j. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. ,..t Un ear. Due in Advisees v. T vol: xxxvii. CONCORD N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1912. NO. 78 III ROOSEVELT-11" IF II IIIlfD? WASHINGTON, POLITICIANS ARE GREATLY STIRRED OVER SPEECH. Many Interpret His Remarks Last Kight at Chicago to Mean That He May Head Third Party Movement. What Pinchot Says. Roosevelt Denies It. Wa-hington, Mtfrch 28 Not since ' , i :iv of" 1800, when the Democrat is ! iiti.v was disrupted by the "Gold ';.';;.(.! ;iti- "movement," have politi been so stirred as they are to !'l Many leaders interpret' Roose--,t;itMiie.Mls last niirht at Chica- -n jo that Republicans are not i, 1 t. respect itv tliu''-'ery i "nomination se ' as meaning if t : i i l ii .: 11 is not iM.Mnuaieu ai v.iu- . ;: . , ,. Miay head a third party .move , ... ;.. Thi belief -they claimed is i., iM' out bv the statement issued to- DEBATE AT WINECOFF SCHOOL TO IMPROVE THE STREETS .1 V !.v Gilford Pinchot.- one of ;,.velt"s field in-;r:-;l;als. Answer- Lare Crowd Attends Exercises Last Several Streets to be Macadamized. liight. Decision in Favor of Wine- COfL ; Winecoff school hou.se was crowd ed wit li people last night, every avail able seat being taken and many stood in the aisles and doorways, the occasion being a debate between Winecoff and Rocky River high schools. A programme filled with in terest and rendered in a manner that drew great praise from the audience and .reflected enviable credit upon both institutions made the evening one of pleasure and profit to every one, i Prof. C. E. Boger presided oyer the debate. The exercises Were op ened with prayer by Rev. W. T. Al bright, at the close of which the chil dren of Winecoff school' sang' Caro lina," Miss K. I,ee Steele rendering the accompaniment. Two declaimers, Mr.' Ralph Black, " Lincoln's Gettys burg Address,' ' and John Earnhardt, "Character of Napoleon," and two recitations, "Polly 's Surprise Party" by Miss Evelyn Winecoff and "Feed ing the Children," by Miss Zula Bost, together with the debaters made the programme complete,- and all ac quitted themselves in a manner acquitted themselves in a manner that won the praises of their hearers and reflected credit upon their schools. The musical part of the pro gramme deserves special mention. The quartet, the song by five little boys and the songs by the school brought forth encore after encore. The following question was debat ed: "Resolved, That North Carolina is the Best State in the Union in Which to Live?" . ; From historic Rocky River were: Mr. Henry Bost and Mr.- Drayton Horton for the negative, and from progressive Winecoff. Mr. Richmond Stroud and Mr. Robert Litaker ap peared for the affirmative. Ably and .well did they do battle. For more than an hour the State of North Car olina Was on trial at their hands. At times her future quivered in the bal ance. Time and time again vhen sent quivering into her side from the gentlemen from Rocky River her pa triotic sons and daughters began, to j.u tit- allegations' that Roosevelt viol.iifil bonds of friendships and pno'-'l ungrateful- in launching, his c.ui.lhlaey in opposition to President Tin. Pinehot assails that and de clares: "Roosevelt believettT Taft av;i to.be trusted and that he would stau l li nil for the people, so he sup ported him in 1008. But the record Miows-that Roosevelt was mistaken. Tail couldn't be trusted to take up the burden of the Presidency to '.re pair his mistake. 