a traia So- the lughth Ihitriet Cou:rreMioail I wa rnor tfcn .J V . , lf- his place, that was seldom traveled. In a few days Mr. Burrage called me aside and told me that this was not true. I told Mr. Burrage if I had in any way misrepresented the matter I was man enough to say so. I find that publican Congressional Commit tee, Wilkebort., X. C. I)ear Sir t Upon my return from Raleigh. 1 found a telegram from you, as manager of Charles II. Cowles con- that They Had Paid $10,000 of Debt, and Had $15,000 in Treasury Mr. Hartsell. Reiterates and Emphasizes His Statement that Mr. Burrage Worked Chain Gang on Road Running Through His Farm that is Seldom Travelled, When Pop lar Tent People Are Clamoring for a Better Road a-.doren of the best men in thi3 coun- 'nauy cunty on October 21st, r Ua-c in- Cl7 nnri nn d i v " j ' who sav tnat tney saw the chain 22nd, 24th and 2otfa, and in Wilkes V0UCherS tor $17,000.00 Have Been Issued tO gang working there. Thev were work- ountn OetoWr 2Gth. IhaveaUo Air. Burrage in TWO Years tO Pay Chain Gang 'lnS this road that is seldom used when received a fetter from you, which is r- - people v. ere clamoring for the I road to the same as has been published by Expenses. Poplar Tent, which is one of the most I vou in the Greensboro News, in which a Iuk. K. 1- Doughton and Hon. L. T. ceive better pay and shorter hous. He important roads in the county to be I vou have seen proper to criticise me te that train ent to th depot before Mr. Henry Kynoids, Chairman Ke- the time tbV tram wa du fccre. Af- I have not misepresented him1 in this h;Tr',orJal committee, inviting Mr.i charge and I can get affidavits from Uughton to meet Mr. Cowles in Al- ler waning there for omctie the rejiort caaK in tbi t lie train vu Ute. Tfc pdc had the choice of either waiting at the Utioa or driving a mile ut town sd! then male the irin back a-ain. If Ithe Sntlern Hail. way mould pat a i'phone in the dett mnneeted with the; telegraph oSice I n-tuins t it 4 - . - ! an sacn meonvenlenec a this would Utt Ufcrmrlia Mr. ltrk llAfArdl asi ILiM lwe Vi, itmt, lin. T TaiWft ffvtntj t- croay Ur, -Tise " ffrtHwn u a h?v4r ?o Mr. I Kind Ka:n:;irt, tt. Sairr a ajl Iheir ! r-.rirr'. -i'.iJis ?o fcss be avoide. Th ey tave r i Mr. T a!Mrt bat one ticket j darned mut co'jpe djrir ii. pat i. 4 ... I . ' ' ..I t . . aeai, woo is amays kept busy en-jjer ti. a aU t tb, prrrr pt tickets and eannot stmi thi i to rtber. II tram m 1 ' '4 1 - citk ano wait hair tci to I'Hturv - i . . I m I .- mm m m . y M4(A VU4BA. 1.A mU.F' 9m I A.ACVU S X . 1 IJ . 1 L . K Z iTt Z FV Uli.rt.ell a.i.iresaeu r j ' ailcu lwuT l i"e anairs 01 wornea. cut jir. iMirra-e Knew tnaiMr i receinn? your telegram. 1 tram is erpcctedand tell each pa- napolii. bjt wlo tnoved U th 11- ,.,,rd at tuc wuuiiyu w0fc. vtti, cnfccipiic3 m, ims oiait, i il ne iiiun i complete me roaa Deiorej MJS n uaieiu ana aui not receive u. j senprer a ticket. r prruwd began to gainer mere eariy panicuiany to tne cotton mUl indus- the hrst Mondav in November - " . Il 11 1 ... 1 1 A. 1 .. I would never have another oppor oiwl Vi r iha .tirtiA tliA t rv anrl calj Vof 1ihc!iats .-. ,,(Lin ' Ixaii practically every seat i in such a depressed condition that to do so rrt 1 I (ciiut house was occupied, ine ; tie-1 r'..ret UNI hand was present and ren arel music for the occasion. The audience had the opportunity of lis itnkiS.tu .twoable and forceful pres entations f the Democratic doctrines and both speakers stirred the crowd to a' bisk pitch of enthusiasm. Mr. Uoivjitou spoke first and although his vuIcp showed the effets of the stren uous campaign he is making to redeem. ti e district, he made his usual strong and forceful speech. ' Mr. Doughton said that he regretted that his opponent, Mr. . H.' Cowles, was not ken here everything was pleasant, -but that he had onlv been able to get his oppo nent to meet him in one discussion m each county. and that from now on hrough the campaign he was forced o zo alone as far as his opponent was