' ' - " '. : '. .' .' ' . ' ' : ' ; t ." . J "" . ' -'-'.' s . " ' ' ' : " .' . ' . ! T;' ' - . K ; s ' . .. ' - ' ' - - - : - ; . i , . - - J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. : PUB L I Si E D -MO N DAY SAN D T HU RS DA YS. SI .50 a Year. Due in A4nace, VOL. XXXVII. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1912. 0. 54 - . - - 1 MORE ABpUT THE MURDER. Ir. G. C. Goodman Also Writes And Gives Some Additional Facts. Mr. George C. Goodman, of No. 3 jvnship, j sends us tlie following iin ?gnrd to the mui'der that occurred a the Phifer place above town just fter the surrender. Mr. Goodman ad not seen Mr. Weddington's- ar cle ahout the tragedy when he rote: '. ' i ' tr. Editor: i , . I notice in a recent issue of The ribune .an; article from Mr. Jno. "A. ims,, asking, about a man being kill 1 at the liob Phifer place above own. The facts are these: Just af 2r Lee's surrender and after the lo.st of the ajmy had passed, going orne.; tliere came to -Mr.' Tice ('line's t .what is now the Phifer. place, two ien with a couple of horses and sked to spend the night. They said hat tli.ey did not want to sleep in the louse, hut in the yard, as soldiers isually didj They were permitted to ic their horses under the trees in he yard and there spend the nights The next morning a little girl, by the name of Quillman, who made her lome at Mr. Gline 's, eume running in the house in an excited manner and ?aid that she believed fljat the. man, in the yard was smothering. Mr. Cline's son, Frank, who had just re turned from the army, remarked, "The devil !yoti can't. smother a sol dier, " and -went out to investigate. To his sitrprise the horses and one of the ; men were gone.- When he. raised tbe blanket off of the man" lying there he discovered that he. had been bit ,on the head with an axe. The man never regained conscious ness and died some time that day. M, recollection is that he was buried at Mt. Olive, but will not be positive as to that..' .There were no papers on his person by which his name could be known. . : ! ! There is no one of the Cline family now living except Miss Jennie, afi onlv daughter, Avho married a Mr. Martin and, if living, is at or near Longtown Miss. I expect Mr. Frank Willeford Was there and saw the 'man for he lived in two or three hun- dred yards, of Cline. There was not much said aboutiit. I do not think fhey ever held an in quest, for dead men -were very com mon" then, and there was no good feel ing in-the country for horse theirs and robbers which were from the Avorst element of botb armies. T ' G. C. GOODMAN. A Pleasant Surprise. Ever since coming-to Concord cir cuit in November there has been an alntost continuous stream of good things coming to the' parsonage Chickens, eggs, butter, fresh meat, canned fruit these are among the "things .that gladden the hearts of the preacber and his family. But on New Year 's Day the climax came. Brother Shinn brought a large' faff gooe for dinner, and just when it I was .ready Bro. Arthur 'Winecoff alid lire: i 1 ' Ritchie drove into the lot .with two enV, (well loaded wagons corn, chick fruit well, Olivet knows how to ivoiujd a preacher, and we have much goods .laid up tor many days, and. there is included in our stock a fine Oil. I lar i possum; , ; . . 