(( . ' I " ' ' ..... j - . 1 j. B. Srierrill, Ekiitor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A ' WEEK. SI 60 tk Ynr. Duo in Advnnot VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD N. C., MONDAY. JANUARY 30. 1911. NO. 62 ill A MIDNIGHT MURDER AT BUD GOODMAN'S NEAR-BEER STAND. Anether Mysterious Killing Added to the Already Big List in Cabarrus Two Men Under Arrest Coroner's Jury Sifts Testimony No Cine as to the Perpetrator Develops. Just on the eve of the passing of the last few remaining .days' ot the first month of the new year a murder was added io the history of crime in hi .himtv. when Sidney Barrier a w -- 7 young white man of Rimertown, was shot and killed at H. A. Goodman's near beer stand about two miles from the city on the Mt. Pleasant road, .about VI o'clock Saturday mgnt. Sheriff Honey cutt was notified and ' went immediately to the scene of the ?nurder. On account of the fact thai the office of eoroner is vacant, it was necessary to arouse Clerk of Court Widenhonse and get him to appoint a man; He appointed Mr. J. W. Cline, who qualified and at once proceeded to begin the investigation. The fol lowing grand jury was quickly select ed and empanelled : Ilamp lackwel ' der. N. A. Blackwelder, Ed Isenhour, Luther Bvles, E. W. Ridenhour and K. J. Phillips. Luther Penninger, H. A. Goodman, Robert Goodman, 'Conard Lipe and John Blackwelder-were the witnesses - examined. Safrit, Motley and Plott were not examined. "The following is he. substance of II. A. Goodman's testimony: ' Barrier came to the near beer stand early in the night and remained -Hipi-p. cpveral houl'S. Later in tne wo" men are now in jail. The jury adjourned until this afternoon at l o'clock. . When Motlev and Plott came to the city they went to the -City Cafe and Motley gave Mr. Kobert burner, man ager of the business, his pistol, a Si magazine Colts, and asked him to it for him. Those who were in the Cafe state that both of the men were under tne innuence oi , ;a hoV nf Plott being more so than thel . also state that , " - Tfr Cabarrns Young Man Dies in Balti more After an Operation for Ap pendicitis. Mr. W. F. Cannon, Jr., died Sat urday evening at i o clock at Balti more where he was a student at the ! Universtity of Maryland, after an ill ness of three days of peritonitis. Mr. Cannon was taken ill early Wednes- SENATOR HARTSELL'S BOND BILL PASSED PINAL READ ING TODAY. quor, other man They , t where he underwent an operation by to ine:beer stand with him but his p rft hi dcvel6ped and his condi he declined to do. whereupon Motley ii(m gradually worse until his returned, riott swyea Mu" death Saturday evening. His parents for some time, and it is said that he . - , Thursday cried several times before leaving I . , thorn . , ?ss -.. there and at times talked freely of the eonditin andh fatLer vent immed. murder but told several different tales y 1q Baltimore. coneeraing it, stating at one time that -wf ,. fu,,,. ftn he was at the beer stand and, at thei ,. nnrtk, hnA hoon aKndnned '.. .. .1.1 - i .11 TT. 1 A A-VJ.i. o rwne, -in. M : b,. the physicians, and, although he home of her son, Mr. Jna. Foil. Mr. Foil had been an invalid for a ruxlxr rriJ.nrf br'or.ir. of years and ber death bad ben ex- Barripr n Ejut Frmnklia twt; peeled daily for soaetime. She ii Mr. W. A. LoU aad a, Cecil; ri To Pay School Teacher. U.re-A- haVtU of sT IWl riT; rii cTd: oSTif .J.n. illeV Police Commission Abolished son.s Mers; L. J Geo. W. D I i Tiiitin her father. CaM Joam was conscious and recognized his the night policeman that if he did not fatte his condition wag so critical go in he would be locked up and he complied with the request. A 32-calibre pistol was round yes terday morning at the foot of the high embankment on the Mount Pleasant road about thirty feet from where Barrier was shot. The revolver was found by Charley Earnhardt, who with a number of other people visited the scene of ithe murder. It developed that Motley purchased his pistol, a 2o-cahbre Colts, irom the Ritchie Hardware Co. Saturday morning wlm this firm was closing out its stock of fire-arms at a greatly re duced price on account of the recent fire, but at the time he purchased