gjggggOBBSBtUBS! j - r, ii i mil " iiiBli.ii.B rn.iliM. j I TFT1 - .iujjil. mwm.uu " Wi mri-mi loi-. i ruoLiaMKD TWICE A WEEK. -oO a Ywir. Du? In A lVnnco. THE HUEDEE CASE. VOL. XXXVI. A pEplXdUfBLEATFAIR. 11 Tnntm-sMiv loaches I Rtif T- '-.. . '-tics in -w ' ; j v4, ana - v eienae isegir.s tne j wwiuuy 01 Aixirar xiowe. Hus band of the Dead Woman. The entire morning session of the last aaiuruj n, auu xt eourt tod w t k examiain what lengths some people wixnpssAS V,. tu o,l. :. fu T ,l?0iu uc. -:r-. , T case, me Mate rested, at the Xfers. a ii .0 noon rec, and at the beginning of - ...... ,!t fls of No. 11, came to ri10 ;u ' ' ,. iw. i w... - . - ur"" t:siua me eaanuuation omce J"-'-.--- w.V U1 lue wnesse8 lor tne defense be- It bad bceu cirenlated in the ngh- Arlirar Flowe, husband of the mur- wW,i that --. , Hiemi woman, wa, the most important CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1910 NO. 35 S4Y CHAIN GANG WORKED ROAD .,v deplorable affair occurred at iX'ikett school house, in -No. 11 0S to ncbUcan canumaie "V VT , ' Dlale Wltness. lie testified in sub ioild at the Plunkett sehool stan,e that he and hh f last Saturday night At the tin. 'm tIie fronfc of tbcir i. A 1- - '..i house tnat nizm, vuere wtr 1( the Democrats wing a. . mi t61d him to ooen th door. Ha M i that present lo use tnat mgnt inere 0JJ the night of the -killing "and that B republicans and, -4 Demo- someone .came up to the house and AFFIDAVITS TO THAT EFFECT FROM FOUR CITIZENS OF GOOD CHARACTER. Mr. Hartsell Produces Affidavits to Sustain His Statement that the County Convicts Were Worked on Road Leading to Mr. Burrace's Farm. Republicans Issued Notes for $16,460. 32, and Paid Only $3,274.40. ing, may possibly be the same lessrs L. T. Hartsell, T. D. Maness and Ileriot Clarkson addressed a large and enthusiastic crowd of voters at the pump station Tuesday night. Mr. t7 i . . -m o', -Henry iees, win lees ana thafc he tol thf . . auuj uiSui D-.ti - . mi t 1 " bUv I Mirtjull onnKnA . .v, 1. . . beai mat u.c "T" , M aoor ana iooKei out to see who -1,. nt DUMUCS3 vv- was oft thnt: ac cnnn oq ha nAaA ;rts"haa no business there. Darmg the door someone pointed a gun at x nggnri, himaft firod ' 'T fpll nV .r, the Id" Tv -Rord-bandymj 1. Ilnl .V Ui a f il saw: . , TT . . Muau ujl uut irassea my iace, tne .iWhy Io.rt - morris nia;us powder burning my face in several 3 Olicn. w , txtmi U"" tll,u "UCK fflV TMIC OBC Id! r?iblican- wouia tiov' ana m n.l, pd: "No. thoy won't do but build a roi.i toJ3urrage's ave been -accused of besmirch ing the character of officials and citi zens of this count. I have never be smirched the name of an official or any other citizen, bat I claim the right to" show the record of any offi cial.. I reiterate the statement that Mr. Barrage worked the convicts on noiaing larsi. The three boys over and said Pink Dry has shot the road ieadinsr to his farm and if h ma ' " aniri I In tt n 1.1 V I -. ' 7 mv. oaiu i i"vt, r iu n u was frUlr jected to a most rigid cross examina then left (Mr. tion by Attorney reans, but he never Iwt naa ieu ucj.ui u of any material evidence in the case. tV home oi .ur. iu. iuiuer xoii. xa- tta n cf rnnr uoc a.;o i, Tr thev went bact oy tne scnooi iAfT: i. t T. v ..... f . " ' "v"w 4W cnain house ani ui -a , . the State were examined this morninjr. rocks onthe side oi tne roaa wmcn but their ,testim0nv