"'Jv hefriU. EtiLitir.arid Publisher.'' PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK. 1 $160 . - ' ' " 'Wno Yql. XXXVII. j S CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY J Uliv 27, 1911. ; NO. S iit" crr.v YOUNG FOUND. .. toaks Sanitarium atMoj- 'Trouble. V f . . jb-rt S. Young, Ji., whose M!", .li-apjarance fromi the r'T,,-ti destroyer Kkius at the ' ... i .lnli-1!? rotated a .;VV iwi l"j '.' ibr-M-rtK'Ut the. country, is ;,,,;i.ioaks Sanitarium, ;Mor w:l ,!,-,. lie was taken by his: . , Voting Tuesday Yw York. . i j turned to tire" city tins seen at his office i rrl J. ,' ' nis arrival, me nrst news ial been iound reached um in Atlanta with r a futile .search, in New jYork 'tT,.! hI over a week. The jmes j,, to him 1mm Mr.;FredjWi " , holds a position at the ";'', Manufacturing Company s rl ''i:i New York and who formerly ! the I annon omce vnere l'r. Y..::ri;.' w as .at. MT. PLEASANT NEWS. DR. REID TO BE HERE NEXT SUNDAY. Improvements at Collegiate Institute. The Farmers' Institute. The Secretary of Laymen's Movement of CItY ALDERMEN MEET. CONFERENTIAL CONVENTION. THE -OTHER TCO HAN TALES. Most Connect With Sewer Street- Of Southern Confertzic N. C. Srxod I Dtclxxt BeatUt ToU Her He Had Railroad Survey. -Personals. The most extensive Improvements that 'have been made for years are being completed at the Collegiate In- Methodist Church to be at Central Church Next Sunday. ' Rev. Dr. ( F. Reid, Secret ary t the Laymen's Movement of the M. K- Car Franchise Discussed J. TT Dorton Elected Bufldinr Inspector. FUh and Fish Odors Various Other Matter. I The board of aldermen held their Held at St Martin's Chtrth. The Confcrential Contention of the Southern Conference of the North Carolina Synod of the Lutheran church, convened at St. Martin presiding. The secretary hems ab sent the president anointed Mi! up a .July 20th, and wanted to ,vei .;,. v. .Vi'lr. -Iciin (Wslie, a natije of ,p(.(lnl iifi'l manager of the Cannon k' in Vu York. Mr. Leslie was ". - ,!, nirwe at the time but En- . Yniiiiir was recognized Dy i i . u: 11 r;ii;im vno Knew, uim-weui wucu , jve,l iii ( oncord. )r. Willi;i:iis, who had been )r' young jart of the timo durin with g his noti stitute. The mam building has not Church. South, will oeeunv the nuloit resrular mnnthlt- m1 T.Ur !DttP' rUDl H- M. onlv leeri thoroulilv romWntPrl l,fL .i .1 t. LI.. c..-j-.. 17 . "r?L "T V nrotrn. pallor, on Sat unlay after. -j 0 j -J I Ul VCUilOJ CIIUICU it ha; been workv! nvpr to n. orpat mn.;i, n extent. Manv of the rooms have hm f n. T?; ae TO;n fh;n t . i i t : ine eonveni ion oenei ith Hymn partially or fully refinished, rfdl the the Biggest Thing in the World." were present. hallways newly wainscoted and the Dr. Reid is one of the ablest men All property owners on the section entire interior giva an application in the Southern Methodist church, and of "streets outlined were ordered to of paint and white wash. It is neat his missionary addresses recently at connect with the sewer. On both sides and -attractive in every particular, the Greensboro and Charlotte district Df Depot street from Spring to church The boarding hall has been completed conferences left impressions on those street. On Union street from Frank- and the lady in charge of the board- who heard them that can never be jjn avenue to D. L. Bost 's residence, ing department will resid. in the hall effaced. Speaking of his address at On Church from Loan to Corbin during next session. The outlook for the Greensboro conference the North street. On both sides of Corbin to another year continues encouraging. Carolina Advocate says: Spring. On the east side of Spring Mr. Jonah Harwood