j b. SHERRILL, Editor aiid Publisher. PUBL I SHED iiOHDAYS AND THURSDAY S. CONCORD.V: C. MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1912. NO. S7 1 10 C. MILLER TRIES SEVERAL cHOTS AT TOM JAR VIS. consuming THE DAIRY CAR HERE LAST FRIDAY. F1 j ctnr.iv TTiflrht Ahoilt 10r30 Occurit" t While Jarvis Was Talking to Miss Luda Lowder. All Shots Went Wild But One, This fitting Jarvis Coat. Mille Said He Intended to ifill Jarvis. Case to Come Up Thursday. ', T'nahle to master the h m i)Y anunict ouuniug u-'vvu in tiiv "u. vv filler went to the home or Mrs. t R1.ma r -r at Wntimlnif ..i. hrtnl- ill nvlctOK. arm manf ni,rui uvkjixv j j,,Mta pffnrt. t.ri shoot lorn Jar if? " - :'i i.v,rrfl tVia intter was tnTkin"" to Vls-: .w - - - o -- ' - -1 1 .-1 1 I Miss LiUaa Lowuei, wnu it skcuib, uuu. beeome the mistress oi his love. Miss Lowder and Jarvis were in the parlor talking wnen juiiier en tered. - She met him at the door and when he saw Jarvis in the room he rolled his pistol and began faring. The young lady maae a grao ior it but her desperate ' efforts to prevent the shooting were unavailable. Sever al shots went wild boring holes in furniture and otherwise scaring up the household, but the last shot went nearly true to the mark, striking' Jar vis in the collar of his coat just back of the neck. By this time the weapon was empty and Jarvis escaped. A 'phone 'call was sent in to po lifft headouarters and Chief Boger sent Policeman Miller and Sloop on the case. They met Miller coming down the street. He was-arrested and locked up. In talking to the of ficers about the shooting when they made the arrest "Miller said that he did not know Whether he had killed the man 'or not but that it was what he intended to do. Miller is a married man, having been married some time ago to a. girl, who, itris1 said, lives" in Albemarle. Before that time he had been quite attentative fto Miss Lowder. Alter lie was married he attempted, to con tinue his visits there but the mother of the young lady told him they must cease. In the meantime Jaryis be gan to show the young lady atten- I IV '11 Ullli UO AO ft- J t .... 7 calling there when the shooting took place. V Miller has retained Mr. W". G. Means as counsel and the '"case will he tried in. the Recorder's court Thursday morning. LADIES! HERE ARE THE STYLES FOR AUTUMN. Much Interest Taken in It by Cabar rus County Farmers. Car in Charge of Experts Who Showed Everything Jfecessary to Equip a a Small Dairy. An Entire Equip- ment Can Be Bought for About 200. V .The Southern Rail way's dairy car was. in Concord Friday on its tour through the western part of the State. The car is operated by the Land and Industrial Department of the South ern and its mission is strictly educative.- The car is in charge of experts, Dr. C M. Morgan, dairy agent of the Southern, J. P. Qtfrnerly, demonstra tor, I. 0. Schaub, of A. and Ml Col lege, and W. H. Eaton, State dairy man, being in charge. Quite 'a num ber of farmers visited the car and inspected the modern and up-to-date dairy equipment it contained. Mr. Eaton, State dairyman, stated, to a representative of this paper, that the, car .might be visited by a larger num ber of people on its tour but he did not expect to. find any visitors' more interested in the work than the ones from Cabarrus. The equipment of the car is ideal in every detail. Everything neces sary for equipping a small dairy farm wras exhibited, including churns, but terworkers, separators, Babcock test ers cream testers, ice boxes, shipping boxes, etc. One of the greatest, if not the greatest feature to the plant outside of the good results to be ob tained from modern machinery, is the fact that the entire equipment can be purchased by any person for5 abcut $200. , A plant for this cost is all that is necessary for a 20 to 30 cow farm. The equipment also contain ed a 2 h. p. boiler to furnish steam for washing anti sterlizing purposes. The experts in charge of the car plac ed special stress on this part of the equipment, as it is impossible to keep the . dairy clean and sanitary with out the use of steam. In