J. B. Srierrlll, EMltor and Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. St 60 a Yar. Dvi in Advano CONCORD N. C, MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1911. XXXVI NO. 97 1 THE BOOK SOCIAL. Delightful Time Anticipated at the Public Library Next Thursday Evening. I The Book Social to ibe, given at the Concord Public Library next Thurs day e vermis? promises to De a mosz delightful affair, and no doubt will ijceecd in arousing a still greater J )irit of enthusiasm in favor of the li brary on the part of the people. The hours of the social will be from 4 to 9:30 o'clock p. m., and the ob ject is to secure more books for the library. A silver offering or a book Will be received at the door. Every body is cordially invited and refresh ments will be served. The following committees have "charge of the entertainment: ; Reception Committee Board of Trustees, Officers Library Associa tion, Officers Betterment Associa tion, Presidents of the City Book hubs. 1 Refreshments 'Mrs. R. E. Riden Jiour, Mrs. L. T. Ilarrsell, Mrs. John Ikutledge, Misses Ma'bel Means, . Fan nie Hill. I Decorations Mrs. M. L. Marsh, Mrs . Hr I. Woodhouse. Miss Ellen ilibson. PM!I1T Kit II Marriage of Mr. Scuerf and Miss Ruth Gibson Lightning Shakes Many at Ball Game Personals. Mr. John G. Scherf, of Charlotte, and 31is Ruth Gibson, of this "city, were married yesterday at 12:30 p. m. at the parsonage of rorest Mill r rf I 1- I AIT I Untkin. 31. Lt. CllUrca, ULGV. . J. nuicuuia, m -mm r .. . m f officiating. Only a few fnends and dose or 1 he i imes ana lnoune Ureat Contest, relatives were present at -ine cere mony. Mr. Scherf is well remember ed here, having lived here for several years while he had a position at the Locke 3J ins. 3iiss uioson is ine old est daughter of Mr. W. W. Gibson, of North Church street, and is well known and universally liked by the people-of Concord. The young cou ple have a host of friends who wish hem well. TAFT FLAYS OPPOSITION. ,Says Lumber Trust is Behind Fight on Reciprocity Farmers are Being Buncoed. Chicago, June 3. President Taft, a speech before the Western Eco nomic Society here tonight declared that the pricipal opposition to the Canadian reciprocity agreement came not from the farmer but from the lumber trust and from American manufacturers of print paper. In one of the most comprehensive a Idresses that he has made on the subject, the President outlined some I of the methods employed by the op . n j- ll ponenis oi reciprocity; pracucauy told the farmers that they were be ,ing "buncoed" by special interests land said that the fate of the agree ment rested not so much with the United States Senate as with the peo pie of the country FOREST HILL NEWS. ii i lis ins IE OF 1 CERTIFICATE OF JUDGES. To When it May Concern: Wt, tfci Indies selected to const the rotes exct In tht Grand Baby Contest' of The Tises tad Tribune, dp hertby dediro tfct OLD SOLDIER'S DAY. District No. 2, Miss Jennie Reyn McKinley Winner of First Grand Premium, Miss Lois Beck Winner of Second District 1, Morehead Twins Winner of First Prize, Miss Flora May Goldston Winner of Second. a r r rr: : J : iu city last Thursday night, and will x JLdSt OI iue Winning DauiwMum x lieu, vuiw make his home .with his mother, Mrs Dlaatr Girm TUa StterdajLtrxt 2cnbr Pmit Crow of Umz Tb birthday of tfct una;r!l Jf- rote set opposite their nxaes to feroa Dam w tu&$iy wssko be the full and complete rote curt ratJ Saturday by the LUajhUri of la behalf of each of the contest- tboConfederacy mbtu tfcy nUruia ants, as follows: ed the men "fco foa&t fur tbe tV District No. 1. lubxeai and rotUoa of tht pr Moorhead Twins 3,53 6,253 ernment of nhich 1 ib only Flora May Goldston 1,040,721 presidential a dinotr el Ifct coart District No. 2. hou. Erry member of Cabarrus Jennie Bern McKinley .3,911.259 Cxzkji of Confederate VeUrana we Lois Beck -.