commenced . "Dr. Reid 's appeal in behalf of the to G. Ed. Kesler's residence- Monday morning with a force of daymen s .Movement was one ot over- t wa8 ordered that sewer line be hands grading out the public sauare. whelmin eect' and e doubt lf eveM constructed on following streets: To No IfiUstloa of Spezlzs Hu lift With His Wif, Iurl.nxn4. Va July .'2X H4&4 Sydnor. a Chemiereld uatr dairy man today ttipstided Henry tWat tie, Jr., rtarprd ith the r&ardr of hi wife a week acs a iht taan wboca he ar alone in an aaUm4nJ early on the niht of the tragedy in tW very tjnt hrrr later the crime vu committed, and iWalah Hinfunl, th "oiner woman in lite eae, maoe a Laurie Brown to art in that eaicitj. Utatrmect whiek i taken to fumUh ine ueiegaie were enroueu ana their reports read. Not very many -cieties were represented, but all re ports read were encouraging one. Among those represented .were two women's societies that had for a a motile Tor the rnme. Thee wm the prinrijal drr!ojti,ent in tb eae tooav. The I tin ford woman i alleged ta have admitted to deteetirea a ihort time before the murder Beat tie said . i i . - . ime, oeen aormani, out nave again to hrr: ..of j mi inUtt. oecome aciive. AH were glad to wel-1 t fc,-.,wii,- i;r- m w mm m r vaa tu W II a W Ilia Louise. I may havr to live with her It will add no little to the appear- a congregai on was orougui 10 leei anee of the streets at this important T " i ! SVT I grader school building No. 2 West side of Depot street from South Geor gia avenue to Pine street. On Pine The Sunday School convention for Western North Carolina Conference gtreet from D t to out-fall at Can No. 8 Township will meet in St. James Reformed church on Tuesday August 15th at 10 o'clock. A splendid pro gramme has been especially prepared and it is expected that this will be win owe JJr. item a great aeot oi grai- non m ltude tor the magnihcent campaign he is making in trict Conferences On Kerr from Depot to magnmcent campaign ne Guy. On Guy from Kerr to Pine. On bv ?wo addrwiw Rev C P M connection with our Dis- White tn T)pnnt 1 t ? aaar8ff' fy- - 1 v1 nces. It is not too much cement mvcraent wr 1 orde-ed of Concord, most Pp , seh insnirational earn- Kej!l pnately spoke on Acts 1:S. In to say that no such inspirational cam- put f-owl at full width between K--r nm n li oc at at Ia "PrTA Kaan pnnf inn. I n -v . one of the best township conventions amrtT1 11C n iho 811uiwt an ine str,eet?' , 4 , j No 8 'has ever had - ." "T" , vw ine ooara agreea to Dunq a pave- which Christ had and to irnr the , - . i f of missions. It will surely bear much ment on Norfh church street bel 5V. V ' r1 u,e Tlifl annual inafifuM fnr TflrmPTS .... I meut on lonu iiurcu uirri. wnr ,rfi nMrl nf AvanrroIiatwin .. . .7 . trl,,r " I i T come them back. The convention was delighted with the following recita tion: "Unawares," by Miss Fannie Brown; "Giving for Misssions," by Mis4 Ruth Brown, and a touching reading by Miss Ida Whitley. The convention Was also favored ac- appn- an impressive way he sought to give the worldwide viewpoint of missions mI left; Atlanta immediately! and t'wn his arrnai iu ..new - "yi tn i.laeed unter meuieai treatment the ikhkIs ot i'r. nitcnara, nere remained until Monday, whn it arolin.'