j. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. VOL XXXVII. CONCORD. N. C , THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1912. NO. SS ill! HUT 1J TO BRAIN LITTLE ' COLD WATER CREEK. HIIIT H A. GOOBMAN LOSES ARM ANP IS OTHERWISE BADLY HURT. Accident Occurred Tuesday Night Abct 11 O'clock at Cold Water Creek. Held Stick of Dynamite Too Long. Was Engaged in Dyna- .ri.it ir.g Fish ; ? a. result of a stick of dynamite ppln-Iin-r in his hand while attempt ".to dynamite fish in Cold Water rk ha. .Goodman was dangerous kit :r M l'atallv injured Tuesday night rAutUt J I O ii But Little Doubt That Enough Sign era Will Be Obtained to Secure It. Petition Now Being Circulated. Engineer Wetmore Will Make the Survey. Mr. II. H. Blackwelder, of No. 5 township, was here Tuesday. Mr. Blackwelder is circulating a petition to pet signer for draining Little Cold Y ater creek. The petition has b.-n drawn and a number have already signed. There is very little doubt but that the required 51 per , cent, of the landowners will sign; The pro posed district begins at the north line of Mr. R. W. Krimminger's farm and extends to the point where the creek enters Big Cold Water, a distance of about seven miles. . A preliminary survey will be made in a short time. Engineer Wetmore, who is now making a final survey of the Big Cold Water district, will be gin the survey as soon as he com pletes the work, he is now engaged in. The drainage work is progressing rapidly in Cabarrus now and the peo ple are realized what a profitable un dertaking it is to reclaim rich and fertile land at a small cost per acre. Work is now being done on the peti tion for the Buffalo district and it will probably take definite shape in a short time. This is one of the larg est and most important streams in the county and should be drained by al lmeans. The Big Cold Water district is a SI 1 DRAG lock. His left hand and jjiii ' v... - Vi,t shove the wrist, one eye was 'bl,;vn out and it is .feared be will the sight of the other one, both PlK.(-!.; bones were fractured, a great ash was cllt in ,iis ari( everal tPPt)k were knocked out by the ex plosion. His chances hang "in the bal ances today but his physicians en tertain hope. Much depends on the extent of the fractures of the cheek bone. If the fracture extends to the brain he will not recover, other wise he has a fighting chance. There s also danger of tetanus developing but the extensive precaution taken by the physicians: will be more than . certainty. Little Cold Water is prac- likHy to onset tms. tically certain and if Buffalo gets in I be accident; occuneu on i . uiiuge Hne there will be two blades of grass over (obi water creeK on ine luouni rowin in Cabarrus where only one Pleasant road. Mn Goodman in- ew before- just as soon as the work tended inrowing me uyuaume iU U1C Ms completed biir bole oi waier oeueaiu me unuse, which was thought to contain an DEATH MONDAY OF abundance ot fish. Xo one was witn , MR. EPHRIAM FISHER. him at the time but several or Ins companions were a short distance down the creek gigging for bull i'mu'S Messrs.. W. B. Means, Robert Patterson and Charlie Earnhardt were in the frog hunting party. They heard Mr. Goodman remark-that he WORK OR ROAD SUPERVISOR OF NO. 1 TOWNSHIP. CLOSING OF THE HARRIS BURG SCHOOL. One of the County's Best Citizens ; v - Passes to His Reward. Mr. Ephriam Fisher, one of the old est and best citizens of the county, died last Monday afternoon about 3 . ' . i ... i r.Vlwl- at. Ins hnitifl in No. 4 t.ownshin n tii. .- rr r vnnmirp nr. nmp nn " - uiKi n-. yj. UIvv , 11 1 V.1J.U n. .; tn w it-nnH dvn!imitt.lifi Mr. x1 isner naa ueen in xeeuie neauu ..- -'i", o" L o -1 i. i - 04' tew that other people had been do-r auoui wo yeui. -" In, ;t ,n,l tUt V0 Tml was'-nn i s ne was taiveu &eiiuui.y m, auu ui, ' - .1 rt 4- v v-MA-nr AAnfimiQ I I TT TT7rtTC!i 11T1 laud." A short time after the report A,cv u. fn Af... lionfl Inrri (rrnail Hp rush-1 "t ' "IS Ueatn. t'l 1 I ,'1 4111-7 W , - - I n -I I t nUtnnPir'flTid found him Mr. JVisner was rj years oi age anu i,rn lirUno. ln lpft was born and reared in ims coumy fnf. n ,Wtnr T nm Ue volunteered ai tne ouioreaK ol .liVA -i-" " vvv,.