'It wouldn't be fair to the people jt him to refuse the call and let them suffer another four years of special interest government under Taft." St.. Louis, March 28. Roosevelt' to day denied the published stories that he had indicated his intention to bolt the ticket in case he is not nomi nated by the Chicago convention and Taft is nominated. "Any statement like that is a fake," said he.; "Any time I have anything to say on such suhwt I'll sav it mvself. and'anv- iln!i. tmrnnrfcrno' to come from me hope for a Vance and a Ransom to iivlo I env if rnvaelf is: fl fnlrp " Ibriner her back as the one shininj? J 'star in the great galaxy of stars that i compose this nation. But on each I occasion the gentlemen from Wine- i nfW fnnolif nnhlv. hravlv and - well Ti i i i. : ""o"" -f'jf i ne lai-e attendance, at toe upeiuujj i a , , f, t forpns frav Wl ed a vic- flnd her Association gave evidence or tlie gen-i oral interest in the good roads. move ment manifested in - this section of the country. The convention will be in session two days and will devote itself principally to the discussion of the following highways: Asheville Spart anbury.. Asheville-Greenville, Charlotte-Ashe ville, Columbia-Spart-anhuig-Asheville and Ivnoxville-At-knta, . . ' ' Asphalt Street to Be Laid In Busi ness Section. At a meteing of the citv finance and strcet committe it was decided to make extensive, improvements on a' number pf streets. On account pf theH limited resources of the city s treas ury' a number of -improvements that have been considered for some time will have to be postponed but they agreed to go the extreme limit at present. The committee decided to macad amize Church street from. Depot to Corbin, Means and Barbrick streets, Buffalo from Locke mill to the Kan napolis road. Cement sidewalks will also be put down on Buffalo street provided the property owners agree to pay half tlie cost. The committee then took up the matter of putting asphalt on . the business section of the city, from the St. Cloud Hotel to the St. James Lutheran church. It was agreed to do this work provided the merchants and property, owners would eontril- ute tathe expense. The committee.' decided to use the Indian Refining Company's asphalt pavement, which is very similar to that now in use at the Corbin street corner, near the Lutheran church. Work will begin on these improvements ; at once. lUUHU llllill Ul LIU1U1U BY H K. Or P. RALLY To Take Place Togpnow Xufct Prosisest Prtfciait to S;tat. TL "TmX ISthUe kr ca for a (fcawn of ua4iuAl irUtAj Hit wk, a evidenced by UUin Iltcr HAS BOTH FEET CUT OFF BY .at out jettrrday : FREIGHT TRAIN. Dear Mr and BrvtLcr: Pw Mr. J. U Bostian, of Landis, Fdlj..n4 it Vrrv tMrtv.e Under Train This Morning in Try- Talk about it to every Pythian ia -iirfc to Board It. Wanted to Go to fet, and 'phone to all the other ia Charlotte on Freight Train. lfie rli tkt nrd Ui;; No. 51, r.Mu oaT i H the lime of iu Ufa Fridsy Oun? mill onratftr' herv. lost both: r .. . . . - m HPIian Will liroki.U tn.1 fmn ift i His feet this morning in an attempt! , t, . . !L 'inw rrm cf tte d to catch a moving southbound freight ('hn!!br 1. lf.,lnv ,11 -.Mw,rtra eirry rUua train. lstian wanted to go to U tt , 1,, .... u lUiitunnuMi Charlotte and when the freight passed 1 iJ 1 i.- 1. i'fti.. .1:,; j ricit that lie - Ujuuac 1 special UErrriNG or couktt cosimssioNEr Dasa4 t Bn4 r.oaU Abect II0.0O0. Be aid Purdam TUte Ktw Brtdxra, T2:- Uird-of evi!y roasts tiioe Ke!4 a iml t&im rly f vr th purM wf taikiifcx 4a tiT IMunri;; li iUtte tb ena&jy ndm and tnt! far ' reairui Ihm lir.xce U tl ea&f) nad atwl lnir iv rrornt rin. Tb "ard prrt a htm r.!a jfnc over tated daU "i4- "v..m K. J Jf -a T 1 1. .w.uulue a ao lor "c Uls: deliver hift UhntP.? ..r. balance and fell beneath the ear. : . HM'ur teort. oth leet were smashed off. Bv- ti k , . r.. -Many vl li bnu;r were jhed tan.1m rushed- to the aid of the ! Tfe' ?, 1 5? 1 ! -t ik." UJ (..un.l u. . v i ij fc, moil. lie us ittKfU 10 i-r. 11- will be a feat rich aud.rare for Con- sufi;lT eld Up bniii;ht k l lhu rnin lam and. rebuilt- It aa - 1 . .fi; I i - ,)Uu-e Miere ms unuS W ere j Irthian. W. tm! t,rv Douncl up. Dr. Ldwards later placed j Knihf' in th itv will ntt. .i l ,r "ar -ho-evrr parrha tbre the young man in his automobile and j Tu u,'.i , ,.:n bndt. ni at tbr mllL "nKn houe" at the CaMle Hall ' f tU from 4 to 5 oVlock Fridav evening nxJ,h" 'ulr4 ,n '" fcip. and the rrfroment cumnnttee wiUl"1 "Pnttn. uf bn.! e.m- snrpat! thiir .lTrin ftr iK-i r.t ! fcI ruru"n Isr,J ttrr4 PT' loos mm u) wnneneau-Mokes sana torium at Salisbury. The accident occurred about 9:30 o'clock. MT. PLEASANT DEFEATED BY LENOR