"johi g. gtierrlU; EMltor and Publisher. f UULISHED TWICE A WEEK. $t GO it Duo in AdVntio4 VOL. XXXVL CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY. OCTOBER 31 1910 NO. 36 ' i ii - ' - - - - - - - - - - EOOKEK WASHIKOTOH HERE. I have noted with interest" the friendly THE VICE PRESIDENT - i iriiiLniifH i T!ir aviL t ft. - - -- i . - noons Negro Educator Speaks to a between black citizens and white cit- SPEAKS IK CONCORD. ge Auaieute . w. x Know Grcctcd by a Pair c d T r.reat Speech. ?V.few' lf anv States, where the re- c, X U3 .f.x., lauons are more friendly than thov Aaiag. ipieieiy r . f. R, . . - ' A Great Speech. if,.re an audience that comj The Vice President of the United , i ,Uu nnera nouae, iouKer x.i nr i .... - 1 e tt.. t. c 1 i . tiiieu "r- uave sluulet ne condition of lirt ames Dcnooicrait aner- Vhington, "f Tff black raees in most parts of the world man iad an address of 15 minutes ; America, and head 01 we luskegee and T am frank tQ My tfaat j know q from tb platform of hig pecial train .Normal, and Industrial -institute no portion of the civilized world io the eitizens of Concord Thursday .Lp baiuruuv at v wvn. . iii. I whprp thPr n monw TOV,U i I alternonn. Ahnnf 90A f t.Am ir discussed at length tbe various I rp;;,i:na. hv tua -ia f cn n.if, I wprs I)rmwm tiiosrr-, .1 phases of the race question and gave people where the relations aU thi pot to hear-this distingnbhed states some lintea advice with reference considered, are so satisfactory and nan. The Vice President was dren to its solution. . . tnendly as they are between the two a most attentive hearing. 31r. Shcr- Sinidar trips nave ot;en maae in races risrht here in our . iSnuthprn man said in part : other. Southern States and the ar- States Thig gtatement X make de. x am very much obHged for fte rangements tor the tour .01 -florin spite my knowledge of the fact that cordial greeting I have received in Carolina which began in Charlotte last there is often wrongt oppression and this lovelv portion of this delightful night na ," ; nvT T u tv- t nJs"ce practiced upon the negro, Jst ate. I hve been around qnite a 0. uuiwu, i v,ua.tWl c, and mere is much to be don before bit in the last 43 hours and each hour 1 Dellmger, C -u.. spanning ana conditions will he entirelv-itisfAA.I Ai1d n' filpnm T , John Merrick, of Durham. ... tory but we are on the to prog. the diversified industries of vour in tneijaitjr UM4"M ress, ana wnne we are mating prog- state and they will add to your pros- ington, Emmett J. bcott, his eeere- reSs there is always encouragement. perity. I am not going to talk to you at Xatban II. Hunt, stenographer, "Throughout tho ' Korth. and es- on an v 'new thm r w aw m w a . pecially in Europe, I find that the of offer criticism of any individual I the I true condition as to the relations be- don't believe in talking personalities. 1a .and chara have extended to me a most cordial greeting. I have no quarrel to make with Democrats as individuals. I con cede that the' are just as anxious for prosperity to shine in this coun- MAN'S IDENTITY ESTABLISHED THE FLO&AL TA1Z, TtSK XZT AXD OASTOK ZULUS SU2UHT. TI Tcrsw U Hsxitt U Uj Sgecd One Who Wa, Killed by Xnia at To E Held ia TUStt Bsiiis To- Cook'i Crossis lUcestly Fcmsd ncrrpw Afumcwa ax4 ETtiii to be W, U Brown, of Sallsbrr. . e ' ' bi ti W. L. Brown, who worked for the 14 ftf : w.Ui Gata Citv In.nn (, r 1 ftia ioeorro laray, .it;f i, ana wcooren visit.! Con Mini in fKl-. " ' .mm:"'rm' uj4i.max jiJk iikii iji l&ta h-Ail to kill or iniit thought fl Hv h Win L-tUI K tMml l No. 4:1 ..u .t l -t-u. I saav fct tnI f Ik in aai Ci:m IU4r. ttxxl tit two attj caaai of the city. The door will be pra at 3 o !ck p. a., and an dsuioa frt of cent will b e aarctsi. The braatiful ! lin of fancy work will ba oa exaibi- tioa ju iooa aj the doom are opec. Beginning at 5 oVIoek a dinner will bo served for 25 cat altars t iwva, Ilrj ' trvil ti attmjriv;abctW tw tit f4ca t murder ta s4 drxw az4 Gu',t SMicitur'Urrit't CUik3. b4 and a number of others. Bishop canton, wno is at tne true condition as to the relations be- don't believe in talkin? rersonalit y . 