-..2.410.300 invited and oe Luadrtxi and thirty; GEO. H. KUTLEDGE, repundedttfce Urppt number to attend J. H. DORTON, this annua! event in rrat year. The tt. S. WHKKhKR,, IJauater of the CafoJcry hmd Committee. J prquml a bountiful outlay -of pood mings to cat, w Lira was Mrve4 by the Children f XU CafrdfracT. ti PERSONAL MENTION. menu cormtinir of undnuhe. bef. J. H. Kizziah. Mrs. Ira Harden, of Lancaster, S. C, is spending a few days in the city with her sister, Mrs. Hiram Sherrill. Messrs. W. B. Morzan and J no. Golidson spent Sunday. in Charlotte. Mr. Geo. Suther. of Bessemer City, has a position as, beamer at Locke Mills. Mr. Fred Ramsaur, of Lincolnton, spent Sunday in the city with his friends, Mr. J. S.btroud. "Mr. Jno. Henderson, of Bessemer City, is in Concord for a few days. pickle, beef. hxm. Wifrn Inrmf mnA Contest Was Marked by Good Feeling Through- Some of the People Hero and Els- lemonade. A number of or.i by the . ,r. a r- . . ; o j wkurn TThn flmni .mi Veteratu .Xhvir added grrally to tb plfisures of ihe oeeasiuu. AXtcr thi dinner had been rved Coaiicander out, and While Some Are tpisappointed it Stands to Reason There Must Be More Losers Than Win- nersSo Far as This Paper tias Heard the Contest Closes With tne Best Feeling Thanks Due to Judges. where Who Come and Go. Mr. W. R. Odell is attending Trin ity commencement. Sheriff Deaton, of Siatesiile, was a visitor in the city yesterday. WINNERS IN GRAND BABY CONTEST DISTRICT KO. 2. Mrs. W. A. Wood spent Sunday in k;cfl Tnnnip Rwn MHfCinlfiV. fiffit nriTP 1.fi 00 Gibson's I'lin nltn ttti r h io onvac I ' - . I ... 100.00 Parks rapjH-d fur order and in a Um well chosen ord, thanked the Daahier on behalf of the Camp, and LU remark met with a moil heart f 1 r T A T n " I . .. ... ' Jir. r reu itamsaur, oi l.mcolnton, appruval by all tha veterans, a en was a -isitor in the city yesterday. denced by the avalanche of cheer that Dr. J. P. Gibson, of Salisburv, is folI.ow hij remark. All the youn vUitin- his brother, Mr. R. E. Gibson. Iatl,es I'nf were invited to gather near the railing of the har while the iliss Matiie Gibson Robbins, of Veterans' XJhoir fcanx; ltTlie Southern Salisbury, is visitng at Mrs. J. C. Girl." Croses of honor were then presented by the president of the IocaI Miss Marshall Cole, of Raleigh, will arrive tomorrow to visit her sister, Mrs. Plato Durham. Rev. J. C. Keever, of China Grove, MlSS LOIS BeCK, second priZC.- is spending today in the city with TMCT,PTfvT "fO 1 Rev. W. L. Hutchins. -rv, . Mr. Jno. Tarr, of Salisbury, spent Mobrhead Twins, first prize.:j.........$125.00 SuSiWvi. Mi& noMyVGold8ton, secpnjl prirt'....;.. 50.00 "1 Aotouu s. conuu .r . Bnnu Miss Mary Ramseur arrived last' chapter, Mrs. W. J. Montgomery, i& the followins? veteran: I). M. Isea hour, J. V. Pethel, W. .XL Small and C. F. Walter. Cagle, R. L. Cress, Chas. Morgan and Chas. Linker leave tomorrow for a weeks' visit to Florida. at Judge Montgomery's. Judge Montgomery and Rev. Plato Home. Columns have been written eriticia- iuVa W T T.inVAr n1 Miss Tla are sure there has never ibeen a con- Howel'l have returned from a short test in this section of the State that visit to relatives at China Grove. could ever compare with it in any- Mrs. H. B. Wilkinson and children way. The contestants all worjkjed are visiting relatives at Glass. hard and faithfully and each and ev- The game of ball between Spencer ery one deserves great praise for the and Locke Mills Saturday was called efforts made. off on account of rain after playing Miss Jennie Reyn McKinley, who in .i n i i, i i i : I it. - -PC i f:! tt -" fl-of -r-vt-l n r an A f Vin ft'tln rf HTVlO ii tne iarmer ana tne country at two innings, wim a score vi o io o iu "" large, he