- l UM ' ' Jl l III I 11 TTb. SherrtlEdltor anid Publisher. PUBLISHPn -nwroo ..r-,. ' ' ' T ' ruau&HED .TWICE A WEEK. SI CO a Ytar. .flvnnoo. VOL. XXXVI. CONroRI) N. C, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2S, 1910 NO. 44 3DSS "SARAH HERRING- IS DEAD. FOREST HILL NEWS. Sarah' Herring, daughter of Clerks Go Hmrting Mill Men Haka nr and Mrs. IL C. Herring, of this Changes Mr. Morgan to Build a n died Sunday morning at 4 o'clocl tter parents reaaence. Mr JL R SWearengia bas.mored It has never fallen to -the lot of into the cot, on v"ance 8, " i e i . . death? or write oi a more cneenui , Mr. Eugene Morgan is having ma- i . lit Mian h!T ft f h iiK I . . . a. ni'i-. "r" teriai placed on -is lot on North ,,e was witn an environment cast Widenhouse. nrenaratorv to h,,;MT- about her from birth a difiicul y a nice home - which to a normal person would Practically the entire force of m insurmountable Miss Sarah, ev- clerks in the stores of Wilkinson- en at her early age, manifested an Co. and Widenhouse & Sons indulged ancbition to achievj success and, in a generaI hunt orl Thanksgiving the fetters of thw environment and wild animals killed. Mr. Merl Crooks. a" member of the party, received a right i i . i t,.l. 1 r .7 acfumuiaieu a siwa. u Miuwieugc aim - information not only marvelous Dut equal to persons endowed with all the human faculties. Hej knowledge of public men and her familiarity with state and national affairs is rarelj found among the young. Xothing Was left undone by her parents to surround Miss Sarah with jhe best opportunities and the cheer ful sacrifice to them a pleasure and a duty makes it all a beautiful pic ture, yet during it all they endured v 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 a murmur me pam o an e trying to walk a V Dad cut .in barb-wire fence. ; Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Hutchins ar rived in the city last Monday and have been busy during the week shaking hands with the new, old mem bers of their charge. Mr. Hutchins says this is the last year he will take this charge." (He could not get the Bishop's consent for a fifth year.) A Rev. J. J. Eads has arrived in the city and will at once take up his work with his new eharrp. Wt CnnonrA f.-.rrf.i separation. Taken away from Methodist church. Mr. Rom Robbins, of New Orleans, , l i . u .... ,1 a i... !,on o ai nit; teiHier oi me, was placed in a school in Philadelphia ,',!) she-remained two years. After our tate institution was established at Morganton, she entered there and re mained until her graduation. With ONE SUPREME SPECTACLE. t ANOTHER TRUST GETS IN ITS I WORK. WEDDING AT IIAEtS3TO0. THE VETERANS' CUOVX Is When the Bishop Reads Oct the MarcMng Orders to the Preachers wr Power Trcst Gobbles Up Char In hU breezy writ.-up la The latta Street Cars. Golden Age, of the North Georgia A.. Charlotte fecial to Suadi Methodbt Conference, held at Athens Rieih New and Ohsener aarn: last week by Bhop Kilgo, Rer. Mar- -te this afcraoon a deal waWioieJ vin Williams La the following to say wb5V the Cbariotte Elettric 6tm-t about the reading of the appoint- Kilay Company, with twenty-fire ments: wilt of track, and the A.otiited But the one supreme spectacle that Charlotte Gas and Electric Compnr, is unique and without a parallel la I aen over ny tte 5outbrn the world is the hour when the Bishop ner Company interest, backed by Mariaie of Mr. rib ta54 a4 Misj Barfcet ta HarrUhtrf Prtibjtextia Cbcrcb. 0rrriTmdfe Tis; Probably tie rTtHtt rharth w3. die that fca orerrfl here ta tie Ipatt tea years tk place tan Wed- ne4ar ettais wUa Ui ImU Par-: bee Wcazce the briJe of Mr. b 5taf- furd. Earriibtrg Csrcb Crwiia Tli CtrUc DX ta Em Ut GU &u;t Te f t-: Itarri-Var pita tit jaiaat cjf:?tis;?y Ib:r day iff litis; a lint &zrlM llm S&rsj brn i f iVa Vvteraa ,Ofcifj f tbla city. Mitral fi ar tijr'mtlttsl an iai:at;ca froa il frtf f Ca utile &irtWr u raete !aw e?ra The church wat 4eeora!e4 is a rr I TbaaVffjria a4 ttdr tbe (Nsaji f K , tb UuU an. f . Am-rn TrtK, u;g3uai iaa n;fjUsr nuawr. "ere 3?s vj aa wc-rw iv another year Cahk pany. marnae bell har. ta the rtwi of rry ta ar tKUws. tbe Mates aal It i an el'ectric hour. The church Vice-President W. S. Lee. of lh lhe Pft on either U ity was Jfifea of tU s.Uraas taie4. Tbj is packed from pit to dome and every Southern Power Company signed a awiaed. I mbjtenaa frtb wai f?3w4t4 auditor holds his breath; the laymen contract to take over the two proper- Kngdman ."MelaJjr of Lote" wa, nh aa taseaw ajlee tbat rrp- " ' T ' -r . ". tn Ki II a ... . .! f , A k 9 - I a V. lkS V M . to hear "who's to be onr mIm named January 1. 