-. i Vt the time Ensign Ycung showed p at the Cannon office ne was regis- at tlie Woleott hotel in . iiNew Vork but had been there only one! day;. min! there he states trom Al'tny. past liow Mng he had been il; Albany fliU not bo learned or whether he. Vad visited any other, places diiring ae nine days Ins whereabouts were ;nknoTra. -i '. - Dr. Youn? states that? Dr;-PrCchf Ird said that his son was suffering rom serious: mental affection and, was hot competent to periorm nis-auxie Jind reenmnvend ed that ho be placed. a Sanitarium in the mountains Of Korth Carolina for treatment. When sked how long his son w.ould likely at file Sanitarium Dr. i Young re lied that he eonld'not tell Oil laccpunt f the nature of the trouble butlthat evonld be there until he was :'ully eeovered and that, lie thought, wjould ake considerable .time. - . , Senator Overman was seen in qalis lary on hi? way to Washington Tues iay night and he notified the naval authorities this morning of the young en sent the depa;rtment by the ypung aau s lather, containing reports irom .L i i i t 1 I 1 . ae iwo pnysieians tnat nave exam him reu'arding his condition. Dr. Ton ng stated that the report tiiat he or his son made any attempt to travpl inronif n or had manned aeir trip to Moraanton was 'an error, a they made no effort whatever tp fonceal their idenitv. 'Thev werei met TT. . - . ,t n iti-'li Foiiit hv r. T.nt.her T. liart and came to Salisbury on iraiU w Kirn fliov waited an hOlir OT will meet here next I Wednesday. Ample preparations will be mzAe to care for all visitors, and a large at tendance is expected, j- The threshermen " are driving their machines into the sheds j to await an- fruit. Dr. Reid will also address a meet ing of the layman of the city Sunday afternoon, and will occupy the pulpit at Forest Hill Methodist church at night. It is intended to have a great jnter- tween lan street ana crown s iane, fr n v potrfin 0f nr,i(n r. provided no damage is asked by the in a flow of lanage, prupervy ovnW. . , . very fittingly spoke on "The prime The board ordered that curbing be frt ha enr,,! placed on the west side avenue to Grove street. as long a my: father i alive, tot jut am froon a the old man die sayt kid, you and 1 will run away together. I don't know whether wa ca get married or not, but we will tale a chance anyway." Never Had A Chance, She Siyi "I never had a chance, noC eett when I was a little giri,M Mi Bin ford nidf with, a sob. 'lve always Iwen shoved' down, down. Kvery time 1 tried to work omebtdy eam and dragged up old stories and now, oh, how I wish I were dead, for all my happiness is over." mi i j. j 1 ' other harvest, having completed thres- jpunminatinnal mass mPPtinr of lav- e , , 1 ing one of the largest crops of small Z'w.L U Ka .mJa w.Tlr ?lscussea y tne memoers o iw oou a er ftnd consecration tUe o;., th? c,t;nn 7.,;." "rrrri: u" action was taKen. nen lue nrinjft renilisifPa for th individual. of Georgia of , true Christian missio en. pi, I ? bavc been a right. hen : fric. sr-n., it fmm h-tn.l. was years oiu lamer gnl a di- was also -'Ik nf t. inni vowe Dd mother didn't want m . il- - 1 J I'v'u' v- I . it T . ill . I uir,,nuu lurii i men iiarrr grains ever; produce! in this section neia. Definite anouncements will be of the country. i made, by this paper later, The iarmers are looKing ior rain and thy are needing it 'badly. Jiist now we,, can "appreciate the tWO I .....v ..iiv. i h a uiru iiurr auu aiierwaru inings weni wronsr. ARRESTED IN MJRGANTON. street ar f company applied) for a Tbe eollection taken amounted to 2?, I "i " t i l . franchise they put up a bond of $1,000 m This will co as nart navment J Fot 11 " bookkwpep r t it they it i J.uj-i, onwis, out somebody reeognued which they agreed to forfeit if the of tfae baptismal font which the con- did not nave three mues pi irfc ferential convention expects to place ouiit ana cars operas uU1u in the new church at Greensboro, years. As is well known the street Tlie f 0iiowinjr officers were elected : advantages of living in a smajl town g j Now in Jail Here cnaxged vvj.vu