" T - 1 rriil," -Editor atid Publisher. PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. ! CO a Your, Duo In Aclvnn CONCORD. N. C , THURSDAY, JULY 13, 191!. NO. 4 tr txi I . , , ; ; " " oi,. xxxvn. - - . 4 - J. ' - PROM MT. PLEASANT. from his quarters aboard the torpe-l do doat destroyer Perkins, moored in the navy -yard, some lime after 10 Capt. Henry Hurt in Falling Barn. 9 v yoUNC JR., DISAP- rRS FROM BROOKLYN 'AVY -YAKi. Has Been Heard from Him o'clock last night.r- In reporting the disappearance of .Ensign: Young to the! Navy Depart ment in V ashington today Rear Ad miral Leutze, commandant of the na vy yard, announced that the Perkins had been thoroughly searched and the A Bad Storm. Personal and Other Notes. The ML Pleasant railroad has suf fered ill luck. Capt. AY. P. Henry, chief engineer of the surveying corps now located here, was eenoualy hurt yesterday afternoon by being caught i -i. Timeair "Nip'hfc I waters about the destrnver enrofnlltr 1 ; j ti,iv ia i r K&. x uviw j -o - j - j in a utu.ii mat ls uiunu uunu. x xic . tx- x a a 3 i exDlored. I ..i- i, i: C -nnn tr tie XUlCllllCll . . i "tic " wi iv iAitumu iuc iiuc ttiivsw lie: The missing younsr officer was nn- the old Shankle nlaee. now owned bv Note Tjro-jfa Himseli. i ! der restraint and undir guard at the Dr. A. AY. Moose, when the rain storm i I uj- .-urueu jesinuay ax-, time ot his disappearance. He was I came. Ihev took refuge in an old ;,; ,!, ti e news reached: here; not seen by any of the officers or barn, little expecting a storm of cy t! -.i v ,r rrioiis . disappearance ! rrew on wate.h to leave th trrv,r I clonic proportions. The barn was ,i p.mJdvn avy lard or Jim- Captain Prinirle. of the Perkins, blown down. Capt Henry was caught ;'p JL ,t S. Young, Jr., son of Dr.; filed eharires ao-ainst the nn.i.m SWpr. b' falling logs and sustained serious 1 VI i? Ymincr.'of- this cityJLi Aava w ri;; w v, ua injuries, the exact extent of which it ;1 stationed on I board th tor-! been absent without leave A I has been impossible to ascertain. His ' 1. lWkin an( who' n.:ni . l . J back, lower left ribs and hips seem " 'i ..r r ,,: h intnded W . 1 to be the more injured. . As yet no i niieuw, , i jwuus iuu.il. was ai;';a uuuer uaiu nnn l " " i ... -pi.. n o a , .... I iniviiifli iiuuuica uatc uauiuc CWJ. lW1 jjini-eii. xi.c ...ana connnea 10 nis caDin. lie appear- dent. others present immediate re- tiiej.ung im;w Mio,taixyViea very aesponaent ana spoKe to no leased Caj rl1(., ;i,. ie y press uipaitu iu one. - position and summoned Dr. Moose in aiu110,,n i,u,i c . , VU xie was seen reading in nis ca.Din tne midst ot the storm. Tne injured I, whole twn was 1 at W o clock last night. man was brought to town as soon as ..-ncntli ine uispuicu was auuwu ADonit halt an hour later he was possioie ana is now resting very wen. 1,1, fatikr of the young man el in U by av missed." The Perkins! was searched He is at the home of Mrs. M. E. i- i ...i :i:i.:. t . . . j.- . ,. Iit-i.i, i n. n t i Ill,' T1FL.I III II Ml MM 1111 1 1 M. 1 A. l I A 1 I V LB I W r I Ift' IIUI'U I II (1 hZ II J fcj V lilflTI tJ I III rienu a :ni u- U1 'i0" vt raia an aiarm sent mrouguout me i.c vc "ecu. ivr :! .n 'fc disappearance. .w-,xouns navv vard then boats were sent out to P1U uuong uieir worit nere. ijxrs. 