2 B. Srierrill, EMltor and Fibllarier. "Vh XXXVI. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. St 50 n Ywr, Due In AdVnnM, NO- 3T CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. NO V"EMBER y, 1910 i - UTLER CALLED DOWN. BILL NYE DAY IN STATU PTXRT.Tn Rf!TTOfT.R - t- . ; lor yeui" " - - - Zt He in Anyway Intended to Re- Bill Nye Memorial Committee of N. C. t-afc - . , I T A TT-1J. "If A CORRECTION OF REPUBLI CAN MISREPRESENTATION. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. CHILD BURKED TO DEATH. -t t V o t Vi oy- ri fr Vi a fer to insw v"vi v " iate Dr. Dixon. tv en has keen no e comment :A " elewhere throughout the .ar(- . i-11" ' Press Association Holds Meeting in Salisbury. The following are the items the Re- The Bill Nye Memorial Committee publicans claim to have saved money of the North Carolina Press Associa-Ion: t ion held a meeting in Salisbury Tues- Surveyor. day mght at 8 o'clock to eleet a sue- The Republicans claim thev have account of sur- are that the Re- 1. 1 : i j -j i it it rnn(nr, ii ' JC ,Jliaov tiacmxra xrainui- miles ot road and me surveying was wBat fken , done bv Democrat, on these Joal be- t,e rei ri, - v 31r 1V Look, editor of the Up-1 fore thev took charge. Thev have both Hit . t ui was chosen, to succeed Mr. Julian, had. very little use for a surveyor. been V J . col. ai .r'airbrotber, editor of rJ very r, 'ill itmniin in nMir in i ii i i i -. .. v.;,'' - --- ming, was aiso added to tne com- his KpH'n iuiici v mittce. tijat iue ueiuurais xu ixie ver ft fnv?,??nT Zhm censor, to the late Mr. John M. Julian saved money on the fcetarwaKev. . I ato 1. Durham, pastor as treasurer of the committee and to veying. The facts a ot Central ethJ wSS" raise funds for the erectin th Bill publicans have grade Coronftr It is true that the Democratic Cor oner for the year 1903 spent $139.66 . i nnnronriaiea inc montjv. lie r i t -rrr it: i u .t. rvi. . th tcflv m whiph the!-. r ir nu.-n: rri , n I caitu me criminal vtqo KUied young T- he S ate had "been admin- T ft m v nT K1" w No. 5 township. Does affair of he btate had Deen admin boro Dally ewg and CoL A n Boy-I nv. iriAU:n f, -nl. f,,;cryiL ,-tpr(M miner lCCl"Ciauc gwcumitui Publishing Annual Statement. is and . . .i rii i 1 1 fctatod that tne oraie s money nau been squandered and that dishonest mean had been used in handling it. Kev. Plato Durham, son of the late Hon. Plato Durham, a distinguished A resolution was adopted that the committee would ask the State Su ierintendent of Public Instruction to set apart a dav in the public schools ,(nt(,tni.i!i i; onu vuiiiuiid, inuu nao ftt nrrn am ip.c.tn tnnisn a mPmW t the legislature during "Bill Nye Day." At this time it is the tiir.f of the famous bonds were is- intended to request each student in ued), and a step-son ot the late JJr. the schools of the State to contribute Avho until his death This statement is untrue that they saved $40.38 in the publication of the Annual Statement, only $7.34. Jail Expenses. Mr. Bxrruixtr Appelated Ciic: At West Pci Hall (rrt'ea Pirty Penwaxi New. Hon. Chi.. H. H. S. Willuau jdirr!d l.rc r J is Tie Ilex. ef llx. Jasm TtUzm :rcxt r Tut Tim HsrH OU I&!it Lcm lu Lift the auiitorium Ut fci?tit cs tht jo- h in l8fT l;tii-ijs ia Slx&Zf making of the chaiit pans clothe 'from a widow woman and give it to Bar rage, - UI t rilh KLl LHLl CAN . TICKjET, iiiical Usae of the ly jl a aalj iWt'Ufl fna Barrage did it. through Hepablican g!a. At ual Urra !otrf4 by firt, 1 If you think it is right to work tie ilh political itre-ti, both iexv tl thrcitbU infist rf Mr, rliain n n miA f.r K- Jnt crat and Kcpubikan mere perfectly Tnr wa bcr&rd to !, nf .1, XI . Hnmw 5?rwirint-nTit I atisfle-l..