this connec tion they also recommend that con rrpfp. floors and runmnz water be a part" of the equipment of the work room. The workroom should, be" as smallxis possible in order to make-the work of keeping it clean" and sani tary much easier. The dairy department ' of the de partment of agriculture will be glad to send blue prints of dairy barns, silos, and milk houses to any address. In addition to sending the plans the department will send a man to super intend the construction of the build ing. Both will be done without cost to the builder. The department is also conducting a milk record test. Tiiic tcf will aid the larmers in keeping a record of products of each cow and will assist him m weeaing out unprofitable, cows. It is recog nized among dairymen that any cow hat does not produce 200 pounds oi butter is a 'boarder" and it is Un profitable for the owner "to keep her. INI 411 111 STODEK DEATH OF MRS. D. B. McCURDY. MAY NOT REACH HALIFAX UN TIL TOMORROW. Steamer is Being Delayed by Bad Weather. Thousands Waiting to Catch a First Glimpse of th Mor gue Ship. Developments in the In vestigation. Halifax, N. S. April 29. Tue Mac- kay Bennett, with TiUnic victims on board, may not reach here until to morrow, morning. Capt. Lardner to day sent a wireless message that it isi being delayed by bad weather. Thousands are waiting totch a first giimpse oi me ueaiu uip. Washington, April 29. Insuring an early closing of the senate Titanic inquiry, Chairman Smith today an nounced that few passengers 'will be called as witnesses. lie believes rem edial legislation will be passed this session. Willian Marconi, wireless inventor, was recalled today. He repudiated the- messages" which told the Titanic and Carpathia operators to hold their news fof money. Minia Recovers 13 Bodies. . ! New York, April 29. The Minia, by wireless, says it has recovered 13 bodies of the Titanic" victims thus far. Steamers passing say none are seem The- Minia is searching east and south today and reports icebergs in tliA vipimtv. It srives no hope to relatives that others missing will be found. " Occurred Saturday Homing at 5 .O'clock at Her Home Here Had Been in 111 Health for a Long Time, Mm. D. B. McCurdy Sied suddenly Saturday morning at 5 o'clock at her home on South Ccum triwt. Mh. McCurdy aroe frtm her btd and af ter making her morning toilet started log out of the room. Jat as the reached the door she faltered, ta; gered and then fell. Member of the family rushed to her assistance And placed her on a bed. A pbyifbn war hurriedly summoned but death resulted before his arrival. Paralysis of the Eeart is the cause attributixi to her death, which, jn the opinion of the physician, was instantaneous. . Mrs. McCurdy ifas a native of this county and before her marriage was Miss Louise Russell. She is survived by-her husband and seven children, Miss Lillie McCurdy and Messrs. Al pheus. Sain, Dan, Will, Cleveland and Butler. She was a daughter of Mrs. WT IL Lee. of No. 1 township, and n sister of Mr. Robert Russell, of No 11 township. Mrs. McCurdy was a devout member of the Baptist church; She was known for her kindness, gen telness and strong sympathies and made friends with all who knew her. The funeral was held Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock at the residence, and the interment was made at Rocky Ridge, v ROOSEVELT HAS CONTROL OF STATE CONVENTION Clfil 1 M i 1,11 rosxst hill nrwa. ALSO AT LEAST CKZ HUNDRED I ARSONS ARE DCJUa5. A Score of Town in Oklahos Wert la Cydonet Path. Property Lea is Enormous. Much Llrt Stock Also Injured. Wire Cosnurit tion. Demoralzed. Oklahoma City. Okla. Corspkt reports from a Wore of town stnifk by the cyclone during the it tto two, days are expected to sho at least fifty persons are killed ,and on bunded injured. The loss of live stock is enormous. There was heavy projrty Iom in the Jfollowing towns: Korn. Butler, Foss, llinton. Sentinel, Calutwet, Rocky, Eldorado, Lu-gert. Childress, Texas, Mineo, Warren, Martha, and Granite; and also in the diktrict wei of Hobart, Mulhali, arrrftb district between Yukon and El Reno. Wire