3d Scn&tor Hartsell, his brother-in-j search the waters in! the neighbor- fIenry notiaed by wire at her Jff immediately began to communis hood of the destroyer. Not a trace home in A inston and is expected here :Jte with' : wasningion auu jew iui Was' lound ot the young man. Mis m . i- i , r ; . , -l iiL ...... . . .'..?.... I The storm nf tni rarnenlflr -nlare . u. .i.M.t.n. h nn o nnn tp pirrann i. ; , l ii l n -..v ' " .. ,. puu.p ruuv - T71auiiUUS ms icvuivw.auuiui uis pua-. TflR 1itf. i . nf terfie evelnne. and ltaiiril, :- " rct 111 ul.s.r.MXU: . many amusing stories are now told Bwri concerning mm piovu xuuicjj inemissing ensign, is twenty-nve of the escaDe of other members of the .1.1 j i. ; i j. " jt i i,l up to today no word concerning y in ha? betTn received. 1 j Cc r - -. .1 1 1 ' t J ba was ears old and his home town is txn- nartv and manv visitors who had cord, N. C. He was graduated from cnnA in see the snrvev in nrncrress. . . , . . i v'" , r' n- nr. iming ma nvi mw tuau Annapolis two years ago. Dr. A. W. Moose was in the barn at der restraint for staying the time and was within a few feet dver time on ins suure leave auu eveii jiew lorK. duly iz. ensign xoung ot uapt ienry wnen ne was , nun, this charge is of a trivial nature, and was seen last aboard the Perkins at Dr. Moose afirms most solemnly that according to discipline maintained in 10 o'clock last night. Two week,4 he was not in the least bit frightened, the navv nvould in tthe case of ann ago he was absent five davs without yet he has no explanation as to what Jffi,r ia to lowed dv DroDaoiv aMQVA nn4 imnn hie rofnrn fonh n reaiiv ma Happen ana now. aii me evere reprimand and require him Id Pringle of the destroyer sent him to others present haa become sumcient- i. ...i --frti. a chvrt icnrrtw n.. j : : j.- I. iiv irijrhtenea to seeu: saietv in ine or ! i' fin i ii 1.1 i 1 niiir ij. eti tjuui lj u j ri 1 r-f trri i ri iruiii rr it 11 r u c f Whvitbcmt leave of absence conduct was to have itarted today. fierceness of the storm ontade, among reason inends and relatives revolver.was found in Young's IfoSfSdv I ; the young man cannot aurinuie cabin with all the cartridges imex-i , . . . , A. --a ,h Wing under restraint as the sole ploded, but with one of the cartridges LQTi of nt.n- uiuemeu :me impact, luuicauug ers found their way into an old cellar that-an attempt had been made to where they remained until the sun fire. shone hritrlitlv and all was neaee and aiise'ofi his disappearance. Mis. ifi'oung is in an Atlanta hos bi .d. wiiere she - recently ' underwen ka operation, and her sister, Mrs. Ju i in. Si. Hartk'll, left last night to. be with MISSIONARY DAY AT " There" was considerable electrical 'pnyself, --Yife an3 two daughters. LUTTTR-RAN CHAPEI,. disnlav in town but verv little wind hy? 1 wonder why we are thus and evervhodv was sumrised to hear scauerea. x cenainiy never comeni- menis j i l ij i i -. a . ai.Ij L j If n1. i i ;. of the voumr cvclone on the Shankle piaiea coming to Aiaoama, ana am ior oaturaay evenm - 1 CJ V . - .. 'il . .i I J J I X I m . 1 j sure neiiner oi my ooys expected 10 ine; moving picture snow was not A TRIBUTE TO MB HARRIS From ths Pea of An Old Friend Now Living in Alabina. Mr. Editor: I am dee pi v irrieved to note the death of mv old and ls!