- Speeial intrreit ia Mr. I Mrtu Mr, 'Tnre 4 tfcir t one f J. L Burrage, Sujerinteadcnt, and atisi- Speeial intrret ia' Mr. Mr.t. no of the Commissioner. G. S. Cow!e visit, however, i broajrht ehiUivn err in t! Srl4 a Ural 10 Kluttz, when the main road in No. 5 aDoul b ais Having mmuy ppomi-parti in ire fc4te. coruxu . townshio need work and hen otbrN Bnjamin Alfred lUmrtx, I Tiy left the hhy ia h bz c main mad .imt immtuKU f townsman. Mr. M. O. IUr- VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICTCEtJ "?"' Ato f "drtwPt AmurU: t, iLr ""Y- v'v'l Naval Aeademv. Mr. Barnnirer i ft uunu.o uiu inis very imiig. P, F. Dixon, Avho until his deatn a u penny or more toward tbe fund that "a'v V t , " T ' VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET, tev wl-ets ago was State Auditor, the cpmmittee has in charge; namely K-epublicaii jailer,. is paid -40 cents per j GEd- Kestlerf chairmaa of the euunty was present at the speaking and heard to erect a building in connection with lor each prisoner, now can there , commissioners vote4 to do this thing. Butler's remarks. , the Stonewall Jackson Manual Train- bf a1!avinf. to he c?.u.nt'? ith;1 , jm.u MILLER t?;e W a!iv Wfcen Mr. Trii dla- ruftbei u lb bof nj !surnc4 to tb member of the Fresbnan cla at the 1 1-4 br i Kd left tl Uaby. To If you think it is right to allow Collegiate Institute, and hh friendf Miv bid ,fidM nuj aai h f.r stills to run in open defiance of law are congratulating him on hi ; p- to th ImhI wtrm two ciU lay. Mr, in Cabarrus county, pointment. He will stwsd bU rum Triee rraehrl tb pot wben he left VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET mation next April and in the meaa cu chud only to n4 that tbe twd t4 lime win mae special preparauoa ior wca ornnijfa pt u ere aaiu ntt it. baby' !dy barred to a cmp. Mr. The young ladies of the town gave Tnec band were bdly bumed, aai their young men friends a moit de- h haul a carrot e-aj from tba lightful and, we cr advised to say, lUmct. enthusiastic Hallowe'en party at the Tb boaM and all tie furniture and The amount waslL S. Williams thinks so and voted I home of Miss Ruth Misenhemicr, Sat-1 furnishing were entirely c-s ranged. urday nipht. Witches, spooks, bob-AIo the cnb coniaiRing 100 bosbeU goblins, pumpkins and the like blended! of corn and enough rd NOttoa to in proper harmony to make an even-1 make two balHi, ing not soon forguiten by thoe who were present. R.EV. PAUL BAPJUNOEIt Mr. Hilburt Fisher, of the Colle- MAPJUED WEDNESDAY. giate Institute, attended the marriage Honeyeutt, the Sheriff, did it. If you think it is right and desirable to have negroes ride on trains in the same coaches with white people, VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET, for it. If .you think it is right to have a C. A. Robinson, Democratic jailer, . ne?r0 sclo0i commissioner over white was paid oy democrats cents per sehools ia Concord, day for each prisoner C P. Cline, yQTE THE REPUI of Miss Elsie Whitley and Mr. Robert Weds Mr. Jerry Klottx at II cr Host . . it . i . a a . - i i ii ii' i i t iih i in i' ;i 1 1 ii i if i x - i i Soon attr nie speaking was vw ing School at Concord to be known as ", , " "Mr. Durham went to the hotel ..to see the Bill Nye Memorial Cottage." It lu" jsxanca Senator Hutler. riutier had gone xo may seen readilv that this will help - Air. Durliam told 'Sauire ,n,r rtQ o; tu cause, lie has allowed so many pns- VowpII. to ask Butler if he meant to fftwarfi hiV, b committee is striv-1oners