1 Ym: all these things' we i are very j tliAilktMl and we( pray God's richest H blosliiigs upon every one. who has so i kin 1 v remembered us. !' W. T. ALBRIGHT. Will Not Be a Candidate. "In, a card in TuesdayV Statesville Laiidinark Judge B. F. Long, of 'the lwerior Court, say's he Will not be I a wndidate tor the Democratic nom I nfpon r Associate Justice of the I .imreme Court. He gives' among his reasons that Judges Hoke .and Brown areilfooth serving their first terms and lie. doH not desire to create dissention in the party by entering the race and that he dobs not feel like devoting time to a campaign which he feels is needed .in. the discharge of his presr :ent duties as a Superior Court judge . : y Sun Changes the Calendar of Chinese. Nanking, China, Jan. 2 The. first official act of Dr.; Sun -Tat Sen,' pres ident of the new Chinese republic, was. to change the Chinese calendar. He made New Year's day the first day0f Ins presidency, thus making tie Commencement of a new era and niaking the : Chinese year , begin lioncef orth on the same as the year begins in-most other countries of the world; Mrs;.-J. C. Leslie and Miss Emma. oss Leslie, who have been visitrdga atlhe hotae. of Mrs.E. C. Leslie, left yesterday afternoon for Charlotte, vhere t hey willrrisit, relatives for sev- eral days before returning to their home in New York." SCHOOLS REOPEN v - AT MT. PLEASANT. Both Have Splendid Openings After Holidays Mont Amoena Girls Re turn Social Affairs and Personals. The New Year arrived on time, and so did the opening hour for Mt. Pleasant 's two splendid schools. And they began work. The attendance is most flattering, indeed, and is a com plete refutation of the (statements made not long since that the rolls of the schools would be perceptibly re duced at this time. The Collegiate Institute is going its usual gait in its accustomed way. Chief interest, however, has centered in Mont Imoe na Seminary in the improvised quar ters. AVould the young ladies return? The question has been asked a million times. In answer, we are pleased , to sav thev are here. No doubt about it. Not dnly are thg regular students here, but many others, knowing the conditions as they are, asked to be received, but were advised not to come because accommodations were hot available at this time. (Is Mt. Pleasant a good place to conduct a school?) The community feels justly proud -of the students. IMiey are loy al. Thev have proved it. And to them belong-all honor for. the noble stand they have' taken, for the .school they love. There, is but one Mont Amoena Seminary and that one j is in Ml. Pleasant. The school and the town are one. lo separate tnem is to ae- strov the soul of the school. The work inl the school room is starting. off nicely, just a though'., there had been no fire. ' , 'A reception was given the students of both institutions at the Collegiate last night. ' Misses Ora Fisher and Mary Heilig gave a miscellaneous shower at the home of 'Miss Fisher Tuesday morn- ins irom y to iz, complimentary to Miss Ella Rosa Moose, who be comes the bride this evening of Mr. Lee Tvans Foil. A delicious salad course was" served. Mass Ruth Misenheimer also gave a linen shower yesterday afternoon complimentary to" Miss Moose.Tlhe pleasures of the hour, were greatly augmented with a bourse of delight ful refreshments.5 These showers in their abundance, were in keeping with the clouds above them. Mrs. Sallie Misenneimer entertain- ed a number of her friends at dinner last Thursday. . , Mr. Ray McEachern, who is with Mr. C. G. Heilig, dropped' a large plow shovel on .his foot last week, causing a wound sufficient to keep him in his room for some days. . Rev. and Mrs. L. D. Miller are vis iting at. Hickory. . 1 Mrs. J. B. McAllister, of Concord, is visiting here. Miss Bessie McEachern is spending the week with friends in Concord. Miss Hel,en Misenheimer spent last Week in China Grove. Mr. Jesse Peck, student in the cdm- mercial college in Charlotte, spent ' his holiday vacation at home. Mr. Pleasant Council of J. O. U. A. M gave . an- oyster supper Saturday night in' their hall complimentary to their friends. The New Year was o-ivpn a o-rpnt hicr in trod no nrv ThA order -is in fine shape and growing all" the while. ' ' Mr. and Mrs, Georire Earnhardt ve returned to their hhme at Win- lav ston, after spending the holidays