no bullets and this is the only hardware store in the citv that sells that size catridge for a pistol of this particular kind. When Motley and Plott were ar that! he died a few hours after Mr. Cannon arrived. On account of the popularity and bright promise of the young man the first news of illness brought count less inquires from scores of people in the city and throughout the county concerning his condition, evidencing the esteem and friendship of -scores who anxiously awaited a report from his bedside. Frank, Cannon, Jr., was a quiet, reserved young gentleman, a lover of his home and his friends and went about among his associates always mainfesting and kindl', yet unpre tentious manner, and was known as what way termed a quiet young man, but beneath his outward reserve was a strong and magnetic personality. In gracefully summing up the life of this vounir man, whose untimely nv-mVT aslfp'a him if he would help men, but on advice of their attorney me serve the trade, and he consented they made no statement concerning ..-.-i- T.'.. KntTnvai ,i,r,iT-c a num. thft snooting.. xiiev are uoia aia- l.n,.. ,vf 0nnl0 .vUifpil thfi near beer tives of this county and have a num- ' stand and Barrier was kept busy as- ber of relatives who believe in their stinrr in serving tliem.Tnit about 10 innocence and wno are sianamg Dy rested no weapons ncieiuuuu death an the beaty and handsome persons. , ' . strength of younsr manhood, it may t0 tbeJ.?' 'b,S,"?ri! l2lheJi: Hleman, . pride and joy to .his parenra 1 1 il 1 A - m l a blessinsr to nis Drotnerss and nis friends, and a prince among his kind At the time of his death he was a member of the Junior medical class at the University of Maryland, having completed the first two years of study o'clock the crowd dispersed and only them tin their trouble. q Motley id from t th Tjniverstty of North Carolina Ill Illl Bill PASSES I II MT? PLEASANT NEWS. Death of Mrs. Kat rcilramers Institute a Gr? Success Accident Pretested by Weak Himes Per sonal Notes. Mr?. Katie Foil, widor of Edmund Foil, died last evening at 7:15 at the in Jfslib4'rj.- Mr. Jizz Jss-v hroher. Mrwr. A. .M. Jxti f. Mr. lft ea:r sen hat:- jart of hut tix ta imi of the U. S. Arr. Mr, and Mr. H. W. lUrriff Ul be,rin bouWpn; thU rtk in tV Mrs. Urt .-r tiiir !bis 1 C W. tttrra rrra!r Amending the Divorce Law. Special to The Times. Raleigh, January 30. The Legisla ure assembled at noon. The Hartsell bond bill for Concord passed final reading in the Senate. t Kew Senate bills included the foi- owing: For ' j Teachers Training School in the mountains Dr. M. An 4hl Jno. H Foil, of MtlCoiok. Pleasant, and Mr. Joe Foil, who re- Mr. tad Mrs, D. W. onia of! swes m ine eountry. e lear no Ccmeord, rpttit Sandxx here, living daughter. The deaed was wr (ortU "Ko. 9 townhip U a devoted member of the German Re- trrinsj for fifteen thotrnad dollari a.n4 fonned churtA, toldih her member- the railroad. Goo Crwk tdinmhif ship at the time of her death at St. in Union eoaaty it jflad pxf(wtr James church of thia place. The thousand dollan. Monro aittr 'tit . I..- ... I lunerai win oe neiu wiis, anernoon, tboaanl dollar. conducted by her pastor. Iter. Mr. Schulenberger. The farmers of Mt. ricant, Juary SO, ml t.astrn Cabamisi j WHY To mat from 7 fn .Vfmnr. for x-nt. Ald a most enthusiastic and profitable in?uiuie nere wees, i ne mee: ins: Grand Opera Should W Patroalxad emDraceu turce uaya ana was in ; and Encouxaced. cnargeoi i'ror. l onover ot tbe fetate j Grand Ora i the hijhit grinmurai uepanueiu. ii ine ges mg. The Asheville Police Commission was abolished. In the House Spainhour presented a lecommend better equalization pay of far lif. .mi farm work waa jj. ibtare employes in the interest of cussed by practical men in a practical school teachers. Purpose is to cut wav. Prof. Conover paid especial at- i-alaries of best paid clerks and in- teution to dairying and gave demons erease pay of school teachers. Re- traf.ion,S in cream separating prorer . - mornAne rnr q n n r tat mi t i af arm .erreu. attain nient-'of 'vocal and dramatic art. It oru were wrll attended, interest and rui ontf vcar of ad!c$; study attendance increasing as the mtin? ob the ,mrt