COLLEGE TEAM Planning for Good Jloads. Spartanburg, .S. "C, March 28. uu lo u.iummC(u, "'V I and when the s:reat iorensic 1 lure today ot the convention of theiended North carotina emerge sonthurn Appalachian Good Road ; t her bri;;htness undimmed Trinity's "Annual' a Thin of Beauty. Trinity College, March 28. For the. past few days the editorial staff of the 'Chanticleer,' 'Trinity's an nual, which will be issued for the first time thjs year, habeen busily engag ed under the the direction of the ed itor-in-chief, Claude Bennett, in pre paring the copy for the final dispatch to the printers in Richmond, where it will be issued. The book will be bound in Levant grain cowhide leath er of a dark blue color and stamped in gold with the name and the year of the issue. There will be 250 pages including advertising matter, of which there1 will be even more than was at first hoped for by Manager Score 12 to 2. Large Crowd Pres ent at Extemporaneous Debate. -Mount Pleasant, X. C. March 28. The baseball team of the Institute suffered defeat by the lnoir team yesterday evening-by a score of 12 to 2., Monroe did some good twirling for the Cadets, but a little support was lacking. Some good slugging was session. Yours fraternallv, A. F. HAUTSKLL, F. ?. XI BLOCK, JAS. C. FIXK. Committee. The visiting! speakers are gentle men of the highest reputation and prominence in Pythian circles of the State and the iHanagement of the pro gram desires it understood that every Knight in reach of this meeting is cor dially invited, whether he is a mem- 1- If il. l A tions. Two color plates will be in serted in the book, and, besides these, there will be numerous steel engrav ings and embossing work. Father Slain by Young Son. Richmond, Va., March 27. James Currie, an engineer, was shot and in stantly' killed in his home here to night by his son, Robert Currie, a lad of 15 years. Entering his house in the lower section of the city at the supper hour, the boy found his mother, struggling to release herselr as lit Pleasant; . 2 13 Lenoir 12 4 3 V Monroe struck out two men; Pool ptruck out one man, Brower under the original computa- U . extemporaneous debate was Wins One of Our Dinner Sets. The tirst one to win one of our beautiful dinner sets "was Mrs. H. C. M, (Joodnight of No. 4 township, who secured ten newT subscribers to The Times. Several others are working for a set, and no doubt many others will soon do so. All you have to do is to brine: us new subscribers to the amount of $15.00 to either The Times or Tribune or both, with the ' cash, nl the 32-piece dinner set is given witiiout. the payment of a cent of itioney on your part. coking- imperishable glories still preserved Each young man made a most ex cellent effort and to do them justice a complete account of their specehes V UU1U XliXVtJ IU uc v given. iiiwc.. . 1 .1 .L rx, t i t u: -?- xiiiu xier uusuauu, vuu w &rroua ana LiiaKer sptaKiu iui . . . TT -an y,:' North Carolina portrayed her great J t V A ' 7ZL climate, her natural recources, com- y - - : merce, manufacturing, agricultural uulL T! I and mining resources and what they ." , .. a.a ounet emeicu iuc uccb. ouu the iuglar vein. WTith his parent ly held last night. A large crowd was present. Everyone seemed to "be well pleased with the programme. All the speakers did well. They discuss ed, the query, 'Reolved, That Inter collegiate Athletics Should .be En couraged." Eleven yoiing men spoke. en of which number choose the at- firmative side. The prize was award ed to Mr. Jno. L. Yost. A. F. IIARTSELL, C. C. done on each side. The following is the line up: Mt. Pleasant Mon- ber of the local lodge or not. roe ,p; Murray, c; Lylerly, If; Daley, 2b; Foil, rf; Welsh, ss; Broad, 3b; Moose, ef ; Beaver, lb. Lenoir Wil liams, D., ss; Rudisillv2b; Mackie, e; Pool, p; Williams, L., lb; Stuck, 3b; Sox, If; Green, rf; Frye, cf. It. II. r. oiuoiniT ,in uv inttx trnlkr u& rx odir.sly hrap. Karj r-prr-nt a tie Meiiid' determined tti lanI tho 5Ui tract and bid alter bid a matN?J While thi wnj gfrinc u the tn th lard played a Waiting pan r