with ".. . - relatives here. , Dr. J. H. Matthews, son nf Dr. and Mrs., J. 1. Matie'ws, was mar ried last Wednesday t6 Miss Bertie Cameron, or Vass, where Dr. Mat thews is .pow located. The bridal couple are spending' a few days here. Miss Mamie., Beat ty, of Charlotte, Miss Margaret Bost, of , Hickory, JMiss Mary Poole, of Craven, land Miss Wil- helmina Antley, of Orangeburg, S C.,t came in yesterday to be present at the Moose-Foil nuptials' this ev- enmg. Mt. Pleasant, N.,C.,. Jafc4, 1912. Linker-Brown. ' Mrs. John H. Rutledge will enter tain a. number of friends at aylinen shower Friday afternoon j in honor of Miss 'Eva Brown, the occasion will be the announcement of the engage- ment of Miss Brown " and Mr. Wil- Ham Linker, who will be married Wednesday 'evening January 10th,. at 7 o'clock. The marriage jwill take place at the jhome of the bride's p&- rents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brown, on South Union street. I . l!lhe announcement will be receiv ed with interest throughout-the city and county, wThere both the contract ing parties are well known.' Miss Brown is the vounsest daughter of IRt-Atoti k t.hft vnnnorest daoorhter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and ,was " " " " J 0 . O reared in uoncora wnere sne'is Known and liked by a wide circle of friends, Mr. Linker is a well known youne . ft ' 11 man of the city, being connected with ; the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. - - A " w i : (T? C3 " " ' Prom Tl "NOTHING BUT DEATH " ' -CAN KEEP ME OUT." xaw. xnorougmy rousea to ixravity of bituation in Repubh can Party Determined to Let His Attitude be Generally UndeirstoooV " Washington, Jan. 3. ! Nothing but death can keen m:-, out of the rght now." President Taft is reported to have madeHbis statement to White House ?alIers today and to have Mued that he had no objection to the statement being made public. I. It undoubtedly was intended to set at rest all reports that Mr. Taft might withdraw from the race for the Republican nomination for President in favor of Colonel Roosevelt. I The President is said to be thor oughly aroused to the gravity of the j situation in the Republican party and determined to let hie attitude be generally Understood. He has declar- ed that under no circumstances will he withdraw his name from consider- ation by tlie Chicago convention next June and has asserted that his, posi- tion has not changed in any particu lar since he first" entered the White House. Mr. Taft told friends and party should be called upon to stand for re-election he would be elad to do! so; mat ne ieit unaer ooiigaiions to tlie party tor having made - him President, and was . willing. to abide its decision in the convention. I He I -11 . . , ... ' ,. adheres to this position, according to announcements today and will not quit the race until "the nominating ballots are cast at Chicago. ; it was stated today that some ot Mr. SP aft Js friends ' have gone ; so far lately , as to advise him to openly break with Colonel Roosevelt and to challenge the latter to make plain his intentions. The President has declined to do this. The White House has been fairly flooded with callers ' lately who have brought word to President Taft that Colonel Roose velt so far has declined to say that he would accept the nomination ! if it were' tendered to him. ! He also has been reported to the White .House that Colonel Roosevelt believes an organized effort .is ! bein made to il smoke him out" and that he. declines to be M smoked " "either by the Taft or LaFollette forces, The President has listened to all these 'reports with an indulgent simle but has refused to indicate whether or not he believes them. It is ve- hemenly. denied at' the White House, however, that Mr. Taft has sent any messengers ' ' to Mr. Roosevelt