FN h- .Jubx Akr- in hiiT J. B. SHERRILL, Editor andPublisher. PUBLISHED a Year, Due la Advance KrOL. XXXVII. CONCORD. N. C.j MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1912. NO. 61 FOREST HILL NEWS. m w xj x x & . j u l n U KSDAYS. I J hinges at Buffalo. Other Changes in Mill Circles. Strange Dog Shot. Ball Team Getting Busy. Per sonals. . Mr. J. M. Talbirt has resigned his sition as overseer of spinning at ffalo and will be succeeded Mr. R. F. Fisher, of MU Holly. . Fisher filled this position a year . before Buffalo shut down. Mr. .her has a number of friends here !)V :U will be glad to see him again. . fr. W. A. Ilinslaw returned to his e at Liberty last Friday after sminuin a lew uap at me uuie oi T . - i ,1 L ll 1.. If 3Irl E. T. Goldston. The families of Messrs. J. C. Jor ku and B. C. Jordan moved last from Buffalo mill to Kannapo- hs. ,; lit. David Hathcock will leave Tues day for Atlanta, Ga., where he has arretted a position with the American Moiftener Company. Mr. Hatlicock worked for this company prior to his taking charge of the humidifier sys tem at Locke Mills. Miss Minnie Suther, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Suther, celebrat ed her seventh birthday very pleas anttyj last Friday afternoon v. by in viting a number of her friends to. a party at her home. The youngSdy was the recipient of a number of presents and the evening was one of pleas ire to the children A strange dog, supposed to be rabid, was shot this morning near the Lock Mill. The dog was frothing at the mouth and acting in an unusal way, lor a dog in good health. Some of the men becoming satisfied that the dtg was mad, they promptly shot it., r , : m Thd ball: team got busy Saturday and tpre down the park fence on N. Church street, preparatory to build- ing a team four ten foot fence in its place. The will have to sign up three or hew players from the outside and then will be ready for practice, provided the weather moderates so the men can catch a hot liner with out scattering their fingers and new 'year's resolutions. Mr, It. F, Coble, of Bessemer City, Saturday . and Sunday" in this ith his family. Boyd Mills had the misfortune spent city w; Mr. to 2e t his foot right badly mashed last Saturday. Cotton Reaches the Ten and Half Level in New York. Nej York, Feb. 10. It was anoth er da of great activity in ttyt cotton "market and bullish excitement con tinued writh prices . making 'new high grounfl and reaching practically the lO1 pent level on general buying. The close was firm at a net advance of f rim 7 to 14 points. ' Thej opening was firm at a decline of sixj points on February but gener ally 4 to 15 higher on heavy over night buying orders and a continua tion of the covering movement which has been so prominent for the past .three or four days. Cables Were a shade disappointing, and it looked as if leading long interests had large . selling orders around the ring, but prices! reacted only a few points from the opening, figures and as soon as early felling for a turn saw how read ily offers were being absorbed, the market firmed up again and in the late trading sold 14 to 15 points net higrheij' on the old crop, and from 9 to 11 points above the closing figures of last night on new crop positions The close1 -was within two to three points of. the best on active months May contracts sold at 10.47 and July at io.56, or more than 75 points above the low level of last Tuesday morn ing, and hont $8.75 per bale above the ldw records of last December. "The Third Degree." ie Third Degree, '' to be seen at the opera house on February 15, soemsrto be the centre or popularity as theatre-goers everywhere are said to l)o responding with great firmness io this remarkable drama. They give arapU proof of their enjoyment of Charles Klein's cleverness in disclos ing the evils- too frequently occa sioned by the police in making pre liminary investigations, and the topic is surely a timely one here, r The 'ftoryjof the play adheres to a -plausible vein and is filled with a human interest that would make '-The Third Decree" a success were it not the publije teacher that it is. Notable in the cast are Grace Lord, Ida Root Gordon, Raymond Wells, Frank Patton, Chas. T. Del Vechio, F.lmpd Sprague, Wm. Weston and "tners. Po'k Agrees to Support Clark. St. Louis, Feb. 10. Joseph W. Folk, former Governor of Missouri, virtually withdrew from the Presi dentijil race today when he agreed to vote jthe entire Missouri delegation tor Speaker Chnmn TlnrV na lrmo- ft t Clark' thinks ha hoc nha-nnn f -roin democratic Presidential nomina li Baltimore. the I Hon i . i Dear Friend and Subscriber: . .