- ' SHEKKILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHE D MOND A Y S AND THU R S D AY S. tt In Adnata XXXVII V librarian CONCORD N . C. THUKS DAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1912. NO. 70 T.B. 4 V FFJlNKLIN MILL EE ENLARGED. fifty llcze Tenant Houses, to Be 150 More! Operatives Will -t wir? To tir2--HaTtKP.il Mill r-ttino- Up 11 NcW Houses. Other Tuning Activity. in many years lias there been bi-i- ;i it r in building and develop- r.operiy in Conebrd as is now go " , ,! ;,p.1 being planned for the sura " :,-:i.Titlis. Many houses are now instructed arid witij the ad- . i liwr 'iiul trnfaii won f hiT niomr i be erected CI, DEATH OP DR. W. W. PHASE. COUNTY TEACHERS MEETOO.l BEST ROUTE BY CONCORD, i . ; - - Death of Well Known Minister at Notwithstanding Bad Weather And j Railroad Mzn Says Norfolk Southern ! TOR COUNTY FAIR, - wi vi venire iiaa noaas, 49 Teachers were ires Church for 50 Years. ( cat f Mooresville. Feh 97 Re n- w 7 Ai. 11 Cannot Afford to Leave Concord Off the Main Line. c S n V . pasior oi aoie day lor the meeting of the teurii- n vuut x-resoyierian church and .n omb f of year a m"ler of t rre fif o innnfv (Mimi2 i!4l L.I 1 nf tu ,t.f u t i i.-- i. . " cat oar, ncu at one uroe a leading pro- OL tne best beloved rinnistnrt . ttl I :t . f ,4 . , . - . . v .w- j,tv- -.v.- tc.i;t u.iuau xuuea oi umui )rueu inoief of a road I mm Kr frw 1 STUCK IN THE MUD. All Citi- fif tv. ra-? A.v,4 lcwwi Stmt Oo Uadt Rssi Attend Meetinjt at Court Bacm! oaiorcaj. T Kery Cituea of rjibim.: Yot Tar Ott Better. ;n!Ui asJ Tr JUVr !ry tll L Keen t lie rc ort for several v. ih;it the Franklin cotton mill Miild a larj;e addition - to its t,f.r:.t lant and build a number of if,,,,,-. Mr. J. W. Cannon, president ti c Cannon chain op mills, eonfirm j .jV rcpft last nijrht. The new .,l(iiti.,-n will be 200x100 feet and " "iri mi' tliree stones nrn. ine aacli- and the work will be of brick Is-in at once. The contract has to t. a Thompson & About 150 will be employed pmpleted. ' owned by Mr. sons and has for about four Mr. E. T. Cannpn is secretary er their man- has Icen successful from build between ;ivanie( YU . id' rinninham. ppcratives nhi; lie -addition is e Ti c Franklin mill is r V. Cannon and his U;: f.ncrated by them vc-ars. Viid !ica.-urcr and und H-'i'liit'lit it i'i mill 'will- also 1 ll't'4... I 4? . aiil liny iiuum-s j.tr nie accum- 'm1;!: i-. -ii 1 the increased-number of opfralives, .... Mr. H- F Propst, . manager of the i uiinird Heal Estate & Insurance Co., is pl inniii;.: to develop several tracts of property. Part of it is located on Ann street near graded) school No. 2. T ip o,r,pany will build 12 or 15 houses on this 'property and make a I. er of other developments, in (!u ;i:! the opening of streets, build iv: sidewalks, etc. Or. West Depot mm-.: the large' lot at the intersec tion of Powder street, which has been used for a. number ofyoars as lumber and pipe. yard will be .developed. The M will be. graded and. 'filled in and sever, or eight houses erected, Mr. Proo4 . .l;as not 'yet .awarded the con tract. - iv T!;c Yoiing-Hartscll mil 'is having .: m houses built ' near jh. mill on the west side of the deppt. This work is now in progress and will be pusiiC'l as. rapidly as possible. jr: Farle II. Brown is planning to hau his attractive home on- South Fiii;:!! street remodeled . and made largei . Mr. Brown contemplates be irinninir the work in about a month. south, passed away at his home in jrr&ds,: yet. this city tonight at 11 o'clock-after ditiondf th nn i!1nac P 1. r , i I.. ""--- vja. ix wet'K. vowing