will nlav onlv a bad been gathered and piled up . lhe minor rt . the eomnared with M- did not do so why don't he produce an affidavit from Mr. Blackwelder, the man who has charge of the chain grans? I offer a reward of $10.00 to any man who will get an affidavit from Mr. Blackwelder saving that the Sans or some part of it did not work on the road leading to Me Bur rage's farm." To substantiate his charge Mr. Ilartsell produced the following affi davits; two of the men live on the Three boys weni nuo vue scuuui oiuus that, of the Flo we negro. The attor- wbere they say tney were accostea oy neys are every inch of 1 - nr r- nn T n TriOl ... 1 UU .a. a. m. 1. 1 1 III J lliri I I I r I I I I avat tsKr iiiuiai uxt xxv v" round and it was necessary ot the Ia t a n Democratic party roundly abused. Vnrv to rpHrA ftn qpvpm1 f0 andthe other two are well (he man was seen to slip a pistol f rom this mornin . imo wn citizens ot Concord: out of his pocket and give it to an- Xhe f0ii0'inr iq a list of the ,-urv. K. A. Dees and J. It. J. Cochrane, other man. " mpn 0i0,t. - - eacn oemg umy. sworn, says :lUat ii. The bovs then left, and when they T t- . llves on -tne road leading from 11. A. hd pone about 25 yards some one Barr er father DeesVto J. M. Burrage's fbrm; that said: '"If thev don't run, d-n 'em, f w" w it!f ' to 5 tt he saw the cbain anS ding said ?L TT'tWaAs 90 terson, W. B. Morrison, R. F. Honey- TOaJ. that saM -n wf w SUUl'L tlLi. W MVU V - J WJfc. awv I at his (Cochrane 's) hote ere fired, and one bullet hit - A A,r"Lt;: his (C . ilk ,iui w i , ii n.i ricn :i ri ' i :i rm i v m i i . i . i a a trw nof more than two feet from ". ' luey were tnere ror a I I 'n 1 1 Awn v I i . Mr V a m The following other cases have been $3000.00 i ' ! 1D25.00 Henn- Dees. The Republicans then went to Nel son Carrijran's shop, and shot at one of their own men who came out of Mr. hither Bost's house, thinking it was one of the Democrats. disposed of: State ys. Jim lloldbrooks, robbery, defendant discharged. State vs. Arnzi King ' and ' Andy It is said that ou Saturday one R- .llJtl' pnbliean asked another if he was go in to the speaking that night, when til latter replied: "No, there's going to be shooting there." - . Mr. Williams, it is said, had no appointment to speak at the Plunkett seiool house last Saturday night. . Sherman Did Not Call on Taft. Vice-President James Sherman months on chain gang; Amzi King not guilty. State vs. Tice Bost, c. c. w., pleads guilty; judgment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs. Jim Key, injury to per sonal property, pleads guilty, judg ment suspended upon payment of cost. State vs. "Walter McLain, affray, pleads guilty, fine $5.00 and cost. (v; -o -iTC! i h l Ira o H to Huron. . ... i :.. ... i - i. 'i1 . . .1 v,, I . - 7 ' , -4, :.. TTi.- xt "V .,,r l-P- xx.iv.w,;, r- warn m uucu, i., uuu icxi. mat , , . fi , on -n1 4xs :.l,4 '.... T....tl. wUa. W r.V"" cakes a speaking campaign that will take him across the State. Although be 'spent the dav in Washington Mr S'nArm-m ill.! nrtf nrt Ttaci A p. nt. Death of Gillie Whitley. Master Gillie Whitley died Tues day At 12:12 o'clock at the home of Taft. He wa at. fhft State. War and brotner, iMr. nenry wnuiej, on Xaw h.nirlmo- whiMi i dirActlv North Spring street, after a long ill acros ihi st.rpof roni thP VVllltC I i :wuuxxxv"vxi. xx - w - - ... ii nit v t' h :l ii ii i House, and tbe fact that he failed to Mr. Leonard Wnitieymea oi inesame , . . I lf-..Ay- AhAilf -t TTT tTAO n ran -w-T 111 U I X pay hisTespectstothe'resi-rilsea .tt""ut .l'"u smnArs. fln,, fllpv - mA:n9 RaiA 1' ' 7 w O " stop and pay well and number of days; this was on or about the 15th day of February, 1910. J. 11. J. COCHRANE. R. A. DEES. Sworn and subscribed to before me this the 25th day of. October. 