-., 1 1 t tne tivn war ana servtu uuuugnuui t.hft pntir conflict. Alter the war he returned to his home in this coun tv where he has since resided. He was married when quite d stated to Mr. Means man to; Miss Mattie Ludwig, who 1..... i . . i ..i i' .1. nie i auouL live vcaia usu. j. uui tim- and that it exploded in his hand. He aren survive tne union, mis. . ,vn, ol.U o,l r, l,;c foot . nnH maCKWeiuer, UJ. i.cwucnv, t v,., ... . : .- Mlfc r C CalAvralt QnH Mr It Ii niti t h nooiotoTirtQ t Mr- lonnc hPUUio. v . v v,uiu..i,i. walked to Mr. Earnhardt's, a short Fisher, of 'this city and Mrs. Charlie -,. Ti,ra i,o wa-lfl Walter, who lives at trie Home place :.. i . . tx-i. i Mr. Fisher was a man ot marked m a iiiiLTiiv ana laneii iu iii nwiuc. , M.A-t unttTC i.oi .io.-niiv. kindness toward everyone, lie ais sicians from Concord in the meantime trioutea gooa muuiui wuu i c and thev arrived soon after the in- hnt and ins coraiai ana iram, ,mau W,... ..i'o.v nrti,,i v, lmo Afr ner of greetings his friends have ,lui'i mini ictiiitvi uio iivxiiv. n i 11 TI 1 A i -i . . x otr.pn neen remarKeu upon, ue nu Winn n n wiis in wi nasi iiiiiui; auu , . . v i,;u i, o.i ,Q,.0roi ocenmntefi friends m every section ot the coun sau a number of bull frogs a Concord ty and was liked by everyone Mr nnrtv ,... ,in,tno,, WMIa J?'isUer was a large iarmer anu in au- ' vni.uuicu jcoiciu. , , , i t:ill.; P tl,m nA Afr Arpnn dltlQn 10 1US iarm ne unuicu iiiucii "Ml1"' VL L il V 111 1IC UliU Rough Places Made 'Smooth at Snail Cost on One of Most Important Roads in County .Harrislror Road ' ' . . Now in Fairly .' Good Condition, New Road Has Been Located, and It Is Time to Get Busy. Road Supervisor Query, of No. 1 township, has done gome effective road work with the split-log drag. For several miles on the Harrisbur,; road the drag has been ued and many of the rough places were made smooth. . The road i. r.ow in iair-y good condition, that is, it is about in as good condition as is possible to put it in unless it is graded and' either macadamized or built of sand clay. As has been frequently said in thi? paper on previous occasions, this is one of the most important roads in the county. It is the feeder to the prosperous farming sections to be local markeet for one of the most be found. Much of the territory is near the border of our neighboring county, Mecklenburg. The road from Charlotte leading to this section is one of the finest macadam highways in the State. The section is so situat ed that there is little difference as to which market to patronize, Charlotte or Concord. When they strike the big road en route to market it is then the choosing of the ways, the longer route overxari excellent road-to one and the shorter route over a' hilly road to anotier.. If any think the lomrer distance will off set. the bad road they -are sadly mistaken. 1, 7-. I 11 1 Uy every right 'Lonc&ci is enimea to this trade. It comes from the same county and from the same people. They prefer coming here to any other market and are vilhng to make an effort to get a good road. This road has been discussed and then discued again, two years being wasted in lo cating a -route. Now that the route has. been . located and jvood -weather has arrived it is time to get busy. Exercises Were Concluded Last NixhL Large Crowds Present. A Success ful Term. . A t re random erowd gathered at Harruburg last mtt to attend lb closing exercises of the llarriburj school. The stealing rapacity of the schoolroom wis inadequate to accom modate the audience and a large tent was provided. The annual commence ment begun Monday evening with ex ercises by the primary department and eluded last night. The prosjramme Iat evening was a most interesting and enjoyable one 'and was rendered fflH f MISSISSIPPI 1 THOUSANDS HOMELESS IN HIS SISSIPPI AND ELSEWHERE. ASPHALT B INDUS. ON SOUTH CN10K 5THXXT. arm. bleeding- to death, " he told Mr Means. The latter saw -that he was bleeding profusely and tore . off his shirt sleeve and bound it around his arm. The injured man wras perfect ly conscious an CABARRUS BOY WINS HONORS AT NEWBERRY. V- UUO I - , i i i 1 .i i t t j i,,n ft ue timp to nroauce lux nit; luiui it Wr& .t, and be often remarfced-.o hito Concord. N,C., l;,.e 1, received remaiked that this sport, if it may mends thai ue.ajb.muus .i K termed such, has crown frreatly than enough . produce to market to W I f 1 I . I -v 1 -v -W-V l- fSi Ii O t 4-1 a; i,-,,nlar favor. herfi recently and pay ior ine. suppuc-& ue , .