TO J11S the extreme age, being SO years old, his illness which developed the first of week, was serious Irom the out notwithstanding the con- e roads and the cold rain county. as a visitor here Tuesday. Caldwell was nntil rmntlv tirei- secretary reports 'furty present dent of the Kacdolph and Cumber- at the meeting. Many of those p res ent came from the eastern ends cf the country. Those nearer Concord .et and the end had . been expected showed a greater number of absences lor the past several davs. At bedside when the summons came were Mr. and-Mrs. Peter Marshall Brown, of Charlotte, Mrs. Brown being a daughter, and Messrs. F. Clare Pharr and W. Davidson Pharr, sons of the deceased. Mrs. W. L. Moore, of Mo bile, Ala., another daughter, was en route to her father's side when the end came last night. She had only left him ten days ago. and was sum moned as soon as grave fears were entertained. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at 2 o 'clock. Dr. Pharr had served in the Pres byterian ministry ever bince his" young manhood. For exactly fifty years he ministered to the old Center church congregation, one of the most rotable in this section of the State. He had always manifested a keen in terest in all things pertaining to the welfare of his people and exerted a powerful influence throughout all of his life. For the past twenty-five years be had made his home in Mooresville, which is only about 'three miles distant from Centre church. It is safe to say that there was no min ister in the State better known or more universally beloved. ODELL-P ATTERS ON. Mr. L. A. Fisher is b Marriage of Mr. Arthur G. O dell to Miss Grace Patterson to Take Place in June. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Patterson an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mis? Graea Patterson, to Mr. Arthur G. Odell. The wedding will take place in June. Miss Patterson is the third daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Patter son and is one of Concord's prettiest end most attractive young ladies. She was educated at the State Normal College, Greensboro, and has been a member-of the faculty of the' city schools for the past tliree years. Mr. ' Odell is a son of Mr. W. R. Odell and I is one of the most popular young men bildimr a mod-! (tii bungalow on"-White. ".street. Dr. W. L. Ezzell hap awarded the oiHract for a handsome residence to W built on 'his lot on the Kannapolis road. Mr. (ieorge II. Richd plans made for a new home On bis lot on (ieonria avenue, of the 'citv. He is an alumnus of Trinity and is now engaged in textile manufacturing, being secretary of1 the Kerr Bleaching & Finishing Works. lond is having Deputy Insurance Commissioner . Here. lH puty Insurance Commissioner W. A Scott" visited Coijcord Tuesday making an official inspection of fire waste conditions. He Assistant Fire Chief was assisted by R. A. Sappen- tiekl and Building Inspector J. H Dorton. Mnnv rdnrps were visited t . : and a number of defects pointed out. Il his report Mr. Scjott emphasized the importance f of every contractor securing "a permit before beginning work on any house or building." He tated to Building Inspector Dorton that under the law a! contractor was liable to a penalty if he failed to se cure a permit, and instructed Mr. Norton to hold them responsible. Mr ?tt also recommended that the law requiring cotton mills, public build ings and all larere industrial plants l' have doors open qn the outside be Raleigh, N. C, 'luiuiy eniorced. Mr. ocoil siaicu tuiuuci jj 'iiat Concord's showin than those furthest away. The pro