PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. -..-. SliO YcAf. Dot la Advaat. VOL XXXVII. CONCORD. N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1912. luu UtruUm SO. S-i j BrSHERRlLL, Editor and Publisher. NEARLY 2,000 PEOPLE DROWNED : i Largest Ship in the World Goes to the Bot tom of the Sea. T2B CARPATHIA WAS ONLY BOAT THAT ARRIVED IN TIME . ; TO MAKE ANR RESCUES. nannia Am.nnir Those Drowned. Carnathia With Sur- Masy rromiucui. i"" - . 0 - vivors on Board Now Rushing to New York. Excited Crowds Throng $tr York and London Streets Seeking News of Relatives. Virginian Arrived Too Late to Aid in Rescue. fo Line t. on w nrehpnsinn thai. the. nnmlxr saved is . , .w n .: -i I v I nir. huunu r- - inmiiiit't, I - , . AtT,-, m. . m noi as larjje as me uiie oiar om- Wutly -00() persons sank to Ku:i--arly Monday when within r -urs aller she crasneu xuiu uu - the mammoth w mie oiar "steamer Titanic, bound from ,M,1 to New York, on her maid- ff trip .,..- 11 n r i i i iir hull iiiii j a SV'w Voundland banks. Of the ap- niu t 'iOO persons on board. llv-qant liner, some of them of world Ul have been saved. . The total" monetary -loss caused by ,(,;. cinkin- of th.e ship, however, is ! (.t!,-tuin to iun to many millions more, nt tli total amount cannot even be (.,;n ared. It is generally under u that. the vessel had aboard dia mond of great value estimated-as bih ;is $5,000,000, and also a large an;,nt of bonds. The amount of frf i 'ht carried according to a. .White Star oflicial tonight would not reach OUT -T-rj00,000. " . The Titanic carried 3,342 bags of mail of unknown value which it is hardlv likely was saved. Untold wealth was represented a-noim the passengers of the Titanic, there being on board at least six men, oacl' (d' whose fortunes might be reck on,, in tens of millions of dollars. A vou-h estimate of the total wealth represented in the first class passen ger lit would reach over a half bil lion dollars. :. ;; . - The wealthiest of the list is Col ,,nol John Jacob Astor, head of the linusfi whose name he' bears, who is reputed to be worth $150, 000.000: Mr. Astor was returning from a tour of Egypt with his bride, wlro was Miss Madeline Force to whom he was married in Providence on Srt ember 9. '-' The Titanic was insured at Lloyds fur -fclOOO.000, according to advices from London. The cost of building the L'wat liner has been estimated at 1(U00,000,' although Vice President Franklin of the White Star Line in sisted tonight that her value was not over S,000,000. The Titanic was the biggest boat in the world, she had on board more than "2.000 persons 1,470 passengers and n crew of 860 men. A large per ,-t;!:i-p. if not the majority of the lasrngers,- were Americans. ! She w.Ti ss- fppf, lonr and has . 46,328 tons displacement. She was launched hit Mflv. This was her maiaen inp The Titanic was 15 stories high. Tiiv iloors were named the bottom, double bottom,; bed plates, lower or lop, lower, middle, main, saloon, up per, promenade, upper promenade, boat ;;nd sun decks and' extra -compass platform. She had four for wards and the height was 175 feet. The Titanic left Southampton last Wednesday on her maiden voyage for Xew York. She had then 1.300 pas- Search for bodies in the vicinity of the disaster will be taken up by the White Star line from Halifax, where1 the cable steamer Makay-Bennetfc has been chartered to proceed to the scene and remain until further or ders searching for bodies that may come to the surface. New Y?rk, April 17. Renewed ap- OFS II 11 1 1 PART OF ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL RESERVED FOR PATIENTS. cials insisted came today as a result of a dispatch to Marconi Compauy that two thousand are lost. As the day wore on it seemed almost cer tain that some, one has been main taining a censorship over the wire less. Captain Rostron, of the Carpa thia, sent a -wireles to the owners here as soon as he reached the scene sage was suppressed nearly twenty- Ty. The rumor is unconfirmed, but four holies.. Suggestions ot powerful jit is believed that Ismay is desirous Ismay Don't Want to Land Here. Carpathia Will Dock in New York at 9 O'clock Tonight. Ismay Re fuses to Give Store of Disaster