concerned ' Mr. Doughton then discussed State leading mill men everywhere had told him that they had long ago given up hope of making dividends and that their only nope in was operating The railroad is eer.lkini mill, in Chkrlntt w .11 i . i t i... . . - . . i . ' f - ne i ciiuuiu ou inave seen oroner to nave i tajnir. imnnin fcvi,;n A i - . k.;-i i..i. tumty address,! it to me as Chairman of the the people to compel thera to wait in -I stall bat a foadne for Kiv.iv'ti Democratic Congressional Committee, the little station that would be a di. and ha uianr fHend. h, During the past two years vouchers it would have been opened and an- credit to a water tank, and in which Mr. G. M. Satiadcrf, a hr h tim Lor auoui i(,ui;o nave.Deen issuea 10 .swereu. masmucn as was3 aauress- thev expert to accommodate the tra v. Patterson Mill I,, at t A . it i : 1-1 a ... ! . . . .. "... - i -.. "I . I ' " " v " .ur. oiu rage to yy me cnain gang u io ie irsonaiiy, u was not sent eling public from! a city the tire of to lteiemer Cit V. expense.. i uo not say mat mere is io uc neauquaners oi me committee, 4 oneord. I I)r II if ..) r t r cnuu-u iu ep ueip togemer. ii me any corruption out l ao say that the anu no one on tnat committee knew Concord needs a depot. The travel. Clapp went to Charlotte Siturdir oa manmaciurer nnas it tnis way now merchants should present the vouchers ;or nearu ot, its existence until this mg public here demands one. The busine. does the laborer find it? Has his liv ing expenses been reduced?'' Mr. Doughton denounced the extrav agance of the republican, administra tion and quoted at length from the records the expenditures under the as the law savs and not the manager morning. pui business the railroad gets from thi curcb It oi me cnaingang, ' said Mr. nartseil. i n seems mat you, wmi a uespera- city justifies our claim to one. But nearin? completion and wo'ald b They cry economy andthe first act tion born of despair, at the close of as it is, the traveling public hare is about ready for occupancy if it h4 lUe eanipaiffU. KHOWinZ mat Jir.lnnt nnlv trifhnnf ffiriA hn irithiinf I nr K a. ik. r.. k. v-r w 1 i I f k M Mar " k U V U h 1 1 111 1 IIP 1 B I L 1 HI 1 A.ilTT..A II T I any means to ascertain even the time material for the interior hat been dt- they do is to get an auditor to audit the books of the county at a post of Doughton has engagements for the over $400.00 and he said there wa? 'same dates, in Caldwell and Watau- republican administration and quoted no graft. The indebtedness was found k& counties,! challenge him to meet senator Aldnch, who said that "a to be about $ao,uuo which the demo- 3ir. Cowles as above, with the evi good business man could run this gov- crats in the last campaign did not dent purpose and intention of per a train is likely to arrive. layed. IT. Mr. Doughton One of Most Prores- TO-DAY'S WEATUXE EXP02T. sive Farmers in the Stxte. y flCflnf TViJif tliPv had enn-1 eminent on three million dollars less deny. mitting Mr. .Cowles to butt his head Mr. Editor :-Th Henublieaua hav I'artly cloudy tonight ami Friday; together on one occasion and thn unlir the present administra- 'The first year Burrage's report of fst the stone wall of democracy circulated that Hon. It. L. Doughton, much Ctr't nurtheail wtndi hia oa . ii . i i t inn m r iii l qtta in i i n it st a. i. tion.-" it you oeiieve in a policy ot the chain gang expenses was $10.0001 m Alleghany county, where it can tne Democratic nominee for Conjrress. extravagance like this, vote for Cowles and the next vear there was ino re- avail him nothing, inasmuch as the hs no farmer. This statement Is their for I am against it. If !e has stood port filed and I suppose -it was about county -is practically solid for Mr. oniy hope of defeating him. I am ior your views m congress support the same. They have graded! about uoughton. ' it would simpiy nave tne crnd that I can protest against this him. H had hardly been elected a three miles of road and have not built effect of