gramme, as published, was carried out with the exception of the paper to be read by Miss Nina Cook. She was absent. The discussion bv Mr. W. J. Wed dington of -"Memory as a Factor of Study,' was able and thoughful. His4 main thought was that mere memoriz ing did not amount to much and that memorizing that was the '.by-product, of thought had an educational value. That a person might be able to re peat rules and definitions and yet not be able to apply them. Mr. James Gourley read a live and. interesting paper on "Organiza tion of Ideas." He said that teachers did not separate the important from the unimportant in theVlesson. That almost as much prominence was given to unimportant as the important facts. The child in such instances would be at a loss to know just what to concentrate his thought and" atten tion upon. A proper recitation would have one or more principal facts around which the teacher should gather a many of the unimportant as he would be able, but never should the main facts fail to be given prom inence. . Miss mma Erv.in's paper on "How to Make the Work Practical." was listened to with a great deal of interest. It gve us some ideas how we might apnly a history or geogra phy lesson in actual life! x The recitation conducted by Prof. Webb dealt with the teacher and his work. The conclusion " reached was' ht to go oetpre a class as teacher not even a primary class without a preeious study of the lesson to be taught and that no teacher was able to assign a lesson for next day 's work without study of the lesson to be as signed. Jail Sentences to he Given Hereafter. Charlotte Chronicle. Clem Wilson of the Roj-al Club, was tried and found guilty this morn ing of selling one pint of whiskey to J. A. MeCall, of Paw Creek township, for the sum of 50 cents. The sale oc curred on Wednesday, February 21. "I've tried fines; they don't work. I'm going to give him a little jail sentence," said Recorder Smith in rendering his verdict. "I suppose you'll appeal from any judgment, but it may asyyell be known right now that drug store men and club men who sell liquor may expect jail sent- Ten Known Dead From Tornado. Little Rock, Ark., Feb! 26. Slowly. restored communication with the out lying districts of Lincoln, Jetlerson and Arkansas counties, swept by a tornado yesterday, show that the death list will reach 10, while more than a score were injured, -some, it is. ences when they are found guilty be- feared, fatally. . - fore me. - All the growing crops were leveled, "Any other fellows1 here in the lin- buildingS swept away and many o uor business," said the court survey the sufferers were still without shel- ing the 200 or more spectators in the -m -1 1 1 J A ? ... ter or needed medical attention, ac- room, "had . better get in out of the land Uaiiroad in Moore county, and is tlii.roughTy familiar with the pro-, posed routes of the Norfolk South ern. ". In an interview with a repre seiAative of this paper Mr. Mr. Caldwell was until recently proi ment concerningihe proposed routes: "Severn! years ago when identified with the Moore County & Western I took up the rights of way from Con cord to Pee Dee river via Georgevilie, Locust Ixnel and Norwood. The sur vey was made by II. L. Thurston, a competent engineer. From inspection of the survey and travel over the route I am familiar with the. country between' Mt. Gilead and Locust LeveL "While endeavoring to build a rail road from Concord to Troy I person ally conducted Mr. A. X. Wales worth, a prominent engineer, formerly con nected with the Canadian Pacific, over the line from. Concord to