n PAGE TT70 i . i . i -m r- w v t - c -avr T HREE SIRUP SIDLE sho-v thi Tin's 5a r.no rvf manvVfiV Snrin StvIeS WC will week. This 13 a- three sstrap Sandle, light turn sole, plain toe with easy, comfortable heel and u.an all 'round dressy sho?. We have marked this Sandel and this price should move them quickly. We have other" similar Styles at $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Take a peep at our North Window.. We have oa display all the reason's newest Styles. ' "They Wear Longer" "The Home of Good Shoes'' R. K. Black's R. K. Black's THE LADIES' 11EABY-T OWE All STORE, SECOND SHIPMENT OF SPRING COAT SUITS Hope you are interested. They are note worthy for their graceful lines, perfect fit and refinement. Let us show you -only too glad. We shall expect you. Ri K, BLACK. OPPOSITION. IN NO. 10. Correspondent Says That Even Sonic of the Younger Men Will Not Vote for the Railroad Argument in Fa vor or It. Mr Editor: We said in oar Ia letter we thmizut all the younger gen eration of farmers in No. 10 would po for the railroad. We mnA rr tract. We are rained to have to admit that we find after talking with our people here are a few of even the younger members of oar common cauu uu will cast their ballots m protest ler nentM us. There are tho-e who seem think the rad will no; traverse mor than five miles ot tne iownsui, hut the facts which we have before us will hear -us out in savin- there will not be less than nine miles ot railway in the township. We have read the contract of the Salisbury Railway Company, pledging -themselves to put the road between oeorgeviue Bost Mill. . Now if "they cross Rocky River anvwhere between these two points they' cannot possibly get tcrthe Union county line under nine imies. Again we hear that some object to the tax. The property assessment ot No. 10 is $400,000, so we are only as.se pd tftnav ihe ounv little sum of 18 3-4 cents on the hundred dollars worth of nronertv. When we consider the rise in real estate values, to say nothing of the innumerable advantages and con veniences that will come to us as a direct result of having a rauroaa through this section, the tax would seem insignificant indeed. Then asrain. it is estimated that the road will cost $1,200,000. Then if t li a rond nairV as small a dividend as G per cent there would be $7,200 in dividends to 'be paid to the stocKnoid ers. No. 10 's part would be $900, ex actly $150 more than the tax paid in bv all the citizens of our township So instead of being taxed to get the road, we would, according to the above figures, receive a bonus each year of $150. Then at maturity of the bonds, instead nf lha villi? to rav S15000 we would have onlv $9,000 to Special to News and Observer rav to take up the bonds. "There comes a tide in the life of all men which if taken at its flood Ipads on to fortune or to fame." The -1 r same may oe saia ot communities There are times when communities it- r:. 0 A Popular Style smart Regal model by the best-dressed Here is a .1 worn tnis season men in the United States, Call at our store and we'll fshow you . t i if many other clever Kegal styles. All are AmKcates of expensive custom models They havo all the famous Regal quality that insures long service. Youll have no difficulty in finding a style that suits you exactly and we 11 guarantee perfect fit and comforts Cannon $350 $400 $450 $500 Fetter Company, Sensational Killing at Goldsboro. 3E Hats tor 3LS"D 3L ! WEAR BROWNS-CANNON-CO 'S Hats and money yearly and be much better dressed. you'll pay less hat II JNO. B. STLTSON CO'S. HATS Stiff or Soft $3.50 TO $5.00 ROELOFS SMILE HATS the best yet Stiff or Soft $3.00 All extra light weight. See the New Pencil Curl. : HATTERS TO MEN WHO KNOW. BROWNS-CANNON CO. Goldsboro, Feb. 22. A sensational shotting occurred in this city this at iernoon, a little after one o'clock, when, following a few hasty words of short duration, the sour of Camille Pruitt was hurled into eternity from can, by taking advantage of favorable wounds received at the hands of her circumstances enhance their general lover, Itoseoe Rivenbark, who shot Surroundings. "We can't grind the her five times with a revolver, two grist with the water that's passed the of the bullets entering her body, one mill." The tide, is coming our way passing through the shoulder and the and we ought to launch our bark for other