J. B. Shrrill, "Editor.and Iiib 11 shier. PUBLISHED twice: a. weeic $1 GO tt Y' VOL. XXXVI. i CONCORD N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1911. NO. 63 it 11. Mil inirn oin nnnnirn KMLLtU M DHtttt tnf 7 " . DONER'S JURY RETURNED VERDICT YESTERDAY TO THIS EFFECT. ' " Yes, he Siad hold o. him. . Where was Bad :a!tdu: when, they went out the dor? Behind (the couniier. Where were you ? . In front of the center. We 'ztn to talking-about the railroad! Did .Bob Gdxau and Sid have any and I . told ' .Sid nobodv would know I trouble f where the railroad would go until the bond were issued. Sid fie w up in a passion and pushed me against the door. Bud raid - we . would have to go Who else was in fioni of the eoun-1 outside if we wanted to fight and Sid challenged me and went -out tsie door. : a Thorough Investigation Jury xes to This Conclusion and odman is Arrested-4-The Testi ly in Detail. j , V. coroner 'e jury held a further . igation yesterday in the Barrier case and after examining all ;n who were at tine near beer and . several others who were resent when Whe munder was tted, but were called in order jvery passible act could be as aed by them, at the conclusion 3 lioiitnony the jury ireturned .1 lowing verdict:. I h at Sid Barrier came to his i by a pistol shot in the hands e Robert Goodman.'; e following ta'4he testimony of important witnesses Examined : Jim Plott's Testimony. Tho was at the aiearl beer stand 1.- a the shoojiiiiig oocuwedf John Safrit, John Black welder, Lu tpPenninger, George Motley, Bob 1 Bud Goodman, Sid - Barrier and elf. . . -v':! . ; ; ; Did you have anv trouble with any- 1 never had a cixjss word with any- -y-: ; ,rho did have trouble? - f rit and Barrier had a little disb and Mot lev saLd someithing to kweldter, but apologized for it and :r made anyone mad. !i : - t the 'time the shot w;as" fired who e tlhe people inside the stand ? ud Goodman, J. T. Plott, George ley, Penninger, Blaekwelder, Sa and Con a I'd Lipe were all inside. 'ho were on th outside ? b Goodman amid Sid Barrier hei were -they? . ust outside ffahe door. vVere botih together ? ; Yes," sir. v, .' ' ' " id you see anyone shoot ? I seen the flash of 'the gun. 7ho do you think did the -sihooting? I think Bob Goodman done it. What position was Goodman and rrier standing when rtlhe isftiot was )d? :'' r They were in a struggle when the ot' was. fired. Darner fell and left odman sitanding alone. Whitli side was Barrier on when they ere standing? - . . Goodman wa on the riglM hand Wheiie were lou when the slhot was was just inside?. f Jid thos fellows have any trouble the dnfakle ? :; "afrit and iSid 8iad a jiAltle trouble. MA Bob and Sid (have any trouble? "ot that I know of exept Bob took ". out.-;'" ' t' . lV id you see anybodyj fiifave a 'pistol s, two, George Motley and Bob man. .-. " ;'..'. - t ire they loaded? j' a one Motley had was not, the Job had was. j ; d you have a conversation alxra ,!tol? L.tl.- seen it, he isftiowed it to mein .oad. d he have it outM in the beer I? . " h i, sir. ;.-; ; ' hat did you do with yours?. lid not have one. I i. the time you saw Goodman's I were you in the road? 'as no one tSiere but you two? , sir. ':.;' ' ;- o you knbw whether Bob's pistol ! loaded or not? i don't know except what he told ter. . George iMotley was bitting on : barrel just, in front of me. Was there a mule and buggy out side? Yes, mine was. Where did you go when the shoo ing occurred? To Charley Earnhardt's. What did you tell him ? I told ihim Sid Barrier was shot I door. Did you tell him who ehot him? Where was Bob? No, he didn't ask me. I just don't know. I saw Sid slap Had Sid and Bob had anv trouble him on the shoulder but I can't say he Nut that I know of. Could tlw&e eSracers have been i?5 side and vou not notice them? Ve,4, sir; it could have been passible. We're you all drunk? I Tas drinking some. Before Sid fell did anvbodv catch Who went out with him? I canH sav but I sthink little Bob him? Goodman was tanding near the door J I don't know. and Sid flapped him on; the rfioulderl Were Bud anl Rob the only ones but I can't say a&at he went ou-with I yon saw when you went on the out-(had some he&ted word mnd enssed Do cin krow ha rvd tl;e j4! f No ir; 1 4o awt. Did yoac a pi!4'?ujit t:ifA ? I jaw an auiousalic pistol. Who had it f Motley. Do'yuuJiave any