- ing tnend, "Dick Harm. More than forty years ago he welcomed me to citizenship in Concord and during the thirty years of mv business career in the dear old town he was my con stant friend, aiding me not onlv with his influence but his natronaere. I always held him in high esteem. He was a distinctive character. There was none like him. alwavs entertain ing, suggestive and instructive, bril- nant and wittv. As Kara Jones NEWS FROM KAXXAPOLLS. New Wareioase. -The Y. M. C. A. Work. ETiaxelistic Scrnces to be Held. limy Othtr IsUrtitinx kaunaioIis U rvjoicir.,; tr tb line liurr ot tiie pat tew dy, which have s. been iadtd trlrUc$, not onh to vegetation, but t tsxxsk and beoit &s well, a all Mm to liw taken oa a new life asd art greeted with bright smile now in stead of the sickly fcan-gria of week ago. Work oa the new warehouo for the Patterson-Young 3fcprrUat;L Co., is progressing, and the work will on. When this used to say, his anecdotes illustrated, bo pushed to complcti iUUUp" i'iifu nuicuious in me ex-1 ik;i.j .l treme thev were "sharp as a two edce i .-n- ' i t . n sword' Many times 'when 'reflecting tfe " "ZlL"1" old times I have laughed aloud ' vt .iUW "b ome oi our cities. Mr. W. K. Campbell has moved here from Charlotte and has established a shoe and harness shop at the Kan- naiolis livery stable on main street. The latent arrival is Mr. C. V. But tor this he could never have been J James, who moved here from Mount repeatedly elected to public office as Pleasant and has charge of the he was. It gives me genuine pleasure j Spooler room in the Cannon Mill. on when repeating some of Dick's pithy sayings. I remember him not i- i ... oniy tnus, but as a genius, a man of brains as well as a soul, a discoverer of men and character. His political success verifies this. to record that I have neve? heard of infidelity to a trust commited to him. He leaves an untarnished 'record of which his heirs and friends are proud. Concord will not be the same without Dick Harris. I don't know just how I would feel to be there and find that he also has gone. : How rap idly my old friends are crossing the river. One by one they are passing away. Dr. Lilly, his wife, Mr. Og- lesby, Paul Means, J. M. Odell, C. E. Sides I dare not enumerate, the list Mr. L. G. Brown, the popular sec ond hand in the Patterson Mill spin ning room, is able to be out again after a severe illness of the past two weeks. The Y. M. C. A. is still true to its motive "Always something doing. Last Thursday night waa the small boys Bible class night and the at tendance was very good. IViday night vtis the Ladies' night and more of the ladies are tak- The f nnouneement of. the engagej- grows so rapidly. Verily, this life is ing advantage of the baths and every a mystery. Away from native home, j thing in the hall aud seem to enjoy intends and kindred I of ten wonder the phveleges of the institution. why it is so. Why am I here? WThy Saturday evening the hall game my own family is scattered. One son between the Y. 31. C. A. and the spent months on the Pacific coast, Cincos on the Forest Hill diamond, near tne Doraer oi uregon ana tan- unit in q nMAn fnr rinnn forma and now bathes m the Salt a gcor6 of 5 to 9 in favor 0f the r;u7l, T V .gIcT Cincos. This game was reprted Mon- Lo, "another in GadstofAla.; and in Our boys came the baby boy divides his time be- 0 Atlanta re-1 luy Kiiiuo auu iu iuia cuu , , ... m, practicing more every evening, xue manager of .the team, Mr. It. X. Propsv and assistant manager, Mr. Stratford, will mf arrange-, with some team for a game tween Pittsburg and dueing the once large and happy fam- ii ii 