ot the artut arid tep- rt"Mu tuanv thouamU of dollar ta 1U preparation. Whu m u$ admire Warner, Botner, IWyJ Mac5?M, and dozen1 of other do not Verdi, famout cimjvM'i, bith of. ihe tldcn and mo. milk. An unusual amount of interest By Norman, bill amending divorce in this line, not merely by the farm- oemian Girland Cavalleria it rn jicnvl. who hay pvenl to tin muicai woriii 'iiueh waumu vfm as rarMlal. II trovatore. the IJo- law so as tb allow divorce after sepa ration of ten y are living, prov are married. ers, but those of other . vocations, was t what of lh ttlr,u of art uitiranat without rears, even if children thown- lr Meacham, of the State the finger to present ari intelligent vided they are 1 or &t.Sixl le? also present rendition of the score f Singer who ed y ' and made valuable ectures. Dr. Mc haVe worked their wav lu tl.e front Kairy, State Veterinarian, also did A long calendar of unimportant some valuable work, chief of which1 Kills wa rUsnhdAd nf was nis discussion or diseases among! , w v-- W. ,1- -1,1 ... iarm animals, umercuiosis in panicu- 28 Senator ian At tue lose ot I11S lecture iorty rank by endle application and tudy until their brain.- fairly broil. Theni again Mm grand ojcra inger must, have temperament, er4.ina!ity and a Keen conception ot tue nrtn'tjc: la ler words. 'iuany art called but many Raleio-hl Januarv ? i -i i. i pi.i. i " Hnrhll infrnnAd a hill fnr tho iarmers signed a reuuesi io me 3iaie rt,ifftr maintenance and permanent improve- Department to send an expert for the ftMV are eJ0J,en merits at Jackson Training School, at purpoe oi xesung .-ineir caiue ior W1 &t he ,Jou tooisht Concord. ! The bill appropriates twen- tutercuiosis. uououess many ouiers the Knglih Graiui Ojra jCompany ty thousand each year for two years Wlll 30in thls number by the time the; assistetl bv their own ladiei orche. for maintenance and nineteen thous- exPert comes- Vr farmers are not tra, presenting MaseagmV master and eaclf year for two years for per- mg to keep diseased eows if they . .- Cavalieria, Rusticana, and Offen- V ' Mrt o cJ,m an Pl frnm Nn 1 y v:maneni improvements. I jlT . . . . I bach amusinir otcrelta. The Kote or a. lew peopie were ten m imj 6ioie. - - V! He was years ot age. Mr. Sidney L fiv Gardner, to change name 0f-A.h We would not nave anyone mier i A . and in eonlunetioti wiHi' tb Those who ' remained 'were : Lnther township., . They. ared)oth occupants UnkAW that the farmer'a t Aergne' ' f!" !?nWr,2;.?.? . i i i- ii i i ' - w . i n. t . . ifiiaiBvrr i in - r- in - m.l. m wr. i - - r -j - rv aftirBr-nHn ft r i n rim -um siHi- nr nil wm pAninr. who came to the stand with of the same cell in the jail. Barrier. John Safrit." constable of No. The dead man was a son of Mrs. Conard Line. John Black- W. D. Barrier, of Rimertown, and was Jim Plntt a hard working voung farmer. He and George Motley, who were sitting .in the storeroom engaged' in a general conversation. x Barrier and .Safrit became en gaged in a rather heated argument as " to whether the proposed railroad was about 21 years of age and pos sessed a very friendly and affable na- friend, came with the remains last night on tram No. 29, as a represen tative of the class.' . The funeral was held this afternoon at 1 o clock at the home, -conducted by Rev. J. E. Summers, and was at hire, although he had the reputation b -an unsliall j crow. of being rather wild and reckless. He was married last June to Miss Mamie Penninaer, daughter of Mr. Amos The interment was made at Poplar Tent. through No. G -township would build H. Penninger, of No. 6 township, who a depot at Rimertown or not. Barrier contended that the railroad had prom ised to build the station and Safrit differed with him. While the two men were discussing ihe- matter Plott with his mother survive him. The funeral was held yesterday af ternoon at 4 o'clock at Rimertown. The coroner 's jury met this after noon at 1:30 o'clock but no new evi- boro to North Carolina Industrial In stitute, to avoid confusion with the white college. '. House refused the increase of sal ary to law clerk to Attorney General. A bill by Roberts amending the di- j vorce laws so parties separated ten years may