it I - ' ,-----'l'' J. B. S l-i er rill, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. $1 60 a Year. u in Advano VOL. XXXVI. CONCORD N. C., MONDAY. MARCH 6, 1911. NO. 72 THE LEGISLATURE. is the worst of the whole layout, for it depends after all on them -whether ... . L t . J DEATH OF MR. R. U. BOGES. DEATH OF MIL R. U McALUSTER. What the Senators and Represextta- all business necessary to be done is Well Known Citizen of Ho. 10 Town- tives at Raleigh Are Doing. : accomplished, or only a part of the ship Dies of Pneumonia, crial to The Times. unfinished work is superficially gone 3Ir. Robert M. Boger died last Sat- I", , - AWn T The Turlington over before adjournment is forced up- .y at 7.30 a at hb home ; fl,bK a ihe real lawyers who are too in N 10 township, fter au illness of An:i"trSS riLtr cuted an few in number t0 kep a qUOrUm f e week of pneumonia. , Mr. Boger Cenenfl icketc, consumed all th theelvg was here the Saturdav ibefore and ap- lime f xve TS mfZ,r Death of Statc Senate Bm Peared to be in his usual good health Doughton moved, an impor- Hard Blow. but soon after he reached home that tant amendment, striking out private odvo- evening he was taken ill.' Pneumonia Irosecutor, section nve, caites of a State Primary which its developed and his condition grew opponents deliver! Saturday even- gradually wor until his death this lMri 1 Vi V WW-' w- - ww '' Prominent Citizen of lit. Pleasant vers say it is worthless. Law- mg. But the reader may recall the morningl Mr. Boger was 50 years of fact that it was asserted with some age, and is survived by his wite, -wno fimifidence in this correspondence sev-lwas Miss Thallie Brown, and one eral times recently that- "there is ev- child, two months old, and four broth- ... -m m- 1 M A 1 a:1 .1- AT Kaleigh uiarcn, Aiiuyugu idently a powerful influence behind era and three sisters, Messrs. W. B. uy days expired today, adjourn- the siU(m to the State Primary F. P., R. S. and Dr. D. T. Boger, of ont sine die was not even mentioned "i , , a; f TTninnville. and Mrs. Wilhelm. Mrs. dlSTWVSAid in the Legislature. To the astonish-1 ne ,, j daim proiyhecy Sam Flowe and Mrs L. P. White, of Went of everybody, Connor succeeded and donate the credit to Hty. Oklahoma. The funeral was held in getting the house to pass his tor- T.f..f n1 " nflAPftf wv,rt Arv th I of Rpthd .Siindav morning at 11 nuis Land Title Bm, and it was sent r,. of outvtill2 elder oppo- o'clock and was conducted by Rev. the Senate 'by avoteotb toil. nentg of ,the measure jn the tipper W. P. McGhee. Mr. Boger was one of The House passed the Merchants 1 vol vifttvrv- I the hvstr. rf his mrmmilitv and Association bill to protect merchants, MJ. not neglect to iti0 his death t,e keenly felt by scores specially these getting goods on ap- limit while it ,lasied; of fiends and relatives of this section. - 1 7 J I . - n troai. , . L Alter ihe 'boys serve a lew more The State primary Din was set terms ithey will get wise to the fact a." special order in the House at four Ljiat when GrandPa Doughton sets his WE HAVE A HAWK 1011 up to noon was cousuuiea m night-stick out and'goes after a re- And If You Want Him, "Just Step so 1 r -r. 1 Ml .,,-,impnt over the ,,uoetors dui which seeks to exact stricter require ments from applicants and which has been rejrularlv killed every session for the last three Legislatures.. However, BASEBALL GAME . - -i -t 'l I Dr. Kent succeeded in. passing n m AT (jqoK'S CROSSING ihe House this time This Way, Please.' oui of nine