1.1 i 1 n i 1 iv xnai uvea so .long m toncora 10 HEilOEIAL SERVICE AT NEW OILEAD. The Missionary Workers of Luth- 7 XT lJi tl Ull JUU1 11.L U111UU VJll V not been in vain, for their closing 1 or ace ment ot hnsiirn lonng and Miss tasie Morritt, of Norfolk, Vai, was C, feels that their year', ;efforts have Kt the SrS" accept c-onditions as they u;ual on account of the threatening ' . . . . . ..T not heen in vain, tor their elosinsrlr - t . , I are an A helieve that the hand nf irnd n.i ir t s the lalt. It is said here that the .1 z 4 1. : . 1, ,. ir 1 11 t . 1 - . 1 1 1 Comin- iust at. -this time the neo- Iesiue x" B"VB as well auenuea aiuraay mgni as 1 P 11. . .AT. O i, . . ... . -r, 1 worK .01 lue vt'ar on iue secoua iouii- young Itniv is visiting in Baltimore , . T , J . 11 jL Uay ILL . V til V CiO 1x17 tiu ty iixia - out 17 J C7 T ri flru n I and tha retunici fofe .be! Ensign, Young was there to i to his ship several days ibe- secured tne -leave 01 absence Dr. Tx : j t,i. 4.x :i A ate ami uencvc iuat 111c nauu uj. uuu Weat her Air. Jwen went To nar xxl in y is a siu uiu v xut tuc laiiiuau. i . n l nr . i i " ---- - - ... . he in o fii t nn r-'a m ontc A I air we MA I.,. i . "ii r 1 Everybody was in a rejoicing mood r Ji totte, ana comerrea wim a mm ex- that today the survey would reach submissive to His guiding hand. My change man and wiU prepared for better service in this entertain ment soon. Sunday evening the Mens' Bible Class met as usual, and had. a vry edifvirr lesson on thA first Mission- T r, rn. 11 i 1 (Xn Ar, f ! J.O Use U1S wuiu. . luuuiguiu- ' ' . , " . . . Young went to" Charlotte last I . p c f Y vT , n t ft it Zth Cfnrrn erys are so scarce there, that it almost ary journey ot St. faul. lhe atten- ttiwx W;tii wu trAi-Jl tor of st- John s, Cabarrus county, receive the weather reports as form- ... f , , wag eratiMng. Rev. A. M. OiiCitJ tu I il, !L!i UP 4.1, Oi.:4. I """" ""J . KrAtl, TTonmr writing frrvm ha a H herlkly a short time ago but ha S? TV' town. Mr. McCanless made a flying r"' 37 a 1 r i n ri 11 r 1 il' i na r? 1 uji 'iniiiTiir iriii 1 1 1 1 - 1.1 1 1 uiiiiir: 1 1 in 1111 lid imiiv v la a.. k v uMiTk k.' v "u"u :tav "" "'""v a x trip late last evening out gave out no 0 y 1 missionary intelligence as. well as fi- announcements. He will returA to- many ?.f 0ur once large family and nances, which marks -onward" as day when it is likely that the future iJL ! that lie overstayed and caused him t0 be 'confined to his ship. !. their motto. t -11 o'clock Rev. J. J. I work will be determined. The local telephone office does not there. 'To use his words: VMontgom- mjhtthe with his mother Mr. , v T' T 1 1 7,, V Ji IX T l ifoLrw tlhe breaks my heart to think of the dance was gratuying. itev. a. hflrginia Young, but return! ddlIereA y,dr!!SJ town." Yet I hope one day to see the Marshall, of Durham, met with, the ;o the jicit v this constant communication morning is in the and with "avy ilepartment concerning his son. 1 . . . . . 1 . leave, at any time those he is m communication with deem it adviF- He will in c able iinon a eta .i:t. silver ana ffom oe" lcieuuuuc vyumuauv uu mu,v IT 7 O --' -mm- -WW have I n6ne. but such as I have give had by calling Mr. G. nemg.s I unto thee; friVithe up Christ of work. ' ' Nazareth noma nf Jn store after 11 o'clock. rise 11 n and Miss Mary Moody, of Albemarle, is visiting Mrs. H. W. Barrier. TTi t- Ann An iA CAAn flfTQ cr t ... n i n 1 lil mini xxiciiucimci iiaa xc- ea tne anenuon ox vue cruwueu au- , , o o - 1 PWb ,. 