to the World. Thought Accident ' Might Have Been Avoided. Relief Fund for Survivors. TiUnic Was Going Too Fast. New York, April IS. Confirma tion of the fact that some at least of the Titanic rs survivors are in a bad .way physically is seen when the White Star Line people today accept ed the offer of St. Lukes Hospital to set aside all of the new addition to the hospital, which opened today, to accommodate sixty patients. Ambu lances will wait at the Cunard dock tonight to convey the sick or injured there. It-is rumored that Bruce Is may, officer 'of 'the White StarLine, sent a wireless message to the cap tain of the Cedric at the time of sailing at noon to wait in the lower bay until the Carpathia arrives so he can return to England immediate- influences preventing the news from reaching the world while the stock market was open Monday, are being made in several places today. It is even intimated that misleading wire less messanges were sent 'out to give the impression that the Titanic was safe would be upheld during hours the European and American markets were open. of mnat have jarred. f be machinery l.r. taino ih The Titanic was in total . dark&e-? os!v. from the outlet if thi i the rae. The ; Therr u to fer&rd, to 'ktaa tak of lowering the life UaU taJjinunW that t. ab'.e U freuU getting the ja.enzer into them j c41was Uh irt!rrK la Xkt e. must have been fearfuL It U aIsMii i mknt ttal tfce m believed that all the reserve sailor j runmr. vrrj ft aj tW tirr of were aleep in forward quarter, a j dwatcr, rucsinc to u zl- a ? t m weu as the steerare pxjenri in the jtran a t Untie t ri. f ,r tt-e rr4at fliimrnr ta nr mnr mm in Bt K i BY POPLAR M hull and most have been ertuhed to death when the bow rolled back be fore cngivable ieebenr. It is not believed all the boaU ere eht the cort-rr-. ur. hri thuui.i the Kortrt. t ihe &t 4a&. geroti at thu tin c.f ear cn eount of ieebenr. Ala:ct unirr EJfGiNEEss or KonroLK soirranrjc in cokcord. launched by the crew. Lven picked, dented iee in the North ttid the exiiericneed men were preen, as tbeberps more nunterou than thi boat davits were new and hard to handle. Newspapers here today charge' that some one ia ' wtthboidins newa. They say Carjathia should have been sent to this harbor. Messages Snt With Difficulty. New York. April IS. With every wireless station along the coast trv mg frantically to secure some infor mation from the rescue ship Carpa thia, communcation conditions were at the worst and meages sent were received with the utmost difficulty. In addition enormous pressure of busi ness, weather condition bad, and the heavy slatis current in the air inter fered with tha operation of instru ments. First direct communication be tween Carpathia and New York shortly after 11 o'clock, when Mar coni office picked up messages ex changed between liners George Wash- caon, and it i not at all in prob able that at the very moment of lbion the Titanic a in sihl of the 1 or six berg. Hunninj: in the niht. a hp did, it is reasonable to supioe tljit the Titanir ran full speed on thi ub-; Dtpct Site. nirrjreo projection ai me lime um i me captain inoucnl- Ij- wa punjr the berg a berth of half mile. Sea men are led to thi explanation of the collision beeau.M? of the je-d with which the Titanic sank. To mk in four hours there mut.have l?en a rip in the bottom of -the ship ex tending almot from tem to tern, just such a tearing of the plate at would result from running on a ne. No matter how big the ship, the thickness of the bottom plates is practically the fame on all steamer about one inch or a little more. Road Carrot Be BsiU Wtilia 11f Miiw of &tt?s Tmis fct Uet Thaa Tea Milta AaxeSfsrst af lUsu SeltJ to Cotccrd u ZU Madt &ooa.