fights and finishing main. For four fights the opposing birds alternately won their battles, but the last five were all straight victories for teaeiher in the High Point schools, and I the North Carolina side.' although the came home Saturday to be at the bed- battle raged jiercely until the decisive side of hf.r hi-nther. Mr. McAllister's st ml-a finished ih hont. Ihe lmbiuie has been presented wun dow is a sister of Airs. M. L. Buch- Four decisive battles, one run-away a live real chicken hawk, one with a anan,: of Concord. and thre count-outs told the tale, vicious , looking bill and still more Mrl McAllister lhad been a resident North Carolina holding the long end of vicious looking, claws. Mr. A. J. Al- Gf Mt. Pleasant all his life. He was the struggle. " , - len, of No. 1 township, was in the a son of Hon. H. C. McAllister, and a '. 'The Mississippi b'mls have been in city this morning and made the contractor and brick mason by trade. Augusta since February 18th, and ti.a SpnntA session was taken up L..j m- ttt.. Txri-fl presentation. Air. Allen said Wiat Ihe He was a man of energy and ability, have been undergoing hard training u Z -kI UOIlcuIU VAUl vv lua v VOi " Standard once owned a chicken hawk and had the contracts for die eredtion creant claimant for legislative degrees, ttiere is almost sure to be a death in the freshman class. ! LLEWXAM. TAR HEEL BIRDS BEATinSSISSLPPL! Passed Away This Morning at 5 O'clock. 3Iany friends in Concord were pained this morning to hear of the death of Mr, Robert McAllister, who daed at a o'clock at bis home in Mi. Pleasant after an illness of about two weeks. Mr. McAllister -was at first seized with a heart trouble, and on last Thursday was sirieken with pa ralysis, m nee men it nau oeen ap parent that his death waaonly 1 question of a few days. Several Con cord fiends went down yesterdav to see him, and reported his condition as preeanoua indeed. Mr. McAllister, had he lived a few weeks, would have b .en 48 years of age. He leaves his wife and six children, nve sons and one daughter, namely: Harvey, Lee, Ben, Everett, Brown and Mabel.; He leaves also two brothers and five. sisters, namely: Prof. G. F AIcAUister, of the Collegiate Institute m r T ' t . ir 1 ii 1 t 1 iut, is. icAiiisier, uegisrer 01 Deetls, Mrs. WN. Misenheimer, Mrs J. F. Misenheimer, Mrs. D. D. Bar rier, Misses Maggie and Emma McAl listed Miss Alasrgie McAllister is a North Carolina Game Cocks Won Srr- en Oat of Kin Firsts. Tlie Auguta Chronicle of'FrUay, WOMEIJ'S BXrrTE2UIEKT association ror. conooild Ona lUcanUy Orrxrirtl Hcrt ?f4 of It Kttzlj T& Thorn who attcndc4 . tht Irxrhurt has the following concrning a cock Inititate trc Lm4 wuitccr tcjiy rvcxsZl fight in which Cabrrt people wcr Appointment of o2krn for B4 interested: tertneat Work in Cabtrm Coaaty. In the presence of about 500 people, I xr, tv Itrowa, of Ccwroctl, w assembled about three milt from Au- riven lb vCiic of Trridcnt an4 fiac gusta, 24 game cock were matched toJtt llmtf )t iMt cu uJjin- ti fight yesterday whst w probably thewomanv -work ta ohr tom ia tb biggest chicken main in the south I ;ate Xtt ontr 0 dctcmin the bct since the civil war. The fight was t method of rjrani"tio far her on decide the championship between I wnr North Carolina and Mississippi. The birds, were of the nnctt breed and were matched ounce for ounce. The main was fought for a pur of $1,000 a ride, and $100 tide bet on each fight, the two parties matching their birdto fight to a finish. . The North Carolina