11-t 11 i 1 11 I IU1UCU i.1 JLli. a noil iu umua uiutv. aience ana lea an 10 tsee-iow iuey nuft lon n,u nf c'tnre - ! I xi- 1 x,x n "umui" 3ARTSELL INTERVIEWED. tuuia giVO Sf " attended the Reunion at Misenheim- r : f 1 that was neeaea was a wining neart. r Sorings Tuesday. Thev report a He and Dr v -ar A txL At the close he satisfactorily met two refi0rd breakinsr crowd. . I n 1 1 1 1 X' n X; I -. r 1 n y i ror ine srreaiest aiicuiueiiira vx .xii,i-i mice mav ivenv. 01 urescenr. is " V , I " J -J 7 7 . 1 . tfll 1 1 I .1.. . missionary unbelievers. rine aaaress visiting Miss Mary 5arringer. throughout was couched in language Prof. G. F. McAllister joined the remaining friends that are left. But class as a very welcome visitor. I will write no more. I meant only to Monday night 16 of the larger boys lament the death of my j old friend answered to theif names in the roll and extend the sympathy of my wife cau 0f the Bible class. The Bible and self to bis widow and children. Character they studied was Jonathan. My wile says that on ner jasi There was also an interesting meet- to Concord no one greeted her more . f f, h A p f Ludwi? savs O 7 o " Irurestlsi Addmtn It Z. IUr Scma. Ixt a'fiday moraine tri besaa to arn al NVtr (i lni far tb 5!-;..nji! xenix jLd by ti for t.jmin a Ur? ciser ha4 The onr. rvntl ia zt by the rbosr, Script urr rradiaff and prmy er by (he ator; titer hirh miU tion wrrt. rendrrU by the ft. Al the onjr'Tell Motbrr HI W TUrfM a imprridv an? bv a rborat ot ' girR Kv. l4ul itarrinrr & Lha prentisl and giv m addr? for whieh no one was better fitted. He Kke of the peculiar i&temt b ha in Kew (iilrad, baviniT ienreJ a, its pastor for 'Jl year. ery touchmgly be deeribyl fad ing the child in iU mother's arm and laying his band on their fceada la baptism, of their growth, eon&nna tion and marriage and of iriihini them in their own home and of bow he had been burdened for their de velopment into eitixena of hiira characttr. lie also paid a beautiful tribute to the faiQifulne of tbo that labored' with him, whose bod ie lie in their grave near by. ' A j collection wan taken to bo used in cleaning off and beautifying the grave yard. One enjoyable feature of the day was the dinner which wa in abund ance and most temptingly prepared. Warm hand-shakes, kindly greeting and a rehearsal of th past tilled up, the noon hoUr which eemed to paaa all too quickly. We, were enterta!nel in the after noon by addresses bv Bro. J. C. Fink Kand Rev. W. If. Causey, of Concord. Bro. Fink sad that he was taken by " bis sainted mother near half century ago to the altar in flilead church and there consecrated to the Lord and in coming back Sunday be felt Hk he had gotten back home, Hia tub ject was: Time Past, Present and Future, and wa full of rich thought. encouraging all to act for Go In th present; live in the uniiihine of Hn bve and be controlled by love, for God is love. . : ; . TJ4 Mr. Causey spoke on our Sacred Heritage. Rejoicing in the heritane we have received from those that have lived before us loth temporal and spiritual, emphasizing tbo im portance of our being diligent in la bor so that those coming aftrr as should have a large heritage. He said here would likely be a day similar 0 thi3 in 75 or 100 years, then what would those living see in the history of our lives ' that would inspire ia hem nobility of purpose. With singing "When the Roil called up Yonder," benediction by Mri Barringer, the Memorial ervic was a record of the past. D. C. C. York Sunday Night to See Ensign Young, and round Him in Appar ent Good Spirits. Tl.. 16 ;i"ioune reporter interviewed Mr T 'P 11 , I . J fr"M' xianseii who made the Whg: statement: cordially than Dick Harris or seemed gladder to see her. May we all meet again. . 