-.To Inyect Tteprntd Copyrighted by United Press, byA Roy W. Howard, general news man ager, . United ,Pressruaboard Olympic wireless to Cape Race land lines to New York. The. bodies of at least some 'of the Titanic victims will be brought probably to Boston aboard Leyland liner, California. Wireless advices reaching us from the scene of disaster say that some of the bod ies have been recovered. Olympic is proceeding eastward. She could do nothins:. The disaster shocked every one. Ship's orchestra is hushed. Af ter-remaining almost stationary most of Tuesday and relaying by wireless from the Carpathia, a list or the survivors, Capt. Hallock was ordered to proceed on his voyage. .Not until then was the use of the wireless for any other purposes permitted. to escape being interviewed on this side. Flags in buildings and steamers here are at half mast. Relief funds for survivors and dependents of crew who lost their lives, has been start ed, and within a few hours totaled more than $5,000. Carefully Guarding Details of Dis aster. Newport, R. I. April 18. The navy yard today picked up a code message from the Carpathia to the White Star Line officials, which is believed to have contained details Sunday night 's tragedy. The fact that they are couched in private code shows how carefully Ismay is guarding the details of the disaster. Carpathia Will Dock at 9 O'clock To night. New York, April 18. The White Star people posted a bulletin today saying that th Carpathia with tha Titanic survivors would dock at 3 o!clock tonight. Because Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star ine, refused permission, story of dis aster is withheld from the world. Is may, who was saved with the women and children. Dlainlv established a censorship over Carpathia 's wireless search, the Parisian reiwrted that the weather was cold, and that even if tlhere had been persons adriff on wreckage they would in all probabil ity have --perished before they could have been picked up., Boats were rowed so far away that their occupants couldn't make out the Titanic as she slowly filled. How long the occupants of the boats wait ed before the Titanic went under is. not known exactly, but Phillips's messages indicated that the boats bad been lowered almost at once after the ship struck. It was at 2:20 a. m. when she finally foundered. . It: was long after daylight when the Cunarder Larpatlna. which was the Ti- Halifax, April 17. Commercial cable companys ship Mackay ben nett, has been chartered by the White Star Company to explore the scent of the Titanic disaster, and search for bodies. It left this afterrrfxm carry ing 80 men' and a cargo of coffins, and ice, for embalming purposes. is denied here that Vincent Astor has chartered sailing Ship Seal to search for his father's body. It is known that a half dozen fishing ships are within 200 miles of the wreck and it is believed here that some of these may have later passed the scene. Any one of these may arrive to-day with news ington and the Carpathia. Up to- (JoinS n W?X after a careful that time operators had called Carpa thia repeatedly without securing an answer. The White Star people de nied the rumor that the Baltic res cued 200 Titanic passengers. Carpathia Shit) of Sorrow. New York, April 18. The Carpa thiais a ship of sorrow, with the com pany almost mad with grief, accord ing to Vice President Franklin, of the White Star Line who protested this afternoon that definite informa tion regardding the Titanic disaster is still unavailable. ' i I 've received absolutely no details. Up to the pres ent time we knqw nothing about what happened. Everyone aboard the Carpathia is so overcome with grief that they can t tell connected stones of '.the " disaster," declared Franklin. "I had a code message from Ismay, buf Ihere is noriightron the tragedy. have no reason jto believe that he plans to take the Cedric, as the boat is not to be held. .No yaches or pri vate boats will meet her. She will come to the pier at top speed and dock immediately. Mrs. Astor Dangerously-Hi. New York, April 18. Wall street news bureaus have posted copy of messages which they say have been received from Captain Rostron, of the Carpathia, by wireless. They purport to say that none were saved from the Titanic excepting those aboard the Carpathia. John Jacob Astor is not aboard and Mrs. Astor is dangerous ly ill., Af hundred survivors are now more than ;-200' miles east of tanic when she caught the appeal for help, got to the scene and found the twenty, boatloads of. exbausted,grief- stneken people. 