--r . Some time ago we mailed to our subscribers statements of their subscription account. A large numUr of them have responded, but there are still many from whom we have not heard: ' We send these statements to ALL ALIKE who owe us for one year or more. It is a matter of pure business and the statements are sent with the confident expectation that tfiey will be promptly and substantially responded to! This does not mean that we are doubtful about getting our pay, but merely that we need the money. Our expenses are heavy, and it is hecessa'ry that we receive all subscriptions regularly. It is no reflection on anybody's credit "or honesty, but only a gentle reminder that we need what we have earned and what is justly due us. " We have 3,000 subscribersand in dealing with so many it is, necessary that the matter of payment of subscrip tions be closely looked after. If one man owed 500 years' subscription it jwoiild look like a pretty big debt, wouldn't it ? VWell, the eiTect is just the same when 500 men own $1.50 each, or more as the case may be. See the point? We have been very patient, and our subscribers will bear witness with us tothi& effect. We are sure they will not ask us to wait on them longer. if they are in arrears, as we have workedihard to give them a good paper, and should have our pay promptly. Do nbt wait to come to Concord, brt send us the money by mail, if you live any distance We thank you sincerely for your kind patronage, and we shall strive harder than ever to give you a good paper With best wishes to you. i , Very tiuly yours, j J. B. S HERRI LL, r t , . , . . . Publisher Times. - ... v.. , w one who pays a full year in registered ana delivery-guaranteed. PREACHER IN FIGHT. J. S. Honeycutt and Rev. P. P. Mor ris Scrab at Albemarle. Cor. Charlotti Observer. i Albemarle, Feb. 11. One of the most unpleasant occurrences in a ong time took place yesterday after noon on the streets oi Albemarle. This wras a real fkrht between J. S. loneycutt, proprietor of the city market, and Rev. D. P. Morris. The trouble arose over an account which Rev. Mr. Morris owed the city mar- et, contracted, according to the preacher's contentions, by his son, of which he had no knowledge. Rev. Mr. Morris claims that Honeycutt called him in and demanded that the account be settled then and there. He says he told Mr. Honeycutt that he did not have - the money just then with him, but asked for a statement, and promised to pay when again over town. He says that Mr. Honeycutt talked ff roughly ' ' to him and that be remarked that he did not feel like he merited such ; short talk, -where upon Honeycutt caught him and struck Mm several tjlows in the face before he could escape. He says he did not return the blows, but tried to knock off Mr. Honeycutt 's blows and get, away. Mr. Honeycutt says that Rev. Mr. Morris had. been asked time and again to settle the bill but had refused and that when the matter was called to his attention, this afternoon Mr. Mor- ris ffave , him the lie. Mr. Morris was bruised about the face consider ably, but there was no serious hurt. Mr. Honeycutt was not hurt. Both the men ar prommenjt. Burglar at Dr. Pemberton's. A burglar, or possibly a hungry midnight intruder, entered the home of Dr. W. D. Pemberton on North Union street Saturday morning some time between midnight and 4 -o'clock. Dr., Pemberton was aroused by a pro fessional call about 4 o'clock. When he went out the back door he noticed it was open. An investigation led to the discovery of tracks on the back porch, in the pantry and dining room. The tracks could be easily traced by the snow. The pantry showed signs of being pillaged butN no articles of value with the exception of some flour was missing. There is no clue as to the intruder but it is very likely that he was some worthless vagrant, who was hungry and decided to do a little "forag ing," as the war time negro would call it! A Delightful Sewing Party. Mrs. L. D. Coltrane entertained a number bf young ladies Saturday af ternoon from 3 to 5 o clock at a de lightful sewing party in honor of her shiest, Miss Louise Young, of Dunn. Each guest brought a piece of needle work and between the stitches by deft and dainty fingers there was a constant now of merry conversation, which made the occasion one of most pleasant eniovment. JJencious re freshments were served during the afternoon. - Mrs. Coltrane s guests were: Misses Laura McGill Cannon Lida Carr Vaughn, of Durham, Myr tle Pemberton, Blanche