to escape, to-wn: six, inereiore, , Chmn. Dem. Ex. Com., Cabarrus Co. . .i - ' ! ii i i'ltlado ins iattier in tne sxaiemeni re- ing. gardinir the legislature or it he re- The secretary was empowered to ferred in any way to Dr. JJixon m this employ a correspondins secretary on a statement, regarding tne way in wnicn salary who will devote much time to the affairs of the State had been con- the affairs of the committee and every ducted, slating to bquire JNeweil that attention will be nven to the cause. answer at Th rress outside of North Caro- having fewer prisoners to feed. C. A. L. Asrner, at Millinroort today. The bride is the daughter of Dr. D. P. Whiflpv and th prnnm i ihn son of Creepy -Hallowe'en Party in Cem- Prof gner, of Faith. Both of the eteiy Not a Sncces3. vnnnr nonl b.ive Krnre nf friend Miss Camille Walker, of Philadel- ier0 "Migs Whitlev beine a irraduate he -wanted a categorical County Commissioners ir ! "VT 11 i i- I . ii .i rt . , -i- ItliQ I la cno9,. 'sauire ixeweii went to um- inn.. ns tp.ii ns tne fttate 'ress Asso-ili,v- Jer's room and returned in a short ciation, has become interested in the Dec, 1JUS iime to llm Mr. Uurham tnat uuuer anse. IUU . et - w wanted lo see him in his room. Mr. Letters of encouragement in the Per month, iiepublican physicians in Durham went to Butler's room and Uanse have been received from parties sixteen months following ending Octo was told by him that he did not in- both in and out of the State an the her 1, 1910, received $842.30, or $32.64 end 'to in any way cast reflection matter and the committee is yery per month, exactly lour times as m me name 01 mis iaie xuluci, rnucn eneourairea ar me ouliook. uiui" ivi mwinu...t " -a 5 ihat afterwards in ins speech he would Reports from various sections of Chain Gang. always except hirf name and that he the State which were given to the The statement in reference to the considered Dr. Dixon the ablest and committee at the meeting give every chain gang, is incorrect as to the roost nonoraoie oiuciais conneeieu wim assurance ot a periect co-operaiion in amount sivent oy ootn uemocrars and the State government while under the movement and the erection of the Democratic control, and apologized Bill Nve Memorial Cottage is an as for the remarks. It is understood that sured fact. Butler excepted the name of Plato .Durham in .his speech baturday mght. Mecklenburg Farmer Kills Himself; A rumor that has become general Robinson Democratic jailer, never 'V, anu Jir. let anvone es(-irP during hi service ' i?"ett- . cree' porcupine-quiny Agner of the Institute, who wish them of ten veirs 1 ILihWen party Monday evening. a Ion?f happy life. ' TniiTitv Phvrfrian To choose the place was easy, for Miss Misses Ella Mooe and Ora Fisher -o 4.u0f "wuiauus vweiery vuipau.y, ,T ivr.ac&ren are Near RockwtU That Morelac Rev. Paul Barrinjcer, a proT.inent cotton manufacturer of Mt. Pleaantt and Mr. Jerry Kluttx, of Itowaa county ua tnarric! Wetlne.lay mora ing at 10 o'clock at tb bonio of the bride near Rockwell. The mar riage was witncJMvl by only ftfew rel ative and intimato fnendi of.'tb coutractirig partis and the announce iini.. Llincnt will ihj nunc a urpriM to tho tu:i.iii.: j w u. n tr - n i.n l i.a mu woiue 01 mis ncciion. wner Air n.f nmorqtir. riWslplan Winning i.imaunpia, auu iuu i W8 o u HTUS in VnariOllB lOUlgUl.. ir ' ' : TV mocratic pnysician, beginning i;, lca iu fifr .l tc .:i " Mm. Barnnsrer are to well known. Mi anj Tlin 1 TQfiQ "6 vcixivk-xjr. i went over m.Jir. xou car. I r t .t . and ending June 1, 1909, MiMills and her joumr friends. Mis Leltie