1910. V C. A. ISENHOUK, Notary Publie. , ..Geo. L. Fisher being duly sworn, says: That on last fall or early this spring, 1U10, he saw the chain gang working on the roid leading from R. A. Dees' to J..M. Burrage's farm; that he drove along said road and the men had on stripes and chains and were grading said road. G. L. FISHER. oworn and suDscnoed Detore me this the '25th dav of ' October, . 1910, C. A. ISENHOUR, . ' . Ifotary Public. W. M. Corzine, being duly sworn says: That sometime in the spring of 1910, he saw the chain gang working on the road leading from R. A. Dees' to J. M, Burrage's farm; that there were a number of mules hitched to a several teams hitched to note given July 4th, 1910, to the Carolina Engineering Co. If thej are the &ame their records are wrong. These notes are in odditkun to the amount of debt existing when they took charge. tfotes Giren Dec 1, 1003, Citizens Bank & Trut Co. ...... Jan. 4, 1909, Carolina Bridge Co. . ... Jan. 4, 1909, Carolina Bridge Co. ... Feb. 1, 1909, J. II. W. Eudy, Treas. Mt. Pleas ant M. E. Chureh ..... Oct. 4, 1009, J.W.Cannon Nov. 1, 1909, J. Stalling Nov. 1, PJ09, Concord Na tional Bank ..1. Nov. 1, 1909, Cabarrus Sav iugs Bank Dec. C, 1909, P. F. Stalling Dec. C, 1909, Cabarrus Sav ings Bank . Dec. G, 1909, Citizens Bank & Trust Co.. . . Dec. 6, 1909 M. L. Widen house ... ' Jan. 4, 1910, J. II." W Eudy Mch. 7, 1910, Concord Na tional Bank , Mch. 7, 1910, Cannon Mfg. Co. . April 4, 1910, P. F. Stall- EECmnON TUESDAY EVOLVO.I MT rLSASAKT KKWS. Mr. Ll D. C:trai Ezuruin IH Ucitfslr Is Hr cf He? Nit, Hiss Yors. No pke In trard ItU li hern tW Mtzr cf aar crsjvii hlt rial affair tiia lt laadwxre bss of Mr. and Mr. L. D. Citrate, isa:h Cfcioa trwtf Tar4y aijrit the cc caioa being a rmpiiua in bosor of MLi Laiso Yo2A o Ihina, uha hxi brea Mrs. CoJiraseY r3ct far t pat fortnight. The hose vat beaut if ally dreraUi throughoat. th ball, parlor and dia ing room beicg throira open ta the young people. The colon of j tllo, pink and red prevailed respective ia each, and ia each of tbex? there were chrygant hemom, fenu and cat Cow ers, being lighted with the callow Irayi of candle whose color was ia keeping with tbe color fcbemc; and the radiant glow of the electric balbt from the chandeliers, decorated with festoon of beautiful flowers, made a scene of rare beauty and lorlints. TT . . .. iican uiec wa tne game of tbe eveninff and after a eeminrlv short 412.001 wJe !'t 'wls und that Muss Mar jmrile urown wag the lucky one. Mr. JCalph 31. Udell then, in a few ap- 57(333 1 propria te remarks, made in bi nsni! 1000.00 60.00 3G0.00 508.90 30.00 - - i . ... wnt attracted no little attention m j , - mail- that h sw thpm twn or iH a A&vp.s nnfl 7 . Washington. cellent young man. three occasions doing this work. W. M. CORZINE. Mr ShArm.n 1, cAn tTi p.ms. I sister. Miss Carrie, and three broth- went since the letter was given out c, -o. -- " ,rj:i Subscribed