through her arm. the nearest haven of prosperity. It's The shooting occurred at 'the home not worth while to buck up against of the deceased in the southern part the inevitable. The spirit of the age of the city, better known as Little says go forward. There are those who Washington. . would rather get astride the needing In an interview with the prisoner wave that would carry them to an un- konijrht, who it seems has been des-1 certain destiny, than to embrace an pondent and in poor healtih for some opportunity that promises to maritime past, he gave as his reasoii;for Cvoa. Then some people are afrai'l I commit ting the above crime, due' to t take a stand. TIk-v would rather the .fact that he believed he was go- vfiit and see u' Liar Jie otner jeiiow mjr t0 ctle in a lew ciavs ana ne did thn.ks about it. The very quint e-?- not want to die and leave the woman sence of indecii"i, t ify will s-useribe he loved behind. He does not seem to the first unfavorable diagnosis of to regret the crime whatever and the case that happens to come their stated to an officer this afternoon way. Some men live in advance of that he was satisfied jof one fact, and their age, some live in the present that was. that he would never hang and iorue in the past. for his crime, and was quite .sure he "There was young Sam Simon and would be dead before his trial was old Sam Simon, and young Sam Simon called. his son. Young Sam Simon will be 'While 'talking to his lawyer this af- Sam Simon when old Sam Simon is ternoon Rivenbark held up his arm displaying a cigarette between his fingers and at the same time remark ed, "that the d n thing which is mainly responsible for the whole af fair: I know I'm going to die for I plainly satf- my days on this old earth were but a very few more in a dream I had a few nights ago, and I just could not bear the idea of dying and leaving Camille behind." 'i V.:- 7 ) gone King of Externals Is the Original in the field of external rem edies for all forms of inflammation such as pneumonia, croup and colds. Nothing can approach GowansI It stands supreme. ire have been selling Gowans Preparation for Pneumonia, and Colds ever since it was put on th market, and have found it one of our most satisfactory sellers. CARPENTER BROS.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 4 Greenville, S. C, July U, VJ10. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME AH Drwfttists. SI. 50e. 25e. G0WAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM. N. C. 6uifntd. ltd wonty nfuHdj ty fw 0ralti JUST rui IT CURES RhenmaUsm and Blood Disease The cause of rlieumatism Is excess I uric acid in the blood. To cure rheu matism this acid must be expelled from the system. Rheumatism is an inter t nal disease and requires an internal , remedy. Rubbing with oils and lini ments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint will change "the fiber of rotten wood. Cures ltheumatlm To Star Cured. , Science has discovered a perfect and complete cure called Rheumacide. Test ed in hundreds of cases, it has effected marvelous cures. Rheumacide removes the cause, gets at the joints from the inside, sweeps the poisons out of the Now, is it a r fact that be- cause young Sara Simon put a bushel of corn in one end of his bag when he wnt to mill and a rock in the other tV balance it, through respect.. for his father's teaching, that nve must go on 'living and carrying out in detail the lives of our ancestors?- We couldn't if we would. Even China,' that once sleepy, heathen nation has learned better, and we would do well to emu late her in ."many -respects. "Never condemn a 'matter till you hear it," was spoken by a very wise man. Now, jlet the promoters of this road locate it, and after they have done it, you people who are anticipating every im probable event as to its location will have cause to discredit vour own ! knowledge of what misrht. eould or should be. We should place implicit confidence in men and their profes sions as long as nothing appears con tradictory ! to their integrity and be neficent purposes. iSo far as any of us know these railroad people have not swerved an inch from their r original intention, to build give the greatest service to the great est number. And No. 10 certainly ought to feel highly favored in this connection, for she has everv reason able assurence that the road will go through some nine miles of her choice territory. If you want the road you had better not listen to everything that's being said "fernent" it, for most of them don't know what they are talking about. B. Tor Sale or Rent Mrs. E. C. Mis enheimer's residence on North Spring Street. Apply to Jno. K. Patterson-& 1- ; . kind m the world. We are the oldest. largest and most responsible company tf the kind in existence. Over 2.000!