said, could be brought to favor of Locke Mill. Lightning struck most popular ibaby in Concord and vi- understand that this treaty was in a guy wire leading to tne grand stana cmuy, ;.wiisueu-wnu ucdujf iow jiui- ihe interests of the majority of the and heavily charged the wire netting, lion votes. This is truly remarkable, people, he would no longer fear the Everyone in contact with the wire re- and shows great energy and ambition coming vote in the Senate. ceived a severe shock. on the part of her workers. She is a Thft President was not sparine: in most charming little lady and had a f his words. Monument to Mr. Julian. host of friends who would not see j In spite of the forces that are ar- Salisbury, June 4. As solmen and ber beaten. f rayed against it the President ex- impressive as the services Sunday, Miss Lois Beck, of Lexington, won i oressed the belief that the agree- Spntpmher 18 lasr. when the mortal second prize in District No. 2, with ment would become a law. - emains of ;he late Jonn M. Julian over two million votes. Shisthelit- President Taft addressed the reci- were laid to rest in Chestnut Hill tie daughter of the Rev. Mr. Beck, rrocitv conference in part as follows: ppmetprv. wre the exercises at 4:30 formerly ot Concord, and her stand il The cordial approval throughout Lvinr-k this afiernoon attending the iQg surely proves that she has a great the country which the proposed agree- unveiling of the shaft to his memory many -taithlul triends who did their ment received when it was sent to hv Hickorv Camp. No. 49. Woodmen very nest ior ner the Senate, surprised even those who of the World, of which the deceased In District No. 1 the Moorhead were responsible for its making; and was a loyal and honored member. The Twins won first prize and the popular I am confident that further considera- two Salisburv camps were augmented little lads finished with over three mil- tton of the 'treaty since its submission by Woodmen from Spencer, Winston- lion and a half. They are very bright, to Congress in January last has only Salem. Concord. Mocksville. China lovable little chaps and make friends conhrmed the popular judgment in Grove, Granite Quarry and other wnerever tney go. neir parents ana favor of its adoption into law. points, probably one hundred and friends deserve great praise for the "The -bill will pass, if it passes at fifty being in the line of march from work they did for ihem. all. because of the force of public the Woodmen hall to the cemetery. Miss Flora May Goldston is the opinion in its favor. As at the burial, an immense con- winner of the second prize in District "I venture to think "ithat there is qourse of people, friends of the No. 1 and we wish her parents and much less real opposition to the reci- dead editor, representing all walks herself all the success and happiness prdeity than has been represented in 'm Hfe? were present to pay tribute possible to any mortal in this world, Washington for the purpose of in- tn. the, mpmnrv nf a man the whole and hope thai this will be a forerun- fluencing votes in both houses. I am citv loved. ner f the success that will follow her verv hopeful that the bill will pass through life. the Senate and when it does pass, The Observer's Interurban Edition. The Times and Tribune extend' md has been agreed upon by the Can- Messrs. C. Guy Bell, of the adver- congratulations'to the winners for tbe a Han Parliament, its actual opera- tising department, and Mr. J. Paul manner in which ihey conducted their T'ion will be so beneficial to both coun- Lucas, of the editorial staff of the campaign. We are glad to say that fries that the arguments against its Charlotte Observer, were here today : adoption will be forgotten, or will tethering additional data for the , . . . , only be remembered