Brown, Ruth Coltrane, Grace Patterson, Ellen Gibson, Margaret Lentz, Wilma Cor relh Miss Drake, of Bennettsville Ashlyn Lowe, Marguerite and Lucy Brown. . ' .' "Mictf ATnnrtA h nrn harrit. a student, at Meredith College, Raleigh, and daughter of the late A. L. Earnhardt, of Gold j Hill, and, W. H. Mar tin, a prominent young . merchant, of Gold Hill, went to Salisbury and wTere married Saturday night at J. A. Avery's the ceremony being per formed by Rev. Johrr W. Moore, of the Methodist church. j.ij.v- j A Word tt Onin SuiIbsciPlIbsFS . jiVMum i f advance. If Knife is to be ient 'BRYAN EVIL GENIUS OF THE DEMOCRATS." Texas Congressman Makes Fervid Afc tack on The Commoner in The House. Washington, Feb. 10. " The evil genius hovering on the flanks of De mocracy" was the way in which Rep resentative Dies, o Texas, in the House today described Wm. J. Bryan. Mr. Dies was speaking of the Com moner's latest attack upon, the Dem ocratic membership of the : House. Both Democrats , and Republicans cheered Mr. Dies' declaration that he ' 1 neither feared. ,the power nor respected the judgment ' ' of ' the Ne braskan ; and his further announce ment that Democracy, under the lead ership of Champ Clark and Oscar W. Underwood was headed toward com plete success, swept the Democratic side of the House into storms of ap plause. " Mr. Dies ' attack upon Mr. Bryan followed -the latter 's declaration the last issue of the Commoner' that the thirteen Democrats who voted against a recent amendment in the House to require publicity of all rec-J ommenaaiions to me rresiaent on ucuresnip appointments were un 1 r t worthy to represent a Democratic constituency. If Mr. Bryan had spent as much ime reading law as he had attack ing Democrats in public life, said Mr. Dies, he would have known that the proposed law would be unconstitu tional and an infringement of the President's rights. Detective at Work on Wagoner Letter. A local Sherlock Holmes has inter ested himself in the inystery of the person who wrote Mayor Wagoner a letter containing a regular boni-fide Leap Year proposal. Clues are pre senting themselves on every hand and the young follower of the chief of all observers believes he has a clue that will soon bring -to light the identity of the writer. This person thinks it would be only justice to' him to name the writer should he discover who it was. He says that the matter has al- ready gone the rounds of the press and the people want to know. No doubt it will make interesting "copy" and here's hoping he will be successful. County Commissioners in Session. The board of county commission ers is holding an adjourned session today. The meeting is for the pur pose of discussing the advisability of erecting several new bridges across Rocky river The board spent the morning session considering the prop ositions of building bridges across the river at Mr. Mack Bigger 's place, the Morehead place and at Gannon's mill. Delegations of citizens are here from all three of these places and the matter is being thoroughly dis cussed. The board will probably take definite action on al lthree of the bridges this afternoon. Mrs. Noel's Baby Boy Accompanies Convict Mother to the Pen. Sheriff McKenzie, of Rowan, Fri dav. took Mrs. Charles Noel to the five yearsj the sentence imposed on! her at the September Rowan court xu wmic &ia e case, mo eu' uum I boy. born since her conviction, i - 'l ? ii . : ! i HiMMiri wii ii i hi- mm npr in T rip, iieiii- tentiary. Her husband is already there serving Iris 15 year term for the same offense. Mrs. Noel will try for pardon soon. , . Miss Mamie Cook, of Charlotte, is spending ten days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. M, Cook, at Center Grove. an ui o-iinii cjpnii x ciissiuh oncars by mail add 5 cents for postage, or LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Cotton is selling for 10 cents on the local market; today. Mr. J. L. Von Glahn, of Wilming ton, is a business visitor in the city. See the new j spring dresses and styles at R. K. Black's, just in from New York. j Tickets will go on sale for the "Third Degree"! tomorrow morning at Gibson Drug Store. Mr. E. F. WhH6 has moved his office from the jPhifer building to the! Morris building. Miss Sue Alexander, of Charlotte, spent yesterday nere with her moth er, Mrs. Florence! Alexander. Special showing in spring suits, coats and dresses at Fisher's. New offerings by every express. - The board of aldermen 'will hold their regular monthly meeting tomor row evening at 7 i30 o'clock. . IrsW. , A. , Stone has gone to .Sal