Shoaf. of LeiinrtonJ amnger i one of the xnmt prtnai- inn?, revon io.xo :-.nrnnl;nlw w L. e- i-.. u ' nent citizen of t ! count V an.1 a maa I k Till ll 1 II Ii I. M. ILL LAS. A. J ' 1.X LSW O. 11 M IMII I . l II I I M V I It" I V l I X 7 O . I I ' as to the amount spent by Burrage. demoniac yells ere repeated and had rayed, started the uncanny programme Mr. W. O. Barringer is right sick 01 iar J inicrct, being cv bv indulging in a witches' dance with throat trouble. T iwwarora among the tombstones. Some of the Mr. 0. D. Shoe is carrying the mail M! at Mount I Ieaant. and prwtident girl5 assumed a courage they did not to Concord, Mr. Earl Moose having of ih Vr!Tin;rr "anng Co., - feel, and the dance was going gaily resigned to enter school. enough, when from the cemetery's Mr. J. M. Shuping is home from depths sounded the most fiendish yells. Bear Poplar, where he has been en- The dancers stopped and paled and gaged in carpenter work. looked fearfully at each other. The Mt. Pleasant, November 1. a rumor uiai iuts 5c"c;a' Charlotte Observer, 2nd p.,fi fi,rpn Ir. Al Deaton committed suicide of anv kind made. Mr. Durham is not str,day afternoon at his home on the kind of man to go around making threats of nnv description. lie is a fearless - courageous man, and all who know him know that he would resent any attack on the name-of his father or Dr. Dixon, and he would do so befofe he had time to make threats the Sharon road by inhaling a suffi cient quantity of chloroform to pro duce death in a few minutes. Mr. Deaton was in the city yester day and in the best of good spirits. He brought four bales of cotton to the market, sold it and. left the city His report showed amount spent to June 1, 1909, $10,634.41. Since that time Mr. Burrage has failed to file a statement showing the rost of chain gang to June 1910. What is the rea son? , Sheriff's Unlisted Taxables and Licenses. The amount of license taxes col lected depends largely on the number of circuses, showing in the county. There were two large circuses, (the taxes on each being more than $500) under Honeycutt's administration. There were none while Mr. Harris col- KILLED BY FALLING LOO. not ceased echoing when a white, threatening figure, nodding its head and waving its arms -approached. Mr. Frank Williams, of Iredell Conn- Miss Camille and her friends turned an, .and trembling as they were, some toon xne smaller xomo stones like hurdles in their flight. Relatives of persons buried in the cemetery had objected to Miss Ca mille 's diversion; perhaps this ac counts for the 1 ghost's" appearance. ty, Crushed to Death by Log While Loading Same on Car. Mr. Frank Williams, a farmer of jAmity Hill, Iredell county, about six miles from Mooresville, was killed at at Rockwell. Mr?. Barrinjrer iVa lady of highest culture, poM?ing many noble qualities of both mind and heart. They went frorn ' Rekwell lo Mmmt Pleasant, Mr. Barrinscr'n home, in tha afternoon, making tb trip throujrV tho country. Mr. W. T. Wall, of thU city, is a daughter of Mr. Barringerv and aho anl 21r. Wall went to Mount Pleasant-vesterdav afteniin. "The Sins of the Father. Proposed Special Train to Savannah. Local Ticket Agent Walter, of the Southern, has received a notice from the road stating that if he can get enough people from Concord to ttend the Grand Prize Automobile Races in '.Savannah November 11-12 that the Southern would operate a special train from Charlotte. The cars, will be cheerful mood and perfectly sound to lected license taxes all outward appearances. Insolvents and trrors. Arriving home, he unhitched his During 1U0 