communication is still de moralired and it is impossible to rach some of the stricken town. The heavy wind was accompanied by a heavy downpoud of rain and in many instances hail. The fall of rain amounted to from one to fife inches. As a result all of the smaller streams in western Oklahoma are on a rampage. All of central Oklahoma seems de moralized and it will be several day before anything like an accurate es timate of the property,ltss or list of . dead and injured can be secured. The Manufacturers Agree Upon the Make of Jackets, Skirts And Sep arate Coats. . Toledo, April 27. Styles for au tumn uere adopted here today by the Xatioual Cloak, Suit and Skirt Man ufacturers' Association. About One lnirulrpl mnnnfarhirfiri? - Were in, at- ' tendance. These are authorized: Suit jackets will show a gradual ratlipr Hinn a 'mdiffll increase in lenjrth, finger tip length (approxi manlv thirty-two inches) predomi nntincr, the lengths to be based on the varvinor heights of women. Skirts will continu on straight lines; ,The sliQhtlv raised waist'line with the inner" belting will continue .in favor. : ' , "Stperate coats will bo full length and cut on straight lines. Some ma terial will be made in perfectly loose shapes, with or' without belts, and others will be made in more shapely "effects. The feature of the separate coats will consist of set in sleeves, shoulders and lugir butt Foreign Warships Ordered to Mexico to Protect Subjects. Washington, April 27 As a di rect result of a decision reached by Taft at a midnight meet- in of the cabinet on Tuesday, not to. send a warship - to. protect . Amen on otiI nthpr toreisrn. citizens in VCIJ-L- Caav. v.w , 0 Mexicorbut to send a transport in stead, the British, French ana uer- man governments are -running cruis ers to both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of that country. The State Department today admit ted knowledge of this movement of shins. The bureau of naval intelli gence stated that the British war t.hft wav to the west coast are the Shearwater, Algerine and Rainbow. 1 w;fViont. Avpn waiting for. the mur- q cntvlp British subiect, the uci J- ""o" - ' The chief developments in the Ti tanic disaster inquiry Saturday were: The position, of the Titanic was erroneously stated, according to Capt. James Henry Moore ot the Mount Temple, which was forty-nine miles' from the accident.'' He testi fied that, two positions were given, one immediately following the other. the following morning .and the loca tion of the Titanic found to be eight miles of longitude eastward of that indicated in the call for assistance. He cave the text of the pathetic wire less messages received from and about the Titanic. The last message from the Titanic was received at 11.47 t). m.. which was three hours before she sank, according to testi mony. At 11:55 p. m. it -was impos. sible to get a reply from the stricken ship. The opinion was expressed. by Lap- . tain Moore that the enormous and un precedented ice pack , which he had encountered while hastening to tne wreck may have passed over the point where the Titanic sank," thus account ing for his not seeing wreckage and floating -bodies. ; He described the field of ice as more than twenty miles long, and between five and six miles wide. - Forty-One Counties Give f Roosevelt Five More Than Majority Vote.' Greensboro News. With 14 instructed delegates from Burke and 12 from Ropeson the con trol of the State Republican conven tion by the sympathizers in' this State of Col. Roosevelt was assured yes- vegans T0 GO TO teraay. including uurite auu aoub son 41 county vonventions have been held, with the result that 54S dele gates" have been chosen and: instruct ed to vote for Roosevelt as against 23 for Taft. Eleven -delegates named o this time are uninstructedY The reports received at Roosevelt THE MACON REUNION. Will Leave Here Next Sunday Night. Names of Those Who Will Go. The Veterans of Cabarrus Camp, TTnitpd Confederate Veterans will leave here Sunday night. May 6th, headquarters vesferday indicated that for Maeon, Ga., to attend the annual he xtooseveit strengin