idea whoe pltol it was that wa finsl ? Xo. r; I have no idea. Had anybody had any trouble up to thaf time ? Yes, r; Mttley tu Blackweldcr him. Where were Bob and Sid wben the jjot was fired? Sid was jat on the outside of the side? eacJi other. during the nigttiit? No, sir; not that I know of. Who went with you to Earnhardt's after the shooting? . I went by myself. What did you go there for? To tell him Sad was shot. Was the boys drunk much ? Near beer was all 'I "saw drank; I didn't see anybody drunk. Was Sid drunk? He was dfrjnking; we all were. Was that an' automatic pistol Bob borrowed ? It was just a pistol. Who was the elosera person to the door when the shot was fired? There wasirc any difference be tween Safrit and Blackwelder. Who caught Sid when he fell? Nobady caught him. ;I)id you see him fall? Did' he fall on hi back? - Ye. Wlio was the first one to reach him? I tfcn't know when I went outside; After the shooting what did you do! I was looking down ac the dead man. J I ioW Plott and Motley lo o to the tarl lilackwelder was called but tes- chain gang ami get a doctor. They tified 'that he left the stand at 10;30 came back in a few minutes and I told o'elock, before the killing occurred. them the boy was dead uid to go to Conard Lipe's Testimony. town and get Uie sheriff and -coroner. Who was at thebeer stand Satur- At "7 time jdunnj the ni?ht did day nHrt? -"ou t-od Motley to spend Seaford, Penninger, Bob and Bud the nigiit-wiUi.yoaT ot was m-eu . . Goodman, Blackwelder, Motley, Jim Yes, fir; I did. Motley called me of! Bud, Blackwelder, Penninger, lape Plott Jm1 1f L'u i.i ' m : ui. ana mj'seii. . - Was any trouble going on? pocket and asked if tliere was anv dan- ho were on the outside? 5id and Safrit had a racket ger in going to town. I. told him no x touiuii-i say. about the Railroad and Motley and but if he vas afraid to come over and m i ..vu. Vuiiu , Blackwelder had a few words. Not that I know of. v There was a shot fired Ihere, wasn't Before the shooting occurred was tj - thorn anyone at the beer stand be- yL - went out. Who were on the inside when the shot was fired? Whaa t THE LEO:SL.VUn.E. rei t IU'.eUh Art Di4E. 4 -Iialc3t:h.:Tehruary I. A &.lj Ieti:fHs'ion tii abx1 of t.tt bcr eunl tjh iiAadUn? wf li-ir by etub were jnM-rntsi in both boawn tiay The raaia Anally imvI the Holt county bill. - - KeU;ttu prtrnted a bill proridis j that if iXie-third of tW Vi:er ia aay town jor New Uinovrr cua:y rtitia for al:i under Kicad optioa pUn U altlenncaimut licni p)li ranU wiw pay on iSjodaoI JoUvr for nrtail and to t!nanJ tor irhil le Ucerise. . . ! -A ,: j ;'f Noi a nde tuw Bill vu prtct.i in t5 Senate. Arrwoj tiif ww lloute bills iire:! ' M . " ' !! ! sides those vou have named? Plott and Motley. Where were ihey when the shoot incr of-curred ?, I can't tell you. If they were in the stand I have no recollection of it. At the time of the sihooting who were claesit at the door? ' Bob and Sid were closeelt and Bud and I were next. v. You heard the shot? Yes sir; but I never saw the flash. ; Who did you see wben you got on the outside ? I only recollect seeing Bud laj'ing Bud Goodman; he ran out and said the dead man down. Bob was shot -awd 'then, txiid it was Sid Barrier. What did Bob do? lie staved there with the rest. Was Sid Irving to ftsflDc Bob ? No. Didn't Sid call Bob a ? Not that I heard. Who went with you? . George Motley. Who came back with you ? I oame back by myself. . . Wfoat did you do with yourisltol? I didn't hiave any. George Motley Testifies. ? Tell of the affaiir that happened Saturday nightt. Jim Plott and went to (the gang to hire a anan and oame back by the near beer stand and stopped. Safrit and Did Sid and Bob ha.ve any trouble? Not that I know of . . Did Bob try to put Sid out? I can't say; dt might be possible. ttluat he shoved him when he put jfire? nana on ins suouiuer. Did you tsee a pistol ? I seen. Mr. Motley's but he said he did not have any cartridges for it. What kind was it? Automatic 25. , C. O. Earnhardt's Testimony.