-i.4. thJ The 'funeral was v.eld Tuesday alter mJ' i infill, uai uca liw v'v . . , , c i,;u . i . 0 , . Tnnitv nhnrnh nt which the vat,.,lS(. both on liuttalo and uom """" ttk,Vlu"' .-.- - AV,,, u. u i.,iia deceased was a memoer. tU'n. The paytv went out and while number ot triends ana re es ooui hnnting the frous along the banks from Concord and the count3 attend- i ' he creek Mr. -Goodman remarked ed the services stick. Mr. H. S. Petrea Carries Off Honors in Contest at Rock Hill. Mr. H. S. Petrea, a Cabarrus coun ty boy, who is attending Newberry College, won first honors in the an nual contest of the South Carolina intercollegiate Oratorical.. Associa tion held at Wmthrop College at Rock Hill last week. The institu tions represented include the Univer sity of South Carolina, Charleston College, Erskine College, Clemson College, Presbyterian College of South Carolina, Wofford . -College, urman University and Newberry College. ' The Columbia State has the-fol-lowing sketch of Mr. Petrel: Henry -Smith Petrea was born at Lvnchburr. Va., November 1, 18SS. His jvi rents soon afterwards moved in a manner that marked a fitting eloe to a most successful school year. The exercises were ojened by a chorus singing "Quilting Party," music being furnished by the Harm burg orchestra. Other numbers on the programme consisted of recita tions by James Alexander, Miss Mary Harris, William Harry, Miss Eumenes Alexander, Jno. Nesbit,Fred Lefler, Miss Willie Quay, Miss Mary Alexander; a dialogue by Hen Teeter and James Alexander; a piano duet by Misses Fannie Harris and Mary Alexander; piano solos by Miss Annie Lee Morrison and Miss Mary Harris; several selections by the male quar tet, composed of Messrs. Gourley, Alexander, Lefler and Lefler, and a play by the "Old Maids' Club' From little Billie Morrison, the youngest on the programme, who took part in the clever "Sunflower Drill," down to the meeting of the "Old Maids' Club," when such ques tions as wavs and means and meth- ods to induce Sam Black from per sisting in pursuing the life of a bach elor, and to enter into the blissful joys of wedded life were discussed, the programme was rendered in a most excellent manner. The male quartet was an exceedingly popular feature. Their rendition of "The Old Oakerr Bucket," i while leaning on an old time well with-the wind lass and old bucket was decidedly clever and catchv and brought" sever al encores. In the afternoon there was a ball sr'ame- between Harrisburg and a team from Concord. There is some doubt as to what to call the latter team. Some aid it was the Cincos but this was promptly denied. They certain ly did not play like Cincos, but per formed more like a bunch of cheroots or better still a collection of tobies. But, no matter about the name or from whence they came, Harrisburg save them a walloping all right, the final score being 6 to 1. The hitting of WilL Johnson, the pitching of Russell and the ejever catching of Lapsley featured for Harrisburg, while the way the boys from Concord "bit at Russell's high ball and their overabundance of errors stood owt prominent!'. Batteries: Russell and Lapsley; Big River at Highest Today In LonU ana. Lereea Brokt Yeaterday at Torraa.GoTemor Saunder cartcg for Refugee rood Sopply Ban ning Short. OTer 5,000 Reported to Be LlTing on Rafu With Their Stock. New Orleana, May 2. Havin? worked down thj valley, leaving drain and desolation in its wake,, the cret of the MiisMppi' was at lW! tody in Louisiana, Hooding the rich cane country and rendering thousand of people homeless. Thousand of men are engaged m strengthening the le vees at the danger point. Governor Saunders todav reached Terra where the levees went out yesterday and i personally directing work of earing for the refugee. The irovernment food supplies are running hort. Over 5,000 are reported as living on raft with their live stock. EIGHT IS NOW ON FOR DEATH PENALTY FOR FLOYD ALLEN. Wk to Bgia ea U Nctl MtzXxj U ertiag WSfi ill - ' a-rswa- ratnr.r 4 tW aj!t ;Us4r a N'tta -t'tio ttrt (Hm ' tlm: SU i 2v-i---! L?J I t5.