Udell Manutactunng cj . - . team, wrote a short note to his wile Lompany and Iverr liieacning and x in- if fact tfaat the actjng was good. who was away trom nome, directing ishing worKs were destroyed Dy nroThe. twQ nefrroes Andy and Minerva, No Need of Cotton Warehouses, Charlotte Observer. Fanners are. rolling their cotton to tho market and beedimr no advioa Laudis yesterday afternoon about 5 from any source to bold off for cwbiia o'clock while engaged in loading a car in the hope of : forcing the pric t& of logs. higher spheres The warc-hou rhicli Mr. Williams had one of the logs was built last year by the Mccklea- nl most nn the ear when the rore either tirqnoti ,f f), V.rmi.r, lnW.n "The Sins of the Father" played broke or came untied, and the log to a record-breaking house here last LnmA mnidkv to the trround. It n ; u MrW'.,.w it tu . night. The play was pleasing to the t,f.i. tr Williams before he could Lt - , " - ' " - i u ilk o uutiiv'i ii i m mum pis.ibly get out of tho way and ran that" not enough otton would bn held over him, crushing the life out of him by the farmers to guarantee any nrt instantly. His body was horribly of a revenue commensurate with tha mashed, as the log was about two feet eost of operation. A few of tba in diameter and twelve feet long. farmers, having dUpod of enourh ot Mr. Williams was 50 years of age. cotton to get rid of their ear.lv debt. He has two sons and a son-in-law, Mr. are holding a few balen around their large audience, not only on account of the lesson it teaches but on account 1iq Aarir rwtr nnrl fnstpnPfl it. over parked .-in iSavannah and the patrons , , , , . the -cotton can ufr ihem to sleep in. Tickets will ' itable end. His little girl, Mamie, aged about 11 years, discovered the note in her movements about the house and she where to bury him and men went io alter listed lor taxation, and tneir , , ... Bam.n rt rWinn and the cotton house which is situated in taxes were reduced in proportion these.two cnaracters won the highest the yard, lie tooli a paper oag lunoi their loss and cnargea as an error. . f the audience. Mr. Dix- lint cotton which was saturated witn This accounts lor the diuerence. u i, ce .li -innAV" v V . V. V- " Tr ' -tv " r " . : " . . . 3 ivix w .jonn uooanigui, uvui at aamjaiwa;. premises, out local warenouwf naTt He leaves a large lamiiy, including not been congested with the produel be sohl on the 9th, 10th anj. 11th, una! hmit return-November lo. Round trip fare, $8.40 Bridges. act was not-the least eniovable fea The cost ot bridges depends on their hm nc be evenino. strength and the number of tons they The subieet of "The Sins of the will bear. A cheap bridge is light and father" is so big and vital so immi- will not carry much weight, ine nent an(j preSsing upon the people of 'li xi -j p ii viii -i,;i i -ulo - . "i- 7 I tne oouin mai xuutuas xiawu. um TZ w ln"iri to Serve Dinner and Supper r ::7. i,:b n ; w " o llcan5 eIer D0UUC- 18 11Ke uu 1 " a tacked it directly by means ot this Aeain Saturday. had a message to speak Tho tji.lip. nf Central Methodist several small children. He was work ing for Mr. Thonias McLain, of Ire dell county.. The body was taken to his home this morning for interment. Two Fires Tuesday Morning. A Ir - 1 J n L il.. T- m r nV 1 r I r. . n . 