Mt. Pleasant, thence to Albemarle and on to Troy. We used an aneroid barom eter and made note of the levels all along the way. Leaving the present line of the Aberdeen & Ashboro at Vestal, three miles this side of Troy. Mr. Walesworth located -a , very, cheap line to Uv.harrie river, one mile bove the mouth. Thence the line went through a dip in the hills to the Yad kin just above the lower falls. From that point to Albemarle was easy grade. From Albemarle to Mt: Pleas ant was the heaviest grade, but ' it was .no worse than we found near Rocky River Springs. From the above- investigation of the two lines. 1 think Concord may safely disregard the rumors that the Norfolk Southern will go from Mt. Gilead to Charlotte and leave, Concord off the main line. I am satisfied that via Albemarle and Concord is the cheaper route, and even if it were to cost $200,000 more the owners of the Norfolk Southern could net afford to miss Concord. Having spent more than two millions in the purchase of existing lines and being backed by ample capital it is certain that they will come to Con cord, a city that is the biggest town with only one railroad in the South." Mr. Caldwell is now living at Dav idson having recently -moved -there from Moore county. He will proba bly locate in Charlotte for the prac tice oilaw in a short time, but his family will continue to live at David son. Mr. Caldwell recently returned from a trip to Moore county and stat ed that the change of ownership in the Aberdeen & Asheboro railroad was complete, the fact even being noticeable on the engines which car ried the name of the road, "Raleigh, Charlotte & Southern." i . fat the eoarthoaN in Coccord o $U hiz rt!l iwt .i urday, Mareh 2nd. 1912, at X oVWk j day ur p. m, for a.eeafrmr with miyfby fc r mr lUU UIL' lj labarni ntiien a ill M-rmbJ UUaft hnt s hiir a hule toecMcke on aid dt. Hyrmr.oId ; bar." Tl tx4 Mf, "U piiri- bCj to tooMder the adu;irvr Fi hr .o an! at abday offortni aJar AmtAtnJiifVr lUhUt r.r!. nt4 for Cabarrus county. 4H He ty of iu Uf tnen have ben dbuMU thu matter atseipJ ta rr for a short time only, bat far all About n;idar n a, - ... . . . . . don than it mt a nJjr fal All em to think that a fair rTher the httl Uh .ul. n;h ia erly managed would not only be i t eeatrr of Sptintf tWt at ll in. credit to our county but would art : lertiwa- o( Mar.h Tli VattfkjfUr a. a stimulant, more e,laHy lo out! (HzhUH aad up a ,4ti. agneultural interest.. f , ,t eatt,h tht r,J Uu 1 horefore yau are requtinl to j tte ebt-yearHJd iter 1h niibfd to fone and brine M'U.c wjilt ,y,ti, ihi r-Mue, N Mmrr 'did ttriVa Discus this matter &m..n urMh ; M.ft w41 than r IttUe i4U be and let n have tun hi nchl of y ur ad- j came n..tJ.nci. in tt r jjra.p of th vu i adhesive cart!. A enfr iu-e A th entire county .There the to little tot tood is eareneily desired. PlefVM be on ; their four tiny fWt held jut a e hand promptly. Saturday. Mareh 2. jrurly a the Tar !Uly Krld Hr'er. at 1 o'clock p.' in., at the court !iu:ie. : Kahnt In a fr n.ir.utr a cry 1 V. STAL1.INGS. iof "help z ut out and tbe-tirib G. K. KITCH1K. !1h ruU.rd to the nue. !kth httU ic!ii!irin were pulled aUe from their I mooring. I No . ll .it lv ate os rr aaitl ia . their t-nxv. little hou r-, Hry will H uiouoi ieei. ov itJeir on unpiestiaui Resilsnce of Mr. Curvcy, on rranklini,xl,erirJ r- a kintllirr ywpathy for 'Atrn- Plt !t,iU ir ei . naouu auu ..n-ri ,ym The residence of Mr. I. II. turvey, Uuk.H Ur Ulli on Irankhn avenue, caught fire this - . about 10 o'chck and T. A. MOSKU. H. H. PARKS. FXHE THIS MORNING. in !:.at.y -thine morninir the