-a(i. . tAt.-- rt 0 mniftU j! 11 c t) Utcl d1 pfwiri rj !fc.ry htl it U',4 I! Irt! ;.rarT rrrrdv fr dt. Taia jear a rrrset ff1 ky h re4drr.u t. ri f wtd la pui down an a)htU b;t,dr 4tUr toj tkal in nerary etiihj a trd fejr eack prvrrty &er r&tnlltr flu. It i etitca!d til K hi r-4 r will lat (rx'txi I Irtf o ear Iti fhi way the rriUr.! t,o a datt trtrt Ir a tah k&;rr im than by ittmi: d-a cjl asd at rry hltie .iurtM a cl. it i ettrr.ated that the oil fxttti lftJt IS a reiJent. The apha!t 'not t.nlrprtJie an ef fective remedy fr rptfc dn th dut but i of rral Wref.i a a pr aerratite for the !re. It u t x e"ted tliat whrn the rulta are Veen from N'orth lnun trt tlx reidfr.t on other t recta' fTi and do Ukwi. CONTRIBUTION TO THE JACKSON STATU E. Jury Soon Completed, and Trial Com menced. Judge Staples Confines Statement to Concise Recital of , Law And Possible Verdicts. Spe cial Prosecutor Then Follows. Wytheville, Va., May 2. With the jury complete.. the Commonwealth ti day began the light for the death penalty of Floyd Allen for 'his jart Mors, Than Slztetn Dollars CatriV cted by Oraded School ChUdrta Here, In reHne to the reuet of that "firt-t, Ut and all the time" patriot Gen. Julian S. Cirr, the iu(enntet. dent of our graded 'tHil notified th iuiik that he would W triad j r- reive tmiay their contribution to aa efjuetrian' statue ot irn. "Stona wall" .lackfon, Mn to m r reeled itk Bichmnd. Va, At 0 o'clock thU morning the KrltHl'afcenibled. On tha plat form wan a picture uf the last meeting, of ' Jaek)o"n aud 1. Tha in the Hillsville murders. Judge Sta-Unum "Holy, Holy, Holy" i unjj pies contined his statement to the jjury to a concise recital oi me law and the possible verdicts. Social prosecutor then followed , with his statement. Wytheville, Va., May 1. A jury was sworn tonight to try Floyd A I and the Ird Prayer osTercd up. Tlie hUjHTiatersdent then rntt fiU tingly relocated tht lat word of our great Generals Let u cruaa over th. river and revt under the nhide of tba tree?," adding "I will now read to vou alxiut thop tree.,' of which ha len, indicted for five murders irt thel"ke. and rvfld the Hrt njn vera- ot the last chapter ol U.e iuh,k Revelation. The otfermg of tht Weddinsrton and Goodman. Mr. Harrv Bost. Umpire: SPECIAL TRAINS TAKE THE BODIES AWAY. Carroll court house on March 14 last For four hours counsel interrogated a string of veniremen and it was long after dusk when a sixteenth talis man was found satisfactory as to cause. The defense then exercised its four peremptory ehallenices allot ted and and court adjourned. Nine farmers and three merchants compose the jury. The defense mov ed to require the commonwealth to consolidate the five indictments against .'Flovd Allen to obviate the? Kchofd was received by grade. Tb amount wa. noinrthing over $16.09 By home mistake the firt i;radV did not rciond tinlay, but their contri bution will be received tomorrow. The few visitors present were much gratified, not only by tbe'reull bat also by the 'beautiful '-fondaet of tb iehffoL and the fact that in this way high ideals are l-ing intilbd into their heart ar.d minds. G. No Hope of Recovering Body of possibility of five separate trials, but j "" . rk Judge Staples over ruled the motion.! HAL F AND HALF FOR Wytheville. Va., May 2. Special j I R00SEVELA AND TATT. Prosecutor Wvsor demanded that i rr Floyd Allen pay with his life for the, The Contest Will Be Carried to tht Hillsville murders. The prisoner is National Convention. Champ still on a stretcher and writhed mi- Mr. Stone to Move to Hickory. t-Mr. Means that he had a o (ivttnmiin nf limriA nnrl Vifl helieved he Avonhl on nnrl opf t vnamite Mr. W. A. Stone is soon to resign the liAlnntu hrifW Air. his Dosihon as manager of the insur- Menr.s snia-twim tA hm he mio-ht ance ' department of the Concord In 'J?c dynamite if he wanted to but surance and Real Estate Company, f jf TTo eairl "Mr; an d will co' to Hickory where he will ''.'