1 . il m i expioueu at tu uomc u, . .t0P tneir taxner, at i.ne same time it of Clothes, vou can get a cheap .una, uu iv est vuiuiu "vv., spreading xne woru ma-i-ue jxu nni nnp M'r"'!'iv iiiormiijr uouut i wu-ft, nwav TO Kill nimseil. lVLr. v.. ha. this fall. Prices ar too fancy for tba farmers to refuse to mil almost at rapidly as. they get the staple frora the fields. ' Death of Mrs. D. C. Cosby. Mrs. I). Cf.Wjy died Monday af ternoon at l.er home on - franklin 1 t ' - UR v11" - uamson wasm ui ucm fllll have spent, less th to catch hre. The department on the scenef his residence being only , , - r.ni!PPtel V. i,li.l ri-.4U. f V, nlnrm Tint , i v' i.' . Tr,,. I n ,1Cl "e COUCLieU 1 xjr:u;v;c; ? snorr ee lx1C r---- tbe Democrats, an tir- i ( i.k l nvT liiirniL.") iui ii n n. in -i i i its w r wr n f n fi 1 n riu -e of hose. house, however, the little children, The Republicans boast that they an the Democrats more taxes than d have saved $9,- 605.02.. Of course -they have plenty play. He concerning racial purity, and he has church will again serve dinner at the avenue after an illness of m vcrxl spoken it without delaying or flincn- phif?r building Saturday. The fol- month- duration of pellagra. Iiefora I rkf TnonAv nn hand. Where is iff An alarm was also turned in about the eldest of which is no more than a - h " th treasurer savs in his 'clockfromanegrohouseon Young 12 years had found their father, 0ercash, the treasurer, saj in -aeet but before the department kSe fearful discovery that the report he hasn Jt fotit Their booU i . . - - i cimir jini r npu mirtiii. n kv iiiivc uuiv fatal drug had already had effect and oo? 7a' ?. l juxu av-iv uu t-w . ing. It comes, in air. uixon s own word?, as a clarion call to the couth to be true to her best tradition and save American civilization. lowing is the menu: her marriage to Mr. Cobr,i who died reached -the place the fire was extin- uisiiet. that Mr. Deaton was dead. Southern Will Run Trains Into the Heart of New York City. The Southern railway company an- nounces that on November 27 it wiU Dinner Beef, ham, candied po- about a year ago, ?.' wa Misj Mar tatoes, Irish- potatoes, nee, Boston tha Mckinley, and a natire of tbrs baked beans, maccaroni, coffee, pick- countyA She is survived by twodaagb les and jelly. Priee 25 cents. ters and two tons, -Mrs; J, F. Wcl Supper Chicken salad, ham sand- dington, of Mooresville; Mr. H. C. Cos wicbes. beaten biscuits, pickles, jelly by, of Greenville, S. C, and Mr. J. A. and coffee. Price, 25 cents. Co-4jv and Mbs Mary Cosby, of thU Ovsters. stewed-or fned, will be I citjV The funeral wa held Tuesday, Shaft to Pennsy Soldiers at Salisbury. A monument erected in the national 1 '"ictai.t a! Salisbury by the State l,; 'Vunsvlvania in commemoration of ( I'vyl-ania soldiers who were killed1 "m it... Civil War will be dedicated "veitihor 10. - . ' '"' ceremonies will -be under the di '';'. ion of Pennsylvania State officials. ( 'UTaof . Stuart, of Pennsylvania, and '"'.y nor Kitchin, of North Carolina, ,u' speak. hope Morehead will, not pull io.r down;-he. is worth a whole lot o 1 1 ' c - I )emocratic party far more nan the negro in the days when he a factor. Greensboro Record. We are dad tr. nnto Wt 41, tion of Mrs. W. W. Flowe, wh has D(n so dangerously ill sinee. Mnnnv evening, is somewhat improved tndTr At one time yesterday he l?f wao 2K2i5a ay some hopes are vcvuicu xor ner recovery. - Oyster Supper. The members of the P. 0. Washington Camp .No. lb, . . . . . . MM l uuuin ness .wnere u itnismg :smn oi "" beirin runnin? ;tg through pass-nger served at both meals. Price, 25 cents. UftcrnMo at Bctbpa?e church, con. ineyi7BTO .nu o uvi xx. tRiins from tfae South to New York S. of A. Watts' Their record shows, and they admit, . , h magnificent new passen- that they have executed notes to the "a jo of the Pennsylvania rail- amount ol $ U ,WWi road located in the