obcooAUK yAVbuui -rwv " i-uiniuj .president, miss uuie l-ook, uoncora; of Barrier-Widenlioiise Company. with this agreement and as the time ipresi3ent Miss Linian Cline, Mt. Samuel J Kirbv a one arm white expires August 22 it is hardly prob- Pleasant. secretary, Miss Fannie bamuei J. Jviroy, a one arm wmie able t0 exteiid - 'aKa. '.ec'ct.nf cx- man. tormenv an msuirance agent i . ., AU :J. i4V, , at fabulous prices we are managing to Jind enough to eat at reasonable prices. A majority oi our peopie have a srarden. xwtato patch 'but no jebody me and told and I had to leave. fI was turned out of the school I started to go to becau.M of it, and every job I got I lost !ecaue the world won't give a girl a chance. Every time it has been worm, and now my life is over.'7 and dead-o that we are not m ija- $oU0rDond on tne cnargo or Biea"not.thl-miles 'in length by the time gwn" Efird's if ST mediate danger, though iust a little clothing from the firm of Brrner & : i,o ,ment. th bond RTP' , ihort for some of the necessities. ; t;. -'J. J rfiVnlotA in -ho ntrropmpnt the bond I m l .1 ji i : WMenhou.. Khby was arrested in "7; , forfeited as is the tJriTL." The railroad surveying corps - plans Morganton, where' he was located by Fra-HsT If some other agreement jj'tiKn hv Rev C A BrU C wprfi ehansrcd - last week. ! Instead of the local police and when brought . ,04Wlll(J(q nv the board and the i"" J " . n i- .i 1 i k, I x, ..n.n.iniT irv fncoDii ctciL I . .-it ii I iurnam. returning to oausDuiry iixm juere nic ue jcotcxnaj vwhao a street car people they win De oper ate contiiuing to Monroe. They ing the goods and gave the police the ting carg without a franchise after N0. havo harl their 'headquarters for the name of one confederate, who will n(-8lst 99. As the time is not yet up past few days' at Mr. M. M. Furr's. probably be arrested today. the" board did not take any3, action Tq Be Held in St. James Reformed . M.Annip rv hasone to Mr. h. ibeverai weens ago tue store 01 iocf o-hf Vmm the sentiment ex- D. Cravton's at Mission to look after Barrier & Widenhouse was entered g d during the discussion there the sick of Ms family, six or wnom and a quantity oi. cioimug iais.eii. is little doubt .that the majority 01 we 'hear arei confined with typhoid The police department began a stre- the board favor holding the street fever. i , nuous search for tthe guilty parties car company strictly to the' agree- Atie tt-Ho Mnnsp ic viaitins' in Char- and a strong chain of evidence was mDr,t nttP . . worked up against Kirby, who was TJoon the endorsement of the mem- 10:30 o'clock, How to Reach Those use of his theatre and his moving pie- l me wuimuc, ivc. xi. iv. mcuaiur mre uuuu iu iue gooa ruauii ious ana 8 TOWNSHIP CONVENTION. Church, Mt. Pleasant, Aug. 15. Lecture Will be Given at the Pas time. Will be Illustrated by Hand some Pictures. , The Southern Good Koad Train will reach Concord tomorrow morn ing and every citizen of Concord and Cabarrus county should take a loot at it. The lecture which is on of tha most interesting features of its kind 10:00 oclock, devotional exercise, ever presented to a Southern audi- Dr. P. A. Barringer. ence, will be deliverej in tho' Pas- 10:10 o'clock, Methods of Teach- time moving picture theatre. Man- ing, Rev. R. A. Goodman. ager Odell very kindly tendered the Mr and Mrs. John Cook, of Albe- found in South Carolina. A close b6rs of the fire company the board on marie spent Sunday here. trace was kept of his movements, and elected J. Harvey Dorton building in- son. spector. This ofhee has always caus ed the administration more or less trouble as it has never been conduct or! in' .nfhnrd an with the law