LOCATING STATION SITES. roof and gables were destroyed be fore the department extinguished the blaze. The fire caught on the roof next to a ehimnev and when discover ed had made good headway. The fire- Monroe, Ib. Mr. jilnnn v.i turned in nnd thf firmen. i Caule, pn hide tit of the 0cials and Salisbury & tlonro Railroad Visit Monroe. N. It. Me. Salisbury with the assistance of the neighbor. i M.nnH Railroad C5 m any. ad succeeded in saving the house, al-j Mr. Rajrland, another omrial f tim though the roof was partially de- Uarae road. pent yc-terday in lon stroyed. Urw and held a conference with Sn- The house contained six rooms' and jpcrintendent Gore of the Sealxard was owned by Kr. C. R. Sears. The; Air line -K Albany '(mpany, a la loss is fully covered by insurance. By ; terminal facilities It i- the denim the quick work of thoie who resjKind- of the new railroad company to Uh ed to the alarm the household effect Irate". the- station-' here as will m tb and furniture belonging to Mr. Cur-n.st convenient, and if jmoU:,. l vey were saved, with the exception n.ake a union depot with the Sea of a few articles that were dama-ed hoard Air Line ha no connection ia bv water. a financial manner with the Salisbury , Monritc road. 'nor ha the SoutLtra List of Letters Railway, but it i- lheved that eon- Pnmolnin nrnUA fT in ih tv.t. - neetions will le made irom the aina .r,:,. n'f,..A ttnAlnt stations both February 20. 1U12: Men. I?omen Black, L. T. Bot. K. A cording to latest reports. wet. At Almyra, the home.of Ed. John- The sentence was a term of SO davs son, was demolished, and Johnson, in the county jail, combined with a his wife and three children, and a fine 0f $30o and the fHvin nf ft bond hired man were caught in the ruins at the expiration of 30-day jail sent- and crushed to death. At -Terry, Lin- ence for good behavior, with instruc- coln county, Doctor and Mrs. Will- tions that the defendant present him- iams were caught in the wreckage ot self in court eyery m nth tQ ghow their house and will probably die. that eonnection of D0 srt had been Most of the other dead and injured maintaind with elub or plaee are negroes. xuc uia uu.v.v. h snm nniK ... Lf11.j If the above sentence is not accept ed a sentence .of seven months on the Goss Held Without Bail. county roads was designated. Incase February 2S. The oi appeal, thev bond for appearance are arranging, to aid the sufferers. tor T'm eit i7.eohm t .. .1. todav held, without at the next term of criminal court waa iust bail F. W. Goss, of Durham, to an- was toed-at-lf000. a ifif sr, ov, wuyi-ftfhorn flflps swpr tne cnanre 01 coiouuaiv,ui its size alleged murder and robbery of Taft Accepts Challenge Messrs. Johnson, Jernigan and -or- Washington, Feb. 23. President Snpriai Mppfiniy nf Classis. ter. the three young men 01 rwnson, uatt will soon start a vigorous x w w a w ' i - 7 , . ttt i i o Kev. W. H. Causey went to Salis-: wlio were lounu - wnming campaign to explain vy this mornins: td attend a special boa r , 'noetin- nf the fWis-of North Car- le jury i.ouuu mat J " xuimei iu canuiaacy ior renomina n i j . i ! " j -rvrrr Tnii I monns I Mlmn nf)U Pofmi, rlmreh. which Came IO meir ueam m,r uu. will' woot- ffvL,nrtr, in Faith andVthe tact that Woss naa in nis, po&- i5etore the Republican national mxo , , n, o ri rl nilTNP I H T .,1 f i. rnr. . a ' 4-1, ,-it session uvvaicu aim a r i iuu ciilioo. uieeis iu dune. in rresi . o i i .. i- f cirmlnr to those ownea oy me mice aent win soend manv rinv on the " fir 1 1 1 c w i l Ti (r Tin rom Hit s 11 i t. --ii a j m j - v uiooui ui- ,ivMVAV ir I T 4- u. li-kli t 1 1 .... - - - T.;-Ts:nn7.te from tnp West young men, causea mm u, uC uc u, roaa ana is expected to deliver scores Uuu-.nn ,1. aA Utl-lHnr.Rhin also the tact thai a reyon moi speeches, lie will travel as tar - '"-..VA i'" .v . -p. 1 ITT "l - . . Noacker will -o to Kan- pawned oy uoss at uuiikxlu. nampsmre and south at least as iar as ueorgia. uther en?as:ements mav I'.