1911. Tbu w f"JK,a . i i . next year," the preacher to hear his ts the 'third largest local svtem that "v. accompanied by Mr. II. J. Stiv o5 taarrtf a4 lit "shoulder arms 'and go forth to new the Southern Power Company inter- Aleiaoder on the wojin, ja.t pre- greater irt of tbe day tWy ttaj honors or new trials. No matter est also operating bere a the Char- the ceremony. W hile Mendel- atd latened to lh r& ef tbtlr which, one thing only is understood, Iotte Power" Company hdve bonght wading march was Win? play- peia. irfco aat? a ir tie VeN it must be without a syllable of in the Corolinas. The amount in- f d. Mi.f Ann:e Ice -MorrtMa the erant t hr eaa t;r.r. At , hesitance or one heart murmur of dis- volved,. while not stated, is reckoned hndai party entered. First to enter UaUfui defter a. nrd on tbt O t T ft - - knows. Piree- "anway company and Oar- a srh lotte uas and Llectric Company, Mr. spent a 'few days in the city last week with' his father. Mr. W. L. Robbing Miss Netta Watkins, of Charlotte, spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Watkins. rli XnrtTi (he assistance of her devoted parents North Church she prepared for the examination and Messrs. J. E. Wright, W. P. Hurt, entered Columbia University, in Wash- c. H. Smart and P. B. Rai ford were iagton I). C, where she. remained two. jn Charlotte Saturday attending thejand jears. meeting of the Southern Textile As Failing in health last April she sociation. Mr.' W. P. Hurt delivered asked permission to come home. Soon an address before the Association on after her arrival her parents dis- "The Setting of Cards.' ' covered that some monster was RV. F. JJelms, of Charlotte, gnawing at, some vital spot. It was Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. -m n 1 111 1 I ' unceasing anu oa eel an ireaimeni. L. Mills, on Church street. Mrs. D. W. McLemore is spending a few days in Charlotte. Mr. iS. Z. Mullis spent Saturday and Sunday in Charlotte with friends. A very interesting concert was given at Forest Hill M. E. cHureh last night by the Juvenile Missionary So ciety. 1'he young tolks gave a very tin- may. It is heroism incarnate that must be the very heart-throb of this solider of the cross. "Rawbone Valley, Simon Saddle bags.' ' It is harder than he had last year, and last year, Heaven vs spant pnonh- But not . ... - a iT. t ,. . breaks the tense stillness. Brother r;a ,alla president, has urged before Simon has long since learned that t!ip board of aldermen provisions in nothing ever awaits him but the bard- the proposed franchise which greatly est thev can find. But he has found, embarrassed, the Charlotte Power too. that God is readv to go with Company, apparently, and predictions him though he makes his bed on the wcre ma,le months ago that the final rocks. Two 'hundred and fiftv dollars, resuIt would be a merger of the two including home-knit socks and turnip ns. It was rumored that Presl- greens. While you read this, gentler"" . wri avuwav aproximately at one-haly miloiln of were tue uhertf Mer. Lewis Alex- nwiaus t t hich list ihm Ham dollars. The Southern Power Cora- aUtler and Robert Stafford, followed bar trin; bar! renders! i saaVtr pany and Charlotte Power Companv '-v Mis,-Kate Qaery-aaj Mr... Will of flections aropna! to lie De lias been seeking a franchise from the Towunfl, ilis Emily Query with caioin. After dinner the thmr aajr city for a year, but the Charlotte JoVt. Barbee, Mh May Stafford eera! other r ? and then ftes:ee: ana Mr. isobt. Query. Margaret Mg. aih win m e ion? m tie 3a Qiien- and Cenie Alexander were flow-lory of tho wba rr prrentt eaxa er girls, ihen came the bride ub to :an" enJ. ite fyl.tJWinj' rce.