gov erning it and the State authorities School to Church, J. B. Moose. have severely criticised the city for not entoremg the ordinances j that 11 pe fur the western train and in time strike to a number -of acquaint- that ord. Dr. and heir 3ne from 'Salisbury- and Con When thev roa plied Morganton wun? says that he and Ensign Yi went .t the hotel nniT re?istered R2ade no effort there to keep lr"lentit'v a sperot. fcincp Ensign Younsr's whereabouts eoniliti'fi linvn Vioen mnrlp -nhlhlic "is father is' of tlm that the -aval authorities will not interfere the pl.in that -&s "been addpted ft.v Mm for treating the young officer and he has requested a leave o abj ?Mce. for 1 1 i m on account of sickness, Ensign Young's mental conditipn is lUl.out doubt responsible for his eavin hie 4.i,:n'. if :a iOQT-Tir1 khat New Vr,.l- 3 . i i. .-. vi.tt. wubiuer nis conoiuousveiv j'erimic t T We tl Rpv "N". R. Richardson lett lues- when the landed in Morganton tne day to attend conference at Norwood, police there succeeded in arresting Rev. and Mrs. L. D. Miller and him. He waived examination and Prof. G. F. McAllister are attending was committed to jail in default of the Sunday School normal at Hickory, a $500 bond. , A number of our people are at- pnrTmr the Masonic .-picnic- at Albe- Evidence Grows Against Beattie. morlA Vodnv. Richmond, Va., July 26. Another Ms the duty of the building inspector """'U J 1 I. .'. .' 1. . 1 J . . . J I . ,r "V 1 1 XI.- Miss Margaret McAllister has long interview between deleaves auu to entorce. Mr. uorion nas ine bup-o-one to Concord to assist her brother, Beaulah Binford, the woman in the port of the local firemen and Mayor Mr J. B. McAllister, in the work of Beattie murder case took place in the Wagoner is especially anxious that his" office Henrico jail today. The girl talked the laws governing buildings jbe rig Mr. Jesse Peck has entered the with great freedom of her relations idly enforced' in order that he city Charlotte. I with Hpnrv Beattie. Jr.. and while officials mav be relieved of any em- uusinesa vuivpU - - 1 j ' .... . r . ,i 1 3 - u iii- o. C Prof T R Welsh is at home rrom not giving the othcers any testimony barrassment at tne nanas 01 ut; oiaie if " xi- cv.rwi of i"ha TTniversitv I nrnn wliiVi n maw lino of invetis'ation 1 authorities L" . . . 1.1 1. j jjicj o,r I irioii on TTi'oVi Oilnrs was a isubiect and of Virginia. , n mignt..oe P-- . Lut .1: 1 ,;rrC;lAn. Th for the improvement of our schools. Tvrf Pio.Qsmnt. .luiv 'Zt . tails wmen are saia 10 sireugiueu tne 1 mai t-nwicu , - .rr. -, T ror-, xiii;. -- rf . . . , . ti 1 1 n 1 nnnnnH t-v tich web being wound around young iseat- uoaru was vigorous upuocu, v rpf Si-ona the Treaty. Uio and much more so to the ooqrs mat he will see to it that everything is 10:50 o'clock Dutv of each mem- made comfortable for th audience. ber in Sunday School, Rev. L. D. I There will be plenty of electric faoi Miller. Ho keep the folks cool and the lecture 111:10 o'clock, Keiation 01 tsunuay w,n be well worth hearing. L. E. Bovlin and ll. S. Fairbankn. 2:00 o'clock, Reports of schools and 0f tue United States Office of Public business. 2:30 o'clock, Address, Rev. Plato T. Durham. 3:30 o'clock, Round Table, Rev. J. J. Long. Dinner will be -served on Collegiate Institute Campus. A full attend- anceiol all the sunoay schools in o. desired. Come with well filled baskets and let us spend a pleasant profitable day discussing plans J. B. MOOSE, Secretary of Committee. . ... . . . 