as exaggerated Concord section of the interurban Man s Toot Crushed as He Jumped distances of perverted imagination. edition of the Observer, which will be Prom Train. A careful analysis ot the argu- jssued in the course of the next three Greensboro News 4th. weeks. This edition of the Observer j M -Morgan, of SaUsbury, suf- The Baby Contest is over and we most of those who lose have come for- Durham left thU morning for Durham u t o nrvry.t (renflm,, el at n1 nn cT tttl n to attend Triniiv ommencmnt. l.nf? oiorisi8 ana joy naers OUl thA winners. If vervbodv conld win w tt . , . , d.om d? we anything commend- iT'V k" TITT"? ?1Z?A- R- able said about then. Hut to a rarty Th2 T,nWZ7 from Atlanta, where he has been vis- of Concord motorists consisting of The Times and Tnbune rejoices with iting relatives for several days. Messrs. J. W. Csnnon, Jr, F U the winners, it also sympathizes with a II i i a i I t v v with" those who faUed after so vaHant Mr. J. B. Alexander, of Moores- r?' Atr. a- ' a fight, and expresses a wish that each ville, spent yesterday in the city with T g ? lstinction of discover- contestant could be awarded a prize, his parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. M. !?".a Iianf8 re8ldnc ?y and by The ontescants who fought and Alexander. heir effor s saved practically all of A. v. 3t.t ?i t.i. , its contents. They were return In? ffi(fg-eaKS ?: H$. J&-l ? Fna.y .bt .bout ft e ' j " ' i. ' txT. I mm-oia, son . ox ina iau onenu iu.orr I o clocic: una wniJe passing: thronzhi inenuvana beconuiy xur navrng u is en route home and is ex- China fcrove 'discovered a aill house opportunity to demonstrate the pluck rt nia I Vi. v T? 1 00 , ;a f,;n u Tu Pected to amve thls week' on fire. They awoke the inmates and unsuecessful candidajtes are to be Mrs. Susie Williams, Miss Susie ! u 1 " -"J" ia v,ri; u mj. William nd liitlA CathprinA and an other . valuables in the mek.uf cuuittLuiaicu JLUi buuwiui: uuouu . . t . . , ,, 4hat they had the vim and courage to Lucy Cole Wheeler have gone to Iraf- M- f an.n. stained a badly cti.k to the end. manv of them Reidsville to spend some time. bruised -.foot while removin,? a trunk stick to the end, many of them Reidsville to spend against heavy odds, and nothing will Mr and Mrg W L BeU leave be lost by them for standing up and tomorrow for Durham to attend the fighting even o the last minute commencement at Trinity college. The business-like way m which this Their g Mr R Bel, 4,, steady six-weeks' canvass was icon- there thi r HntWi hv thA jsnonsora ot the babies and their friends, proves their worth Mrs. G. G. Richmond, of Bedford from the burning structure. LOCAL A2TD OT1 WISIL Gordon Hosiery at Parks'. See new ad on ioday. .. t Miss Jessie arid Florence Ourk 7 1 ... I ri'i TT 1 A , iL I .hiss urasiF aiiu I lutcurq UUlk to the community and their neighbors City, Va is here to attend the mar- L d f yorfolk wil, retarn to t it. -i it.- t il I T-i o iru rT har enn 'lr I .nnnro H KiPh-l ' are proua xnai mey nave in iue cum- f TV "... cord to live the last of the ek. munity so many, who are willing and mond to Miss Evelyn Grier, which will 1 tha shoxrinp- that take placo Wednesday evening. NVnile bhenff lioneycutt has returned was made by alfthe finishing con- here she is the guest of her daughter, from Monroe with Tom Helms,". i.. j. Mrs C. 1j White. white man. wanted in this county lor lesiuuus. I 1 , , . . - This contest was not born ot a mm- l,vUJl ute's thought. The Times and Trib- After Negro Maranders. Quite a party from the cliy wju une secured the services of the Joyce Salisbury, June 4. bhepff James to Kocky Kiver church this afternooa Syndicate of Chicago, and the manner H. McKenzie andseveral deputies lelt for the rehearghai of the Richmond, in which the contest was conducted this morning for Whitney Jvia Lexing- Grier weddinj,.. and its success is ample testimony of ion, to investigate the presence m the ability of this firm to conduct that section of a gang of negro rob- Mr. H. P. Garmon purchased ths such undertakings. Their treatment bers who were said to be closed in on Gem Cafe t0(Jay from Mr. L. G. John- of every contestant was impartial, by a posse of citizens and thought to an( aumd charge of the busi. ' and through their unlimited courte- u v; 1 T a morning. . 