heart of the hotel Cross Roads, No. 6 township, on Sat- ing - - 31 sloping district of the metrop- urdav afternoon and night, November 11 ' .; 7, " r 7 olis. Un the same date 11 win -aaa a S lipcnnninp- at 1 o'clocK, will nave an " . ,m.ttaitt3 new train to its passenger service 10 "-o" " ... . n i mntiov1 HI) S Ifl ) I II 1 XI L7 ii II. , , f r i C..i1. Thev will nave nsn r " '7 1 u be-known as tne "oainera s ooum- i it s j id oyster supper. and all kinds of refreshments to serve the people. All are invited to come out and enjoy themselves and also hfdn the camp. The order at this place has about 50 members and m erowinsr very last. ivev. xj. w. Feltner,4;he National Organizer, will be present and help out the camp. G. W. WATTS, Sec. WHERE IS IT? Burrage got vouchers to t.b amount of $17,000. as their own records show. The report of the republican treas- east em Limited." This will be run through from New York City to Jack sonville as an independent train and will take the place below Charlotte of - . . i -i 1 i urer, . A. Overcast), snows ne -nca on tfce iXew Yofk &nd FIorka limited." nami tuf iu Jiuuuav 1910. $700.17. -V A 1 in ucrooer. The commissioners at ... t ii;ii. their Uctober meeiing oruerea oms paid to the amount of $3,042.S7. How will thev mv $3,042.87 with only Old-rashioned Corn Shucking. We thank our gf.d friend, Mr. J. C. Sikes, of No. 11 township, for an invitation to attend an old-fashioned corn shucking, at his home tonight. The veteran' -hir will be pre-nt to: -ing some of the old song they ing so well, and' Mr. Sikes wlil have about a dozen old nerro slaves who will sing some "before de wah" nz in the old wav. Of course, there will be a big supper and all those who have ever en joyed the hospitality of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Sike know what that means. h ImI bv Rev. C. R. Anderson. Dukes "Not Worth a Din." era!dine Farrar, an American op- Daughters of the Confederacy. The regular monthly meeting of the Georgia Cotton Hurt by Cold. Commissioner of Agriculture Thos. G. Hudson estimates the damage to Of Willi UUl I 'r At I AUR V-J f $709.17 in the treasury t TOERB IS t. 1 have returned to Concord trom lusca- THIS MONEY THEY HAVE SAV- . Vaa la. where they have been living during ED? WHY DON'T THEY PAY amounting to oo,uuu. the summer, and will spend the win- -ra vmger. is evidently not going to marry a titled foreigner, at !cat nos a duke. The frano vrj-t infomed on "her Arrival in New Yrk etcrday on tb Kaier WilheK'u der Gro that it na rep'rted she would weI a duke. "Duke!" a!;-! Mis - Farrar, "I've met many of .t'iem and, blieva me, takirg them ir.dividually and col lectively, they ar not worth a ding." Mr. D. Hoke Corzine and family Dodson-Ramseur Daughters of the THESE BILLS? They are now over- L"1 &mZ JLJWT'' r , !ti il-ij tuj j p I t v I Hudson, "that the total production in I Hudson, "that the total production in this State will not exceed 1,300,000 Sheriff J. F. Honeycutt evi to RaU eiga Tuesday, with Pink Dry, convieU ed of murder in the second degree and sentenced to 14 years in the peniten- tiary. . - : - ' .. Mrs.IL S. Lott, of Winston-Salem", Messrs. L. T. Hart sell and W.,0. Confederacy will be held Friday af- drawn $2,333.70. 1 AT W n M "J M 9- SSdwiTO Mrs'-B A Brown IF YOU THINK IT IS EIGHT bales, as against 1,900,000 or 2,000,- is visiting her daughter, Mr. Claude Means are spending the day in Har MRS T F GOOD SON Sec I If yon think it is right to take tha' 000 under normal oolldition3.,, , Ramsanr. I risburg on legal business. ;

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