-rwov, -wiJ a Q.t.i 'a ttitpa Snecial Terms For Mectien- oe mane in the next lew weeks, ihe ir r . -rl.,, - rr V . President. -nn1itifll a!r?cflM tioi;0ro - uA,xoxo IL V ' he is their best orator. (;!iarge Mr. S:i anA iTVTi.- TTQlloit Viae -irinAl t.llfi ' UUU XfXi. . AiHWA XXCtk7 w Press Comments on the Wilher Starr Quartette. Nebraska In his Schubert songs, Mr. Starr proved himself a master singer and interpreter, singing all with such excellent understanding his hearers were charmed. Lincoln Jour- nal. New York-Mr. Starrs voice is m plod ions and robust. 'His climax Ls grand. New York Dramatic Mirror W.rtii rnrnlina A snlendid com pany. Ashevoro Prof. 0. V. Woos- lev, Sec?v. "Ohio Wilbur Starr sang well act ed well and was altogether pleasing. Cincinnati Enquirer. Pennsylvania Mr. Starr's voite is fine and his interpretations inspiring. Philadelphia Ledger. South Carolina Ihe fctarr 10. gave universal satisfaction. Bates boro. Dr. F. B. Abe, Sec'y. Tennessee Mr. Starr sang grand ly Nashville Banner. Texas vThecompany was repeated ly encored. Mr. Starr is a fine sing er and delightful impersonator El Paso Herald. At graded school auditorium next Tuesday nisrhtf March 5th. Brown, C. (i. Brown. Will Hury. L. M. Canup. C. A. Clark, Hubert Crav- -r r- T T T - - 1- T er, doe uenms. j . i. ijick,- .ias. jv. Barnhardt. C. E. Fisher, Robt. L. Furr, M. C. Hammond. W. F. Harry, Blair Hines, Henry Keenan, t . H. Kluttz, William D. Leftin. Geo. M. Maxwell, John Miller, S. B. Morris. J. E. Mulhs, J. C. Mullis, J. F. Os borne. Alf Poplin, Tom Porter, V lck Rogers. Women. Ajrnes Allen, -Mrs.' Rose Balet, Mrs. Artie Barringer, Mrs. Nancy J. Bax- ! ere and at Salisbury. ureatlv nb-aseii it !hi- rra!Ucaient can be effected and will do all tbey ! can to encourage it. I Fnion cotinty and particularly Monre ha great m tin new railroad and it U a Source of gratU lication that wirk i to hex in al an early date. Mr. McCanh atdwbiU here that jut as trh a the weather conditions were more favorable that the work of construction would bo gin. While the Mirvev a originally laid out will be followed, there are a few imiortant changes that utll be made in the line at certain oinU along (i u rf-rht of uav. The enirineem ar ter. Eva Bell, Irs. Nora Bostic. jCXl6.te(i to en at once to go orer Minen-a Bowman, Mrs. Clara Bustle. route an(j et tj,f stake for th Mattie McCaldwell, Mrs. Emma Coy- !ronstruction m whjh to follow, ner, Lillian Eatman, Jolie Foster, ilf. new rajiroaa will give thu en Bessie Hanee, Mrs. Lizzie Harris, Es- j tjr(, S(,ction a connection that baa ter Howie. Julia Johnson, Iuise j jon? heen needed and it is hoped that Kinnian. Mary Kirby, Mrs. lielah j te completion will -froon follow the Lane, Mrs. Marie Lewis, 'Mrs. Julia Jj beginning of the work, and that ih E. Martin, Margaret Means, Mrs. development will le rapid and reaeh Marj' Starnes, Beulah White. jeven bevond the exect"ation of th When calling for the above letters ! promotes. please sav "advertised. M. L. BUCHANAN, I Recital at Mt. Pleasant. Postmaster, j A reeital will le given by tlx? youn - : j ladies of Mont Amoena Seminary in An Interesting Situation. j the auditorium at Mt. Pleasant to- Washington, Feb. 27. If the j morrow night at H:IM o'eloek. Th House of Representative- were call-( following your.2 Isdie wjll take f" Mis jti Barrier, Kthel l orzine, Chrvstine Miller, Ina Minri, F.unieo Rahn. Ethel Seybt, Mao Vt. Ione iill to Chestnut Hill and Spencer (,'iurches. burg. Raleigh, Feb. 28. Governor Kitch- 1 J llonn cnoflial fpTTT) nf fill- in oroereu luicc oxux -- - Death of Mrs. Sloan's" Mother. May It Be a Perpetual Boom, court for Mecklenburg coun . 