-sbert the maid of honor, 3kiis Mary Alex- of the ehojr' were p?tent: jl.'A. Ca!4 ander, and the groom with the bet well. W. M. .Wetldtr.toa. A. 1. Bit, man, Mr. Hal Stafford. It. !Vlntc J. C' J, C. Then; Rev. James Lajlcy, in a mo t beau- o, S. W. White, Rev. Jrh Sispis, tiful and impressive ceremonv. made 1 Jon Melnne, J.-C , 5ie, H. O. S. Miller, C. A. Pitt., J. It Karn,ardt and iSmtth Siiupin. o,i i, t.ol-;- o fiff.ii m;f0 tompanv and the Gas and Electric roses ana pink carnations. x.vx, r-. - "" . , , .. i;.. i. i:.-i. j seven children in an old buggy, a omP?,"' commonly known as the -- "Y." cmoll ,Tv.Klm trt V.im anA cof f lr.o- nnt lUl V S -AOIUIMJIl Y. Will nOIU an 1H1- " v CillUll I Wv'V. Li-X t KS AM lUly LA UU J - VbA.-- -J I r - . 1 FIRE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. And our young friend, whose won derful progress had interested the entire city, is with us no more, for as written above death claimed her carlv" Sunday morning. All death is sad; but when it comes to think of the beautiful and unceas- m devotion and efforts of Dr. and 3fre. Herring to help their daughter entefrtaEriinjr concert under the to conquer an infirmity, which had in Struction of Mrs. J. C. Fink. an extraordinary measure been accom- r VV. Abernathy, who has been plished to see a bright, interesting working at the Locke Mills for some life cut short a young woman, after time, has accepted the position of years of toil and effort and ambition superintendent at the Roberta Mills and parental saenhces, just ready to enter upon the active ..duties of a broader life, and her presence prom ising a peculiar help and comfort to her dear parents and other loved ones, this death .carries an all but crushing shock to all those who know how to love. In this sad affliction that has come upon the devoted parents and the family the hosts of friends and ac quaintances are deeply touched, and they mourn with the bereaved. Early in life Miss Herring con nected herself with the First Pres- (the old Bala mill) and will have charge of carding and spinning and will rnn day and night. Mr. Aber nathv mo veil here from King's Moun tain. Mr. J. V. Marr and family, of Ral eicrli, have arrived in the city and will make it their home. Mr. Marr is a bearaer and will have work ot the Locke Mills. Editor's Memory Goes With Tumor. Following a successful surgical op eration at Chicago for the removel of a tumor from the brain, Jesse Taylor byterian church of Concord, and her has been brought to the mental con- remains were laid away hi Oakwood dition of a 5-vear-old child. eem-tcry, the funeral being conducted Taylor was editor of an agricul by Rev. Dr. J. M. Grier at the resi- turaf: publication in Chicago, when a deuce this morning at 10: JO o clock, strange developement resulted in an Rev. S. N. Watson assisted m the ser- almost cbmDlete loss of memory. vice. Miss JHerring wa9 twenty-twO Physicians say that Taylor must years of age. now begin to learn as a little, child The Drama at Forest Hill. would and that it will be neccessary The drama. "Men, Maids and to start anew in teaching - him Phy Makers, ' 'rendered Match .night at the old chapel on West Buf falo street, by the young people of Forest Hill, "was one of. the mpst pleasing entertainments of the kind ever rendered here, by home talent. A fairly good crowd attended but on account of the character of the play and the excellent manner in which it vas presented it deserved a larger au- uienee auspices of, the Golden sionary Society of Forest Hill Me thodist church and the sum of-$25 was realized. els ana . . - , : ,, -cvav sieally he is as well as ever, but there x nudv i . . i , f i is small hope of his complete menta recovery portant office under the new merger but this is not verified. TODAY'S WEATHER BEPORT. "Rain followed bv clearing and much colder to-night; cold wave in extreme west portion; Tuesday fair and colder; high northwest windi i over the mountains to Rawbone Valley. "High-steeple Avenue, Robustus Speakwell." "Big lift for the young man. pavs $500.00 more. I told yon he was a coming man. He always spoke well on Friday afternoon I knew him when he was a 'boy." ".Suburb street, U. R. Coming- down." "Whv that old man used to preach at First chiircb; it will break his heart." "No, it