requiring Mr. . Doughton to false statement. I am Dersonallv member of Congress before he reflects a foot of macadam road, at a cost of I cancel all engagements in Caldwell acquainted with bim and have been on the people of Norw Carolina by about $7,000.00 a mile. They charged land Watauga counties, which he on farm. Bob Doughton is cer introducing a lederai election law. lie us with extravagance in buildina. th would not be able to nil later. JLhe tainlv one of the moat .orofrresaiva th tplUno- f. was a member of of the legislature Kannapolis road, which is graded 40 ruse is clever, but unsuccessful. I farmers of Western North Carolina. r r o I ttIt rw Mm rTQcatif olonfiAn I o tit va:l j L .' 1. j ' 3jJ 3 to i. n-1 C aaI iliof PolH nrzill nni Wofonn a, feet the wise policies inaugurated with tho under republican eoVern-P"u aouu1, A ua - eu-guveiameui auu DOr, as the work was done by con- wat luese iwo couuues &uouiu nave esteem. Uob Uougbton nas prored uient during the two administrations under tDls law Cowles introduced, H tract. It cost Mr. Burrage I about the benefit ot Air. Doughton and JVlr. t0 be the plain, blunt man of Alle thev have been in power since the war. accused of violating any of the elec- $7,000.00 a mile to only grade three Cowles in joint discussion. ' I, there- ghaney, and I heartily endorse him . , 1 1 inn 10 TTTcs n c Tirrn 1 n ina to iron t r 1 . n o t 1 1 ai l a? i i 11 1 vr t 1 rv-v r o n rroi n n o m?. j n q i inn opaji i r . .Mr. Doughton called attention to the T"" ----y ---- ""i""nr" mnes, ana me county iurnisned me "u v6 I0r congress. , . u I lone uuu ineu. Aiisieu uy a leutrai inhnr free Sinent wblito Th. 5i offl5r d ' Whiogtn, prose coast. issues, and com ("t .W" i"""f, I i : , .1 . 1 , I , . ' . . w . 1 J" 1 II 1 A.l J 11 J TTT- i. 1 . . . . .1"" ' . . I WI1P11 Dlir Drestmt eieeuua lUW . W LIS 1 Taat n'l a o n rl u mnniH nm 1 TOrl I K 1 TPP1 I 7IH I. I,ainwt!ll .11111 MLitlliTH K Oil 11 I Ma 1 A ti ntmn a n t I aural i.rmnrr- I nrnoTAftstvft nnn iiisl ' 1 w ukvubiu,u ikci 1 1 - o 11c 19 tvo iuiuus a b uutct WFtuiia u 1 m . 1A i-l, . l I iflFrrt t.a remnvo Mr. Donffliton- and I n xtnt. nttniM r - v-- i-n . --itunc. auu i uc wuuiv uum iui luc id" -w o 7 : i ma ucixuuuia ou uvrivt iiu lit uiku i . I niAk ;atuiui Mr; Cowles to meet Mr. Doughton all " I'll 1 1 The republican's havA been cirmila- over 11115 district, ana sun cordially ierent States and report on the condi- cuted by a federal officer appointed at ting the report that they had paid te him. to meet Mr. Doughton m tion of the administrations. The com- ashingtoir and tried by a federal off $i0,000.00 indebtedness and had a dwell county at King 'g Creek, on ,:.. : , o tt..: .pulge appointed at Washington. ooonft in fho troorv TJm October 24th and accompany him for f J V V - V All V a & V A Vft - m7 u V A W accompany r Black d- Shcpard have Km extr special values in new and nobby coat uits at $15 and $18. The 'Sent t Leslie Minntrelt whicb was booked to apicar in Concord, Oc tober 25th; havc cancelled their a gage merit. bald have Usued is Home to be girea ftcrnoon from 3 ta o o ciock at inetr ejejratu new aox on North Union street. "The Tout Remembrance," story of the race track with lively actioin. TLe racing ccne are actual and were obtained expreMl? for thit Storm Takes Away Part of New Pier picture. At The Pastime to-lay. ... at Wrightsville Beach. I Th, v,., crtn uui -u. -.j. " - " . m. W mm- . m- mmt mm Respectfully, R. LEE WALKER. I Lli. IU. 1 , , J t-rM -t n . ,,t- I . . I I 1 1 i? Li.UA. r. n i n U h I '.T 1 t iti J..ll j-xis urn was ueiwtcu a uumuiii- ord snows that the, present board of lue U1 lue c-upai5n tuiuu5u About one nunored and niiy leei th The4xvt wav for mrrhnta tee composed of members of his own commissioners during two years have Caldwell, Watauga, Ashe, Alleghany of the steel pier built during the past I!'