Mugwumps and Bee Martins proved to be superior fighters to the famous Allen Round Ileads of Mississippi winning seven the with the Machinery act. Dillard, of Cherokee, made formal speech-presenting the usual silver ser vice to the speaker. Hartsell Advocated 60-Hour Bill. No doubt Dr. McCormack's lectur precipitated thit orspuuxation in Con cord, and on Friday tacnrao;, Febru ary 9th, at 10 o'clock at th hom of Mr. Jat. Gibson, the firt awocixtioa in the county m oranitcd for Ko, 12 township (Conconl). Mn. Brow a and the president or rcprctcntatiraa or the Julia JuasTuaer, v nniiixa Kcid. Soroi, Study, VirgiuU Dar, Floral and Social club were prccnt The ctnccnu of opinion was that Conconl need Mich acl ab as t hit, and need it badly. Kach preidat came with a mcgc from her club that they would take pan in whatever plans were made. The oflker elected are a follow: 'President, Mrs. It. A. Brown; Vice President, Mr. Jas. Gibson; Secretary, Mr. I'lato T. Pur ham ; Trcaurcr, Mrs. J. V, Goodoa. The public cau not fail to see th significance of ihij organitation. Th membership- of a hundrcl women in this club will mean a greater leverage for the health ami beauty of the town School by a Score of 11 to 8. an jd;r Barrier kept it tied in one of 0f many of the Hareest brick The baseball team of the Concord the 'windows of the office, amd suggest- in .this section o'f the Stat graded school journeyed to Cook's led that w-e keep this one in-a similar J superintendent of construci crossing Friday afternoon and met place. We don't doubt that a hawk government building now 111 luo wavuwwu v"w ... i . .. . l- w; etl.... .1.1 1:1.- 1- . 1 mL 1 i ':n l. . I ., . . i 1 tttV,; nTQe ,r.flapd lash nishtlbaii tossers represenung vvineuou. a we wouia iiKe xo sets iue man wuu ua-a j.ue.j.uuerai service, w cuuuuci- tneir training ai uome. labor bill whion was passea wst uui r -u ; Qf;.loT.L ; rr.r tu,. 1 tViP pnntp tSenlator Hartsell SUP-1 SCUOOl. iue game jjuuuuucu m cavito- iuc c-vuiiagc i uc ,uus ijuuvuiai eu nvmyiiuw luuiiiiiig ai, j.xuij ihuh, 7 . . - . . 1 iortel the bill. He declared that, meiu, I 1 1 il 1 l 1 -1. iL. i everv av. oui iney secmcu io iacK iuc ., . -n.. . . tu bmMfas. Undhipi ShoWn by the Carolina Bht- I " Jl" . Lit Z'. e. lie was prs. the latter risinir and corainsr back L. ... -r. i iil V .1 11 3 liuiiv uemoniraicyi in ttaionin wucrw ion on the when they -were practically done for. I . ,tUtAintmi l,v,r. -.f 1 mi ! v. 1- : J I . LTCinii cicti-M jie varoiina wirus arriei iiwui February 28th, and received most of their training at home. C3 I I C3 I enthusiasm and runs. The hawTk. The problem now confronts Lutheran church, of -which Mr. McAl- The North Carolina birds mentions t thst ndin the assertions of the Wineeoff boys were there with the en- this office as to which member of the lister was aT member, and the burial above were conditioned by Mr. W. J. n0-iiW1,fr Hnf th not the op- thusiasm and excitement but were force will be sacrificed by being made will take place in -ihe Lutheran cem- p. Goodman, of this county, and quite De-V T3 Htrects nfe waishwl. unsightly boxes and barreb are conspicuously absient from the sidewalks store fronts i and windows are shining with frh 'I . t I V paint ana iwn Ami, nowers ana urux- are the result of free ccd and. 701, U,X in the runs, Mth. k to act as Utof . ..crowd tVT0faJSu PU.d r .. t5V3 talSS leUeved.rfehtnoas the opportune of t J. eon ttt 4?. .,U be 10 o dock. f he fiS tana r r nri th . P,",. WnU . x: i iTki - t-imo rn iimir. i b noru - 71 iu.vij.n 1u1e Buu me "o' i vtrii;. Pimfucmi. WUn noQS oil t9.nm TV Ka p nnthATn Commercial Conerress in Lv, l..,o in Otton millS. in iirumugiuu. x xv-. au "f; :T T . iwmc iioui ----- - . . - if " 1 1 i ; ni-fAY. 1 ; - at inta - . v .. u. 11.. : Iiq oinpjn - rnprrft were 1 uiuiuur. "-t,-'v' . 