Hn nally the price truek the ltttom and the three bridge wre purebaMrd for $i;iOU. They will lir r-rrete.l at ilm alH)e nameJ plares. The Imard aUo ihstrueted that rk W tartel at once for replacing the other bridge. u(i!hed away. ROBBERY NEAR CHINA OROVE TUESDAY NIGHT. agricultural m? ro,om termed above all her great and sturdy Memorial to Wade Hampton. Charleston. S. C, March 28. An niiiiosinir monument in memory Of Wieral Wade Hampton, a gift to the (:ty of Charleston by the local chap ter ot the Daughters of the Conted t'acy, was unveiled today, on the Nine-fourth anniversay of the birth () the distinguished South Carolina sohhor and statesman. The unveiling tt;ts accompanied with interesting but modest ceremonies. The oration of the day was delivered by Dr. S. C. Mitchell, president of the University f .South Carolina. SV i, -fu uQ a in? dead on the floor, the son remain Combmmg these with her rapid llih -a n education and industrial u Tr"V , -. .i faixT TYirmTita Inter and nlaced. nf thpv enntenriert tnat ----- - -m u.., vv-. r i " u hinder aTrest. There are nine cnil- iorin uaruima was uj wnuc iyou . - HesimhlA State in the Union in which m u . - witnessed tne snooting. On the negative Messrs.. Bost and Horton asked that the judges and au dience cast aside all prejudices and not let such, pretty sentiments as ''Here's to the Land of the Long GET READY FOR THE ANNUAL SPRING CLEANING. Monday a Week Has Been Officially Designated Clean-Up Day for Con cord City. Begin to Get Up Tour Trash Now. Those who have premises to clean prepare to- clean them now. Monday, April 8, has been omciaiiy designat ed as "Clean Up Day." On that day every citizen is supposed to have his yard in the best order. Put all you cans", trash and ruDDisn in a pue auu the city will haul it away for you. After clean up day the sanitary in spector will inspect every premise in Concord anil if a citizen has failed to remove all the rubbish from his yard he will be required to-do so and haul it away at his own expense. No one thing will make a place as desirable to live in as to have it clan. Join with your neighbor in this clean up campaign. Do it now. Spencer Citizen About to Thrash Man Who Defamed Ministers. Crossed Southern Tracks During Night. For some time the work of ex ex tending the car line has been held up, waiting for permission from the Southern Railwav to cros3 its tracks near the Gibson -mill. The street car comparfy exhausted its patience and decided to lay the track despite the fact that they had not received per mission from the railroad. They se cured a number of laborers and. in the stillness of the night went there and put the track across. As yet no ob jection to this action has been made by the railroad. In the mean time work on the car line is still in pro gress. ' 4 National Woolen Mills Open Store Here. The Rational Woolen Mills will urdav, March 30, in the room form erly occupied by the postotlice noxt to People s Drug Company They will have on display fine spring woolens, and all suits will be made to order for $15.00, no more, no less. You will find a half-page ad of this firm in The Times today. Watch for one also in The Tribune tomorrow. Man Who Was Stranger Wai Oirea Employment And Robbed th Home.-Arrested Next Morning Near Landis. Missing Jewelry Found on His Person. The home f Mr. W. Iu Wilhedm. two miles north of China Grove, was. entered and robbed at an early hoax this morning. " A foreigner, who Mr ed-to 'work or Mr. Wilhrlm ,yesttr day was arreted about a mile and half this nide of !,andU thi morning aliout U o'clock, charged with tbo crime. The. arrest as made by two citizen from China Grove, who wer dcputKcd to arrest the man by Mayor Deal, who received a 'phojume!age staging that .he-was en route toward Larulis. The '.stranger 'cause to Mr. Wilhelrn'a buse . y'estenlay ami aked for ena ployment. lie wan hired to do farm work. Before daylight this morning Mr. iWilhelm weiit to Salisbury ami when the ladies at the house aroa they found a number of artieles mww in. A search for the stranger re vealed that i he bad trone. Tlx'y u.v pof.'ted him of the robbery and 'phon ed to a number of jK'opIe in that ee tion Tlie man answering the dcrip tion thev gave wa teen to paLAn- dis and Mayor Deal deputize! two Exercises at Kannapolis SchooL Kannapolis. X. C, March 28. One of the iarp:est crowds' ever assembled i citizens to make the arrest. The man in'the Y. M. C. A. Hail witnessed an I was found in an old field and when Veteran of the Senate. t . Vhingfbn, D. C, March 28. 