and sworn before me. at Beverly by Mr. Taft, asserting vv mtiey. this the 25th day of October, 1910, that -hni r,f .nmmittAl himcplf hands could do was done to alleviate JL . xor,xirTVTTT' to Mr Sl,Armo mnArv ftTimV- his suffering and cheer him as the fa- v.; ' .,,.' Iran xt vi, pnWJnnn tal disease brought him nearer and x statP vrwtivr, Tr, tiint rctanA nearer to tne CTav. Jir. xuii.asc inxxxpco i jutxxj charge of deception and double The funeral - service was held his building of the road by his farm dealino. -p rt Jfrom the home Wednesday morning at on the ground that a nait minion ieet x t X ll 111 4t. I . a i I in I r-M I 1 bxxL I - I. Vice President of the United States. 9 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. J. W. of lumber has been hauled over this Up to the time-the letter was writ- Simpson, and the interment was road, and that thousands oi cords of ten. Af.- Ton nA nr- cv,rv, ,A made at Uack UreeK cnurcn, in jue-c- woou were to oe nameu uver u. mxicxx the most cordial of friends. lenburg county, beside the bodies of the people of Cabarrus county know loved ones who have gone Deipre. . tnat tnis lumDer ne speaks oi ueiuugs in part to one of the county commissi- Death of Mrs. G. 0. Petrea. oners, Mr. G. S. Kluttz, they can well inss May 1910, Cabarrus Sav ings Bank June C, 1910,Cabarrus' Sav ings Bank ...L.. Jmo Qf 1910,Cabarrus Sav ings Bank .-.l.V.V----. Jane 01910, Citizens Bank & Trust Co. ... July 4'7 1910, Carolina En gineering Co., 49 July 4, 1910, Concord Na- happy manner, pre rented t Mi Brown the prize, a handsome hat pin, The guest of honor prize, a huge bunch of pink carnations, was presented to Miss oung. After this a delightful salad ctuirtfe was served. Then the guests were given one of 293.80 rarest treats of the cveuing, vocal solos by 3Iiss Janie Alexander Patter 40L23 son an4 ss Yining. with piano ac- companimeni oy jus jlucv ixre. v,..n.i ' 1 1 tii " 30 00! wua a ciear ana cnarmmg soprano voice, wmea naa . : 1 1... x . 1 100 00 irttinryv y a uuraucr .OI me worm 8 master vocalists, tne grace ana 01 At with which Miss Young rendered ner selections aaueu an unusual enarzn to the pleasure of the evening. Those who have heard Miss Pattenon sing need not be told that her selection were excellently rendered. The reception given by Mrs. Col trane can easily be classed as one of 24 1 most enjoyable social events ever given in ncora. 154631 u8 wriiiio gucsw were; aiiwcs Janie and Grace Patterson, Hiriaai 4a3 64 1 Dumville, Shirley Montgomery, Ifiss xry, Anna uougiass Dnermi, urace T t : ir. t'ii n t OilfifiB "1U"U xiuuic .utaus, t iima virreu. jiynie remoenon, riizaDein ana xi 500.00 30.00 355.97 Ovtrceat rrcwst4 u Sir. iciart TU rrf-aUr-rrtnia rtu at tit q4iy ad a tn ptra la ltaL T. M?T;rt At UaSa itilir- bJ iiartft t rttizx of ll Mt, JW-vt rrcait aa WU ml ta -wr'ufin;. A ad airrUtwa'f IE tu, I rem la wtstrhtley KM their patior, Ut, N. U. Ujciardtn, a ctsaber f Vf cf1rr pretested Usi iJi air Trra! !att week. It wa pleurare which it always enjoyed f. Hear XUr. Dr. H5we at ihm Mrthodij fharch 8itardy xtltU Mr. J. 8. Kindley aad father, ilr. W. It Kind ley, returned ttrday from a rUU to Ho wan. ifi Ora Fi.her and Mr. J. Y. Me Eacher ctpent Sunday ia C4iaa Graft,. Grme. . Mr. Carl Cxk, f Wiatoa, retam M yctrrdar, after a hurt fUit to his father. Mrs. Herman Kdrvl, of Chiu Grofe, u visiting