is ine couveu-ire-union. ine iocai Teicrnus w ion would, continue to grow and the hn charge of Commander IL B. Parks. claim is still made that Taft will not The following will attend: lave 100 instructed votes. There are p. M. Faggart, Jno. H. Moose W. vet more than 50 counties to hold con- rj. Hunsucker, T. J. Shmn, I . C. ventions to the state convennon, Earnhardt, C. A. ruts, i. ai. res many of "which are said to be even J. M. Safrit, W. H. McEaehern, E. F. stronger for the Colonel than were Hill J C. Sides, J. Kluttz, W. H. some of those which have already Fisher, S. R. Andrew;, . L. Wineeoll, acted. Of the 41-countiesdaft has wife and daughter, 'W. -M.- Whitley, made a showing which might be term- w. A, Joyner and G. N. Upe. prf rsnrtflri ft in oniV aieCKieuuuiu and Pitt counties. To control the DRY SHOD OVER NIAGARA, Stntfl convention it was necessary tor Colonel Roosevelt to have 541 in- Second Time in History. An Icejam striiptp delegates.. r That he would Is the Cause. when the figures yesterday jumped to Niagara Falls, N. Y., VpriL 27. 543; with' only 41 counties' expressing por the second time in the memory of l Al tintAnAOdlo 1 .- A l. 4' rt 1 1 a choice mere a u"w"vt"-v man people toaav cro.eu Ihsi Ctrt Ttriay Jf UlL Uzu HaVry'i ini-diy Dtiirv Sctit al UttiLzt at l!nl:t Cit?t3L 4 it -i-afe.!ftf , i t& Mr. SrSt ?4i ! Hfk UX S jct a ft la lit city last tk htt stlrt Mr. AfttliJMi Mr. M. C PUUii :ftt s!sr4sy and aeday .ia Cfcri4 tr. , Mr. -firpf-ft Brar.di . jvj54jr,j . few days ia SJi!ury, tUrs by tL in& f hi tsMbef. Mr. H. It. Sv:t, f OrrciW Ui has afj4ed a iititso ia tt Waaa in? rn;cs at lnrl MUL ..,' Mr. S. It. l-&b, ef Mar.t Mtj0 h ri4ttnj? St h hp.-tZ htr tsUtcr, Mr. AritpUr ShaqV, A dia cocrtrt will l rndcf4 at Forwt Hill M. II eLrra araaa Tueday nisit under the it, the U'dict Aid Society aca tsedtr th training of Mr. J. C Ck. X lar?e crowd ran 1 takea car of and,, a very ehjovabW evening I urorctM. Mr. Jho.'T. Howell and cKHdrvn, Ila and Shirley tpnt Sandsr Stateville with Mr. How!! who 1 in Dr. Ung? Sanitarium. Mr. Howell U itnpTovinj: nicely and it U thought he ean return hom intidt of two weeka. .A birthday dinner wa jjTeatly en joyed yesterday at tb hots of Mr. J. M. Mabry on ane wtU. Xra, Mabrv was J year old Ut Thnrt dav and Sunday the family reunion was neid in nonr oi ine anaiTerry, Most of her children and roaay grand children were prrent. Th familiM represented were Mr. and Mr, rranic Mabn, of Uiwell; Mr. and Mr. Marshall Mabrv, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8 Miller, Mr. and Mr. W. 1. Mabry, Mr. and" Mrs. R. D. Mabry and Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fisher. The treat was one of much pleasure and thanks giving to all present, . Next Sunday a revival service will Mart at Foret Hill M. E. church. Re "W. M. Bobbins will conduct tbw services for a week or more. Begin ning Wednesday night of this wwk preparatory prayer wrvica will h held nnd all ire cordially invited ta attend every service. 1 X MACKAY-BENNETT HAS 189 BODIES, feelinir of satisfaction among Jtoose-i vpH lpfldersi and workers here: The counties reporting yesterday on the dry river bed. An ice jam be tween the mainland and Goat Island, o nbnvr the cataract, was the 1 U1A1V w v . - - " ' were Burke with 4 delesates instuct-Lause 0f the two falls going dr'. nA fnr T?ncovplt. n-nd Robeson with AUl. xiwvwv t 12. ,- " ' - ' tonins.eiiecis. Fetzer-Forte. :,Mr. W. B. Forte, of Fikesville, an nmiri-.A,, 4-1, v nnwofrompnt. OI 111S .'dauahter, Frances Pearl Forte, to Mr, Hnhert Allison Fetzer, ot boncoru. Tue marriage will be celebrated very quietly in June at "Bellevedere, Kkoville, North Carolina. , ims announcement will be receiv- vdth marked interest here. Mr. Tetz.r Is the son of Mrs. P. B. Fet zr -?.nd is one "of Concord's most proRiisincr young men. He is an alum- f Davidson College and is now :a -member of the faculty of Woodber ry Fnvpst. splinnl. Miss Forte, has vis ited lipro nn covorfll occasions as the -ric?t of Mrs. Richmond iteeu auu Has mrmv frnfla and admirers m Shrwater. durinsr the .Madero revo lution