'cies won each and every contestant chain gang camp o. , located near Wilkinn, of Glass, was into their favor by the business-like 7 in the city Saturday and .bowed, us and fair methods of conducting me iu - "T: "- j an eve in the -share of a irourd that same. merits pro and eon over the Canadian reciprocity agreement will convince any fair-minded eneonomist, who is 'veH informed as 'to conditions in hilitips of the Piedmont section of the cuuiinxw ,rt Carolinas and Will De Wiaeiy Circuiat- ,ursion train en ront from Concord will run 34,00.0 copies and will por- f ed a painful) although not serious tray tne places oi interest auu possi- aCcident yesterdav at noon while alighting from a rapidly moving ex tae nrrpnmprif is adopted there will c -a wf" n UU1UU in en route xrom loi v , eu iu me ouum auu itcoi,. wwi to uanville. The special iram was no complaint irom any quarter. nave an exclusive section in L.ujni.j rt mnun cAjiihiKin vtnr tn thA mtv todav. wnicn lux. uucas wiu wmto uj. us wnnj rnnonrH Ttnf WkMfiwwTi Other Personals. Rev. W. H. Causey is spending the day in Salisbury. Miss Johnsie Sims is visiting rela tives in Morganton. Mr. W. A. Sappenfield is spending the day in Lexington. inrr a form nf rt vpflrs for murder ATH for whom there" is reward of $25; qute. a Vurit3v Abe Woodward, serving 3 years for The piano contest at the Davis highway robbery, reward of $15 of- Dru Co. 'is wanning up. If you are fered, and Lorenzo Hill, a 4-months noL 'savin? your vots, help -Kome one man, reward $10. The report has got- of your friends who is. ....... i & ten out that tne men escapea irom T, p -n h r,rav(,r m'intr at Central Method?. rhurh next Wed nesday night as tlie pastor is attend ing Trinity commencement. Messrs. R. A. Brown's Sons snt a Burglar at Mr. A. M. Brown's. Mr. Eugene Brown was S'fl business enterprises and people and it boarded the trai'n at Salisbury with awdKeneu wjvj inustrated by a number oi tiPk eynpofatin-n that ha urnnrJl Ko ablp at i he home of his father, Mr. A. M. cuts 0f important local enterprises. woAvn, on JNortn union street eany i the expectation that he woudl be able to land as it passed through the city. The excursion made only a sligh de crease in speed as it went through this city, and Mr. Morgan, stepping yesterday morning by. a noise at his pnl)lic TjeDate at Forest Hill Metho u'jor. lie looKed out into tne nau- VcfthniTU Tkere WiU be a public debate to- off just past the depot, slipped under on account of the darkness he was morrow night in the Sunday school tne wneeis oi tne car. ine lelt toot enable to detect his color. Mr. room of the Forest Hill Methodist was badly mashed, several of the toes Tirown m.r im tnrneA nn the lio-ht church. The subject wiU Ibe: being cut off, and it may be necessary IhemanPran downlhe s eps and "Should womi have a right to to amputate a portion of the foot the back door before he could te in North CaroUna'' , . T injured man was earned to. St. -nitifv him So fnr asi U known lne atnrmative side will be taKen usuuuai, ntiexe ub was repuueu aotbinl was 'taken by the intruder. by the Baraca class of this church, of to be restmgas well as could be ex- J l:t- If- TT..il.: ' - a - T n yapxor at a lorn hrknt lacf rt i rrhr wiiitu ivlx . xiULCiims js leauiitJjr, auu jvv. v. cow