1 i i U I 1- u:i j it. - 1-1 1 I 'r , 1 ... . . 01 tne puuv, uucuca mo iiictuug iwccii uie wuue men aiiu me iac 1 00 iar as xne reDUDliean vipsrnnmt urifli a.short address introducing the man in the South is not always nn-I and platform is concerned we can amv i- i -1 : ti I ,i i. ,i rm : v 1... 1 I . . ... . .. various liiuiv ltiuais accoiiipaiiyiug ur, 1 ucisiuuu, auis comes aiwui uy rea- pon inem witnoilt resortins: to Der- 'Whiiiffton. alter wmcn Major iv. it. son oi me iact mai tne worsi mmgs sonanties. Moton led the large audience in sing- tnat happen in tiie isoutu are widely "Tn the few minutes I have to talk ! mn ri imhi no-Jacob's Laflder' I reported, while the best thinsrs thatln t w;n u lL "Bright Mansions' Above," two occur are seldom heard outside of the 1 i0Ve the old theme of republicanism, raract eristic negro melodies. This communities.' Since mv visit to North Carolina I 1. ;. -J 1 -11 I ti'rVio mnrlr s. h mnh fVia lirnok 1 ... ..... feature was muen enjoyeu oy au prea- Vi v'"- nave neen entertained by all tho citi- ent.- 1S W4ucijr ueiaiueu, wuue iu zeUs, regardless of politics. Your Bid.on Clinton expressed the thanks quiet work of education, of civihza- Governor was the first tn PTtn thA of the entire party for the Jocal en- tion, of property getting, of chool- hand of cordial greeting to me on my tertainment under tne direction or Jjr. "uiiuiu, ui cuuicn uuuuiug, arrival. Democrats all over the State John Fuller and presented Kev. F. T. nai is going on aay dv aay is sei- L(Kan, who presided over the meet- neara 01. ine wnne man wno lCUi.3CS.lllC UCgiU IS UCU1U UJ. UUIOIUC - . I x? o a ii- 1 j j r r T? WoffAnoi. ntrAnioH Ul IHO OOUlll. UUl IIIO IIUIIUICUS Ul n.roclnn(rfnn tn thft : andienftft. and white, men in each community who declared that he was one of the great- a.re helping the negro to get educa- try Where we differ is in the prin est forees in American life. "By the 1""' " Tupr l" ciples of government. sheer force of manhood and strength ls seiuoni neara ox. xue uu We eaeh want to reaeh the int 1 -m n 1 1 f 1 m wntn wo 51 T-?if twiiiui auvpr- 1 - i- rF .inrtr mc hnc T-iRn Tmm nnm- f-w iit're an mpnpnn ninrpn mponc - - afM a 4 m Ar4 i ft iftrtl blo conditions, overcoming obstacles V. iueuus muic a "u UUi cucmics more and brings more than any citi- and almost insumountable limitations! ie,' , ,. zen in the world. Democrats have x uavo . receimy ueeii umS manifested that they are not capable two; or three months m Europe ob- of judging the future by the past serving tne conaiuon 01 uie poorer flnd tbp n.hlipfln hav .Tifl1 fflfl. classes, and because of what I havcLllfv nf wnrtino. m,f vrht ; seen in Europe I return to this coun- the sreateah number ' Reenlieef lS02t try more encouraged, more hopeful Xhe le believed, we didn't have v finfiii Tt fr r n ti rnni t i 11 ti r 1 rip iiMirni t . . institution, nf learnma- of the South. 1 , . 0'X . V T... 1T enongn prosperity, uney voted tor a ' ana mS iurure man x nave ever ueeu ut..i flm1 1j,ntyJi iuA before. As compared with the con- tu0; l-ote fnfrftiiA l.