landed marines in Sinaloa, the scene of present disturbances where tTiA English covernment neara mat the property of an English company was in danger. Bandits Shot to Death. Paris, 'France, April 28. Bonnot, the leader of an organized gang of automobile bandits, who have been terrorizing Paris and the surround district for months past, and Du bois, a notorious anarchist, were shot to death today in the most thrilling encounter in the annals of French Closing Exercises of the Graded f School. The annual closing exercises of the Concord High School will take place at the Central school building from May 5 to 8. , The annual sermon will be preach ed next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. S. N. Watson, pastor of the First Baptist churofe. On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock the class exercises will take place. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock the graduating exercises will be held, when the annual-address will be de livered by Mr. Archibald Johnson, editor of Charity and Children, of Thomasville. Has on Board the Bodies of Aitor, Haya and Strauss.Vinctat Astor on the Way la Special Car to Oft Hia Father'! 3ody. " Mrs. Aitor Still Confined to Her BeL If Ti tanic Had Had Searchlights Bat Wpuld Now Be Afioat. Halifax, N S., April 27.-With IBS bodies on bard the Mackay-Benntt in steaming at full ed towards this city, but "cannot reach port until Monday, according to a wireless me. sa?e . receive a uia. confirmed previous njf8kf that tba ship was bringing the IkhIU- of lUyi, Astor and Strsu.s. " Portland, Mc, April 27. Secluded Knard'-a uieeiai ear. mrent Astor Between Wilson and Underwood. Jacksonville, Fla., April 29. In Hie oxaie-ftiue icui.u.- t" i wntprs of i londa win I record their preferences for nominees for the preidency, for. the governor ship and ether State offices, for nom inee's for representatives in Congress and ior tne legisiiituic "iivx - The contest for the presiaeu The American tails were dry in February. 1909. r IT T "a e -v-ltwlav hurried northward: tMlalifax Knapp May Avert Threatened Strike, j . hU ;fallirr-f uiy 0n th fices. The contest ior w v?" Neill, United States, Commissioner tial indorsement will be confined to Labo' was expressed tonight by , Wobdrow Wilson -ana ucar . w ha i-in?proncp! this W many oncord. crime. . . . A garage of Choisy-ie-noi, six south of Paris, in which the bandits had taken refuge, was blown upby dynamite," after these two men ad kept atbay for hours a large rjrt of the police force of Pans, a contfcn- nf o-endarmes, two compariies of republican guards, and a company of engineers. ien iuouSiuu tors viewed the battle from points of vantage. " " .. ... u ((mi.. ora mu T5tn ft disaster win do pre- won't tail to call t - xuo --r Daci;Tr,tt Thpatr Mon- That Satisfies" and get catologueUted -?J dav. xuesaajr ." , week. These, aire no fakes. ot sheet music. Don't make any dir- ference about the publisher's price, Ikey sell it at ten cents per copy. WeeK. iUMv. - . x French Aviator FaUs 700 Feet. Paris, April 29. Jules Vedrines, a noted French aviator, is believed to be dvinsr as a result of his speed mnnia todav. He flew nearlv 100" miles an-hour, trying to make a new record between Douai and Madrid. Something went wrong with the aero plane and he fell 700 feet. He suffer eda compound fraeture of the skull at top and base and also internal in juries. - ( Suit Against International Harvester - Company. "Wfl"hinrtnn. Anril 29. A suit to dissolve te International Harvester Company will be brought at St. Paul, Minn.,- in the United States Court tomorrow, according to an announce ment at the Department of Justice today. Mrs. Coltrane .to Entertain. Mrs. L. D. Coltrane has issued 200 invitations as follows: j Mrs. Lester D, Coltrane . t at home ' Wednesday, May the first lineteen hundred ancUtwelve. five to seven. Miss Ruth Louise' Coltrane. W York. A:ril 27. Belief that threatened strike of 2S,0UU locomo- tive engineers, cmpwyeu oy ua west of the Missippi and north of the Potomac and Ohio rivers has been averted through the. meditation efforts of Judge Martin A. Knapp, of the fVnrt nf Commerce, and Charles P. OI par- Woodrow Wilson and uscar . wu- derwood. Theirs are tne omy "--"I f. nvm-axmt representatives, ... il l... n 1 nsr v - " "i-r" . i- ' h question tJi rnniPSL iui t the governorsnip, iur uu. five aspirants Gibbons, Traxnmell Watson, ton, of Mananna nf Tvpv West. 1 nrflcflr,t rpnTPsentatives in Congress is a candidate for renomination and each has opposition. In addition there are four candidates for con-CTessman-at-large. of arbitration has ,t n iiv fith sides.) uceu e' - vw . . morgue ship ' Maekay-ISennett.