on any subject whatsover. The President has been urged for weeks to make a more , progressive campaign in his own behalf. He hasU;nn had been extended all retired to reolied that he MA nnf tliinV i nnliti replied that he did not think I Doliti I 1 ... , cal activity comported with president I -1 TT I, . t .1 iai oigmiy. ne -nas consented that his friends carry forward the fight as vigorously as they desire and he will lend what assistance he properly 1 can. GlxarlotU (N. C) Evening Chronlcl.. p- MRS. J. P. MISENHEIMER DEAD. Passed Away Here This Morning at Tlie Home of H Son-in-Law Mr f? - t? Prnmin- Ui J.. IMisenheimer died tnis morning at 10 :30 o'clock at the ui. iier. uaugnier, Mrs. kx. 1. urowell, on Corbm street, after an illness of several weeKs. Aitnougn Mrs. Misen-. presents, thus eridencing the high es heime'r had been ill for some time teem in which thev are held. The there, was nothing to cause apprehen- Uion by the members of her family unm tins morning wiien slie grew suddenly worse, death, resulting in 1 ' i 1 , 1 a lew minutes-. JVlrs. Misenheimer was 70 years of age and had lived were a -number ot years where, she was known and highly esteemed by a large number of mends. She is survived by two children, one son, Mr. . P. M. Misenheimer, of No. 5 township, and one daughter, Mrs. G.' T. Crowell, of this city. : She had been a consistent '.. member of New Gilead Reformed church for many years. The funeral will be held there tomorrow afternoon and will be conducted bv Rev. Paul Barrin- ger of Mount Pleasant. The funeral will take place at 1 o clock,- and tlie iunerai party wiu leave Mr. Cro- well's at 12 o'clock - Pastor Pounded. j Qn .Thursday, December 28, the j pastor and family were ajrain j membered by his loval and devoted ' neonle. The- nAntrv. crib and cran- -T . x . " " ' " arv were sought and became store- ; i10'USeS of irodd things. Thus from the above it necessarily follows that ! the horse, cow, pigs and poultry were also rememberedr On the following Monday others came with similar gifts. Indeed the pastor and family have been pounded aboundantly, well and trulv' However no bumDs have been raised, no bruises and scars are in evidence, because the 1 club 7 us- ed was not' that of the tryant or ene- And on account of it all we enter with zeal, earnestness and enthusiasm upon Jlie duties of another year, de- omiy prajuijj uuu tuuuuucu - ' - i. ? JTn J."i friends and community l ri (this ill i Li comui uui i v . JNO. J. LONG Double Wedding. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. S.'Rinehardt. December 24, 1911, iXX Uli o-n-vv-f. nnitP an interestmsr event tooK piaee, f their dano - h tprs Miss Martha to Jesse K. Cox luc mm j.iw-.'j v. w o i ' -m r iof No. 8 township, and JUiss laDei I to W. A. Pless: of Rowan county. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. LUiiueu Jj i lie uct. After congratula- John J. Long. - s t. : v,-ii Toi-or? - i t, "a v all xeliprA An plpepant"An j I I1H tlllllil lUtU. ' UCl.C AAA CltgOU, UU - j sumDtuous supper was enjoyed. These .1 - . two happy couples cany with them the best wishes of their many friends. ' L. Penny Column Ads. are CASH. my, but of the real, true and devoted ammi .onV L lor.ine umung oi .oriu carouna oi- friends. For all this we are grateful knowkn wel1 in st; Durham and Lenoir College and the bnnS- i nA a ti,i.fni h wm, 4 (Ihe groom is a son of .Mr. A. (t. ,Dg 'together of the two synods in nr- . . . , r MEETINO OF THE I COUNTY COiDIISSIONEaS. Rerslar Hettts loadiy Oosadier Matters of Miking Rcdster of Deeds 02ca Tiro Proof. The boaird uf .nrinty wssayMdvSfr held their rejjulAr moothly metis Monday and but very filti b'4i pe other than the uroal ruutis of pay order and making eU!t:s at of the monthly churn eaaie up fur itn- fcideraiion. . A matter that mlvcJ canMderahU eonside raiion at the kind of the honl wm that of making th register of deeds ofhce Jrt proof. After receiving a number of bid the board apointed Mesr.V. V Klowe and 'John A. Barnhanlt to, report on the bids at a called meeting to be lhed January 10, wheu the matter wrifl finally be M?ftlsl. The uual number of pay monthly bills for the county home ami chain gang including supplies and me-dicsd attention were paid as were the ex penses of the road supervisors in the various towrishijs for exjcn in road work. . 