'nirratulations were. in order today ft -Senator Jacob II. Gallinger of Hampshire, n the occasion of lis seventy-fifth birthday anniver sary. Senator Gallinger is one of the vetera.ns of the "upper house. In years, he is surpassed only by two Ambers. Culiom. of Illinois, and Stephenson. df Wisconsin, while in Point of service Senator Culiom alone lps the record of the New Hamp . Kre member. Auhert's Capture Imminent Paso, Tex., March 28. Thirteen cd Mexican federals, command pliino- for monev. a lor xano I. '- o i n . l! J -mm noma rtT eigner traveling iuuei tic ii Rev. Smith was hushed in short or der by a leading citizen or &pencer while "nreaehincr on the streets here t a - , , . 1 ate this afternoon, aurrouuueu uj not restricted to icacucis crowd of railroad men on tne street! i .v.-v4-1tt nation rinwn I - corner ne was prompnj t. , ' - when he made the statement renect-j Senator Taylor Operated on. a e'i Ly General Aubert are reported to- A the. combined wees under Orozco at Campa, near VlHa Lopez. Dispatches from rebel Sfjurces assert that Aubert is sur rcunded and the capture of his com mand is imminent. ' ' , Colonel Roosevelt in Fightingf Speecn Lashes Opponents. Chicago, 111., March ' 28. Colonel T?nnprpt's most stinging campaign Leaf Pine" effect their decision. They SDeecll thus far was delivered here pointed oui me uwuauic a vj-asi night. le lasneu nis opponents the o-reat industrial wealth -, , j rv rf Vim with nsin? rr New England, the educational sys- fraud ano trickery to defeat him tern of Kentucky, wiiere a compulsory h, rn1nTlpl RnnSpVelt said it was school law is in operation, the great fiffhtinff speech. It was delivered be- manufacturing oi tne miauie Aiwuut f0re a throng which packed tlie au stnrpe snrnasseii Liiuae ui aiuah i .i ; i. : a nUnnvart him onrniisiasn MllAV ' ' v t ' I I 11 I II I 1 II HI tliVl 1 V- ilJMJ . " I m w T , " nlinn Thev admitted that North .. TKo marip in New York ' Spencer, March 2. In; asserting CnrolinaVas the greatest State to be tevt. for 'his speech i that all Christian ministers are 1 , , , . 1 lUlUlOUU "V - i born in , but not tne greatest io iv and hft cited a number of instances in. In proof ot this they pointed to . , . , . 0 his or)Donents had Andrew Jackson and Andrew John- resorted to impr0per practices to de son, contending that neither would feat him have reached the zenitn oi ms xame if he had continued t o reside in Camera And School Picture Smashed North Carolina. They contended that YfhiQ retunring from Pinnacle such was the case today and pointed nast night, where he had gone to mae to the ability and fitness ot upv- Bome pictures, Mr. T. -Newman naa ernor Aycock as a man for a national tne misfortune to fall from 'his buggy, post of honor but that his place of jje sustained no injuries but his large residence denied him such ah honor. camera was broken. Mr. Newman was At the conclusion oi the oeDaie mo holding the camera in me loot oj. me iudes Proi. A. . vveou, jtioj.. ouggy wnen me 'wum xeei m a uc W B Long and John M. Oglesby re- aoie turning the buggy almost over tired to decide upon a veraicu. j-j ftnd spilling ixr. i e iudu A vote of 2 to 1 the judges decided in to tne ground, ur course me pictures favor of the affirmative, the decision vere minejL bTf tr?auv ofwh schoolsbe- Snffragettes Held Without Bail. i a nf. credit for the excellent London. March 28 Mrs. Emmeline 1UU6J fc . 1 , 1 U. J lf, TU;lr entertainment. livery speab-cj. i'ftrknursi anu mr. auu iu.ia. i ciui a .orefnl and patient training Lawrence were neiu wnuoui, uau ir a lare share in the sue- jav on a eeneral conspiracy charge. 