Mrs. cVhalenberger, bo U right sick. Mr, and Mrs. U. I. Iny, of Coa eorl, skrnt Sunday here. Miss Leon Barrier ent hst ek , at 8etirer. Mi. Kthel Coraint spent a few day in Concord last week lth her father, Mr. Dav Conine. Mrs. J. P. Miller and daosMer, Mist G rare, visited friends in China Grove last week.' Mr. W. S. Harwell has returned from a weeks viit to Salisbury. Hn. C. A. Heiltg, of Salisbury, it vbiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. U Lefler. Mr, DeWitt Barrier spent Sunday with home folk. '. - f Mm. I. J. Foil and Mim F.lma Welsli go to Charlotte today to attead the fair. jMt. Pleaanf, October 25. " AUTOHonLn touched. Gear of Eulck Car Breik ca Kia- napollj lioad, and U DesaolUhe4 Two Ilea HtirC A lon caravan of automobile jy lyiO" Concord Na 1 j iiuwutuu, uiuuuciu uuu x- . vuf v44 vx ututuuiti tional Bank 185.55 len Gison' Ma,7 P? ;gurite and paed thivugh the eily WedneJay July 4, 1910, Concord Na- tionaj Bank July 4, 1910, J. W. Stallings Sept. 4. 1910, M. M. Furr 185.55 159.18 3000.00 Notes Paid. Feb. l, 1909, Jno. W. Cook ... . Mch. 1, 1910, Ed Patter son, .Adm'r. . June 7, 1910, W. F. Good man ; ..... April 4, 1910, J. E. Rob erts ..... Sept. 5, 1910, Sallie Rob erts . 2 Liucy Urown, Mabel Cleans, Louise I en route from Wiuston-balem to Means, Maragaret Lentz, Lucy Lore Charlotte iu the Wiiiston-Salrtn to and Jenn Coltrane."" Messrs. A. R.I Charlotte tour, here were, forty carsi Howard, R. M. and A. G. Odell, N. marry crowd of tounstiKAOINNH a a a at . - a m m . ' .k I. w''aiaiai A. Archibald, Gy AVhite, Luther in the tour and each ne bedecked WPlfiAQ1) ' Uiiiiiu, uuuut XVICUXXIUUU, I "u j'vh.hhb unit tiajr, wviijimi nua ' Joe Hill.AlIan Gibson, C. B. Wagoner, I a merry crowd of tourists. R. M. King, Frank Morrison, T. W. I The Buick ear, No. 10, was wrecks Smith, Jr., and J. M. Ogle?by. led about two mills abofe Kannapoiit. The car was owned bv Mr. C. A A Timely Protest. LSapp, and occupied by 31r. Rodger and Mr. Editor: Court week always! ruber who were driving, s peed in - $..500.00 1 : ; j 1100.00 174.40 500.00 1000.00 brings a number of horse traders, us- h'ng at aruexrecdingly fat rate tbs ually a verj' large number, with a steering gear broke and the car great drove of trade stock. Many of dashed against a tree on the side at the people of the county must dtend the road. Mr. Rodger waa borled court, the week bringing many of the through the wind shield, receiving f- people to Conor.!. There is roomjerai oaa cuis on nis iace ana s nnm for all in a "fre country,' but the jber of bruises. Mr. Fisher m thro wa racc. r a ' ' I people of Concord, especially the mer- about ten feet out in a corn field, be- ;::AT and owuers of lots anl hitch- ing slightly stunned by the fall. Th uenverexi iorreiui uemocratic speecnes i . . . . , . .t k ji:.i,aw ..j v?B; xu m vw Ug room, are interested in the care car wa practically . demolished and and thevisit of these able speakers to 1 b. ... , - 4. t. . a.-.a w.i- t. the new warf of thedty . w5U no donbt ,T.7i.. j. J.V j , S! lw. 