won't, quite. Tfio 1rar1 cVindrfor rf snnpranmiflMon L T I l i i TTT 1 T -V nn is lifter for another year. He's not nereexvveanesaay, ivovemper ao. out yeti, "Thank God," he-whispers, ihe Virginia Dare Btfok Club will 'I've got a place." I meet Wednesday niornmjr at 10 Shoulder arms! Forward, march! o'clock with R. A. Brown. And off marches every soidler in a LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Everybody is coming to the show different direction, to love and plead, to rebuke and exhort, to hope, to dare and if it needs be, to die. Yes, whether you like the system orl are wadded to another, matters not. It is a thrilling spectacle. - Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at I ILarrisburg, Nov. 23, 1010. White nail. the two hearts one. The bride and her attendants were' owned in white and carried white The bride Mr. end I Home of Mr. J. B. Bobbins, ca Ctdir in this section. The groom is one of I . Street, Destroyed by Flit. our mofet prosperous and respected A four room bou No. Stft Cedar citizens. Numerous and beautiful treet, occupied by Mr. J, It. Uobbir.i presents attest the high esteem in wa destroyed by fire Saturday after which this young couple is held. noon about 1 .o'eolek. The fire otlginit Immediately after the ceremony the d from a defectiie chimney. aad wa company repair to the home of Mr. from a defeetire chimney and was Samuel Cochrane whre an elegant sup- first discovered by Mail Carrier Peek, per was served. Many friend from who gave the alarm. The neighbor this vicinity were present and the fol- responded promptly and practically lowing out-of-town: Misses Mary Mc- nit the household cffeeU were laved. Whiter, Ola Taylor, Anna Harwell, The jroof of two adjoining !;oaet Mary Oglesby and Harry, of Char- caught fire but the blate wa prompt, lotte; Miss Evelyn Grier, Miss Kate ly extinguished by the firemen. 'Mr. and MrrPht. Query, of -Concord; Bobbins hat a small - amount- of in Miss Williams, of 'Matthews; Mrs. unrance .on hi -famtore but the full Farror and daughter Miss Maeie, of amount of damage eoald not be at- eertained. The botiw'wji TwC pro lerty of Mr. J. I. Allion. Newells, and Mrs. Ferguson, of At Rev. T. v. bmith will preach next lanta. See that popular drama "Ten nights in a Bar Roomm," a Than-, houser film at the Theatorium todayij Mr. Brice Caldwell, of this city who is a student at A. & M. College, has! Teachers' Meeting Saturday. The county teachers' meeting Satur- been elected assistant manager of the day at the central graded school was football team. jliXll i y en aucuueu. gvwi muo- - , -r t:- .1 4? .C;1t. P onrnlmanr OnH vyui iuiuii urtIul"'! irregularity . attendance on the part Brumley s 11 confined -to hu h.. Items from Stanly Enterprise. A regular schedule will be placed on the Southbound on December 15. A. W. Green and family, of Con cord, returned to Albemarle a few days ago. lieginning Friday night the skating rink will charge 25 cents to each per son who skates. Why not organize a civic league? of the children of the xral schools 4 township with a seere ca.e Drunkeness and disorder growm there from are becoming too frequent. . Miss Jennie Nicholn, of Con crd, was a recent visitor here to her sister. Miss Sue icholon. West Concord Charge. The new pastor of the West Con cord charge, Rev. J. J. Eads, will ar rive Wednesday with his family, con sisting of his wife and three children. Mr. Eads came down Saturday and The play was held under the PI.lu"c ua! v"vc a" Links Mis-1 cieti nxo . sonage, Dut a nouse nas Deen rentea 10 be used as one. Yesterday at a meet ing at Central Methodist churchy af ter the morning service many things' tv, n; tr cia were couinuuicu iuwai iumn5 ti, t,- I: -j nn the parsonage, and the new preacher hog, of campaign fame, was sold in U things nicely arrand for front of the court house today. His iQ tS" ShSiJ?v hogship was brought to the city early h hue.s Kerr Street Harmony niieiA il . i t! "WhoSG rlothos ron lin for several hours after his arrival he FootDaU. as on exhibition in front of the "If bachelors contemplating matri court house. Quite a number of citi- mony could sit here for a month and ens Tvent over and took a look at him. listen