be divorced whether liv ing in the same state or not. Most of the time in the House con sumed by discussion of Connor change of , venue bill, enabling Judge to use discretion when defendant applies LLEWXAM. and Motley went out of the store and dence was submitted and they post were hitching their mule to a buggy. poned the trial' until Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. ''As the discussion continued both men displayed sisns of anger and I told thpni if thev were troino- to fight Holton Will be Oonfirmed This Week. J o C3- -J they would have to get outside, where- The nomination of District Attor upon Barrier arose and challenged ney Holton, which has been held up Safrit to go on the outside with him in the Senate, is likely to be con and settle the argument. Safrit paid firmed this week writes Mr. Tom ho heed to the challenge and remained Pence to Sunday's News and. Obser sitting on a barrel about the center of ver. Mr. Holton arrived in Washing the store, but Barrier continued his toll and conferred with the North way to the door. Just' as he stepped Carolina Senators, .asuring them that out of the entrance a shot was fired, he had ben misquoted with reference to speeches that ho had delivered in the last North 'Carolina campaign. It had been charged that Mr. Holton had attacked the memory of the late n He staggered several feet, against a buggy wheel. ' We imme diately rushed; to his . assistance and just as I ran out of the door towards Barrier he fell in my arms and said: Judge Merrimon, and citizens of the 'Bud, I am shot; I am going to die,' State, but he denied this and pro and he had hardly uttered these duced newspaper accounts of his cam words before he expired, paign utterances to show that he had M On account of the darkness of ben falsely accused. . the night I was unable to indentify Both of the North Carolina Sena the dead man, and thought that it tors were urged to prevent the con was rny brother, Robert, and called to firmation of the district atorney who someone to bring a light. When the was recenly nominated for a fourth light was produced I saw that it was term by the President, but they are Sidney Barrier. . I told 1 Plott and satisfied with Mr. Holton 's disclaimer Motley, who had their buggy to go to and will place no obstacle in the path the chain gang camp, only a shore of his confirmation by the Senate. . , distance away and 'phone to the city and notify the officers? They went to the camp but said the ' gate was dosed and they proceeded to come to the city. In the meantime two other ; ment went to notify the officers." Special Meeting of N. C. Classisi Salisbury Post, 28th. A large attendance of ministers and laymen was present at the special for removal. It was not finally dis- meeting of the North Carolina Classis posed or. in Faith Reformed church yesterday afternoon. I The pastoral relations of Rev. J. ically Challenged. L. Yeaiick and the East Rowan hriLfn nicrvntK. ?Qth . . . M J1H"CIUU .wv.V., narge, comirising tne congregations of Lowr Stone, Urcinus at Rockyrell and St. Luke s was dissolved. f The request of the latter two to be constituted a separate charge was met , by the appoinment of a commis sion consisting of Dr. W. B. Duttera, Revs: C. B. Heller, M. M. Noackerj W. H. Causey and M. G. Lentz. This committee met subsequent to adjourn ment of Classis and determined to hold services and confer about! the situation, at Lower Stone, Tuesday, Feb. 14th at 10:30 a. m.; at' St. Luke's the same day at 3 dJ m.. and at Rockwell at night. j The time for the annual meeting of Classis was changed to Wednes day, May 3rd. wife was omitted, for she " was not. Mrs. Wise was in charge of the laf dis' department which met in the Junior Hall. Her talks on the do mestic duties and the sick room in particular, were more than worth the time spent in going. She was re warded for her good work by the presence of a large number of ladies , , ... r The Institute was a success. At i(s close the famers unanimously adopted the following: "We, the farmers ot Mt. Pleasant community, realizing the minutes preceding tue opera, which certainly is a raojt a! luring program. The company hag been! rarefully