- 11 ia nndctmxl tliat he plan to rrturm with the body ' t a special ear in stead of ly private yacht. Mrs. Madeline Force Astor' is still eopfia-' ed to her .bed in New York. : . Washington, April 27. If th Ti tanic had' had searchlishts it would not now be three rn lies under water, declared Capt. John F, Knapp. of tb United States Navy today. He rec ommended the installation of search lights on every ship. . " HalifaJt; N. S April r-acn in- it fs fli'r! bnt inth some rj'drtlcation jM4rr:n? train adds to the numner They are womweu e'ririnal proposal rade to the thrt,0 Mking the Titanic's dead ta of Jacksonville, im "',Uainrs uv the radroad managers. .-, them a decent burial. Mmt or , of Lakeland; jonn . 'i that an understanding thf here are seeking bodies which of Miami, W illiam n. jn ? - vrocedure and the Lve vet been reeogniL 'aa,h of' the three tnumber of arbitrators. 1 The Minia, whieb kft Hal.fax, ach oi the inreei a, ... c Ctnno. nf i Jmilar errand. i iirann t.meL tittmn ie ujvb v . r ha Tirnthprhootl of Locomtive Engin- kw - . . . eers, enf erred with tte comnuuee oi 50 today, and subjects which 'will be brought to the attention of the mcd ratars on Monday were discussed. Rev. Dr. Boyer Here. Rev. H. K. Boyer. missionary sec retary of the Western North Carolina Conference, P"ff..yf rtra Methodist church iuuimui:.ai xv.". tt;ii l a ;n Ih , pveninsr at Forest Hill church. Mr. Boyer is one of the most w0fnl TTPaehers m the conference JL A V V-J- f W and his two aiscourw i botn tne iar-e congregations that heard him.; U equipped with a math more exten sive undertaking outfit, and she will surely bring back many bodies the. Mekay-Bennett was unable to han dle. - - J :n.ic:inn nn congrreganous " " . . A spoke on the cause of mission and presented his message in a direct and eloquent manner that went straight home to those whd heard him. Mr. Beyer's visit to Concord wiU no doubt result in materially aiding the cause be so ably represents. - ' ... 'm Up to last week no cimen ox ir.I -jk an automobile, ine was T. J. Byeriy, I who bought a machine last week. Roosevelt and Taft Cross Trails Boston, April 29. President Taft and Colonel Roosevelt crossed trail todav 'striving for Republican domi- I nation in the first presidential pn- mnrips in Massachusetts, it is tne hottest State fight ever . Mown. All f ,Artr,wrc admit the importance of tomorrow's primaries, and the put comi is doubtful. ' " ' ; Educational Rally M .Mt. Pleasant There will be a big educational ral ly in the auditorium at Mt. Pleasant on Wednesday oi iu.wfc- .. o'clock. This will be an important occasion, and every one interested in education should be present Capt H. B. Parks, reports ripe home grown strawberries from his garden here. ' . . ' - : Gored by a Cow. Mr. W. H. U. of No. 1 .township, was attacked and seriously injured Fridav morning by a large Jersey stock "cow. "Mr. Ie wa m his pa ture when the Wfct attacked and knocked him down, lie was gorea ,M-m1 .times and Unt for the timely distance of a young izian who wat rdowinj in a field nearby it i likely that he wool 1 have Ikch daiigcrouf fy, if not fatally injured. 3lr. Lee receivel medical trcatmeii and is restin comfortably today, i ' 1 ' ' v . a wm -A - v Mr. Allison Cieciea i-rnstce. t a -recent meeting of the Con cord Presbytery in Salisbury . Mr. J. P Allison was elected a member of the board of trustees of Davidioa CoUeg to fill the vaeaney caused by, the death of Mr. P. B. Fetter.

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