mu.. Mr. W. S. Tomlin, of Statesville, was a Concord visitor yesterday; Mrs. Kate Goodson returned this at All After . flpW. isfW oavpti Wonrs the negative by class No. 18, taught tho senate has agreed iby a vote of 48 by Mr. Frank Petrea. The public is jt js another Vitagraph Drama at to 20 to re-open the Lorimer investi- cordially invited, and a most interest- The Theatorium today, "The Preju- Ration and tha inquiry will be con- in5 aeuaie is expecrea. ducted hv hp. Rllh-P.ftTwmitf aa A-P thftl COmmitteft on plertions nnd -nriviTpfAa. Mr. A. P. Cannon, of Norcross, Ga., I makes tou feel everv situation. Also Fur of this sub-committee voted for H135 been appointed agent at the sta- a Melies Drama, "The -Spring 'Round ""ivLiuu auu luur xor me acquiiiai i " . - ' -f f Lorimer at the last session. i here was a fine rain Saturday in Jjo. 4 township, and the good farmers mere art fpoiin a-nnA ohAnf ; - 0 WIA UkVUb Ab. who resigned to accept a similar po sition at Seneca, S. C. 'tar Mr.- Sidney Buchanan will leave to night for Baltimore, where b& will Mr. Edwin Brower has .resigned hist enter the University Hospital to work position at Gibson Drug Store. 1 during the summer, the Salisburv jail, but Sheriff McKen zie has never had a prisoner to break jail, and this fact was commented on at the recent term of Federal court her hv Judsre Bovd. when he ordered Mr. P. M. Byrd, of Hamlet, is a L Federal prisoner confined m the force of teams and hands to Sain- . Salisbury prison. I bury this morniiiS io bt'n wonc on The shenfl and deputies returned the nenkle-Craig building. f. the men havinsr made their 'v.. . c I Ibe mid-week service escape uexure iu ixia u- Co. . , r .KM.r;-, ,,,1, VM L hA fPL- U - J .xkkAj i-.L-VVl'Ul V" v "... morning from Wadesboro, where she j farm houses, one robbery being Tjinrsda y eyemng at 8 o cloc. instead has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. nniTr,:tt Testerdav while beinir of W edne.day evening as announcol. T. J. Fetzer, for several weeks. tracked by 'the posse, which at one The Salisbury Post. "says the ex Mr. Wade H. Harris, editor of the time was close enough to open fire press shipments from that place ara Charlotte Chronicle, and his daughter, on the negroes. They finally eluded "not as large 'as they were several Miss Cora Annette, spent yesterday their pursuers and at last accounts years ago." Naturally, they ar in the city with Mr. Harris parents, were making a swife departure, go- somewhat less. lr. and Mrs. K. a. nams. mg mruu-a mc rouanjr unow , Tjbrarv Association raar- x Z no effort to make the uBoo& Senator Lodge, in a telegram San .. n i. 1 Mass., said he will vote for the Can-Iper5j we ask ihem to notify us at .libtful affairs of us kind ever held adian reciprocity agreement and aiao once We have added several hundred u wncoru. for the Root amendment which has new subscribers to each paper, and Daring the whole month of Jane been objected to as fatal to the gome 0f these no doubt, have been re- the Craven Broa Furniture Co. will agreement, but he added tnat ne wux Xpo to ns new subscribers when Uell their entire etock of bouse- j ments,' and will not pres3 even his proposed fisheries amendment unless satisfied it will not imperil the agree ment. . "". vote against "all hostile amena- f 9ire th;t,t I M;.i,;nr rvta ni oj; rwr Pnt Ar. " j i iuiui3uiU(, ' r - In this way they would be receiving J count on all cash purchases. See their two papers. tf I new ad today. Mendel's tailored waists value $1.50, on sale all this week at Fishers' for only $1.19. - WEATHER REPORT TODAY. Unsettled tonight light to moderate variable winds. Anyone who will reduce the num ber of his faults will find that by and Tuesday; doing he will also reduce his ex penses. '.

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