- Did anybody come to your house Salturdiay niglit? Somebody came after the killing j. Dut j. oia noi let piiem nn. xxe saia ms name was Plott and that he had some thing to tell me. I told ihim to tell i me f mm the outside. He said a mule was shot dowin there and about that Where was it form? The outside. Who was inside at this time? Bud, Blackwelder', Safrit, Penninger and mysel f ." Was any one else inside? I can't say whether Plott and Mot- ley xvere in there or not. Where was Barrier when he Iras shot? He stepped out the door. ; "VYho was nearest 'him? Rob Goodman. Can you tell us the position Barrier and Goodman were in wen the shot was fired. Bob was standing at the door and when Sid went out the hooked 'his arm in 'his. - Jo create a Ctmmtttee to ;netiat the iceU of, lie fcebfe Uiimlc-l of tht Stat aii report, r Kclaiin? to u!Twiencv uf Do!ic ia ca of tre-qus. - " . ' jeaker Dowj anns;incel tha?! h was m:njelll Co deny lhe,rHittori of :.....L. .T. it . . i! Ierks of .Ue lloue for the lap- pent of Another c!orcl labor r nirwH the' ii ptnt iK't-nde- the quota 't already full asd lie i -A bill Co' of II oline tide Where was yxu when the sihot was! I was standing about the middle of the counter. WheTe was Bud Goodman? Sitting on a barrel near the stove. Where was .Motley? IW't know. WSfere was Plott ? v : 1 I : don't know. Do you remember if they were in- Sid Banier got inlto a scuffle and'Bob tirne "Ti? Pf Plott Goodman run and grabbed :Sid and u-"iiue "Llt, D?mer 'lUi WdS suvl- I don 't remember. Who was on the outside after you hold of the door. got to the door -after the shot was Which side were you on? fired? C - Bud, Blackwelder, Motley and stay with me. Bob Goodman's Testimony. Were you at the beer stand Satur day nighft? Yes. ' - Was there any trouble? , No, sir. Did anyone have any words. John Safrit and Sid. When the shot was fired where were you? v Standing at the door. Who was nearest there ? Conard Lipe, sitting on a barrel. Did you and Sid go out together? No; he tried to put me out. Did he have hold of you when the shot' was fired? TVk lift lof ma cm Who were wiide n.r hnf iti-mit penMon for their Vcrvire. the kin. Bud, Safrit, Blackwelder, Pennin- of fiK nundrtV1 'VAUv &m) Xby ger and Lipe. suail le:emiuea lo rccene len cent Wiho were on the outside? Pr P116 both wl"Ie in? to ! th Motlev and Plott were all I know. 1 pvemment and when return- How near were they to the door? inS ho'e, the distance to be computed I can't tell you; they were hitching b e nearest linear itmte of travel. their mule. "The. compensation for the presid- Did you leav the beer stand and go ins' officers of the General Aweiiibly anywhere before the shooting? shalt be ten ($10) per day and! rail. No sir. eage. Should an extra session of thd Did yon and Plott go to Charley General Assembly be called the mem- Earnhardt ? bers shall receive one h tin d red ($'QQ No, sir. dollars and the presiding officers a How come Sad to have hold of youf like rate of compensation, as prjvid He tried to jerk me out and caught ed aoove, lor ejcn da) or me se4oi Jiiat this rjendmcnt be uijmmel Mire anotner i i i.rtMed. ij ang caleiwlar f mi important Wa- diini of. : l email presented a bill for relief E. Mills. . ' . T6 Increase. Pa.y of Legislators The bill bv Senator Graham to. aaienid the Gntitutiou of North Car- provides that Section 23, jAr 2, be stricken out and the ;jfol- lowing inserted in lieu thereof: "Section 23. The membern of th Iegiilature for the term for t whicli thev are el'ieil, shall receive at com- at t qua they kept sufHing and siaid he was going out arnd Bob said 'take him out" and iust as tJhey got to the door I saw a flash and Sid fell right at Bobs feet. Bud was standing right behind the counter and ran out. the door and said, '"Bob is -4hot " then he said, ' ' No it is Sid. ' Who was in the beer stand before the shooting? It was the first time I was ever there and some of them I didn't know, but Penninger, Blackwelder, Safrit, Jim Plott, Bob and Bud Goodman, an other fellow I didn't know 'and my self. Where were you when the shot was fired? About the middle of the store. Adhere wan Plott? Standing behind the counter talk ing to Bud, who was tring to get us to stav all night with him. Who shot Sid Barrier? Bob Goodman shot him. 