. th. Lutn tradaathom. party but if he is re-elected he will go ksnPll notpa for Ai7 7i T and Ha. and Wilkes counties. summer in front of the Seashore bo- I .IlrtI?.L ?T ' wait uiutr V loll X M'V-U. KJfUtV AU tuu VUAV-m and made a thorough investigation of thf. nianer in which the affairs of the This committee reported that there ack tbef an say tht1)S U haS on the former indebtedness f vid ent that your present of tel, at Wnghtsville! Beach, was swept fc f4 g , were onlv seven States in the union madan sue and that the peo- 3o74.00. leaving $11,843.73; and the f er was not Wde for acceptance, but away Wednesday bornmg and it is . h . , nip wpw fftvorable to him and there j. i. i Aui.! 1.1 in nrdpr tn shnw von fhaiware sm- nm.i V,f V. Arit; eimtn Tfill ' "1 ' " iree from graft and corruption and7 1 , . 7, . , irea&uier & it-purt uows iuai lUeie - r ' . t . T .'" " -'"-" that North Carolina was one of those T J ".was in the treasury tthat is road and "f"s flJi7"r"7i5' - go. xne enure icngm ox me pier w . . . .. I nassed. It vou are m favor or a led-1 i .j, i.u i 1 j I sptulino- -von ;th followino' telpeTam : t0n;n nrif Aan i'a 7nA n1 seven Nrjirps " This said JVlr. r . . . - . icuuiiiv aullu, as iue scuuoi iuuu is - ----- o .. lcuu,u8 VM:1 Vl" .v M np mnttPr of eriu cuuu iaW me xoiuwies, x L controlled bv the board of education am opposed to it. Our fellow townsman, , "It Cowles is willing to cancel all was erected at considerable cost. ' I 1 " . . 1 . T 11 1 . . J. T. ii i . ii " In --- rvnrvACoH rrvir' I -a . i -m llttn rrvAi - wv4 r nnH v AAr I Itil flphr rTl I Ax 1 1. i! J. T j J M M pride to- pvprv North Carolinian HFT., . I when lie Jiled His report tne tirst Mon- 113 r'u" x,Vu6ukuu ai mgn uue veunesuajr mormu whether he be Democrat or republi- xeuuw twoiM, p"- aay in October, $70.19 and the bills r1"1" iluw Ul" wcliOUJ "S" the water was over in.e pier ana ai . PvQ.., .I,. yim3 Democrat, and next Senator, f October were to be mid but of d the same, and I will meet you most to the tracks of the electric his hMin ToWv, rjflrolinft r10"- ' xxa"bei . AUUOWCU this amount. i in oiaiesviue ciaoer xsi, aua-ar-n,ne where the tract crosses wngnis- i.... r , , : Vn, . Doughton, and when he arose to speat patronmng bv adverti- 1 letting th people know what they hove tsrot.M The Home Mission Society of p worth Mctholist church will bava m Hallowe'en Social at the pamna;; on Monday evening, October 31. Eacbt one attending will lx expected to bring as many fennicf at he or tb they have damaged the State. They U ., , ,, j j I I lie urowu uiicui.ii.eu. a uov oupuiv ui Wt got the men and every ad- thusi an5j ,the m0re he spoke to speak Always known as a forceful speaker, rane a join discussion fair to both apply of Mr Hartsell 's effort last night was parties. Anpwer lmmedlately.,; ministration was characterized by a revelation even to his staunchest cnaracienzea uy . mwd nthnspd and . th L . . i i -. in(iftri".. i.: i j :u i "" "" Tripnns nnn minv tnpn wno nan Known v mi aJ wmm-n I I y-i 1 i- A f I .C f T f T I . . .! Awaitinjr iii; me woras x rxesiueui TT T ,r r.. " - ------ Taft as authority Mr Doughton mi' xiarii5i" , l'ul, 1 J I when (be concluded, and showered wtA ttttHSta Ll0;.? congratulation, ! r Srht e Wellman and His Crew in New York Greensboro speech when he said "the w! 1 Walter Wellman and his five com- republiean oartv in North Carolina K?" . r : I"! oanions were landed in New! York! v fit r mi yi PiiHiiTM i g whii i. i.i i i ir.vr. communication from vou, I Very respectfully, HAYDEN CLEMENT, Chmn. further am, ville sound. The! pier was carried is yearg old. away by being lifted. by the giant Mr. R. S. Parriah, of Ko. 1 town, waves. So far no; other damage has ghio. wai in the city this mornta. been done at the beach but the 8torman(j reports that he wa relieved of Salisbury, has not yet struck coast October 19, 1910. ould be better off if the Federal of- on lr me x1 euerai ox- . o . xt.i.i- n i v tjunesuav axieiuuuu uy iue aicaux- fc were filled bv democrats ." He nl0rouU"T"Vf ".T shin Trent, which picked them np at voted to keep the negro in. I voted V""?101" t"1"1. alter a brief