to these cases they would proo Jie was afterwards sold for the sum of ablv hansre their minds and sro out to Mr. W. II. Lilly, acd thus and plav football instead.'' Taes one of the paramount issues of So said Justice Aspinall of New the recent campaign. York Saturday ar, he ended a bearing in the habes corpus -proceedings in Change in Schedule. UrWnfo Kv r,pnrrp Ti PaHn to obtain ommvu kmj " v' the following are the changes in possession of his two children, who, he Ine arrival of trains of the Southern .believes, were stolen by . his wife, nauway on account of the two new -Mrs Marian Catlin. She srot a di- q o - 43 at 9:40; No "-J, ao. 31 at 4:22 p. n in'- m-i o. 44 at 6:40; No. 32 at Mr. C. S. Stoe, of Charlotte, spent p. m. and No. 30 at 11:55, mid- yesterday in the citv with his fan m- ", . ily at the home of Capt. J. M. Alex Mrs. D. C. Manner ,nA v. ander. ' visiting relatives here, returned Fri- V Mr. W. S. Bingham is spending the o-ay to her home in King's Mountain, day in Matthew.s on business. . i r i : i : is evidenced bv the attendance of the OI teachers at such meetings. While a Two Little Waifs, a fine Birograpb, great many of the teachers will be I and The Swiss Guide, a Story of the prompt- and regular in attendance, Canadian Alps. Two high class plc- ouite a few are irregular and tardy, I tures. Don't miss these at "The while others will have various excuses Pastime" to-day. tor oeing anseni - The Trinity Glee Club will appear The program of hte meeting Satur- a th Central Grade3 gchool day consisted chiefly of general direc- auditorium Friday -ight Dec. 2nd. tions as to the work for the winter Mn R . Pattersojrn son of Mr. and and a study of the five fprmal steps M Jn R Patergon; is-a member of recitation. .Quite good deal of q h interest was manifested m the dis- nRsion of these subiects. showing Mr. G. H. Rutledge returned yes- .i ii i : . i j J- .i..j U,.if fv.nm T?Ilin-nfl ti-Vit-o ht hnsl tvltli tlinsp of h S rnat me leacners nau uiaue u muu v mua uu m.iu, 1 " - of the work assigned them. A study been m a hospital lor the past, month, of a work of this kind cannot help The many friends of Mr. Rutledge but prove helpful and profitable to will be glad to know that his co the teachers of the county. lhe anion is sieaanj improving. Mr. Lewii Strieker Married. The Hickory Democrat in U laU iMie ha the following which wilt ba of interest to Concord eople: Mr. L. R. Strieker, f AihtUU, brother of Mr. W. J. Shufon!, wat wiu marricl at the latter home la this city yesterday to Mi Margaret Kratz, of" Philadelphia, the ceremony, being performel7 by Rev. Dr. J. L. Mumbv. Mi Krat wat a trained nure in an Ahcvil!e hospital whert ilr. Strieker wi once a patient. Hbt y her finttr, Mr. Strieker friend wia5 wa accomjanic"d here b who goes on to Honda, once lived here and hi The Wadesboro correspondent f,f him and hi bride a ver happy life. the Charlotte Observer was a little too previous in his report of the 21st. It is well to keep history straight wliile it ig being, made. Tbe last spike on the Southbound Rail road was reserved for Stanly county, and it was driven veterdav noon. The one at Wadesboro only connected the rails of the Southbound A. L. Tt)e Spectator, a newpajcr pa. Iitbed at Wharton, Texa, in wnttaj up a tcachern. tnntitute held in that town recently ha the folloning to about I a' ahout a paper read before the in fttitutc by him Dayiault, lor- raerly of Concord: Mti Nina Iee DaytatiU'i paptr on "Robert K. lt a an Elaca Negro 35 at No. 8 at vorce in Reno in 1909. next meeting will be held on Friday, December, 23rd. Two other chapters in the same book were assigned lor next meeting. Twenty Girls Killed in a Box Factory- Fire. At least 20 and possibly 25 persons were killed and more than 40 injured in a fire which Saturday destroyed a big factory building in Newark, N. J. Eleven bodies were taken from the building and it was feared that others would be found inthe ruins. Practically all of the victims were young women employes of manufac- tunng concerns in ine ounaing. Mr. Junius Sapp, who went loj Statesville two weeks ago to have an operation performed for appendicitis, returned to Concord Saturday. He is