selected from the best grand ojra talent available and if all reports froniVthe towns anl cities I where the organization has appeared; are true, the musical treat of many tore for the muic lover and every available feat sold. The ejisf comprises: Mr. William Nickon, late leading tenor of the National Theatre, Berlin, Germany. Mr. C. Pol PlaWon. bari- yean i m bf Concord should b great . auapum u, uut tone of the Boston Opera Co., Mil nrofitable crrowth of many varieties ot ,v t r ' Pastor jjlussell's Prophecy Is Dramat- crops and live stock and rea hzing the f i,amm' teh, nud orK;ra j great need of an experiment farm in the locality do, ! whin pQct. c. T Rnpll nf ,th c nWfmf Mand, and .Mi Ardix - - i tflLULl IU gei l lie uiaic ivcjttiiiuvo. i .i., Brooklyn Tabernacle, Brooklyn. Ni i., AoTiculture to establish a test farm Meaner todav ar Convention hall on rQK,c ,,nfv I e lalies orchestra l r'-" "r ' - - ii uauaii uo ' z a. New York; Mi Hellen Dickson, two reasons prima donna. j treatore S Ell worth, con a distinctive the millemum, announced that Christ Tn all nrobabilitv a weak set l of would return to earth in 191o, he was harnes saved broken bones and per dramatically challenged by W. A. jjap3 one or m0re lives Saturday a f Cuddv, an evangelist of Atlanta, Ga. ternoon. Mrs. Iank Barrier came to all-right," cried others. tev. uugan X,. cox was connrmea , , , , that the Bible lnAna rnla Knt th horse took the and a committee was appointed jto in- i srftntPntion .that the mil-k.rn'nml went on at full snee'd. v' l is i-' w -i. i v - r-auA - . w ienium was due soon. Cuddy burse This caused the horse to the surrey to forth a train, charging Russell with ake a dive for safety which "rank heresy" and with attempting he did with such force, and quickness to foist his views on weak-minded that the harness gave way without sinrl iornoranc neoDle who never read mnvin? the vehicle an inch. , The The Superior Court. Cabarrus Superior court opened this morning, Judge Crawford Biggs, of Durham, presiding, and Solicitor Wil son, of Gastonia, represenlting the Goodman's testimony was substan- State. Up to the noon hour the ma tiated by the other witnesses in every chinery of the court had been set in important particular with the excep- motion and the criminal docket taken iion that the other witnesses, except up. There are very few caess on the Robert Goodman, would no state docket at this time and none that have that Motley and Plott were on the created unusual interest : ourside of the store at the time of The following' compose the grand the killing.; They all said that they hUry: G. R. WinecoffV foreman ; E were not- sure of this iaet. S. Fisher, L. D. Bost, R. W. Fink, W. When the officers went to the near N. Furr, S. W. White, D. A. Caldwell beer stand to make the investigation D. P. Winecoff. A. F. Hagler. D. M Motley returned with them but Plott Clancy, William Bigges, J. W. Kizer, declined to go back. After the tes- J. S. Kizer, W. N. Penninger, Travis umony Had been concluded tne bher iff, at the; instance of the coroner's jury, arrested Motley, who was at the inquest. The jury decided to arrest Plott also, and he was found Sunday morning about 6 o'clock at a house near Furr & Bost store, a short dis- Shoe, J. L. Early, William1 Shears and J. T. Hartman; Petit jury: Frank Brumley, J. M. Fisher, G. A. Jenkins, W. Holland, Lawrence Kluttz, W N. Helm, T. L. Sides J. D. Crisco, C A. Kluttz, T. A. Honeycutt, W. H, Harkey and J. R. Pless. In the rapid-fire exchange of words that followed, the crowd became ex cited and a panic was averted only by the suppression of Cuddv, who was led aside by friends. More than 1,000 people hissed and hooted when Cuddy interrupted Rus sell and declared that 1915 was alto gether too soon for . the millenium. "Put him out," shouted several in the auditorium. "Let him stay, he's town in a one horse surry, and left it standing at Seaford-Blackwelder Co.'s store while ping. There children in ov n.ied at a moderate sieed. Af Celebrates Birthday. Mr. and Mr. I). B. Parish enter tained at their home at White Hall, quite a large crowd of relative and friends on Saturday, January 21., irth- srs. A. Mver?, Pink