'IZ "ZtSti results for the . ..r- n.. .x I tA. ... rt. i.: i t. .l accomplish great Democratic party. Piwh .Ta.n Petrea. wife of ask the Question, why is Mr. Burrage dgned his position Mr. Geo. C. Petrea, of Oannonville, building a road for himself and one of tv , I j. j nr j :ui i ft n'.WV TTATitho commissioners when there are Mr. Cook Resigns. Ir. Jno. W. Cook, suoerintenden ;i the farm at the Jackson Training vooinnail iVcie irrkOitirvn laeifi K ?x; t Tnt ,TIT Ifnnav nig'hf at O O'ClOCK. XXOx I tne COXxUIUSBlOuera wxxu w mo CUCVllVO XCU. JLBt. UVXXt 1 UiVU 0 v - - I . . . . i took finds that his business at Cook's infant, which was only a few hours man thoroughfares m caDarrus county ''rossin r.:iu. -u. i.: Lu a;a tViA came dav -at 4 o'clock, that are out of repair and almost im- "ire time to it. lie having a store Mrs. Petrea before marriage was a passable? a"l farm at that r1ap Afr. Cook is Miss Craven. Her age was 35 years, "it 9 true that the chain gang of the rlAmooti nnAiAaia- ct. 0 month rind 7 days. She leaves her I did -not work on this road while Mr, viviuvvyiaiiv vtniuiuu '-S J-va i" o I . . . . husband and five children, lbe m-ir;arroll was putting gravel qu it, oui neral was conducted at St. An- had at that time two teams belong- drews Lutheran church Wednesday ng to the chain gang and the records raornin"- at 9 o'clock by her pastor, si1Cw that Mr. Carroll was paid out T? f Vt Pless. and the interment ftf the countv treasury about $oUU. made at Mt. Pleasant, her "Tu the past two -years," said Mr. former home '"" lumnussioner, and a man ,Vft0 enjoys the full confidence' of the 'H,lle of this' county and who will vpy .likely poll a very flattering vote ' ' !,'-uon day. Death of Mr. Arthur Idttle. Arthur Little, whose home was yr the Gibson Mill, died Tuesday at 10 o'clock after a few days' of pneumonia. He was 28 ol age, and leaves his wife and ..' :'V(-q . eruldren. He moved here sev years ago from Mooresville, and uiMug at tne urmson iuni. M!ii,;n(lr n fe 9S and a member of ? ' Ktf C ' " r. U TT a Tr i was wiuot"v c V J Mr. C.'A. Reynolds, postmaster at WinstonSalem,. and a prominent re publican politician of the btate, ad dressed a larse crowd of voters at the court house last night, most of whom were of the republican persuasion Hartsell, " not more than three miles of road have been graded by the chain rans and no macadam laid, yet it is dneMr. Blackwelder to state that in mv opinion if he had absolute con trol and had not been under the su pervision of and handicapped by J. Mr a reat deal oetter iecuiu The Vice-President's Visit. Hon. James S. Sherman, Vice-President of the United States, will make a hf teen minutes speech here from the afternoo to see all the hitching lots monono-1 Iotte. 4 The machine struck tbe tree, lized by the pa33pg traders, as ia the which is about six fnehes in d tame case so frequently. The largo number ter, with such force that it was com-" of farmers coming to Cjcurd ire- pletely np-rooted. quently find hitching room scarce by Mr. Frank Honeycutt drove Mr. J. reason of the fact that "'traders" F. Cannon'n new Mitchell roadster f.Vi i t- i i "S- have them crowded out. I write, Mr. in the tour here and came throu?b rtn T-fn IZlS- Editor, hoping that some arrangement with a perfect score, rnoon at 5 :10 o c ock He will be f Qr c&d our . guest ot Charlotte this evening t.A t,i. T.r Arm foue Wexlnesday that Prcw- i IZ St0t rp,!1 Uriends from the country, that they President; Taft Appoint Negro at t. :: A. ",T may be assured suitable space. II Aattstant Attorney ueneraL c at, io auoa- , -ft fl , j. n ih-iTsA.n: Announcement was made at the lunura tonigm, wnere ne will do neara , :,- . . - . . . 