conralpsein? ranidlv. and is able to - o i be up and on the streets. Mrs. James Stowe died yesterday Escaped from Chain Recaptured. "I just been in trouble so long I wanted to go home, that's ail," aid Leonard Graham, a young negro con vict,11 who was tried before 'Squire Pitts Friday for escaping from the gang, when he was asked why he ran away. Graham escaped from the gang November 9th and was captured the next day in Charlotte. He wa3 thirty Gang, tor" was admirable. The character i i i " r i- morning at uer uu sentenced by 'Squire Pitts to I i I T. davs in addition to his fentence age, and is survived by her husband . and seven children. The funeral ser- ... -, wi-- 1J iU ft--rt- t ? ot tnc ero wa set forth in a Pl sehloro preventel by orator and ew sayits. The fmer ai o ttrong, a) well written and o gracefully ren Icrcd that publication wai ca'lcl for. Cabarrus Items In Salisbury Post. Miss Daiy Sapp, of Concord, waa 1 t Mt in tne city emeoav anernoon re turning from StatcfviHe, where ibt spent several day with her brothtf who is in the Long hospital there. 3hs OHie Caitor, of Cabarrni eounty, is visiting friend In tbe elty. thi3 afternon rater Baptist C conducted by Rev. J. W. Snyder. f . R - two rears. Pleasant, came home to tpend Thanks. J 7 1 T giving uay. i.n ei - f v v -v - - I - , t i . vice was neia mm auauvu -1 ---- l,,. trr .miss aieraie vauoe. wco-is aueoa o'clock at Cold Water Baptist Chorch JST tTS tSi" ! ! Meant A-n, S.iir, .t JL. This afternoon Mn E. D. Swaringen then in Mecklenburg for one year, and i oJpwtlcA alia n nvc carvinrr n sit Tnonth' en A. I X t,tr MM I M uw " .. . mm office now serving SIX L 1T .. - U H I m-rm - wmm mMw Fifty girls were trapped m the up- -t book te had found. While we tence in this county for delivery of ." Vm?T 1 per floor of the fonr-story building. Qwriting the ad, Mr. U O. Wine- liquor to a party. f r illTwJ occupied by Louis Wolff, a mannfac- coff of Gla ttmk''m to say he had Yt lTfLZllV vrl turer of underwear, and many of Iost'onc- He identified the book found Special Serrice at St. James Lutheran IitlLV La YI them jumped and were killed or se- Mtisfactorily, and it was promptly . Church. tIJw t,LVnVJZ trtt n?Sed UP him by Mr. Swaringen. Tt week a of ial nfl 'TU fl- T,i;ro to bnvo ctirtprl Uncle Alick Martin, an aged colored -ervice at M.James Uithcran ehareh, Toun:r KP?TO raan nJO fcai cen a from the explosion in the plant of man oi concoru , uieu riut:x juuuc- yi m., .v .iwM . 4.1, A T o-ir rmnanv nn t hp I eSiemav. iie u0 "tea tic- vui. in.i-a n-i ..l , flrv. Tf .rvo? Tnth frTA.if r.i-lfew hour: villi 4 JLfc. f - - pidity through the building He was about 70 years old, and an honest, reliable old-time darker. As a slave he belonged to New Altitude. the late Mr. John C. loung. He was J. Armstrong Drexel broke all aero- one of the "good old negroes" whose phane.altitude records at Philadelphia kind is fast passm when he climbed above tne city until'liis Bleriot monoplanee was un- Feeling that he had nothing to be Chas. P. McLauzhlin, talked each eve ning on themes from Isaiah, as fol- ir-ember of the Armstrong household since he was three years old, i ae cjed of the crime. , The mialste'r lows Wednesday, "Strength 'Misused," Thursday, "Reasons for Gratitude" For this evening the subject will be, able to make further progress in the thankful for while all about him were "Mercy and Pardo. ' There "wore rarified atmosphere. The ink in the! people enjoying Thanksgiving Day, no services Saturday evening, needle of hi barograph ran out at Micheal McUee, b years old snot 9,970 feet, whiclT was acclaimed as a I himself in the head, in Central Parkl Mr. W. L. Harver, of Mooresville, new world's record. this afternoon. is a business visitor in the city today. gold wat eh and ie than two dollars in money furnbhed the motive for tha - m M I - 1 m .Monday evening, 'ncasonir.g Mthjenmc. The Pennsylvania Railroad's tunnel under the Hud on river was opened to regular passenger, traffic Sunday, which means that travelers over the Pennsylvania lines from all parts of the South and West will be carried into the heart of the metropolis with out change. m

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