-nfn,,. dition and the outlook of the work- the geas We.didnt have full time, mgc asses in oouiuem x,urup did not recejve compensation for pecially, the negro has a chance m the , b - indnslrv ianjni:aiipii; South that is from 50 to 100 per cent n mnA V more nopeiin wan is rrue 01 ine wofk- , ltman(led an 01rortnit.v tn onm ing classes 111 Southern Europe. J i;vPiiIinnd Tu:c- u;, TCOro -X nave reierrea 10 ir enaiy ma- b ht about bv Democratc poll tions existing between black people v- t! and wnne people in tnis oraie. mi for the fact that there is a large class of white people in every community who are helping the negro to get edu cation, o get property, to improve his moral life, but for the existence ot the work of the friends, in a State like North Caro lina, it would have been impossible plauded and among other things said: for us to have made this tremendous "I find that our people as a rule, progress iii so short a time, and so aro best off living in the rural dis- throughout the bouto, it we learn to trif rlnsr.'n Mta sm'l Yftn find Tftal I be frank with each other, to trust freedom in the countrv: olant vour- each other, to cultivate love and tol self in the country." ' eration instead of hatred we will teach In showing thnf the true man does the world a lesson as to how two races not carry his heart on his sleeve, and different in color, can live together in mat Jabor is noble, ne said: " we peace auu uaimuujr uu uusuV. want tn o-pt ri1 nf fTi a nlrl idpa that In advising his race to build sub- stantiallv. while nun?, he said: uyyI ITilll LlltT 11 illlll ii O. UikX.ULCi V t i i-- i 4.u " Good people, believe in a heaven, In showing his people the folly of L "LU 1 AJ , A- t. living a nomadic life and admonish- 1 am i?rn? "C ms: ins race in his characteristic elo- ; r m ... ii . i 1 j ,1 n J into neaven. mere are mings we can quenee to become a desrable factor ml, , 1 v, 1.1. . .. . ... ttt inn rn nrmy iieiiveu 011 caim. xjc ue community tie exclaimea: vve . . - , about the mansions cord have this season will be of- usi secure and keep a reputation to . ,. . , . ;iA no4f f f- fi1A riAntml otaHpH 'Kfthnol i 11 . , , n ... 1111 tlie MilCS, ICli US uuiiu iittu w-x,vi o 1 i 1 il U M 1 1 Vft IIO I ft. i-k -kft TTTn I rtT- O OTlIf- I ' vV J. CJ.ia.Ult3 11 L11K Ul J.U. UJ. atbiT- of October 5tb. On the 4th of OttoWr, the dav be fore the man was killed, Chief; of Po lice Boger received a letter from Mr. W. L. Brown, of Salisbury, making in quiry of her husband, who she itated had left home Sept. 2Sth for Concord ii . .... he "wSa rnrneth.;iwt!I Jl Tt ' l P Ur band and received the following letter J D 0- irom her from Kinston, where he I r ! r . ?t , x, third prix?, Um Pi,h,r . H, 'V 0t.? BUU . . wu!.U4u, -v- I D. P. Tucker. iovu4a ctn p rrriy jauo. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter o tw thrwi oink b I When court rtvonvtsed for tat af- just received will tell you as near uLone half down bread and batter! Urcooa tioa Fridav Judf Loaff ainsl cbrTMLatbcsaal JM lf u1 P I to be Oar ' mrrY: L therefor. possible about my husband and if you plates Dove & Bost. uxiu n as nua wai was Juilea will 3. Best threo ereaa chryiaathe- jvu Ficaac w zue jtnow ai oace. mums Bed room slipper, Cannon & xac iexi uome on eaneuay morn-j petzcr Co ing, Sept. 28th to go to Concord. lie 4 Rest paM entesf on rink Dry. aad Gaston Blake, who bad tuVnittcdHa murder in the ttood Atzrx and caaa tUuhter respectively. Dry waa tr tenccd to H yetn and B!l 7 at hartl labor in th Sut peniteatjary. tried. (Jaton Itlake, who tubatttrd to tnanfluahUr and wji trr.tr nerd U go to ix)ncord. lie 4 JW tKr iw i-iu didn't return that night but sent me I mums One nair stencil eurtams. Miw a telegram not to expect him