1 1 s 1 z tun W.aTiinct.on. Julv ZD. rresiuem. None ot the detectives Dtueve mai emaudic xium -" " , Roads, will explain the workings ot tho good roads machinery, models ot which will .bo shown in one of th cars. This part of tho display will remain at the Southern station and will be open to everybody. All of the details of road making "will b i explained by experts. The addresi will be illustrted with steropticon views, showing gwxl road a from all over the world. The lecture will be bright and interesting and will be well worth while. The train will arrive here at 10 o'clock a. m. The Liberty Tailors to Open a Store Here. i "m; cuaiii v Lilian lit: uaa . "sr?onp Trlifu r.: r 1 M'UlCUlUg lUi 1113 OU" y . ciuxi uu J-l. iviuia '' ineiKis m a ongnt ana heertul manner and resumed! his practire. here this mprnirig in TTO TT Will Tnft signed the Canadian reciprocity Beulah had anything whatever to do back lots during these sultry days, hill at 3-10 p. in., today. ' with the murder, though she wouio uui iue weie a iuM r uni r c i?nnT ,Swrfitarvh f w V.O. lontVi Afrs. measure that would put an send to Zir? ISC rSid. Se S, 'W-Wn sueh an undesirable "neighbot. The of tlie Liberty Tailoring Co., of Bal- nT Jill kliri I -t. mJL XJkVJL " s b w - w - - I . . . TT. T I ISeeretarV OI OtaLe xvhua, w.xvvv ijjuve piuuttu uy mo vtcciLii ui . . - . . i X v j t. Mo! Sw,- dh:. :e r; n cms- sueh an undesirable neigh Dor pected. question arose when communica- timore, is m town today, completing U , d exciting garnet r . ... I . :. i? A T T an I rnrp II I ! -iti Mr 7 I T Ivor fn . ' . . . . " n . Fetzer Won Game In Ninth. Mr. P. M. Abercrombie, president the pill in the last ot the pinlh, FeU- er won for the Nancies in one of tbe fo,.,r t .tlifi President Hillses, Rep- ictxj y -- - VnrV. resentative ljittieton vi. several newspaper men and a 4at- .1 irnoccon TrlA tery of photograpner, - r;uu i, .lIrT rather in the back lots and waft intoUaWre at once.-IIi-h Point Enter-! miner snaKen in tne siaieiuem. iudi ?7 - - , , --- ? fhP Photographers a chance boudit the shot 'gun for his cousin his omce. ine mau pnse.. thidnt went tough, the mo- at the latter 's request and turned the tne ci V" APIZV "Cl tion of signing the act again a lew seconds later. "I didn't .know there- was so much interest in n us he said, "but-." He was "snapped wearing a: broad smile. .1 After the interriew with Miss Bin- tion tromsAttorney o. arangemenis wun ir. o. . 0t the year. Any baseball lover who ford the detective had a short talk was read m wmcn ne cvmyia - taKejcnarge 01 uieir ould not give up to bits to see a. wh Paul Beattie, who xemained un- the fisli odors that the f le ezes Dyer leaves today -" battle between thcTxancies and Gun- ners as lined up at present would not give .$19 for a double saw buck. Though Fetzer put over the marble, he gets.eredit for only a two base hit. as the winning run crossed ad ended il ll A 1 gun, witn rnree cartridges, over him. t i nai ne n raw uu an wumauvc i oav. ana v in uucu uij mc lu i i . . .- , i w 7 . ... - - a would put a stop to cleaning ussu branch ot this company aaiuraay, in within the nre limits. The Institute at Harrishurg. At the Farmers' Institute to held at Harrisbury on Thursday, Aug- Goes Over Niagara in Barrel and Lives ust 3rd there will be music and other vr u'n s rsi nun Norwood. in today's paper, which will tell you Srvenopr Julv 25. The Salisbury about the big seven-day offer they are attractions with a match game of ball district conefrence of the Methodist making. rno room lie At IU 1 1 lilCl-VJl o y v. . . . t i t t . i' t 11 luc ,w . . ' . , . . . ilfhA nvwni hv th time te reached story. This room has been repainteai - - , Both Sweeney and iTr. CoAe pitch ed great ball, and both had speedy I m-i t i-kii.;- 1nfaranii at t 1 a 3 Caa V. l.irr I SeCOnU. be I ine jsausuury jjiswii vwuiwsuvk i ana niceijr nicu. u. uc . Bobbv Lea of Niagara Falls, Onto- in the afternoon. The pubhc ,u i church convened at X.rwM .Pastime Show Eoom to be Used for the most loyal fan, had all bat gia ,ctor1flv afternoon weni oiauy mviiea 10 auenu mis iiimuuic. cuuui), iuua . nu fj fflclw falk in a barrel -and Great benefit is to be derived from Rowe presiding. There are ja.