1 he tea was cover ed with wreckage, the odds and ends wrenched loose when the Titanic struck and floated when she foundered. It is supposed that many clung to pieces of debris until cold and weak ness released their hold. Some idea of the immensity of the I vessel can be gained from the fact that in her double bottom alone there were 500.000 rivets, 1-V4 inches in diameter, and the weight of them amounted to 270 tons. The plates in the bottom weighed 44 tons each and were 36 feet long. -r, l, V Lai J. M Clark and W. t Cr&, i 1UL risrh. chief ecuvcr u? U Norfolk Southern 'Itailruad, arnted in Co cord Ut rierdy rtttitj trotsi Charlotte, malic th trip by pri vate cont rance thruah It Poplar Teut wet ion of the cuRty. Mr. left on train No. for Wahinton. but -Mrrv Urk and Cram pnl the tij;ht here.. Mr, 'Clark left ihi morning for AlWn.arV ta Mount Pleaant and Mr. Cram returned ta Charlotte. The engineer rr.ade the trip throukSi from Charlotte for th jr. jh of inpretitj; fh Poplar Tent section; To thoM familir with thm situation thi unction ha always ba considered the mot feasible line for the Had here to Charlotte. Th en-in-er mere evidently highly pleas ed with thi route a a uney from Charlotte here via Poplar Tent will be started at oner. Another fact that trnd toward th adoption of thi routo 1 that llim charter ..f the HaleiKb. CUrtott & Southern r.u.l, under which thr Nor folk Southern i oeratint:. prviije that if h lint? hll not rumo five miles of the North Carolina IUI1- road lor a:grater distance than ten mile. Thi fact nuke it plain that the route from Charlotte to Concofd will in all probability pa through the Poplar Tent, section. ThU distance from here U Char lotte by thi route i-approximately 20 ,r 21 rnilc!. Should the road adopt this route it would run tkrouh a ee tiou of the rieheftt and uiot valuabU farminir bndH in North Carolina b. in-.' situated in both Mecklenburg and Cabarrus countie. Mr. Clark went from here to Ai. The commander of the scout cruiser (in the ship's hospital. Two hundred Chester reported officially to Wash- sailors, of Titanic 's crew were asleep ington that when he asked the Carpa thia for a storv of the disaster he curtly refused, despite the fact that it was explained that President Taft wanted to know. This has resulted in bitter criticism of Ismay. It is feared when the real story becomes known it will show that the accident misrht have been avoided had the Titanic slowed down in the ice. New York, April 18. The Carpa thia reported at ten o'clock this morn ing that she is seventy-five miles east by south of Block Island, and 140 miles from Ambrose channel light, oemarje via .Mount -Pleasant. A nr vey haw already been made .f- thi route ami by the time the route from Charlotte to Coneord i iirveyed it is very probable that a definite an nouncement will he made of which' of the several route in thi -ction will Two suites on the Titanic were 1 'e aIoptel. 350 each for the singfe trip. These i It is - aU' learned that Mr. hum apartments, which were called the i and -other othcial f the Norfolk Re"-al Suites, were iU"t abatt the ; ouinern win -return to ( oncord at nrand comnanionwav on the H deck They consisted of sitting-rooms, sleep ing chambers, baths and wardrobe? a later day and mteei the various proposed location for' the fiere. The fact that three of the thief men ;-,rfl,,. 318 of them mm ttvst T;,bSllgton Ari, l7,Six Tveets TWC W Going at Past Speed ann I L : Mr ,"in i j When phe Struck, V , ' ''; 1 fl0,rt. When ?.Iafor Butt determinSa ori TT Xt a io Ti. Ud.. trouble -at the start be- European trp to regain his health, JMl A f;A 1S' V' .Mi,.-, ..v i,r ovanf snetion. As she f . u . , 4- believed today tnat following the ar- v wl ni uremoniiiou uiai uc unsui ac i in their quarters at the time of the smash and crushed to death. The vessel was in darkness within four minutes after the crash, message says. The New London wireless sta tion said at noon today that the Carpathia was sixty miles off Nan tucket shoals. Captain's Wife Issues. Statement. Southampton, Endland, April IS. - tm ' o :e c i, Cmi- tain of the Titanic today issued tli !' privacy he. tould enjoy on In- , . t n tt or n iTTt A fo own-, statement : hVIW Companv will have ti . J. V. C.,,h,n .lil tin. m.,n,. fellow sitfiferers: My heart oernos ln ' . , ... ... at 1 oVlrt t i,r i,..,.. i v.. 1 . n T 1-1 TWV 2S.