until Wilma CorrelL ' Thursda.v. , I c ief i,r I waited from then untd Monday Lumw pa;P ciu- W A. flr. or Tuesday of the next week, which! h was October 4th, then I wrote you 6. Best three red ehrysanthemamj Judg lonjr, will be M-nt 10 tht roanty making inquirj Your answer came to One soda ticket. People Druz nad instead of tl penitentiary. me uu me uxm vx x mane no misia&e, 1 Store. saying you could find out nothing of 7 Rpsf' thre bronri. eKrvaanthe. him aud if you could later would let mums One box Nunnallv candv. Gib- me know at once. .' CAn nr,.sA When he left home he wore a light q tj. thr ' nnrnu nP Krender hat with narrow bandr think it was a chrvsanthemums Ono laundry ticket, Stetson with what you might call akcoicord Steam Laundry. xiigu crown ana ron Drim, size t . Th best eollection of ehrvsanthe- - vcn year in the jnite nttary by Judge Long having rbanrrd the q tenco to thu etTeet. rortxt mil Ntwm. Mcsar. A. C. Penland. J. S. Stroal and l IL Uaaisaur spent last Thur day inuCharlotte attending the fair 3lr. J. L. Wrigut pcut bunday m of environments until today he is rec ognized, not only in this country, but the world over as one of the men who has accomplished great, things for his day and generation. "At the head Oi-one of the great he has used " his influence toward bringing about better social and indus trial conditions for his people, and he a man whom the South does honor and is delighted to honor because he is a great factor in solving the prob lems that confront it. ""When the final day of reckoning shall come, no greater laurels shall rest upon any man. that "upon him who has spent his life in the service of his fellowman. He has given new ideals that are high and practicable and attainable to his people,' and his life work has been one continuous ef fort to lead them into a broader and a higher civilization." Dr. Washington was vigorously ap lcies. 1 1 s me schoolboy said, if we continued to vote for these policies? The republicans never yet "framed a platform tp get in office on. They never had a platform that did not HCUtC Ui I 1 , 1 ,n Southern white! cuuacutuu piauunu u.u- jesss ii. 'liuu.ueeii eiiucieu into a law. Under a republican administration we have progressed until we have startled the entire world. New in dustries have started up and under the Dingley Bill, a protective meas ure, the added stimulus- ', Here the, whistle to the engine blew and the train began to roll awav from the depot and leaning far over the rail ing of the platform the Vice Presi dent called out: "Vote the republi can ticket and we will keep on having what weVe got. ' A Treat at the Central Graded School Building Tomorrow Night. One of the best entertainments Con- H13 suit was -dark blue serge, and mums First prize, mg 3Gx?2, H. B. Charlotte it a friend., low cut shoes. He carried no pistol Wilkinson; second prize, quarter sack Mr. Wm Heldennan that I know of and his pocket knife flonr Horace r Blackwelder. " Mt. Holly, returning - ' I T " I was a small dark norn nandle one. I do not know exact size of shoes but think they were size 6. He wore a signet ring on his left hand with W. L. P -on graved on it. I thank you very much for looking into the matter and if you can find out anything more will be ever grate ful if you will let me know, i Sincerely yours, MRS. W. L. BROWN Kinston, October 27, 1910. lhe ii at. worn by tne man agrees with the description of the one re f erred to in the letter. and is also the same number. The shoes are also the chrysanthemums Artistic vase, W. C. Correll Jewelry Co. No. 13 Handsomest half dozen chrysanthemums, different colors. three dollars, A. B. Ponnds. and ia aiiting at -installing tb hu midifier system at Lcke Mills. Mr. J. C. CHik ha nrrived a red Irish Matter, sent to him from Mt. Oil ead by his brother. Mr. Cwk is quit proud ot hii new ac-usit-on. Mers. T. P. Moom? and J. scription, but only the back spring of a nife was found. The man killed also wore a dark blue serge suit of clothes but no ring was found. He also had a pistol in his pocket at the time he was killed. Mr. Correll, of Salisbury, who has :i m r iv . . 