'How did he fall? V He fell backwards with his head qlo'finin elf. tVio Idiruvr' "X low bl? come him to show you the ob told me to walk up to his sis i 's with him and ; while there he : ed Charley Earnhardt for a pistol r I coming back he showed it to me. :)o you think you would know what a it. was? ... ; ' To it was in the dark. Jo you think you. would recognize piStOl? ! C don't know, I think I could. A hat did he say whn he showed to you? , He said "I got a pistol" and nulled out, of one pocket iand put it back anotiier pocket. ! . Had this trouble. smarted before he ?nt to get the pisol? No. -.'y'-l- .Why do you think he went after e pistol? vU J don't know; he was just going and Jced me tolwalk un thera with him. ,Did Rob try to take Sid out of the Lace by force? Was Bob Goodman at your house that nighi? : No sir; not that I know of. Do you know Jim Plott? ' No,' sir. Did Bob Goodman and Jim Plott com to your house that night? Not that I know of. Did anyone borrow a pistol from you that nigfht. No; I haven't got a pistol. You found a pistol next morning? - Yes. Where did you find it? In the field across from the near beer stand. Do you know whose pistol it was? No. ' u Was the pistol loaded? m Yes ; four loadb in it. . i Where did the pistol get to? Bud sent his little brother, Roxie, over there and told me that he want ed to see it and I sent it over to him. Jim Blackwelder's Testimony. Who was at the beer stand Satur day night? ' I don't know all of them; Bud Do yon know who sdiot Barrier? No sir. Luther Penninger 's Testimony. Were you at the near beer stand before the shooting occurred ? . Yes sir. Did there seem to be any trouble ? Motley and Blackwelder fell out. Who else had any words? -Sid and John Safrit. Did you hear the shot ? Yes. Where was it ? I suppose it was on the outside. Who was on the outside? Left side. " Which way did the sound of the shot come from? From right where the mule was Body of Missing Editor is Tonnd Near hitched. he next general UVction V the ied voters cf the S.a'e, ete.f' '.. ! LLEWXAM. Who did you see on '"the outside? Nobody but Plott arid Motley. Did j-ou see the flash ? o, sir. i Immediately after the rend 'ping Hamlet. llhft' fwulv rf K"irr .Ifltne A. Cro- martie, of Sparion, Ga., who disap peared from the hotel at Hamleij No vember V last, was found Tuesday af tenioou in a swamp three miles jfrom of th verdiet. Robert. Goodman was Hamlet by hmrterK. Hif Vfonal aretAed by Deputy Sheriff Propst and rf"S including, a considerabU placed in jail. iiru of ; money, were intact, and there The grand jury' ia now hearing the no evidence bf foul play, but ho evidence in the case put on account of he met death and how long he ba4 the number of witnesses it will hardly beep dead have not been ascertained, take action before tomorrow. Plott Crcmanie was on his way toj vuit nnd Motlev. who have been in iail. relitives in Bladen county, this fctate, Bob Goodman and Sid had iust were released this morning as there Unl stopped over at Hamlet to c hanga stepped on the outside. was not evidence sufficient to hold Kars. .lie ntsappearei uunngj tn Who wad vn (hp ini dA Hhrn ITbAv were renreented bv night, and though his tlirce ire, Safrit, Bud, Blackwelder, Lipe, Montgomery & Crowell. Senator L. scoured that section for a. month, n Afotlev and Plmttf T. HnWsell. and er-.Tiidyre F. I. Os- trace of his movements could be Wlio w-PTfi nnfcside? Krtm. of Ghflrlotte. are counsel for fond. i Identification was fiUty Sid and Bob had just stepped out Robert Goodman and Attorney W. G. the door. Means represents the State. Where were you standing? Back near .the door. ban you give the position Sid and Bob were in at the time? What did Bob do when Barrier fell? Goodman, Bob Goodman, Conard Lipe, when the went out the door. I A True Bill Found Against Goodman. At 2:45 o'clock this afternoon the Sid had thrown his arm around Bob grand jury founds true bill for mur- foUnd. luentincatron was iiuty es tablished , by a j relative. Searchers liai passed within ten feet of hti bod v. The report several week ago that Cromartie had been found in the w oods in a dementel c;nditioa near- enboro laten deveUjed to hav' a cae of mistaken identifies- El He iiustt stood there and looked at him. , Where did Bob go? If he went anywhere I don't know it. ' . . What did you tell Sheriff Honeycutt that night? I told him J was innocent and could tell wiho killed Sid Barrier. Which side of Sid was Bob on when tihe shot was fired ? I don't know. . ' Did you see any pistol? No sir. Did you have one f Sid Barrier, mytself and three other men I didnjt now. What do you know about the kill ing? Not anything. You were there, were you not ? Yes, sir. Where were you? ' At the back of the store. Where was the pistol shot from? In front of the store. Who was out there? I can't. name anvone exceot Bob Goodman who was standing at the right of the door as you go out with his Who killed Sid Barrier? I don't know. Did you see him fall? der against Robert Goodman. OUR BILL NYE FUND. been tion. On A Modern Crusader. next Monday I afternoon I saw him fall but couldn't tell who Another $25.00 Added to the Growing J- MeConnaekof Ken- l I: I T "IrfllrtL-l ! Veil I tliAfm.1B .'41. A rkM.II ""'"r'ox ... T I bands in his pockets and -Kfhei Sid boug'ht from Mr. Charley Ritchie Sat urday morning but never had any car tridges in it. What did you do with it? I left it at the City Cafe. Why did you do that? I thought they might search me and arrest me for carrying a concealed weapon. Was Bob and Sid mad when they wont out the door? Yes Hlhey were fussing.' Safrit's Testimony. You were at the beer stand Satur day night? - Yes;. ; f ' State what happenied before the sihooting? We were all . sitting around the it was. iWbere diTyou go after the shoot ing? Motley and I went to the chain gang and then came to town. iWho else came? Plott and lipe. : Bud Goodman's Testimony. 4 jWhat time did the shooting occur? Tribune ... Twenty minutes to 12 o'clock. Cash. Tell how it occurred. Cash . . I Just a little before that time Safrit J. Txoke Erwin 9 11 trill nAAra&u Pohorntl 2 una loaay. County Medical Societv and on iton- The handsome sum of $25.00 was faV irig1,t will deliver a public lecture added to our Bill Nyefund today, Mr. in khe wuri house n the prevention J. Locke Erwin being the contributor, of 'disease, and to iatrucl 4he gCTieral at The fund now stancte : Mrs. J. W. Cannon.. J. W. Cannon ...... Times pu ...$ 25.00 anl aims of the medical profession. 25.0C 5.00 Federal Judge William T. Newman, 51.00 of Atlanta, Monday morning sustain- .10.00 ed the semi-weekly Atlanta Journal 'a .. 25.00 demurrer and quashed the indictment 25.00 brought by the Federal grand jury cnarging "conspiracy 10 aeiraaa me Total ....... . $120.00 government." Attorney Ackennan, acting as special assistant to tap At- T. m - m f "V. i ' i . L ovate ases uisposea oi. itorney iienerai,jnaa conaucred a po- 4nltal investiiratioh there and had -in- and as Sid went by him he touched . . , -Uxr onA . ' diked The Journal for mai.inj; cop- blic regarding the work, mission pulled him. Sid was in front pulling and Barrier had some words.. I told Bob arid just as .Sid struck tlhe ground tftlem to be quiet or I would put them a shot was fired . out. Sid dared Safrit out of the house Do you know of anvone else on the aM . st arted to the door.! My little 1 - outside? I brother was standing near the door I don't know. Who were those inside at the time ? him on the arm or on the hand I can t T er, colored, larceny, jury ie at one cent a pound which he coa AU I know was Bud, Penninger, Sa- say which, and stepped out the door , fnuity, four months on public tended should have paid a four cent . frit. Lipe and mvself. and just as darner was sxanoing on road?- rale. ' ' ' - i ! Where were the strangers at this tfe ground a pistol cracked. I.as w;Uer jekey, white, false pre- ' L ; 7T. J ! ... time? ' i standing behind the counter and rush- rt . ' ,;if T.' The Km'.'- DaugMerM Ctrcei will I don't know ed out aid caught Barrier in my arms. ' -tW Ca meet whh Mi ude IWn tomor- Where was Bud Goodman? . Behind the counter by himself. Did you see a pistol there?. No sir. (' ''".. Had anyone had any trouble be fore this? - . Yes, I had a few words with a f el house having a general conversation, low they toll me was Motley. 1 Who were inside at the time ? J Lipe, Penninger, Blackwelder and myself is all I remember. j At that time who were on the but side? : :':r.:-- ' Motlev and Jim Plotr were stand on public road. Walter Smith, white, injury to building, jury irial, guilty, three months on county road. Appealed to Supreme Court. Mrs. D. F. Carmon and Miss Nan ing on the outside to the left as you I Cannon are spending the day in Char- eo out. I lotte. w f row evening at low o ciock. I t.aca member i requested by ihe leader to bring at lea.st one new member fto this meeting. " ' ' ' . ,"'.- i . '... larriage license has been Usue-P ltd ifc P. A. Williams and ML. Mary Jane Faulkenberry