1 C. G. MONTGOMERY. Mobile, Ala., July 8th, J911. ed and delivered with c appreciation of Mr. he was made a life ear diction. In Elks in their trip to Atlantic City Loner's services where he is spending the week. member of the Mr. P. R. Moose is spending t oday Woman's SnMotv Tne mnrnino ser. in UreenSDoro. "muu O 7 T,r 1 1 1 , 3 mncirt luiss numa ueisu lias reiurueu : UUAU i 1 i i - I rVlicc H.ltrm Time lnrownarcon n 7 rri 1 1 s i ( i rr rppei V- I vice waa luitivxpvu I 0 . ., , , x nr c I uvuu aleiPv " Z T,T Uneeiallv nrenared bv1 the choir .Con- iOIB a V1.su ? r-. bASier 1UX& I them ft t .f ilum bULX. XjUSIKU J - U T.nnrr n I bar ntte I, . Libert J; iri,;,.u ' .1 ,T i-iVne. omnnn V10 enncs wac thft u- ixong, in viidiioLLt;. KaI-c the boys are very much in earnest and are getting along fine. The Cannon sluggers played a crub game on the boys diamond which was a fine game for the boys. They are Tnereace in Taxable Valneg About practicing to play a match game soon . Tuesday several new memoers were ropnivor) nnd a number of renewals The county board of equalization . Most of the time was taken Up 1 . 1 , l- m 3 J 1 . .: "v compietea its wor mesaay auu ,ttS with Y. M. C. A. business. auuu as me xew enough mavio j WeHnedav ni??1it was nraver- m , 1 ii j o - - can be entered on eacn usier s ooiBo 1 nv nr, Fi,. v J-:u viee " J "-, JL. 1UU11" IHCI V- I ' meetintr ni?ht. This service is held xi li :tl-Z ' xft. 1 books the exact amount of property thfi anriitorium every Wednesday L?-:' T:.. r i0.t valuation of the county can be had. There was also a business , 1 xx 't:.. iir;M, "M" xiieuua vxi juc iusuiuic wuipua T1 . , x a Ao .V . . , as a iauies quarteuo ujr xixxsaca PVenino- . I are ouiy a xoy tuau6co . meetmry 0 tue Dana. Bostian, Lala Brown, bdna Brown The residence of Mr. J. L. C. Miller and very little complaint, was made - Re Tbomas W. Alton, the well f'J tune, and in response tele riU0B iiu asking if anv thine', whs Tn if he could be of any ser ff xiim. Robert replied gayiig lie: was rry but there Tvas Jfe that he could do. . On receipt l-T"iS!:messaire Dr. Vnn n:T Uft- LSi. ajy night pr selection, "Nearer My God to hee,J and Mary Patterson. The forenoon striirlc )V lio-htnino- vesterdav af- before the board of the new system , evangelist will berin a meet collection, together with the birth- ternoon but no' serious damage was of listing taxes. The total amount ing in the hall under the auspices of day and thanks offerings, of the mem- done. of the real estate and personal pro- the'Y. M. C..A. Sunday night at 8 bers of the society amounted to Mr. Von Cannon's barn was struct perty valuation of the county ior tne 0?cjock jje wjv assisted in the $12.61. In the afternoon tne- enn- by lightning, set on fare and entirely year 1910 was $6,491,791. unt7 services by a special evangelist sing er. Mr. R. F. Stevenson, secretary of -P -1 tV 1 . r .4 I T 3 - mstz-k'-nlsv ttoiit firodlf. I Annciimail TirifVi oil ifo nnrtnfc rlnT- I rp A 1.