1 1 tages ana iive nappny ms ieau ux tain.- uuumu6 uibuu ..m Uv t - Continuing to give wholesome in so much about getting washed in the Jeannette Kling Company, com- adviee he said : " If you have not got ih blood of the lamb, I am more posed of Miss Kling, reciter of stories a reputation, let's. get one and let s concrnefl in keeping hell out of peo- and plays ; Miss Weihl, violiniste, and eP . I i At, ;,v irnamni ntnrck Anf nf I Afiss Harrison. rianiste. I I 1 I e- 1 11.11! Ill IVCC Ji il V. W uiv vw. v - " " 7 L 'Everybody i this community hell.' ' 'Miss Kling is recognized as one of should encourage the negro to get a ' "" America's most brilliant and suceess- -rim n account,' ' said Dr. Washing- Would be Suicide to Change. ful readers. Critics and press unite tOQ, "because a man who 'has ,the Sunday's Raleigh News and Ob- in conceding to her all the qualities -muij lo get a Dans account in most server has a large numoer 01 ieuer requisuo ior me amst uirigmai mstances proves himself reliable.' ' from prominent business men all over ent, grace, beauty and personality. Dr. Wash inrtnn sai d further: 4.fliA State expressing their views on Her versatility is remarkable. "In the Southcn States I think I the present ' political conditions. Miss Weihl is one of the few prod 1 at'e in saying that there are nine Among these is one from Mr. D. B. igieswho has ever matured into a real "lis of hliifk npnrl p jind nn cpusi- PnUranP. resident of the Concord artist. At the age of three she played hie m:, n today will try to argue that National Bank, and several cotton the piano and at the age of nine ap t'lese nine millions of people are not mill companies: ' : peared in public as a violin soloist. re to stnv fnr nirt.mo SinPA that Th infplleetual. moral and finan- At about that time she became a pu tl'Ue. flip nnlv mtinnnl attitnrlf fnr L;l uni; ft. nf our State has been so nil of Pier Adolpho Tirindelli, the "!U- to take is one which will result in marked under the Democratic admin- great master, and has ever since play- niakinsr Hip up mnrA intpllTo-ATit. I ietrflfinns nf the nasT. that It seems ed and studied under his direction. more Skillful mnra ncofnl nnrl mnrfl I f n mo th at it would be almost suicidal Miss Harrison, the talented pian -abidinjr. It is also eauallv im- to change. D. B. COLTRAE. iste, possesses splendid natural ability, About the Railroad Station Aealn. Mrs. Marion Butler arrived here on Bridge, of All-mar!e, spent Sunday same number ntl agree with the de-1 Vn :t7 t!ii mnminff. Sh sav ho m the-eity. Mr. Mhc rrtarat ta found tho depot locked and after it Albemarle tomorrow. was unlocked there was no fire in it. Mr.. P. O. CVk end Mimc Lura In a conversation with tome Concord and HobbiwCook- rrtiimrd .mterday neoDle she said she had always heard to Cnmrd after a vi;t to Mr. and of Concord as an up-to-date little citv, Mm. Fred Linker,' at Whitney. Mi but that if she should judgo it by its iura returned to Whitney today, railroad station it would be nut down Mrs. H. ILiirner ha lieen very taken the position with the insurance a second rate town. It is an every ck'for a wHk we regret to nolo company held by w. ii. urown, nas