-l-fHIO.IIOO. iur me 1S Ul lut- , - - ... with gnet lor you. i am laueu ' .1.- -. ' township, after sorrow that you snouia oe weiKincu -- - , d with a "front irarden." a wide pri-1 lt ' th' Norfolk Sotithern endneer- vate promenade extending the whole eorjee are meetine the differ-leh-th of the suite and having itrnt . r'" to an.l from Concord w own sea rail. j l-Mt,ve j.roofjhat the railroad U d- The occupant of one of the suite, J"- thmr jm hi- .leVflprinta may could smoke, read, loll, exercise or "lted M any time. do as he chose on his own deck withj Death of Mrs. J. F. Goodman, of No. i 3 TownsfclD. 1: d as if of a mountain battery be- ; in.: discharged, and a rush of passen gers to the port rail followed. As the big 45,000-ton steamship passed out into the stream she had sucked the water between herself and the quay to such an exten that seven ange hawsers with which the Ameri can liner New ''York was drifting helplessly, .stern first, towardjthe Ti tanic. . . "The bt vessel afloat reversed nor engines and in a few minutes her head-way was stopped and tugs that haa rushed to the New York: prevent u a hnd sitin sh between the liners. Nothing could show' more plainly the heroism of the crew and the men passengers who stood by the doomed sup, -facing practically inevitable dca premonition turn alive caused 'him to make his will, it was learned here today. -ire 11 th. and sent the women and chil awav in the lifeboats, oome M -have to be left; that was a certainty.. Hundreds in fact were left. But -to all appearance the men who were left' stayed behind deliber ately, calmly, stepping aside to Jet the weaker ones get in the boats with safety; ' - ' ''Sinking by the head. Have clear ed boats and filled them with women and children.' ' This was the final message these hrave men sent the- world, for it was directly afterward that their wireless signals sputtered and then stopped altogether. " '-vi- -V New York, April 17.Positive de nial that J. P. Morgan, Jr., knew of the Titanic sinking early Monday, and that Morgan personally demand ed a force suppression of the news until after the stock market had clos ed, was made by Vice President Franklin, of the White Star Line to day. Morgan is director of the com pany Franklin claimed that neither he nor Morgan knew that the Titanic had sunk until 6:30 Monday night. Franklin denied that the line purpose- lv withheld news of the disaster. It was declared that the line is doing inf it could to recover the bodies and had sent steamer our for that purpose. Franklin said he had heard Wall street rumor that J. J. Astor is saved, but had nothing con firming it. Programme of Closing of Winecoff High School." Sunday, April 20th, sermon to school, Rev. W. T. Albright. Monday, April 21st : 10 a. m., reci tation contest; 3 p. m. declamation contest; 8 p. m., concert by primary and intermediate grades. Tuesday 8 p. m., drama, "Red Acre Farm," by High School. rival of the steamer Parisian, and the receipt of many wireless dispatch es, that when the Titanic was" wreck- d she was proceeding at a fast rate I an nine uf hort iration ol pneumonia. . .-- . 1.,. ii,. 1 1 1 .nmKia hnr.ion as ui Jiisuian' "J " ir.-.-v . r. . uowu ! uus itiom ."rv- ' ".1 , .un. lioot e .. T nrav (iod " With on cers ami Crew numbering ,. - . V " vym been thrust upon us. I pray . God ... . . . -J Cf oil 1 r. . 1 ...... i . . - 11 t t . ' - . . . - - i-i. ll M oca il. t:i-:, 0V, U nf .flrrt-. " uujwnu scij r n will be with us, ana coauoiv u eu. um. v,. y V: t children. Mie- Lnev. Ann, lull. . , ana .Margaret and Mentrt. .... t I 1 it- f. m .ast word in sue. powjl an,. rbrrv .i J. c'TI-' " sea luxury. .. - . i the United tatesi Navy. It is an interetine fact that the Mr, G(w,,m3-WUt tter3. Titanic, if stood on end. would have Ur f iuthpn-e Prebvterian church reen hisher than any skyscraper in, ,. wa3 a a3v. of t XmxX the woria. j character and enjoveH the friendnin " - . . : Three Year Old Boy Only Survivoi j W ; 3 .000 to.300 PW ! Of Family. and stwage. Sbe.was bmlt to b tli j t Rev. J. A. Baldwin, of Charlotte, is a visitor here today. of speed. Captain - Hains and Wire less Operator Sutherland, of the Pa risian, insisted that the night was clear. Captain Smith was undoubt edly holding to his course and mak ing good time. If this was so, it would account for the magnitude of the tragedy, as the Titanic must have struck the iceberg a fearful blow, shattering the entire forward struc ture. Washington, April 18. Comman der Chandler of the Salem todav sent a wireless message to Secretary Mey er as follows: "Your telegram of inquiry regarding Major Butt and others received, relayed to Chester that J J anc a'cKnaw?edged- I later sent a jsecouu. 