Drv, TisonlFurr. Georga beatord-wiacKweider up. s frienJs. on Satur,,aVt )nmiarv 21 she attended to some shop- (hflt Wn :Mrg; larib V-Mih 'birti e were three or four small (lav Thoe present were: Meir the surrey. A big toupng I; G. Bo.t, D. M. McDonald, C. J . . V n t ter the car had passed and an danger Furr j M Barbee, Charlie Smith, was supposed to be at an end,rthe K nl;h Tr;a, a mon- the relative The call from Gilead charge ro stall him. Mr. Samuel J. Kirk was accented as a worthv voung man for j- , . C3 he Gospel ministry. : 1 horse to beaford-Blackwelder jco.s drav made a leap, dashed past) the surrev in the rear, caught the surrey wheels with the dray and turned it completely over. The dray caught a was a cousin irom Jiaywoi county, Li ml lev Oorzine. After a splendid dinner was served they! all proceeled io the frotn yard and taken. There were 4' spent a delightful day at the horns of Mrs. Parish. had a picture present. We X, OUR BILL NYE FUND. Mrs. J. W. Cannon.iL ...$ 25.00 J. W. Cannon i..... 25.05 Bet Themselves Naked, f A poker game was raided at Cad-L, ptlo The erowd resented thisLhiMrpn vefe. badlv -frightened andhr:.I iliac, Mich., Saturday night, at! which and Cuv was jostled about in the shaken up but were not hurt, j Had Tribu ne"""""" """" 5L00 tne ponce iounu wo oi tne piavcxa,- haJ1 until he was out 01 nearang the harness field, tfiere ts no way pie- p ,h j ( i "10 0D- youthful ones, stripped naked, their clothing heaped in the jack-pot on the table. The two young men had been! steady losrs in-the game, but at la$t they got good hands at the same time. So did the winners of the evening. The two losers soon range. turing the results. The driver of the Ca$a 25.00 automoDite could not do neiu re sponsible. ! Mrs. Lee Barnhardt and chidren Total . ....J.$ 95.03 Golden Wedding. Mr and Mrs. George E. Ritchie, of No. 6 township, will celebrate their have returned to Black Mountain i af- Honor joii of the Fisher School for golden wedding tomorrow, it month with Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. necktie into the pot. This was the cue. Collars, shoes coats, V pants, shirts and underwear followed. They were : wondering what next to bet when the police called. j Month Ending January 20th. Roa. Myrtle, Iena, i Katie, Aanna Daisy, Susie, Mattief' Ehie and May Klattz, May, Maud and .Marie Fisher and Be-ie Boger, Dwight Adam, Bar ter spending of the evening, ine the fitieth anniversary of their mar- Barnhardt V parents, parted with what ht-L. nri. ,AreA invitations have L. A. Lutz. tie money they had left, and tfien one ben'issued to the wedding, and the Mrs. G. R. P. Miller and Mrs. A. started the real fun by casting his L rrill no doubt be a joyous Blackwelder attended the funeral of and delightful one. Quite a numebr 31r. Oeorge Lulp in Cliarlotte batur- mondJ Hubert and Hetus Kluttz, Brit- of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kitcnie day. ir. iuip was a oroxner oi juts. tan Wilson, Jame Taylor, KalpS will go out from Concord. They have Miller, and fiad scores oi inenas m rost and Qej fartCr received many rememurauces ui iuc ima lumiuumij. iicuiuuma y' occasion from their friends here and cause ot his deatn. j elsewhere. Rev. E. L. Ritchie, of Miss Olivetie Cline, 6f Concord, is Wno have leen vkiting Mrs. E. J. Burke's Garden, Ya., Mr. G. T. visiting Mis Mary lieiUg. f 3iiss carne r.udv returned irom Misses Alice and Janie Hanghton, Miss Margurite Brown, who has been visiting Miss Lois Brown in Ritchie and family and Miss Grace . , . ilrllCUiC OUU AM"-.... M - - , Winston-Salem, will return nome tns Ritchie, of Portersvilje, Cal. have ar- Charlotte Saturday where she had Braiwell. left thi morning for Ral teigh to visit friends. afternoon Mrs. R: W. Stokes, of Charlotte, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J . Braswelt rived to be present tomorrow. Mrs. L. D. Miller, of. Mi. Pleasant, is risiting friends in Hickory. been with the Little-Long Col during ihe busy season. j Miss Pearl Boger, ot Concord, spent last week here. Mr. Jameii Sbepard spent yesterday in Lanrens. S.C. I 1 Vm our Penny Ccteaa ft paja, ,

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