(.hr.an srot the dvnaniiteand that be associated -with his brother, Mr. JA 'ivent. on down the creek after and did not see him any more m.til lie-went to his rescue after the p:osion; - :" A number of people here heard the ' "v:" i't distinctly. A party of young I'erpio were returning from a, -dance a the. Elks' Home and several of spoke of the loud report, one your.-.: man remarked that it did not u:ul like a srun. Others who "went - :ato also heard the .report but t pay any particular attention Lee Stone in the moving picture busi rTM . nMnMinr, 11 TV Q COriflC liess. J.ne aie upemug ov- of theatres in different . towns. Mr. Stone has an offer to engage in the same busines sas he has here but has not decided whether or not . he will accept. Mr. Stone is a good cit izen and it is to be regretted that he is to leave Concord, his early training in the Mt. Pleas ant Collegiate Institute, at which in stitution he won the declaimerV med al. In j the fall of 1909 he entered j procession to extend across continent the sophomore class at dewberry col-started today. Astor s body, attend ee, at the end of which scholastic j ei bv voung Vincent Astor, who verg- year he contested for the declairaer ; es ou collapse, left with Isadore 'medal. In March, 1911, he was the i Strauss1 bodv, and others. No hope der the lawyer's statement. Wysor Mrs. Strauss. Capt, Larder Saysjheanl to af(er the Imir((,r: On Account of Pressure Bodies m.it's kill everv damn one of them. Titanic Will Never Come to Sur face. Embalmer Finds He is Working on Body of His Uncle, Halifax. N. S., May 1. A funeral Ismay Sails for England. New York, May. 2. After conceaf- Phrenakosmian orator at the annual celebration of the literary societies. In June of the same year he was awarded the junior orator's medal, and the Magazine scholarshipDuring his present senior year Jie was one of the literary editors of The Stylus, president of the Phrenakosmian Lit erary society, debater in the annual March celebration and successful contestant for representation in the S.'C. ir O. A. Upon the completion of his college course he will ente- the Theological seminary. v or recovering jits, 5lraa uou. Special trains will take more away tonight. Captain Lardener, of the Mackay-Bennett, thinks that the wa ter pressure is so great that the bodies with the Titanic on the bot tom of the ocean will never conoe to the surface. George Newell, an embalmer, dis covered that he was working on the bodv of his uncle, A. L. Newell. Clark Made a Clean Sweep Against Wilson. Warmest Primaries Ever Held in the State. Boston, May l. hhUl rettirni 'iil incomplete, in t rda y preai dcntial prfcni e unm;n, showed Ma-aeiU!e!t -.'ift.'vote to ve eenly ing his movements and in?piring the J divided bctvn H nad Tatt. announcement that he was ill in a j The 'indication are that Tat carried hotel, J. Bruce Ismay, president ofinin district and Hoosevelt fir, the International Mercantile Marine . Fight JIievelt delegate at larg Company, saided at noon today for! had a majority of ev-n thou-and. England" on the White Star Line Ad- j Tat t had five thousand majority in riatic with four officers of the lost preference primaries an-1 on thi hit Titanic. Upto an hour before the com-.'leaders bad rlaim to eijrht dele nnnv dpniod that- thev. would sail, jgates at large. The contest will b . 1 jearrsed to the naticl eonyention at Roosevelt Still Has the 18 Massachu-C hicago. : , setts Delegates. ! t:!.amp Clark made a rlean" p A ,r 0 T ' ,.,,jin the Democrats primaries, baW Boston, Mass.; May 2.-Roosevelt ; mana?,r4 ebimed that many f the delegates elected will vote for setts' tHirty-sLx delegates to the Iie publiean National Convention, de spite his request that the eight dle-; gates-at-large vote for Taft. All de- WiU-h. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Preparatory to Memorial Day. , r; ore is little doubt but that the ;l.vn: ,u -.itq' had a short fuse. In talk-il-r- -! .