- ?ei,0"upJe.f.l Prmers thoughout the United States gists at 50c. and $1; i.n ihe tablet form ;lml 1 anala bav YSatkins' Remedies wv. auu wv-.. UJ mail. XiUtVlfL irP L,T.4A,4n 1 L Conditions in Tamine District Grow Worse. New York, Feb. 23. Advices from China to the American Red Cross to day are to the effect that conditions in the famine ditsricts. are growing worse as the days go by. That 2,500, 000 Chinese will die for want of bread if assistance is not rendered imme diaitely, is the prediction in a state ment made by the organization. This number comprises nearly the entire population of the northern part of the provinces of Kiangsu and Anhui. The statement continues: The bubonic plague is creeping a road that shall southward toward this famine district. It has ravaged Manchuria and thous ands of refugees who have fled to Che- foo, in Chang Tung province, have car ried it there. Hundreds of deaths occur daily. The plague is now about 150 miles from the provinces, and if it ever reaches there the result will be appalling. " Pneumonia Follows a Cold. But never follows the use of Fol ey s Honey and Tar, which checks Ten Acres of Floor Space. the cough and expels the cold. We inive the lanrest nlant of ih . Stockwell. Hannibal. Mn.. svc ,Tt ueais an me remeaies l ever used. JtsooDUi cwmicai uo., Baltimore. Md. 1 Gets At The Joints Frou The Inside. JUST IT CURES For Sale ly Gibson Drug Store. Articles. ,aps, and rerlumes. e have the best proposition there is for energetic ; reliable young men. We need a travell mg salesman for our line right now in Cabarrus- county. Address, The J. R. Watkins Company. 113 South Gay Street, Baltimore, Marvland. Estab lished in 1868. ; Capital over $2,000,- 000. riant contains 10 acres floor space. ." For SaleA nice new cottage on Buf falo street, opposite No. 2 graded school, at a bargain. Jn-. K, Pat terson & Co. According Vo the agreement of the joint committees, the State Dension fund is to be increased from $150,- I contracted a had cold and was threat ened with pneumonia. One hottlfl f roiey s rioney and Tar completely emeu me." iNo ortiatPs net naoie nousenold nA Store, . Concord, N. C. Drus: a re- Gibson -- uuuul an xnat a woman in the divorce courts can remember as to her husband's looks is that he looks use thirtv cents. If troubled with indigestion, con stipation, no appetite or feel bilious, give Chamberlain's Stomach and liv er, i a Diets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These tab lets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by au aeaiers. , - ALCOHOL 3 PER nrvT AVcgctablePrcparationfirAs slmiiating tteFoodandRcgula ting the Stomadis aadBOrvelsof r k msusssbvwmmm I HCiy.sVtlfTTTiifTl Promotes Digestionhcerfy-: ness and icestJContalns neuter Opiimi.Morphme rwrMiacraLi ftOT Narcotic. . MMBSSHit(MSSBMr iripe ofOldDc&MLTLTnUIlll flomtar Seed' JbLiawn JtxMUSalh- ftpnttmiat' ItiCarknakSiia Sumr liBtapmikmr. Aperfect Remedy for Consfif a- tion , 50ur aroraaen.marnMz Worms jConvulsioiis Jevenslt- ness andLoss of Sleep. FacS'mulc Signamre of NEW YORK. IfilflH For' Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW my II! f 'Guaranteed under jb Fooda' Use For Over Thirty Years Exaa Copy of Wrapper. mm n u l . 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 TfiillBin JlyJlMI twi carrsusj mnrt, srrr. Seed Potatos ! Seed Potatoes ! Now is the time to plant Potatoes, and we are ready to f nrnish tot finest MAIN GROWN- SEED. POTATOES in the following varieties: i , ..... RED BUSS IRISH COBBLER GREEN MOUNTAIN PEERLESS , . BTJRBANK EARLY ROSE. There are High-Grade Goods of the BEST varieties, bought for the Cash in large lots, and will be sold CHEAP for Cash. Cline & oose. For Rent-T. P. Day vault property Corporation Deeds' for sale at The on South Union street. All modern TimeTribun --office. ; Renilar laai conveniences. John K. Patterson deeds, mortgage, trust deeds and &H Company. , - , tf kinds of blanksalso kept for sal. 1