111 UVBul tv o Jt L 1 J li t, cess of the evening. Another fact, al- rpvie police allege that they are rer thnucrli a little away from the subject, sponsible for the recent window was brought .lorciDiy to ugui. smasning. tbaB tne-u. ThQ Woodrow Wilson headquarters derived from special tax schools i & atement ded&- While -KocKy xv ivew itches from Tampa, they had the pleasure f T?a carried conclusive proof of the Winecoff bite the dust a baseball Hj, J tisl candidate tne anexnoou ujh , Avf rA. winnino-'the same-in rc f eVry vention. of Governor Wilson', no one. All in aU combine having for its object the pre- IlUtlVU exercise, last night, rendered by the . n .t -i . . . i : . primary grades or me xvannajwus school. Tonight at 7:30 p. in., the higher grades will contest in declama tion for a gold medal. Tomorrow ev ening at 7:30 p. m. members of the seventh and eighth grades will Lnve a plav, "The -Deacon." All are invit ed. - Teachers Meeting. The next regular teachers' meeting will be held at the graded school Sat- urdav, the 30th. Prof. J. A. Bivens of the State Department of Education will elc ture on the "Merchant of Venice. A good attendance is expected as Prof. Bivens always has something worth listening to. The meeting will benn at 11 o'clock. This meeting is searched a locket chain and other jewelry was found. He wa taken to China drove and will be held there fr trial. Our China Famine Fund. Previously acknowledged McKinnon cimrch Epworth church '. ' 22.00 Total to date C. E. BOGER, Supt. ing on the ministry. This aroused animositv on the part of his hearers and the rebuke was administered oy the chief of . the. fire department wno liWotolv 1 informed the so-called preacher that he would mash his face if he continued to reueci upu mimisters or the community and taai u .ia wV,ir. him if he did not leave Spencer at . once. He aiso tenuex the stranger street car fare with which to make his way irom tow Instead of waiting for the arrival of a car the "preacher" promptly made his way out of Spencer taking a course towards ureensooiu- Teachers' Meeting Postponed. Charleston, S. C, March .28. The meeting of the South Carolina State ura' Association which was scheduled to open here tdayhas beei postponed until April 2o to 27. allv interesting programme has been, prepared for that . gather ing. Washington, March 23. Senator Robert L. Taylor, of Tennessee, was operated upon today for gall stones. He withstood the operation fairly well, but his condition is critical ow- to his weakened heaitn. Eoosevelt in St. Louis. St. Louis, March 2S. Kx-Preident Roosevelt arrived here today, (lor. Hadley headed "he delegation whkh met the colonel at the station and.es coneu iiini IO saiarrs aunri j.ur breakfast. bitnauon Vitnet at uck xaiaiia. Rok Inland, March 28. The situa tion is quiet here today. Six hundred soldiers patrol the tdreet and ix ar rests were made fof refusal Ui keep moving. , " ing Archie Butt Etceived by King Rome, March 2-fThe King re- ceived Arcuiuaiu - sonal aide, at the palace today. The Kin discussed world affairs, and dis played familiarity with events m America. mi a -mr Man, Wife and Three unuoren isurn- J ed to Death. Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 28. has. Melick, aged 30, and his wife, aged 28 and three cniioren wc ui to'death today in a fire that destroy ed their home. Mr H. G. Gibson spent yesterday afternoon in Charlotte on businejj. Senator Stepaenson, Jf Wisconsin, octogenarian millionaire! banker and lumberman, retains his M-at in the United States Senate. By a vote of 40 to 34 the senate Wednesday de clared his election valid and rejected the charge that $107,793, which the senator admitted spending in the Wit consion primaries, had been used oor- ruptly. 3 The Daily Tribune is now a regular subscriber to the tele graphic news service of the United Press of Now York This is one of the oldest and best news gatherers for after noon papers in the country. We expect to make this a M permanent feature.

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