1U4U11V. tiusi learnea inai original message was not received by Chester. I am now trying for Car pathia direct to inquiry. Conditions are unfavorable, with many stations interfering with each other. . The Salem proceeded to Bradford Thurs day for coal, thence to Boston. ' Commander Decker of the Chester, sent a message to the Navy Depart ment saying that the Chester is pro ceeding to Delaware bay. Impact Jarred the Machinery Loose. Halifax, N. S., April 18. Sailors believe impact of the collis ion of the Titanic with the iceberg It developed at the White Star of fices todav that the three-year-old boy aboard the Carpathia is the only survivor of the family or 11. J. Alli son, a wealthy merchant of New York. Allison's wife and daughter retused to enter Titanic 's life boats uiltil AI The cost of the Titanic 1.4 eupposeti and confident of -friend and neizh. ,-.- . 1 ... x A -I A AAA AAA 1 !t . . - lison could accompany them. He plac- lO Deut v, r, ,n xnai M!on oi the county. Tth W witTfhe n'in .ill 1 1M the first boats. U hen YY. J. Allison. a brother of the drowned man, heard this he swooned and was assisted to his home. Mr. Hayes Was Drowned. Montreal, April 18. A wireless from Mrs. C. M. Hayes, wife of the president of the Grand Trunk rail road, says her husband is not aboard the Carpathia. This confirms the or iginal belief that he is a Titanic vic tim. Investigation to Be Made at Once. London, April IS. An immediate searching inquiry into the Titanic disaster was promised m the House of Commons today by President Sid ney Huston, of the Board of Trade, which controls sea going vessels. Fntrelle in List of Survivors. , London, April 18. The list of sur vivors of the Titanic disaster as giv en out by the White Star line offices here contains the names of both Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Fntrelle, of Boston. Previous lists published, here con- Deiow me sunaie ui iuc vw, u "!iiaze Ciiureli trr-.or-ri.-r n it be impossible to recover any part ot : o clock and he ondiietH bv lUv Q the $1,000,000 worth of valuables, not W. Shipley, pastor 'of the deceaied. only cargo, but jewels, gold and bond.- ' . which-went down, for there has been ; Drainage Work Well Underway invented no kind of diving apparatus j 3Ir n Q S. Miller, who ha th which will resist the pressure of wa-j contract for draining a action of til ter at anything approaching that iereek at the depot, ha, the work well dePth- ' ' . under way. The recent rain canted The total property losses caused by I no ,jeIav as lU. wrk wa4 Rtartetl the sinking of the Titanic are esti- j before that time and Mr. 3!iller had mated to be something near r20.000r j everything well underway ho that th AAA f " ; j increased waters cau--d him no con- ' One woman is known to have refus-! cern. . . - ed to go into the life boats, choosing i Mr. Miller -has a number of labor to say with her husband and die. jers. teams, etc., at work and if the The most wonderful discovery ever! weather continues clear the work will made for the prevention of loss of probably be completed by Saturday life is the wireless telegraph. The'w early next week, moment the first message, "Save Our' A"- A. P. Green, who has been vi. Ship," was flashed out from the shipiiting his lister, Mrs. Grover Love, in distress, every ship within 500 has returned to his home in Brief. miles s'tarted to the rescue. Mr. Cameron . MacBae, of Chapel ... - i r . Hill, is day. a business visitor here to- - v. Miss Lennie Mann, who has been visiting Miss Edna Correll for a week will return tonight to her home fc nign roint. i 1

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