illness. Lionel tfrad- Coyl. John A. Bradshaw Dies in New York. Charlotte Chronicle, 19th. Colonel Jihn A. Bradshaw, brother of Colonel I Charles W. Bradshaw, of Charlotte, died at his home in New jounced the republican parly fork of the -legislature at that time, er haAd abd0Q jYork, Sunday morning, October 16, -"w i r v v unriir in annnrw n(r r rpvii dent Taft after he had said there was JJt a republican in North Carolina nt to be a Federal judge and the same men 'whom the president refused to ap Puit on account of their unfitness, lfle rennhl - t wVliikJ JLXVXJLXXXXiA LV4. XXX ViX V Mate ticlcpf w Viio-ii rtffl. of for a law seoaratin? the whites and m att, -' V snaw was in ms ootn year. He was OWf t,,i j ? j. T ' M I tor an increased app VI'iet Justipp anr? Asisopiarp. .Tnstiees ... , . of s . l . T old soldier and u j uicLue uoun. J.1. i.1 A? black races on railroad trains and in fle.A depots. Mr. Williams voted to let the . cam- Colonel Bradshaw studied law whites and the negroes ride together. car"ed P a lmg was the only phj- iUnder Judge Pearson, and was for a I voted for a bill increasing the ap- uxujury " tune, solicitor of Davidson county. iuug vojaB jx appiuxjouaicij sW Shortly after the war he abandoned miles and a rescue th like ot whicn the lavv offi(i ,or the farm Colonel is unknown m history. None of the Areonauts expressed regret for the loss of the America. Thev affreed that it had served its mf propriation fo the public schools and for an increased appropriation ior m you will seifd ma D,,noe S of, natlona.1 ftflT Mr. cried SOTtleone) I will not only keep up T n i a"r c x " this appropriation -out win vow xo Bradshaw bad resided in Rowan county, and (for a time lived in "Char lotte, leaving here in 1879 for "New iork where! he has since lived. He lent laft and the republican party for make it larger Marion Butler said 16 Purpose and taught its lesson. All was wen an(j faV0rablv known in this - breaking its pledges with Jhe people that the old soldier had stand ready to renew the attempt as ,part of yorth Carolina. Colonel 1i the revision of tha tnriflF . J, , 5 . -.i ... -vt Li. .i: soon a Wellman and his engineers u 1j.c wv. . . . If HI II M V t-l I 4 1 1 I I, VV 1 IX X. 11 Xl VU4 VXXAM I I a party makes a compact or 4 He may" have played out with the re- fi,nd a, W ,t0 c1on5ue5 the dithculties prove cemetery, Long Island, by the ant r it'll tli. if i oc I ... J . , . .I i I that hrnntyhf .thpir first tnn to its I Li.ta c L.:p .u nvnt !. "" XI. xo juov " . mortw hnt hA n3S nOI Dlavett " r . "ut UC nv uicu wui uc "indmo. -aa -v " : :j;:j. U'"uuiuu "iV " , - flllinw Pn.l Inst TnPsdnv XXXiXXVXVX 1 rt.f ,fl, Un nmniMtlfl nflHV ." I O " tenant with the people as the promise of an Uiul if they fail to keep it the peo i" uav, e a just cause to turn M r Hartsell denounced the mia- them m.Mio of f a nf aflfoira tTint pvistrt nn- liJli.S OIULU UA4t morning 400 miles southeast of Sandv Hook. years ago. , uoughton then mentioned j.r i.i;pln control of North Car- uilliam Loles, a resident ot jump lies ot Cabarrus. He is . . -e alter pledge that the republiT olina anfI omDared their administra- bel county, .Ya., was convicted Tues- four daughters who were k "Party had failed to keep in the f:- -fu fV,Qf th dpTnoflatie e-ov- day and fined $100 and held m $o00 iis Harriet E., Grace, An imo;i of the tariff in the face of a oA tlmf: frnm dis- bond for selling: wine made from to-ikie, all of whom except the lc L" Il'Om HflmnuMfa onH looWinfr I , , t i i. 1 I mitAoS This k thn irinp thflt W3S I Pl fl rP Tnn rriiwl Through Mrs. Bradshaw he was intimatelv connected with it he Phifer. Allison and Gibson fami- survived by nown here nie and Bes- first name- this portion of the $9.73 whil at the depot in Salutary Thursday. Mr. Parnsh had attended ctnrm Psmm R l"e Circuil ana iuiu. mo jJic-yv:cv An almost dead calm Wednesday kot .the money while bewatat tU afternoon and night marked the pas- "UB l"at ul sage of the tropical hurricane to sea train. and bringing