isbury, where she " will enter -White-. head-Stokes Sanatorium for treat ment. - i The Concord Motor Car Shop ban- dies huDmobiies. auromoDiies. eas en- gines, accessories, etc. See ad. in to day's Tribune, j The condition of Miss Rosa Mund, who suffered a serious attack of acute indigestion yesterday, is somewhat improved this morning. On account of several freight cars being derailed beyond Danville trains No. 29 and 31 Were annulled last night and the first section of train No. 37 was four h ours late this morn- ing. The firm of qok & Foil, at Mt. Pleasant, has been dissolved. Mr. L. J. Foil bought thje interests of Capt. Jonas Cook and Mr. L. S. Shirey, and will continue the business at the old stand. ' The day-old twin infants of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Blackwelder died yesterday at their home in Wadp worth addition at the Gibson mill. Thfi interment was made today at noon at Oakwood cemetery. Remember we give a beautiful 30 piece dinner set free to every person who gets us 10 yearly subscribers to The . Times or 5 tp The Tribune. See the Bell & Harris Furniture Co.'s store. . - A case a little out of the ordinary will be tried in iRo wan 's court this week, when J. Rl Gray is arraigned for bigamy, although he has only one wife. One of his alleged wives died! recently. j Mr. Wade II. White, of Hunters . . T-l 1 . A. ville, writes us : v nease siop my coi-1 ton seed ad. in the penny column ( have sold out. I would advise read-j ers of The Times, who hate anything; for sale, to advertise in the penny col umn. It reaches the buyers." Sporting life: "The St. Louis American League Club has received the signed contract of Pitcher Walter Moser." "Oiitfielder Everet Booe, the Virginia teague recruit, who was once a football star at Davidson Col lege, has signed with Pittsburg.' Death of Mr. i C. S. Patterson -rr- Charles S. 'Patterson died yes- terdav morning at 3 o'elock at Kowan COUUiy uomu, unci au 111x1 Patterson was ab4ut.S0 years old and n kpener of the county home ati the time ot his death, ine iunerai was held this afternoon and the in- terment was made at cnestnut mu cases Gf importance came to the at cemetery in Salisbury. jtention of the court. Thf deceased was unele of Mr.i John K. Patterson, of Concord, and father cf Mrs. JoW E. Misenheimer, of -No. 5 township, and Mrs. George Misenheimer, bf Asheville. ausoiuieiy irce to every 15 cents if you want it COLLEGE COMMISSION HOLDS A MEETING. To Meet Again March. -WU1 Visit All Places Offering Bids for the College. Salisbury Post, 9th. Two important meetings of the college commission 'appointed at the call meeting of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod in St. Mark's church at China Grove,, several weeks ago, to select a site, received bids and rec ommended a location for Mt. Amocna Seminary, were held in the Empire hotel yesterday and last night. The first meeting was held at 3 o'clock and after discussion the members of the committee were 'driven over the city in automobiles and shown the sites offered at Salisbury. All of the committee except one w as present at this meeting as follows: J. II. Render, of Wilmington, wno was elected chairman;. Rev. J. L. Morpan, of Kaleigh, elected .secret nry; Rev. J. JL C. Fishery of MtrPIcasant C. M. Thompson, ' of Lexingttn ; " Albrt Miller, of Western Rowan; Rev. W. II. Riser, of China Grove; Rev. C. T. Parker, of Barber, and A. II. Snider, oi Salisbury. At last night's meeting Mr. Albert Miller was absent, having returned home, and Mr. John Rutlede. of Concord, the other member of the commission was present. After a lengthy discussion it was determined to meet ajraio on Wednesday. March 27, to make a final report, which will be presented to the regular meetingiin each precinct with the as pVeti of the Svnod at,rCharlotte in May. Each place offering sits and making bids will be visited at this final meet- ing and every one given a fair show- j to promote the nomination of Theo imr. It is expected that this meet- ' dore Roosevelt for President, at tb ins: will require several days to get around to the different points, Salis bury, Lexington, China Grove, Lan dis and Mt. Pleasant each having of fers. Holiday in Many States. Washington,-. C, Feb. 12. With j the passing of each successive decade the observance of the natal day of Abraham Lincoln has become mor. marked, until today no fewer than 21 States paid official honor to the memory of the Civil War President. The States in which Lincoln's birth day is now a legal holiday are Cali fornia, Colorado, Connecticut. Dela ware. Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kan?as, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Ne vada, New Jersey, New York. Xorth Dakota. Pennsylvania, Sonth Dakota. Utah, Washington, West Virginia and - - ' or .Jt!?. easily unnersioou ine ua is uui um cially observed in any of the ?ey England States excepting Connti- cut - " Fire Last Night. J! 0 fire alarm was turned in lapt evening at 7:30 o'clock from thf home of Mr. Ievi Wineeoff on-Mead ow street. The department made a j quick response considering the f lip- j pery surface of the streets but the:i fire was extinjrnished by the time thev 1 f r arrived. The blaze caught frcin t fire-place in the front rom of t..c jhome. The members of the family 'succeeded in extinguishing it in a j ?hort time. I Mrs. Winecoff is ill in bd e ! pneumonia bui ioriunaxeiy was niscoverea en anu r.q'i , ,. not ultirhed j - . ' There were several Monday morn- drnnks called to the bar at the j Recor(jers court this morning but no Dr. W. C. Houston spent Sunday r - r , "r-o. tt - -1, in .UlUIIC Vtltll :U13. HUlUlVUf nu is visiting her parents, Mr. and 3Irs. II. B. Adams. Srt of 'lit Her As4 ' Mr. J. J, fif-t-s4 pfi r&A Mr. AlWrt Vrt U -kfc4ifc dayjjn Oaa mT o traltiA. V!r. J. IrVr Kmm Km irve Situlittnr a brief bstia Irijv ' Mr. Karl H Cite, 'of OWac l iwtiftir hi yxTTr.u, Mr. s4 Mti J. A. tlis. MU Sue NirKc4a fpct vrntMv day io mrtott Mr ILU Cf tin. Mr. M. F. Twtr ht rrtcrr.J frta a ek bainA. trip t& HrUu4 othrr ointi tn Tcene, Mi Kira NutAmaa h rturD4 from tJpecfer, wfcrrw b hh Wta vuitm; rrUttrcs for a rk. Mrtn!ir:,r J. B. WVrnM ac4 J. di Fink il! le tomnmw for McU to attend the Madri Gra. Mr. II. A. Taylor, r.f HicimonL Va., spent yeterdav her with kit brother, Mr. A. U Taylor. Mi Kloie FArrow ha rrtamt4 from Hopewell, where he ha bea visiting her wter, Mn. Satcpl Ir. Robert Graeber, of IUletgh. fent yeterdy he i with hU renU, Mr. and Mti II. A. Grabber. Mrs. K. C. Register ha re tars 4 to her home in Charlotte, after fpend. ing several day her At the betlsid of her fAthfr, ex-Judic W. J. Moat gomery. Mrs. Lutia Park Stephea will re turn tomorrow from High Point where ahe has been Uiling her ! tcr, Mrs. E. W. Freete, for fort night, j i ' '; Mrs. John K. Patterson and Mill Nannie Ixe PatteriMjn bftv rrturotd from Charlotte, where they have len vUitirig Mm. C. S. Stone fur several Buncombe Comity Hootrrelt Club, Asheville, N C. Feb. 10. A larg number of the Hepublicnns of tb county assembled at the court houia this aftoniof'n and organised the Hua etmbe Count v HiMcvelt" ItcpuMieaa Club. Vonno Ciudr was elected jprfiU drnt, and twenty-eiht ie preci- ident.n were elected, one for eaeh voU i rvtr precinct in the count v. On Mareh. Mth, a branch elub will Im formed dents and, on March 21t, another big rally of the elub will be held here. The expressed object of the elob is members believe that he is the only man that can heal the rupture in the, party in the South, caused by the ad ministration of Pmident Taft. Another Sunday Snow. Just clance out of vour window and isee the earth carpeted with snow and you will witness another triumph for the jrround hojr. The third mow of the winter bejran to fall Saturday evening abont dark and continued to eon?" down in driving sheets until about 12:30 o'clock. It ceaed to fall at a rapid pait alut that tima but continued to corte down in a rnihkr manner until after midnight. Wbn ti e' ipulace awoke Sunday nornins: they had the oppori unity of vltnevHinir the ground covered szi snow for the second Sunday morning in a many weeks. This one, howev- jer, was much deeper than -the one. a' I w eek &zo. The w eather moderated n?iderably this mornins? and tho result 'is that it is goin? away.aloot '.Z fct as it came d'jwn Saturday Ini-ht. RepuhUc of China WU1 Be Establish ed This Week. !k:n-. Feb. 11. An edict etab j : t! e republ ie will probably bo Februarv 13. A ftatercent -, the fhinee foreign lxjard saya iipubliean1 are harrad by di and are prepared to. waifo a majority of the prop d rneliationu The statement further sert that tl iere is no fear of the transfer of with jthe capital from IVking. althonh fir'jthat point ha not yet leen ab.late iromllv agreed npen. T 7i Tiri dipate'i v-i t. reo ral CliAfk l ur'a at Frh J1n,. v:c? t . Mukden last ni"ht was were not injured and hi captured. n ' , enter f fr it nd at a tea fain a nu.ir.ber' Mrinkinsr th rUirv" J ,lr. T. E. Pea. of Charlotte, is a business visitor in the jtity. : ! I ' i I" i. I' I I' t r l

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