1 Christmas Exercises at St. Job" Church The children, j'oung eoplc and choir of old historic St. John's ren dered the beautiful Christmas etf vice by lev. Wm. Steinbicker, music by Emanuel Schmauk, publishetl by the Lutheran Board of Publication, Columbia, S. C, on Christma Dayit 11 o'clock a, m., to a very large and attentive audience. The music was excellent and inspiringlv rendered by th$ choir. The children rendered their part of the programme to the delight of all the listeners. Two excellent fddresses were made by ! Messrs. Homer Ritchie and Clyde Ritchie. The former choosing for his subject, 'The Significance of Christmas;" line iaiier '-ine Liinst ctnid." h,v Pery member of the Sunday School, everv' member of thelllome Depart- ment' and several visitors received a ndsome treat, consisting of can dies, oranges, apples,'! nuts and rais- ins, Uver. (30U) tliree hundred such treatgwere given- on tbi ha'pny oc- recipients. The pastor and wife each recehed some very valuable children, too, were remembered in the the same wav by the good people 0f this dear old church. An offej-ing was taken, the greater part of which will be applied to missions. The en tire service was in keeping with the great event celebrated,, and the past record of the custom of our church. Our gratitude to God as a church, as a community, and as individuals is both great and profound. L. Death of Mrs. Moses Bost. Mrs. Mellissa Bost, widow of the late Moses Bost, died Monday at her home in No. G township, after an ill-r ness of more than a year's duration. and was natie of thig coimtv, where ghe Was-held' in high esteem by a wide circle of lnends and ac nuain'tances. She is survived bv two children, one daughter, Mrs. I Co- lumbus Goodman, and one son. Mr John D. Bost The funeial was held today at SL John's church, of which the decease was a life-long memper. Th service was conducted by th-3 I A pastor, Rev. J. J. Long. Quite Marriage in West Durham. Durham, Dec. 31. A marriage with a Concord groom and a Durham girl took place Wednesday, but somehow. it' missed the newspapers. The bride swa Miss Mary Tilley of West Dur - ham and the groom Mr. Guy T. Bo.t. I, The ceremony was performed in the. presence of a few friends by Rev. W. J p- Nonstable. Mr. Bost came here W1wu" Mrs. Melissa ; Bost. 3irs. 3ieussa i5ost, nee roil, was kom Anril Olh. 1S3.TJ onA ,lr.,l .T4. fr'lfiTo ,7R I ; years, 7 months and 22 days. She w mampfl in -Mya Ttntif fav 1 1850. Ipur children were given to their union, three daughters and one' son. Two of the daughters preceded 7 I . . 1 . . . . " l sPuluai 1,u- - 1 was laid to' rest in St. Johnf ceme- J tery, service conducted by her pas- II 4- ni AfovT 4 Vt T il. -j IUIU1UU iUt sorrowing ones. i L. I ' ' J . Hts- L. Graham returned to her home in Charlotte Tuesday night, af- I tr spendinsj several dys with ilre, I ter spendimr several days with Mrs. I " . I Watson at the Baptist parsonage, I . i - Misses Laura Ridenhour and Adele l ciuuciii14 uaw iui uru-w. luusiuu- Salem to resume their studies at Sa lem Female Academy. i B.XG HEAL ESTATE DEAL. Mr. J. T. Cisoa Bsyt WaSitt Csk Houses izi rtfXta XxU. r.e of th Urrt tr ft-tr ronsi&tsui(jNi is ,Wcnl at o in vtt teade Toemlay tea .Mr JoM'ph K. Canooa parrhaxnl m. larf area of property iial in tK imnn