71... r"" " ri y-- . : - . , i " ,,MV' elated over its out- "f., JT , o n,of rapidly .disappearing. ana iiw oww ",-"'"'-) t" 1 uri .1 .....m t,. ji.. rrt : such improvements coald b tnad on ou be held in Atlanta on Wednes- Appropriations for State Institntions aIrea,y naturally beautiful cit) T Tliursclay and Friday of this Shrink in House. It us hope that every woman will 1 ,j ? 1 . : m ip iva.j imp rrn 1 'ias t Leam a,iiu. 1 1 1 1 1 s .wav ani fie is vum 'uruuenv. vei win 111.4. i hi J-kTl IV TTimiVP Wl H'U I USllUCJ HO J.u. - - - J.--t - -I . . , . . .n lirrllt rOl VPH TTfllll XI1K a MI1U uian passing this law) then no man ana no iu ui iuuim wa x ;UU1.0,B 6ua"ulcc ll' ir T, u i iuc committee, passed and sent to tne Lusinels should I e.mpt from a 60- from the city not.ceable. The strong box, but -' not under any and f - Sill Marl 20 S the' general state appropriaum, r-'" ... ...,: ... hniraeS ,h! St. te.blh'M hab'e tb! S""S.SrS bill earrying $1,607,000 r state ,n- Ai wc uic iicaittwuf, . , " . , , ,, . . , ' , , . l - i . i u: r . loin and in the interest of humanity (which is work ot btroud a second showea mat special tondnes tor naw.s, jusj ome weeK r l Raleigh, March 3The house ;to- honorarv raraibers. -- A "w ' I i . 1 i 1. . wnnm a t win a I Vunoiiiuiiun. Article I. This club thall be called the Wo man 's Ilettennent. Association of Con cord. Article II. The purpose f this Association shall le: 1. To hring ai'ut the .enforcement' of the present municipal laws regard- i rihA tota nivir v tir i7tuuv i w and Joseph Brown, ot eoigia. I ei-;'' , ftrtX ,7 M 'col- i"? cleanline and h.alth. Spnntrxr Hassefr. .preceding the above a noted sentence, had called at tent ion to the fact that some busi V lltCfUll . iMtumwiui, -a unuuu, i ia,:Lia;o uc may .i. j -r r? - IctitlltlOnS . t i -ii r. . . t r i . . i ' I .1 l - -rrri -m "i . i .... 11 yn t h n a I I rtxiri n rr irnuorrHir - . I I ZD J. J. xiarnnaror, n; xvemey, a11 aoove appeare(i in ine riDuneiyA" ,JC lL1 iw""ioev'" - f - Goodman ss; A. Barnhardt c; Patter- last1 Saturday, and the paper had not Sanders, of Louisiana; Wood row Wil- Chairman Turlington, of the appro- a.. - i ,i J2 - 1. Ua vf N iiTT lnreov ailfflieTHQ hi IV I - f'ilu'"""-3 i. i i i i i .,r n -in' wrTT it' i ftHiimnnn r i i dppii -n imp s rppr nvp Tn raups nnrnrp avui ui ncn -r fc i- . .. t i i' twn n7id sometimes three Mmcoru: raueuu, c, wu a ik.cii dji urieyson 1 " r iiin 1 1 1 ,nv t r 1 1 j n i - i.miii-iiv' 1 . iwnii n 1 . ujxw ivrNi 1 1 11 vv tir 1,111 11 a sun s revoiunuii. UV , new an x. ri. there are shifts in rtTi nf ications for the son, of Kentucky; Cole L.Bh3ase, ot u - i Various u, earnest, and South Carolina ; monett v ; V- ftd ovpr to him. Alabama; J? . Joei, or luissiiypi, . ., . 