-num supjort. Suffolk did not score be tween the second and mnth, and even - Tillett Aeain Declares He T) , Not Be a Candidate. r-u " i... . linext oi- lrlOttc. V..,., vnant ,1nv Hlxri. erat(s !;n de-laralion it hat hi will IlfH UTlflr.i. . I- dI1 circumstances -oe ;a an-iaate ' fnr fix -- f rrionKitchin and says he is a tor tl, c UU four of thd candihates tV I? btPai0- He was a caller at KiJfCutlve m(ies "of Governor auauf' "np some time 'here, "vv.uii a i .nmrvm o wrtft wun K A. A v " . 1 - ...tninoJ i-Tl IV SUUeiUCiOl A" 1W LilC utiiVliU cuiui, ..uxvjjj ract, ne "---I II luT hout his Don't forset to patronize ana is uuio - is the second time w cream ouuiu. that tne Tunes house. This th ustotrv or tne a ted river U;B i--v lupn successfully navi- Mr. M. 1. Austin, who is here , cataract has oee Taylor, of day tells us that surveyors of the Sal- Attention, Veterans, jrated. Mrs. Anna asou x j , j xr ni. a , lavmen and to missions, ine ais- pen the ice trirt nntnins more than 10,000 mem- era bers, and is one of the largest in the here S11'C. 3 I - . -i rv tt": J nven ai j.o o ciuetw i nw muiuiu up in despair. The eilmax came like this: Nagle missed three good ones. Edwardsulrew transportation and wa sent to third by Fry's two sacker just before Fetzer ended the cgony. Then I a. r i Railway's eood road train came a sionn xrom uie laiora. to give an illustrated lecture on ' ... . - 4T. tu iAnra Chanty and Children: "The Stone- Good Roads Lecture. Mayor C. B. Wagoner has rented lor the pur- jood road ex- that will acompany the South wall Jackson Training School is full and iaU persons who are. interested overflowing, and a great many oth I ,. lers are clamoring for admittance. ?!:..;r?h. trio .in a barrel isbury-Monroe railroad are now at The retina of Canp Kou f EJZFZl How in tbe world did we get alon? f24 1901 and came out alive, point between Mr. M. M.'. 2a2 for the election officers and . . .r r v- - withoutit anyhow f AVell, we simply vciwwv J ' I UArnAl rthnrrth IV 1 T K ll ! Jinn CSS. I i . i 1 1 ..v.. . -,- - i ucijivi v.iiun ii. i.iii xj. --v. j i crinh nr.npr misinp.ss as mil v wiuc i , 33" 1 i. ernor Aveock. of w Lsp 'Fowler is quitd'sick . .is ti. i. 1 .o A ceivs ii- Xr AfrifiSP are maKin a Ao one Ul iu 'piumuias ui tuc ivou, fT.n in the Price of Melrose that work will -begin on grading Sep- Tdto&.?"r temberl. n frxr it. This flour is made out Mr john Troutman. who has been me ij TfmniA old ,. 0-..11- o :' Iia hoved into the Gillon cottage on Bell Avenue. oTThe best valley of Virgima "tt; WWrneon SliaSni W is sold .at the price '. I 1 common flour. . ; , of! such other business as may come De- CTWW,;fli intation to th lee- closed our ears to the cry of the way- j it m i.. connr1 I i"""" 1'"- 1 " iore me OOUjf, wm in; uciu vi u- ' 1 nam vvj. Tuesday in August, being the bth. f tt n t a t?tts nnm. I Th Rnndav school convention ot A-Am AJ A U.fcBJ-', I mJ Camn No. 212 U. C. V. 1 There is a hole in the cement side- No. 1 11 township will be held at the! walk in front of the Morris building Methodist church at the Young-Hart-1 that is liable to cause some pedes- - - A.. A t A t" 4... An Edison comedy and r a-Vita- seU i mUl next Sunday afternoon at 3 1 train to be injured if it is not repair graph drama at the Pastime' today. 1 o'clock. - . led.