4l: in,:,, ir hr;wniw L Tt, xt,j let them be cared for, bnt net at the White II peopl met campaign committee and upon his ar be met at the station bv a lar-e non- A EepIy to partisan committee and escorted to the Mr. Editor: I bej to say that a few e Thp vLJ Su Z expense of the people of tbe county dent Taft has decided upon the ap- cJeensW hv iht rL, hrTfrequently. pointment of William It Lewb, a at Greensboro by the Republican ONLOOKER. negro, at present awistant district at- tomey.at Boston, to Im an Aitani Attorney : General of the United State-!. . t : : . c .: i -..m. . i . - u.. : p ,u :i.. ; amKjmirociii i i in he will be a .ruest during his star there and have opened up a back lot for the th I resident Taft s fAiey of r- - ------ m - and where a reception w,ll be fen- publie in rear of cotton crr.u"ent ,er,iee, but making there ap- dered him this evening. taming about two acre thereby lnt fa " ' furn,,iang ample oom for all the I fc State., where .frictioa Conaolation for the Cubs. j horse raders, and leaving the fe . . i Mans niai uic huw hi x i , , , . urea owjcenojuer. The enthusiasnv tliat usuaiiv t? - have been made." A. M. The funeral mf.e Wlll he held Thursda:v after. this city I last night, al-1 Said Mr. Hartsell further: 'Mr. uciii liiursuav aner- . - . x 'n. an tinQ ;x A A fairly pleasing enect ou . xuixiueiiL luaUc qj Luc I .. ; . 'uerery; political xaxuxi . - . ll, L Xl - DnnnTlllAQna his speech seemed to LTS "1 tnose oi dis m -u" 7." xi.. ; hereby produce a list oiiue sued and not paid during tne nepuoii . . . ... n rr xl, i ,7. Ivey has returned to her Rev. D. A. aswell !Xthre-oK ?ome m New London, nfto. v;citinW View Methodist Protestant county , aiso tne iai . . w ixwivxxxs. I - ' Iv. iuess' M. and Leroy churcn on.ne -Two notes issued " . . , . '.'ii I w,nno M'xco notes i3suea iu The onlv consolation Manager Chance and his players of the . local National League got out of the world's series was in the division of the re ceipts, which occurred Monday after noon. Each of the players carried away a check for $1,315. Secretary Wil liams and Trainer Simons were voted in for full shares of the 'melon." stores for the ladies that come to tie citv in their bujnries. A big sign U now being painted, DRIVE IN! PUBLIC HITCHING GROUND and will be placed 3? soon as finished. ENTERPRISE. Mr. and Mrs Joel Gib-ton, of Me- (o!l. S. C.f ; Mr. It M. Lytcb and Mrs. Annie M. Smith, of Launnburg, who lire been visiting -at the home of Mr. R. A. Brower, returned this morn ing to their ; respective home. Mr. A. D. Watt, of Statesville, au- if r. Warren Green, a prominent A fine of 550. assessed against young business man oi louisviiie, hy., tw of the Watts act and secretarr Chance for disputing a decision, was spent luesday aiternoon m tne city to Senator Simmons, spent last night founil tn have been added to Ms ex- at the home of Mr. D. B. Coltrane. pulsion from the grounds during Mr. Arthur Norman will leave to Thnrsday's game. This was paid morrow foxDetroit, where he has ee from the loser's share before the cured a position at the factory of the snlit nti of the monev. I Paekaru Motor car vompanj. -x - tr in the city., Senator Simmons arrived on No. 7- 1 ' Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Day vault are. pending the day in Charlotte. 7 ey for several days. a. m ., at 3'p'cIocK ana at niguw. v