4.10-.AA0 lialeigh, March 6. The club liquor law was finally enacted iby adopting ihe Senate substitute for the House hill, and it wlas enrolled for ratifica tion. It U still, lawful to keep individual Wales at ciu'hs and at home, but the i x i new law is designea 10 siop uuuu n ters from operating under the OUR CHINA FAMINE FUND. Virginia Dare Book Club. No more delightful meeting of the Virginia' Dare Book Club has ever of Atlanta on Thursday and Taft on Friday. Numerous Contributions Made to It been held than the one held Friday Since Our Last Issue. Our China Famine Fund afternoon with .Mrs. M. B. Stickley. (tows The subject of the afternoon was aoace, un oaturaav we sent a cnecK ia"" wiuwui, yais r.iV for $39.00, making $59.00 sent in all. were read by Mrs. R. A. Brown and The fund nOW Stands: aus. i. iu.wun. guests ui auu- Colenel Roosevelt will -be the guest f ""' 2. To odd to the attractiveness and Atlanta on Thursdav and President lege $9o,0Q.0 and supplemental hill al I , . f . mmnnit.. lowing the department ot agncuuure - v . o provide $30,000 additional for build- 3 To create a .rnore lively scnti- Other Schools Contribute to the iSUl ing r" eral public-in a won! to improve tb Nye Fund. om xiu ----- - , phicai aUi intellectual environment The following schools hav, reported fXt of our entire citizenship. Pllpptions for the BiU Mvetmd since nome qv,ww - - - - L oi clubs. : Prpvimislv spnt. $59.00 or were Mrs. J. E. Davis and Mrs. mere was an caciuu 1. t 1 House when, an attempt was made to Miss Jemima Eagle ... reconsider the State primary bill, but Miss Maggie Eagle it lost out and the primary was buried Johnnie Goodman . for the second time. . rs- J- S.f r--- There has been no vote on the Tur- Mrs. W. L. Morris . liniton Trust Buster today. The Sen- Prof. A. S. Webb ate considered it but didn't report. It Cash 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Carpenter. After the literary programme was completed Mrs. 'Sticklev served an ele gant four-course luncheon. The table V1 , p ""wT Vn'TT"" .... 1 . t t 1 1 lai iu'vi 1 iuiui - v was prettily decoraced m purple and Ranldn tcaeier l-.V.. . J. !.D,ea"- Liberty Bid our last announcemenlc : Shinn $ Pinnacle, in No. 11 Hidkory Ridge, No. 11 Mill Grove Canaan ige ,n,l flnmh $67,000; state hospital all . . . . . 1 50 Morgihton $195,000. at Raleigh $175.- Anyone interested in me oujeei or. 190 000 Goldsboro $85,000, Stonewall this association may become a member. 67 Jackson Training School $a,uuu. Ap- """' .. .UI uatawu . . . Ul.n man c Tin II rvil' AO -an t S in (iftlffr t 1 0 nalarhian Training school ti.j.uoo. '" " " 1.DU paiacman xmni" I Wrtm liAnnmrv tnmbem. . " ;! Oovernor's SaUry $5,000. . X I1C IJJlltC'IT ui iil amniakiuu t, vice-president, ec re- surer, who shall be elect .25 Raleigh, March 3.-Tbe bouse this L50 afternoon' amended ihe senate bill to J- Pres'" 1; f mvprnor from iar anu irea vill take it up again, said Chairman Miss Lena Harris r,r, 1. V. UCUlgC, UlIU.l The House passed the billlmaking Junoor - Miriams, Firt Presby- it a felony of 10 years in the peni- tenan church 1.00 ientiary for seduction of a blind or 'Mrs. W. L. Hutchins .50 ieaf and dumb woman. The House Rev. W. L. Hutchins ... 1.00 killed the State Auditor's bill provid tifnl vinlpf. hrorMli fPhA rriAnn sinA vl , "ii"iT".i "I I 1 1 . l P (rnrornAr from " n"" rL ' ; ir rrj ru' Hartsell Mill aamionai con.;. raise iue AVi J9 41 "-.l " Vi.. ed annually. ery arrangement was superb, and the Brown miu 1.35 $4,000 to $6,000, so as occasion was one wmcn was enjoyed to the utmost. To Organize Vocal Class. Miss Addie White, of Salisbury, ins lor examination oi idooks. oi au ounty bV two traveling auditors, one or tJie 'best ot the session, jli, w killed the bil lto make it a tfelony for corporations to give money io polit iil vandidates. . Session May Last Several Days Yet. At the time these lines are written Mrs. :S. H. Wilmoth 1.00 was in Concord Thursday in the inter est of securing a class in vocal music. Total to date $ Yd.OU Miss White is a fine vocalist and a Cline Bros. ' . m rm i m . , : ,r,t Titrihnted Uol.i . 