-a wan -whose -firm deals in dyn amite this morning he made the state- Qnt that the sticks, had two kinds r: fuse, one long and one short, but v--" ti e short was the best kind lor l1 naniiting fish as it exploded the ! -stant it strucli the water, while the on? fuse wouh sputter around in stream before it exploded and tat the fish would escape while the was burning.. New Wheels 'for Street Cars Arrive. Two new wheels for the street car nrrive.d yesterday rid as soon as thev can 'be put on the car will be jl j Reuben Combs Captured Istatesville Landmark. : Reuben Combs, the Iredell convict ; hvhn canpil from the State prison The Daughters of the' Dodson-RamT j severaj weeks ago. was arrested a few saur Chapter of U. D. C. are makings javs aQ at Eranklinton. Franklin unusual effort to have Memorial Day j t " eastern part of the this year one of the best in its his-j -t t nJ i as en returned to the ! tory. lion. . itandoipn ires dared that Roosevelt. thev would vote Salisbury Dog Law. Salisbury. May 1. Mayor foriThe Cannon & Fetier Co. Announce Special Reduced Prices Beginning Tomorrow. F. M. Tne i woi le ot oncord and vicm- ilv nil) trarn'ttifh tl-tiurt. the de Thompson today calls the attention r.on ahl.lRi.tr3.(r of tha of the citizens to the dog law pasea ; - , . ( M j, R Metier bv the last legislature and which re- j " Charlotte, will make the This, together with the splendi .fo A wheel was broken afew 1 ic, promises to be an. excellent davs ao and it was necessary 4o or- gramme, commemorative of the der another from, the factory. The j ne exercises win oa. new in nturos rrar ail roe's snail oe eoniiiieu $ , .,. . . ... i . ton. o4r- o. i. . ...x. enure mok oi :!.;. u uim ion, v ; state prison.-.- . i.- i if' i,,,. .f -:lv 1 ' . . , . address.! r t wns Rervin. a sentence of .' , S ' . "! d mus4o,- for ,hfi murder of his wife.! VT t;; iw Fetzer f e,arge announ.e Pro- RpiTrnmb,. The murder occurred " lT ',: : e. clean , ut r-iuction ot aay.LMriv : VMra.fl. m the Stony Point;3 V" twentyfive Pr ceut. on ail newpnns thai Use the Penny Column it pays. r iTTl-ioole nrrived this morning. The ucn iiiivv-.w.- w . superintendent of this system was in Concord today and stated that there was noming m icun storage -battery car would be aban doned here.- Rev; H. M. ' Blair, editor of the North Carolina Advocate, will preach at Mt. Pleasant next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, at Cold Springs at 3 p. m. and at Friendship at 7 p. m. community, and Combs was sent to opera house. Everybody is cordially invited, particularly the veterans, who are asked to attend in a kcry j been received. j.ue ennuren, as wen as me. gTou- - . ups, may come and bring .flowers to t -r . ied Wednesday decorate the monument to our Con federate heroes. Let us all unite in making May 10th a memorable one. The big Administrator's Sale at the Cannon & Fetzer Co.'s store will begin tomorrow.' the State prison last August. nor;ni!i'rs nf the capture have i Augusta, Ifxiav joineu .iu-u.hu u vu. the memory of Major Archibald Butt, a Titanic victim. The President was tli nrineinal speaker. The city is , in deep mourning. at her home on Yaung street at 4:30 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Baker was 22 years old and is survived by her hus band. The funeral will be held at the home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'cloek and will be conducted by Rev. G. G. Harley, pastor of the deceased. Homage to Maj. Butt. Imanv inancti the redaction May 2 President Taft t amounts to as much a a toirdofl regular price. r?ucn a recaeiion aia at the -beginning of a eaon ia un usual, inasmuch a the retimed prices come at a time when the savin? is ot mo?t value to the buyer. The sale be gins Friday morning and sufficient extra clerks have been employedr to wait on all promptly. See tha blj page ad. in The Times and TribnnC today. Mr. R. W. Blackwelder, the nw carrier at the postoffice, began work on the additional route that was re cently added yesteiday morning. i i I ii i t : i I- f '

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