- K-nfns 4 j) , . "" xouna itoDert on tne aren anu y u uug pwio xj v.v wuauuivu w . assessor xxixx svarea sn; uf apparent good, health ahd ably rendered the service, "bong ot mg : tne storm, . , amount will be increased , by approxi- .th Speneer Y. M. C. A 'in a letter ius Ve stnirl .Tnna'tidA This wai followed bv an Just as .this letter goes to the mail maWv i nno ono this rear, although L w. n ct,ffl, iv.t Mr Alt SliVorol' 1 nxitJ OXIAL XVI uuu .vv. - 1 , ,1 t. X XX 1 H O " I 7 J V ' I lO X1XX . Wniuci otu.v u..,M.vr. '."d hours, and in Ir, t Urncc: W TVfr. Oeoree Park, of the learn mat vapt. Menry nad a iair-r h . ficrnrA mav be a little under : np Kf kiVr L ms tter he. stated that class of '11 of RoanoKe uoiiege. in v & , thl3 amount. 09 W a case nf a v!...! d! k:. Pn.v cwi enrefnl tions this morning of internal trou- that this -ad tie' T v t her-e fii - "lues, and tnat nis address mr. x-ar snoweu iwcuu , iiyiM.nir ,0 sa-.,r.A i itYihnoi witn mitt missionary i mU. 1 a -" vivou.ca CAUcpt a. I luuuguu imuuvu "" "" " ir i i I ' 1. T X 1 M .nminrVA Tnilf fl. debts "-y,t0 lmv some outstanding spirit. In tender language he .touch bari t V"" Dr. Young nor faiTself ed uoon the great need of worker: Mt. Pleasant, N. C, July 13. New Firm to Occupy Store August fifteenth. heard. Arrangements are being made for the meeting. The 'belated repot of the work of that the Y. M. C. A. here for May is as Work was started Tuesday mom- fon0WS: Paid memberships. 359; av mg on remodeling tne Uayvauit store- erage aily attendance, 194: attend under Runaway Tuesday. . George room. This store will be oc ua'rd ahd U-telling why our forces are .concen- untz necame ingntened at an ice Parks Bros., ot Waxnaw, wno wiu . reiioious services. 67: attendance i i i I 1 I a i i i .- I . : "t t 1 w 7 ' ottieerf'Jo 6 aaUore. (Jf course kin lastly. upon our own work in Japan, ix norse Belonging t0 Mr. lieorge room. This store will ne occupiea ?y ance at Bible classes, 178 attendance - - 4 . 1 I ' 111' AM T f - r I . M 111 J I- A - 1 . - 1 T-V 1 TTT 1 wr 111 iMuS 11 Oh flm p1:1.1-i. - T . , .1 , .. . 1 tr J J?X I I 1 . J Ar, a ctn-ra in The I . . . 7 ' .. vj v.. nuitu u 'u o i, iF - w i . . ! x x fat cuuiaiiuuat iioocx o auu fiamsiiuij o.,.. ii. i. .11 i v. l xt,J v.if Q I -rr iTV. 1 J:nan IhniMinn A nonr nlflte ! rflSS tront I - , . . lift Tl-n , .... 1 v . iou2 nor I knew that tlTav tf1?iad be absent wi bi- lai : barges of aiy P.-B . riiea against n I "ouce m. appeared in the pa- sI'itieS7r ng v ""ated. press 1(. J! 'eS rt)n ew Yorlr voU,., VoUnw UiiaPPearance of En- i' v -f' ' ril y the most mys- I'ji T rri, MMmn iT-Aii(rit in their mite awav. Tne anima tfas hwncr driven I nunainsr. A. new piaie ass xiuxn. A f ot. , . , , ' i ii. . I i c: j. L t -r xrx A I -K ill K o lorl and a nnmner ot im- I 1 . . . - . . boxes wnien contamea tue xesuus ,ux aiuxi5 opimg s,ueei uy our. umz au -- tendance at nnciassmed social gatner their efforts to increase a nicKei. A met an ice wagon opposite the home Fe wm r TlUir W inss, 980; number baths taken, 920 prize had been offered to the one wno of Mr. J. B. SherriU. Just as the -"xlKrlt the time 61 boys were on three outings; 15 nnxl rotten the most. This was won horse passed the waron he started r-F"- auu rrisJ: " . i .. . i i . . . . .. i i i n nnw nrm miHiiua utriixxixxixii. by Master Frank Bo.tian, wnose dox to run, going .up Spring street to tne h XT". ! 