day occurrence for some one of the mat er condition iia not greaiiy im been here several times and has made traveling nublic to make Such a re-1 IroveI a thorough investigation of thecase mart as this. May the camel's back The ladies of the Frt Hill M. K. and from the description furnished soon be broken." church realized the neat strni of 118 him bv Chief of Police Boger, togeth- Th Wp nr.njired in Saturday's at their bazar of Saturday. Tho4 er with the facts he has gathered, is Tribune. Mr. Oscar Walter, the wJ, aMendetl purcbafed qnite libera! of the opinion that the man who was clever and accommodating ticket agent ally. klllM W!LS W. Li. JirOWn. Wo civa in rTrr1 tn h fntAmnt I thfit thp ctntinn dnnr wa loeked that. 0r SOCieTI. Later Full Identification Made. Us No. 37 is not scheduled to stop 1116 rf "epubiiean eampaigta On vpsterdav the brother-irJ-law of h,PrP. thfl ,lr,nr i Inked until 0i30lorSn lor ltowan county, and tiw Brown had the body exhumed at the or before No. 11 is due, in order to tignin congret5iona4 otmnci, , ui.es Kannapolis cemetery and on examina- keep the loafers out. Tie says tho wback 0 be ndejcndent ticket m tmn it wn f nllv -identlbed as that Ot cfatpnf thftt herA irfl nn firA i Bn ligaH as ouuw. Brown. A. stick pin which Brown error, as fire had been kept in the 1nrciren;ar1 ier wsuea in w fnnnd in his tie. and Jacob UtnvA KinrA R o'eloek In thA morninirJ hl ot the Independent ticket, and Feldman. who sold him his shoes and We nnblish thi in iustice to Mr. Wal- snl tho bxecutira Comailtt clothing, identified them as the ones ter and his associates, who do the r the & .ori!er jffo extend a. he hH sold to Brown. There isvno very best they can to give the public !VU1 ruiai invi uunm 10 ice vepix- service wit n tne poor laciuties " J ' . . . ' doubt - whatever of the ihdentity oil good the man. at their command. pendent men for the legislature, la their announcement made in the circa iar letter they claim no party but ap- For the purpose of raising funds tu mflmL.w t t, p nq ftf a I ieal to you to vote for theai. Who pledged ny tne oiaie prmu Washington Camp No. 1C, WatU' lQeJ W1 wrve 11 eieeiea ani wnai Association 01 xvuwau iu iu Cross Road?, No. 6 township, on SaM A Vm,a P- -I i 7 xjoan f una a uauy uuw is iu ue iictv yjjjy af. in this city on Friday, November 11. 5 heinn Fourteen prize will be awarded and ' f:i e. e i-iii. xi :ii V ..), ),,-. 1 J rr . i..:. 5.j. scores w.mue 101s wuiue uu ,cu.. and kind refreshments to uau war nonun incaaa ar ns- tion and every moiner wno iias euixiea ih nnnt All nrA inrite.l to lu not wcuxaiea 10 gei many ternoon and night, November reacu a,ejKa rmaina uaiaa. ii w ing at 1 o'clock, will have an wcll known" fact that this U a tplen. frr-u fi.h did season to fish for 'lacken bat the P'tant that all realize that since the 1wo races are to remain here together Concord, N. C. which, with the training she has re ceived makes her eminently fitted for t!'at it will-be to the best interest of Collecting Data on the Growth of the the positioji of piamste and aceom- al1 to do that which will forever keep Old Field Pine. pamste with this ix)rnpany. rier race and friendship between the two Ernest D. Clark, of the United playing is brilliant with excellent :aees. The worst enemy of the negro States Forest Service, whoh as been technique and great beauty and elas- 13 t"e man who unneeessarilv stirs ud for the past two weeks making an ticity ot tone. racial st Tl f P anil l-i mrtr L i-nnT tp rtvn m InnflATl n f the forest resources the whit m9n :;s i;i Urt Lp PoUmK Mnntv. has iust finished Hallowe'en Party Tonight. unnecessarily stirs up a