'I believe this will be the best year ty for civil cases. Judge Lyon will in flip ViicTvrr nf r!rnnrd Kind 1-inld ft court one week beginning Mayor C. B. Wagoner, cashier of the April 15; Judge Foushee will hold ter, Mrs. S. E. Sloan, at Kannapolis ra YoungblooJ died Tueday at in .iu i, x? i s i. w exuciv ai tuc iiuiiie ox iier aauiiu- Utizens' Bank & m. llI intend busy they tell me! Trust Co., last one week beginning May 6 and Judge MrS. Youngblood lived in Kershaw, building several Cline will hold one weeK Degmiuu ; b uf but nad Deen yjgjtmg her daughter, JNlrs. b. xu. Sloan, for sever al weeks. The remains were sent to Kershaw yesterday, where the inter ment was made. Wses, and the contractors . are so May 27. There is also a special term they can't even ordered for Wake county of two tave time to fisuro oil other work weeks beginning May 13 with Judge Within 90 daYs.,, 1 : Cline presiding. Cline presidin; Death of Mr. Fred Barnhardt. Atv- FrAd Branhardt died Mon dav afternoon at his home on Gold street after an illness of nearly a year's duration of pellagra., Mr. Barnhardt was 28 years of age and lie survived bv a wife and two chil , r . . v dren He was a memDer or r.ponu Methodist church and Junior Order fnuneil No. 25. The funeral was held Taesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home and was conducted oy nev. -u .. A. J; Farrington and Rev. G. G. Hai ley.. The members of the. Junior Or der attended the funeral in a body. Th interment was made at Oakwood cemetery. ed upon" to elect a President, as it was in 1801, when Thomas Jefferson waj elected, and in 1825. when John Oninev Adams was elected, it would harrier. Fie Black. Ethel Cobb, start of in a dead-lock. Each State jOlive Gnann, Helen Mienbeircer and is entitled to one vote, and the ma jority of a State delegation determ ines the vote. Twenty-two btates have Democratic majorities and twenty-two Republican majorities, while four States have delegations that are divided equally between) Democrats and Republicans. This j makes an interesting situation. What if Senator LaFollette and William J. Bryan get together and organize a third party and nominate a candi date for the presidency! -The love and hate of a beautiful artist's model, famishes the theme for an intensely strong dramatic Imp story, "The Portrait" which will be presented at the Tbeatorium today. See the new ad. of the Browns-Can non Co. in today's paper. What necessity is there for the Col on el to talk so long as he has nan a dozen fluent Governors will to do it for himf Mary Patterson. These will be as sisted by" the following quartette of gentlemen: . Messrs. IL W. Barrier, C. II. Crane. G. F. Conrad and J. L. Yo.t. '' Only Ocne More Day Left. On Febmary lt The' Time puV Hshed the following: 4Ita told Mr. J. A. Kennett in tU orera bouse last night that cotton will be 11 cents a pound witnin days.", Ita has only two more days in which to maintain her reputation as a prophet. , Our China Fund. Previously acknowledged f4.ll Cash ..--- All spring styles in Jno. 15. Stet son 'a bats, in soft and stiff shapes at White-Morrison-Flowe Co. 'a. - t. V I : I (st;