relief to the people of the seacoast towns. Reports from the weat&r bureau indicate that the storm passed to sea between Savan nah and Charleston and that nothing more serious than high winds was expected. . I , Late reports from the oeean resorts along the coast are to the effect that no los3 of life bai resulted from the "My Wife'g Family." One of the attractions booked by. Manager By les and which will appear here October 24tfa, U that highly rae- eessfui musical farce comedy, Mj, Wife's Family," written by Hal Ste phens and JIarry Linton, and uadei the direction of Wall ice IL Cotter. It is in three acts and is a delightful hurricane. Property damages also u. " . xv..y. will be less than at first reported, but Pf1 ff 1 f? l cond Lfa- f;,f A U kAZ Pkatic hit with theatre ?oert. Thera ing to the lack of ioimunieation with V ?tw ."? Ji11"1? f0 ai points alons the coast. - ? to ,the J "t!1 i D,.3.le,1 P.3. men ..,1 - ,1 A ; .-.It nnocf rfrni1if inns " linw ; ' in heir own party. ; the state arose to the present state ll- ine tnntt mof i.n.r.f.nJ f v, : i n i i i . j ::,f .n f ;!- frn , to tpvc o xcvxacu xu Liic xu-I ot nonoraDie aUUliUiaixaixuix vi. axxaxxvj 'u in 1 . - e farmer and" the laborer with increased school facilities, in h men as Dolliver. LaFol- ceased nension for soldiers, increased eve ridge and Bristow, all from appropriations to the asylums, all without an mcease in taxes under democratic administration. Mr. Hartsell then began j republicans were kept in of affairs in the ocunty and every word sold to a party which resulted in the accidental killing of one of the drink ers in Fairview Heights a week ago. that ic 0 h Carolina we were told Mr. HartseH then began a discussion k ine Power Mr. L. W. Brander returned morning from a business Geeenville, S. C. . this j The excellence of the daily news paper as an exponenTof current his tory is to be emphasized in the schools of tbe District of Columbia, especially trip to I in the normal and high schools 1 ' where the dictum went forth this week that the pupils will in the .fil th tim. ' mms W(uia run on full dna that the laborers would re he uttered was convincing, not only Herring are spending the day in Sal- papers daily t ,v.,..,.. C xl, fr-7cCn wav in wTiih I lhlirT. i CUlUm. 100 Dead as Result of Storm. With a uarge number, estimated at more than 100 aiready dea 1 and with a property loss believed to amount to millions of dollars frm tho two ter rific hurieanes tha;t have snept Cuba a i third hurricane said to bo form introduced for the-first time th!i tea- 011 on the stage. The eoropaay if a large one of prominent ta?e "-faror- ites, including Myrtle Bigden, the laugh, proviking comedienne. Nu merous high as vaudeville ipeciai tivea have been interpolated ia the piece and add much to the popularity of this amusing comedy with zstuis. in the past week, of equal intensity in? south of Jamaica Shipoinz all along1 the coast ha Tom Settle Say It Means Opposition suffered terribly and it is feared to suta Prohibition. many lives have been lost as a result! lion. 1 nomas eiue cceiarea ia a of shipwrecks. Six town are report- Republican campaign speech in Hal- ed almost wiped out with a large loss of life. The damage to the city of Havana amounts to several i million dollars. The Asheviile Gazette, indepen dent Republican eigh Monday night that he wanted it understood that whatever ebe the local self-government plank in the Republican platform means, it znearm opposition to State-wide prohibition. Before claiming thi for' xt be set editorially notes lout that it means all that was claimed the fact that self respecting republi- for it by the Democrat in their plat- Mrs. C. . VV. awmK and aliss JNeuiture De expected ro reaa gooa news-1 cans are esioppea irom voung me so- iurmaa wr. waica ce said mciuaea as part of their carri- J called republican I Butler regime. ticket under the the right of the people to control their own local 'affairs.

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