feeling of this work. He has been gjving special The Golden Xinks Missionary So natred nn,i wtfa,V ft"n thA eollecfion of data cietv. of Central Methodist church v4 uivicilica UCtVICCU LUC I ailCU Hun 1 - - , . , . . mm races. showing the rate of growth of old will have a Hallowe'en party at Mr. "Whilp T Uvft t, U4 rt Th? trP i' of special im- T. Smith's tonight from 7:30 to will expect to carry off , a prize and woe unto the iudge, who decides against a single one11 of the "cute little things. Salisbury corresponence Charlotte Observer. now about a baby show for Con cord? No citv in the State could get up a better one. come out and enjoy themselves and also help the camp. The order at i this place has about 50 members and; is growing very fast. Rev. E. . Feltner, the National Organizer, will be present and help out the camp. G.-W. WATTS, Sec. nibbles from the Republican farty." Jintf j Japanese Ml&sictary at Church. To tarze etinrgations irreetea Hev. A. J. Stirewalt, one of the re- turne! miiansr:.- f the Unitei Svnol of the South of the ... K. L. Comedy and Pathos Intermingled, church, eterav morning ar.d even- Tears follow mirth and laughter 1 in? at St. Jaioe' eh ireh. Mr. St ire- chases care in Thomas Dixon's ce!e-l wait i here in the interest of tbe new brated play " Ice bins of the i a-1 Mission schod at KumamoSo, Japan. will eost about $600.00, and as this office alwavs pavs spot cash for every thing it buys, our good subscribers will see the situation at a glance. A word to them, weknow, will be suf ficient itnt Suiiday today. Nc 10. Handsomest boquet of cut Mr. Juo. btratforU, of KannapoiiS, flowers, anv variety, ono bushel lcru .Sunday, tn loaeord with cut Chuckatuck Bucks, Chuckatuck Farm, brother, Mr. C. K. Stratford, No. 11 Handsomest potted plant -r. v. vwuiv mno it puiuoj -First nrize. four pounds of coffee. humidiflem at Ixcke MilU hacon J. L. Miller: second prize, one pair oH l l-ali, to fur lew day. shears, Yorke & Wadsworth Co. Mr. "BtlP Jlathcock ha accepted - No 12. Best three variegate! a position with the Muart Cramer C Another Car Load of Paper. The Times and Tribune recently pat in an order for another car load of i paper, which is expected to arrive) ther." which makes its first visit" tor H nrtached two roerful 'innoh here in a few day.. This car of paper the opera house on Wednesday night, Uho- ng the need of Chritian eda- Nov. 2nd. The tragic and the comic I cation for the training of native elements of the negro V place in a preachers and helpers and for the pur- white civilization are equally empha- l jioe of nationalizing the church there, sized. Against the baleful figure oft At the evening service Mn. C. P. the plotter Cleo are set the laughing MacLaughlin rendered the beautiful darkies, Andy and Minerva. 3ferely offertory entitled "Fear Not! Oh Is- to look at them is to smile, and their rael.f bv Dudley Buck, whieh u - r m ttt O ! i I- T l, - - i 31 r. X. . ouiiiu, tr uas iiuuc iu . . L i I . , " 7 . e I nvntAcniiA MrmniMJin 1 M CO aHnV I U . 1 -rr nmrA .- t It rmttA n.iui. Spartanburg to visit his sister, ,3Iiss r - . u." v ent. in thn ejr rr r"wV n nVWV A most interesting 6c- Sudie Smith, of inverse College. He eptlnMd IZTZ to irPid 'Growth anS ion is expected. A silver offering - will go from there to Atlanta to visit Mr, C. W. Johnson, of Charlotte, is I - Mr. A ;JL Lentz,of Salisbury, spent r. m . v'i-iik..&a a k ft m a r ft fti ft i-w f 1 r-v iii iir-i wweh our race is mafcing in this State. I considerable amount. will be taken at the door. spending the day ia the city. Sunday here with his family.

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