tion lyifejr letren tb IxVe aad UiWoa m and the York Knr&ittim factory, known a tht Wattac Cock projrty. . The pure hm is!aden IS hotiM and 15 buildie lot. Ti e cot tiderattn a toot given, i Mr. Cannon fttate that h . tli b- $rin at one t'ae derelapmest of tht property and that many tn;pror ment will te added. It U ituate4 along the route of th irope4 car tin andwhen fhi I cons pie tea will b of eay acre to etery Kt'toa of city. A umey Skill b made at oaie the lrojierty divide! into buildij lot' and the development rfc.UrV eti on a larpe wale. i WORK BEGUN ON CAR LINE EXTENSION To Be Extended to OiUon Mill at Once,, Then Doim , South Ualoa Street.' : :' -V'V.-The raib, tools and laborer for ex tending t ho street car line to three milej in lcnth arrive! Tcil ay and . t. j.J .n.''i " :. h orh. w'an v etineiay. ( 1 1 . exien ion work.-wnll .begin at the lck mill and he (Jibm mill at the am time makng the connecting link in tb center. On the South Union extenoa work will begin at the Lutheran church corner and go down the 4xvt. Men the above -ectiona of Jlhe Jin are completed the eion in .main bufeines block of city will !te eon nected. Tlie conM ruction work it un der the direction of Mf..A. K Mill, of 4 Boys of St. James' Banquet. The Iniyn of St. Jamei Lutheran Sunday ' tcho;d held their fart annual banquet on New Year's night in tla Wt nYft roi?n ,f the church. A boat fifty boy;t Ir.Cf eC'r r crfcnl adults who Were in charge, oenilIch Ln interesting programme was ren plered, the Hon. Ml B. Stickily, ru- jwrjuicnuciu oi- ,iiie uiHinv ruooi presiding. Dr. John Reed, accompan ied by Mi.s Mary lewi Harri, of fered several jleain nclcctionji up- on the violin! - Recitation were git en by Masters MiIch' Wolff and Qtiy Usenhour. Pnf.r Francis IL Ball heldt the rapt, attention of hi youthful hearers for thirty minute in a de lineation of the principle of th Boy Scout." Refreshments wer I served, of which all partook with keen pleasure. When thw delectable part of the programme wan ended, the gathering was called to order, and it was decided to make a permanent ora nidation of the 'lky of btv James." a committee ajipciihted to draw up appropriate article for aueh an association. The boy unanimous ly vote thank to all who had con, tributel to make the. undertaking & success. They were enthusiastic ia tneir praiKe ot. tne goou time xney I had had. I Among those in charsre in addition to those , mentioned above,, were: Messrs W. A. roil, u. J. Weddipg- ton, A. C. Cline and Kay Patterson. Joint Commission Holds Important Meeting in Charlotte Today. The join! commission of the Kvan- fgclical Lutheran y nods of Sortb Car- JJolina and TennWwe on cnoUdation : of North Carolina College and Lenoir J College ha beet called to r.eet ia Charlotte at St. Mark' Lutheran church today, Thursday, January 4, at J 11 o'clock. The commi,ioh will con iider plan port .of one female college. The meet- ing is held at this time in order that a report mav be rendered to the special convention of the North CarouJ HIS J '110.1 WHlcn Will W IltJU anmn rove on January 10 to ,rid.r i i z j: . n... i . t: iuoin5 oi - aiJ' i The Mclver Statue In Capitol Square Raleigh, Jtn.3. The heroic bronx statue of Mr. Charles D. Mc I ver, dis tinguished educitor and founder ofS the State Normig and Indastrial Col- t m tklav on ita finely . I - - . : "" t l polished marble pedewu, cioseiy veHed to await the unveiling cere- I monies lust wii iac itv svuv in the spring wb n a dnplieate statue js ready in Greensboro. The two cost I 7 OOfl and are a lovine tribute from I $7,000 &&d &f - j ..." jte school child rent of North Carolina I 1 .il and the educational co-workers of th I lamented Dr. Mclver. - Mr. Shakespeare Hams is spena- mx the day in Charlotte. r n i!

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