000. the vote being 4 to 4j bv the Enfield sctoof in No. 3 only for the amendment, which was offered The aoeiat.on meet refuUrl, showed this sdool as contributing 1 by Doughton. The mil en?.p.. , ........ v. cents. It Should have been 65 cents. readings almost wunout uuiu.. iuCric,,u,..i. . and was sent to the senate ior concur v - . CUne-Roseman. rence. " . The loiiowing oiucers saau compos Mr. Adam A. Cline, of ihe firm of The point was made that extras "Man advisory board to keep the aaso- j thorough and competent musical in- ried Sunday afternoon o., of Concord, was mar- the way of traveling expenses and al- nation in co-operation with the civio r afternoon at 1 o'clock to lowances for upkeep of mansion ana authorities, viz. 5 Superiniendent of schools, county superintendent VWUlUSHUt UlUOlLai ll I riti l UllllVlttV OllClllUVU v lUliuuvv- - . 1 1 OUR BILL NYE FUND. structor. and Concord will , he fortn- Mi Hnthip Roseman. of South Row- other purposes made the present sai- lhe city sch nate to secure her for the purpose an. The bride is a daughter of Mr. ary equivalent to Wo. ?5pea se riof pubhc instruction, mayor of Con- Ten Dollars Added to It Today by mentioned. Our city has much mu-lj. M. Roseman. The ceremony was Dowd explained that s,uw increase cordf chairman of street committee, sanitarv oincer. sical talent and it is proposed to form performed at the St. John's parsonage would make ,the Jvern?r a choral society here. We hope ftliss by Rev. J. J. Long, in the presence of equivalent to upwards ot $y,uw Mr. C. A. Cook. (Mr Chas. A Cook is the latest con . hlut7,r:r wUm, t Rill Nvo cottaec fdnd. White will secure at once the number U few friends. After the ceremony i IS lmDOSSllWO 11 &taro 'iuc uuiuuv. iiiuuiux iw 1 . - . " . , , , -1 -1 of extra davs the General Assembly and the fund now stands: of pupils necessary to justify her ihe bnde and groom went to the home wil fin" fit neceSary to remain in ses- Mrs. J: W. Cannon . .$ 25.00 coming here of the latter's father, Mr. M. L. J. W. Cannon . - inline, wnere a uiuuci r "n 25.00 ur. Johnson Goes to Spartanburg. their honor. Jur. ana r. 25.00 Dr. D. T). Johnson wrlf,. iUn ?o to housekeeping in Mr. Wade 25.00 U.tP ATaTviii o fUf 1 rrr.lT:; Cline's house on East Cortan street. oc a " 1 ,, nc uaa puicuas- fr-YX ed the interest of Mr. Holmes in the There tp alwavs three groups into J. Locke Erwin .. 25.00 Dr. Johnson Goes to Spartanburg. v liicii everv legislature may be divid- Cash . " H :it this stage of the session. First R, A. Brown's Sons iL. o, cinrplv Tatriotic C. B. Waaroner : - x u uu aiv oiv-w- x 1 a . a ----'a--v.j u. ci.Migli to remain without grumbling Frank L. Smith nnn dru? &tore Rowe "& Holmes, in jitter pay sit ops until the business Arthur B. Pounds : 10.00 Spartanburg, S. C, and that he will whw-h ought to (be fully attended to, is Cash 10-y9 move his family to that citv soon. V'-omplished. Second, those who re- C. F. Ritchie fn'Hn Tllis dru store is situated on Mail -inain' because it is necessary- to do so p. ij. l'etzer ... preserve a working quorum, analC. A. 