1 (' in " A,cw xorK om- XJ 1 rA r 1 tt 1 jears i thof f vr XUXl- )er' S, Youm contained $3.00. The prize was a corner ot Erankhn avenue where the beautiful gilt-edged book of Wor- buggy hooked a hydrant, throwin - jnn i i I . ll Ts.wt I 1 . TT .X 1 XI mi 1 ship. xue conients ox xne ui ir pu.. uuu lo.me ground, xne nors t?:. Vq tt1w 11. Within turned with the afternoon collection then turned up Franklin avenue and haf &q hov. aeT Governor Mann Tuesday night over tne phone to the Rain Ahead of Prayers. visits were made to sick and injured We have seen reports from a num ber of Y. M. C. A.'s, but none to ge ahead of Kannapolis. Mr. R. E. Clapp was .called late SURVEY TOR DRAINAGE OF COLD WATER CREEH. Engineer and Assistants Started thsi Survey Work Wednesday Uornlnx. Engineer W. W. Wetmore" and his corps or assistants started a pre liminary survey of Cold Water creek; Wednesday in the Cold Water drain age district. A petition signed by a j majority of .the landowners was pre- sented to the Clerk xt the Court some time ago and the drainage dis trict decided upon as follows: Be ginning at Hileman's mill, on Big Cold Water creek and runs to Charles M. Ienhour's land and on same land,, to Will LitakerVon tame creek. Th, district is ten miles in length and there are C8 landowners in it, 53 'of whom signed the petition and 9 op posed. A bond of '50 per mile has been placed to cover the expenses of the preliminary survey. If the? engineers r report favorably on th proposition' this money . will b used to pay the pro rata part of th . landowners who posted it. C. Li rvin and G. M. Lore two disinter ested citizens, have been appointed a board of viewers under the law, and they with the engineer, who is ap pointetd by the State Geologist, are required to furnish a report within thirty days. There is very little doubt but that the engineer will decide that the plan to drain the fertile creek bottoms along Big Cold Water, embraced in the drainage districts, will be feasi ble,, and the unanimity shown by tha property owners in joining in the. movement assures its success.. was $20.27, making Tor the day a went out into Union street, being a prociamation today calling bedside of his mother, who is cricical grand total of $62.88. X. finally caught at the Locke Mills. Mr. nron thA neonle of the state to pray ly ill at her home in Newton. Mr. Therelis still a little more '.-to l;ome Untz received a badly bruised hand fn -n eTInintr chnwers f ell noon ClanD made the trip by nisht in his in from! each of these two societies, but was otherwise uninjured. The the eapitai at least reducing the automobile. and the Young Peoples 1 Society has buggy was only slightly damaged. . temperature 20 den-ees from the max- Rev. 0. M. Marshall preached twice not yet made any repoH ; . imum of today, which was y ae- here Sunday to a very appreciative o, wno .vanished j wort. This will come later. , B.I See The Times for job printing. Igrees, in about 20 rninutes. audience. Catawba Families Plan Big Reunion. Newton, July 11. -The numerous Bockett and Abernathy families have? planned a big family meet at Calvin Baker's mountain, August' 10. These are allied . families will gather, at a great picnic on th mountai, an ideal picnic ground, partake of a genuine Catawba Dutch dinner and listen to family, history and addresses. 4 v

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