'Look heriff Wallace Rounds up the Chicken x lighters. tf -poorted here ioday that Sher- ifr Wallace, of Mecklenburg, rounded ..a 1 up about 25 would-be cmeen ngniers in that county yesterday (Sunday). Thev had arranged io have a mam about 7 miles from Charlotte yester- dav and the shenfl got wind ot it. uut Death of Capt. S. E. White. - faotr S. E. White died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Leroy Springs, ofthc 50 people 'present he got half "ho are eontinuallv nagging the work- Boys at Training School t-i-s tto get -through ' or . they will go Times ... ;-. home at once. ThiTvl. ith fellows who! Tribune . are afraid to go home 'before the ses-C. W. Swink : 5-00 over two years lion 's work is completed and those J. F. Honeycutt ho "hit the grit" Saturday night Cash - preceding adjournment (provided they have succeedfirl in ffotHnw tiAir lastl " Tntal .: . 1 V . w. w 1 ' . 1. 1 . 1 1 . "fnin 10.00 j cf-ppf, onnosifp tVlP A-rtrclo ti,vf1 in in Otllo -i-w . -rfi " pariauuurg. ur. jonnson was y.-1-" I Hon eorA reeentlv ,and ir'tenc 5.00 Lhnf lifl wnnli nnm v,- fA'i;VA weeks ago he was He has" been -living 'in Virginia for P?led to ve .up at Lancaster. "UIU night at 9 o'clock. He had been in declining-' health for several years, but of them. Missionary Campaign. seldom confined to bed. three tne'JiuwonM, riv. rumored wa ,.:eWOm ., ;n w .nm- Hill Mehodist church has inaugurated that he would come back here to live. -;ne-" r?f "everv member campaign" for . 5.00 2.50 "ay s warrant cashed lipwansp. thev lW .tVio.ivi io -nv l, Xf f r I lf-o 'P S RnTWA flf rLalei'h. IS the I " TUT: 17a. s T - t n.wv, -10 iiaiuc iur mciu tv auia. . , . - , , i er, uiiiiint; xumz na ressie isoser. Honor Roll of Pisher SchooL 5fK.Oi3 noisy. MattiA. TTatxr nn-l Xfaw TTlnf f- -tJ J - ---w-v T -u- U-U JUJ-JkU Vi May, Florence, Maud and Maxie Fish- ever eome baok anyway and they guest of .her sister, Mrs. .Louis A. Hubert and oietu9 Kluttz and Odell pttld not pay one day's board bill Brown. ' Carter. - 'ithout compensation from the State . " 11 there is a train to get out of Ral- Mr. F. J. Haywood, Jr., is nfined Mr. C. H. Cole, of Rockingham, is a ei?b on. Obviously the second class to his home today witbr the grippe. visitor in the city today. ' UP'. - V .-, tt. k:,. 41, rab of afarfh. Thi I3!! fn'Td and , eo, iT vTrW laiwf tribution will be solicited from every cl" Iyer, the missionary ncoro ana was ninn. ?e,retarv. will address 4he congrega- Mrs.. 31. vaeii .m - ; tion.the first Sunday in April. Mr. J. ,-c -r -t. a s1a furrn. 1 F. Shinn. - the district leader, is ex- Monroe journau; 1- ... -i. f Q,irii.- n:-i,t er of Cabarrus county has grown, and pected to speak next Sunday n.gbt. ... 1 il. t. ( AiT 1tncr I . S&er oT thr kT. Mr. Fred Bost of Bingham Sehool, North'c has many enteipming .P""- Mr" - ocf nl colored farmers. " and Mrs. D. L. Cost. , ,: . Cutting Affray Thursday KIght. Sam Ellis and Ed Saddler, colored, became mixed in an affray in front of the Cabarrus Savings Bank Thursday night about 7:'10 o'clock. Elli cut Saddler on the hand and fa-e with a pfjcket knife, inflicting several ugly ' ga-hei. The cause of the trouble couW -not be learned a the Ellis negro made his escape and nas not yet been cap- ured. This 1 the second culling scrap between negroes that ha occur red on the side walk of the business. section of the city recently, the other one occurred several weeks ago ia front of the Citizen Bank and Trust Company. - j -Senator and Mrs. Hatsell arrived Saturday from Raleigh. Senator Hartsell returned to Raleigh this morning to attend the closing itession df the Senate. -Mr. Karl M. Cook, of Winston-Salem, passed through Concord Satur day on hU way to Mt. Pleasant to visii. his father, Capt. Jonas Cook. 4,